CARNIVAL PARADISE | The Ultimate Cruise Ship Tour

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @Explorcation
    @Explorcation  6 месяцев назад

    Have you cruised on the Carnival Paradise, or plan to in the future? If so, we'd love to hear about your experience or when you are booked! And what do you think the theme of this ship is??
    If you are considering booking in the future, be sure to check out our episode where we test out 1 star reviews on this ship!видео.html

    • @MichaelSheridanV21
      @MichaelSheridanV21 4 месяца назад +2

      It's my home ship. I live in Clearwater. I go on it about 6 times a year. I did not know that the steam and sauna were complimentary nor did I know that the coffee place had complimentary danish. Thanks.

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  4 месяца назад

      @@MichaelSheridanV21 it is nice that you are so close and cruise on it so frequently! We hope you enjoy the steam/sauna rooms and the danishes on your next one :)

    • @JustCallMeDero
      @JustCallMeDero 3 месяца назад

      @@Explorcation First Time Cruiser - Carnival Cruise Review (Carnival Glory/ Bahamas)видео.html
      I cruised on the carnival glory

    • @kelliethomas8967
      @kelliethomas8967 Месяц назад

      @Explorcation so is guys burger joint is it part of that we dont have to pay for

    • @4pattiw
      @4pattiw Месяц назад

      I have my 2nd ever cruise scheduled 11/30-12/5 on this ship. Thanks for your video. I booked the 2 twin beds because of price. I hope it is similar to your room since you had your beds pushed together.
      I’m excited!🎉

  • @HinesEdventures
    @HinesEdventures Месяц назад +5

    We sailed the carnival paradise for a honeymoon April 2018. This was our favorite cruise, not because of the cruise ship itself, but because of how they treated me so well once they discover my luggage was never put on the ship from Southwest Airlines! They’re not only gave me credit so I can buy clothes. They actually went back once the ship was about to leave the portbecause they flew my suitcase from Tampa to the ship so I could enjoy the rest of my cruise with my regular clothes plus the cruise director was the best ever! Jamie D is the best.

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  11 дней назад

      We're so glad you had such a great time on your honeymoon on this ship. That's really amazing that they were so accommodating to you. Thanks for sharing this experience!

  • @seriouslycelia2139
    @seriouslycelia2139 3 месяца назад +4

    This is a WONDERFUL ship tour! I'm sailing on her this Saturday, and I can't wait! Years ago, I was on her sister ship (the Sensation, which doesn't exist anymore), and had a wonderful time. Looking forward to checking out this little gal, and enjoying some relaxation...and endless chocolate melting cake lol!

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  2 месяца назад +1

      Thanks so much for this kind and encouraging comment! By now you're already on the Paradise, and we hope you are having an amazing time and eating ALL of the chocolate melting cake!

  • @SuellenP101
    @SuellenP101 Месяц назад +2

    Have sailed on the Paradise several times and will be back on her again in 2025. This time in an aft balcony - which I've never done! Super excited for that as well as seeing all the changes to the ship!!

    • @BrodeyDoverosx
      @BrodeyDoverosx 13 дней назад

      Awesome. When are you going? I might be going end of January.

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  11 дней назад

      We hope you have a wonderful time on the ship and enjoy your balcony!

  • @sandraclayton4998
    @sandraclayton4998 4 месяца назад +4

    I cruised with Carnival over 20 years ago a few times. I was younger then and wanted the newest boats and all the activities. I’m doing the Paradise in October because I don’t think I would enjoy the new ones that are so huge. I purposefully choose this one so I can relax and do as much or as little as I want . Thanks for the tour. I’m getting more excited.

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  3 месяца назад

      Thank you for sharing, Sandra! We hope you have a great time on the Paradise in October! It will be here before you know it!

  • @emilytompkins3929
    @emilytompkins3929 4 месяца назад +7

    Booked this cruise for December and I couldn’t be moreeeeee excitedddd!!! 🥹💜😍

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  4 месяца назад

      Wohoo! We hope you have a blast, Emily!

    • @nicolewilliams5698
      @nicolewilliams5698 3 месяца назад

      Me too!

