i love the statement regarding "will". If God is indeed sovereign, then there are no circumstances in which our "will" can ever be more powerful than his intentions. Amazing perspective!
So God said that He wishes none to perish. I guess the Calvinist’s god didn’t have all power and authority. No common sense in Calvinism. Either God failed or their belief is wrong. I choose the second.
@@rocketsurgeon1746 That is what Calvinists believe! However, that free will is first enabled by God! Check out the Early Church Fathers on this...www.monergism.com/thethreshold/sdg/gill/The%20Cause%20of%20God%20and%20Truth%20-%20Gill.pdf
@@righteousrebelmedia5934 Incorrect conclusion! For we hold that there are 2 wills in God...this is a logical deduction based on two explicit texts: Daniel says, no one can thwart His will, and 2 Peter 3:9...God is not willing for any to perish. How do you reconcile these two explicit statements?
To think that I hated Calvinism in the past, only to realize that it was my pride and man-centered elevation that got in the way of understanding what the bible teaches systematically about who God is and who we are.
I was a MacArthurite ( love Pastor John MacAthur) attending a Calvary Chapel & totally attacked by Dave Hunt fans when I came into church one Sunday with my new MacArthur Study Bible. Although I'd heard of Calvin I didn't know anything about Calvinism. Yet Calvinism is how I understood the scriptures for the most part. So I was challenged by my CCC peers to search the scriptures. Long story short, I no longer attend a Calvary Chapel and I'm unashamedly a Calvinist. Still pre-millennial, but Arminian teaching makes me cringe. One tool that I came across many years ago was James White debating Dave Hunt....thank you James White. I thank God for MacArthur & White.
@Rod Evans Lord bless you & thank you for sharing! I was a Mormon who came to faith in a Pentecostal church. As time went on I really struggled, couldn't connect what I was being taught at church with what I was reading in scripture. Thus I fell into thinking it must be me, I'm new and must be getting attacked. Then one day I turned the radio on while driving home to see my family and Grace To You came on the radio and it was an explosion of truth in my soul. I went to a book store a few days later and purchased Ashamed of The Gospel and began listening to GTY every day. After about a year I listened to the Beatitudes series on repentance and for the first time I realized I was a sinner, I deserved hell. My norm was to read and think oh that's my husband or that's my dad...I know bad right! 😬God used that series to truly help me understand! I'm so grateful for John MacAthur! Today we live in a new area and can not find a biblically sound church. We thought we did until our pastor began preaching we were in sin to not get the coronavirus vaccination. We're not at peace with getting it, but the pressure continued. So we're searching for a new church. They're all progressive, Pentecostal or a cult denomination. Please pray for us. Right now John MacAarthur, James White and Voddie Bauchum are our lifeline so to speak. Praying & searching and hoping God will bring a solid pastor & church to our area. Lord bless you.
I went through the 2 Peter 3:9 deal with someone the other day. I asked "Who is the letter to? Who is the "you" in the passage?" "To the church". "Ok... so he is patient toward YOU, not wishing that any should perish..." "He's talking to the church, about the world." "But he said 'patient with YOU', not 'patient with them' " "But he's still talking about the world." "So if I write you a letter, and tell you I'm being patient with you...I mean I'm being patient with someone else, not you?" "He's still talking about the world, the church had already repented" It's amazing how tradition can make you read "you" as "not you, them".
Not all of the church has repented yet brother... That's what he's saying... He is not willing that "you", all of the church, even deep into the future, "not perish" ; until the last saint that the father gave the son to die for, manifests repentance, and hence doesn't perish into eternal fire ; only then will yashuah come....
@@richardhislop9928 I keep trying to fight this predestined "elect" stuff but it does become Increasingly harder... ...opened up my Bible today to: "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil. Therefore will I scatter them as the stubble that passeth away by the wind of the wilderness. This is thy lot, the portion of thy measures from me, saith the Lord; because thou hast forgotten me, and trusted in falsehood." ~ Jeremiah 13:23-25
@@pennsyltuckyreb9800 Not willing that any of *you* should perish. “You” would be the people he’s writing to. And the letter was addressed to “...those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ”
“Some of the worst interpretation you will find, you will find on the bases of verses that everybody thinks they already know what it means” Oh what humility every one of us needs every time we open bibles! Thank you for your teaching!
True. At first hearing that might sound arrogant, but you take a moment to think about it… and you think of Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ…” and quickly realize the truth in his statement.
Time stamps & summary of some of the major points: 10:00 First common passage used against Calvinism - Jn 3:16 literally reads "For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone believing in him might not perish but have eternal life", not "whosoever believes in him". The word "whosoever" isn't in the original Greek". By adding the word "whosoever" into the text it makes it sound like man can decide to be saved without intervention of God. Jn 3:16 doesn't address who can believe, or who has true faith. 16:20 Jn 3:16 literally reads "For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone believing in him might not perish but have eternal life". There is specificity in the text - who receives eternal life? Not every single person in the world, but only the one who believes in the Son. 19:20 Second common passage used against Calvinism - Matthew 23:37 Matthew 23:37 (CSB) "How often I wanted to gather your children together" - who are the children? Those who followed the scribes and Pharisees, the Jewish leaders as shown in v 29: Matthew 23:29 (CSB) “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! 25:30 Matthew 23:37 (CSB) but you were not willing! - Not they were not willing. The ppl God was wanting to gather was not "Jerusalem"/the Jewish leaders/the scribes and Pharisees, but their "children", the ppl who followed the scribes and Pharisees. Therefore v 37 is a statement of judgement upon Jer/the scribes and Pharisee for the way they made the word of God of no effect (see the rest of Mt 23 for how). The Jewish leaders saw themselves as being over the house of Isr but it would be left to them desolate as judgement from God. v 37 is not about man's free will and God wanting to do something but man's free will is stopping God's plans. This passage is about the Jewish leaders being held accountable and judged. 27:10 Third common passage used against Calvinism - 2 Pet 3:8 36:00 Who is the "you" in 2 Pet 3:9? It is believers. The "all" in v 9 is part of the "you". The "all" is not all of humanity. We are saved today because God has been patient and JC has not come back earlier than now so that he can gather his elect ppl throughout the yrs to himself. He doesn't want any of the elect to perish but they come to repentance, which is a gift of God and involves the Spirit of God, changing the heart of mankind 39:25 Fourth common passage used against Calvinism - 1 Timothy 2:3-4 For whom is the man, Christ Jesus the mediator for? Paul would have had in mind Lev 6 and the high priest and offerings, intercessions (re Rom 8, Heb). For whom does Christ intercede for? The pattern for the great high priest was that the offering, the sacrifice, the blood is taken into the holy place to be sprinkled on the altar. So the intercession, the mediation was for the same people that the sacrifice was made. Romans 8:26-34 (CSB) 26 In the same way the Spirit also helps us in our weakness, because we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because he intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. 28 We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. 29 For those he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, so that he would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. 30 And those he predestined, he also called; and those he called, he also justified; and those he justified, he also glorified. 31 What, then, are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us? 32 He did not even spare his own Son but gave him up for us all. How will he not also with him grant us everything? 33 Who can bring an accusation against God’s elect? God is the one who justifies. 34 Who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is the one who died, but even more, has been raised; he also is at the right hand of God and intercedes for us.
Man definitely decides via free will God gave us. Btw, the word used for "whoever" in John 3:16 is "pas". Means ALL regardless of all the determinists trying to cloud the simple translation.
@@rocketsurgeon1746 You miss the context of John 3:16...Who was Nicodemus? A teacher of Israel. Hence, Jesus is not teaching what you assume he is teaching there. For He uses a term that was a synonym for the GENTILES at that time. Paul uses it in the same way in Romans and Rabbi's at that time did as well! "WORLD." Jesus is saying that the Jews thought they were Abraham's Seed, Jesus is showing that he is Messiah by harking back to Isaiah and the prophecy that the Messiah would bring the gentiles (the World) to God! Clear???
@@SugoiEnglish1 i understand the simple context of john 3:16 fine. nice dance around the true meaning brother, but it doesn't logically make sense. put simply, what main point do you want to debate?
Oh it is so deeply encouraging to me that I had no part to play in my salvation - AND - that I have no part in my continuing on this narrow path - even my most scattered discipline is the hand of the Father drawing me in - if any of this had been up to me I would also have been left desolate
Stephen,, thankyou so much for reminding me of this truth because I have been praying for my loved ones with such a aching and heavy heart but it is all about God doing His work,not me;
@@PlanetRockJesus ???? Jesus hears& answers our prayers,so l will keep praying,Stephen kindly reminded me that it's by God's Grace& His ,unmerited favour that makes things happen ,not us.
@@PlanetRockJesus go read "The sovereignty of God" by Arthur W. Pink. Seriously, don't brush me off and plug your ears and say "No no no it's wrong! And I won't hear a thing about it because I'm right." Plz don't do that. Read the book, let's stay in touch, and then tell me what you think. I'd love to discuss the issue with you in more depth and perhaps in private, so we can have an uninterrupted Convo.
@@Chirhopher hi, I put a comment on here about a video I watch shows the translation of the Messiahs name isnt Jesus. That it would be more like Joshua. But they also stated, theres a symbol in revelation stating the name of the antichrist and it was pronounced Cheezus, no J's in Greek, they said it would be jesus is the name of the antichrist and the Messiahs true name is Yahuah or Yashuah. Do you know anything about this, it seemed to make since, but I know nothing of Greek translation. I am basically diving in deep into the bible, feeling I am being pulled or pushed. I have very little time into the word, was in jehovah's witnesses at very young age for short time, but that was it until about 6 months ago. Please help or pass into someone that can. I saved this video if they would like to watch and see what I am talking about. Thank u
Calvinism is like Catholicism they both cherry pick scripture and throw away biblical context . Folks the Biblical God does not decide who is save and who is damned . Calvinism claims everyone in hell Jesus refused to died for . Nonsense Calvinism is a lie and it’s tulip is folly
Ah, predictably a troll makes a monumentally ridiculous statement comparing Calvinism (better stated as Reformed Theology) to Catholicism (an apostate body which grossly mutated the Christian faith). One must have such a severe disconnect from reality and reason to compare the RCC to the reformers who stood in direct opposition to them on many fronts. Arminianism is far closer to Catholicism, especially with both systems' synergistic understanding of soteriology. It is the reformed who are theologically consistent. I recommend that our wayward friend actually listen to White's and others' explanations of the reformed lens of Christianity. It might help him see the errors of Arminianism, as happened with me. Oh, our gratuitous troll offered no scriptural support for his false assertions. That's interesting, considering that's exactly what James White did in this presentation and with sound biblical hermeneutics, as per usual. I don't normally answer trolls' comments, until they make inadvisable statements against God's revealed truths. Finally, I seriously doubt he/ she even cared to watch this presentation. Sad, but there is hope. There was for me, a man who has the distinction of having been a cultist, then an atheist, then an Arminian before grasping the most pure lens of Christianity that I've found, i.e., Reformed Theology.
Thank you so much for your explanations of these passages and pointing out the great necessity of understanding the context and following the thought through the whole passage as in the last one in 1 Timothy!
Masterful explanation of these passages and the vital role of context determining the proper meaning of Scripture. Thank you for sharing the proper interpretation of these passages. There is eternal value in this content as it reveals what God communicated His will and wisdom in Scripture for us to know.
thank you! this is so helpful as people hurl these verses at me without me finishing one sentence regarding 'man's free will'. I was a calvinist even before I knew the term and before I was even saved knowing hell was my probable destiny. I was doing everything I knew to please God but hopelessly lost. It was 💯% Him no doubt. It 's amazing how hostile and vicious Christian evangelicals are regarding these interpretations. It makes perfect sense God pursued me completely and overrode my 'free will' with His. Thank you Dr. White for carefully examining the text and explaining how consistent hermeneutics plays into these interpretations
So, to sum up. We are nothing but robots, God is a chess player, he makes us make choices and he makes us do what he wants ? Right? So God made Adam sin? God makes us sin? God is the doer of all evil since he controls us right? lol. oh boy im a robot with no free will .
@@steven-u1q As usual you anti-Calvinists misrepresent what we believe and strawman everything and then proceed to criticize the strawman you made up. So very dishonest.
@@MrShain1611 In the analogy the clay is sinful humanity from which God (the Potter) creates vessels for honor and vessels for common use, or as Paul goes on to say, vessels of mercy and vessels of wrath. If we look back to Ephesians 1, God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world. Therefore the decision for mercy or wrath was prior to creation.
@@jameshoyt3692 God freely chose to create men exactly how he did, with the ability to make choices according to the desires of their hearts. He did so for His own glory. Since all men are born in Adam we are by nature children of wrath, enslaved to sin and our hearts desire to do that which is not pleasing to God. Eph 2:1-3, Romans 1:18-20, Romans 3, Romans 6:6, Romans 8:7-8, John 8:34.
I like refreshing my Heart and Mind with teachings about these truths.....What I find very Interesting is that Teachers of olden days knew this stuff just by comparing Scriptures with Scriptures, No computers or in many cases no Concordances. A great READ on this topic in light of the earlier olden days is A.W. Pink's Article Called, Objection's To God's Sovereignty Answered.
You mean the teachers of olden days that were influenced by Augustine? He was the one who brought the deterministic view into the church a few hundred years after the life of Jesus.
@@rockycomet4587 how about we just start with Ephesians chapter 1 and 2, rather than Jumping All Around and not zeroing in. If you read Ephesians 1 you will quickly realize that it is written to believers, and you will see the theme in him and in Christ around a dozen times just in chapter 1. Ephesians 1 is not how somebody gets into Christ oh, but it is about what happens to those who are in Christ and they're guaranteed predestined future. This plan was purposed and centered on Christ. The father was pleased with his son and shows that all who belongs to his son will share a glorious future. The plan is about Christ the only true elect before the foundation of the world. The father was not looking at individuals as Calvinists and arminians think, but he was looking at his son and decided the destination of all those who will be long to his son Ambi in him. So you calvinist have a very man-centered view of Ephesians 1, and seek to take the spotlight off of Christ and put it on the special supposed chosen individuals before the foundation of the Earth.
00:00 Intro 07:42 John 3:16 14:50 Word study “The World” “everyone believing” 20:02 Matthew 23:37 Judgement 27:30 2nd peter 3:9 about the 2nd Coming 39:37 1st timothy 2
One thing I want to point out and that is 2nd Peter 3 9 The Lord is not slack concerning HIS PROMISE, (TO THE CHURCH) AS SOME MEN COUNT SLACKNESS, (TO THE LOST) but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. (BACK TO THE CHURCH) ✝️❤️🙏
”And he said, “I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name ‘The Lord.’ And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.“ Exodus 33:19 The Lord doesn’t owe anyone salvation, in fact we all should be condemned. No one earns salvation but by the Grace of God. The very act of faith itself is a gift from God given to people who he chooses. Where many of us go wrong would be to believe that God would choose unjustly. But we know that God is a just being, a loving being, so we are also given the faith that he chooses justly. The entire Bible is riddled with God choosing people, like the entire nation of Israel, David, Saul, all apostles, Jonah, the prophets… God could’ve chooses who he reveals himself to. He doesn’t force us to commit evil though, that’s our natural state apart from God.
@@matthewizzo3350 where in he Bible does God choose people for salvation? Not a purpose, but salvation. Also, you cannot say people commit evil based on their natural state and separate that from god being in control of what natural state they have. You are saying it is god's fault
So who caused you to reject Calvinism until 29? So who caused to remain Godless till 29? You were only obeying the Calvinistic Reformed Theology god's predestined decree, that's called obedience. So there's nothing to be ashamed of till your 29 years, you were only obeying your god, just like all the Calvinistic Reformed Theology predestined reprobates, who'll go to hell inspite of being obedient the Calvinistic Reformed Theology god's decretal will.
Dr. Whites conclusion about how to present the truth to others played a large role in bringing me out of Ruckmanism and extreme KJVO ism and into a reformed understanding of the scriptures.
So which was it, JW brought you out, or were you predestinated? JW message about the Potter and the clay falls apart when you ask him did the clay come after creation?
