As the guy from EO county, I can tell that they most assuredly will tell you that if you are not baptized in their shrine and do not follow all their prescriptions you may forget even to think about salvation.
Really appreciate your clarity on this stuff. I was probably guilty only hearing issues you were critical of and then just lumping you in with the fundies. Have since come to really appreciate a lot of your teaching and hearing this is icing on the cake. I think people just have a tough time differentiating between disagreements (dare I say “debates”) between believers and calling out heretics. Blows my mind that anyone that thinks they are 100% consistent in their beliefs without fault or error. Have yet to see anything from these “watchdogs” that even remotely resembles humility or the slightest amount of Christian charity. ....I do see the irony in criticizing someone for criticizing - should not have to clarify but for the record, i am not questioning their faith. I do not think their blindness in this area has anything to do with their salvation :).
Thanks for showing the difference for people to understand that a group of people who have taken a historical view of saving the fundamental faith with the majority of Fundamentalist today who in most cases are just closed minded people
Excellent! i hope Ya saw the one -- i believe it was right before this one -- concerning fundamentalists.. i would refer You to Brother White's (and Rich's) Alpha and Omega Ministries "The Dividing Line", for a more in depth look at Everything that is on this Brother's page. If You would like to learn more about there unBiblical issues, i am happy to discuss Holy Scripture and where they Do, and do Not Line Up!
32:52 I get what he is saying about not desiring God's grace to be so limited but what he says about the sand of the sea doesn't seem to fit. "Isaiah cries out concerning Israel: "Though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea, only the remnant will be saved." Romans 9:27 James White seems too smart to make such a slip. Am I missing something?
Yes, Sir. Isaiah cried that out, and that happened. You are missing something here, and i am very glad You asked instead of how some do.. (sure Ya imagine..). But, this is referring to The PROMISE Of YHWH GOD (even, The LÕGOS) to Abraham! That the Elect, HIS Decedent's (not physically; but, Spiritually) "by Faith", will be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand of the sea. HE Is Redeeming People from Every Tribe, Nation, Tongue, and People Group on the face of the Earth (even the Earth itself, Making All Thing New), too numerous to count. We are never told that hell, made for satahn and his angels, will be filled by men too numerous to count, but We are told that about Heaven. YHWH Is Extremely Gracious and Will Save Many for HIS Glory; to the Praise of HIS Glorious ..Wrath.. Nope, GRACE. Hope that helps! Also,just in case Ya think Isaiah thought different, Read Isaiah 2 and 66; HE Is going to Save the while world, Says YHWH, as the waters cover the sea".
The old movie the “thief in the night”. Basically an old movie similar to the newer left behind movies and books. A pre millennial view of rapture and end times.
Jesus went to the temple but, not everyone that went to the temple was in agreement about who God was. There were really wonderful people like certain prophets or Zachariah who was John the Baptist's father and then there were people who would try to put Jesus to death or kill the prophets. And yet everyone went to the temple.
