Honestly the existence of the trader makes quonset garage the best endgame base, it's not even close. As a solution they should add multiple trader collection points.
I haven't had any need to trade post midgame, and I feel like the trader is a little overrated. I agree that they should definetly add more trade drop-boxes for variety.
The Quonset garage is the best base. Doesn’t check the safety box since wolves spawn close. But there’s wood nearby, deer, bears, even a moose can spawn. Beachcomb is easy, fishing hut is near, super quick for trader. No ptarmigans, coal is in the mine. Easy connection to p.v and D.p. Best base in general
@@LootenantTLDThe Trader can give you countless items, tools, clothing, food, ect... he's in no way overrated. Maybe not necessary, but extremely useful.
@LootenantTLD I don't know man, 3 bags of salt costing only water and fish is hard to pass up. I have one of the houses outside Quonset dedicated entirely to mass cured meat production, and brother, business is good.
Team Quonset Garage here. It has a great interior, a 2 burner that you can move arround (witch is lowkey huge), has all the salt you will ever need via trader, more coal than you can carry, a bear and a moose spawn very near and i will fight regular wolves over timberwolves any day of the week. I survived nearly 100 days in interloper there and never had a problem with a ninja wolf, maybe i just got lucky. With that being said, you have to walk for everything, specially ptarmigans and beachcombing. And i feel like the region is very hard on the cloudy weather, with entire weeks without any sunny day. Also i would argue that having a beachcomb spot outisde your home and a drilling machine so close is more important than the trader. Also, acording to bashrobe, fishing tackle and tip-up chance to break their lines is linked to the distance of the icehole to the coast. If true, CH would have some of the best fishing huts in the game, saving a lot of scrap iron in the long term. But still not a decent spot to cure cabin fever. Great video btw!
Team CH checking in, I agree 100%. Between the trader and beach combing there is hardly a reason to leave. On the downside, I dont get any ptarmigan in CH so stock up before you go/come ;)
I've never had that much trouble with cabin fever cause of that much walking but it could be preemptively dealt with by sleeping a hour or two in a car near. If health restoration isn't in priority and the weather allows with enough warm clothes and a good bedroll could work alright.
Appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts! Indeed, you have to walk/go out of your way to use a fishing hut, go beachcombing etc. and when I stayed in Quonset, one day the deer in town were suddenly replaced by a pack of wolves and I almost got ambushed 🤣 I wouldn't say CH is bad by any means. It's great and the trader makes it even better. But in terms of literally not having to move in order to survive forever and being safe doing so, Worker Residence takes the W.
It is interesting that Hinterland is making you play a certain way by spending so much time on the coastal regions. We have the choice but because the Trader meets you in Coastal Highway. If you decide to play using the trader then you will spend more time at Misanthrope's and The Quonset.
finally some love for Bleak Inlet as a long-term base!! I'm tied between BI and CH myself, but I love staying at the cannery residence cabin. It'd be cool if the trader chose a different coastal region to dock at for each trade to keep you on your toes (and so we don't have to drag ALL the batteries in the world to CH). combing is super underrated
I wish there was more of a reason to use the lighthouse in DP as well. I actually think it is a super cool base. But outside of the forge the region is too isolated for the lighthouse to be a good long term base.
@@Kaosad69 I actually really like the lighthouse, it's a great base in the middle of the map and even better now that you can snipe the new moose spawn there. it's super cozy and looks fantastic during an aurora. the Riken and Hibernia are more like day trips to me
@@onedirectioninfection5756 yeah the moose spawn is great now. But Again my issue is DP is too isolated. Need to add a direct route to PV or something to make it more appealing, as well as potential trader use there.
I recently made this place my regional base and was truly suprised how many advantages there are to having a long term base there. There is even a milling machine that allows you to repair all your tool for only the small cost of scrap metal, so you basically don't have to go forging at all. Im my run, the bear was on the other side of the river, living in that cave, so the spawnpoint varies a bit, I guess. The only gripe I have about the place is that it is so very dark due to the boarded up windows (I wish I could remove the, I removed the curtains, which helped a little). Even in your video, during the daytime, one can hardly see a thing in there. I don't mind that it is a little cramped in there, but I do mind that it is so dark. It lights up nicely during an aurora, though. Super video, freue mich auf das nächste.
True that! I feel the same way about the lighting, I wish I could remove the boards on the windows. What I like though is that the light inside moves with the position of the sun during the day. Lucky you with the bear 😆😊
with safehouse customization i was so hoping to move 6 slot stoves to where i wanted to. but nope... cant move them from one poi to anohter.... imo safehouse update is waste of time. but it seems overal people do like it. i just feel its useless.... but i dont have dlc either. and have no plnas to get it.
