She said so many time "Fortunately" it shows how humble she is, for much things she achieve, not only because of the her ability, but also many things like moment, opportunity etc. She is so inspiring !
I’m 22 minutes in and gobsmacked! Ms. Tan is the embodiment of extraordinary! Brimming with confidence while exuding humility! Candid. Sincere. Unpretentious. Authentic. A privilege. Grateful. Thank you Mr. Wirjawan. Your skill, humanity, humility are an inspiration. A model to strive for. Now, back to this remarkable episode!
👩🏼🎓2030🎯. The Sustainable Development Goals are: No poverty; zero hunger; good health and well-being; quality education; gender equality; clean water and sanitation; affordable and clean energy; decent work and economic growth; industry, innovation and infrastructure; reduced inequalities; sustainable cities and communities; responsible consumption and production; climate action; life below water; life on land; peace, justice, and strong institutions; and partnerships for the goals.
Always good to see and hear out from amazing women in business, but specifically on this interview, I am very glad that Pak Gita and Mrs. Tan really unwrap every micro thing to be discussed. This interview feels very reachable but at the same time very grand to know. Thank you Pak Gita for the amazing discussion!
Fantastic interview and personality Pak Gita. Always bringing us invaluable guests to your show. Thank you for your unselfishness in promoting knowledge and marketing SEA and Asia
Di samping channel pak Gita, ada 2 lagi channel yang baik di tonton iaitu win wan nur dan tren publika. Pemikiran mereka amat cerdas untuk anak bangsa yg ber sdm tinggi.❤❤❤
يقول الأديب العالمي ومؤلف و صحفي فرنسي، ألبير كامو: "لا أبغض العالم الذي أعيش فيه ولكن أشعر بأنني متضامن مع من يعانون فيه. إن مهمتي ليست أن أغير العالم فأنا لم أعط من الفضائل ما يسمح لى ببلوغ هذه الغاية، و لكنني أحاول أن أدافع عن بعض القيم، التي بدونها تصبح الحياة غير جديرة بأن نحياها ويصبح الإنسان غير جدير بالاحترام". Albert Camus
وعندما قام مدير المصنع بسؤال حارس المصنع كيف عرف أن ذلك العامل كان موجود داخل المصنع ولم يخرج مع باقي العمال. قال الحارس: "أنا أعمل بهذا المصنع منذ ثلاثين عاما يدخل ويخرج من المصنع مئات الموظفين والعمال يوميا، لم يكن أحدا منهم يلقي علي التحية يوميا ويسألني عن حالي إلا ذلك العامل.. وعند نهاية هذا اليوم لم أسمعها منه وافتقدته عند خروج العمال، فعلمت أنه لا زال في المصنع فبحثت عنه حتى وجدته". - القصة حقيقية كما جاء في المصدر. البِر لا يَبلى، والذنب لا يُنسى، والديان لا يموت، فكُن كما شئت، فكما تَدين تُدان.
From Canada with hope🇨🇦. "The humane thread that binds people who are required or compelled to pay attention to people who are obliged by circumstance or prefer by disposition to let the always-cacophonous parade go by, is hope." -Andrew Mitrovica🇨🇦
In 1920 the philosopher Bertrand Russell spent a year in China as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Beijing (then Peking), where his lectures on mathematical logic enthralled students and listeners, including Mao Tse Tung, who attended some of Russell's talks. Written at a time when China was largely regarded by the West as backward and weak, The Problem of China (1922), addresses the fundamental aspects of China's history and politics. Russell cautions China against adopting a purely Western model of social and economic development, which he regarded as characterized by a combination of greed, dogmatism and militarism. Beginning with an overview of nineteenth-century Chinese history and considering China's relations with Japan and Russia, Russell then contrasts Chinese civilization with Western. Russell predicts China's resurgence, but only if it is able to establish an orderly government, promote industrial development under Chinese control and foster the spread of education.
0:55 I like this lady. We should not be apologetic... I mean, you should not feel sorry out of all aspects even if you make the wrong decision and even within the absent of the partial truth! Fix it while it can and move forward. you should not be submissive under any professional circumstances. I also think sometimes compromising one's flaw should be reciprocated equally to the encouraging to thrive, at least within self
"The Chinese nation, is the most, patient in the world; it thinks of centuries as other nations think of decades. It is essentially indestructible, and can afford to wait." - Bertrand Russell, The Problem of China (1922)
“Have you taken the grass as bed And the space as blanket Humbled of what’s coming Forgetting what has passed? Give me the flute and sing And forget the illness and the medicine For people are lines, Written, but by water” - *Lyrics:* Khalil Gibran | خليل جبران *Artist:* Fayrouz | فيروز | Fairouz *SongTitle:* Give me the flute - أعطني الناي وغنِّ
لنْ أهاجم عقائدك، مهما كانتْ خرافية أو لا عقلية، ولا تعاليمك المقدسة. إذا منحتني الحرية في التعبير والتفكير و الإعتقاد. أما إذا كانت تحمل أفكارا مؤذية - تُفسد الحياة، لتصبح خطيرة، واعتبرت الشك بها جريمة، فأنا سأهاجمها جميعها، لأنها شرور ظلامية تستعبد عقول الناس.