I've listened to Jeff preaching to mormons, basically because I scaped the cult 10 years ago. I had to start all over again, getting rid of my false beliefs that Jesus Christ was not a literal first born son of "heavenly parents," was immensely hard, plus needed to place Jesus Christ as God, without beginnimg and without end; tremendously challenging. Indoctrination is indeed hard to brake from. Nowadays, these things are behind me, totally a renewed individual in every single aspect of my life. The biggest lesson, "don't trust anyone, only God Himself " Dr. White, from beginning to end, "don't stray away from the text, do not read into it, be consistent." I am sure the audience was filled by God- loving individuals, am sure Dr. White is sincere about what he believes is the right way back to God. However, in my quest for freedom from religion and laying men, from teachers of scriptures, especially, God Almighty took me by the hand and guided me through truths. So, if I open my Bible and point out to Dr. White passages of scriptures never considered before, I am pretty sure he, and almost most interpreters of the Holy Scriptures found in the Bible, will right away call me to rependence. Am, like millions of others born totally, again Christians are the worst kind of humanity, and are called all kinds of names everywhere. Without a doubt, no going around it, if the Bible will be taken literally, with no pre conceived notions, or without the effect of brain washing by interpreter of the scriptures, teachers in academia; the Holy Bible will reveal amazing things, hidden things that by God's will millions around the world have come to the knowledge of. When this happens, all of these issues of who is right, who is wrong game ends, and there is only the love of God, the important place avery creation has, and most, that humans are most important than all other things seen on earth. There is no more need for others to interprete the scriptures for you, you get to understand all truths under the umbrella of one great whole. The Bible it's so much more that a tool of contention, worse even, to make a living off. From Genesis 1:1 to the last verse in Revelations, God Almight, Jesus Christ, teaches the way, shows the love and warns about impending dangers in losing one's salvation, gives the secrets of how to find the key of the narrow gate. We need to remember God saying, few will find the straight road that leads to the narrow gate. Why is this? I give praises to Him, the Master of man's salvation, The advocate before the Father for all men of sound understanding. He is, who takes man to his final destination, according to His will and pleasure. His name is Jehushua Hamashiac, King of Kings, Lord of Lords. This knowledge is available to everyone, any one with sincere intent to know who God really is and is willing to let go of old traditions, temptations, love for things and self, can get the key to unlock the great mysteries of our Holy Bible.
run from this cult too, brother. study the Bible in it's clear reading. avoid the whites of the world that pretend they have a greek secret that changes the clear meaning
Calvinism takes verses out of context or insert their meaning of elect into places it does not exist. John 6 the Lord Jesus' own words He gives His life for the world and not just for the elect that is not written anywhere. These two verses make it simple only some men try to make it complicated. No man can come to the Father unless He draws them, so He calls all men. This false teaching limits the grace of God and the precious blood of the Lamb and condemns men without mercy or hope and they will be judged so. Calvinism is not even an Exegesis but is made like most false teachings are made, by Eisegesis if you do not know the difference. It is most likely you are deceived. )) Jhn 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me DRAW him: and I will raise him up at the last day. Jhn 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will DRAW ALL MEN unto me.
John 12:32 means both Jews and Gentiles, if it meant everyone that would be universalism because the first verse you quoted says those He draws He raises up.
@@StudioEnergizerMV Not exactly, it is universal on God's part and the Lord Jesus said He gave His life for the world, John testified the Lord Jesus is the Lamb of God takes away the sin of the world, World Greek cosmos or universe same meaning. The Lord Jesus does raise every man up, for He is the Resurrection but not all believe, follow in obedience or abide in Him to the end, so some are raised to glory or resurrection of the just and others are raised to damnation or resurrection of the unjust. Like you said Jew and gentile that is everyone , so who does that leave out? The Lord Jesus came to save sinners and all have sinned, so who does that leave out? God is not willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance. So who does that exclude? I can show many examples from the Scriptures, why this teaching is false yet you cannot show one verse that Lord Jesus came to just save the elect. The elect are not elected until they believe that is how they become the elect and not before. Grace THROUGH faith. Calvinism is gnostic humanism based on man’s circular reasoning not God’s or His word. Strange how they boast of the sovereignty of God yet they blame Him for the fall of man and condemns men without mercy or hope.
@@thetruthimpartIt says He choose us before the foundations of the world so yes there is the elect. Also Jesus came to save His people(anyone who would believe on him) not everyone like you would suggest as universalism. 2nd Peter 3:9 is to the elect. Everyone is a sinner but in Ephesians it talks about Jesus saving a certqin group of sinners.
@@thetruthimpart also only some calvinists blame God for the fall and you said He damns certain people to hell withput mercy or hope. He is completely justified to do that, He does not owe us any mercy we all have sinned and fall short of His glory and deserve to die. It shows Him being rich in mercy to save any of us at all.
Okay, I see a pattern here. So now I completed his interpretation of 2 Peter3:9. Is there a reason he didn't read a few scriptures further in that same short chapter? Verse 15 says "Bear in mind that the Lord's patience means salvation". Please Dr. White, you have not finished reading this passage "for what it says".
Well make sure read the Bible in context not just a verse or two because Calvinism is a false doctrine that cherry picks scripture. The Tulip is utterly false . In fact Calvinism god is completely contrary to the Biblical God The monster god of Calvinism Calvinism teaches that before any humans were born, God picked out which of us would spend eternity with Him and which ones would end up in eternal conscious torment. The Reprobate Calvinist think Hell was created for all the people God refused to love . They had no choice but God created them to be damned So yes even babies who died go to hell if they were not one of the preselected special elected. Biblical say hell Original purpose was not created for humans . That no one is special above anyone else . Bible salvation is available to anyone who will by their free will to seek and believe . God chased Israel all through the Old Testament trying to get them to follow him . God said clean your heart and follow me . Even know God wanted them they refused . Free will folks and proves Calvinism a lie
@@danphillips3580 You’re not talking about the subject of the video. You’re not giving scripture to make your points. You’re using bullying/hyperbolic/fear mongering language. That’s three strikes, You’re Out!
@@AK-qc8ix oh you people who do not like the whole context of scripture Was Apostle Paul being a bully when he called the Galatians FOOLS? Or was Jesus being a bully when he took a whip to the money changers? I used the whole truth of scripture . You just cannot take the truth that Calvinism is a lie . Truth offends you . Truth is a bully to you . The whole OT has God trying to get Israel to follow him . God pleads with all of Israel to turn to him Calvinism say the opposite of that . Calvinism say they cannot follow God unless God decide they can. Well the Whole OT disagrees with Calvinism . Jesus said of Jerusalem Jerusalem how often I want to how do you under my wings but you refused.. Some bible version say ( and you would not allow me to) Humanity has a free will choice to seek and find Jesus , God does not choose some for hell and some for heaven . Hell is where all who willfully refused to seek . They are without excuse Calvinism is a cult Seems you are in
@@MrShain1611 Hi Jim. Thanks for your reply. Let say this was predetermined. Predestination still requires a response of gratitude and thankfulness on my part according to the Bible. Do you agree?
So God continues to create souls in the form of man for the sole purpose of having them suffer on Earth and then suffer eternally in Hell (predetermined, double predestination)? That sounds like the machinations of a sadistic demon - creating lives for the sole purpose of eternally torturing them. Sin isn't even intelligible in the Calvinist interpretation because it requires that all sin is necessarily manufactured by God and God alone (rather than human rebellion) - how can it be classified as sin when all one is doing is exactly what God has crafted them to do? If you go all the way back to first principles, Genesis, etc, it's clear that the implications of the Calvinist interpretation is completely inconsistent with God as characterized by the scripture - while non-Calvinist interpretations have no such problem the second you realize that *God uses his sovereignty to grant us free will; He is in complete control but intentionally allows us to go our own way (think of a parent and a toddler)*.
You have to explain why most ppl end up in hell also. Surely your God can save them, he can do whatever he wants, so why doesn't he? He doesn't want to violate their free will? If I see you running towards a cliff I'm going to tackle u and violate your free will but your all loving God won't? I could say that your God is sadistic. He watches millions suffer burning for eternity and says I'd rather they suffer than violate their will? Why did your God create hell in the first place and allow the majority to go there and suffer for eternity? Sounds cruel to me?
Calvinists and Reformed theologians are like the Scribes and Pharisees of today. They are the intellectuals who impress with great scriptural knowledge and authority and win debates yet miss the entire Gospel.
This is a self defeating argument on John 3:16. "The world" must mean the elect because you're assuming that Limited Atonement has to be true? Even in that context, it's still the same word used for the human world all of the other places.
The idea is that the same word for world is used in at least 10 different ways therefore the word by itself proves nothing. If you synthesize it with the rest of Jesus' teachings and scripture on the whole then a good interpretation would be that it's referring to the elect.
Kosmos is found in chapter 1 as well. John 1:6 True light (Jesus) that gives light to everyone (elect?) was coming ...that all(elect?) might believe. V. 9-13 the world (elect?) did not recognize him...Yet to all(elect?) who did recieve him ...he gave the right to become children of God. Is the kosmos of John 3:16 the same kosmos of 1:9 or not? He came for this same world but 1:9 says the world does not recognise him, does it mean the elect does not recognise him?
@@ethanmulvihill7177So you mean to say that from this very verse alone we can't determine the meaning of the world? You have syncretized all and come here?
@@tactapologetics Yes. I'd add that the word is equally pliable when used in other sources. Not the word "the world," of course, but the original Greek. We shouldn't assume we know the full meaning of a word based on our personal understanding of an English translation. Furthermore, Postmillennialism gives a bright hope for the entire world to be saved. Not meaning every single person who has ever lived, but "the world." We're not basing limited atonement off of saying that "the world doesn't refer to every single person," as that would be an argument from silence and a weak one at that. Rather, we take what other, more specific verses actually say and assume that this means the same thing (as there's nothing that actually does contradict unless you're misunderstanding the text).
@@ethanmulvihill7177 Calvinist, D.A Carson said otherwise. He said: "I know that some try to take ko´smoy (“world”) here to refer to the elect. But that really will not do. All the evidence of the usage of the word in John’s Gospel is against the suggestion (The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God, p. 17)
Thank you to the team at Apologia Studios for these helpful videos. I'm from New Zealand and it's amazing how much God has used your work to speak to me about these amazing truths. I hope you visit New Zealand soon so I can shake your hands and look you in the eye when I say "Thank you". Don't ever get tired of doing your work passionately for the sake of the elect who are yet to come to the knowledge of these truths. ❤️❤️❤️
Hey brother. I have a question for you. Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. 12 Therefore many of them believed; also of honourable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few. These in Berea believed because they were more noble than those in Thessalonica. What does being more noble have to do with being unconditionally chosen? Thanks
Hey brother @@evanu6579, thank you for your question. I love it when I see a brother searching the scriptures for answers. That is a fair question. Let's examine the verse. The Bereans were “more noble” because of their willing reception of the Word of God. Unlike the unbelieving Thessalonian Jews, the Bereans were eager to hear the teaching of Paul and Silas, comparing it to the Old Testament scriptures, honestly listening and conducting further personal research which led many Bereans to faith in Jesus. If we look at the Bible verse you mentioned on its own, then you have made a really good point. It seems like God does not appoint people unto salvation since that was not mentioned here at all. However, we don't cut a 5-second clip from a 2-hour movie and make a conclusion of what the movie is about. In the same way, let's study the context of the verse you've given against the context of the whole book of Acts and the Bible. We know the Bible does not contradict itself, and it's infallible. So we should explain scripture using scripture. Please do your honest personal research of the scripture I'll give here. A few chapters before this verse, it was written in Acts 13:48... "And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord. And as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed." We see in this verse that the reason the Gentiles here believed, is because they had been appointed to eternal life. Then let's look at the teachings of Paul, you will see that in his letters, he would always begin with something like "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will- to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves." (Ephesians 1:4-6) As Jesus summarized it in John 6:65 "He went on to say, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.” The reason the Bereans believe the teachings of Paul is because the Father has enabled them first to see and hear. And if they did not listen to Paul, they would have not heard the gospel for which they were saved, and that's why the author said "because they were more noble....". See also Romans 10:14 I hope and pray that you honestly search the Word of God with an open mind and humble heart. Don't let your own understanding and emotions get in the way of what God is saying.
@@louisandrewsancheztungol2118 Thanks for the response. I really appreciate that. I’m still not quite sure why they would believe because they were more noble. That doesn’t seem to fit the idea of total depravity or unconditional election. I see Acts 13:48 to be speaking of a certain category of people. It was ordained that whoever feared God would be given to Jesus..... Mal 3:16 Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name. 17 And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Mal 4:2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. So when Paul went to the synagogue on the sabbath, he would seek out men who feared God from the old covenant. They would be given over to the new covenant..... Acts 13:16 ¶ Then Paul stood up, and beckoning with his hand said, Men of Israel, and 👉🏻ye that fear God, 👈🏻give audience. Acts 13:26 ¶ Men and brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, and 👉🏻whosoever among you feareth God👈🏻, to you is the word of this salvation sent. These Gentiles were there because they feared God. Why else would they go to the synagogue in the first place? They brought their God fearing friends the next Sabbath and as many as were appointed to eternal life, believed. In other words, whoever feared God was given over to the new covenant of eternal life. Now that was how the new covenant began. A separation was distinguished between God fearing covenant keepers and God haters. Those who rejected God couldn’t come because they were hardened. Those who feared God would come. The new covenant is the kingdom taken from the Jew and given to the Gentiles. God fearing Gentiles were given to Jesus as were God fearing Jews, but Gentiles in general weren’t hardened as the Jews were. The kingdom was given over to them. That generation of Jews was hardened for judgement that was passed down in 70AD (Matt 23). So John 6 was speaking of Jews. Eph 1:3-12 is speaking of apostles and 13 is when Paul says and you also believed which is Gentiles. We can discuss this some more if you like. Verse 12 can only pertain to the Jew and verse 9 in particular can only pertain to apostles in Eph 1. I’m still curious why some would believe because they’re more noble though? God bless
@@CBALLEN So you’re saying that it’s possible for the totally depraved to be more noble than others in such a way that they would seek God and be saved because of it? Whether it’s God working in them or not, you’re still going against the foundation of Calvinism which is total inability.
Calvinism is a lie The good news, however, is that “election, elect, chosen” (and the derivatives) are terms that have nothing to do with one’s eternal destiny. Scripture does speak at length of “the elect” and “the chosen” but these terms are devoid of the Calvinistic sense of someone who has been chosen to receive eternal life. The term elect and its derivatives therefore are not salvific in meaning but simply refer to persons or things that are chosen for a particular purpose and the purpose has nothing to do with eternal life. Once the definition of the word is established biblically, the foundation of Calvinism will be undermined and will collapse and arguing the tenants of TULIP will become inapplicable. The word elect (Greek verb: eklegomai ἐκλέγομαι; Hebrew verb: bakharבָּחַר) means to choose, select. The elect or chosen (as nouns or adjectives) are those people or things that have been elected, selected, or chosen for a particular purpose by someone. Scripture bears witness that elect and its derivatives have nothing to do with someone being chosen specifically to eternal life.
So I was taught the Doctrine of Calvinism in church and believe for many years that Calvinism is biblical sound Doctrine lately I've been doubting and I'm not sure why ....please pray for me saints 🙏! Thank you Jesus Christ 😇
DONT listen to Soteriology 101! If your gonna listen to Soteriology 101 then you might as well listen to Joyce Meyers or Joel Osteen....Just to give you an example of how bad and ignorant and disingenuous Soteriology 101 is, take note how he claims that Calvinism teaches that you have no reason to share the word or evangelize to anyone, and therefore you can be lazy.... That's a completely STRAWNAN. So, if you want to listen to an ignorant guy attack strawman, then all means listen to Soteriology 101. But if you want to hear someone accurately represent the other side - then stay far away from that channel.
@@jameshoyt3692 YOU are a liar! Don't be slandering me when what I said is a matter of fact; I can give Faith Rose the exact names of the videos and the time stamps and substantiate what I stated....I'm warning you though, pipe down and accept the fact that Leighton misrepresents Calvanism or get off of RUclips- but don't resort to falsely accusing others of lying, especially when they have evidence
@@Ttcopp12rt go right ahead and send the link. He says that if one were to follow the logical conclusion of calvinism then there would be no reason to witness aside from obedience. And he probably mention some calvinist that have taken it that far. That is very different from what you claim.
I find it somewhat ironic that in order to understand the word “world“ in John chapter 1, you (quite rightly) turn to 1John in order to point out (quite rightly) that the apostle John uses the word “world” in more than one way. However, in a debate, when a debating opponent does exactly the same -ie compares scripture with scripture - you accuse them of eisegesis and insist they stay exclusively within that chapter. And the cherry on the cake comes when you accuse others of inconsistency of methodology in dealing with Scripture!! I wonder if you are self aware enough to recognise that you repeatedly do the very thing you accuse others of doing? I have absolutely no problem with your logic or your conclusions - I simply am concerned at the lack of consistency and absence of generosity of attitude that you display to brothers in Christ who sincerely disagree with you. Repeatedly, I sense you do not profoundly engage with their position - acknowledging its strengths as well as weaknesses - but rather seem to enjoy a kind of theological chess, where you determine the ever changing rules in order to ensure a “victory”.
Doctor white never minds someone using another part of scripture if it's a direct parallel saying the exact same thing with different words or using another sentence that has the same word to define the word. It's when the debate opponents go to another part of The Bible where the subject matter is completely different and then insert it back into the one they were originally talking about. That is the inconsistency white refers to.
Interesting, so who's responsible for Adams sin? Just looking into Calvinism but I see much pride and disrespect to other believers. Also I have questions regarding the scriptures warning of the loss of salvation
Notice no one responds because they have no answer. If God controls everything and were just moist robots then we can't love and it is in fact God who sinned by forcing Adam and eve too eat of the fruit. They had no choice in the matter. Or we have free will and we can choose too belief or not and therefore truly love. If I paid a woman too tell a man she loves him and do things for him then does she truly love him? Nope.
@@OnTaRgEt16 I would except that premise but then you wouldn't be a 5 point calvinist but a 4 point. They say God has a hand in everything. That includes our want too sin which makes no sense for a Being who is perfect. More like the false god of Islam who hates, lies, and deceives. That's per his word in the in quaran.
Amen, if man had freewill before the fall that would discredit calvinisim at it's very core, on multiple levels. The elect, for 1, would have to have been chosen from the fall and not the foundation of the world so the calvinistic idea of predestination wouldn't stand for 1.