@@NotHappening-b8t Wdym? It cool to decorate your place with staff you find in all regions when you finally going back to your main base. And DLC is not only about that, overall theres more content and more staff. But yeah its only for those who likes to play this game over and over some times (i have like 1800 h cause i played it for past 5 years) and im def gonna play more when i feel like it
@@NotHappening-b8t i love safehouse customization, but i wish you could move stoves in someway, maybe like workbenches. Even if it was just a two burner...
Not a sight I had considered before, you make great points. I love the quonset hut as much as anyone but it's nice to see a viable alternative suggestion. Thank you.
Definitely some good points. Eventually I'll probably set up a base there in my current Stalker run. As someone who personally hates Quonset on account of lower visibility due to snow mounds leading to many wolf encounters my current base on CH is Jackrabbit isle while I farm the trader. Salt isn't as important to me and its closeness to CH as well as 6-spot stoves in two locations means PV is my go to for long term survival. It does have the little fishing hut (and in my current case a moose there as well) and many long sightlines so you don't get blindsided by wildlife. PV is also smack dab in the middle of lower Great Bear with various access points to other regions. I don't use the forge much and PV's Farmstead just has a homey vibe to it that I love.
Oh my gosh, it’s been a minute since I’ve been in bleak inlet a lot and THIS is the house I love that I’ve been trying to find! I thought it was a fever dream or something. 😂 It’s perfect! I don’t like bleak inlet overall, but I stayed like 200 days there because it was just so nice.
I just pimped out the trailer just north of the cannery, and it’s becoming a favorite base of mine. Tons of shelves already, so ample opportunities to organize my stuff. There is a perfectly save route along the waters edge over to the fishing hut, past two beachcombing spots, as well as a safe route to the rope climb to the overlook. I moved a workbench into the trailer, and moved the cannery workbench to the exterior part of the cannery, so I can craft inside or outside. I also managed to cram a fire in a corner outside that can withstand most blizzards. And my coup de resistance, I set up a line of fires between the cannery gate and the rope climb, so even if timberwolves roam again, I can usually use a torch one by one to make it into the cannery safely. Bonus tip: If you stand on the ice under the cannery, you can drop stuff and grab/place it on the little pier that goes down to avoid being too encumbered for the rope, or attracting the wolves through smell.
Interesting choice and great idea with the campfires! I love how when you make a main base in a region, somehow the whole region becomes your base 🤣 I think what annoys me most about the timberwolves is that they are so loud and noisy when you don't kill them haha
I always refused to go to BI because I am really bad at dealing with Timber Wolfes. But eventually when it was time to set up a base, I killed all the wolves and then realized what a great region it is. I stayed longer (>50 Days) as I expected because I feel so comfortable.
Valid choice xD It's not about telling you guys to change your playstyle. Just wanted to share my amazing experience with that little base. Because of the trader I made a secondary base in Quonset, and it's great as well.
@@LootenantTLD I know that I was just making a joke. Keep up the videos though you could make some really good the long dark content with your editing.
I also love Bleak, but have made my base the Cannery Kitchen. It has a lot more space, 2 burner stove, access to more firewood, easier access to the workshop and closer to the Muskeg 😃
I love that choice 😁 If you dont mind the timberwolf respawns, this is pretty good. Would love to see a customized cannery kitchen, must be very pretty.
I live in the CH lookout tower for the view plus ive built furniture and stuff in it. And i basically have all the criteria. Theres Fishing huts all over the coast, theres a single burner stove in the tower, theres obviously a beach, theres no end of salt, its safe no bears or wolfs really near by, the mine to plesant valley is down the road so theres coal, firewood you csn find that anywhere. Literally one of the best base spots if you ask me.
I honestly wish they add the trader box to the upper parts of the map. It's just not worth having your base in TWM or AC if you want to play around with the trading mechanic.
It makes sense lore wise, but is a massive pain gameplay wise, whilst coastal highway is fairly well connected, you can't ignore its definitely closeted to the end of the map than other regions. Maybe a good compromise lore wise would be adding a drop box at bleak inlet, it's coastal, but connects a bit more inland. There is some kind of absurdity he comes with the far territory DLC, but is based in one of the farthest regions from it.
@Kaosad69 agreed, butbit was the best coastal location I could think of. Ideally, other deposit locations would be: Mountain town Transfer pass Maybe timberwolf mountain? But thst would need an inland trader.
Best long term base is Jackrabbit's Island house in CH - Misanthropes house is too dark inside, an Quonset have the wolves risk. Rabbits around Deer on the Ice - left and right Fishing Hut near Beachcombing near Hundred of kilos of storage space Good bed 4 Salt sources near Don't have wolves around like in Quonset. Don't have fireplace, but can lit a campfire between a tree and a rock, but mainly use the Fishing Hut stove while fishing (with Fishing Tip), after all fishing take time.
Some good points and finally someone that acknowledges the wolves around Quonset. It still lacks a cabin fever treatment option if you play without settled mind, and you have to go a little further for everything than in Workers Residence.