    • @theactualdarthvader
      @theactualdarthvader 2 месяца назад

      i sailed on the celebration last week and was docked at a port with the paradise and honestly it looked hella run down and old from the outside lmao

    • @GLstar101
      @GLstar101 Месяц назад

      me too! on dec 5-9 :)

    • @cherierogers3486
      @cherierogers3486 29 дней назад

      @@emilytompkins3929 me too!!

  • @MrBoggie425
    @MrBoggie425 4 месяца назад +3

    Great video. The theme of the Carnival Paradise is that of Ocean Liners. The Rex, SS United States, Normandie, Michaelangelo are all names to different spaces on the Paradise, those are references to classic ocean liners of the past

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  4 месяца назад

      Thank you so much for watching our video and taking the time to provide this explanation. It all makes a lot more sense now!!

  • @ValeriaColeman-pi9xn
    @ValeriaColeman-pi9xn 12 дней назад +1

    This will be our first time cruising on this boat can’t wait it will be in feb2026

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  11 дней назад

      That's so exciting, Valeria! We hope you have an amazing time.

  • @dfloyd8579
    @dfloyd8579 Месяц назад +2

    Great video! Thanks for sharing & giving great tips & reviews!

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  Месяц назад

      Thank you so much for watching and taking the time to comment!

  • @rhondalyn100
    @rhondalyn100 6 месяцев назад +4

    I always enjoy your cruise tours and reviews. 🙂With my very first cruise last month (Virgin/Valiant Lady) I was hooked on cruising the very first day! Virgin was such a pleasure to sail that I don't think I'll find another cruise line more suitable for me, but I'm open to trying others, for sure. Thank you both for another great video. 🙂

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад

      Aww thank you :) We are so glad you enjoyed your first cruising experience. Hopefully we will book on Virgin soon. We will have another cruise experience to share soon (on a different cruiseline) 😀

    • @BrodeyDoverosx
      @BrodeyDoverosx 13 дней назад

      @@rhondalyn100 stick with virgin as long as you can ;-). Especially with the new deals.
      Also make sure to buy my next virgin voyage credits. They let you transfer them and typically they give you deals to use them up.

  • @dearmepa1
    @dearmepa1 6 месяцев назад +3

    Hi neighbors!! Well, almost! Thanks for the video! You definitely know how to turn lemons into lemonade! 🍋🍋I’m definitely going to book again as I love old ships!

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  6 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks for watching! Old ships have so much character 😁 we are glad you enjoy them too!

  • @kittymommax2
    @kittymommax2 6 месяцев назад +3

    Great video! I’m booked on the Paradise in January, and appreciate your in depth tour! Thank you.

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад

      Thank you for watching, have a wonderful trip in January!

  • @daryllanghorne7146
    @daryllanghorne7146 6 месяцев назад +2

    my wife and i are taking our first cruise in september of this year and we are going on the paradise. your tour is very informative thanks for posting it

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much for watching, we hope you both have a wonderful cruise in September!

  • @skittlesandfriends5710
    @skittlesandfriends5710 6 месяцев назад +2

    That was an excellent video of the Paradise, and sailing under the skyway bridge is one of my favorite parts of the cruise. I have some great videos of both day and evenings sailing under the bridge.
    I have been on her three times since my first cruise on her in January of 2019 and I have a fourth cruise scheduled for September, I live about an hour away from the port so it’s been a great old lady to sail on for nice getaway trips, I have been on other Carnival ships including the Mardi Gras and while I have really enjoyed them, however sometimes I found myself so busy trying to see and do as much as possible on them that I struggled with fear of missing out so I never relaxed as much as I should have, where the Paradise is a great smaller ship for me to unplug, enjoy the music, food, and drinks and meet new friends.
    And an interesting side note about the ship it was originally built as a non smoking ship and for several years you could not smoke anywhere on the ship Thanks again for a great video of her,

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад

      Thanks for watching and sharing about your experiences. Cruising on the Paradise is an easy getaway when you live so close! I understand the fear of missing out, it is hard to do everything on the newer mega ships so we sometimes prefer to sail on the smaller ships. That is interesting to know the ship was originally non-smoking, makes more sense why you can smell the smoke more throughout the ship, since it wasn't designed for there to be any smoking on it.