*Ms. Tan really struggles to answer whether AI creates more economic inequality further dividing rich and poor.* *Watch here: **1:42:00* *Great question, Sir!*
*Ms. Tan falters and first not really have a coherent answer.* *As Mr. Wirjawan pointed out, rich with money will invest in AI, use it in their businesses, and many ordinary people will be left behind. [Smart guy. First time seeing him, but I already like him.]* *People just need to be prepared. AI will be extremely disruptive for years before the labor market readjusts. Be prepared!*
Beberapa orang menyebut saya gila karena khayalan karena statement saya soal setiap negara mempunyai Budaya Ekonomi sendiri, Amerika & China memiliki caranya tersendiri. 😂😂
Singapore has high income inequality. Is it a nation that is close to a revolution? Doesn't look like it. But maybe it's an exception. But maybe there are other metric that are more important for social cohesion and national stability.
"We have already proven we can meet the challenge ahead, having bent the curve of expected global temperature rise from nearly 5°C, to 3°C, closer to 2.5°C." The difference between 1.5°C, 2°C, or 3°C average global warming can sound marginal. But, in fact, these temperature rises represent vastly different scenarios for the future of humanity. 😅
tinggal di planet yg sama ndak usah arogan...kita satu atmosfir...jk terjadi sesuatu di belahan bumi yg lain...yg lainpun terkena dampaknya krn kita tinggal di planet yg sama...pikirkan untuk tak merusaknya...keseimbangan harus di jaga !!@@MaybeYoureRight-1234
"Was the United States justified in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? On 6 August 1945 the Japanese city of Hiroshima suffered an atomic bombing by the United States during the final stages of World War II. Bertrand Russell had this to say in On Nuclear Morality (1962) KPFA Interview with Mike Tigar.
Mike Tigar's question: "Was it right having made the atom bomb, to then drop it on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?". Bertrand Russell's answer: "Oh, no. Oh, no! That was a dastardly and most wanton piece of cruelty. The Japanese were beaten by that point and they were going to surrender quite soon. There is no point whatever dropping the first bomb, and when you dropped the first there is still less point in dropping the second. Both were wanton acts of great cruelty. The Americans had made this "wonderful weapon" and they wanted to show it off and it if killed some hundreds of thousands of people ... Well, they thought that was only a detail." - Bertrand Russell, On Nuclear Morality with Mike Tigar (1962)
Bertrand Russell concerning China (1922). "China, by her resources and her population, is capable of being the greatest power in the world after the United States." - Bertrand Russell, The Problem of China (1922)
Jessica Tan, former co-CEO of Ping An Group, shared her journey from a humble upbringing in Singapore as a Malaysian immigrant to becoming a leader in financial services and technology. Overcoming financial challenges, she pursued education in the U.S., later driving digital transformation at Ping An through AI and data science. She emphasized inclusive leadership, breaking gender stereotypes, and leveraging technology for social impact, particularly in healthcare. Balancing career and family, she champions mentorship, innovation, and meaningful work while staying grounded in her values.
"The injury that we are doing to China is wanton and cruel, the destruction of something delicate and lovely for the sake of the gross pleasures of barbarous millionaires." - Bertrand Russell, The Problem of China (1922)
Only 3 days until COP29 begins in Baku! The world is ready for decisive discussions as leaders and experts come together, joining our vision to enhance ambition and enable action. Let's unite to deliver inclusive climate action solutions, leaving no one behind. -COP29 Azerbaijan🇦🇿😅
"The culture of China is changing rapidly, and undoubtedly rapid change is needed. The change that has hitherto taken place is traceable ultimately to the military superiority of the West; but in future our economic superiority is likely to be quite as potent. I believe that, if the Chinese are left free to assimilate what they want of our civilization, and to reject what strikes them as bad, they will be able to achieve an organic growth from their own tradition, and to produce a very splendid result, combining our merits with theirs. There are, however, two opposite dangers to be avoided if this is to happen. The first danger is that they may become completely Westernized, retaining nothing of what has hitherto distinguished them, adding merely one more to the restless, intelligent, industrial, and militaristic nations which now afflict this unfortunate planet. The second danger is that they may be driven, in the course of resistance to foreign aggression, into an intense anti-foreign conservatism as regards everything except armaments. This has happened in Japan, and it may easily happen in China. The future of Chinese culture is intimately bound up with political and economic questions; and it is through their influence that dangers arise." - Bertrand Russell, The Problem of China (1922)
🐧The first Earth Day helped transform the ways we interact with the world around us, and it changed how we viewed our impact on the natural world-inspiring the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and landmark legislation that protected the air we breathe, the water we drank, and the animals that lived alongside us.
THE UNITED STATES AND CHINA ARE COMPETING TO LEAD THE SHIFT TO CLEAN ENERGY: Climate action doesn’t have to rely on cooperation. Competition is an excellent driver as well. Last year, the United States passed legislation investing over A$530 billion in clean energy. The largest climate spend in US history was also intended to compete with China, which dominates global production of solar panels, batteries, wind turbines and electric vehicles.😅
🐧The first Earth Day helped transform the ways we interact with the world around us, and it changed how we viewed our impact on the natural world-inspiring the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and landmark legislation that protected the air we breathe, the water we drank, and the animals that lived alongside us.