You say this is the only base the fulfills your five primary criteria, but what about Quonset and/or the house across the street? Are the cars not good enough for "Cabin Fever Treatment"? Also some of the things in your "primary" seem off. Salt when you can literally just leave ruined meat in a pile at your base. And so much weight on "indoor fireplace" when (as you note later) cooking outdoors is twice as efficient. Not to mention it helps prevent cabin fever.
Quonset/Coastal Townsite is not safe bc you can get the random wolf spawn out of nowhere, fishing huts are a lot further away as well as beachcombing. Cave is better than cars but I'll give you that point. Having everything so close by as you have in Worker Residences is just a huge quality of life improvement, try it out for yourself! I wanted to somewhat cover every difficulty and salt is especially valuable on Misery bc cured stuff is safe to eat. Yes an indoor fireplace for cooking all the fish anytime, never having to worry about the weather, is quite valuable IMO. That doesn't contradict that making fires outdoors for fuel efficiency is still a great option as long as the weather lets you.
If I could make 1 change in the game it would be to make ruined items not despawn when in a container. Base building is great but I still just have piles or crap everywhere. It's unavoidable. You make the most epic-looking base ever, get all the cool storage, and still have to leave your meat rotting all over the ground. 😢
@@mrwalter7205 absolutely! Its a very limited solution, as you need 50 stones to build one, you can build max 3 per region and you can only build them outside. But it is better than nothing! Also items inside loose condition as fast as in the ground, so its perfect to keep your meat and fish more organiced
Something else I like about BI: when you break the Timberwolf moral, you can saunter around like you own the place for a while - just avoid the cougar area. Haven’t seen any regular wolves yet there. Only been there a few days in my current loper run, though, so maybe that’s why I haven’t seen any. Just Timberwolves like before the refresh. Did not know that bear spawn was bugged like the Trapper bear. Good to know. Was wondering why I hadn’t seen it. Side note though…don’t know if I’d choose it as a main base without being all geared up and lvl 5 archery to sneak up on the timbies.
There can be normal wolves, I have seen some near the collapsed mountain road and even some in the upper level in place of the timbies, which left me speechless because isn't it canon that timberwolves are territorial and even kill normal wolves? 🤣 Anyways none of them come close to the cabin. Yea its definetly optimal when used in late-game ^_^
@ Good to know. Re: bear. I am in BI right now and using worker’s residences as base. Just killed the bear there. Also before I saw him, killed a pack of timbers out on the ice by the broken lighthouse island.
Yeah, and better coal and firewood. And weather. And region connectivity. And bear hunting. And more extensive beachcombing with better safehouses to pop into along the coast. CH has been the king of long-term survival ever since beachcombing was added to the game, and it's only gotten better.
@@ArchimedesLP I wish they'd add trader access to other maps. I like coastal highway but I think it's going to get boring to always be there. I used to use mystery lake and travel for beach combing through the maps. Now I feel like I'm being silly if I don't just stay on the ol' highway.
Think convenience. in Workers Residence you have everything right outside your door. In CH you potentially put yourself in danger or go out of your way to beachcomb, bring home fish etc. But if you just prefer CH, thats fine. Im not here to tell you where to make camp, you should play the way you want ^-^
The weather plus the timberwolves make BI a place I'd never stay long term. And saying the connectivity of BI is good is a bit odd to me. It's quite a ways to get to FM while dealing with the weather, TWs, and weak ice. Even ignoring the trader, Quonset is a superior location. You can hunt deer, wolves, moose, and bear pretty much from your back door, fishing huts right outside, salt on the ocean side of the islands, coal in the mine, pretty easy to get to ML or PV, tons of firewood right outside, easy access to beachcombing, and tons of space. The only real knock is no warm caves for CF, but if you time your fishing trips right, that won't be an issue. Obviously no 6 burner stove, but the amount of firewood available makes that not really a big deal. Personally, I hate staying in any place too long so I have many bases and always move around, but if I had to pick one place to stay and could never leave, it'd be CH with my base at Quonset. Before salt was a thing (likewise the trader), my answer would be Mountaineer's Hut in TWM. I've never done much beachcombing, honestly.
Huh? It's a really quick trip to FM, the weather is great most of the time, you never have to deal with timberwolves on the (right) way and weak ice shouldnt be a problem once you know your way around.. BI connects better to the DLC, MT etc while CH is closer to DP, PV and the mountainous regions. I dont find that odd. Besides it's mainly about the base and not the region because my premise is that you don't have to leave or put yourself in danger for stuff you need. And especially safety is not given around Quonset.
That's a pretty strong base. I don't think Salt should be a primary consideration though. I feel its less important than coal, or about the same. Either way, it is still a really good location.