Well there is a doctrine we are to follow. Paul made this clear. I dont care to be a part of those that worry how you look, or be a part of how strict you may be to take basic doctrine and start legalizing in ways that are ridiculous. This is not what the Lord put in my heart. Yet sound doctrine and what He taught in the order for the church and the fellowship, and morality and discipline, is not to be ignored. Do not rip 1 Timothy out of your bible. This is fundamentals, not fundamentalist. Not radicals. There is certain things in this liberal modern christianity that is disrespectful to our Holy God. When the Word is clear how we profane His name, we need to be careful. Many dismiss the old testament as though the character of God has changed because of the new covenant. God is holy. Holiness is obedience to God , fear of God in respect of who God is. Steven Furtick and such churches as he has, is the example of this disrespect in my humble opinion. Motivational speakers weaving scripture within the message, backing up their witty sayings. Turning the House of God into a entertainment center. Sheep not getting fed. Clowns entertaining goats. Humbleness is hardly even mentioned let alone practiced. When people worship these like-able rock star preachers, they set a terrible example of who Jesus is. I will not even get to the lack of discipline in teaching. Do i judge these men as being lost? No!!!!! Do i sit back and not provide scripture why what they do is not healthy with your walk with God? No!!!! Scripture judges us all. God is the judge. I ran into church of Christ that are beyond radicals. Not agreeing with , or reproving wrong doctrine or behavior with scripture; is not judging unrighteously. Being haughty or arrogant, or as Lord over them, judging their salvation, is unrighteous judgment. This is probably a greater wrong than the issue your brother has, depending on the issue, but in many cases, it is taking something small and making it enormous. Not all church of Christ are this way, or at least to the extremes some can go to. Do not discuss water baptism with them. I was accused of being baptized in vain. I still laugh at this. They said i just got wet because it was not of their church, and i believe salvation is given by God, not because i was water baptized but rather that i repented and believed in Jesus to save me from my sins after hearing the gospel of Jesus. I believe after The death burial and resurrection of Jesus, this is the honest approach to what God already accomplished in Jesus. Ephesians 1 explains this. But even if i believed what they proclaim, I am being baptized, I can not be baptized in vain. Ill just let that hover for awhile. Jesus regeneration in His blood and renewal with His Spirit is the baptism we all must have. The baptism Jesus gives with the Holy Spirit and fire. Fire not being the gifts of tongues but rather the continuing of purging of faith with the Holy Ghost leading us to all truth. What truth. It is in a hope that we can not be ashamed of during trials and tribulations. The result is the truth is spread in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. What truth? The love of God ! It gets weird for me talking with radicals of this nature; still i do not judge their salvation, i do reprove them for judging everyone else’s. They do not teach any type of security in their salvation in Jesus. Some Calvinist views remove hope with election. I know there is many arguments against this and many variations, but i don’t study religion, I believe Gods Word. If what you teach makes Gods Word void, you are losing me. We are saved by hope in God. Faith is the assurance of hope in God and the evidence of what is not seen. It is impossible to please God without faith, it is impossible to be saved without faith in God, and He rewards those that diligently seek Him by faith which comes by hearing, and with God, it is hearing the Word of God and putting hope in God as a child would. I believe strongly in the sovereignty of God. I believe God must save us or we are not saved. I believe we live according to every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, according to His Will. This is how i see Gods sovereignty concerning the salvation of the latter day church. Not jws. The last days rather. Those that hear the message given by the apostles and believe. I also believe we must have faith and diligently seek Him to please God. I believe God gives faith. My out look on the understanding God is more of a provisionalist. We do with what God gives us, how He says to do. If we hear the gospel and repent and believe by faith in God that Jesus will save us from our sins and give us eternal life, we will be saved. We will be given the Holy Spirit. We will be sanctified by His Spirit set apart in the truth. The hope in God is up to you. After you hear the gospel, it is up to you to believe or not or want to be saved. I believe we can pray for the conviction of the Holy Spirit for those seeking God, but in the end God looks at their heart, if they hope in God or want to hope in God. If they want to be saved. God is not mocked. What we sow, we will reap. Jesus asked the man with disease for 38 years. Do you want to be healed. There is the accountability I believe we have, to receive Jesus and believe the gospel to do so in repentance to God. The easily offended can not take discipline or rebuke of any sort without saying judge not. I know radicals do judge unrighteously. Cause doubt of faith, rather than correcting to keep in the faith. Lets not be so easily offended or fear of being wrong, to not listen to reproof and lets not get competitive in doing so. It should be done to come into the right fellowship with God, not cause doubt in faith in Jesus.
Brother White, I've always appreciated your ministry and your bluntness in dealing with certain issues. However I must confess that I myself have questioned your association with Brown at times. I'm not going to be so presumptuous as to declare him unsaved but his association and worse endorsement of hyper charismania is highly questionable.
As the guy from EO county, I can tell that they most assuredly will tell you that if you are not baptized in their shrine and do not follow all their prescriptions you may forget even to think about salvation.
"You do everything Jesus says to be saved?
"Sorry, but you didn't do everything WE said to be saved..."