@@twaho good observation, try looking into a channel called beyond the fundamentals. Listen to predestination is nothing like you were told and also election is nothing like you were told
Calvinists are constantly accusing people of misrepresenting Calvinism, of not knowing what Calvinism “REALLY IS” and of engaging in straw man arguments against their doctrines. I think that most “Calvinists” aren’t REALLY Calvinists. They don’t even know what “Calvinism” is. There are some Calvinists who have studied Calvinism and know what it teaches. I would say that they are the minority, though. Yet, even they don’t seem to like to talk about the “bad side” of Calvinism. They seem to “hide it” and only talk about it when someone presses them on the issues. Or they engage in linguistic revision, regarding words like, “free will”, “sovereignty”, “author of sin”, etc. These quotes are straight from John Calvin’s book, Institutes of Christian Religion. Some of these quotes from John Calvin, will be astonishing to you. Some of these quotes from John Calvin, will disgust you (and rightly so). Some of you will actually agree with these quotes from John Calvin (which is very sad). Then there will be some “Calvinists” who won’t be able to agree with these John Calvin quotes. If you can’t agree with Calvin on these issues, then I don’t think that you should call yourself a “Calvinist”. And if you don’t call yourself a Calvinist, then I call upon you to make all Christians aware of TRUE Calvinism, so that they don’t become Calvinists, either. “Creatures are so governed by the secret counsel of God, that nothing happens but what he has knowingly and willingly decreed.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 1, Chapter 16, Paragraph 3) “The devil, and the whole train of the ungodly, are in all directions, held in by the hand of God as with a bridle, so that they can neither conceive any mischief, nor plan what they have conceived, nor how muchsoever they may have planned, move a single finger to perpetrate, unless in so far as he permits, nay unless in so far as he commands, that they are not only bound by his fetters but are even forced to do him service” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 1, Chapter 17, Paragraph 11) ”He testifies that He creates light and darkness, forms good and evil (Isaiah 45:7); that no evil happens which He hath not done (Amos 3:6). Let them tell me whether God exercises His judgments willingly or unwillingly.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 1, Chapter 18, Paragraph 3) “…salvation is freely offered to some while others are barred from access to it.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5) “We call predestination God’s eternal decree, by which he compacted with himself what he willed to become of each man. For all are not created in equal condition; rather, eternal life is fore-ordained for some, eternal damnation for others.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5) “…we say that God once established by his eternal and unchangeable plan those whom he long before determined once for all to receive into salvation, and those whom, on the other hand, he would devote to destruction…he has barred the door of life to those whom he has given over to damnation.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 7) “Therefore, those whom God passes over, he condemns; and this he does for no other reason than that he wills to exclude them from the inheritance which he predestines for his own children.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 1) “…it is utterly inconsistent to transfer the preparation for destruction to anything but God’s secret plan… God’s secret plan is the cause of hardening.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 2, Chapter 23, Paragraph 1) “I admit that in this miserable condition wherein men are now bound, all of Adam’s children have fallen by God’s will.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 4) “…individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death, and are to glorify him by their destruction.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 6) “But since he foresees future events only by reason of the fact that he decreed that they take place, they vainly raise a quarrel over foreknowledge, when it is clear that all things take place rather by his determination and bidding.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 6) Yet no one can deny that God foreknew what end man was to have before he created him, and consequently foreknew because he so ordained by his decree. And it ought not to seem absurd for me to say that God not only foresaw the fall of the first man, and in him the ruin of his descendants, but also meted it out in accordance with his own decision.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 7) “The first man fell because the Lord deemed it meet that he should.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 8) if you want to check the accuracy of these quotes, I have given the references to each one. John Calvin was not a “great man of God”, a “great theologian” or a “great reformer” In fact, I don’t think that he was a Christian at all. Calvin might have been a Christian at one point in time, but not when he wrote any of the above nonsense. The “god” of John Calvin and the God of the Bible are NOT the same God. Calvinism is NOT “Christianity” I haven’t misrepresented Calvinism. I haven’t engaged in straw man arguments against Calvinism. I have properly represented the Calvinism of John Calvin. Am I saying that a “Calvinist” must agree with John Calvin on EVERYTHING in order to be a “Calvinist”? No. BUT, I am saying that you must agree with him on issues concerning soteriology, if you are going to call yourself a “Calvinist” such as predestination, free will, sovereignty of God, etc. If you aren’t willing to agree with the T.U.L.I.P. of John Calvin, then stop calling yourself a Calvinist. If you aren’t willing to agree with the above quotes from John Calvin, then stop claiming that people don’t understand Calvinism, are misrepresenting it or are straw manning Calvinism.
Right on. It's the slickest, hardest to attack, deception, ever created. It actually turns Christianity on its head. Up is down. White believes sin is what you do. Sin is also what you think. Lust is adultery. Calvinism renders repenting to no effect. So why even do it. Clever. Subtle. Brilliant. AND, they can back it up with scripture! Just attach illogical meanings to passages and there you go, throw in a lot of Pride for having been picked, and sin is to non-effect. No need to repent when your already picked.
Thanks for such a long comment. I found it very interesting reading it. I agree with Calvins statements. I really believe that's what scripture implies in John 6+10+17, Romans 3+8+9, Ephesians 1+2, and many other passages. Even for me as a Christian who believes the Doctrines of Grace it's sometimes hard to believe in the horrible destiny of the lost we see in Roman's 9. I found it really hard to embrace this doctrines. But it was harder to deny that Jesus and Paul taught this doctrines. That's why I got a calvinist. May God bless you.
Don't worry from these negative comments, I know what you meant. The more you read the Bible the more you see God's overarching grand plan of electing and preserving a people of his choosing for his own good pleasure, to the praise of his grace.
My pastor always says as a reason to rebuttal the doctrines of grace “hell hath enlarged itself,” “hell was made for the devil and his angels,” and that John 6’s “draw” really means “to woo” I disagree with my pastor.
The Bible says hell was made for the devil in his angels, but people will still end up there Idolators, witchcraft, adulterers, fornicators, murders etc
Just look one verse after matt 23:38! Matt 23:39 says "...for you shall see me no more til (until) you say, 'blessed is He who comes in the name of Lord'". This indicated that even these 'brood of vipers' were not beyond redemption. Their fate had not been determined for them. If they would recognize Jesus as the messiah and savior they would be grafted back into the promise (rom. 11:23) Their house would be desolate because of their disobedience and hardened hearts toward Jesus, but only TIL they repented and believed.
All these things are said that you will have no excuse just because he calls all men to repent and believe does not mean you have a free will. It is so that you will be without excuse.
FFW to the end then hit replay. That will take care of all the ads. Sorry YT but there was way WAY too many ads in this when it first loaded for me. It breaks up the thought processes and makes it harder to absorb...perhaps thats intentional though.
Dr. White thank you for clarifying the "gathering under the wings" passage. (26:00) I do have a question: If the issue is ultimately God's sovereignty vs. man's free will, why was it even an issue for Jesus that the Jewish leaders stood in the way of Him gathering "their children" under His wings? Obviously they could not be successful in preventing the drawing of those chosen by God...
Calvinism is a lie The good news, however, is that “election, elect, chosen” (and the derivatives) are terms that have nothing to do with one’s eternal destiny. Scripture does speak at length of “the elect” and “the chosen” but these terms are devoid of the Calvinistic sense of someone who has been chosen to receive eternal life. The term elect and its derivatives therefore are not salvific in meaning but simply refer to persons or things that are chosen for a particular purpose and the purpose has nothing to do with eternal life. Once the definition of the word is established biblically, the foundation of Calvinism will be undermined and will collapse and arguing the tenants of TULIP will become inapplicable. The word elect (Greek verb: eklegomai ἐκλέγομαι; Hebrew verb: bakharבָּחַר) means to choose, select. The elect or chosen (as nouns or adjectives) are those people or things that have been elected, selected, or chosen for a particular purpose by someone. Scripture bears witness that elect and its derivatives have nothing to do with someone being chosen specifically to eternal life.
@@danphillips3580 Funny, I just listened to someone teaching in Romans 8 trying to argue this, but it's simply not true. For example, the call in Acts 2:39 is not talking about a vocation or some other purpose, but clearly salvation. Scripture teaches the opposite of the idea that the elect, the chosen, or the called are some kind of sub group within the number of saved persons: Eph. 4:1-6 says we are all called to one Lord, one Spirit, one body, one hope, etc; Gal. 3:26 tells is in Christ we are all sons of God, just to reference a couple passages.
Is it just me or did RUclips cram an exorbitant amount of ads into this video? Otherwise, as usual, Dr. White’s teaching is extraordinarily helpful. Especially for one as new to the doctrines of grace as I am.
I hope they didn't drag you in Augustinian predestination is a Christian cult. Like literally, the enlighten ones get it. The rest are lower than them, no reason, they were born that way.
I actually need to get adblock to listen to a Christian sermon without interruptions. Unbelievable... imagine listening to Dr. White's 2-3 hour debates with all these ads in them.
very condescending assuming "They have not read it or understood it wrong", I have found discussions of calvinism vs amenianism more part of the beauty that God had provided for us to explore his nature so that we may know and experience him better. Personally I find inconsistencies in both and look forward to an eternity being able to explore God more.
There are parts where we have to humbly admit that we don't know and can never know His secret counsel. May I ask what inconsistencies you've found with Calvinism?
Well make sure read the Bible in context not just a verse or two because Calvinism is a false doctrine that cherry picks scripture. The Tulip is utterly false . In fact Calvinism god is completely contrary to the Biblical God The monster god of Calvinism Calvinism teaches that before any humans were born, God picked out which of us would spend eternity with Him and which ones would end up in eternal conscious torment. The Reprobate Calvinist think Hell was created for all the people God refused to love . They had no choice but God created them to be damned So yes even babies who died go to hell if they were not one of the preselected special elected. Biblical say hell Original purpose was not created for humans . That no one is special above anyone else . Bible salvation is available to anyone who will by their free will to seek and believe . God chased Israel all through the Old Testament trying to get them to follow him . God said clean your heart and follow me . Even know God wanted them they refused . Free will folks and proves Calvinism a lie
Thankyou James for this crystal clear exposition of these beautiful TRUTHS. I thank the LORD that HE has gifted you with your abilities to SEE and HEAR with spiritual eyes and ears.
I am so greatful for the vast amount of theologians out there. They remind me of the Sadducees and pharisees of Israel. So smart, and all knowing, and proud. I would be lost without them. People listen READ YOUR BIBLE ALL THE WAY THROUGH with lot's of prayer and you will have come to know Gods word and not mans word.
Please keep in mind that Christ gave us teachers for a reason. Check out Ephesians 4. Not everyone who seeks to study the word of God is conceited with head knowledge alone. I love Dr James White because he speaks Biblical truth. I live for Christ and if anyone speaks against his word, I will rebuke them. If they knowingly speak against His Word I will not listen to them at all. God bless you
I just want to know what happens to free will within the Calvinist interpretation?? I’m all for Gods sovereignty, but where does free will fit into the Calvinist version of it??
Free will is not so free that it prevents God from being sovreign. I think our free will is as free as the free will of God makes it free. But absolutely not more than that.
Idk if you guys control this or not... but 13 ads in a 1 hour sermon is a bit excessive. I like to fall asleep listening to these sermons and having to skip an obnoxious ad every 7 min makes that kind of hard. I’m an all access sub so I went there but this sermon isn’t up there yet.
Billy R well I don’t want them to turn them off. It’s nice their ministry can be supported thru this. I just didn’t know if they had control over the frequency of them.
@@billyr9162 Well there was 13 yellow marks, and 3 of them (in the first 25 min of the video) were all video ads. I just went to a different video after that point, so maybe the remaining ones were banners. But the first 3 in a row were all video ads. I don't care if a banner ad is on the screen, because I'm not looking at the screen.
To me it seems simple to understand the "whosoever believes" means exactly that but the question is who can believe and why. Calvinism doesn't deny that whosoever believes will be saved. They assert that no one will believe unless God's grace is actively calling them. There are no inconsistencies and John 3:16 doesn't come close to disproving reformed theology.
Pastor James you have no idea how many times I get corrected on Ephesians 1 when it comes to predestination. I am told that passage is strictly for Paul and the apostles leading in that context..
So a simple person in a third world country reading John 3:16 would never get to know what it "really" means because they don't have a Calvinist or secessionist to explain it to him?
In the context of the simple person as in a third country who compares themselves to a rich white oppressor and think they have nothing and must adopt the western mindset to get anywhere in life-yea even they can get saved-they don't need to be like the modern pharisees or Facebook-influencers. Its not a socio-economic thing having to do with the individual's good works but a matter pertaining to the whole world!
So multiple times in scripture it says Jesus came to save THE WHOLE WORLD, yet Calvinism claims that being “saved” is predestined randomly by God? Where’s the free will?
Look up apologia studios address the concept of total inability or total depravity. Basically we are slaves to sin, haters of God, unwilling and unable to come to God unless God grants us mercy, gives us a new heart that will freely love and choose God. Otherwise its impossible. We freely choose according to our nature ie born again or not born again. Many people say "free will" and dont stop to think about what that actually means as people mean different things. Look up libertarian vs complementarian free will. God bless.
You are predetermined. Ephesians 1:5 and 1 Peter 1:2. Yes Christ did come to save the whole world but the Bible says that very few will go to heaven. P.S I’m not a Calvinist.
Disappointing. I enjoy hearing you speak, my brother. But using false equivalents aren't helpful; pojecting the antithesis of your main point upon bible believing people is, unnecessary?? No fundamentalist I know believes that God is "bummed" that those He desires to be redeemed reject the gospel. No "whosoever wills" believer I know consider themselves an Armenian, mostly because we read the Bible. We do not reject election or predestination, again, because we read the Bible. What we utterly reject is the silly implication that God fails by attoning for the sins of those who will reject His Sacrifice. The hoops, conjecture and context the preacher jumps through/drums up are very impressive. I admire and appreciate the effort you have invested in your dogma. I say this sincerely. However, I do not believe you would have come to the conclusions you have arrived at just from the study of scripture. Even with the full detail of context, exegesis, etc., and intellectually honest person may still need further additional outside influence to achieve those conclusions. Regardless, I value your ministry and devotion to scripture. I'm thankful you encourage your people to not cause division on issues that would be grounds for doing so. God bless you, and please continue defending God's word, and the Good News of Jesus Christ !
Someone help me. I try to get close to God daily. I read I pray but never felt anything like God speaking to me. Does that mean im not chosen and no matter what I do I can’t change that?!
The fact that you read His word daily and you desire closeness is a good thing. Remeber, do not walk by sight but by faith. God is always there with us whether we feel Him or not. Hope this helps 😄
Take heart! Don’t complicate salvation. If you love God and trust in the finished work of Jesus then you’re saved. I’ve gone through the very same thing in the past when I was exposed to Arminian hyper-charismatic teaching. Then after getting good teaching through countless hours of solid Reformed pastors I realized that hearing from God means reading and understanding the God-breathed scriptures. The better you exegete, the more clearly you hear from God. Secondly, hearing from God will most likely be better ascertained AFTER the fact when you look back on certain events knowing that you trusted God and He orchestrated it all. Proverbs 16:9 “The mind of man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.”
He knows your name and I want you to meet Him, show him you're serious try fasting or going into the wilderness. Cry out loudly in the spirit so that He might come to you in a still whispering voice.
Lindsey, He speaks to you through His word. Do you truly believe Jesus is who He says He is ? Do you recognize and hate your own sin and desire to turn from it? Are you growing in holiness? Because one evidence that you were chosen by God is Hebrews 10:14 14 For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified I suggest meditating on that as well as John 6:37 - 45 for starters. John 6:37 is my life verse and helped me TREMENDOUSLY!
Starting off dishonestly. No one is saying God is trying and failing. He “won” by conquering death and sin. If we choose to turn from his grace and his atonement for our sins, only we have failed. He draws all men John 12:32, and they then have the ability to come to him. John 6:44 (can come), not ( will come).
macolyis in John 6:64-65 Jesus tells us what he meant in John 6:44, he refers back to it, he says no one can come unless granted by the Father, Because they don’t (believe). Jesus knew some of those he spoke to did not not believe and one would betray him.
macolyis He goes on in John 12:44-47 to say: “Jesus cried out and said, “WHOEVER believes in me....I have come into the world as light, If ANYONE hears my words...judge the world but to save the world...” what words could God possibly use IF he was trying to say he is the way for ALL men, and not just the elect? greek or English, what words would he use? “He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.”
@@matthewizzo3350 No, I am assuming that when the creator comes down to earth and makes a statement that when he gets crucified, he will draw all men to himself, then he is obligated to keep his words.
Exactly. Christ died for the elect and you can pridefully rest on your laurels. Love isn't necessary. Faith isn't necessary. The blood of Christ can't cover a person that isn't elected. Heresy
Dr. Andy Woods, president of Chafer Theological Seminary is doing a series on "Neo-Calvinism vs. the Bible." It is worth watching to understand what Calivinism is really about.
John 3:16. The fact check: God has not loved everyone according to the Bible. Devils and demons more than believe in Jesus as the son of God, but that does not save them. So, that verse alone cannot be used as the absolute truth. Very good explanation, Dr. White!
If Calvinism were true it would make zero sense for Paul to call the Galatians fool for turning from the Truth . Or Jesus to call them foolish for not knowing scripture and knowing him .
That doesn't make any sense, if your assumption is that all Calvinists believe in predeterminism, that is just completely ridiculous. Read the London Baptist confession of faith
I would argue the opposite, I would argue that if Calvinism wasn't true, then there could have been more issues or more letters that Paul could have wrote, but sadly he died before he had the opportunity to write more letters.