Bapak Gita jika dimungkinkan youtube channel bisa diberikan fasilitas download mengingat video yang ditanyangkan cukup dapat kami pelajari terutama dari bahasanya sehingga dapat kami ulangi tanpa kuota mengingat keterbatasan akses internet . terima kasih mudah mudahan bapak Gita berkenan
BERTRAND RUSSELL, British philosopher and logician. “My objections to Marx are of two sorts: one, that he was muddleheaded; and the other, that his thinking was almost entirely inspired by hatred, poverty, and strife. I have always disagreed with Marx. But my objections to modern Communism go deeper than my objections to Marx. It is the abandonment of democracy that I find particularly disastrous. A minority resting its powers upon the activities of secret police is bound to be cruel, oppressive and obscuarantist. His belief that there is a cosmic force called Dialectical Materialism which governs human history independently of human volitions, is mere mythology. His theoretical errors, however, would not have mattered so much but for the fact that, like Tertullian and Carlyle, his chief desire was to see his enemies punished, and he cared little what happened to his friends in the process. Marx's doctrine was bad enough, but the developments which it underwent under Lenin and Stalin made it much worse.“ - Bertrand Russell, Why I am Not a Communist from Portraits from Memory published in 1956
Inequality of wealth is not that important of a metric. Inequality of Opportunity is important. North Korea has and the Former Soviet Union had a very low Gini Coefficient. Everyone is equally impoverished in North Korea. So Wealth inequality is misleading. inequality of Opportunity is a more important metric to measure.
sepertinya isu kesehatan berbanding lurus dengan Economic Disparity,Economic Polarization dimana sumber vitamin,gizi dan mineral terpaksa dijual murah demi bertahan hidup, dipersulit lagi dengan ketimpangan ilmu pengetahuan dan kesadaran manusia. manusia dan bumi tidak akan baik baik saja bila tidak ada keseimbangan exploitasi alam. jadi endgame nya adalah pemerataan akses pendidikan dan perbaikan akhlak menuju manusia selamat dunia dan akhirat
It’s inspiring to see how leadership can evolve, and we can learn from her focus on impact over position make nicely translation with good education and experience to executed
When it comes to Mental Health issues, AI could support in analysis but not in fully providing solutions as the human condition be it mental or physical is Complex. As such Complexity still needs the exercising of Human Judgment which can be build through hard hands on experience. AI can enhance the accumulation of data from pattern recognition which is essential in tackling the Mental Health conditions of patients and run analysis more efficiently while eliminating biases.
“Simply speaking, we need more money flowing to developing countries. Finance is at the center of the effort to transition to a post-fossil-fuel world.” - UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell😅
هل يدرك الجيش الإسرائيلي عجزه عن المواجهة رجلاً لرجل. البعض في داخل إسرائيل يدرك ذلك .. ولكن الغوغاء في اسرائيل يتصوّرون أنهم حكموا العالم وأنهم يقودون التاريخ .. وأنهم عاصفة لا تُقهَر .. وأنهم المُختارون حقاً وصدقاً من الله للسيادة على الجنس البشري .. وهي عنصرية لا تختلف عن العنصرية النازية والعنجهية الفاشية .. وهذا الصلف الأعمى سيورد اسرائيل حتفها. - كاتب و فيلسوف و مفكر مصري، د. مصطفى محمود، كتابه: اسرائيل البداية و النهاية.
في كتابه "إسرائيل.. البداية والنهاية" حذر مفكر مصري، الدكتور مصطفى محمود البلاد العربية من تقديم تنازلات للاحتلال الإسرائيلي، لأنها لن تجد مقابلا لتنازلاتها، ولن تكسب أي شيء، بل ستخسر. وقال محمود إن الاحتلال الإسرائيلي "مُغتصب يشترط أن تبقى تحت يده الأرض المنهوبة المغتصبة، لكي يرضى ويُسالم ويُصافح ويوقع". "ما من دولة من دول المواجهة، إلا وستصاب في أرضها واقتصادها وأبنائها واستقلالها إذا أخطأ أولو الأمر فيها حساباتهم". وقال إن الدول العربية توقع "سلاما إسرائيليا بشروط إسرائيلية".
”إن إسرائيل تتصرف وكأنها تتعامل مع أصفار، وتتوسع وكأنها تمرح في فراغ، وهذا الغياب للموقف العربي سوف تكون له عواقب وخيمة". وأمام هذا التهاون أو الهوان العربي كان ضرورياً أن يحذر المفكر المصري من مآلات السلام الذي يسعى إليه الكيان الصهيوني، ففي كتابه "على حافة الانتحار" رأى أن إسرائيل ليست لديها نية جادة للسلام بقدر ما هي راغبة في تطويع وقبول من الطرف العربي لسلام من طرف واحد. ويستدل محمود على رأيه بأن تل أبيب بقياداتها السياسية وزعاماتها الدينية تزرع المزيد من الكراهية ضد العرب، كما أن آلتها العسكرية تتوسع باستمرار على حساب شعب فلسطين، فضلاً عن أنها ما زالت تطور أسلحتها الذرية والبيولوجية والكيميائية وتضعها على حدود مصر ولا تدخر جهداً في المساهمة في تدمير الاقتصاد المصري. لذلك طالب الكاتب بأن تعي الدول العربية ما يُحاك لها من قبل الاستيطان الصهيوني، وأن تحذر في تعاملها مع السلام الذي يُطلب منها اللحاق به، وهو ما يحتاج الاستقلال العسكري والاقتصادي. ويزيد مصطفى محمود من التحذير في كتابه "إسرائيل النازية ولغة المحرقة"، قائلا "انظروا إليهم كيف يتفاوضون مع العرب ويحسِبون نصيبهم من الأرض بالمتر والسنتيمتر ونصيبهم من الماء فوق الأرض وتحت الأرض وفي جوف الأرض، ويريدون الحفر في الماضي والحفر في الحاضر والحفر في دماغنا ولا نهاية لمطالبهم". - كاتب و فيلسوف و مفكر مصري، د. مصطفى محمود، كتابه: اسرائيل البداية و النهاية.
