19:46 - Re: Holding the words higher than the person. Point well received tbh, but read Wendell Berrys essay collection “Standing by Words” for fresh take. I’m not sure it’s ‘that easy’ because our words may have, at least, something to do with our integrity, especially if we aim our art (poetry) at - or derive it from - the Beautiful. Why is it that Jesus can stand behind His words (think parables)? The tongue setting fire & all that.
... and then move on... --- moving on is kind of a miracle
communication is hard
19:46 - Re: Holding the words higher than the person.
Point well received tbh, but read Wendell Berrys essay collection “Standing by Words” for fresh take. I’m not sure it’s ‘that easy’ because our words may have, at least, something to do with our integrity, especially if we aim our art (poetry) at - or derive it from - the Beautiful.
Why is it that Jesus can stand behind His words (think parables)?
The tongue setting fire & all that.
TGrog is trying to help us. Other people are trying to help him. Neither are talking to each other.