@@michaeldorsey4580 Oh my God listen to this idiot so you’re saying Paul died without being on the right letters, Oh no, I guess God wasn’t involved lololo Hey fools, Calvinism is a damn lie. Scriptures call everybody a fool that follows a lie Calvinism is contrary scripture together in context Example God chose the Israelites Darn, they turned away from him, and God had to and tried to everything to get them to turn back and they wouldn’t That is contrary to Calvinism Because Calvinism claims have God chooses you, you can’t turn away. You have no choice. You don’t have a voice in God’s already made it so. Yeah, there is really no faith involved in Calvinism Folks say God forced you to believe him .
@@michaeldorsey4580 Calvinism doesn’t make any sense biblically It’s just a cherry picking of stupidity Well, you’re not a Calvinist then as you just think you are lolol The Calvin tulip is a total damnable lie I guess you’re really don’t understand what Calvinism is
Gods love is given to all his creatures. The ungodly receive blessings Fame wealth ability to invent cure diseases and climb mountains Explore countries and the depths of oceans scientific discoveries etc However salvation is a special gift Of god bestowed upon the elect
@Ren Ren you need to be careful how these Calvinists are indoctrinated. That reasoning doesn't come from the bible. I get the same thing from all Calvinists that God loves all his creatures but not salvifically. I don't know how can they harmonize that reasoning with the following verse: For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matthew 16:26
James White's arguments are completely lame. It's so sad that colleges and universities give these guys degrees. God does not decree that certain people will be saved and others will go to hell... gazillions of years before they even live and sin. That's just stupid. The ones Jesus was interceding for in John 17 were his disciples! He's not talking about every person who will ever be saved. Read the context. READ IT! You're in a Matrix, like in the movie, where you are believing lies.
One question i have is, if we have no "free will" then what's the point of preaching the gospel? Like if we can't choose to accept God's gift of grace then why would it matter who hears about it?
Because we know with certainty that God will save the elect. Like the parable of the sower, we preach the gospel to all, so that the elect will hear and believe. But, since I don’t know who the elect are, I must preach the gospel to all. It’s actually far more comforting to know I don’t have to move some an inch away from hell by my own power, it’s simply the Holy Spirit doing it for the elect.
"Thief In The Night"!! I remember seeing that at a youth really in NJ when it was released. Larry Norman composed the soundtrack, and "I Wish We'd All Been Ready" was the hit song from the movie. Yes, I'm old.
Dr. White you have clarified the scriptures for me and for this I am grateful. I was a diehard Armenian til I listened to you. Your handling of scriptures is amazingly clear and convincing . Thankyou God bless you and Rich
@@bobbyfischersays1262 Calvinists don’t say that God forces anyone to believe in Him. We say that nobody wants to believe in Him until He grants them a heart of flesh and eyes to see His justice and grace clearly. Then, once a person sees God as He is, he freely wants to believe.
@@UnlimitedMercy mental gymnastics, friend. According to your systematic, God is in meticulous and absolute control over every detail of the universe. He creates people unable and unwilling to believe and then He changes that person, through no act of will of their own, to have a different and opposite nature. Your systematic doesn't jive with the nature of God or salvation as revealed in the Scriptues. Come out of her
@@bobbyfischersays1262 I would disagree completely in that I find it to provide a much more consistent interpretation of the scriptures. What’s your background? Where are you coming from?
Well make sure read the Bible in context not just a verse or two because Calvinism is a false doctrine that cherry picks scripture. The Tulip is utterly false . In fact Calvinism god is completely contrary to the Biblical God The monster god of Calvinism Calvinism teaches that before any humans were born, God picked out which of us would spend eternity with Him and which ones would end up in eternal conscious torment. The Reprobate Calvinist think Hell was created for all the people God refused to love . They had no choice but God created them to be damned So yes even babies who died go to hell if they were not one of the preselected special elected. Biblical say hell Original purpose was not created for humans . That no one is special above anyone else . Bible salvation is available to anyone who will by their free will to seek and believe . God chased Israel all through the Old Testament trying to get them to follow him . God said clean your heart and follow me . Even know God wanted them they refused . Free will folks and proves Calvinism a lie
@@danphillips3580 Hey Dan, do you not believe that God knows the future? In your system does God not know what people will choose before he makes them? Does he not still make them knowing they they will go to Hell?
@@danphillips3580 “Bible salvation is available to anyone who will by their free will to seek and believe.” Please tell us who “seeks” according to Romans 3:11-12.
“A lot of people do present the idea that God is trying, trying, trying buuut as gracious as He is, He is failing”. One of two things is going on here: either he doesn’t know what those of us who believes God’s Grace is for all actually believes (because our belief definitely isn’t what he said in that quote) or he does know and is being deceptive. If it’s the first then he doesn’t need to be speaking on the subject and if the second then he can’t be trusted. We believe God has already succeeded in His work of Salvation and has presented it as a free gift to everyone. It’s simply up to us to reach out and accept the gift that He has paid for.
@@contextforchrist2395 This is another deceptive tactic used by Calvinists. It’s not about what God can or can’t do but about what He will or won’t do. This isn’t limiting His omnipotence or sovereignty. Just because He can do something doesn’t mean He will.
James White can’t know what it is like to put his head on his pillow at night and trust Jesus, because God did that for him. I trust Jesus and He appreciates it so much. God is moved by someone who trust Him. He thinks it is so sweet. We were created with the ability to choose. Everybody knows it!
@@BlakeRatliff-h8b We sin always that's why the non-compatibilistic freewilled choice to trust the GRACE (undeserved favor) of God brings gratitude. A Calvinist believes, sin is decreed by their god for his glory. So if the sinner sins compatibilistic obedience to the Calvinistic Reformed Theology god's decree, where's the transgression?
Not complicated. Predestination means you go to heaven or you go to hell. Nothing you think, say, or do changes that fact. If true, no point worrying about anything or trying to even live an honorable life.
The cool thing about the debate between determinism and free will is that you can examine the evidence for yourself and choose the perspective that seems best substantiated. Nice system
Calvinism is proof of just how important it is for us to feel "safe" within the consensus of an interpretive tradition... part of something bigger than ourselves. Any of us can come under dodgy teaching, and John Calvin's novel system (because he was at a pivotal and influential moment in history) unfortunately received cult like reverence among certain reformers and has thus influenced many many thousands afterwards. The real consensus of the mind of the Church on the matters of foreknowledge, predestination and the place of grace and free will in the entirety of salvation was clearly reached and taught amongst the post apostolic and Ante - Nicene Father's. The whole of the ancient church in both the east and the west, and also the majority of Protestants today, utterly reject Augustine's novel view of predestination in the early 5th century, and the "determinism" of Calvin in the 16th. Arguing with a fan of reformed / deformed theology is like arguing with a non Christian cultist (though obvs "Calvinists" are deeply consevative and Christian) ... You can't reason with someone who's brainwashed. They "swallow" the hard pill of "the terrible doctrine" out of reverance for God. They have also received a very warped and lopsided view of Christian history which "seems" to uphold Augustine and Calvin as the heroes and bastions of "true orthodoxy"... (oh the irony) ... a history lesson which is bias and has no actual basis in reality. (the JW's / Arians would have more of a case from history, and their doctrines (though wrong) make more Scriptural, philisophical and logical sense than those of some of the reformers) Divine determinism - to the point that Calvin took it - is irrational and horrific. In love ! Peace to all in Christ X
You must feel better about yourself now. Dr. White was exegeting Scriptures in the video but according to your ramblings you did not bother to watch it. Why comment then? Just for the sake of the rant? Or to pour the frustration out? Either or, you are in a wrong place here. In love!
@@luboshcamber1992 Wrong 😉 I watched it I commented on the historic side of things Your right though It was (partly) not in the true and humble and wise spirit of Christian love that I wrote it... He's brilliant in many ways and I love him and his humour when he is debating JW's or Unitarians etc... But he is notoriously dismissive and abrupt at times and his frustration towards the non Calvinist view / "side" often comes to the fore... and at that point... he hasn't got the backing of the majority concensus and therfore much of an "obviously reformed theology is the true hermeneutic" leg to stand on... so just giving a bit of the same frustration in return ✌️💚 He reminds me of Dawkins, who is a brilliant evolutionary biologist... but a terrible theologian / philosopher White is a great debater and apologist... but does not see very clearly outside of his reformed spectacles.
And how shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?
Heretical prayer: O Mother of Perpetual Help, thou art the dispenser of all the gifts which God grants to us miserable sinners; and for this end He has made thee so powerful, so rich, and so bountiful, in order that thou mayest help us in our misery. Thou art the advocate of the most wretched and abandoned sinners who have recourse to thee: come to my aid, for I recommend myself to thee. In thy hands I place my eternal salvation, and to thee I entrust my soul. Count me among thy most devoted servants; take me under thy protection, and it is enough for me. For, if thou protect me, I fear nothing; not from my sins, because thou wilt obtain for me the pardon of them; nor from the devils, because thou art more powerful than all hell together; nor even from Jesus, my judge, because by one prayer from thee He will be appeased. But one thing I fear: that in the hour of temptation I may through negligence fail to have recourse to thee and thus perish miserably. Obtain for me, therefore, the pardon of my sins, love for Jesus, final perseverance, and the grace ever to have recourse to thee, O Mother of Perpetual Help. This is a legit Roman Catholic prayer, look up "O Mother of Perpetual Help" if you want to know if it’s legit. This is super heretical. This doctrine of invoking departed saints doesn’t seem just like "hey it’s like praying to a friend.". . .
And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. -Jeremiah 29:13 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3:16 Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out. - Acts 3:19 :)
SCRIPTURES ABOUT THE ERRORS OF CALVINISM John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" Mark 16:15-16 " And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that BELEIVETH and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. Revelations 3:20" Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and OPENS the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." John 11:26" and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?" Acts 2:38" Peter replied, "Repent(one must repent, theres no preordained repentance one musy repent) and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And YOU WILL receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (not you already have). Romans 8:28-29 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him(who loves him??... People who have repented and accepted the gospel), who have been called according to his purpose. For those God FOREKNEW(key word here foreknew not foremade) he also predestined(he predestines those he foreknew) to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. Matthew 24:13 "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.( key word "he that endure" , this is on your own part) Matthew 24:31 "And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.( This is the end of this scripture who are the elect here??... The ones who have endured not the ones God made before they were born as elect. He foreknew however he didn't foremake) Shalom!
I listened to James white and Dave Hunt debate on the radio years ago 10 plus years ago with my arminiest Dave Hunt loving Church sister. She looked so stressed and she kept clearing her throat through the entire debate 😂 what stressed her out immensely brought absolute peace to my heart. What is interesting is my Arminian friends accuse Calvinists of living licenceuously, but they are the ones that lived that way and would always tell me that I'm too legalistic and dogmatic.
Calvinism is like this: God builds a house and makes people and puts them in the house. (He's the only fire escape. This we can all agree upon) He then determines, ordains, decrees (causes) that the people start a fire in the house - but in such a way that they somehow freely chose to start it and get all the blame. God then chooses to rescue some of the people out of the house. He could have saved all the people out of the house but he chose not to in order to show the people that he has rescued just how gracious He is and how fortunate they are because He could have left them like the other poor #@%+&*?s God then explains that He's reserved these others for the fire for no other reason than simply to make a point about how powerful He is, how powerless we are, and that He can basically just do what the heck He wants to, any time he wants to, because He's fully in control... (a controlling power tripper ! Thought that was the devil's job ?) The people He didn't save from the burning house still do serve a purpose though... they are visual aids - Praise God ! - highlighting to the rest of those He's made just how wonderfully awesome, holy, good, righteous and loving He is compared to the vermin He created to mainly hate on. And anyway, at the end of the day, whoever goes down in the fire in the house desered to because of their sin - which is such an outrage and offence in the eyes of Him Who (determined that they all be sinners in the first place and therefore couldn't have reasonably avoided being the little pyromaniacs that they are and who would eventually go down in the big flames) !!! ??? "Doomed from the womb" - J.C (John Calvin, not Jesus Christ) What a god !!! But glory to the real One X
@@Ttcopp12rt hey i'm still waiting for you to provide the links and time stamps.. Somehow your comment dissapeared but I managed to a take screenshot. So here is the comment you made- "YOU are a liar! Don't be slandering me when what I said is a matter of fact; I can give Faith Rose the exact names of the videos and the time stamps and substantiate what I stated....I'm warning you though, pipe down and accept the fact that Leighton misrepresents Calvanism or get off of RUclips- but don't resort to falsely accusing others of lying, especially when they have evidence"
i love the statement regarding "will". If God is indeed sovereign, then there are no circumstances in which our "will" can ever be more powerful than his intentions. Amazing perspective!
Standard free will argument. God can be sovereign and still allow for free will of the creature to repent and believe in the gospel.
So God said that He wishes none to perish. I guess the Calvinist’s god didn’t have all power and authority.
No common sense in Calvinism. Either God failed or their belief is wrong. I choose the second.
@@righteousrebelmedia5934 Amén to that brother I'm with you..
@@rocketsurgeon1746 That is what Calvinists believe! However, that free will is first enabled by God! Check out the Early Church Fathers on this...www.monergism.com/thethreshold/sdg/gill/The%20Cause%20of%20God%20and%20Truth%20-%20Gill.pdf
@@righteousrebelmedia5934 Incorrect conclusion! For we hold that there are 2 wills in God...this is a logical deduction based on two explicit texts: Daniel says, no one can thwart His will, and 2 Peter 3:9...God is not willing for any to perish. How do you reconcile these two explicit statements?
To think that I hated Calvinism in the past, only to realize that it was my pride and man-centered elevation that got in the way of understanding what the bible teaches systematically about who God is and who we are.
Me too.
Same. I was such a fool.
Me too Calvinism is awesome 😎
Amen, same here :)
1:32 Osteen be like: Herman Newticks? Never heard of him. 😂😂😂
😂😂😂😂 that's good
So would John MacArthur or any other Calvinist . They all twist scripture like Satan to follow themselves in the darkness
I was a MacArthurite ( love Pastor John MacAthur) attending a Calvary Chapel & totally attacked by Dave Hunt fans when I came into church one Sunday with my new MacArthur Study Bible. Although I'd heard of Calvin I didn't know anything about Calvinism. Yet Calvinism is how I understood the scriptures for the most part. So I was challenged by my CCC peers to search the scriptures. Long story short, I no longer attend a Calvary Chapel and I'm unashamedly a Calvinist. Still pre-millennial, but Arminian teaching makes me cringe. One tool that I came across many years ago was James White debating Dave Hunt....thank you James White. I thank God for MacArthur & White.
@Rod Evans Lord bless you & thank you for sharing! I was a Mormon who came to faith in a Pentecostal church. As time went on I really struggled, couldn't connect what I was being taught at church with what I was reading in scripture. Thus I fell into thinking it must be me, I'm new and must be getting attacked. Then one day I turned the radio on while driving home to see my family and Grace To You came on the radio and it was an explosion of truth in my soul. I went to a book store a few days later and purchased Ashamed of The Gospel and began listening to GTY every day. After about a year I listened to the Beatitudes series on repentance and for the first time I realized I was a sinner, I deserved hell. My norm was to read and think oh that's my husband or that's my dad...I know bad right! 😬God used that series to truly help me understand! I'm so grateful for John MacAthur! Today we live in a new area and can not find a biblically sound church. We thought we did until our pastor began preaching we were in sin to not get the coronavirus vaccination. We're not at peace with getting it, but the pressure continued. So we're searching for a new church. They're all progressive, Pentecostal or a cult denomination. Please pray for us. Right now John MacAarthur, James White and Voddie Bauchum are our lifeline so to speak. Praying & searching and hoping God will bring a solid pastor & church to our area. Lord bless you.
Did you get connected in a Godly church yet?
Poor Dear.
Biblical doctrine makes you cringe? That’s not good!
@@lorilemmonsharvey3633 I feel the same way. Well said
I went through the 2 Peter 3:9 deal with someone the other day.
I asked "Who is the letter to? Who is the "you" in the passage?"
"To the church".
"Ok... so he is patient toward YOU, not wishing that any should perish..."
"He's talking to the church, about the world."
"But he said 'patient with YOU', not 'patient with them' "
"But he's still talking about the world."
"So if I write you a letter, and tell you I'm being patient with you...I mean I'm being patient with someone else, not you?"
"He's still talking about the world, the church had already repented"
It's amazing how tradition can make you read "you" as "not you, them".
Not all of the church has repented yet brother... That's what he's saying... He is not willing that "you", all of the church, even deep into the future, "not perish" ; until the last saint that the father gave the son to die for, manifests repentance, and hence doesn't perish into eternal fire ; only then will yashuah come....
Richard Hislop I know. The person was using the verse as a verse contradicting election.
So you're saying:
"Not willing that any [OF THE ELECT] shall perish..."
@@richardhislop9928 I keep trying to fight this predestined "elect" stuff but it does become Increasingly harder...
...opened up my Bible today to:
"Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.
Therefore will I scatter them as the stubble that passeth away by the wind of the wilderness.
This is thy lot, the portion of thy measures from me, saith the Lord; because thou hast forgotten me, and trusted in falsehood." ~ Jeremiah 13:23-25
@@pennsyltuckyreb9800 Not willing that any of *you* should perish.
