it kinda sucks that they didn't have more scenes of these two just hanging out in the later seasons. it was almost as though the writers wrote themselves into a corner with the whole love triangle (love square?) thing with jack and juliet
it annoys me, that nearly every time they share an untroubled moment together , something or somebody disturbs.And it's not realistic and ridiculous, that a couple doesn't kiss or hug during such long periods- years( 1 kiss in season 1, 1 hug in season 2)
Sawyer and Kate 4life!!!!! Skate the ultimate couple on Lost for all of eternity!!!!! 😍 🤩 ❤
Does anyone else wish we could’ve seen Kate read the magazine to Sawyer?
Yup, over n over again
it kinda sucks that they didn't have more scenes of these two just hanging out in the later seasons. it was almost as though the writers wrote themselves into a corner with the whole love triangle (love square?) thing with jack and juliet
it annoys me, that nearly every time they share an untroubled moment together , something or somebody disturbs.And it's not realistic and ridiculous, that a couple doesn't kiss or hug during such long periods- years( 1 kiss in season 1, 1 hug in season 2)
Now there’s a sensitive man!