What you don't know about Gaza is that many parents in Gaza train their small children to hate and kill Israelis. They are not all as innocent as you might think.
I wonder what you would say if you saw the babies that the Hamas burned alive, the babies that had their heads shaved, the pregnant mother whose stomach was cut to harm her fetus and all the other atrocities that the monstrous Hamas did.
@@zao7556 are all African Americans in gangs? Just so you know, your black neighbors don’t trust you, with good reason. Your swine boils for the children’s blood.
It's heart breaking. I can't stop crying watching these children and I don't understand how you can call yourself a human being and justify their suffering.
according to the current israeli narrative, there are no humans in gaza. there are human animals and human shields - or animals and shields, the "human" is just an adjective.
@@kalexlou5327swallow whatever the western media is puking.. you just need commonsense to understand how and why hamas is getting support from palestinians..
No one deserves this but children and babies to be born and have to live in this filth and between this hate, is unjust. My heart aches and eyes cry. I’m so sorry this is their lives.
Thank you so much for sharing these stories. It’s so important that the world sees the humanised face of this genocide. We have plenty of ‘humanised stories’ of the Israelis but few like this of the Palestinians. My heart bleeds for them. I stand in solidarity with them.
Yeah they only focus what happen in October 7th, but knowing the fact that they have been experiencing this for decades, thanks to Hamas, now they are in the spotlight of the world, because all this time their complaints, screams, cries and even their blood have not been heard by the UN and world.😢
The illegal occupation and apartheid needs to end. The more I read amnesty, humans rights and over 100 UN resolutions by israel I just don't get what our government support here. They are humans whose life is of equal worth. Its messes up starving and bombing 2.3 million people WTF
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the abswer). It's masterful propaganda.
@@sheilamacdougal4874 Wow. Lets try this come on you can do it. No colonisation, no apartheid, no shooting children, no jailing and torturing them, no mass shooting of peaceful protesters, no throwing people into ovens to death, no lynching people, no throwing people out of there homes so that a settler can stay there, no burning and killing entire villages, no organ harvesting of Palestinians, no mutilating of dead bodies, no raping women, no genocide through starvation and incineration of 2.3 million civilians. Ok so if you come this far great if not do it a few times it may help you reach a point where you can denounce Israel. The original Sin is with Isreal for the apartheid and all its disgusting war crimes. You seriously going to ask someone who is treated worse then a dog and lost entire family members to think about condoning someone. Isreal did not need to start massacring people but it is as its 1000X worse than hamas with 10,000 civilains under its belt just now forget the millions it has massacred in 16 years even. You are not the subhuman you are not the one experiencing the war crimes of this so called democracy which does not even recognise them as having any rights. So you dont get to dictate how the victim should react. You dont have the right. Judge yourself.
I couldn't help but tear up watching this report by Yousef, what did these civilians do for the bombs to be raining on them indiscriminately? None in Gaza, man, woman or child, deserve to be "collateral" in this cruel genocidal campaign!
What can you do when you are illegally occupied and forced to live in an apartheid referred to as human animals or that even that is an insult to animals. Their life is not worth anything in isreal which has deeply racist rhetoric. But to us it is. No apartheid, no occupation they should have human rights and treated with dignity simple.
my heart aches I keep having thoughts that a child last memory will be of being thirsty, hungry scared in darkness before a bomb takes that life. I don't know how anyone knowing that cannot want to shout and scream fuxx israel. They need to leave these people and let them be free. The more reports I read from amnesty UN human rights the more disturbed I get by israel. Lord help 😭 😭
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the abswer). It's masterful propaganda.
@sheilamacdougal4874 nobody's buying your Israeli propaganda here, you must be a horrible human to write that on this videos comments...have you watched the video Sheila?
And the precious babies that were burned?? Both dead and ALIVE?? Were they not precious on Oct 7th?? And the ones who were beheaded??? BEHEADED??!! AND the infant CUT OUT OF THE DEAD MOTHER'S STOMACH??? Were they not precious??? This is a VILE attempt at pulling on the world's heartstrings. You should be ASHAMED!! SHAME!! SHAME!! SHAME!!
Beautiful capture of a mom who is still proud. I can’t imagine giving birth with rockets around me I mean it is the most painful time and you’re supposed to what - run with your newborns out of your home. I remember being stressed when I was pregnant and Home Depot failed to deliver my kitchen cabinets on time and stuff was messed up I could find no peace. This lady is beyond strength!
@maryngeoh9007 Go Tell them to Chastise themselves. Maybe you should Chastise yourself and see how it makes you feel lesser of a Human being and not even have basic rights. I bet you are commenting from some Western Country, feet up, cupboards Filled with delish food and water and got Medical facilities to go to at a touch. The people you obviously dont care for DON'T HAVE THOSE RIGHTS. Your comment shows how much you understand about this conflict.
@@roshanlallubhai2640 why they are producing so much babies for no reason? or they have a reason so they can throw stones on Israel? behave like human if you want to be treated like a human.
my heart aches I keep having thoughts that a child last memory will be of being thirsty, hungry scared in darkness before a bomb takes that life. I don't know how anyone knowing that cannot want to shout and scream. Lord help 😭 😭 This is beyond sadistic hamas killed 1200 people isreal is way worse with over 3000 children under its belt. Forget the regular chils killings they usually do. This is disgusting and psychotic
@@maryngeoh9007what would you do in a place where a palistinains child gets killed every day. You will have 3 kids so that one may survive. This is there reality its not the first time isreal is killing them
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the abswer). It's masterful propaganda.
A lot of the children will see this as an adventure. It's much more difficult for their mothers. The mothers have to change the diapers and find ways to clean them. Mothers have to find a way to breast feed, which is very difficult seeing they have to wear so many layers of clothes in Gaza. And it's really difficult to breastfeed when you have no way of propping the baby up. These mothers will have to hold the baby up with their own arms, which gets tiring very quickly! Women overall have it much more difficult in a situation like this because women require much more sanitary help. Especially when stressed. It's very difficult to deal with dirt when you have to wear a large bag over you that billows the dirt up into your underclothes. If these women were allowed to wear trousers and shirts their lives would be made so much easier. But they will have to spend their entire lives wearing the clothes the men have ordered them to wear.
God bless these beautiful children. Thank you for the bright light they radiate in the immense darkness. Usher the souls of the children who have passed, and restore them in your sacred light. Thank you for their lives, and may their deaths help humanity to become cognizant that this is not the way. Peace.
Appreciate channel 4 for showing Palestinians as humans. So much dehumanising language around in the media referring them to as collateral damage & human shields.
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the abswer). It's masterful propaganda.
@@sheilamacdougal4874I am with you. Human life is human life. Life is special. Wanting the Jewish community to be safe too is not hate to Palestinians. Hamas affects everyone, both the people in Gaza and JEWISH people simply because of their country passport. For existing. Hamas exists only because of hate. Hatred of human lives. Jewish human lives. I hear critics talking about how talking about the plight of Jewish lives as somehow = not caring for others as much. If anything as a non-Jew , even i see clear as day they are being targeted. Jewish people HAVE to be mentioned because thats the only reason they are being targeted by Hamas. We need all of us to be safe and protected.
@@sheilamacdougal4874maybe because hamas didn't start the war . It is about accupation and seige and denyinh the palestinians their basic human rights and civil rights . It is not even a war . A war happen between 2 independant coutries . Gaza is not a country , it is a concentration camp
@@lareineiitour comment about hamas only targeted israel because they hate jewish people is stupid and it shows well that you know nothing about the issue and you are only repeating lies . As the UN president said , this attack didn't happen in a vacum , israelis werz outraged about him because they doesn't liked to hire their reality . They are so upset their haspara compaign is not functionning
What a stupid comment there parents , family , friends being blown up before there eyes and you say you hope they don’t grow up traumatised . Are you for real
I read a report which said every child in gaza has PTSD from atlest three traumatic events in their life. The last apartheid on earth needs to end and these people should get their freedom and be free people not live without under isreal military rules with no rights. Its just wrong. Peace does not come by making slaves out of people we all want yo be free.