I appreciate your oppinion on this location. You are braver than I am though, I hate timberwolves. Nothing is going to make me live where they do on a regular basis 😄
My problem with fisherman cottage is just that it's so small and dark. It doesn't feel like a cozy place to live in. If only you could repair some planks in Cannery to be able to live in its spacious warehouses.... Like, the warehouse with woodworking tools spawn, the one you get in after jumping on the ship and running on a pier... It's a no-loading zone, it's spacious, warm and actually considered an interior, you can press Y to customize it. But you need to go around the place and climb a rope every time to get there... If only Hinterland gave players tools to fix Cannery like they gave us tools to fix the roof in Mountaneer's hut...
already see the comments but it is 100000% only the garage now that the trader is in the game. I am surprised they did not come up with a way to use the trader in other locations.
Garage is not safe, and that directly contraditcs the premise of the video and best long-term base. Another commenter even revoked his opinion because he got killed by a stealthy wolf. But I guess if you play on voyageur or so then its not a big risk ^^
To me the most important thing is the location. And now the trader aswell. That's why i choose fishing camp in coastal highway. It's close to transitions to mystery lake, bleak inlet and pleasant valley. And the mine to pleasant valley is just OP for its amount of coal.
I'm pretty sure the bear spawns vary from game to game. Your run might not have the bear spawn around the residence, but start a fresh loper game and you might find it there. So the usefulness of that cave is run specific. Also, note that if you use "Settled Mind" feat, you no longer need to have a base near a cave. Having Settled Mind makes Coastal Highway by far the best base location in game, as caves are the only thing it's missing.
Oh I'd love to get the bear spawn. Then the cave would still be available for like 30 days+ after killing him. I do play with settled mind but wanted to cover runs that don't use it. I think the big difference is that in CH you'd have to use the whole coastal area as a base, especially for fishing and beachcombing, whereas in BI you can stay within 60ft of that little house and be good for the rest of your life AND get beachcombing 🤣
@Moz29 I played it while learning via audio and video. I found it was chilling and calming but talking to other veterans, I think I had PTSD. Either way I shouldn't have done it and won't do it again with any media.
@Theoverthinker81 Was it negatively effecting your life in the end? The games calming effects are still enjoyable even if you don't suffer ptsd anymore
@Moz29 yes it is for a while like 10-15 minutes but now when I play it, some bad feelings come back. It's associated, like when you hear an old song or smell it reminds you of things, people, places. I take it your an avid player still?
Respect your opinion, but long dark pro here. All your points are valid. Its defenetly doable, ive done it. But that cabin is far far down the list of best endgame bases. Id take almost any spot in blackrock before this place. Its kinda like fools gold. It looks good at first but once you really dig in its really not great competitively to many spots. But i always liked visiting this spot. All be it a bit dark and depressing for my taste long term. Not a critique here. Just thoughts.
You did not list a single reason to back your opinion. Calling yourself "long dark pro" is a little cringe btw. Then again, maybe you are just a troll with that blackrock statement 🤣
Honestly the existence of the trader makes quonset garage the best endgame base, it's not even close. As a solution they should add multiple trader collection points.
I haven't had any need to trade post midgame, and I feel like the trader is a little overrated.
I agree that they should definetly add more trade drop-boxes for variety.
The Quonset garage is the best base. Doesn’t check the safety box since wolves spawn close. But there’s wood nearby, deer, bears, even a moose can spawn. Beachcomb is easy, fishing hut is near, super quick for trader. No ptarmigans, coal is in the mine. Easy connection to p.v and D.p. Best base in general
@@LootenantTLDtrading salt is so important for me
@@LootenantTLDThe Trader can give you countless items, tools, clothing, food, ect... he's in no way overrated. Maybe not necessary, but extremely useful.
@LootenantTLD I don't know man, 3 bags of salt costing only water and fish is hard to pass up. I have one of the houses outside Quonset dedicated entirely to mass cured meat production, and brother, business is good.
Team Quonset Garage here. It has a great interior, a 2 burner that you can move arround (witch is lowkey huge), has all the salt you will ever need via trader, more coal than you can carry, a bear and a moose spawn very near and i will fight regular wolves over timberwolves any day of the week. I survived nearly 100 days in interloper there and never had a problem with a ninja wolf, maybe i just got lucky.
With that being said, you have to walk for everything, specially ptarmigans and beachcombing. And i feel like the region is very hard on the cloudy weather, with entire weeks without any sunny day.
Also i would argue that having a beachcomb spot outisde your home and a drilling machine so close is more important than the trader.
Also, acording to bashrobe, fishing tackle and tip-up chance to break their lines is linked to the distance of the icehole to the coast. If true, CH would have some of the best fishing huts in the game, saving a lot of scrap iron in the long term. But still not a decent spot to cure cabin fever.
Great video btw!
