"The Law of Half Truths" - The Law of Unintended Consequences - Tobias Lars

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • WEBCASTS: TobiasLars.com - & AWAKENING TOOLS
    RETREATS & ADVENTURES: www.SpiritualT...

Комментарии • 49

  • @lucidluminescence4037
    @lucidluminescence4037 6 лет назад +3

    Thank you for telling the hard truths Tobias that all the programmed frightened little mice are suppressing. You inspire me beyond measure, endless gratitude for your posts thank you so much

  • @DD-oe9vx
    @DD-oe9vx 7 лет назад +3

    We need more teachers like you in the Universe!! No bullshit, tell it like it is!!! I love listening to you!!!

  • @SarahSmith-kn5ml
    @SarahSmith-kn5ml 7 лет назад +7

    Hello Tobias hope all is well. I just wanted to share real fast that I have seen these half truths all over the planet for years now, pretty much my whole life. Its so profound how you use a lot of the deep truths extracted from religions to explain the shallowness of the falsely manipulated nonsense. It's amazing. The balanced energy and authoritative source anointing you carry is felt by me strongly. The veil has been lifted my friend. It's like you have a hammer in one hand and a blanket in the another. Namaste 🙏🏼

    • @TobiasLars
      @TobiasLars  7 лет назад +4

      oh, thank you...
      Love that way of saying it... 'Hammer and Blanket'...

    • @SarahSmith-kn5ml
      @SarahSmith-kn5ml 7 лет назад +1

      Tobias Lars "it's a deep well and to those who dig to find it will never thirst again". You are welcome and much love to you. Xo

    • @avalon7024
      @avalon7024 7 лет назад +2

      I also really love how you use linguistics to tell your story. Tel lie vision.

  • @garywarmerdam1459
    @garywarmerdam1459 7 лет назад +3

    Great as usual
    Tobias! Always enjoy hearing from you

  • @jacobsomers
    @jacobsomers 5 лет назад +2

    Just rewatched this. Amazing talk.

  • @TheYtube01
    @TheYtube01 7 лет назад +3

    I appreciate you, thanks Tobias!

  • @mobettadiggah
    @mobettadiggah 7 лет назад +2

    Love you brother Peace and Blessings ❤️✌🏿️😁

  • @lrose631
    @lrose631 7 лет назад +3

    I effing love you. Bless.

  • @karrenofarc
    @karrenofarc 7 лет назад +6

    You nailed it! This is the great work. :)

  • @Taoizm_762
    @Taoizm_762 7 лет назад +2

    Keep in the middle... Buddha developed his whole technique of meditation on this sutra. His path is known as majjhim nikai--the middle path. Buddha says, "remain always in the middle--in everything."
    The book of secrets by Ohso
    Love the messages Tobias
    We love you brother :)

  • @jovialfaltisco548
    @jovialfaltisco548 7 лет назад +3

    I was about 23 when Al Gore made that movie. I also thought it was more an ego thing to him after losing the election. Glad to hear someone today, 14 yrs later, assuring my random thought/perspective on that back then 👍

  • @kimhobbs6116
    @kimhobbs6116 7 лет назад +2

    Hi Tobias. I just discovered you. Thank you for your guidance. I am from the original hippy generation and lived for a time on The Farm (Stephen Gaskin) in Tennessee. During that time it was common to see circles of people talking about personal, marital and spiritual issues. You could not be an isolationist. Someone would come up and immediately get into your shit, getting real all over the place. It was for me, paradise. Nowadays, that "getting real" falls flat. I recall a past Thanksgiving where a family issued was brought to try and reach a resolution. It turned into an out of control screaming scene. These young people will have nothing to do with getting real. Your really refreshing. Keep it up.

  • @Noteafairy
    @Noteafairy 5 лет назад +1

    I am glad I watch your videos...

  • @finArodrigez
    @finArodrigez 7 лет назад +2

    Goodstuff-Thanks Tobias :)

  • @avalon7024
    @avalon7024 7 лет назад +3

    I am always so grateful when I hear what I am saying through some one else. I know how to lose friends :lol. Thank you for getting this info out. Another way to make friends is when I bring up Hmmm? What if we lost electricity? Chemtrails? Folks will avoid me if I mention even these words. Amazing, how so many want to stick their heads in the sand. How can they not see? You tell me.