@@Deadassbruhfrfr You for real. No mother you can ask any women would ever allow their child to suffer its not their fault they live in an apartheid and Israel is illegally on their space. Where do they go to? they are the indigenous people of that land just because isreal colonised it and does not give them any rights is not there fault . Crazy for someone to say this
Those beautiful innocent children...It breaks my heart seeing them in that situation...I feel guilty for being here in my comfortable bed in California...and having peace and. freedom..and all the food I want...We take so many things for granted...I pray for all the innocent civilians in Palestine and Israel 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
we pray for palestine only israel started the whole thing took a land occupied the palestinian territories may god free them from the occupation may god protect ghaza and palestine free palestine
@@kpotato2617 You state a colossal lie. You either don't know history or don't give a damn about the truth. If you did, you would realize that the idea of stolen land is a gross Palestinian Arab lie for the last 100 years due to the fact that the Arabs refused to accept the lawful rulings of the Supreme Allied Powers post WW 1, which administered the vast Ottoman Turkish Empire in the Middle East, and allocated those Turkish Empire lands to Arabs and Jews for eventual sovereignty. In exchange for peace and Western recognition of Turkish sovereignty, (Ataturk and his Turkish Republic), in Turkey proper, the Turks agreed to relinquish their empire lands in the middle east to the Supreme Allied Powers post WW 1, who then created a legal mechanism to set up independence for the vast Turkish empire lands.This was a legal process that the Arabs accepted because it favored them as they were allocated Mesopatemia (Iraq), Trans-Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Arabia, Egypt, etc., even over the objections of indigenous christian populations like the Maronnite christians in Lebanon, the Assyrian christians in Syria, the Chaldean christians in Iraq, etc. But Palestine-Israel was allocated to the Jewish People world-wide based on their presentation of clear proof, historical, archaeological, religious, biblical, language, etc. that they, the Jews, i.e.the Judeans, come form Judea, i.e. the West Bank, and even the Arabs call them Yahoods (i.e. from Yehuda (hebrew)-Judea (english). The Arabs come from, you guessed it: Arabia, present day "Saudi" Arabia. While the Arabs "accepted" the allocations of the Supreme Allied Powers (Britain, France, Italy, Japan (yes Japan), etc.), which gave them thousands of miles of territory, they refused to accept the ruling as to Palestine-Israel for the Jewish-People world-wide, which gave the Jews just a few hundred miles of territory in their ancient homeland. Why? Because the Arabs are gross pigs and liars. And, instead of making an arrangement with the Jews, who were willing to accommodate for the sake of peace, the Arabs chose the path of violence, war, terror, jihad, and atrocities for the last 100 years. They refused to acknowledge to this day any legitimate rights of the Jewish People. The Arabs would rather sacrifice the lives of their people, as cannon fodder, and foment gross lies and deception, than allow the Jews to reside in their own sovereign land, as their right under history and international law. So read about the San Remo Conference, the British Mandate, the League of Nations, the UN, etc. If the land was stolen as you claim, why did the UN (dozens of nations, including the US and the USSR-Russia) recognize and accept Israel into the UN as a member? Just stop with these lies, unless you prefer war, and are a war-monger.
Fuerza Palestina, como madre puedo simpatizar con el dolor que sienten esas mujeres Palestinas, lo que han tenido que sufrir sus pequeños bebes y niños en un ambiente tan hostil. Todos los países que apoyan esta horrible guerra, están vulnerando el derecho a esos niños de tener una infancia feliz y digna como mínimo ❤
Me pregunto qué dirías si vieras a los bebés que Hamás quemó vivos, los bebés a los que les afeitaron la cabeza, la madre embarazada a la que le cortaron el estómago para dañar a su feto y todas las demás atrocidades que cometió el monstruoso Hamás.
@@benyandofravatashsky7022 El gobierno de Netanyahu NO tiene el derecho de hacer las mismas atrocidades de Hamas o si no se convierte en lo mismo que desprecia. O tu defiendes la matanza de niños inocentes solo porque son Palestinos? Yo aborrezco el asesinato de cualquier inocente, sea Israelí o Palestino, somos todos iguales en derecho.
Es realmente triste, pero este es el destino de una nación donde las madres desean que su hijo sea un asesino cuando sea mayor. Ellos sufren y los israelíes también sufren.@@Patrica84
@@davidcooks2379you mean the events of the start of the nakba that sent 3/4 of a million Palestinians fleeing as refugees that preceded and prompted the war of 48 after plan D went into action. For example "The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when around 130 fighters from the Zionist paramilitary groups Irgun and Lehi killed at least 107 Palestinian Arab villagers, including women and children, in Deir Yassin, a village of roughly 600 people near Jerusalem, despite having earlier agreed to a peace pact."
This breaks my heart. People's lives lost on both sides for what? Hate? It's just so sad. These kids....all of these people deserve a better life. This makes all of our problem seems trivial.
@@Happylife-jb9uyхамас начал эту войну! Вы видели,что он творил в Израиле?! Убивая мирных израильтян😢! Где в библии написано,что нужно убивать евреев?! 😢
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the abswer). It's masterful propaganda.
I feel so sorry for the children especially those who are girls, and I feel sorry for the women. None of them will ever have any rights. Their word will always be considered only half that of a male. They will be forced to live covered head-to-toe. Never get to feel the breeze through her hair or across her knees. She has to tolerate his beatings and there will never be any help for her. She never is allowed to say she doesn’t feel like having relations. He can marry 3 more women if he wants. She has no choice and must share him with other women. If her husband wants to get rid of her all he has to say 3 times is “I divorce you.” She has to leave with nothing and legally he keeps the children.
This is extremely disturbing on both ends. I feel bad for the elderly, the men and the children in Palestine and Israel that have fallen victims to crimes committed against them. It’s extremely scary and concerning and I hope this comes to a swift end.
On one side if you go to somone elses country and treat them like this there are no innocent isrealis. They went there. They knew it was no longer their land . They knew they had no bene given it freely by the local inhabitants. They arent stupid. Jewish are clever. They knew exactly what they were doing by moving from new York to isreal by creating another trail of tears and another refugee camp. They knew. They knew cos they had just had it done to them. I dont feel sorry for the innocent nazi families who got killed in ww2. They knew. They made that choice. To take that risk they put that violence out there and knew it might come back to them some day. They got away with it for a long time just as idreal has. Bit every last one of them could have at any point in 75 years said ah maybe I won't get involved witha a mass american operation to have land in the middle east. Maybe I won't put those people through that. But they made that choice to go there. Palestinians didn't have a choice. I don't see sense in feeling sorry for both the assaulted and the assaulted.
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the answer). It's masterful propaganda.
This channel is wonderful. It presents its message without bias towards any party. It does what it is supposed to do, which is to convey only the truth.
@@benyandofravatashsky7022 Believe me...what is hidden is much greater...the atrocities committed by the occupier against these poor and innocent children in Gaza are recorded in detail by God Almighty...and with him the adversaries come together.
It's one of the most bias channels there is. It's completely left wing. And they aren't telling the full story. Israel has told them to leave Gaza. But Hamas is blocking them. Why do people like you actually go and find out things yourself instead of listening to propaganda.
@@benyandofravatashsky7022what is it doing. Hamas is using rockets which don't even land due to iron dome and meanwhile isreal with an army and high on nukes is bombing the civilians using white phosphorus bomb which is banned and blowing us hospitals with patience in it. I will be damed if isreal abuse and tyranny does not create more hamas. They need to stop the apsrtehid and let these people live and stop killing them they are humans and their life is of equal worth
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the answer). It's masterful propaganda.