Really appreciate your clarity on this stuff. I was probably guilty only hearing issues you were critical of and then just lumping you in with the fundies. Have since come to really appreciate a lot of your teaching and hearing this is icing on the cake. I think people just have a tough time differentiating between disagreements (dare I say “debates”) between believers and calling out heretics. Blows my mind that anyone that thinks they are 100% consistent in their beliefs without fault or error. Have yet to see anything from these “watchdogs” that even remotely resembles humility or the slightest amount of Christian charity.
....I do see the irony in criticizing someone for criticizing - should not have to clarify but for the record, i am not questioning their faith. I do not think their blindness in this area has anything to do with their salvation :).
Thanks for showing the difference for people to understand that a group of people who have taken a historical view of saving the fundamental faith with the majority of Fundamentalist today who in most cases are just closed minded people
I found this a really useful and helpful video. Thanks!
Excellent! i hope Ya saw the one -- i believe it was right before this one -- concerning fundamentalists.. i would refer You to Brother White's (and Rich's) Alpha and Omega Ministries "The Dividing Line", for a more in depth look at Everything that is on this Brother's page. If You would like to learn more about there unBiblical issues, i am happy to discuss Holy Scripture and where they Do, and do Not Line Up!
32:52 I get what he is saying about not desiring God's grace to be so limited but what he says about the sand of the sea doesn't seem to fit. "Isaiah cries out concerning Israel: "Though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea, only the remnant will be saved." Romans 9:27 James White seems too smart to make such a slip. Am I missing something?
Yes, Sir. Isaiah cried that out, and that happened. You are missing something here, and i am very glad You asked instead of how some do.. (sure Ya imagine..). But, this is referring to The PROMISE Of YHWH GOD (even, The LÕGOS) to Abraham! That the Elect, HIS Decedent's (not physically; but, Spiritually) "by Faith", will be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand of the sea. HE Is Redeeming People from Every Tribe, Nation, Tongue, and People Group on the face of the Earth (even the Earth itself, Making All Thing New), too numerous to count. We are never told that hell, made for satahn and his angels, will be filled by men too numerous to count, but We are told that about Heaven. YHWH Is Extremely Gracious and Will Save Many for HIS Glory; to the Praise of HIS Glorious
..Wrath.. Nope, GRACE. Hope that helps! Also,just in case Ya think Isaiah thought different, Read Isaiah 2 and 66; HE Is going to Save the while world, Says YHWH, as the waters cover the sea".
Lawn mower left running on lawn (starts around 08:23 ), what is the reference?
The old movie the “thief in the night”. Basically an old movie similar to the newer left behind movies and books. A pre millennial view of rapture and end times.
Jesus went to the temple but, not everyone that went to the temple was in agreement about who God was. There were really wonderful people like certain prophets or Zachariah who was John the Baptist's father and then there were people who would try to put Jesus to death or kill the prophets. And yet everyone went to the temple.
Well there is a doctrine we are to follow. Paul made this clear.
I dont care to be a part of those that worry how you look, or be a part of how strict you may be to take basic doctrine and start legalizing in ways that are ridiculous. This is not what the Lord put in my heart.
Yet sound doctrine and what He taught in the order for the church and the fellowship, and morality and discipline, is not to be ignored.
Do not rip 1 Timothy out of your bible.
This is fundamentals, not fundamentalist.
Not radicals.
There is certain things in this liberal modern christianity that is disrespectful to our Holy God.
When the Word is clear how we profane His name, we need to be careful.
Many dismiss the old testament as though the character of God has changed because of the new covenant. God is holy. Holiness is obedience to God , fear of God in respect of who God is.
Steven Furtick and such churches as he has, is the example of this disrespect in my humble opinion.
Motivational speakers weaving scripture within the message, backing up their witty sayings. Turning the House of God into a entertainment center.
Sheep not getting fed. Clowns entertaining goats.
Humbleness is hardly even mentioned let alone practiced.
When people worship these like-able rock star preachers, they set a terrible example of who Jesus is. I will not even get to the lack of discipline in teaching.