Team CH checking in, I agree 100%. Between the trader and beach combing there is hardly a reason to leave. On the downside, I dont get any ptarmigan in CH so stock up before you go/come ;)
I've never had that much trouble with cabin fever cause of that much walking but it could be preemptively dealt with by sleeping a hour or two in a car near. If health restoration isn't in priority and the weather allows with enough warm clothes and a good bedroll could work alright.
Appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts!
Indeed, you have to walk/go out of your way to use a fishing hut, go beachcombing etc. and when I stayed in Quonset, one day the deer in town were suddenly replaced by a pack of wolves and I almost got ambushed 🤣
I wouldn't say CH is bad by any means. It's great and the trader makes it even better. But in terms of literally not having to move in order to survive forever and being safe doing so, Worker Residence takes the W.
Hunting deer and wolves on the ice is just a chef's kiss on the quonset garage!
@@LootenantTLD Nvm, just got killed by one of those "manageable" wolves...
It is interesting that Hinterland is making you play a certain way by spending so much time on the coastal regions. We have the choice but because the Trader meets you in Coastal Highway. If you decide to play using the trader then you will spend more time at Misanthrope's and The Quonset.
Agree and I don't particularly like that direction :D
finally some love for Bleak Inlet as a long-term base!! I'm tied between BI and CH myself, but I love staying at the cannery residence cabin. It'd be cool if the trader chose a different coastal region to dock at for each trade to keep you on your toes (and so we don't have to drag ALL the batteries in the world to CH). combing is super underrated
Problem in BI is the little supply of sticks, at least in Interloper.
@@Sokol10 true, but having the most efficient stove in the game makes that a little less of a problem
I wish there was more of a reason to use the lighthouse in DP as well. I actually think it is a super cool base. But outside of the forge the region is too isolated for the lighthouse to be a good long term base.
@@Kaosad69 I actually really like the lighthouse, it's a great base in the middle of the map and even better now that you can snipe the new moose spawn there. it's super cozy and looks fantastic during an aurora. the Riken and Hibernia are more like day trips to me
@@onedirectioninfection5756 yeah the moose spawn is great now. But Again my issue is DP is too isolated. Need to add a direct route to PV or something to make it more appealing, as well as potential trader use there.
I recently made this place my regional base and was truly suprised how many advantages there are to having a long term base there.
There is even a milling machine that allows you to repair all your tool for only the small cost of scrap metal, so you basically don't have to go forging at all. Im my run, the bear was on the other side of the river, living in that cave, so the spawnpoint varies a bit, I guess.
The only gripe I have about the place is that it is so very dark due to the boarded up windows (I wish I could remove the, I removed the curtains, which helped a little).
Even in your video, during the daytime, one can hardly see a thing in there. I don't mind that it is a little cramped in there, but I do mind that it is so dark. It lights up nicely during an aurora, though.
Super video, freue mich auf das nächste.
True that!
I feel the same way about the lighting, I wish I could remove the boards on the windows.
What I like though is that the light inside moves with the position of the sun during the day.
Lucky you with the bear 😆😊
Just spent about 50 days in the cannery worker's residence cabin and good god is that thing TINY and DARK. TBH it was a huge relief to get back to CH.
Hmm never though about that 6 slot stove with freeze bonus
Good point
with safehouse customization i was so hoping to move 6 slot stoves to where i wanted to. but nope... cant move them from one poi to anohter.... imo safehouse update is waste of time. but it seems overal people do like it. i just feel its useless.... but i dont have dlc either. and have no plnas to get it.
@@NotHappening-b8t Wdym? It cool to decorate your place with staff you find in all regions when you finally going back to your main base. And DLC is not only about that, overall theres more content and more staff. But yeah its only for those who likes to play this game over and over some times (i have like 1800 h cause i played it for past 5 years) and im def gonna play more when i feel like it
@ Moving a gigantic stove with all the pipes etc would be a bit absurd XD
@@NotHappening-b8t i love safehouse customization, but i wish you could move stoves in someway, maybe like workbenches. Even if it was just a two burner...
@@jgrandson5651moving a several hundred pound chunk of steel is pushing it even for TLD standards
Turn the lantern on or a torch when showing us the base interiors please! I wanted to see it! Good vid though :)
Apologies 🤣
I'm so used to that dark interior haha, will do in the future!
Not a sight I had considered before, you make great points. I love the quonset hut as much as anyone but it's nice to see a viable alternative suggestion. Thank you.
Definitely some good points. Eventually I'll probably set up a base there in my current Stalker run.
As someone who personally hates Quonset on account of lower visibility due to snow mounds leading to many wolf encounters my current base on CH is Jackrabbit isle while I farm the trader. Salt isn't as important to me and its closeness to CH as well as 6-spot stoves in two locations means PV is my go to for long term survival. It does have the little fishing hut (and in my current case a moose there as well) and many long sightlines so you don't get blindsided by wildlife.
PV is also smack dab in the middle of lower Great Bear with various access points to other regions. I don't use the forge much and PV's Farmstead just has a homey vibe to it that I love.