@@sheilamacdougal4874 why are you telling me this? what you're saying reminds me of a satirical article from the onion called "Dying Gazans Criticized For Not Using Last Words To Condemn Hamas". insane.
@@noa9125 Whoopee for Onion; it's not insane at all. Hamas is the sole cause of this war and this misery; what is so outlandish about expecting some of them to say so? Even at this moment Hamas is still holding hundreds if civilian hostages and is furing rockets at Israeli civilians. Both you and Onion share the bigotry of low expectations. You expect Israelis to criticise their own government because subconsciously you have much higher expectations and thus demands of them. You expect no democracy or critical thinking from Arabs do you don't demand it. And my main point: Channel 4 doesn't even ask the questions.
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the answer). It's masterful propaganda.
@@sheilamacdougal4874 The media's not asking the right questions. Do you really think palestinians support hamas? That would be like afghanistan supporting the taliban.
@@CindyF1 Gazans overwhelmingly supported Hamas in 2006 - around 75% compared to much lower in the West Bank. It's probably less now, by why doesn't Ch. 4 ask the question? They're doing propaganda, not reporting. Your comparison to the Taliban may be more apt than you think; they couldn't have returned to power without wide support.
Stay strong Palestine. Stay strong my brothers and sisters. We always pray for you. Allah will always protect all of you. I love the kids. Stay happy. Keep playing at the yard. I love you all. ❤❤❤
Says Hamas, you know, the same people who still claim that they didn't kill a single civilian on Oct 7th. Maybe you want to consider who you listen to before you make up your opinion.
Yes, in Israel did you know that LGBT get to live their life with no laws against them! Very unIslamic! I bet you far prefer the laws of Gaza! Under the laws in Gaza none of the girls or women will ever have any rights. By law their word will always be considered only half that of a male. They will be forced to live covered head-to-toe. Never get to feel the breeze through her hair or across her knees. She faces fgm. She will never have a choice whether or not to marry. And she is likely to be forced to marry a man she does not love, even if no attraction to a man. She has to tolerate his beatings and there will never be any help for her. Haven't you seen the videos of Imams teaching how to bet her? She never is allowed to say she doesn’t feel like having relations. He can marry 3 more women at the same time if he wants. She has no choice and must share him with other women. If her husband wants to get rid of her all he has to say 3 times is “I divorce you.” She has to leave and legally he keeps the children. He will just get a younger, unused up wife to take care of the children.
What happens to the hundred millions given to Hamaz for Palestinians?. The root problem is 75% of the people support hamaz. And they approve the massacre of October 07. Now how can I support them?
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the answer). It's masterful propaganda.
The only solution is to end the Israeli apartheid regime. Give Palestinians full citizenship and equal rights. One state solution from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean Sea. Political zi0nism is the reason we are in this mess to begin with ands it’s not a viable ideology.
Ogladam i nie moge powstrzymac łez tak serce boli mam tylko nadzieje ze Palestyna odzyska wolnosc ludzie zaczna żyć nirmalnie a Izrael odpowie za te zbrodnie ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤jestem z Polski ale sercem i myślami jestem z Palestynczykami
I feel so sorry for those girls, and I feel sorry for the women. Under the laws in Gaza none of them will ever have any rights. By law their word will always be considered only half that of a male. They will be forced to live covered head-to-toe. Never get to feel the breeze through her hair or across her knees. She faces fgm. She will never have a choice whether or not to marry. And she is likely to be forced to marry a man she does not love, even if no attraction to a man. She has to tolerate his beatings and there will never be any help for her. She never is allowed to say she doesn’t feel like having relations. He can marry 3 more women at the same time if he wants. She has no choice and must share him with other women. If her husband wants to get rid of her all he has to say 3 times is “I divorce you.” She has to leave and legally he keeps the children. A whole new government needs to come to Gaza, one that will recognize human rights for all.
Палестинцы, дорогие вы наши, мы с вами.😭🎆 Скорбим и плачем, пусть скорей закончится этот ужас. Знаем, что вы победите, бог со всеми нами, кто пострадал от ненасытных нелюдей рода человеческого. Люди, смотрите какие КРАСИВЫЕ их ДЕТИ. БОЖЕ, СПАСИ ПАЛЕСТИНУ🥵❤️✌️😘
I know you mean well but Palestine is for the Palestinians. Taking any Palestinians from their land is unacceptable and disrespectful to the Palestinians whom have been murdered.
Islam preaches war to the infidels. They were born into the most violent people on the planet and you think they need protecting? The world needs protecting from them.
Пожалуйста, живите, милые дети. Мы за вас переживаем, обнимаем вас всех крепко, хоть и далеко. Хочется вас укрыть одеялом, обнять и успокоить, сказать, что у вас будет свой красивый уютный дом, зелёный сад, а рядом счастливые родители. Мне очень жаль ваш народ, но параллельно я горжусь вашим стойким характером и сильным духом.
The director of the New York office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Craig Mokhiber, has left his post, saying the UN is "failing" in its duty to prevent genocide of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip. At the same time, he noted that the United States, Great Britain and much of Europe became “accomplices in a horrific attack.”
Elena, the women and girls of Gaza need to be Freed from the oppression they are suffering. I feel so sorry for those girls, and I feel sorry for the women. Under the laws in Gaza none of them will ever have any rights. By law their word will always be considered only half that of a male. They will be forced to live covered head-to-toe. Never get to feel the breeze through her hair or across her knees. She will never have a choice whether or not to marry. And she is likely to be forced to marry a man she does not love, even if no attraction to a man. She has to tolerate his beatings and there will never be any help for her. She never is allowed to say she doesn’t feel like having relations. He can marry 3 more women at the same time if he wants. She has no choice and must share him with other women. She will be forced to have many babies until death or old age ends it. If her husband wants to get rid of her all he has to say 3 times is “I divorce you.” She has to leave and legally he keeps the children. He just gets a younger wife. There is terrible suffering among the older women of Gaza who are thrown out into the street with no safety net. Gaza needs a new government. This time women should be the government.
Imagine if all the 15 million Germans evicted from where they lived in Eastern Europe after WW2 were living on a tiny strip of land and and resented all Eastern Europeans. Sometimes you have to take the loss and start over again.
São tão pequenos, sinto vontade de abraçar estas crianças e bebês 😢❤.... Eu sou Mãe e sinto muito por não poder fazer algo... Aqui do Brasil 🇧🇷 Eu só posso orar e pedir pra Deus proteger os inocentes 😢❤.. #PalestineFree ❤
Human are born with pure heart & beautiful smile! why do we grow up to be monsters killing one another! Hatred is truely threat to our planet now! God bless Justice & Humanity! 🙏💖🙏
@@j.a.0088hamas is a response yo exactly this Israels brutal occupation and apartheid on them. They don't even see them as humans this is so messed up. No one I repeat no one should be able to starve and them b o m b 2.3 civilians however they like. There lives are of equal worth they should be free from israel. Enough of the abuse
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the answer). It's masterful propaganda.
Of course,we beleive in Allah, palestine will be free inshallah 🙏 habibati dont cry Allah 😢😢😢😢😢😢 bless you, all of yoy allah akbar. احبابي من الغزة الحرة ، غزة المجاهدة الحمد للة سنرجع وسنعمر بلادنا ان شاءالله سترجعوا الى لبيت حنون يااحبابة من فلسطين ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Why are they getting pregnant and bringing babies into their misery? We as parents have top responsibility to choose when we have children and into what environment we choose to bring them. If an environment is bad or dangerous, it is on us not to conceive children.