    • @skittlesandfriends5710
      @skittlesandfriends5710 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@Explorcation If you look on RUclips for “Carnival Cruise lines Paradise 90’s Promo Video” you will see a twenty minute video about the Paradise and its non smoking ship, it’s really fun to watch and see how cruising was decades ago.

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад

      @@skittlesandfriends5710 thanks for the recommendation we will have to check it out, it will be interesting to see a cruise promo video from the 90's

  • @trainsplanesandotherthings5187
    @trainsplanesandotherthings5187 2 месяца назад +1

    The Paradise use cruise out of Long Beach< CA. here in the West Coast.. It was my 1st cruising experience over 15 years ago.. It went to Catalina Island and Ensenada Mexico... It was a nice short inexpensive getaway what we did often...

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  2 месяца назад

      That sounds like a fun little cruise. We'd love to do a cruise out of SoCal someday.

  • @Allthathingss
    @Allthathingss Месяц назад +1

    Great video! We have been Loyal To Royal but our first cruise was on Virgin. This will be our first time on Carnival because we couldn't book Royal when we needed to sail. We are going March 2025 & I'm soooo nervous because I've heard so many negative things about unruly passangers 😢.
    Did you find the slots to be loose? My husband & I love to gamble a little bit while we cruise ;).

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  11 дней назад

      We've heard plenty of stories about Carnival passengers as well, but had no issues on our cruise. Maybe the ones out of Tampa are a little more tame lol. Unfortunately we are of no help regarding the slots, as we didn't find any time to play any on this ship. Best of luck to you though if you decide too!

  • @TripReviews
    @TripReviews 3 месяца назад +3

    Booked in February. Ocean view room. This after a b2b on the Legend👍 looking forward to Guy’s burgers and those great Buffalo Chicken Buns! Just hit that sub button!

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  3 месяца назад +1

      Glad to hear it! The Guy's burgers and the tacos are probably the things we look forward to most on Carnival Cruises. So good!

  • @amarivcor
    @amarivcor 5 месяцев назад +2

    Thanks for your review. My trip on the paradise is in 3 weeks! July 22❤

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад +1

      Our pleasure. We hope you have an awesome time in 3 weeks. It will be here before you know it!

  • @Micahswf
    @Micahswf 3 месяца назад +1

    Great tour! Love all the classic ocean liner names to the public spaces

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  3 месяца назад

      We're so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for sharing about the ocean liner names. That makes a lot more sense now!

  • @MrTMacify
    @MrTMacify 6 месяцев назад +2

    We’re cruising out with our daughter in less than a month on the Carnival Paradise. I was a bit worried that it was too small and old and wouldn’t have enough food, bars, shows and other venues aboard. Compared to the Mardi Gras, I’m sure it’ll be different. However, your honest and thorough review has eased my mind. I think we’ll have a great time on this 4 day cruise. Thank you for sharing. Our next after this will be on the Celebration. Can’t wait!

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад

      If you go in with the right expectations (which it sounds like you'll have), we think you'll manage to have yourself a good time! It definitely IS a bit small and old, but it's still got something for (almost) everyone. And if it doesn't have something for you, at least it's only 4 days 😆 Thanks so much for watching and taking the time to comment.

    • @VAMPI-0_0
      @VAMPI-0_0 5 месяцев назад +1

      Hey see you there!

  • @6431harry
    @6431harry 6 месяцев назад +2

    You do such a great job of touring the ship. The memories came flooding back. I loved the desserts, so good! Guys burgers and the Blue Igana were one of my favorites. I was wondering if you got ambushed by the camera guys? I would love to see any pictures if you bought some. Great job

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much :) We did get ambushed by the camera guys. We usually avoid taking any pics on ships but the Carnival photographers caught us a couple of times 😆unfortunately we didn't purchase any.

  • @gladysgriffin7347
    @gladysgriffin7347 5 месяцев назад +2

    Thanks for the Cruise Ship Tour. It is in our list.

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад

      Our pleasure, Gladys! Have you ever been on a cruise before?

  • @autobotdiva9268
    @autobotdiva9268 5 месяцев назад +2

    Looks big enough and navigational enough for mother n law and a generational cruise for a quick trip

  • @billmiller1445
    @billmiller1445 4 месяца назад +1

    Nice Job! Enjoyed your commentary and filming.