“You” would be the people he’s writing to. And the letter was addressed to “...those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ”
“Some of the worst interpretation you will find, you will find on the bases of verses that everybody thinks they already know what it means”
Oh what humility every one of us needs every time we open bibles! Thank you for your teaching!
True. At first hearing that might sound arrogant, but you take a moment to think about it… and you think of Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ…” and quickly realize the truth in his statement.
God's Power is amazing. Praise Jesus. Thank You, my Heavenly Father. I love my Lord.🤩😍🥰
Time stamps & summary of some of the major points:
10:00 First common passage used against Calvinism - Jn 3:16 literally reads "For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone believing in him might not perish but have eternal life", not "whosoever believes in him". The word "whosoever" isn't in the original Greek". By adding the word "whosoever" into the text it makes it sound like man can decide to be saved without intervention of God. Jn 3:16 doesn't address who can believe, or who has true faith.
16:20 Jn 3:16 literally reads "For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone believing in him might not perish but have eternal life". There is specificity in the text - who receives eternal life? Not every single person in the world, but only the one who believes in the Son.
19:20 Second common passage used against Calvinism - Matthew 23:37
Matthew 23:37 (CSB)
"How often I wanted to gather your children together" - who are the children? Those who followed the scribes and Pharisees, the Jewish leaders as shown in v 29:
Matthew 23:29 (CSB)
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
25:30 Matthew 23:37 (CSB)
but you were not willing! - Not they were not willing. The ppl God was wanting to gather was not "Jerusalem"/the Jewish leaders/the scribes and Pharisees, but their "children", the ppl who followed the scribes and Pharisees. Therefore v 37 is a statement of judgement upon Jer/the scribes and Pharisee for the way they made the word of God of no effect (see the rest of Mt 23 for how). The Jewish leaders saw themselves as being over the house of Isr but it would be left to them desolate as judgement from God. v 37 is not about man's free will and God wanting to do something but man's free will is stopping God's plans. This passage is about the Jewish leaders being held accountable and judged.
27:10 Third common passage used against Calvinism - 2 Pet 3:8
36:00 Who is the "you" in 2 Pet 3:9? It is believers. The "all" in v 9 is part of the "you". The "all" is not all of humanity.
We are saved today because God has been patient and JC has not come back earlier than now so that he can gather his elect ppl throughout the yrs to himself. He doesn't want any of the elect to perish but they come to repentance, which is a gift of God and involves the Spirit of God, changing the heart of mankind
39:25 Fourth common passage used against Calvinism - 1 Timothy 2:3-4
For whom is the man, Christ Jesus the mediator for? Paul would have had in mind Lev 6 and the high priest and offerings, intercessions (re Rom 8, Heb). For whom does Christ intercede for? The pattern for the great high priest was that the offering, the sacrifice, the blood is taken into the holy place to be sprinkled on the altar. So the intercession, the mediation was for the same people that the sacrifice was made.
Romans 8:26-34 (CSB)
26 In the same way the Spirit also helps us in our weakness, because we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because he intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
28 We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. 29 For those he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, so that he would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. 30 And those he predestined, he also called; and those he called, he also justified; and those he justified, he also glorified.
31 What, then, are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us? 32 He did not even spare his own Son but gave him up for us all. How will he not also with him grant us everything? 33 Who can bring an accusation against God’s elect? God is the one who justifies. 34 Who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is the one who died, but even more, has been raised; he also is at the right hand of God and intercedes for us.
John 12:32 says what it says too.
Man definitely decides via free will God gave us. Btw, the word used for "whoever" in John 3:16 is "pas". Means ALL regardless of all the determinists trying to cloud the simple translation.
are you buying his butchering of these scriptures?
@@rocketsurgeon1746 You miss the context of John 3:16...Who was Nicodemus? A teacher of Israel. Hence, Jesus is not teaching what you assume he is teaching there. For He uses a term that was a synonym for the GENTILES at that time. Paul uses it in the same way in Romans and Rabbi's at that time did as well! "WORLD."
Jesus is saying that the Jews thought they were Abraham's Seed, Jesus is showing that he is Messiah by harking back to Isaiah and the prophecy that the Messiah would bring the gentiles (the World) to God! Clear???
@@SugoiEnglish1 i understand the simple context of john 3:16 fine. nice dance around the true meaning brother, but it doesn't logically make sense.
put simply, what main point do you want to debate?
I could listen to James speak every day, the thoroughness at which he explains is impeccable
Keep up the fight dr white! Praise and glory to the Lord!
or study more cause your theology is not biblical
Oh it is so deeply encouraging to me that I had no part to play in my salvation - AND - that I have no part in my continuing on this narrow path - even my most scattered discipline is the hand of the Father drawing me in - if any of this had been up to me I would also have been left desolate
Stephen,, thankyou so much for reminding me of this truth because I have been praying for my loved ones with such a aching and heavy heart but it is all about God doing His work,not me;
@@Pawsforthought222 Funny reply.
The idea that God decoded who would be saved and who goes to hell, before the creation, is a doctrine of demons.
@@PlanetRockJesus ????
Jesus hears& answers our prayers,so l will keep praying,Stephen kindly reminded me that it's by God's Grace& His ,unmerited favour that makes things happen ,not us.
@@PlanetRockJesus go read "The sovereignty of God" by Arthur W. Pink.
Seriously, don't brush me off and plug your ears and say "No no no it's wrong! And I won't hear a thing about it because I'm right."
Plz don't do that. Read the book, let's stay in touch, and then tell me what you think. I'd love to discuss the issue with you in more depth and perhaps in private, so we can have an uninterrupted Convo.
"Everywhere they turn, it's there." Yup. That was my experience.
Awesome I finally got on live here love Dr James white I’ve learned a lot hearing all his debates
Great Joe, May YHWH Bless It to Your Soul!
~ sDg
A thief In The Night ... And You can throw on the Left Behind movie after that!
@@Chirhopher hi, I put a comment on here about a video I watch shows the translation of the Messiahs name isnt Jesus. That it would be more like Joshua. But they also stated, theres a symbol in revelation stating the name of the antichrist and it was pronounced Cheezus, no J's in Greek, they said it would be jesus is the name of the antichrist and the Messiahs true name is Yahuah or Yashuah. Do you know anything about this, it seemed to make since, but I know nothing of Greek translation. I am basically diving in deep into the bible, feeling I am being pulled or pushed. I have very little time into the word, was in jehovah's witnesses at very young age for short time, but that was it until about 6 months ago. Please help or pass into someone that can. I saved this video if they would like to watch and see what I am talking about. Thank u
Calvinism is like Catholicism they both cherry pick scripture and throw away biblical context .
Folks the Biblical God does not decide who is save and who is damned .
Calvinism claims everyone in hell Jesus refused to died for . Nonsense
Calvinism is a lie and it’s tulip is folly
Ah, predictably a troll makes a monumentally ridiculous statement comparing Calvinism (better stated as Reformed Theology) to Catholicism (an apostate body which grossly mutated the Christian faith). One must have such a severe disconnect from reality and reason to compare the RCC to the reformers who stood in direct opposition to them on many fronts. Arminianism is far closer to Catholicism, especially with both systems' synergistic understanding of soteriology. It is the reformed who are theologically consistent. I recommend that our wayward friend actually listen to White's and others' explanations of the reformed lens of Christianity. It might help him see the errors of Arminianism, as happened with me.
Oh, our gratuitous troll offered no scriptural support for his false assertions. That's interesting, considering that's exactly what James White did in this presentation and with sound biblical hermeneutics, as per usual. I don't normally answer trolls' comments, until they make inadvisable statements against God's revealed truths. Finally, I seriously doubt he/ she even cared to watch this presentation. Sad, but there is hope. There was for me, a man who has the distinction of having been a cultist, then an atheist, then an Arminian before grasping the most pure lens of Christianity that I've found, i.e., Reformed Theology.
Thank you so much for your explanations of these passages and pointing out the great necessity of understanding the context and following the thought through the whole passage as in the last one in 1 Timothy!
Masterful explanation of these passages and the vital role of context determining the proper meaning of Scripture. Thank you for sharing the proper interpretation of these passages. There is eternal value in this content as it reveals what God communicated His will and wisdom in Scripture for us to know.
thank you! this is so helpful as people hurl these verses at me without me finishing one sentence regarding 'man's free will'. I was a calvinist even before I knew the term and before I was even saved knowing hell was my probable destiny. I was doing everything I knew to please God but hopelessly lost. It was 💯% Him no doubt.
It 's amazing how hostile and vicious Christian evangelicals are regarding these interpretations. It makes perfect sense God pursued me completely and overrode my 'free will' with His. Thank you Dr. White for carefully examining the text and explaining how consistent hermeneutics plays into these interpretations
So, to sum up. We are nothing but robots, God is a chess player, he makes us make choices and he makes us do what he wants ? Right? So God made Adam sin? God makes us sin? God is the doer of all evil since he controls us right? lol. oh boy im a robot with no free will .
@@steven-u1q As usual you anti-Calvinists misrepresent what we believe and strawman everything and then proceed to criticize the strawman you made up. So very dishonest.
@@ReformedIndeed76 Im anti-false teaching
@@ReformedIndeed76 If God does everything, then the gospel doesnt need to be preached, you people confuse yourself lol
@@steven-u1q It's not false teaching. Only in your carnal mind is it such. 1 Corinthians 2:14 applies to you.
I loved The Potter’s Freedom. From Bow Tie, to Bolo Tie, 👍🏻 thank you for the clarity with which you teach the Doctrines of Grace.
to sweater vest....
Was the clay before creation or after?
In the analogy the clay is sinful humanity from which God (the Potter) creates vessels for honor and vessels for common use, or as Paul goes on to say, vessels of mercy and vessels of wrath. If we look back to Ephesians 1, God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world. Therefore the decision for mercy or wrath was prior to creation.
Is it possible that God has the ability to create free creatures who make free moral choices? Or is God limited and not free to do so?
God freely chose to create men exactly how he did, with the ability to make choices according to the desires of their hearts. He did so for His own glory. Since all men are born in Adam we are by nature children of wrath, enslaved to sin and our hearts desire to do that which is not pleasing to God. Eph 2:1-3, Romans 1:18-20, Romans 3, Romans 6:6, Romans 8:7-8, John 8:34.
I like refreshing my Heart and Mind with teachings about these truths.....What I find very Interesting is that Teachers of olden days knew this stuff just by comparing Scriptures with Scriptures, No computers or in many cases no Concordances. A great READ on this topic in light of the earlier olden days is A.W. Pink's Article Called, Objection's To God's Sovereignty Answered.
You mean the teachers of olden days that were influenced by Augustine? He was the one who brought the deterministic view into the church a few hundred years after the life of Jesus.
@@jameshoyt3692 So what about Paul's predestinarian teachings?
@@rockycomet4587 what exactly are you talking about.
@@jameshoyt3692 Let's start with Romans 8, Romans 9, and Ephesians 1.
@@rockycomet4587 how about we just start with Ephesians chapter 1 and 2, rather than Jumping All Around and not zeroing in. If you read Ephesians 1 you will quickly realize that it is written to believers, and you will see the theme in him and in Christ around a dozen times just in chapter 1. Ephesians 1 is not how somebody gets into Christ oh, but it is about what happens to those who are in Christ and they're guaranteed predestined future. This plan was purposed and centered on Christ. The father was pleased with his son and shows that all who belongs to his son will share a glorious future. The plan is about Christ the only true elect before the foundation of the world. The father was not looking at individuals as Calvinists and arminians think, but he was looking at his son and decided the destination of all those who will be long to his son Ambi in him. So you calvinist have a very man-centered view of Ephesians 1, and seek to take the spotlight off of Christ and put it on the special supposed chosen individuals before the foundation of the Earth.
00:00 Intro
07:42 John 3:16
14:50 Word study “The World” “everyone believing”
20:02 Matthew 23:37 Judgement
27:30 2nd peter 3:9 about the 2nd Coming
39:37 1st timothy 2
One thing I want to point out and that is 2nd Peter 3 9 The Lord is not slack concerning HIS PROMISE, (TO THE CHURCH) AS SOME MEN COUNT SLACKNESS, (TO THE LOST) but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. (BACK TO THE CHURCH) ✝️❤️🙏
To His gracious mercy and gracious justice be glory!
Wow! I’ve never heard it explained this way before. Thank you Dr. White! I love watching your debates and listening to you and Jeff preach. God Bless!
Calvinists may be saved, but Calvinism is an antichristian cult. It directly opposes God, Christ, and God’s word.
It is a tool of Satan.
I grew up rejecting Calvinism and led a Godless life of sin until 29 I declared Christ as my savior. I still do not understand it.
You never will because it has too many contradictions. Just study the clear reading of the Bible without "secrets" only white and others can give
”And he said, “I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name ‘The Lord.’ And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.“
Exodus 33:19
The Lord doesn’t owe anyone salvation, in fact we all should be condemned. No one earns salvation but by the Grace of God. The very act of faith itself is a gift from God given to people who he chooses. Where many of us go wrong would be to believe that God would choose unjustly. But we know that God is a just being, a loving being, so we are also given the faith that he chooses justly. The entire Bible is riddled with God choosing people, like the entire nation of Israel, David, Saul, all apostles, Jonah, the prophets… God could’ve chooses who he reveals himself to. He doesn’t force us to commit evil though, that’s our natural state apart from God.
@@matthewizzo3350 where in he Bible does God choose people for salvation? Not a purpose, but salvation. Also, you cannot say people commit evil based on their natural state and separate that from god being in control of what natural state they have. You are saying it is god's fault
So who caused you to reject Calvinism until 29?
So who caused to remain Godless till 29?
You were only obeying the Calvinistic Reformed Theology god's predestined decree, that's called obedience. So there's nothing to be ashamed of till your 29 years, you were only obeying your god, just like all the Calvinistic Reformed Theology predestined reprobates, who'll go to hell inspite of being obedient the Calvinistic Reformed Theology god's decretal will.
Thank you for posting these sermons on RUclips.
Dr. Whites conclusion about how to present the truth to others played a large role in bringing me out of Ruckmanism and extreme KJVO ism and into a reformed understanding of the scriptures.
So which was it, JW brought you out, or were you predestinated? JW message about the Potter and the clay falls apart when you ask him did the clay come after creation?
@@MrShain1611 Dr White didn’t “bring me out”, that wasn’t what I said, nor was that the point of my comment.
I've listened to Jeff preaching to mormons, basically because I scaped the cult 10 years ago. I had to start all over again, getting rid of my false beliefs that Jesus Christ was not a literal first born son of "heavenly parents," was immensely hard, plus needed to place Jesus Christ as God, without beginnimg and without end; tremendously challenging. Indoctrination is indeed hard to brake from.
Nowadays, these things are behind me, totally a renewed individual in every single aspect of my life.
The biggest lesson, "don't trust anyone, only God Himself "
Dr. White, from beginning to end, "don't stray away from the text, do not read into it, be consistent." I am sure the audience was filled by God- loving individuals, am sure Dr. White is sincere about what he believes is the right way back to God. However, in my quest for freedom from religion and laying men, from teachers of scriptures, especially, God Almighty took me by the hand and guided me through truths.
So, if I open my Bible and point out to Dr. White passages of scriptures never considered before, I am pretty sure he, and almost most interpreters of the Holy Scriptures found in the Bible, will right away call me to rependence. Am, like millions of others born totally, again Christians are the worst kind of humanity, and are called all kinds of names everywhere.
Without a doubt, no going around it, if the Bible will be taken literally, with no pre conceived notions, or without the effect of brain washing by interpreter of the scriptures, teachers in academia; the Holy Bible will reveal amazing things, hidden things that by God's will millions around the world have come to the knowledge of.
When this happens, all of these issues of who is right, who is wrong game ends, and there is only the love of God, the important place avery creation has, and most, that humans are most important than all other things seen on earth.
There is no more need for others to interprete the scriptures for you, you get to understand all truths under the umbrella of one great whole.
The Bible it's so much more that a tool of contention, worse even, to make a living off.
From Genesis 1:1 to the last verse in Revelations, God Almight, Jesus Christ, teaches the way, shows the love and warns about impending dangers in losing one's salvation, gives the secrets of how to find the key of the narrow gate. We need to remember God saying, few will find the straight road that leads to the narrow gate. Why is this?
I give praises to Him, the Master of man's salvation, The advocate before the Father for all men of sound understanding. He is, who takes man to his final destination, according to His will and pleasure. His name is Jehushua Hamashiac, King of Kings, Lord of Lords.
This knowledge is available to everyone, any one with sincere intent to know who God really is and is willing to let go of old traditions, temptations, love for things and self, can get the key to unlock the great mysteries of our Holy Bible.
@Reformed Hillbillies Enlighten me with why you think that? I’m curious.
run from this cult too, brother. study the Bible in it's clear reading. avoid the whites of the world that pretend they have a greek secret that changes the clear meaning
Calvinism takes verses out of context or insert their meaning of elect into places it does not exist. John 6 the Lord Jesus' own words He gives His life for the world and not just for the elect that is not written anywhere. These two verses make it simple only some men try to make it complicated. No man can come to the Father unless He draws them, so He calls all men. This false teaching limits the grace of God and the precious blood of the Lamb and condemns men without mercy or hope and they will be judged so. Calvinism is not even an Exegesis but is made like most false teachings are made, by Eisegesis if you do not know the difference. It is most likely you are deceived. )) Jhn 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me DRAW him: and I will raise him up at the last day. Jhn 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will DRAW ALL MEN unto me.