@@timcomley5948isreal killing over 200 peaceful protesters? Murding over 40 children? Dessicated there places of worship? Or do you mean the brutality they endure for over 75 years where they live in an apartheid as subhumans with no rights and isreal has 1000 children hostages and 10,000 civilian hostages at this moment in time. How far back do we go? Isreal created hamas this is there fault and what they are doing to over 2 million people is also due to isreal as it chooses to not see them as humans wiping them off as if they are nothing. There is a reason no one liked being colonised and forced to stay in an apartheid and I see why
@@kpotato2617 We mean decades of Palestinian attacks against civilians in Israel. Yeah, study factual history is hard when you can just shut your brain off and side with terrorists instead. That's "real" intelligence at work there.
@@RobertTaylor-gz2fu of course didnt u see the first nakba where israelis soldiers entered deir yassin and killed every single soul there? and many many many refugees left their homes after that to jordan and other places... israel says it very clear...." if only 100k palestinians left to egypt it would be great" their goal is not hamaz or anything... their goal is to have a land without its people = an empty land and thats why they are oing the genocide
Over 40 NGOs supporting Palestinians, but where is the money going? Why no desalination plants? Where is the seaport, hotels and industry they could have built???
Why would you have children if you lived there? I'd be on birth control until I got outta there. No way would I want to bring a baby into an environment like that. Poor kids. They didn't ask to be born.
From now on I will stand with the Palestinians and will not forgive or forget for all the crimes done by the Israel and US! We the world should not let those innocent babies and children died for nothing ! 😢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸
I feel so sorry for those girls, and I feel sorry for the women. Under the laws in Gaza none of them will ever have any rights. By law their word will always be considered only half that of a male. They will be forced to live covered head-to-toe. Never get to feel the breeze through her hair or across her knees. She faces fgm. She will never have a choice whether or not to marry. And she is likely to be forced to marry a man she does not love, even if no attraction to a man. She has to tolerate his beatings and there will never be any help for her. She never is allowed to say she doesn’t feel like having relations. He can marry 3 more women at the same time if he wants. She has no choice and must share him with other women. She will be forced to have many babies until death or old age ends it. If her husband wants to get rid of her all he has to say 3 times is “I divorce you.” She has to leave and legally he keeps the children. He just gets a younger wife. There is terrible suffering among the older women of Gaza who are thrown out into the street with no safety net. Gaza needs a new government. Free the Women of Palestine! Can we have at last just ONE government run all by women?
All children are wonderful and beautiful, they are a new breath of air in the life, but it is a pity, a poor children (( who suffered and who migrated at such a young age
Yaa Allah you love all children witout exception. Help these children live in peace and harmony. Yaa Allah you are the greatest and the most merciful , have pity on all those who are suffering.
So much hate on both sides, in both nations, both nations refuse to see each other as humans. I only pitty children caught up in this war of two people who hate each other.
I saw on Instagram what's happening in gaza and how isreali citizens when hearing a bomb were laughing and saying schools are shut as gaza children are dead. It's messing with my head man. my heart aches I keep having thoughts that a child last memory will be of being thirsty, hungry scared in darkness before a bomb takes that life. Israel has gone man these people may be living under his apartheid but for us there lives have equal worth. The babies 😭
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the answer). It's masterful propaganda.
you made me cry. brother I am in lot of pain seeing this. Don't know how can I help my brother's and sister's in Palestine. I keep praying every day may Allah (Swt) end this war and give them victory to live in there own land.
As a parent, my heart aches for the children. The children do not deserve this.
You wont when they grow up to be hamas.
What you don't know about Gaza is that many parents in Gaza train their small children to hate and kill Israelis. They are not all as innocent as you might think.
I wonder what you would say if you saw the babies that the Hamas burned alive, the babies that had their heads shaved, the pregnant mother whose stomach was cut to harm her fetus and all the other atrocities that the monstrous Hamas did.
@@zao7556 you’re even not a human, why do you care about this?
@@zao7556 are all African Americans in gangs? Just so you know, your black neighbors don’t trust you, with good reason. Your swine boils for the children’s blood.
It's heart breaking. I can't stop crying watching these children and I don't understand how you can call yourself a human being and justify their suffering.
according to the current israeli narrative, there are no humans in gaza. there are human animals and human shields - or animals and shields, the "human" is just an adjective.
How hard is to give up the hostages and stop helping hamas
@@kalexlou5327swallow whatever the western media is puking.. you just need commonsense to understand how and why hamas is getting support from palestinians..
What about the other side
The innocent are always casualties of war, man makes war and children suffer. Hamas started this but Israel will end it.
No one deserves this but children and babies to be born and have to live in this filth and between this hate, is unjust. My heart aches and eyes cry. I’m so sorry this is their lives.
They have the power to stop it immediately. They refuse. All on them.
Yo lo q no entiendo porque tienen tantos hijos!!! Saben q los traen al mundo para sufrir!!
@@cvn6555отдать свою землю и идти по миру чтоли.
@@virginiaestornelo9501своим родителям задай этот вопрос.
Upah dosa ialah maut. Simple
Thank you so much for sharing these stories. It’s so important that the world sees the humanised face of this genocide. We have plenty of ‘humanised stories’ of the Israelis but few like this of the Palestinians. My heart bleeds for them. I stand in solidarity with them.
Yeah they only focus what happen in October 7th, but knowing the fact that they have been experiencing this for decades, thanks to Hamas, now they are in the spotlight of the world, because all this time their complaints, screams, cries and even their blood have not been heard by the UN and world.😢
That mum of newborn twins just broke my heart. Nothing justifies this. Nothing at all.
The illegal occupation and apartheid needs to end. The more I read amnesty, humans rights and over 100 UN resolutions by israel I just don't get what our government support here. They are humans whose life is of equal worth. Its messes up starving and bombing 2.3 million people WTF
Hopefully she doesnt have anymore.
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the abswer). It's masterful propaganda.
@@sheilamacdougal4874 Wow. Lets try this come on you can do it. No colonisation, no apartheid, no shooting children, no jailing and torturing them, no mass shooting of peaceful protesters, no throwing people into ovens to death, no lynching people, no throwing people out of there homes so that a settler can stay there, no burning and killing entire villages, no organ harvesting of Palestinians, no mutilating of dead bodies, no raping women, no genocide through starvation and incineration of 2.3 million civilians. Ok so if you come this far great if not do it a few times it may help you reach a point where you can denounce Israel. The original Sin is with Isreal for the apartheid and all its disgusting war crimes. You seriously going to ask someone who is treated worse then a dog and lost entire family members to think about condoning someone. Isreal did not need to start massacring people but it is as its 1000X worse than hamas with 10,000 civilains under its belt just now forget the millions it has massacred in 16 years even. You are not the subhuman you are not the one experiencing the war crimes of this so called democracy which does not even recognise them as having any rights. So you dont get to dictate how the victim should react. You dont have the right. Judge yourself.
@@sheilamacdougal4874they'll never stop supporting Hamas never stop destroying the countries that take em as refugees..never release hostages
Heartbreaking to see what the parents and children have to deal with on a daily basis. They deserve a better, brighter future.
I couldn't help but tear up watching this report by Yousef, what did these civilians do for the bombs to be raining on them indiscriminately?
None in Gaza, man, woman or child, deserve to be "collateral" in this cruel genocidal campaign!
we pray for our dear palestinians
may allah protect them and free them from the occupation israel
Dry one sided view
@@timcomley5948 bat-zonna
What can you do when you are illegally occupied and forced to live in an apartheid referred to as human animals or that even that is an insult to animals. Their life is not worth anything in isreal which has deeply racist rhetoric. But to us it is. No apartheid, no occupation they should have human rights and treated with dignity simple.
Precious babies, precious lives, all of them. My heart breaks and is with you every day, Palestine. Praying for your freedom and safety. 💚💚💚💚💚
my heart aches I keep having thoughts that a child last memory will be of being thirsty, hungry scared in darkness before a bomb takes that life. I don't know how anyone knowing that cannot want to shout and scream fuxx israel. They need to leave these people and let them be free. The more reports I read from amnesty UN human rights the more disturbed I get by israel. Lord help 😭 😭
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the abswer). It's masterful propaganda.