Agree on Quonset although it has become a bit better due to sometimes there being deer. Still #teamsafety hahah
The camp office is a better centralised base than PV.
Oh my gosh, it’s been a minute since I’ve been in bleak inlet a lot and THIS is the house I love that I’ve been trying to find! I thought it was a fever dream or something. 😂 It’s perfect! I don’t like bleak inlet overall, but I stayed like 200 days there because it was just so nice.
I just pimped out the trailer just north of the cannery, and it’s becoming a favorite base of mine.
Tons of shelves already, so ample opportunities to organize my stuff. There is a perfectly save route along the waters edge over to the fishing hut, past two beachcombing spots, as well as a safe route to the rope climb to the overlook.
I moved a workbench into the trailer, and moved the cannery workbench to the exterior part of the cannery, so I can craft inside or outside.
I also managed to cram a fire in a corner outside that can withstand most blizzards.
And my coup de resistance, I set up a line of fires between the cannery gate and the rope climb, so even if timberwolves roam again, I can usually use a torch one by one to make it into the cannery safely.
Bonus tip:
If you stand on the ice under the cannery, you can drop stuff and grab/place it on the little pier that goes down to avoid being too encumbered for the rope, or attracting the wolves through smell.
Interesting choice and great idea with the campfires!
I love how when you make a main base in a region, somehow the whole region becomes your base 🤣
I think what annoys me most about the timberwolves is that they are so loud and noisy when you don't kill them haha
I always refused to go to BI because I am really bad at dealing with Timber Wolfes. But eventually when it was time to set up a base, I killed all the wolves and then realized what a great region it is. I stayed longer (>50 Days) as I expected because I feel so comfortable.
Right? Peak region!
Used to avoid it completely prior to TFTFT because I was so afraid of the timberwolves but it's not that bad really 😀
Great video but I ain't leaving Coastal Highway. 😁
Valid choice xD
It's not about telling you guys to change your playstyle. Just wanted to share my amazing experience with that little base.
Because of the trader I made a secondary base in Quonset, and it's great as well.
@@LootenantTLD I know that I was just making a joke. Keep up the videos though you could make some really good the long dark content with your editing.
8:00 forgot one thing about blizzards: if you're on loper good luck reaching anything during them, as BI can fall to -80 C or even lower during them
It's manageable. Blizzard trails are a great option to not get lost, and the region is rather small so you never have to go very far.
@@LootenantTLD Oh sure it is manageable. But not if youre as dumb as bag of rocks (aka me)
I also love Bleak, but have made my base the Cannery Kitchen. It has a lot more space, 2 burner stove, access to more firewood, easier access to the workshop and closer to the Muskeg 😃
I love that choice 😁
If you dont mind the timberwolf respawns, this is pretty good. Would love to see a customized cannery kitchen, must be very pretty.
Thanks. I never considered this. Its a region I still have to visit and I'm already more than 200 days in on interloper.
I live in the CH lookout tower for the view plus ive built furniture and stuff in it. And i basically have all the criteria. Theres Fishing huts all over the coast, theres a single burner stove in the tower, theres obviously a beach, theres no end of salt, its safe no bears or wolfs really near by, the mine to plesant valley is down the road so theres coal, firewood you csn find that anywhere. Literally one of the best base spots if you ask me.
Yes. It’s pretty sweet, and always bright.
I honestly wish they add the trader box to the upper parts of the map. It's just not worth having your base in TWM or AC if you want to play around with the trading mechanic.
Agreed, its kinda railroading
It makes sense lore wise, but is a massive pain gameplay wise, whilst coastal highway is fairly well connected, you can't ignore its definitely closeted to the end of the map than other regions.
Maybe a good compromise lore wise would be adding a drop box at bleak inlet, it's coastal, but connects a bit more inland.
There is some kind of absurdity he comes with the far territory DLC, but is based in one of the farthest regions from it.
I don't know how many people would like having the trader there. Would of been a pain to lug trades too
@Kaosad69 agreed, butbit was the best coastal location I could think of.
Ideally, other deposit locations would be:
Mountain town
Transfer pass
Maybe timberwolf mountain?
But thst would need an inland trader.
Best long term base is Jackrabbit's Island house in CH - Misanthropes house is too dark inside, an Quonset have the wolves risk.
Rabbits around
Deer on the Ice - left and right
Fishing Hut near
Beachcombing near
Hundred of kilos of storage space
Good bed
4 Salt sources near
Don't have wolves around like in Quonset.
Don't have fireplace, but can lit a campfire between a tree and a rock, but mainly use the Fishing Hut stove while fishing (with Fishing Tip), after all fishing take time.
Some good points and finally someone that acknowledges the wolves around Quonset.
It still lacks a cabin fever treatment option if you play without settled mind, and you have to go a little further for everything than in Workers Residence.