John 12:32 means both Jews and Gentiles, if it meant everyone that would be universalism because the first verse you quoted says those He draws He raises up.
@@StudioEnergizerMV Not exactly, it is universal on God's part and the Lord Jesus said He gave His life for the world, John testified the Lord Jesus is the Lamb of God takes away the sin of the world, World Greek cosmos or universe same meaning. The Lord Jesus does raise every man up, for He is the Resurrection but not all believe, follow in obedience or abide in Him to the end, so some are raised to glory or resurrection of the just and others are raised to damnation or resurrection of the unjust. Like you said Jew and gentile that is everyone , so who does that leave out? The Lord Jesus came to save sinners and all have sinned, so who does that leave out? God is not willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance. So who does that exclude? I can show many examples from the Scriptures, why this teaching is false yet you cannot show one verse that Lord Jesus came to just save the elect. The elect are not elected until they believe that is how they become the elect and not before. Grace THROUGH faith. Calvinism is gnostic humanism based on man’s circular reasoning not God’s or His word. Strange how they boast of the sovereignty of God yet they blame Him for the fall of man and condemns men without mercy or hope.
@@thetruthimpartIt says He choose us before the foundations of the world so yes there is the elect. Also Jesus came to save His people(anyone who would believe on him) not everyone like you would suggest as universalism. 2nd Peter 3:9 is to the elect. Everyone is a sinner but in Ephesians it talks about Jesus saving a certqin group of sinners.
@@thetruthimpart also only some calvinists blame God for the fall and you said He damns certain people to hell withput mercy or hope. He is completely justified to do that, He does not owe us any mercy we all have sinned and fall short of His glory and deserve to die. It shows Him being rich in mercy to save any of us at all.
@@StudioEnergizerMV I did say that Calvin did and Calvinist do.
RUclips is really packing the ads in on this one. I'm not even 20 minutes in and I've already had to watch 4 ads. Other than that, this is great.
Are you watch using a browser on RUclips app that does not come from Google? I don't see ads with Google apps.
Same here, had two that were 5 min each within the first 20 min. I don't mind as long as ApStudios is receiving funds.
@@AdamsTaiwan I'm watching it on youtube.com using Google Chrome, like I always do. I get an add or two on other videos, but never this many.
use Brave browser friend.
@@chrisc414 Either switch browsers or just get an ad blocker extension for your browser.
If the Lord isn't in control of what happens in this world how can He be called the Almighty? Almighty over what?
Good point. Calvinist do not like to answer intelligent questions.
@@rtdodge3839 That was meant for the other camp...🤦♂
Okay, I see a pattern here. So now I completed his interpretation of 2 Peter3:9. Is there a reason he didn't read a few scriptures further in that same short chapter? Verse 15 says "Bear in mind that the Lord's patience means salvation". Please Dr. White, you have not finished reading this passage "for what it says".
if only he kept reading all his misunderstood verses...
Thanks you Dr. White for taking the time to explain these verses!
Well make sure read the Bible in context not just a verse or two because Calvinism is a false doctrine that cherry picks scripture.
The Tulip is utterly false .
In fact Calvinism god is completely contrary to the Biblical God
The monster god of Calvinism
Calvinism teaches that before any humans were born, God picked out which of us would spend eternity with Him and which ones would end up in eternal conscious torment.
The Reprobate Calvinist think Hell was created for all the people God refused to love . They had no choice but God created them to be damned
So yes even babies who died go to hell if they were not one of the preselected special elected.
Biblical say hell Original purpose was not created for humans .
That no one is special above anyone else .
Bible salvation is available to anyone who will by their free will to seek and believe . God chased Israel all through the Old Testament trying to get them to follow him . God said clean your heart and follow me . Even know God wanted them they refused . Free will folks and proves Calvinism a lie
@@danphillips3580 You’re not talking about the subject of the video. You’re not giving scripture to make your points. You’re using bullying/hyperbolic/fear mongering language. That’s three strikes, You’re Out!
@@AK-qc8ix oh you people who do not like the whole context of scripture Was Apostle Paul being a bully when he called the Galatians FOOLS? Or was Jesus being a bully when he took a whip to the money changers?
I used the whole truth of scripture .
You just cannot take the truth that Calvinism is a lie . Truth offends you .
Truth is a bully to you .
The whole OT has God trying to get Israel to follow him . God pleads with all of Israel to turn to him Calvinism say the opposite of that . Calvinism say they cannot follow God unless God decide they can. Well the Whole OT disagrees with Calvinism .
Jesus said of Jerusalem Jerusalem how often I want to how do you under my wings but you refused.. Some bible version say ( and you would not allow me to)
Humanity has a free will choice to seek and find Jesus ,
God does not choose some for hell and some for heaven . Hell is where all who willfully refused to seek . They are without excuse
Calvinism is a cult Seems you are in
Dr. White, thank you.
Why thank him he didn't do anything for you.....I thought you people believe in predestination?
@@MrShain1611 Hi Jim. Thanks for your reply. Let say this was predetermined. Predestination still requires a response of gratitude and thankfulness on my part according to the Bible. Do you agree?
@@marcyoliver3439 Do you mean God actually gave us the ability to be thankful.
@@rtdodge3839 yes, He did. I agree.
So God continues to create souls in the form of man for the sole purpose of having them suffer on Earth and then suffer eternally in Hell (predetermined, double predestination)?
That sounds like the machinations of a sadistic demon - creating lives for the sole purpose of eternally torturing them.
Sin isn't even intelligible in the Calvinist interpretation because it requires that all sin is necessarily manufactured by God and God alone (rather than human rebellion) - how can it be classified as sin when all one is doing is exactly what God has crafted them to do? If you go all the way back to first principles, Genesis, etc, it's clear that the implications of the Calvinist interpretation is completely inconsistent with God as characterized by the scripture - while non-Calvinist interpretations have no such problem the second you realize that *God uses his sovereignty to grant us free will; He is in complete control but intentionally allows us to go our own way (think of a parent and a toddler)*.
You have to explain why most ppl end up in hell also. Surely your God can save them, he can do whatever he wants, so why doesn't he? He doesn't want to violate their free will? If I see you running towards a cliff I'm going to tackle u and violate your free will but your all loving God won't? I could say that your God is sadistic. He watches millions suffer burning for eternity and says I'd rather they suffer than violate their will? Why did your God create hell in the first place and allow the majority to go there and suffer for eternity? Sounds cruel to me?
Calvinists and Reformed theologians are like the Scribes and Pharisees of today. They are the intellectuals who impress with great scriptural knowledge and authority and win debates yet miss the entire Gospel.
This is a self defeating argument on John 3:16. "The world" must mean the elect because you're assuming that Limited Atonement has to be true? Even in that context, it's still the same word used for the human world all of the other places.
The idea is that the same word for world is used in at least 10 different ways therefore the word by itself proves nothing. If you synthesize it with the rest of Jesus' teachings and scripture on the whole then a good interpretation would be that it's referring to the elect.
Kosmos is found in chapter 1 as well.
John 1:6 True light (Jesus) that gives light to everyone (elect?) was coming ...that all(elect?) might believe.
V. 9-13
the world (elect?) did not recognize him...Yet to all(elect?) who did recieve him ...he gave the right to become children of God.
Is the kosmos of John 3:16 the same kosmos of 1:9 or not?
He came for this same world but 1:9 says the world does not recognise him, does it mean the elect does not recognise him?
@@ethanmulvihill7177So you mean to say that from this very verse alone we can't determine the meaning of the world? You have syncretized all and come here?
@@tactapologetics Yes. I'd add that the word is equally pliable when used in other sources. Not the word "the world," of course, but the original Greek. We shouldn't assume we know the full meaning of a word based on our personal understanding of an English translation. Furthermore, Postmillennialism gives a bright hope for the entire world to be saved. Not meaning every single person who has ever lived, but "the world." We're not basing limited atonement off of saying that "the world doesn't refer to every single person," as that would be an argument from silence and a weak one at that. Rather, we take what other, more specific verses actually say and assume that this means the same thing (as there's nothing that actually does contradict unless you're misunderstanding the text).
@@ethanmulvihill7177 Calvinist, D.A Carson said otherwise. He said: "I know that some try to
take ko´smoy (“world”) here to refer to the elect. But that really will not do. All the evidence of the usage of the word in John’s Gospel is against the suggestion (The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God, p. 17)
Thank you to the team at Apologia Studios for these helpful videos. I'm from New Zealand and it's amazing how much God has used your work to speak to me about these amazing truths.
I hope you visit New Zealand soon so I can shake your hands and look you in the eye when I say "Thank you".
Don't ever get tired of doing your work passionately for the sake of the elect who are yet to come to the knowledge of these truths.
Hey brother. I have a question for you.
Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
12 Therefore many of them believed; also of honourable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few.
These in Berea believed because they were more noble than those in Thessalonica. What does being more noble have to do with being unconditionally chosen?
Hey brother @@evanu6579, thank you for your question. I love it when I see a brother searching the scriptures for answers.
That is a fair question. Let's examine the verse.
The Bereans were “more noble” because of their willing reception of the Word of God. Unlike the unbelieving Thessalonian Jews, the Bereans were eager to hear the teaching of Paul and Silas, comparing it to the Old Testament scriptures, honestly listening and conducting further personal research which led many Bereans to faith in Jesus.
If we look at the Bible verse you mentioned on its own, then you have made a really good point. It seems like God does not appoint people unto salvation since that was not mentioned here at all.
However, we don't cut a 5-second clip from a 2-hour movie and make a conclusion of what the movie is about. In the same way, let's study the context of the verse you've given against the context of the whole book of Acts and the Bible.
We know the Bible does not contradict itself, and it's infallible. So we should explain scripture using scripture. Please do your honest personal research of the scripture I'll give here.
A few chapters before this verse, it was written in Acts 13:48...
"And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord. And as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed."
We see in this verse that the reason the Gentiles here believed, is because they had been appointed to eternal life.
Then let's look at the teachings of Paul, you will see that in his letters, he would always begin with something like "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will- to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves."
(Ephesians 1:4-6)
As Jesus summarized it in John 6:65 "He went on to say, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.”
The reason the Bereans believe the teachings of Paul is because the Father has enabled them first to see and hear. And if they did not listen to Paul, they would have not heard the gospel for which they were saved, and that's why the author said "because they were more noble....". See also Romans 10:14
I hope and pray that you honestly search the Word of God with an open mind and humble heart. Don't let your own understanding and emotions get in the way of what God is saying.
Thanks for the response. I really appreciate that.
I’m still not quite sure why they would believe because they were more noble. That doesn’t seem to fit the idea of total depravity or unconditional election.
I see Acts 13:48 to be speaking of a certain category of people. It was ordained that whoever feared God would be given to Jesus.....
Mal 3:16 Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.
17 And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.
Mal 4:2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
So when Paul went to the synagogue on the sabbath, he would seek out men who feared God from the old covenant. They would be given over to the new covenant.....
Acts 13:16 ¶ Then Paul stood up, and beckoning with his hand said, Men of Israel, and 👉🏻ye that fear God, 👈🏻give audience.
Acts 13:26 ¶ Men and brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, and 👉🏻whosoever among you feareth God👈🏻, to you is the word of this salvation sent.
These Gentiles were there because they feared God. Why else would they go to the synagogue in the first place? They brought their God fearing friends the next Sabbath and as many as were appointed to eternal life, believed. In other words, whoever feared God was given over to the new covenant of eternal life.
Now that was how the new covenant began. A separation was distinguished between God fearing covenant keepers and God haters. Those who rejected God couldn’t come because they were hardened. Those who feared God would come.
The new covenant is the kingdom taken from the Jew and given to the Gentiles. God fearing Gentiles were given to Jesus as were God fearing Jews, but Gentiles in general weren’t hardened as the Jews were. The kingdom was given over to them. That generation of Jews was hardened for judgement that was passed down in 70AD (Matt 23).
So John 6 was speaking of Jews. Eph 1:3-12 is speaking of apostles and 13 is when Paul says and you also believed which is Gentiles.
We can discuss this some more if you like. Verse 12 can only pertain to the Jew and verse 9 in particular can only pertain to apostles in Eph 1.
I’m still curious why some would believe because they’re more noble though?
God bless
@@evanu6579 whoever is more noble, God made them more noble.
So you’re saying that it’s possible for the totally depraved to be more noble than others in such a way that they would seek God and be saved because of it?
Whether it’s God working in them or not, you’re still going against the foundation of Calvinism which is total inability.
Yeah, Mr. White!
Mr White is breaking bad
Calvinism is a lie
The good news, however, is that “election, elect, chosen” (and the derivatives) are terms that have nothing to do with one’s eternal destiny. Scripture does speak at length of “the elect” and “the chosen” but these terms are devoid of the Calvinistic sense of someone who has been chosen to receive eternal life. The term elect and its derivatives therefore are not salvific in meaning but simply refer to persons or things that are chosen for a particular purpose and the purpose has nothing to do with eternal life. Once the definition of the word is established biblically, the foundation of Calvinism will be undermined and will collapse and arguing the tenants of TULIP will become inapplicable. The word elect (Greek verb: eklegomai ἐκλέγομαι; Hebrew verb: bakharבָּחַר) means to choose, select. The elect or chosen (as nouns or adjectives) are those people or things that have been elected, selected, or chosen for a particular purpose by someone. Scripture bears witness that elect and its derivatives have nothing to do with someone being chosen specifically to eternal life.
So I was taught the Doctrine of Calvinism in church and believe for many years that Calvinism is biblical sound Doctrine lately I've been doubting and I'm not sure why ....please pray for me saints 🙏! Thank you Jesus Christ 😇
I suggest you listen to soteriology101 and beyond the fundamentals. Calvinism is not biblical, and that is why you are intuitively doubting it.
DONT listen to Soteriology 101! If your gonna listen to Soteriology 101 then you might as well listen to Joyce Meyers or Joel Osteen....Just to give you an example of how bad and ignorant and disingenuous Soteriology 101 is, take note how he claims that Calvinism teaches that you have no reason to share the word or evangelize to anyone, and therefore you can be lazy.... That's a completely STRAWNAN. So, if you want to listen to an ignorant guy attack strawman, then all means listen to Soteriology 101. But if you want to hear someone accurately represent the other side - then stay far away from that channel.
@@Ttcopp12rt you sir are lying. And anyone who honestly listen to soteriology101 knows that you are lying.
@@jameshoyt3692 YOU are a liar! Don't be slandering me when what I said is a matter of fact; I can give Faith Rose the exact names of the videos and the time stamps and substantiate what I stated....I'm warning you though, pipe down and accept the fact that Leighton misrepresents Calvanism or get off of RUclips- but don't resort to falsely accusing others of lying, especially when they have evidence
@@Ttcopp12rt go right ahead and send the link. He says that if one were to follow the logical conclusion of calvinism then there would be no reason to witness aside from obedience. And he probably mention some calvinist that have taken it that far. That is very different from what you claim.
Why would Jesus need to be sacrificed if God has already chosen?
The purpose of Christ's sacrifice is to satisfy God's justice for those whom God has purchased for his glory
I find it somewhat ironic that in order to understand the word “world“ in John chapter 1, you (quite rightly) turn to 1John in order to point out (quite rightly) that the apostle John uses the word “world” in more than one way. However, in a debate, when a debating opponent does exactly the same -ie compares scripture with scripture - you accuse them of eisegesis and insist they stay exclusively within that chapter. And the cherry on the cake comes when you accuse others of inconsistency of methodology in dealing with Scripture!! I wonder if you are self aware enough to recognise that you repeatedly do the very thing you accuse others of doing? I have absolutely no problem with your logic or your conclusions - I simply am concerned at the lack of consistency and absence of generosity of attitude that you display to brothers in Christ who sincerely disagree with you. Repeatedly, I sense you do not profoundly engage with their position - acknowledging its strengths as well as weaknesses - but rather seem to enjoy a kind of theological chess, where you determine the ever changing rules in order to ensure a “victory”.
Doctor white never minds someone using another part of scripture if it's a direct parallel saying the exact same thing with different words or using another sentence that has the same word to define the word. It's when the debate opponents go to another part of The Bible where the subject matter is completely different and then insert it back into the one they were originally talking about. That is the inconsistency white refers to.
Interesting, so who's responsible for Adams sin? Just looking into Calvinism but I see much pride and disrespect to other believers.
Also I have questions regarding the scriptures warning of the loss of salvation
Notice no one responds because they have no answer. If God controls everything and were just moist robots then we can't love and it is in fact God who sinned by forcing Adam and eve too eat of the fruit. They had no choice in the matter. Or we have free will and we can choose too belief or not and therefore truly love. If I paid a woman too tell a man she loves him and do things for him then does she truly love him? Nope.
Well I would imagine that the calvinist would say we did have free will BEFORE the fall. Then after the fall man became enslaved into his sin nature.
@@OnTaRgEt16 I would except that premise but then you wouldn't be a 5 point calvinist but a 4 point. They say God has a hand in everything. That includes our want too sin which makes no sense for a Being who is perfect. More like the false god of Islam who hates, lies, and deceives. That's per his word in the in quaran.
Amen, if man had freewill before the fall that would discredit calvinisim at it's very core, on multiple levels. The elect, for 1, would have to have been chosen from the fall and not the foundation of the world so the calvinistic idea of predestination wouldn't stand for 1.