@sheilamacdougal4874 nobody's buying your Israeli propaganda here, you must be a horrible human to write that on this videos comments...have you watched the video Sheila?
And the precious babies that were burned?? Both dead and ALIVE?? Were they not precious on Oct 7th??
And the ones who were beheaded??? BEHEADED??!!
Were they not precious???
This is a VILE attempt at pulling on the world's heartstrings. You should be ASHAMED!!
Nice try loser
Big respect for channel 4, haven’t seen equal representation of both sides from other medias
They don’t.
More like Hamas propagandists.
@@tzvi3660 because it doesnt fit your agenda
I wonder why they don't ever ask the question as to why the women are treated so poorly in Gaza.
Beautiful capture of a mom who is still proud. I can’t imagine giving birth with rockets around me I mean it is the most painful time and you’re supposed to what - run with your newborns out of your home. I remember being stressed when I was pregnant and Home Depot failed to deliver my kitchen cabinets on time and stuff was messed up I could find no peace. This lady is beyond strength!
Feel so sorry for these children and babies 💔
Parents no self control, bring children into a world and now want sympathy. Wife expecting 3rd child. Help me pls.
@maryngeoh9007 Go Tell them to Chastise themselves. Maybe you should Chastise yourself and see how it makes you feel lesser of a Human being and not even have basic rights.
I bet you are commenting from some Western Country, feet up, cupboards Filled with delish food and water and got Medical facilities to go to at a touch.
The people you obviously dont care for DON'T HAVE THOSE RIGHTS.
Your comment shows how much you understand about this conflict.
@@roshanlallubhai2640 why they are producing so much babies for no reason? or they have a reason so they can throw stones on Israel? behave like human if you want to be treated like a human.
my heart aches I keep having thoughts that a child last memory will be of being thirsty, hungry scared in darkness before a bomb takes that life. I don't know how anyone knowing that cannot want to shout and scream. Lord help 😭 😭 This is beyond sadistic hamas killed 1200 people isreal is way worse with over 3000 children under its belt. Forget the regular chils killings they usually do. This is disgusting and psychotic
@@maryngeoh9007what would you do in a place where a palistinains child gets killed every day. You will have 3 kids so that one may survive. This is there reality its not the first time isreal is killing them
I really feel sorry for these little children how they have to live
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the abswer). It's masterful propaganda.
A lot of the children will see this as an adventure. It's much more difficult for their mothers. The mothers have to change the diapers and find ways to clean them. Mothers have to find a way to breast feed, which is very difficult seeing they have to wear so many layers of clothes in Gaza. And it's really difficult to breastfeed when you have no way of propping the baby up. These mothers will have to hold the baby up with their own arms, which gets tiring very quickly!
Women overall have it much more difficult in a situation like this because women require much more sanitary help. Especially when stressed. It's very difficult to deal with dirt when you have to wear a large bag over you that billows the dirt up into your underclothes. If these women were allowed to wear trousers and shirts their lives would be made so much easier. But they will have to spend their entire lives wearing the clothes the men have ordered them to wear.
Don't forget the women who apparently are grouped with children for some odd reason
@@sheilamacdougal4874you reply this to everything. Pathetic
God bless these beautiful children. Thank you for the bright light they radiate in the immense darkness. Usher the souls of the children who have passed, and restore them in your sacred light. Thank you for their lives, and may their deaths help humanity to become cognizant that this is not the way. Peace.
Appreciate channel 4 for showing Palestinians as humans. So much dehumanising language around in the media referring them to as collateral damage & human shields.
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the abswer). It's masterful propaganda.
@@sheilamacdougal4874I am with you. Human life is human life. Life is special. Wanting the Jewish community to be safe too is not hate to Palestinians.
Hamas affects everyone, both the people in Gaza and JEWISH people simply because of their country passport. For existing. Hamas exists only because of hate. Hatred of human lives. Jewish human lives. I hear critics talking about how talking about the plight of Jewish lives as somehow = not caring for others as much. If anything as a non-Jew , even i see clear as day they are being targeted. Jewish people HAVE to be mentioned because thats the only reason they are being targeted by Hamas.
We need all of us to be safe and protected.
@@sheilamacdougal4874maybe because hamas didn't start the war .
It is about accupation and seige and denyinh the palestinians their basic human rights and civil rights .
It is not even a war .
A war happen between 2 independant coutries .
Gaza is not a country , it is a concentration camp
@@lareineiitour comment about hamas only targeted israel because they hate jewish people is stupid and it shows well that you know nothing about the issue and you are only repeating lies .
As the UN president said , this attack didn't happen in a vacum , israelis werz outraged about him because they doesn't liked to hire their reality .
They are so upset their haspara compaign is not functionning
How awful for these poor children, I hope they dont grow up traumatised 😢
What a stupid comment there parents , family , friends being blown up before there eyes and you say you hope they don’t grow up traumatised . Are you for real
I read a report which said every child in gaza has PTSD from atlest three traumatic events in their life. The last apartheid on earth needs to end and these people should get their freedom and be free people not live without under isreal military rules with no rights. Its just wrong. Peace does not come by making slaves out of people we all want yo be free.
They will. The parents decided to make them.
Many grow up to be extremists and terrorists.
@@Deadassbruhfrfr You for real. No mother you can ask any women would ever allow their child to suffer its not their fault they live in an apartheid and Israel is illegally on their space. Where do they go to? they are the indigenous people of that land just because isreal colonised it and does not give them any rights is not there fault . Crazy for someone to say this
Those beautiful innocent children...It breaks my heart seeing them in that situation...I feel guilty for being here in my comfortable bed in California...and having peace and. freedom..and all the food I want...We take so many things for granted...I pray for all the innocent civilians in Palestine and Israel 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
so you should write en email to hamas and complain
we pray for palestine only
israel started the whole thing
took a land occupied the palestinian territories
may god free them from the occupation
may god protect ghaza and palestine
free palestine
You must advocate to end Israeli apartheid if you care about innocents.
@@kpotato2617 You state a colossal lie. You either don't know history or don't give a damn about the truth. If you did, you would realize that the idea of stolen land is a gross Palestinian Arab lie for the last 100 years due to the fact that the Arabs refused to accept the lawful rulings of the Supreme Allied Powers post WW 1, which administered the vast Ottoman Turkish Empire in the Middle East, and allocated those Turkish Empire lands to Arabs and Jews for eventual sovereignty. In exchange for peace and Western recognition of Turkish sovereignty, (Ataturk and his Turkish Republic), in Turkey proper, the Turks agreed to relinquish their empire lands in the middle east to the Supreme Allied Powers post WW 1, who then created a legal mechanism to set up independence for the vast Turkish empire lands.This was a legal process that the Arabs accepted because it favored them as they were allocated Mesopatemia (Iraq), Trans-Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Arabia, Egypt, etc., even over the objections of indigenous christian populations like the Maronnite christians in Lebanon, the Assyrian christians in Syria, the Chaldean christians in Iraq, etc. But Palestine-Israel was allocated to the Jewish People world-wide based on their presentation of clear proof, historical, archaeological, religious, biblical, language, etc. that they, the Jews, i.e.the Judeans, come form Judea, i.e. the West Bank, and even the Arabs call them Yahoods (i.e. from Yehuda (hebrew)-Judea (english). The Arabs come from, you guessed it: Arabia, present day "Saudi" Arabia. While the Arabs "accepted" the allocations of the Supreme Allied Powers (Britain, France, Italy, Japan (yes Japan), etc.), which gave them thousands of miles of territory, they refused to accept the ruling as to Palestine-Israel for the Jewish-People world-wide, which gave the Jews just a few hundred miles of territory in their ancient homeland. Why? Because the Arabs are gross pigs and liars. And, instead of making an arrangement with the Jews, who were willing to accommodate for the sake of peace, the Arabs chose the path of violence, war, terror, jihad, and atrocities for the last 100 years. They refused to acknowledge to this day any legitimate rights of the Jewish People. The Arabs would rather sacrifice the lives of their people, as cannon fodder, and foment gross lies and deception, than allow the Jews to reside in their own sovereign land, as their right under history and international law.