Do i judge these men as being lost?
No!!!!! Do i sit back and not provide scripture why what they do is not healthy with your walk with God? No!!!!
Scripture judges us all. God is the judge.
I ran into church of Christ that are beyond radicals.
Not agreeing with , or reproving wrong doctrine or behavior with scripture; is not judging unrighteously.
Being haughty or arrogant, or as Lord over them, judging their salvation, is unrighteous judgment.
This is probably a greater wrong than the issue your brother has, depending on the issue, but in many cases, it is taking something small and making it enormous.
Not all church of Christ are this way, or at least to the extremes some can go to.
Do not discuss water baptism with them. I was accused of being baptized in vain. I still laugh at this.
They said i just got wet because it was not of their church, and i believe salvation is given by God, not because i was water baptized but rather that i repented and believed in Jesus to save me from my sins after hearing the gospel of Jesus.
I believe after The death burial and resurrection of Jesus, this is the honest approach to what God already accomplished in Jesus.
Ephesians 1 explains this.
But even if i believed what they proclaim, I am being baptized, I can not be baptized in vain. Ill just let that hover for awhile.
Jesus regeneration in His blood and renewal with His Spirit is the baptism we all must have. The baptism Jesus gives with the Holy Spirit and fire. Fire not being the gifts of tongues but rather the continuing of purging of faith with the Holy Ghost leading us to all truth.
What truth. It is in a hope that we can not be ashamed of during trials and tribulations. The result is the truth is spread in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.
What truth? The love of God !
It gets weird for me talking with radicals of this nature; still i do not judge their salvation, i do reprove them for judging everyone else’s.
They do not teach any type of security in their salvation in Jesus.
Some Calvinist views remove hope with election. I know there is many arguments against this and many variations, but i don’t study religion, I believe Gods Word.
If what you teach makes Gods Word void, you are losing me.
We are saved by hope in God. Faith is the assurance of hope in God and the evidence of what is not seen.
It is impossible to please God without faith, it is impossible to be saved without faith in God, and He rewards those that diligently seek Him by faith which comes by hearing, and with God, it is hearing the Word of God and putting hope in God as a child would.
I believe strongly in the sovereignty of God. I believe God must save us or we are not saved.
I believe we live according to every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, according to His Will.
This is how i see Gods sovereignty concerning the salvation of the latter day church. Not jws. The last days rather. Those that hear the message given by the apostles and believe.
I also believe we must have faith and diligently seek Him to please God. I believe God gives faith.
My out look on the understanding God is more of a provisionalist.
We do with what God gives us, how He says to do.
If we hear the gospel and repent and believe by faith in God that Jesus will save us from our sins and give us eternal life, we will be saved. We will be given the Holy Spirit. We will be sanctified by His Spirit set apart in the truth.
The hope in God is up to you. After you hear the gospel, it is up to you to believe or not or want to be saved.
I believe we can pray for the conviction of the Holy Spirit for those seeking God, but in the end God looks at their heart, if they hope in God or want to hope in God. If they want to be saved.
God is not mocked. What we sow, we will reap.
Jesus asked the man with disease for 38 years. Do you want to be healed.
There is the accountability I believe we have, to receive Jesus and believe the gospel to do so in repentance to God.
The easily offended can not take discipline or rebuke of any sort without saying judge not.
I know radicals do judge unrighteously. Cause doubt of faith, rather than correcting to keep in the faith.
Lets not be so easily offended or fear of being wrong, to not listen to reproof and lets not get competitive in doing so.
It should be done to come into the right fellowship with God, not cause doubt in faith in Jesus.
Brother White, I've always appreciated your ministry and your bluntness in dealing with certain issues. However I must confess that I myself have questioned your association with Brown at times. I'm not going to be so presumptuous as to declare him unsaved but his association and worse endorsement of hyper charismania is highly questionable.
Bro -i need the link or Title of this one.
†o the Glory of YHWH GOD!
Praise Yehuaohoyaheeyahoi!