”قد كان في تقدير إسرائيل، عندما انتصرت في حرب يونيو 1967، ان تلك الحرب هي اخر الحروب، وأن على العرب أن يوقعوا صك الاستسلام. ولذلك جاءت كلمات ديان الشهيرة - إنها الحرب التي أنهت كل الحروب، و لم يبق أمام العرب إلا طلب المقابلة لتقديم فروض الطاعة، لا سيما أنهم يعرفون رقم التليفون و العنوان 31 شارع كابلان، القدس، فقد أصيبت إسرائيل بجنون العظمة، لأن جولات الصراع المسلح منذ عام 1948 كانت تشجعها على المضي في خداع نفسها وخداعنا. فهي لم تهزم قط عسكرياً، بل إن حجم الانتصار الإسرائيلي كان في تصاعد مطرد من جولة لأخرى حتى عام 1967، و كانت ترى أن عدد أيام القتال أقل، و حجم نصرها أكثر.
وجاءت حرب اكتوبر، حيث وجدت إسرائيل أن صرحها الشاهق الذي رسمته لنفسها قد انهار و تقوضت أسسه و جذوره، وذاقت طعم الهزيمة العسكرية الحقيقية. و من هنا فإن حرب أكتوبر كما يظهرها التحليل الأمين، انجاز عظيم لمصر و العرب. و لابد من القول أننا أصبنا واخطأنا. و لم يقلل الخطأ من قيمة الانجاز، بعد أن حققت القوات المسلحة من المهام ما لم يتصوره الكثيرون.“ - مذكرات رئيس هيئة العمليات فى حرب اكتوبر المشير محمد عبد الغنى الجمسى.
"الناجح هو ذلك الذي يصرخ منذ ميلاده". "لن يستطيع الحرف أن يدرك الغاية من وجوده إلا إذا أدرك الدور الذي يقوم به في السطر الذي يشترك في حروفه، وإلا إذا أدرك المعنى الذي يدل عليه السطر في داخل المقال، والمقال في داخل الكتاب". - كاتب و فيلسوف و مفكر مصري، د. مصطفى محمود.
Pak gita , undang seorang gen z yg menjadi ikon pekerja keras, pembelajar keras semua hal & triliuner muda di usia 23 dari nol tanpa privilige dari ortu yaitu TIMOTHY RONALD . Untuk dikulik ilmu , tips & resepnya dia u/ bisa cerdas & merdeka finansial sekaligus u/ ditanya apa analisa nya dia , kritikannya dia & nasihatnya dia terhadap semua problema kaum GEN Z & GEN ALPHA . Ditunggu ya pak gita 🙏🙏
Agak Susah ya. Soalnya prestasinya belum memberikan impact ke orang banyak. Dan juga meskipun masih muda, musuhnya sudah banyak gara" attitudenya yang kurang
Masih belum matang itu humanity nya,belum layak berbicara dengan seorang elit intelektual seperti pak Gita,si Timothy cuma bisa bersaing di sisi jumlah banyak uang doang,klo sisi intelektual mah banyak yang lebih dari dia, attitude nya juga ga mencerminkan value of quality for humanity...
She said so many time "Fortunately" it shows how humble she is, for much things she achieve, not only because of the her ability, but also many things like moment, opportunity etc. She is so inspiring !
I’m 22 minutes in and gobsmacked! Ms. Tan is the embodiment of extraordinary! Brimming with confidence while exuding humility! Candid. Sincere. Unpretentious. Authentic. A privilege. Grateful. Thank you Mr. Wirjawan. Your skill, humanity, humility are an inspiration. A model to strive for. Now, back to this remarkable episode!
Setiap denger podcast pak gita, saya seperti berada di kelas yang tak mungkin saya jangkau
"you know, if you do best, it will be recognized, you dont have to be too shown" mentalitas yang mendefinisikan kesuksesan itu sendiri, salut!
Every teenage girl, especially those from SEA region, should watch this and be inspired.
Wow this women very have positive and learning attitude.. good value
One of the best if not the best endgame episode thus far.
A really world class interview and discussion. Haven't seen one at this Level for a while.
Finally a discussion with a business/professional person (that I’ve been waiting for so long) thanks a lot pak!
she's been everywhere and she thank all the campus and company she went it shows us her core of value! wonderful woman! you r an inspiration
Assalamualaikum..Alhamdulillah. very interesting n useful. Tq
👩🏼🎓RUclips❤️. For your commitment, we say THANK YOU! We all have a role to play in Keeping the Promise of the Global Goals.
👩🏼🎓2030🎯. The Sustainable Development Goals are: No poverty; zero hunger; good health and well-being; quality education; gender equality; clean water and sanitation; affordable and clean energy; decent work and economic growth; industry, innovation and infrastructure; reduced inequalities; sustainable cities and communities; responsible consumption and production; climate action; life below water; life on land; peace, justice, and strong institutions; and partnerships for the goals.
Always good to see and hear out from amazing women in business, but specifically on this interview, I am very glad that Pak Gita and Mrs. Tan really unwrap every micro thing to be discussed. This interview feels very reachable but at the same time very grand to know. Thank you Pak Gita for the amazing discussion!