@@twaho good observation, try looking into a channel called beyond the fundamentals. Listen to predestination is nothing like you were told and also election is nothing like you were told
Calvinists are constantly accusing people of misrepresenting Calvinism, of not knowing what Calvinism “REALLY IS” and of engaging in straw man arguments against their doctrines. I think that most “Calvinists” aren’t REALLY Calvinists. They don’t even know what “Calvinism” is. There are some Calvinists who have studied Calvinism and know what it teaches. I would say that they are the minority, though. Yet, even they don’t seem to like to talk about the “bad side” of Calvinism. They seem to “hide it” and only talk about it when someone presses them on the issues. Or they engage in linguistic revision, regarding words like, “free will”, “sovereignty”, “author of sin”, etc.
These quotes are straight from John Calvin’s book, Institutes of Christian Religion.
Some of these quotes from John Calvin, will be astonishing to you. Some of these quotes from John Calvin, will disgust you (and rightly so). Some of you will actually agree with these quotes from John Calvin (which is very sad). Then there will be some “Calvinists” who won’t be able to agree with these John Calvin quotes. If you can’t agree with Calvin on these issues, then I don’t think that you should call yourself a “Calvinist”. And if you don’t call yourself a Calvinist, then I call upon you to make all Christians aware of TRUE Calvinism, so that they don’t become Calvinists, either.
“Creatures are so governed by the secret counsel of God, that nothing happens but what he has knowingly and willingly decreed.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 1, Chapter 16, Paragraph 3)
“The devil, and the whole train of the ungodly, are in all directions, held in by the hand of God as with a bridle, so that they can neither conceive any mischief, nor plan what they have conceived, nor how muchsoever they may have planned, move a single finger to perpetrate, unless in so far as he permits, nay unless in so far as he commands, that they are not only bound by his fetters but are even forced to do him service” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 1, Chapter 17, Paragraph 11)
”He testifies that He creates light and darkness, forms good and evil (Isaiah 45:7); that no evil happens which He hath not done (Amos 3:6). Let them tell me whether God exercises His judgments willingly or unwillingly.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 1, Chapter 18, Paragraph 3)
“…salvation is freely offered to some while others are barred from access to it.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5)
“We call predestination God’s eternal decree, by which he compacted with himself what he willed to become of each man. For all are not created in equal condition; rather, eternal life is fore-ordained for some, eternal damnation for others.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5)
“…we say that God once established by his eternal and unchangeable plan those whom he long before determined once for all to receive into salvation, and those whom, on the other hand, he would devote to destruction…he has barred the door of life to those whom he has given over to damnation.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 7)
“Therefore, those whom God passes over, he condemns; and this he does for no other reason than that he wills to exclude them from the inheritance which he predestines for his own children.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 1)
“…it is utterly inconsistent to transfer the preparation for destruction to anything but God’s secret plan… God’s secret plan is the cause of hardening.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 2, Chapter 23, Paragraph 1)
“I admit that in this miserable condition wherein men are now bound, all of Adam’s children have fallen by God’s will.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 4)
“…individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death, and are to glorify him by their destruction.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 6)
“But since he foresees future events only by reason of the fact that he decreed that they take place, they vainly raise a quarrel over foreknowledge, when it is clear that all things take place rather by his determination and bidding.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 6)
Yet no one can deny that God foreknew what end man was to have before he created him, and consequently foreknew because he so ordained by his decree. And it ought not to seem absurd for me to say that God not only foresaw the fall of the first man, and in him the ruin of his descendants, but also meted it out in accordance with his own decision.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 7)
“The first man fell because the Lord deemed it meet that he should.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 8)
if you want to check the accuracy of these quotes, I have given the references to each one. John Calvin was not a “great man of God”, a “great theologian” or a “great reformer” In fact, I don’t think that he was a Christian at all. Calvin might have been a Christian at one point in time, but not when he wrote any of the above nonsense. The “god” of John Calvin and the God of the Bible are NOT the same God. Calvinism is NOT “Christianity” I haven’t misrepresented Calvinism. I haven’t engaged in straw man arguments against Calvinism. I have properly represented the Calvinism of John Calvin. Am I saying that a “Calvinist” must agree with John Calvin on EVERYTHING in order to be a “Calvinist”? No. BUT, I am saying that you must agree with him on issues concerning soteriology, if you are going to call yourself a “Calvinist” such as predestination, free will, sovereignty of God, etc. If you aren’t willing to agree with the T.U.L.I.P. of John Calvin, then stop calling yourself a Calvinist. If you aren’t willing to agree with the above quotes from John Calvin, then stop claiming that people don’t understand Calvinism, are misrepresenting it or are straw manning Calvinism.
Right on. It's the slickest, hardest to attack, deception, ever created. It actually turns Christianity on its head. Up is down. White believes sin is what you do. Sin is also what you think. Lust is adultery. Calvinism renders repenting to no effect. So why even do it. Clever. Subtle. Brilliant. AND, they can back it up with scripture! Just attach illogical meanings to passages and there you go, throw in a lot of Pride for having been picked, and sin is to non-effect. No need to repent when your already picked.
Thanks for taking the time. I hope some Calvinists read it. Cheers brother.
Thanks for such a long comment. I found it very interesting reading it.
I agree with Calvins statements. I really believe that's what scripture implies in John 6+10+17, Romans 3+8+9, Ephesians 1+2, and many other passages. Even for me as a Christian who believes the Doctrines of Grace it's sometimes hard to believe in the horrible destiny of the lost we see in Roman's 9. I found it really hard to embrace this doctrines. But it was harder to deny that Jesus and Paul taught this doctrines. That's why I got a calvinist.
May God bless you.
Yes, all of these quotes are very consistent with scripture.
The more I read the Bible the more I become a Calvinist
I think the Bible says you’re supposed to become more like Christ. Not more like a Calvinist
That’s unfortunate.
@@aletheia8054 🤡
This is truly sad to read. The more we read the Bible we should become more a follower of Christ, not follow a man doctrine.
Don't worry from these negative comments, I know what you meant. The more you read the Bible the more you see God's overarching grand plan of electing and preserving a people of his choosing for his own good pleasure, to the praise of his grace.
Wow!! This is so enlightening! That’s why context is so important!!🔥
My pastor always says as a reason to rebuttal the doctrines of grace “hell hath enlarged itself,” “hell was made for the devil and his angels,” and that John 6’s “draw” really means “to woo”
I disagree with my pastor.
The Bible says hell was made for the devil in his angels, but people will still end up there Idolators, witchcraft, adulterers, fornicators, murders etc
Just look one verse after matt 23:38! Matt 23:39 says "...for you shall see me no more til (until) you say, 'blessed is He who comes in the name of Lord'". This indicated that even these 'brood of vipers' were not beyond redemption. Their fate had not been determined for them. If they would recognize Jesus as the messiah and savior they would be grafted back into the promise (rom. 11:23) Their house would be desolate because of their disobedience and hardened hearts toward Jesus, but only TIL they repented and believed.
They're not supposed to read that far though. Like John 6 44 but don't read 45 or 12 32. Romans 9 15 but not Romans 11 32.
All these things are said that you will have no excuse just because he calls all men to repent and believe does not mean you have a free will. It is so that you will be without excuse.
FFW to the end then hit replay. That will take care of all the ads. Sorry YT but there was way WAY too many ads in this when it first loaded for me. It breaks up the thought processes and makes it harder to absorb...perhaps thats intentional though.
God s not "trying" God is DEMANDING repentance
good point. ‘God so love the world’… ‘love not the world’.
Dr. White thank you for clarifying the "gathering under the wings" passage. (26:00) I do have a question: If the issue is ultimately God's sovereignty vs. man's free will, why was it even an issue for Jesus that the Jewish leaders stood in the way of Him gathering "their children" under His wings? Obviously they could not be successful in preventing the drawing of those chosen by God...
Calvinism is a lie
The good news, however, is that “election, elect, chosen” (and the derivatives) are terms that have nothing to do with one’s eternal destiny. Scripture does speak at length of “the elect” and “the chosen” but these terms are devoid of the Calvinistic sense of someone who has been chosen to receive eternal life. The term elect and its derivatives therefore are not salvific in meaning but simply refer to persons or things that are chosen for a particular purpose and the purpose has nothing to do with eternal life. Once the definition of the word is established biblically, the foundation of Calvinism will be undermined and will collapse and arguing the tenants of TULIP will become inapplicable. The word elect (Greek verb: eklegomai ἐκλέγομαι; Hebrew verb: bakharבָּחַר) means to choose, select. The elect or chosen (as nouns or adjectives) are those people or things that have been elected, selected, or chosen for a particular purpose by someone. Scripture bears witness that elect and its derivatives have nothing to do with someone being chosen specifically to eternal life.
@@danphillips3580 Funny, I just listened to someone teaching in Romans 8 trying to argue this, but it's simply not true. For example, the call in Acts 2:39 is not talking about a vocation or some other purpose, but clearly salvation.
Scripture teaches the opposite of the idea that the elect, the chosen, or the called are some kind of sub group within the number of saved persons: Eph. 4:1-6 says we are all called to one Lord, one Spirit, one body, one hope, etc; Gal. 3:26 tells is in Christ we are all sons of God, just to reference a couple passages.
Is it just me or did RUclips cram an exorbitant amount of ads into this video?
Otherwise, as usual, Dr. White’s teaching is extraordinarily helpful. Especially for one as new to the doctrines of grace as I am.
Take the video to the end and then hit replay, it will play long videos without ads😊
Due to increasing darkness in ads, may I suggest YT premium? I believe it is worth the $23/month because then I'm not subjected to the ad content. 💜
I hope they didn't drag you in Augustinian predestination is a Christian cult. Like literally, the enlighten ones get it. The rest are lower than them, no reason, they were born that way.
may I also suggest the brave browser - default feature - no ads. welcome :)
I just love being hammered with ads while trying to learn about God's word. /s
Pray for all kinds of people 😁😁😁
This is well explained thank you
and not biblical
I actually need to get adblock to listen to a Christian sermon without interruptions. Unbelievable... imagine listening to Dr. White's 2-3 hour debates with all these ads in them.
Take the video to the end and then hit replay, it will play long videos without ads😊
very condescending assuming "They have not read it or understood it wrong", I have found discussions of calvinism vs amenianism more part of the beauty that God had provided for us to explore his nature so that we may know and experience him better. Personally I find inconsistencies in both and look forward to an eternity being able to explore God more.
There are parts where we have to humbly admit that we don't know and can never know His secret counsel. May I ask what inconsistencies you've found with Calvinism?
Well make sure read the Bible in context not just a verse or two because Calvinism is a false doctrine that cherry picks scripture.
The Tulip is utterly false .
In fact Calvinism god is completely contrary to the Biblical God
The monster god of Calvinism
Calvinism teaches that before any humans were born, God picked out which of us would spend eternity with Him and which ones would end up in eternal conscious torment.
The Reprobate Calvinist think Hell was created for all the people God refused to love . They had no choice but God created them to be damned
So yes even babies who died go to hell if they were not one of the preselected special elected.
Biblical say hell Original purpose was not created for humans .
That no one is special above anyone else .
Bible salvation is available to anyone who will by their free will to seek and believe . God chased Israel all through the Old Testament trying to get them to follow him . God said clean your heart and follow me . Even know God wanted them they refused . Free will folks and proves Calvinism a lie
@@jhan_drumsfirstly, how is god merciful and good when he created doomed individuals?
Thankyou James for this crystal clear exposition of these beautiful TRUTHS. I thank the LORD that HE has gifted you with your abilities to SEE and HEAR with spiritual eyes and ears.
read it for yourself. he is so wrong it hurts and people just sit at his feet because he says a few greek words. i can speak a little greek....
I am so greatful for the vast amount of theologians out there. They remind me of the Sadducees and pharisees of Israel. So smart, and all knowing, and proud. I would be lost without them.
People listen READ YOUR BIBLE ALL THE WAY THROUGH with lot's of prayer and you will have come to know Gods word and not mans word.
Please keep in mind that Christ gave us teachers for a reason. Check out Ephesians 4. Not everyone who seeks to study the word of God is conceited with head knowledge alone. I love Dr James White because he speaks Biblical truth. I live for Christ and if anyone speaks against his word, I will rebuke them. If they knowingly speak against His Word I will not listen to them at all. God bless you
Very helpful. Thank you brothers
The Father is the Author of Salvation, Jesus Accomplished Salvation,the Spirit Applies Salvation.
I just want to know what happens to free will within the Calvinist interpretation?? I’m all for Gods sovereignty, but where does free will fit into the Calvinist version of it??
Free will is not so free that it prevents God from being sovreign. I think our free will is as free as the free will of God makes it free. But absolutely not more than that.
Idk if you guys control this or not... but 13 ads in a 1 hour sermon is a bit excessive. I like to fall asleep listening to these sermons and having to skip an obnoxious ad every 7 min makes that kind of hard.
I’m an all access sub so I went there but this sermon isn’t up there yet.
I'm so sorry. Unfortunately, we don't have control. :(
Billy R well I don’t want them to turn them off. It’s nice their ministry can be supported thru this. I just didn’t know if they had control over the frequency of them.
Apologia Studios ok. No problem. Thank you for the reply.
@@billyr9162 Well there was 13 yellow marks, and 3 of them (in the first 25 min of the video) were all video ads. I just went to a different video after that point, so maybe the remaining ones were banners.
But the first 3 in a row were all video ads.
I don't care if a banner ad is on the screen, because I'm not looking at the screen.
They can control the type of ads that are shown from their creator studio. It's a matter of checking the boxes on the type of ads they want displayed.
To me it seems simple to understand the "whosoever believes" means exactly that but the question is who can believe and why. Calvinism doesn't deny that whosoever believes will be saved. They assert that no one will believe unless God's grace is actively calling them. There are no inconsistencies and John 3:16 doesn't come close to disproving reformed theology.
This is incredibly helpful
Pastor James you have no idea how many times I get corrected on Ephesians 1 when it comes to predestination. I am told that passage is strictly for Paul and the apostles leading in that context..
Both are reasonable interpretations given the pronoun variations 'us' 'you'.
@@Ransomonious yes but with further study it means us in Christ.
So a simple person in a third world country reading John 3:16 would never get to know what it "really" means because they don't have a Calvinist or secessionist to explain it to him?
In the context of the simple person as in a third country who compares themselves to a rich white oppressor and think they have nothing and must adopt the western mindset to get anywhere in life-yea even they can get saved-they don't need to be like the modern pharisees or Facebook-influencers. Its not a socio-economic thing having to do with the individual's good works but a matter pertaining to the whole world!
So multiple times in scripture it says Jesus came to save THE WHOLE WORLD, yet Calvinism claims that being “saved” is predestined randomly by God? Where’s the free will?
Look up apologia studios address the concept of total inability or total depravity. Basically we are slaves to sin, haters of God, unwilling and unable to come to God unless God grants us mercy, gives us a new heart that will freely love and choose God. Otherwise its impossible. We freely choose according to our nature ie born again or not born again. Many people say "free will" and dont stop to think about what that actually means as people mean different things. Look up libertarian vs complementarian free will. God bless.
@@jordantheriverman6143 God creates evil and makes people do wickedly and torments them for making them do wickedly
You are predetermined. Ephesians 1:5 and 1 Peter 1:2. Yes Christ did come to save the whole world but the Bible says that very few will go to heaven. P.S I’m not a Calvinist.
@@angelbarajas9180 No one choose to go hell
@@gustavmahler1466God does not create evil...... evil is the absence of God
Disappointing. I enjoy hearing you speak, my brother. But using false equivalents aren't helpful; pojecting the antithesis of your main point upon bible believing people is, unnecessary?? No fundamentalist I know believes that God is "bummed" that those He desires to be redeemed reject the gospel. No "whosoever wills" believer I know consider themselves an Armenian, mostly because we read the Bible. We do not reject election or predestination, again, because we read the Bible.
What we utterly reject is the silly implication that God fails by attoning for the sins of those who will reject His Sacrifice. The hoops, conjecture and context the preacher jumps through/drums up are very impressive. I admire and appreciate the effort you have invested in your dogma. I say this sincerely. However, I do not believe you would have come to the conclusions you have arrived at just from the study of scripture. Even with the full detail of context, exegesis, etc., and intellectually honest person may still need further additional outside influence to achieve those conclusions.
Regardless, I value your ministry and devotion to scripture. I'm thankful you encourage your people to not cause division on issues that would be grounds for doing so. God bless you, and please continue defending God's word, and the Good News of Jesus Christ !
Someone help me. I try to get close to God daily. I read I pray but never felt anything like God speaking to me. Does that mean im not chosen and no matter what I do I can’t change that?!
The fact that you read His word daily and you desire closeness is a good thing. Remeber, do not walk by sight but by faith. God is always there with us whether we feel Him or not. Hope this helps 😄
Take heart! Don’t complicate salvation. If you love God and trust in the finished work of Jesus then you’re saved. I’ve gone through the very same thing in the past when I was exposed to Arminian hyper-charismatic teaching. Then after getting good teaching through countless hours of solid Reformed pastors I realized that hearing from God means reading and understanding the God-breathed scriptures. The better you exegete, the more clearly you hear from God. Secondly, hearing from God will most likely be better ascertained AFTER the fact when you look back on certain events knowing that you trusted God and He orchestrated it all.
Proverbs 16:9 “The mind of man plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps.”