  • @kenonewton416
    @kenonewton416 3 месяца назад +3

    Carnival paradise was boring to me but video well made and spoken subscribed !😊

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  3 месяца назад

      Thank you so much! We really appreciate the sub and hope you enjoy our other content.

  • @jaclarkfamily
    @jaclarkfamily 6 месяцев назад +1

    I'm looking forward to this unique experience in June! I'm wondering if the Rum Bar would be the place to get a classic mojito. I saw the Ting Mojito but prefer the classic. I'm used to getting it at the aft pool bar on other ships. Sometimes the Serenity Bar has it. I would love to know before I go as it if the very first thing I like to do after muster station. I must say that your tour is honestly the most professional and easy to follow tour of any ship I have watched on RUclips! I'm definitely going to follow your channel.

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад

      While I only ordered beers from the Rum Bar, I would certainly think it would be your best best at getting a good Classic Mojito. We certainly would have drank a few cocktails if we had a drink package, but since we didn't on this ship, we just stuck to the cheaper beers. We're really glad you discovered our channel and appreciate you taking the time to watch and comment on our video! Have a great time on the Paradise!

  • @garyisaacrivera5283
    @garyisaacrivera5283 25 дней назад +1

    Is the wifi like free? It seems like you have to use your phone for a lot? Going on my honey moon next week on this cruise.

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  11 дней назад

      The wifi that is used to work the app is free. If you want to be able to do pretty much anything else on the internet though, you'll have to pay for a wifi package.

  • @Jet-The-Dog
    @Jet-The-Dog 5 месяцев назад +2

    When did you guys go, I went on the carnival paradise June 1

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад

      I don't recall the specific date but I think we went in late April. Thanks for watching, we hope you had great time!

  • @MidshipsCruise
    @MidshipsCruise 3 месяца назад +2

    Great editing & transitions guys!

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  3 месяца назад

      Thank you for the kind and encouraging comment!

  • @vianettecolon
    @vianettecolon 27 дней назад +1

    I’m going on that cruise in December the 9th 2024 I have 17 days left

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  11 дней назад

      Wohoo! Right around the corner. We hope you have a great time.

  • @patharrington2970
    @patharrington2970 4 месяца назад +2

    Great job thanks from Canada

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  4 месяца назад

      Thank you so much for watching and taking the time to comment! We appreciate the support.

  • @rhondacurtis81
    @rhondacurtis81 5 месяцев назад +1

    First cruise loading for September thanks 🎉

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад

      Woohooo! We hope you have a blast!

  • @rosshageman951
    @rosshageman951 4 месяца назад +3

    We sailed on the Paradise many years ago and the ship was fun. A massive refurbishment occurred after we sailed. The food was fine. Our only problem was our neighbors across the hallway. Too much alcohol and too loud fighting. Calls to security did not alleviate the problem. We had a "window" room and that was the last time we ever sailed without having a balcony

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  4 месяца назад +2

      Sorry to hear about your bad neighbors, but we're glad you enjoyed the cruise otherwise. We normally either go balcony or interior. Sometimes we actually enjoy sleeping in a pitch black windowless room, but we definitely don't spend much time in an interior room other than sleeping.

  • @BobCarlson
    @BobCarlson 6 месяцев назад +1

    My only 2 cruise experiences were Alaska and Northern Europe. Neither of those ships were even as nice as this one and a far cry from some others you have presented. But I’m there for the excursions. We did everything we could possible do including kayaking in Alaska and the Blue Lagoon in Iceland. I have tons of memories from those trips but I don’t think I even took photos of the ships.

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад

      Maybe it is time to try a Caribbean cruise 😀 On the trips you went on the excursions should be more memorable than that ship, sounds like you made some incredible memories. We do want to cruise to Alaska and visit Iceland some day too.

  • @jenkayla2492
    @jenkayla2492 5 месяцев назад +1

    Do you have to pay extra to go down the water slide, Or do you have to make an appointment to go down it?

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад

      No, going down the waterslide does not require an appointment or payment of an extra fee. You can go down it 100 times if you want!

  • @damolaadeoti
    @damolaadeoti 5 месяцев назад +1

    thank you guys

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад

      Our pleasure! Thanks for watching and taking the time to comment!