Fantastic interview and personality Pak Gita. Always bringing us invaluable guests to your show. Thank you for your unselfishness in promoting knowledge and marketing SEA and Asia
One of her competitive advantages was: She likes challenges and pay it forward for what she wants.
I must watch 3 secssion of these 2 hour amazing talk show in this channel. Thank you pak gita wirjawan
Each of us has a role to play in protecting our planet 🌍
Di samping channel pak Gita, ada 2 lagi channel yang baik di tonton iaitu win wan nur dan tren publika. Pemikiran mereka amat cerdas untuk anak bangsa yg ber sdm tinggi.❤❤❤
masak sih
يقول الأديب العالمي ومؤلف و صحفي فرنسي، ألبير كامو: "لا أبغض العالم الذي أعيش فيه ولكن أشعر بأنني متضامن مع من يعانون فيه. إن مهمتي ليست أن أغير العالم فأنا لم أعط من الفضائل ما يسمح لى ببلوغ هذه الغاية، و لكنني أحاول أن أدافع عن بعض القيم، التي بدونها تصبح الحياة غير جديرة بأن نحياها ويصبح الإنسان غير جدير بالاحترام". Albert Camus
وعندما قام مدير المصنع بسؤال حارس المصنع كيف عرف أن ذلك العامل كان موجود داخل المصنع ولم يخرج مع باقي العمال. قال الحارس: "أنا أعمل بهذا المصنع منذ ثلاثين عاما يدخل ويخرج من المصنع مئات الموظفين والعمال يوميا، لم يكن أحدا منهم يلقي علي التحية يوميا ويسألني عن حالي إلا ذلك العامل.. وعند نهاية هذا اليوم لم أسمعها منه وافتقدته عند خروج العمال، فعلمت أنه لا زال في المصنع فبحثت عنه حتى وجدته". - القصة حقيقية كما جاء في المصدر. البِر لا يَبلى، والذنب لا يُنسى، والديان لا يموت، فكُن كما شئت، فكما تَدين تُدان.
From Canada with hope🇨🇦. "The humane thread that binds people who are required or compelled to pay attention to people who are obliged by circumstance or prefer by disposition to let the always-cacophonous parade go by, is hope." -Andrew Mitrovica🇨🇦
In 1920 the philosopher Bertrand Russell spent a year in China as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Beijing (then Peking), where his lectures on mathematical logic enthralled students and listeners, including Mao Tse Tung, who attended some of Russell's talks. Written at a time when China was largely regarded by the West as backward and weak, The Problem of China (1922), addresses the fundamental aspects of China's history and politics. Russell cautions China against adopting a purely Western model of social and economic development, which he regarded as characterized by a combination of greed, dogmatism and militarism. Beginning with an overview of nineteenth-century Chinese history and considering China's relations with Japan and Russia, Russell then contrasts Chinese civilization with Western. Russell predicts China's resurgence, but only if it is able to establish an orderly government, promote industrial development under Chinese control and foster the spread of education.
0:55 I like this lady. We should not be apologetic... I mean, you should not feel sorry out of all aspects even if you make the wrong decision and even within the absent of the partial truth! Fix it while it can and move forward. you should not be submissive under any professional circumstances. I also think sometimes compromising one's flaw should be reciprocated equally to the encouraging to thrive, at least within self
Again, I enjoy the podcast. Thanks Pak Gita Wirjawan and Jessica Tan
the great conversation, memorable
"The Chinese nation, is the most, patient in the world; it thinks of centuries as other nations think of decades. It is essentially indestructible, and can afford to wait." - Bertrand Russell, The Problem of China (1922)
“Have you taken the grass as bed
And the space as blanket
Humbled of what’s coming
Forgetting what has passed?
Give me the flute and sing
And forget the illness and the medicine
For people are lines,
Written, but by water”
*Lyrics:* Khalil Gibran | خليل جبران
*Artist:* Fayrouz | فيروز | Fairouz
*SongTitle:* Give me the flute - أعطني الناي وغنِّ
Great video. Thank you.
Keren bangettttttt 😢
Thank you | Terimakasih.
لنْ أهاجم عقائدك، مهما كانتْ خرافية أو لا عقلية، ولا تعاليمك المقدسة. إذا منحتني الحرية في التعبير والتفكير و الإعتقاد. أما إذا كانت تحمل أفكارا مؤذية - تُفسد الحياة، لتصبح خطيرة، واعتبرت الشك بها جريمة، فأنا سأهاجمها جميعها، لأنها شرور ظلامية تستعبد عقول الناس.
I am very like the videos from Mr Gita, I can study English language from this video. For Mr Gita, Keep on igniting our spirit, young Indonesians
Jessica : can Thailand borrow your thoughts for a short time😂😊. Very simple and cute😊Tks🎉
I am now in China and been devouring things from academics mostly, but never from woman businessman this deep. Thank you.
Keren, beliau pemimpin yang optimis dan memiliki visi yang kuat
Guest paling sadis yg pernah di undang
4 gelar dari MIT (2 S1 dan 2 S2)
Impressive to say the least!
Thank u❤
Who is behind ping an is the biggest factor.