You say this is the only base the fulfills your five primary criteria, but what about Quonset and/or the house across the street? Are the cars not good enough for "Cabin Fever Treatment"?
Also some of the things in your "primary" seem off. Salt when you can literally just leave ruined meat in a pile at your base. And so much weight on "indoor fireplace" when (as you note later) cooking outdoors is twice as efficient. Not to mention it helps prevent cabin fever.
Quonset/Coastal Townsite is not safe bc you can get the random wolf spawn out of nowhere, fishing huts are a lot further away as well as beachcombing. Cave is better than cars but I'll give you that point.
Having everything so close by as you have in Worker Residences is just a huge quality of life improvement, try it out for yourself!
I wanted to somewhat cover every difficulty and salt is especially valuable on Misery bc cured stuff is safe to eat.
Yes an indoor fireplace for cooking all the fish anytime, never having to worry about the weather, is quite valuable IMO. That doesn't contradict that making fires outdoors for fuel efficiency is still a great option as long as the weather lets you.
00:00 Intro
00:15 What makes a good base?
01:01 Primary criteria
02:34 Secondary & misc. criteria
03:51 The best base & tour
09:24 Outro
If I could make 1 change in the game it would be to make ruined items not despawn when in a container. Base building is great but I still just have piles or crap everywhere. It's unavoidable. You make the most epic-looking base ever, get all the cool storage, and still have to leave your meat rotting all over the ground. 😢
True XD
And that pile of rotting fish must be smelling like HELL hahaha
if it helps, ruined items inside rock caches do not despawn
@jgrandson5651 are you serious? Anything in a rock cache won't despawn when ruined? While that is helpful, my point remains
@@mrwalter7205 absolutely! Its a very limited solution, as you need 50 stones to build one, you can build max 3 per region and you can only build them outside. But it is better than nothing! Also items inside loose condition as fast as in the ground, so its perfect to keep your meat and fish more organiced
@ ty for sharing!
Something else I like about BI: when you break the Timberwolf moral, you can saunter around like you own the place for a while - just avoid the cougar area. Haven’t seen any regular wolves yet there. Only been there a few days in my current loper run, though, so maybe that’s why I haven’t seen any. Just Timberwolves like before the refresh.
Did not know that bear spawn was bugged like the Trapper bear. Good to know. Was wondering why I hadn’t seen it.
Side note though…don’t know if I’d choose it as a main base without being all geared up and lvl 5 archery to sneak up on the timbies.
There can be normal wolves, I have seen some near the collapsed mountain road and even some in the upper level in place of the timbies, which left me speechless because isn't it canon that timberwolves are territorial and even kill normal wolves? 🤣
Anyways none of them come close to the cabin.
Yea its definetly optimal when used in late-game ^_^
@ Good to know. Re: bear. I am in BI right now and using worker’s residences as base. Just killed the bear there. Also before I saw him, killed a pack of timbers out on the ice by the broken lighthouse island.
The 6 stove is nice, but Coastal Highway has most of this and easy Trader access... assuming you want to use the trader.
Yeah, and better coal and firewood. And weather. And region connectivity. And bear hunting. And more extensive beachcombing with better safehouses to pop into along the coast.
CH has been the king of long-term survival ever since beachcombing was added to the game, and it's only gotten better.
@@ArchimedesLP I wish they'd add trader access to other maps. I like coastal highway but I think it's going to get boring to always be there. I used to use mystery lake and travel for beach combing through the maps. Now I feel like I'm being silly if I don't just stay on the ol' highway.
Think convenience.
in Workers Residence you have everything right outside your door. In CH you potentially put yourself in danger or go out of your way to beachcomb, bring home fish etc.
But if you just prefer CH, thats fine. Im not here to tell you where to make camp, you should play the way you want ^-^
@ True that.
Remember that trick with Pemmican bars? Well now we've figured out it works for all ruined meat
The weather plus the timberwolves make BI a place I'd never stay long term. And saying the connectivity of BI is good is a bit odd to me. It's quite a ways to get to FM while dealing with the weather, TWs, and weak ice. Even ignoring the trader, Quonset is a superior location. You can hunt deer, wolves, moose, and bear pretty much from your back door, fishing huts right outside, salt on the ocean side of the islands, coal in the mine, pretty easy to get to ML or PV, tons of firewood right outside, easy access to beachcombing, and tons of space. The only real knock is no warm caves for CF, but if you time your fishing trips right, that won't be an issue. Obviously no 6 burner stove, but the amount of firewood available makes that not really a big deal. Personally, I hate staying in any place too long so I have many bases and always move around, but if I had to pick one place to stay and could never leave, it'd be CH with my base at Quonset. Before salt was a thing (likewise the trader), my answer would be Mountaineer's Hut in TWM. I've never done much beachcombing, honestly.