  • @pizzaearthpancakesandother2549
    @pizzaearthpancakesandother2549 6 месяцев назад

    Yeah baby! Rockin those Daisy Dukes yeehooo!

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад

      Thanks for watching... YEEHOOO! 😂

  • @nicolewilliams5698
    @nicolewilliams5698 3 месяца назад +1

    Thank you

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  3 месяца назад

      Our pleasure. Thank you for watching, Nicole.

  • @shaynah_fitness
    @shaynah_fitness 6 месяцев назад +1

    Great video ❤

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much, Shaynah!

  • @andreaakers2759
    @andreaakers2759 4 месяца назад +1

    Quick question- I didn’t see a steak house on this ship. Is there not one?

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  4 месяца назад

      There is no steakhouse, but I read somewhere that there is an option to "upgrade" your main dining room experience to include additional steak options. We did not do this, but may be worth looking into!

  • @jenkayla2492
    @jenkayla2492 5 месяцев назад +1

    If you don't buy the drink package, Can you still get a deal on say a bucket a beer?

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад +1

      That's a great question. We unfortunately didn't see any bucket deals on this ship, although we did remember their being bucket deals on one of our prior Carnival cruises. We will say that the beer prices were quite reasonable compared to other other cruise lines we've sailed on recently.

  • @Tokyozhz
    @Tokyozhz 4 месяца назад +1

    Ay I’m going on the ship in 2 weeks!

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  4 месяца назад

      Nice! We hope ya have a great time!

  • @PrimeTimeTravelers
    @PrimeTimeTravelers 6 месяцев назад +1

    Great video guys! This is the kind of video we are going to make and many more when we take the Carnival Horizon (twice), Valor and Miracle in the next 12 months. Can't wait to get our cruising again. We love it! Cruise vlogging is so much fun to plan out and then go film! Hope you both are doing great and are enjoying the new place to live! Keep in touch. Did you see our Amtrak Station tour with the ice cream shop in it?

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks, you've got a fun year of cruising planned 🚢we have been traveling non stop for the past few weeks and haven't been able to watch much. An ice cream shop in an Amtrack station sounds like something I would love though :)

    • @PrimeTimeTravelers
      @PrimeTimeTravelers 5 месяцев назад +1

      @Explorcation thanks guys! Talk more soon and safe travels

  • @michaeleubanks5
    @michaeleubanks5 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @Marcyg-o3l
    @Marcyg-o3l 3 месяца назад +1

    leave cabinet door open and the fridge will stay cooler.

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  3 месяца назад +1

      That is actually a fantastic tip! We'll absolutely be doing this from now on. Thanks so much!

  • @MoeReesee
    @MoeReesee 6 месяцев назад +1

    so there is a seafood corner on the carnival paradise?

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад +1

      Yes, there is indeed. We were a bit surprised when we saw it.

  • @VAMPI-0_0
    @VAMPI-0_0 5 месяцев назад +1

    I loved this I’m going in august! I hope I don’t get barked at for wearing my furry mask! :3

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад

      We're glad you enjoyed the video, and we hope you have a great time in August!

  • @roberttidwell3066
    @roberttidwell3066 6 месяцев назад +2

    Looks just like Elation.

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад

      Good to know! We have yet to sail on the Elation, but I'm guessing will end up cruising on it sooner or later!

  • @robinontiveros3737
    @robinontiveros3737 4 месяца назад +2

    I sailed one this ship when the entire ship was non-smoking

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  4 месяца назад

      We never knew there was a time that this ship was all non-smoking. Thanks for sharing.

  • @JustCallMeDero
    @JustCallMeDero 4 месяца назад +1

    Serenity Deck ? Or Adult only area?

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  3 месяца назад +1

      The Serenity Deck is an adults only area.

  • @zeropressureacoustic7255
    @zeropressureacoustic7255 6 месяцев назад +1

    It doesnt look like there is a real theme. It was probably built before having an overall ship theme was even needed. This definitely missed the race for biggest ship.

    • @Explorcation
      @Explorcation  5 месяцев назад +1

      Right? We sure couldn't figure out any sort of theme, other than the turquoise eggs everywhere, but it was fun exploring the ship to see what we would find it different areas 😆

  • @ngkh7513
    @ngkh7513 11 часов назад

    Negative reviewers are lying 🤥🤥