So read about the San Remo Conference, the British Mandate, the League of Nations, the UN, etc.
If the land was stolen as you claim, why did the UN (dozens of nations, including the US and the USSR-Russia) recognize and accept Israel into the UN as a member? Just stop with these lies, unless you prefer war, and are a war-monger.
Fuerza Palestina, como madre puedo simpatizar con el dolor que sienten esas mujeres Palestinas, lo que han tenido que sufrir sus pequeños bebes y niños en un ambiente tan hostil. Todos los países que apoyan esta horrible guerra, están vulnerando el derecho a esos niños de tener una infancia feliz y digna como mínimo ❤
Me pregunto qué dirías si vieras a los bebés que Hamás quemó vivos, los bebés a los que les afeitaron la cabeza, la madre embarazada a la que le cortaron el estómago para dañar a su feto y todas las demás atrocidades que cometió el monstruoso Hamás.
@@benyandofravatashsky7022 El gobierno de Netanyahu NO tiene el derecho de hacer las mismas atrocidades de Hamas o si no se convierte en lo mismo que desprecia. O tu defiendes la matanza de niños inocentes solo porque son Palestinos? Yo aborrezco el asesinato de cualquier inocente, sea Israelí o Palestino, somos todos iguales en derecho.
Es realmente triste, pero este es el destino de una nación donde las madres desean que su hijo sea un asesino cuando sea mayor.
Ellos sufren y los israelíes también sufren.@@Patrica84
@@Patrica84 para atacando un país ajeno.
Y ésto no pasaría.
Éstos terroristas han condenado a gaza en sufrimiento por su estupideces, and barbaries.
@@Deadassbruhfrfr nothing justify this. Children do not deserve this. ceasefire now.
Worth remembering for the ten year old this war didn't start on the 7th but has been waged on her every year of her life.
It started in 1948 when Arab countries attacked Israel on the day they proclaimed independence
@@davidcooks2379you mean the events of the start of the nakba that sent 3/4 of a million Palestinians fleeing as refugees that preceded and prompted the war of 48 after plan D went into action. For example "The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when around 130 fighters from the Zionist paramilitary groups Irgun and Lehi killed at least 107 Palestinian Arab villagers, including women and children, in Deir Yassin, a village of roughly 600 people near Jerusalem, despite having earlier agreed to a peace pact."
It started when you laid false claim to this land @@davidcooks2379
This breaks my heart. People's lives lost on both sides for what? Hate? It's just so sad. These kids....all of these people deserve a better life. This makes all of our problem seems trivial.
both sides? what do you mean?
@@Happylife-jb9uy means both in Isreal and Palestine
Întreabă Hamas!
@@Happylife-jb9uyхамас начал эту войну! Вы видели,что он творил в Израиле?! Убивая мирных израильтян😢! Где в библии написано,что нужно убивать евреев?! 😢
The Palestinians are losing their lives over their land.
No one deserves the tears and blood the Palestinian people have shed❤....love from NYC
Historically theyve chosen violence and war over peace and freedom by walking away from multiple 2 state solutions.
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the abswer). It's masterful propaganda.
I feel so sorry for the children especially those who are girls, and I feel sorry for the women. None of them will ever have any rights. Their word will always be considered only half that of a male. They will be forced to live covered head-to-toe. Never get to feel the breeze through her hair or across her knees. She has to tolerate his beatings and there will never be any help for her. She never is allowed to say she doesn’t feel like having relations. He can marry 3 more women if he wants. She has no choice and must share him with other women. If her husband wants to get rid of her all he has to say 3 times is “I divorce you.” She has to leave with nothing and legally he keeps the children.
@@KidsandKittens217that's a pretty broad statement. That father certainly seemed to adore his daughters and his wife
@@sheilamacdougal4874 True
This is extremely disturbing on both ends. I feel bad for the elderly, the men and the children in Palestine and Israel that have fallen victims to crimes committed against them. It’s extremely scary and concerning and I hope this comes to a swift end.
I have been following this closely this is the first time I've seen this one.
@@IsraelGodsImmovableRockSeen which one??
On one side if you go to somone elses country and treat them like this there are no innocent isrealis. They went there. They knew it was no longer their land . They knew they had no bene given it freely by the local inhabitants. They arent stupid. Jewish are clever. They knew exactly what they were doing by moving from new York to isreal by creating another trail of tears and another refugee camp. They knew. They knew cos they had just had it done to them. I dont feel sorry for the innocent nazi families who got killed in ww2. They knew. They made that choice. To take that risk they put that violence out there and knew it might come back to them some day. They got away with it for a long time just as idreal has. Bit every last one of them could have at any point in 75 years said ah maybe I won't get involved witha a mass american operation to have land in the middle east. Maybe I won't put those people through that. But they made that choice to go there. Palestinians didn't have a choice. I don't see sense in feeling sorry for both the assaulted and the assaulted.
@rebe-ko4mcnone of what you say can be fully believe because Gaza health and all the organization is ran by Hamas. So a lot of lies are being told.
@rebe-ko4mc tell Hamas to stop launching rockets from residential squares.
Wow! Palestinians are humans too, with hopes and dreams. Who would have thought?
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the answer). It's masterful propaganda.
Of course. All people are humans regardless of their religion.
The kids are so beautiful, may God bless them, keep them safe and strong,🙏,♥️
How this world still has this sad situation?
This channel is wonderful. It presents its message without bias towards any party. It does what it is supposed to do, which is to convey only the truth.
Do you really believe that? They don't show what Hamas is doing to Israelis and Palestinians.
Believe me...what is hidden is much greater...the atrocities committed by the occupier against these poor and innocent children in Gaza are recorded in detail by God Almighty...and with him the adversaries come together.
It's one of the most bias channels there is. It's completely left wing. And they aren't telling the full story. Israel has told them to leave Gaza. But Hamas is blocking them. Why do people like you actually go and find out things yourself instead of listening to propaganda.
@@benyandofravatashsky7022what is it doing. Hamas is using rockets which don't even land due to iron dome and meanwhile isreal with an army and high on nukes is bombing the civilians using white phosphorus bomb which is banned and blowing us hospitals with patience in it. I will be damed if isreal abuse and tyranny does not create more hamas. They need to stop the apsrtehid and let these people live and stop killing them they are humans and their life is of equal worth
this is heartbreaking 💔
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the answer). It's masterful propaganda.
@@sheilamacdougal4874 why are you telling me this? what you're saying reminds me of a satirical article from the onion called "Dying Gazans Criticized For Not Using Last Words To Condemn Hamas". insane.
@@noa9125 Whoopee for Onion; it's not insane at all. Hamas is the sole cause of this war and this misery; what is so outlandish about expecting some of them to say so? Even at this moment Hamas is still holding hundreds if civilian hostages and is furing rockets at Israeli civilians. Both you and Onion share the bigotry of low expectations. You expect Israelis to criticise their own government because subconsciously you have much higher expectations and thus demands of them. You expect no democracy or critical thinking from Arabs do you don't demand it. And my main point: Channel 4 doesn't even ask the questions.
This is so heartbreaking
They shouldn't breed beyond their resources
Totally heartbreaking... The world needs to stand up and stop this.
There are many refugee camps around the world. This is one of the best. Others don’t get much funding at all.
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the answer). It's masterful propaganda.