Huh? It's a really quick trip to FM, the weather is great most of the time, you never have to deal with timberwolves on the (right) way and weak ice shouldnt be a problem once you know your way around..
BI connects better to the DLC, MT etc while CH is closer to DP, PV and the mountainous regions. I dont find that odd.
Besides it's mainly about the base and not the region because my premise is that you don't have to leave or put yourself in danger for stuff you need. And especially safety is not given around Quonset.
@LootenantTLD lol BI is one of the worst weather non dlc regions, what are you talking about
That's a pretty strong base. I don't think Salt should be a primary consideration though. I feel its less important than coal, or about the same. Either way, it is still a really good location.
I appreciate your oppinion on this location. You are braver than I am though, I hate timberwolves. Nothing is going to make me live where they do on a regular basis 😄
It's the price you pay for being able to survive forever without leaving a 60ft radius around your base 😂
I had to get used to them too though 😆
My problem with fisherman cottage is just that it's so small and dark. It doesn't feel like a cozy place to live in. If only you could repair some planks in Cannery to be able to live in its spacious warehouses.... Like, the warehouse with woodworking tools spawn, the one you get in after jumping on the ship and running on a pier... It's a no-loading zone, it's spacious, warm and actually considered an interior, you can press Y to customize it. But you need to go around the place and climb a rope every time to get there... If only Hinterland gave players tools to fix Cannery like they gave us tools to fix the roof in Mountaneer's hut...
already see the comments but it is 100000% only the garage now that the trader is in the game. I am surprised they did not come up with a way to use the trader in other locations.
Garage is not safe, and that directly contraditcs the premise of the video and best long-term base.
Another commenter even revoked his opinion because he got killed by a stealthy wolf.
But I guess if you play on voyageur or so then its not a big risk ^^
I got disappointed with hunting lodge and this pace looks promising. Thanks for video
To me the most important thing is the location. And now the trader aswell. That's why i choose fishing camp in coastal highway. It's close to transitions to mystery lake, bleak inlet and pleasant valley. And the mine to pleasant valley is just OP for its amount of coal.
I'm pretty sure the bear spawns vary from game to game. Your run might not have the bear spawn around the residence, but start a fresh loper game and you might find it there. So the usefulness of that cave is run specific. Also, note that if you use "Settled Mind" feat, you no longer need to have a base near a cave. Having Settled Mind makes Coastal Highway by far the best base location in game, as caves are the only thing it's missing.
Oh I'd love to get the bear spawn. Then the cave would still be available for like 30 days+ after killing him. I do play with settled mind but wanted to cover runs that don't use it.
I think the big difference is that in CH you'd have to use the whole coastal area as a base, especially for fishing and beachcombing, whereas in BI you can stay within 60ft of that little house and be good for the rest of your life AND get beachcombing 🤣
10 years, 2.3k hours, the long dark for me is no more. I will miss you....
@Moz29 I played it while learning via audio and video. I found it was chilling and calming but talking to other veterans, I think I had PTSD. Either way I shouldn't have done it and won't do it again with any media.
@Theoverthinker81 Was it negatively effecting your life in the end? The games calming effects are still enjoyable even if you don't suffer ptsd anymore
@Moz29 yes it is for a while like 10-15 minutes but now when I play it, some bad feelings come back. It's associated, like when you hear an old song or smell it reminds you of things, people, places.
I take it your an avid player still?
say what you will but my late game is all on Forsaken Airfield,s lake island. Custom difficulty, basically NOGOA but with sleep healing ON.
Island cottage is arguably the most beautiful base
Great video, I'll try it out
Didn't know about the coal respawning outside beyond caves. Are there any prominent locations with outside coal?
Some steep mountains can respawn a singular coal along with the usual stones but otherwise I think this is the most prominent one
Jack rabbit island.
not sure i been here before.
BI ended 2 runs of mine. So I'll prefer to be anywhere else (almost).
That's valid. Experiences vary between players and runs I guess 😄
You didn't use light as a criteria. I'm not going to use a base that's dark in the daytime like the first cabin ni matter how good it is.
how do y set fire if y run off matches?
Magnifying lens!
And bleak inlet is sunny a lot ^^
Respect your opinion, but long dark pro here. All your points are valid. Its defenetly doable, ive done it. But that cabin is far far down the list of best endgame bases. Id take almost any spot in blackrock before this place. Its kinda like fools gold. It looks good at first but once you really dig in its really not great competitively to many spots. But i always liked visiting this spot. All be it a bit dark and depressing for my taste long term. Not a critique here. Just thoughts.
You did not list a single reason to back your opinion.
Calling yourself "long dark pro" is a little cringe btw. Then again, maybe you are just a troll with that blackrock statement 🤣
8:23 Is this is a joke? It is not a short trip to Muskeg Overlook.
Why do you sound like elon musk?
Maybe I'm his german clone 😂