*Ms. Tan really struggles to answer whether AI creates more economic inequality further dividing rich and poor.* *Watch here: **1:42:00*
*Great question, Sir!*
*Ms. Tan falters and first not really have a coherent answer.*
*As Mr. Wirjawan pointed out, rich with money will invest in AI, use it in their businesses, and many ordinary people will be left behind. [Smart guy. First time seeing him, but I already like him.]*
*People just need to be prepared. AI will be extremely disruptive for years before the labor market readjusts. Be prepared!*
*Of course, salute to Ms. Tan as well. Brilliant business leader. Insightful interview. Learned a ton!*
Yeah do and speak well. I agree with her.
sehat selalu Pak Gita, thanks for all your efforts.
Beberapa orang menyebut saya gila karena khayalan karena statement saya soal setiap negara mempunyai Budaya Ekonomi sendiri, Amerika & China memiliki caranya tersendiri. 😂😂
Singapore has high income inequality. Is it a nation that is close to a revolution? Doesn't look like it. But maybe it's an exception. But maybe there are other metric that are more important for social cohesion and national stability.
"We have already proven we can meet the challenge ahead, having bent the curve of expected global temperature rise from nearly 5°C, to 3°C, closer to 2.5°C." The difference between 1.5°C, 2°C, or 3°C average global warming can sound marginal. But, in fact, these temperature rises represent vastly different scenarios for the future of humanity. 😅
Save our planet 🌍😅
tinggal di planet yg sama ndak usah arogan...kita satu atmosfir...jk terjadi sesuatu di belahan bumi yg lain...yg lainpun terkena dampaknya krn kita tinggal di planet yg sama...pikirkan untuk tak merusaknya...keseimbangan harus di jaga !!@@MaybeYoureRight-1234
"Was the United States justified in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? On 6 August 1945 the Japanese city of Hiroshima suffered an atomic bombing by the United States during the final stages of World War II. Bertrand Russell had this to say in On Nuclear Morality (1962) KPFA Interview with Mike Tigar.
Mike Tigar's question: "Was it right having made the atom bomb, to then drop it on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?". Bertrand Russell's answer: "Oh, no. Oh, no! That was a dastardly and most wanton piece of cruelty. The Japanese were beaten by that point and they were going to surrender quite soon. There is no point whatever dropping the first bomb, and when you dropped the first there is still less point in dropping the second. Both were wanton acts of great cruelty. The Americans had made this "wonderful weapon" and they wanted to show it off and it if killed some hundreds of thousands of people ... Well, they thought that was only a detail." - Bertrand Russell, On Nuclear Morality with Mike Tigar (1962)
Bertrand Russell concerning China (1922). "China, by her resources and her population, is capable of being the greatest power in the world after the United States." - Bertrand Russell, The Problem of China (1922)
Love this topic for your podcast Pak
Jessica Tan, former co-CEO of Ping An Group, shared her journey from a humble upbringing in Singapore as a Malaysian immigrant to becoming a leader in financial services and technology. Overcoming financial challenges, she pursued education in the U.S., later driving digital transformation at Ping An through AI and data science. She emphasized inclusive leadership, breaking gender stereotypes, and leveraging technology for social impact, particularly in healthcare. Balancing career and family, she champions mentorship, innovation, and meaningful work while staying grounded in her values.
another good content sembaring makes some activity at room or drive
"The injury that we are doing to China is wanton and cruel, the destruction of something delicate and lovely for the sake of the gross pleasures of barbarous millionaires." - Bertrand Russell, The Problem of China (1922)
this type of content should be viral, not the immoral one.
asik bgt si pak gitaaaa ngefanssss❤🙌
The BADDASSS!! Endgame. ever! Thank you Gita and teams. sangat informatif.
Only 3 days until COP29 begins in Baku! The world is ready for decisive discussions as leaders and experts come together, joining our vision to enhance ambition and enable action. Let's unite to deliver inclusive climate action solutions, leaving no one behind. -COP29 Azerbaijan🇦🇿😅
I hope 1 day she returns back to Singapore to give back by doing politics.
Climate change is here and it is real, and global warming will not wait for geopolitics to cool down - Marwan Bishara. 😅
Salam dari BUMN Muda pak Gita.. Gamechanger sebuah program inspiratif untuk anak muda indonesia.
Superb episode!!
"The culture of China is changing rapidly, and undoubtedly rapid change is needed. The change that has hitherto taken place is traceable ultimately to the military superiority of the West; but in future our economic superiority is likely to be quite as potent. I believe that, if the Chinese are left free to assimilate what they want of our civilization, and to reject what strikes them as bad, they will be able to achieve an organic growth from their own tradition, and to produce a very splendid result, combining our merits with theirs. There are, however, two opposite dangers to be avoided if this is to happen. The first danger is that they may become completely Westernized, retaining nothing of what has hitherto distinguished them, adding merely one more to the restless, intelligent, industrial, and militaristic nations which now afflict this unfortunate planet. The second danger is that they may be driven, in the course of resistance to foreign aggression, into an intense anti-foreign conservatism as regards everything except armaments. This has happened in Japan, and it may easily happen in China. The future of Chinese culture is intimately bound up with political and economic questions; and it is through their influence that dangers arise." - Bertrand Russell, The Problem of China (1922)
taktonton dari tengah kebun di kampung pak...
thanks pak gita! awaiting for more business professionals guests in End Game!