He knows your name and I want you to meet Him, show him you're serious try fasting or going into the wilderness. Cry out loudly in the spirit so that He might come to you in a still whispering voice.
Lindsey, He speaks to you through His word. Do you truly believe Jesus is who He says He is ? Do you recognize and hate your own sin and desire to turn from it? Are you growing in holiness? Because one evidence that you were chosen by God is
Hebrews 10:14
14 For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified
I suggest meditating on that as well as John 6:37 - 45 for starters.
John 6:37 is my life verse and helped me TREMENDOUSLY!
what is the best resource to understand Armesian theology
Sometimes intellectuals makes the gospel complicated...
Starting off dishonestly. No one is saying God is trying and failing. He “won” by conquering death and sin. If we choose to turn from his grace and his atonement for our sins, only we have failed. He draws all men John 12:32, and they then have the ability to come to him. John 6:44 (can come), not ( will come).
macolyis in John 6:64-65 Jesus tells us what he meant in John 6:44, he refers back to it, he says no one can come unless granted by the Father, Because they don’t (believe). Jesus knew some of those he spoke to did not not believe and one would betray him.
macolyis He goes on in John 12:44-47 to say: “Jesus cried out and said, “WHOEVER believes in me....I have come into the world as light, If ANYONE hears my words...judge the world but to save the world...” what words could God possibly use IF he was trying to say he is the way for ALL men, and not just the elect? greek or English, what words would he use? “He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.”
macolyis he is speaking about HIS OWN sheep, no goats in John. There are other sheep. The other sheep he is referring to are gentile believers.
macolyis Jesus says he died for “The” sheep, but refers to his followers as “my” sheep. Anyone who believe can become one of his sheep.
“THE sheep hear his voice, and he calls HIS OWN sheep by name and leads them out."
Calvinist doctrine of grace is that God created and predestined certain folks to fry in eternal hell because he is gracious! Chew on that for a while!
You’re assuming that you deserve to go to heaven in the first place.
@@matthewizzo3350 No, I am assuming that when the creator comes down to earth and makes a statement that when he gets crucified, he will draw all men to himself, then he is obligated to keep his words.
Exactly. Christ died for the elect and you can pridefully rest on your laurels. Love isn't necessary. Faith isn't necessary. The blood of Christ can't cover a person that isn't elected. Heresy
@tinfoilghost know specifically of any human that isn't elect?
@@1974jrod Calvinists do. Ask them.
Dr. Andy Woods, president of Chafer Theological Seminary is doing a series on "Neo-Calvinism vs. the Bible." It is worth watching to understand what Calivinism is really about.
John 3:16. The fact check: God has not loved everyone according to the Bible. Devils and demons more than believe in Jesus as the son of God, but that does not save them. So, that verse alone cannot be used as the absolute truth. Very good explanation, Dr. White!
If Calvinism were true it would make zero sense for Paul to call the Galatians fool for turning from the Truth . Or Jesus to call them foolish for not knowing scripture and knowing him .
That doesn't make any sense, if your assumption is that all Calvinists believe in predeterminism, that is just completely ridiculous. Read the London Baptist confession of faith
I would argue the opposite, I would argue that if Calvinism wasn't true, then there could have been more issues or more letters that Paul could have wrote, but sadly he died before he had the opportunity to write more letters.
Oh my God listen to this idiot so you’re saying Paul died without being on the right letters,
Oh no, I guess God wasn’t involved lololo
Hey fools, Calvinism is a damn lie.
Scriptures call everybody a fool that follows a lie
Calvinism is contrary scripture together in context
Example God chose the Israelites
Darn, they turned away from him, and God had to and tried to everything to get them to turn back and they wouldn’t
That is contrary to Calvinism
Because Calvinism claims have God chooses you, you can’t turn away. You have no choice. You don’t have a voice in God’s already made it so.
Yeah, there is really no faith involved in Calvinism
Folks say God forced you to believe him .
Calvinism doesn’t make any sense biblically
It’s just a cherry picking of stupidity
Well, you’re not a Calvinist then as you just think you are lolol
The Calvin tulip is a total damnable lie
I guess you’re really don’t understand what Calvinism is
Gods love is given to all his creatures. The ungodly receive blessings
Fame wealth ability to invent cure diseases and climb mountains
Explore countries and the depths of oceans scientific discoveries etc
However salvation is a special gift
Of god bestowed upon the elect
And the eternal punishemnt ? What's that ?
Difficult to fathom
God will judge righteously
@Ren Ren you need to be careful how these Calvinists are indoctrinated. That reasoning doesn't come from the bible. I get the same thing from all Calvinists that God loves all his creatures but not salvifically. I don't know how can they harmonize that reasoning with the following verse:
For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matthew 16:26
@@David24476 exactly.
James White's arguments are completely lame. It's so sad that colleges and universities give these guys degrees. God does not decree that certain people will be saved and others will go to hell... gazillions of years before they even live and sin. That's just stupid. The ones Jesus was interceding for in John 17 were his disciples! He's not talking about every person who will ever be saved. Read the context. READ IT! You're in a Matrix, like in the movie, where you are believing lies.
Read Romans 9
How about read Romans 9, 10 and 11 all the way through. It rejects Calvinism.
@@user-yd3uh4pz5e these are the very passages that support it
One question i have is, if we have no "free will" then what's the point of preaching the gospel? Like if we can't choose to accept God's gift of grace then why would it matter who hears about it?
Because we know with certainty that God will save the elect. Like the parable of the sower, we preach the gospel to all, so that the elect will hear and believe. But, since I don’t know who the elect are, I must preach the gospel to all.
It’s actually far more comforting to know I don’t have to move some an inch away from hell by my own power, it’s simply the Holy Spirit doing it for the elect.
@@BeefyPreacher Excellent reply!
"Thief In The Night"!! I remember seeing that at a youth really in NJ when it was released. Larry Norman composed the soundtrack, and "I Wish We'd All Been Ready" was the hit song from the movie. Yes, I'm old.
Beautiful just beautiful.
Dr. White you have clarified the scriptures for me and for this I am grateful. I was a diehard Armenian til I listened to you. Your handling of scriptures is amazingly clear and convincing . Thankyou God bless you and Rich
Calvinism is false, brother. God didn't force you to believe in Him.
Calvinists don’t say that God forces anyone to believe in Him.
We say that nobody wants to believe in Him until He grants them a heart of flesh and eyes to see His justice and grace clearly. Then, once a person sees God as He is, he freely wants to believe.
@@UnlimitedMercy mental gymnastics, friend. According to your systematic, God is in meticulous and absolute control over every detail of the universe. He creates people unable and unwilling to believe and then He changes that person, through no act of will of their own, to have a different and opposite nature. Your systematic doesn't jive with the nature of God or salvation as revealed in the Scriptues. Come out of her
I would disagree completely in that I find it to provide a much more consistent interpretation of the scriptures. What’s your background? Where are you coming from?
Also, there is a difference in forcing someone to do something and giving them the ability to.
For those struggling with the ads - Take the video to the end and then hit replay, it will the video without ads.
Wow that's awesome thank you!
Dang Arnold, nice life hack!
Well make sure read the Bible in context not just a verse or two because Calvinism is a false doctrine that cherry picks scripture.
The Tulip is utterly false .
In fact Calvinism god is completely contrary to the Biblical God
The monster god of Calvinism
Calvinism teaches that before any humans were born, God picked out which of us would spend eternity with Him and which ones would end up in eternal conscious torment.
The Reprobate Calvinist think Hell was created for all the people God refused to love . They had no choice but God created them to be damned
So yes even babies who died go to hell if they were not one of the preselected special elected.
Biblical say hell Original purpose was not created for humans .
That no one is special above anyone else .
Bible salvation is available to anyone who will by their free will to seek and believe . God chased Israel all through the Old Testament trying to get them to follow him . God said clean your heart and follow me . Even know God wanted them they refused . Free will folks and proves Calvinism a lie
@@danphillips3580 Hey Dan, do you not believe that God knows the future? In your system does God not know what people will choose before he makes them? Does he not still make them knowing they they will go to Hell?
@@danphillips3580 “Bible salvation is available to anyone who will by their free will to seek and believe.”
Please tell us who “seeks” according to Romans 3:11-12.
“A lot of people do present the idea that God is trying, trying, trying buuut as gracious as He is, He is failing”.
One of two things is going on here: either he doesn’t know what those of us who believes God’s Grace is for all actually believes (because our belief definitely isn’t what he said in that quote) or he does know and is being deceptive.
If it’s the first then he doesn’t need to be speaking on the subject and if the second then he can’t be trusted.
We believe God has already succeeded in His work of Salvation and has presented it as a free gift to everyone. It’s simply up to us to reach out and accept the gift that He has paid for.
"It's simply up to us to reach out and accept the gift that He has paid for".
So in other words, God can't save you unless you cooperate?
@@contextforchrist2395 This is another deceptive tactic used by Calvinists.
It’s not about what God can or can’t do but about what He will or won’t do. This isn’t limiting His omnipotence or sovereignty. Just because He can do something doesn’t mean He will.
Ρας means ρας! 😅
Great stuff guys. I really this. I try to watch it at least twice a year
James White can’t know what it is like to put his head on his pillow at night and trust Jesus, because God did that for him.
I trust Jesus and He appreciates it so much. God is moved by someone who trust Him. He thinks it is so sweet. We were created with the ability to choose. Everybody knows it!
So you don't sin anymore?
@@BlakeRatliff-h8bWhy do you ask?
@@BlakeRatliff-h8b We sin always that's why the non-compatibilistic freewilled choice to trust the GRACE (undeserved favor) of God brings gratitude. A Calvinist believes, sin is decreed by their god for his glory. So if the sinner sins compatibilistic obedience to the Calvinistic Reformed Theology god's decree, where's the transgression?
Way too many ads....
Yeah for real... 15 ads is a little much... especially with the way degenerate RUclips ads are
Yeah unfortunately they can’t control it. I already knew that, but Apologia commented on another comment here. It’s RUclips’s newest thing...
Unless you use Apple, there are ways to block ads so they never run.
Not complicated. Predestination means you go to heaven or you go to hell. Nothing you think, say, or do changes that fact. If true, no point worrying about anything or trying to even live an honorable life.
The cool thing about the debate between determinism and free will is that you can examine the evidence for yourself and choose the perspective that seems best substantiated. Nice system
What's with the ads???
Love your channel, but can't watch this without adblock.
Take the video to the end and then hit replay, it will play long videos without ads😊
I am not convinced of Calvinism but 99% of objections to it are straw men.
Calvinism is proof of just how important it is for us to feel "safe" within the consensus of an interpretive tradition... part of something bigger than ourselves.
Any of us can come under dodgy teaching, and John Calvin's novel system (because he was at a pivotal and influential moment in history) unfortunately received cult like reverence among certain reformers and has thus influenced many many thousands afterwards.
The real consensus of the mind of the Church on the matters of foreknowledge, predestination and the place of grace and free will in the entirety of salvation was clearly reached and taught amongst the post apostolic and Ante - Nicene Father's. The whole of the ancient church in both the east and the west, and also the majority of Protestants today, utterly reject Augustine's novel view of predestination in the early 5th century, and the "determinism" of Calvin in the 16th.
Arguing with a fan of reformed / deformed theology is like arguing with a non Christian cultist (though obvs "Calvinists" are deeply consevative and Christian) ... You can't reason with someone who's brainwashed. They "swallow" the hard pill of "the terrible doctrine" out of reverance for God. They have also received a very warped and lopsided view of Christian history which "seems" to uphold Augustine and Calvin as the heroes and bastions of "true orthodoxy"... (oh the irony) ... a history lesson which is bias and has no actual basis in reality. (the JW's / Arians would have more of a case from history, and their doctrines (though wrong) make more Scriptural, philisophical and logical sense than those of some of the reformers)
Divine determinism - to the point that Calvin took it - is irrational and horrific.
In love !
Peace to all in Christ X
You must feel better about yourself now. Dr. White was exegeting Scriptures in the video but according to your ramblings you did not bother to watch it. Why comment then? Just for the sake of the rant? Or to pour the frustration out? Either or, you are in a wrong place here.
In love!
Wrong 😉
I watched it
I commented on the historic side of things
Your right though
It was (partly) not in the true and humble and wise spirit of Christian love that I wrote it...
He's brilliant in many ways and I love him and his humour when he is debating JW's or Unitarians etc... But he is notoriously dismissive and abrupt at times and his frustration towards the non Calvinist view / "side" often comes to the fore... and at that point... he hasn't got the backing of the majority concensus and therfore much of an "obviously reformed theology is the true hermeneutic" leg to stand on... so just giving a bit of the same frustration in return ✌️💚
He reminds me of Dawkins, who is a brilliant evolutionary biologist... but a terrible theologian / philosopher
White is a great debater and apologist... but does not see very clearly outside of his reformed spectacles.
And how shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?
What is with all the ads ????
I am so encouraged by Dr. White. Thank you. 😇
Pretty sure he is Muslim
Heretical prayer: O Mother of Perpetual Help, thou art the dispenser of all the gifts which God grants to us miserable sinners; and for this end He has made thee so powerful, so rich, and so bountiful, in order that thou mayest help us in our misery. Thou art the advocate of the most wretched and abandoned sinners who have recourse to thee: come to my aid, for I recommend myself to thee.
In thy hands I place my eternal salvation, and to thee I entrust my soul. Count me among thy most devoted servants; take me under thy protection, and it is enough for me. For, if thou protect me, I fear nothing; not from my sins, because thou wilt obtain for me the pardon of them; nor from the devils, because thou art more powerful than all hell together; nor even from Jesus, my judge, because by one prayer from thee He will be appeased.
But one thing I fear: that in the hour of temptation I may through negligence fail to have recourse to thee and thus perish miserably. Obtain for me, therefore, the pardon of my sins, love for Jesus, final perseverance, and the grace ever to have recourse to thee, O Mother of Perpetual Help.
This is a legit Roman Catholic prayer, look up "O Mother of Perpetual Help" if you want to know if it’s legit.
This is super heretical. This doctrine of invoking departed saints doesn’t seem just like "hey it’s like praying to a friend.".
And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. -Jeremiah 29:13
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3:16
Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out.
- Acts 3:19
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life"
Mark 16:15-16 " And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that BELEIVETH and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
Revelations 3:20" Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and OPENS the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."
John 11:26" and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?"
Acts 2:38" Peter replied, "Repent(one must repent, theres no preordained repentance one musy repent) and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And YOU WILL receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (not you already have).
Romans 8:28-29 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him(who loves him??... People who have repented and accepted the gospel), who have been called according to his purpose. For those God FOREKNEW(key word here foreknew not foremade) he also predestined(he predestines those he foreknew) to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.
Matthew 24:13 "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.( key word "he that endure" , this is on your own part)
Matthew 24:31 "And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.( This is the end of this scripture who are the elect here??... The ones who have endured not the ones God made before they were born as elect. He foreknew however he didn't foremake)
Agreed brother. Calvinists are in error for sure.
I heard the Dave Hunt debate on the radio. :)
I listened to James white and Dave Hunt debate on the radio years ago 10 plus years ago with my arminiest Dave Hunt loving Church sister. She looked so stressed and she kept clearing her throat through the entire debate 😂 what stressed her out immensely brought absolute peace to my heart. What is interesting is my Arminian friends accuse Calvinists of living licenceuously, but they are the ones that lived that way and would always tell me that I'm too legalistic and dogmatic.
Calvinism is like this:
God builds a house and makes people and puts them in the house. (He's the only fire escape. This we can all agree upon)
He then determines, ordains, decrees (causes) that the people start a fire in the house - but in such a way that they somehow freely chose to start it and get all the blame.
God then chooses to rescue some of the people out of the house.
He could have saved all the people out of the house but he chose not to in order to show the people that he has rescued just how gracious He is and how fortunate they are because He could have left them like the other poor #@%+&*?s
God then explains that He's reserved these others for the fire for no other reason than simply to make a point about how powerful He is, how powerless we are, and that He can basically just do what the heck He wants to, any time he wants to, because He's fully in control... (a controlling power tripper ! Thought that was the devil's job ?)
The people He didn't save from the burning house still do serve a purpose though... they are visual aids - Praise God ! - highlighting to the rest of those He's made just how wonderfully awesome, holy, good, righteous and loving He is compared to the vermin He created to mainly hate on.
And anyway, at the end of the day, whoever goes down in the fire in the house desered to because of their sin - which is such an outrage and offence in the eyes of Him Who (determined that they all be sinners in the first place and therefore couldn't have reasonably avoided being the little pyromaniacs that they are and who would eventually go down in the big flames) !!! ???
"Doomed from the womb"
- J.C (John Calvin, not Jesus Christ)
What a god !!!
But glory to the real One X
Soli Deo Gloria!
How are you sister?.I haven't seen you around lately
@@Ttcopp12rt hey i'm still waiting for you to provide the links and time stamps.. Somehow your comment dissapeared but I managed to a take screenshot. So here is the comment you made-
"YOU are a liar! Don't be slandering me when what I said is a matter of fact; I can give Faith Rose the exact names of the videos and the time stamps and substantiate what I stated....I'm warning you though, pipe down and accept the fact that Leighton misrepresents Calvanism or get off of RUclips- but don't resort to falsely accusing others of lying, especially when they have evidence"
Thanks Dr White, I enjoy your messages and Debates. I respect you Sir!