@@sheilamacdougal4874 The media's not asking the right questions. Do you really think palestinians support hamas? That would be like afghanistan supporting the taliban.
@@CindyF1 Gazans overwhelmingly supported Hamas in 2006 - around 75% compared to much lower in the West Bank. It's probably less now, by why doesn't Ch. 4 ask the question? They're doing propaganda, not reporting. Your comparison to the Taliban may be more apt than you think; they couldn't have returned to power without wide support.
@@sheilamacdougal4874 I totally disagree with Israel killing children and women.. They need to be held accountable for their war crimes.
Stay strong Palestine. Stay strong my brothers and sisters. We always pray for you. Allah will always protect all of you. I love the kids. Stay happy. Keep playing at the yard. I love you all. ❤❤❤
This is a beautiful documentary, my heart breaks for the people of Gaza, I hope this will end soon.
I love you plasteen 👍indin muslim
What kind of evil enemy these poor people are up against! Unbelievable
Heartbreaking and in tear. More than 3500 children have been killed just in 3 weeks and more then 1500 children are in rubble of buildings.
Says Hamas, you know, the same people who still claim that they didn't kill a single civilian on Oct 7th. Maybe you want to consider who you listen to before you make up your opinion.
Save the Children of Gaza.
The Israeli cruelty is something else.😢
Yes, in Israel did you know that LGBT get to live their life with no laws against them! Very unIslamic! I bet you far prefer the laws of Gaza! Under the laws in Gaza none of the girls or women will ever have any rights. By law their word will always be considered only half that of a male. They will be forced to live covered head-to-toe. Never get to feel the breeze through her hair or across her knees. She faces fgm. She will never have a choice whether or not to marry. And she is likely to be forced to marry a man she does not love, even if no attraction to a man. She has to tolerate his beatings and there will never be any help for her. Haven't you seen the videos of Imams teaching how to bet her? She never is allowed to say she doesn’t feel like having relations. He can marry 3 more women at the same time if he wants. She has no choice and must share him with other women. If her husband wants to get rid of her all he has to say 3 times is “I divorce you.” She has to leave and legally he keeps the children. He will just get a younger, unused up wife to take care of the children.
So so sad...this madness must end! My heart aches for what is happening to the Palestinian people!
Sooooo zero responsibility of the parents - being that poor and "in an open prison" but still producing these many children. Really i dont get it!
Ignorance , no education . Hamas made them like that . Hamas has no morality .
As an African American millennial, I’m ashamed of, and disappointed in my government. As a black man, I know we are next. This must stop today.
Hope these children see better days.
why they all having 5, 6, 7, 8+ kids in poverty like this??
What happens to the hundred millions given to Hamaz for Palestinians?. The root problem is 75% of the people support hamaz. And they approve the massacre of October 07. Now how can I support them?
"ten years old, ten wars"
Thank you for this report.
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the answer). It's masterful propaganda.
The only solution is to end the Israeli apartheid regime. Give Palestinians full citizenship and equal rights. One state solution from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean Sea. Political zi0nism is the reason we are in this mess to begin with ands it’s not a viable ideology.
Ogladam i nie moge powstrzymac łez tak serce boli mam tylko nadzieje ze Palestyna odzyska wolnosc ludzie zaczna żyć nirmalnie a Izrael odpowie za te zbrodnie ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤jestem z Polski ale sercem i myślami jestem z Palestynczykami
Suatu saat nanti israel pasti akan hancur
I heard that this neighborhood is now being subjected to violent bombardment and without warning, may God protect them
I have zero parental instincts but damn seeing this suffering makes me sad. This conflict needs to end but first of all it needs a ceasefire now
I feel so sorry for those girls, and I feel sorry for the women. Under the laws in Gaza none of them will ever have any rights. By law their word will always be considered only half that of a male. They will be forced to live covered head-to-toe. Never get to feel the breeze through her hair or across her knees. She faces fgm. She will never have a choice whether or not to marry. And she is likely to be forced to marry a man she does not love, even if no attraction to a man. She has to tolerate his beatings and there will never be any help for her. She never is allowed to say she doesn’t feel like having relations. He can marry 3 more women at the same time if he wants. She has no choice and must share him with other women. If her husband wants to get rid of her all he has to say 3 times is “I divorce you.” She has to leave and legally he keeps the children. A whole new government needs to come to Gaza, one that will recognize human rights for all.
without the war there is a still a humanitarian crisis in Gaza while Hamas is around
All the kids are so beautiful. Bless them all. May God shelter and guide them to safety and peace. Amen. End the siege of Gaza!
Палестинцы, дорогие вы наши, мы с вами.😭🎆
Скорбим и плачем, пусть скорей закончится этот ужас.
Знаем, что вы победите, бог со всеми нами, кто пострадал от ненасытных нелюдей рода человеческого.
Люди, смотрите какие КРАСИВЫЕ их ДЕТИ.
don't give them that book..give science books..raise them as global citizens not like only muslim..save kids,save generations
May Allah bless them independence
Love from Pakistan 😢😢😢
The resilient of Palestinian children is amazing. From Canada, I wish I could adopt a Palestinian orphan child. They need so much love!
Why are so many being born, when they can't provide for them?
I know you mean well but Palestine is for the Palestinians. Taking any Palestinians from their land is unacceptable and disrespectful to the Palestinians whom have been murdered.
I think Canada has enough sand-N's already
لكن لماذا يتيم كثيرون انا ايضا اريد ان اتبنى طفل فلسطين
Send reminders to Trudeau we want a ceasefire! 🇨🇦
Their resilience is beyond inspiring neighbouring countries should help them. Israel and American leaders have no soul
None at all ... just unfathomable darkness ...
Beautiful children.. they need protecting from the evils of the war machine! It breaks my heart!
Islam preaches war to the infidels. They were born into the most violent people on the planet and you think they need protecting? The world needs protecting from them.
Пожалуйста, живите, милые дети. Мы за вас переживаем, обнимаем вас всех крепко, хоть и далеко. Хочется вас укрыть одеялом, обнять и успокоить, сказать, что у вас будет свой красивый уютный дом, зелёный сад, а рядом счастливые родители. Мне очень жаль ваш народ, но параллельно я горжусь вашим стойким характером и сильным духом.
AllahuAkbar... how quickly she wipes off her tears
The director of the New York office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Craig Mokhiber, has left his post, saying the UN is "failing" in its duty to prevent genocide of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip. At the same time, he noted that the United States, Great Britain and much of Europe became “accomplices in a horrific attack.”
Elena, the women and girls of Gaza need to be Freed from the oppression they are suffering. I feel so sorry for those girls, and I feel sorry for the women. Under the laws in Gaza none of them will ever have any rights. By law their word will always be considered only half that of a male. They will be forced to live covered head-to-toe. Never get to feel the breeze through her hair or across her knees. She will never have a choice whether or not to marry. And she is likely to be forced to marry a man she does not love, even if no attraction to a man. She has to tolerate his beatings and there will never be any help for her. She never is allowed to say she doesn’t feel like having relations. He can marry 3 more women at the same time if he wants. She has no choice and must share him with other women. She will be forced to have many babies until death or old age ends it. If her husband wants to get rid of her all he has to say 3 times is “I divorce you.” She has to leave and legally he keeps the children. He just gets a younger wife. There is terrible suffering among the older women of Gaza who are thrown out into the street with no safety net. Gaza needs a new government. This time women should be the government.
Yes you are right Palestinians are also human being and they deserve to have a beautiful life
God help you sweetheart i pray for you for your family kids protect you, those people also innocent god protect and help them.😢💔🕊️💒
Imagine if all the 15 million Germans evicted from where they lived in Eastern Europe after WW2 were living on a tiny strip of land and and resented all Eastern Europeans. Sometimes you have to take the loss and start over again.