Our world far too important and the time to ACT is NOW
🐧The first Earth Day helped transform the ways we interact with the world around us, and it changed how we viewed our impact on the natural world-inspiring the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and landmark legislation that protected the air we breathe, the water we drank, and the animals that lived alongside us.
wow... she dominated the whole conversation
Supposedly, as she's the one being interviewed
As she should since he is the one asking questions.
u got problem with that ?
shows that she is a leader, overcommunicating
man, how can we see something for 2 hours when looking at 10 minutes already too long ^^'
THE UNITED STATES AND CHINA ARE COMPETING TO LEAD THE SHIFT TO CLEAN ENERGY: Climate action doesn’t have to rely on cooperation. Competition is an excellent driver as well. Last year, the United States passed legislation investing over A$530 billion in clean energy. The largest climate spend in US history was also intended to compete with China, which dominates global production of solar panels, batteries, wind turbines and electric vehicles.😅
🐧The first Earth Day helped transform the ways we interact with the world around us, and it changed how we viewed our impact on the natural world-inspiring the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and landmark legislation that protected the air we breathe, the water we drank, and the animals that lived alongside us.
Bapak Gita jika dimungkinkan youtube channel bisa diberikan fasilitas download mengingat video yang ditanyangkan cukup dapat kami pelajari terutama dari bahasanya sehingga dapat kami ulangi tanpa kuota mengingat keterbatasan akses internet . terima kasih mudah mudahan bapak Gita berkenan
ya tinggal download aja pake youtube downloader
kan banyak, google aja
Real Succesful people speaks humble words and lives humble life... 👍
Interested ❤
BERTRAND RUSSELL, British philosopher and logician. “My objections to Marx are of two sorts: one, that he was muddleheaded; and the other, that his thinking was almost entirely inspired by hatred, poverty, and strife. I have always disagreed with Marx. But my objections to modern Communism go deeper than my objections to Marx. It is the abandonment of democracy that I find particularly disastrous. A minority resting its powers upon the activities of secret police is bound to be cruel, oppressive and obscuarantist. His belief that there is a cosmic force called Dialectical Materialism which governs human history independently of human volitions, is mere mythology. His theoretical errors, however, would not have mattered so much but for the fact that, like Tertullian and Carlyle, his chief desire was to see his enemies punished, and he cared little what happened to his friends in the process. Marx's doctrine was bad enough, but the developments which it underwent under Lenin and Stalin made it much worse.“ - Bertrand Russell, Why I am Not a Communist from Portraits from Memory published in 1956
Mirip ci Grace Tahir ya
Inequality of wealth is not that important of a metric. Inequality of Opportunity is important. North Korea has and the Former Soviet Union had a very low Gini Coefficient. Everyone is equally impoverished in North Korea. So Wealth inequality is misleading. inequality of Opportunity is a more important metric to measure.
Pak Gita is an avid golfer
sepertinya isu kesehatan berbanding lurus dengan Economic Disparity,Economic Polarization dimana sumber vitamin,gizi dan mineral terpaksa dijual murah demi bertahan hidup, dipersulit lagi dengan ketimpangan ilmu pengetahuan dan kesadaran manusia.
manusia dan bumi tidak akan baik baik saja bila tidak ada keseimbangan exploitasi alam.
jadi endgame nya adalah pemerataan akses pendidikan dan perbaikan akhlak menuju manusia selamat dunia dan akhirat
Kapan udang prof stela Cristy
Save our planet🌍😅
It’s inspiring to see how leadership can evolve, and we can learn from her focus on impact over position make nicely translation with good education and experience to executed
We hope everything is fine🥀
When it comes to Mental Health issues, AI could support in analysis but not in fully providing solutions as the human condition be it mental or physical is Complex. As such Complexity still needs the exercising of Human Judgment which can be build through hard hands on experience. AI can enhance the accumulation of data from pattern recognition which is essential in tackling the Mental Health conditions of patients and run analysis more efficiently while eliminating biases.
You so happy if my daughter say ok
2023 Sudah gen 3 Medical AI yg didevelop inhouse??? Bagaimana leader health care sector di Indonesia? Bangun model sendiri atau.... nyewa?😁
“Simply speaking, we need more money flowing to developing countries. Finance is at the center of the effort to transition to a post-fossil-fuel world.” - UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell😅
هل يدرك الجيش الإسرائيلي عجزه عن المواجهة رجلاً لرجل. البعض في داخل إسرائيل يدرك ذلك .. ولكن الغوغاء في اسرائيل يتصوّرون أنهم حكموا العالم وأنهم يقودون التاريخ .. وأنهم عاصفة لا تُقهَر .. وأنهم المُختارون حقاً وصدقاً من الله للسيادة على الجنس البشري .. وهي عنصرية لا تختلف عن العنصرية النازية والعنجهية الفاشية .. وهذا الصلف الأعمى سيورد اسرائيل حتفها. - كاتب و فيلسوف و مفكر مصري، د. مصطفى محمود، كتابه: اسرائيل البداية و النهاية.
في كتابه "إسرائيل.. البداية والنهاية" حذر مفكر مصري، الدكتور مصطفى محمود البلاد العربية من تقديم تنازلات للاحتلال الإسرائيلي، لأنها لن تجد مقابلا لتنازلاتها، ولن تكسب أي شيء، بل ستخسر. وقال محمود إن الاحتلال الإسرائيلي "مُغتصب يشترط أن تبقى تحت يده الأرض المنهوبة المغتصبة، لكي يرضى ويُسالم ويُصافح ويوقع". "ما من دولة من دول المواجهة، إلا وستصاب في أرضها واقتصادها وأبنائها واستقلالها إذا أخطأ أولو الأمر فيها حساباتهم". وقال إن الدول العربية توقع "سلاما إسرائيليا بشروط إسرائيلية".
