This has to be one of the most uninformed comments I have ever read. Try playing the game. and you would see its alot more difficult than it looks. I am primarily a pool player. have played seriously for over 25 years. Played 3 cushion for 5 years give or take. I have played 1 rail and straight rail quite a few times.. and trust me.. its not as easy as the pros make it look.
You have no idea how much training, skill and knowledge is needed to play this carom type biljarts is. This is a very high level of 1 cushion carom. The velocity, cue impact ball speed and positioning is close to flawless. Here, the gathering is on a very high level. I suggest that you try this sometime. If you do, set the game up from its start position, than try to position you game in such a way you are so perfect positioned that the game looks as easy as you think it is. Good luck.
Wow silky attach and tremendous control of pace. Wonderful wonderful
beautiful play, chapeau!
Đánh ba bang coi mới hấp dẫn
Where da pockets?
ワンクッションルールなど カテゴリを複雑化しても 全く意味が無いと思う。
既に そこそこの技量を持つプレイヤーだけのエゴ。
四つ玉 ボークライン スリーだけで十分。
こんなんだから 撞球人口が増えないんだよ。
オリンピック競技にでもなってよかったのに よってたかって 皆駄目にした。
@@ckkdlz 複雑怪奇にしたら ますますプレー人口が減るだけという論理ですが なにか?
@@キャメルスモーキー 複雑さだけを言ったら野球はとっくにいなくなったはずですねw
@@ckkdlz そもそも、野球はファンの数が圧倒的です。 基本的なルールは100年前から何も変わっていません。また アメフトやゴルフなどもそうですよね。ビリヤードは、イギリス発祥のスポーツですが キャロムはそもそも簡単なルールですよね。
少なくとも30年くらい前までは ワンクッションルールなんてありませんでした。
ゲームを 新しく作って ベテランばかりが欺瞞(ぎまん)してて良いのか?って話をしています。
Tengo amigos que hacen series de500 o más. 84 las hago yo😂
Pool for people who can't play pool.
Believe me, players of such caliber CAN play anything if they wanted to. Pool people never can do this.
This has to be one of the most uninformed comments I have ever read. Try playing the game. and you would see its alot more difficult than it looks. I am primarily a pool player. have played seriously for over 25 years. Played 3 cushion for 5 years give or take. I have played 1 rail and straight rail quite a few times.. and trust me.. its not as easy as the pros make it look.
Don't be toxic.
You have no idea how much training, skill and knowledge is needed to play this carom type biljarts is. This is a very high level of 1 cushion carom. The velocity, cue impact ball speed and positioning is close to flawless. Here, the gathering is on a very high level.
I suggest that you try this sometime. If you do, set the game up from its start position, than try to position you game in such a way you are so perfect positioned that the game looks as easy as you think it is. Good luck.