"I live in an open air prison, I know I'll have like 8 kids !!"
São tão pequenos, sinto vontade de abraçar estas crianças e bebês 😢❤.... Eu sou Mãe e sinto muito por não poder fazer algo... Aqui do Brasil 🇧🇷 Eu só posso orar e pedir pra Deus proteger os inocentes 😢❤.. #PalestineFree ❤
I PRAY FOR CHILDREN AND BABIES.....I'm an Italian mother ❤
Soon children of Gaza will live with no Hamas ruling Gaza. Amen. God bless Israel 🙏
Human are born with pure heart & beautiful smile! why do we grow up to be monsters killing one another! Hatred is truely threat to our planet now!
God bless Justice & Humanity! 🙏💖🙏
god bless palestine and give them the will and strength to overcome the occupation
Occupation from Hamas .
Why. Becuase it is a war between Morality (Israel) and Immorality (HAMAS and their book of Genocide), which their parents accept.
@@j.a.0088hamas is a response yo exactly this Israels brutal occupation and apartheid on them. They don't even see them as humans this is so messed up. No one I repeat no one should be able to starve and them b o m b 2.3 civilians however they like. There lives are of equal worth they should be free from israel. Enough of the abuse
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the answer). It's masterful propaganda.
Makes me cry shame to Israelis actions
Fighting to free their country from occupation, Freedom has Price Free Free Palestine,Free Free Palestine
Hospitals, schools, shelters are where Hamas places its military bases. it's hamas's fault
Allah sjow your mercy to these helpless plestinians 💔 plz this world is so selfish tbey will not help them 💔
I do not believe this is happening today . God bless these children 🙏 😢
Of course,we beleive in Allah, palestine will be free inshallah 🙏 habibati dont cry Allah 😢😢😢😢😢😢 bless you, all of yoy allah akbar. احبابي من الغزة الحرة ، غزة المجاهدة الحمد للة سنرجع وسنعمر بلادنا ان شاءالله سترجعوا الى لبيت حنون يااحبابة من فلسطين ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Jews vs Christians vs Islam ---- since 2000 yrs, same thing.
Still can't believe this is being allowed to happen with the support of the so called civilised world, unbelievable!
"Even if the whole is against us, we are proud to be G'zan"
It's very heart breaking. I hope everything is going well.😢
Why are they getting pregnant and bringing babies into their misery? We as parents have top responsibility to choose when we have children and into what environment we choose to bring them. If an environment is bad or dangerous, it is on us not to conceive children.
Beautiful children, May Allah alwasys bless you all
Boze dragi i jos osmijeh imaju,draga neduzna djeca❤🇵🇸
Never teach children to hate others. Then they will live long in the land. There a blessing oin that.
God bless palestine and give them the will and strength to overcome the occupation
No mention of what led to this
@@timcomley5948isreal killing over 200 peaceful protesters? Murding over 40 children? Dessicated there places of worship? Or do you mean the brutality they endure for over 75 years where they live in an apartheid as subhumans with no rights and isreal has 1000 children hostages and 10,000 civilian hostages at this moment in time. How far back do we go? Isreal created hamas this is there fault and what they are doing to over 2 million people is also due to isreal as it chooses to not see them as humans wiping them off as if they are nothing. There is a reason no one liked being colonised and forced to stay in an apartheid and I see why
@@timcomley5948 u mean israel oppression and occupation?
@@kpotato2617 We mean decades of Palestinian attacks against civilians in Israel. Yeah, study factual history is hard when you can just shut your brain off and side with terrorists instead. That's "real" intelligence at work there.
Why has not one country came to take the palestinians to safety?They just leave them!@@kpotato2617
Free free 🇵🇸💚🕊🇵🇸💚🕊🇵🇸💚🕊
its a genocide not war
pls adress it as it is
a party has weapons and the other party are civilians
Would you say that the population of Gaza is far lower than it was 10, 20, 30 or 40 years ago, being pushed to extinction?
Hamas have a lot of weapons.
@@RobertTaylor-gz2fu of course
didnt u see the first nakba where israelis soldiers entered deir yassin and killed every single soul there?
and many many many refugees left their homes after that to jordan and other places...
israel says it very clear...." if only 100k palestinians left to egypt it would be great"
their goal is not hamaz or anything... their goal is to have a land without its people = an empty land
and thats why they are oing the genocide
@@andrewq159 well israel killed only one hamazian... and 10k civilians....
Over 40 NGOs supporting Palestinians, but where is the money going? Why no desalination plants? Where is the seaport, hotels and industry they could have built???
God bless everyone Peace and Love🙏😢🕊💕🪐
This made me smile, through all the heartache. Fucking sad, man.
Why would you have children if you lived there? I'd be on birth control until I got outta there. No way would I want to bring a baby into an environment like that. Poor kids. They didn't ask to be born.
From now on I will stand with the Palestinians and will not forgive or forget for all the crimes done by the Israel and US! We the world should not let those innocent babies and children died for nothing ! 😢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸
That's Hamas again .
I feel so sorry for those girls, and I feel sorry for the women. Under the laws in Gaza none of them will ever have any rights. By law their word will always be considered only half that of a male. They will be forced to live covered head-to-toe. Never get to feel the breeze through her hair or across her knees. She faces fgm. She will never have a choice whether or not to marry. And she is likely to be forced to marry a man she does not love, even if no attraction to a man. She has to tolerate his beatings and there will never be any help for her. She never is allowed to say she doesn’t feel like having relations. He can marry 3 more women at the same time if he wants. She has no choice and must share him with other women. She will be forced to have many babies until death or old age ends it. If her husband wants to get rid of her all he has to say 3 times is “I divorce you.” She has to leave and legally he keeps the children. He just gets a younger wife. There is terrible suffering among the older women of Gaza who are thrown out into the street with no safety net. Gaza needs a new government. Free the Women of Palestine! Can we have at last just ONE government run all by women?
All children are wonderful and beautiful, they are a new breath of air in the life, but it is a pity, a poor children (( who suffered and who migrated at such a young age
😢😢😢so sad may Allah protect the children
This is heartbreaking 💔🥺 God bless Palestine 🤲🏻
Yaa Allah you love all children witout exception. Help these children live in peace and harmony.
Yaa Allah you are the greatest and the most merciful , have pity on all those who are suffering.
Too many people there. Parking lot would be self-sustainable
اللاهم انت السلام ومنك السلام تباركت ياذ ال جلال والاكرام😊
Не смотря на трудности, какие они опрятные, чистые и в глазах только боль, страдание, но не злоба❤ злоба!
This is extremely sad.
So much hate on both sides, in both nations, both nations refuse to see each other as humans. I only pitty children caught up in this war of two people who hate each other.
I love you children Allah protect you all. Ameen
So beautiful children!❤😢
I saw on Instagram what's happening in gaza and how isreali citizens when hearing a bomb were laughing and saying schools are shut as gaza children are dead. It's messing with my head man. my heart aches I keep having thoughts that a child last memory will be of being thirsty, hungry scared in darkness before a bomb takes that life. Israel has gone man these people may be living under his apartheid but for us there lives have equal worth. The babies 😭
It's truly remarkable that this Channel can't find a single Gazan to denounce Hamas in front of a camera for starting this war. Equally remarkable is how Channel 4 had the audacity to ask a Jewish man collecting body parts from Hamas' massacre what he thinks of people dying in Gaza (which he called tragic), but NEVER asks these Gazans what they think of Hamas' massacre of Israelis (since we know the answer). It's masterful propaganda.
IWI is one of the world's most famous and bestselling military arms manufacturers. Let that sink in folks…
Put your ego away
Very deserving children
you made me cry. brother I am in lot of pain seeing this. Don't know how can I help my brother's and sister's in Palestine. I keep praying every day may Allah (Swt) end this war and give them victory to live in there own land.
this is so hard to watch