”إن إسرائيل تتصرف وكأنها تتعامل مع أصفار، وتتوسع وكأنها تمرح في فراغ، وهذا الغياب للموقف العربي سوف تكون له عواقب وخيمة". وأمام هذا التهاون أو الهوان العربي كان ضرورياً أن يحذر المفكر المصري من مآلات السلام الذي يسعى إليه الكيان الصهيوني، ففي كتابه "على حافة الانتحار" رأى أن إسرائيل ليست لديها نية جادة للسلام بقدر ما هي راغبة في تطويع وقبول من الطرف العربي لسلام من طرف واحد. ويستدل محمود على رأيه بأن تل أبيب بقياداتها السياسية وزعاماتها الدينية تزرع المزيد من الكراهية ضد العرب، كما أن آلتها العسكرية تتوسع باستمرار على حساب شعب فلسطين، فضلاً عن أنها ما زالت تطور أسلحتها الذرية والبيولوجية والكيميائية وتضعها على حدود مصر ولا تدخر جهداً في المساهمة في تدمير الاقتصاد المصري. لذلك طالب الكاتب بأن تعي الدول العربية ما يُحاك لها من قبل الاستيطان الصهيوني، وأن تحذر في تعاملها مع السلام الذي يُطلب منها اللحاق به، وهو ما يحتاج الاستقلال العسكري والاقتصادي. ويزيد مصطفى محمود من التحذير في كتابه "إسرائيل النازية ولغة المحرقة"، قائلا "انظروا إليهم كيف يتفاوضون مع العرب ويحسِبون نصيبهم من الأرض بالمتر والسنتيمتر ونصيبهم من الماء فوق الأرض وتحت الأرض وفي جوف الأرض، ويريدون الحفر في الماضي والحفر في الحاضر والحفر في دماغنا ولا نهاية لمطالبهم". - كاتب و فيلسوف و مفكر مصري، د. مصطفى محمود، كتابه: اسرائيل البداية و النهاية.
”قد كان في تقدير إسرائيل، عندما انتصرت في حرب يونيو 1967، ان تلك الحرب هي اخر الحروب، وأن على العرب أن يوقعوا صك الاستسلام. ولذلك جاءت كلمات ديان الشهيرة - إنها الحرب التي أنهت كل الحروب، و لم يبق أمام العرب إلا طلب المقابلة لتقديم فروض الطاعة، لا سيما أنهم يعرفون رقم التليفون و العنوان 31 شارع كابلان، القدس، فقد أصيبت إسرائيل بجنون العظمة، لأن جولات الصراع المسلح منذ عام 1948 كانت تشجعها على المضي في خداع نفسها وخداعنا. فهي لم تهزم قط عسكرياً، بل إن حجم الانتصار الإسرائيلي كان في تصاعد مطرد من جولة لأخرى حتى عام 1967، و كانت ترى أن عدد أيام القتال أقل، و حجم نصرها أكثر.
وجاءت حرب اكتوبر، حيث وجدت إسرائيل أن صرحها الشاهق الذي رسمته لنفسها قد انهار و تقوضت أسسه و جذوره، وذاقت طعم الهزيمة العسكرية الحقيقية. و من هنا فإن حرب أكتوبر كما يظهرها التحليل الأمين، انجاز عظيم لمصر و العرب. و لابد من القول أننا أصبنا واخطأنا. و لم يقلل الخطأ من قيمة الانجاز، بعد أن حققت القوات المسلحة من المهام ما لم يتصوره الكثيرون.“ - مذكرات رئيس هيئة العمليات فى حرب اكتوبر المشير محمد عبد الغنى الجمسى.
"الناجح هو ذلك الذي يصرخ منذ ميلاده". "لن يستطيع الحرف أن يدرك الغاية من وجوده إلا إذا أدرك الدور الذي يقوم به في السطر الذي يشترك في حروفه، وإلا إذا أدرك المعنى الذي يدل عليه السطر في داخل المقال، والمقال في داخل الكتاب". - كاتب و فيلسوف و مفكر مصري، د. مصطفى محمود.
Kebalikan dari kebanyakan ceo india ya, yg kebanyakan bicara drpd bertindak,
ask the right question! i will write it in my forehead
alhamdulilah aku bisa improve my English
alhamdulilah aku bisa improve me English
Pak gita , undang seorang gen z yg menjadi ikon pekerja keras, pembelajar keras semua hal & triliuner muda di usia 23 dari nol tanpa privilige dari ortu yaitu TIMOTHY RONALD .
Untuk dikulik ilmu , tips & resepnya dia u/ bisa cerdas & merdeka finansial sekaligus u/ ditanya apa analisa nya dia , kritikannya dia & nasihatnya dia terhadap semua problema kaum GEN Z & GEN ALPHA .
Ditunggu ya pak gita 🙏🙏
Agak Susah ya. Soalnya prestasinya belum memberikan impact ke orang banyak. Dan juga meskipun masih muda, musuhnya sudah banyak gara" attitudenya yang kurang
Gue ga setuju.. org arogan yg terlalu "mendewakan" uang
kan msh banyak yg lebih quaified
Masih belum matang itu humanity nya,belum layak berbicara dengan seorang elit intelektual seperti pak Gita,si Timothy cuma bisa bersaing di sisi jumlah banyak uang doang,klo sisi intelektual mah banyak yang lebih dari dia, attitude nya juga ga mencerminkan value of quality for humanity...
because of its communism