  • @wook-e-watch3463
    @wook-e-watch3463 6 лет назад +3

    YES! I love your rants! Always on point, thank you!

  • @lux7835
    @lux7835 6 лет назад +1

    Keep it real as steel, my brotha!

  • @JoelDaMan112
    @JoelDaMan112 7 лет назад +1

    Always love the vids,where Tobias rants! :D :D :D

  • @catharineselph8208
    @catharineselph8208 7 лет назад +2

    "You can't create sunlight" !!! This video is a little hard on the ears, but you make your point. Don't be so hard on Al Gore, though. I saw his movie, and as I recall, after it came out the public conversation about climate change caught fire, so to speak. It was important for people to face up to our responsibilities at that time, and I believe it helped. True, some people take it too far. The middle path, I hear you.

    • @TobiasLars
      @TobiasLars  7 лет назад +6

      it's a good topic imo - so I will post a bit on it
      in the sense that it may help people 'wake up' to treating the Earth with a 'light footprint'...great.
      Corralling people into a Global Carbon Tax...that will only increase centralized control and have less freedom for individual people (and will not help at all) - bad imo.
      The real thing is to get off Oil/coal and farming of cows/pigs....
      just posted this this morning elsewhere -
      OH NO! I went there ;)
      Another Sacrosanct Cow ... hmmmm.... DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. "Learn to Discern" and don't 'buy into' the 'Fear Porn' of the 'inventor of the internet' Mr. Al Gore.. ;) There are HUGE NATURAL CYCLES of CO2 production that our Earth goes thru...
      CO2 is NOT a 'pollutant'...plants need it, live off of it...YOU breathe out - produce several pounds of it every day. the 'Global Warming' is due VERY LITTLE to what Human's activities are doing... 500% INCREASE IN Volcanic Activity last few decades...could that have something to do with a 'warming cycle'?
      -Geothermal heating up under the ice shelf in Antarctica etc. etc.
      - Why are the other planets also 'warming' ?
      Are there 'evil SUV's' on Jupiter? ...c'mon.
      - OR could it be that The SUN with its electromagnetic spectrum is 'talking to', interacting with it's 'babies', the planets?
      - Why did the Vikings GROW GRAPES in 'Vinland' (which means 'Wine
      Land') and then a few generations later it was too cold and they had to
      leave - were there 'evil SUV's' back then? get real. Don't get fooled by those whose agenda is to create a Global Control System for the whole planet...
      a micro-chipped population living in tiny Apart-Ments and all tied into
      one Global Bank completely track-able via the Satellite system. We NEED TO GET OFF of Carbon based OIL, COAL etc.
      OF COURSE.
      It's the Global Cartels, Oil, $ mainly that operate the 'fake wars'
      (remember the fake 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'?), Fake Financial
      Crises, FAKE 'Global Warming' as a TOOL TO CONTROL. Go after the Free Energy tech...Magnetic Motors, REAL hydrogen cars etc...
      Why are over 5000 Patents suppressed by DARPA for 'National Security purposes'? the VAST majority which are 'energy' related.
      -Why if any Solar device is 30 or 40% 'energy efficient' are they suppressed....again...for 'National Security Purposes'...
      -Follow the $...the Oil Cartels...Bush/Cheney/Saudi's etc etc...
      -Creating 'Wars for (fun) & Profit'...
      -Bankrupting the USA
      (the $ spent on Irag Afghanistan wars could have/would have PAID FOR
      EVERY HOUSE IN AMERICA that twas foreclosed on in the artificial
      'financial crisis' of a few years back...it was just designed to
      'harvest' steal some real estate from the people by the Global Bankers.
      AND that War $ could have provided for 50 years -
      - Free Healthcare
      - Free Education... for all Americans. but YOU and ME need to 'wake up' and demand getting off of oil... "Get Real to Heal"
      "For example, Michael Mandeville has done research that has shown that
      the overall volcanic activity on the Earth since 1875 has increased by
      roughly 500 percent. The overall earthquake activity has increased by
      400 percent just since 1973. Natural disasters increased 410
      percent between 1963 and 1993! Dr. Dmitriev did a very elaborate
      calculation of natural disasters. He showed that if you compare the
      years 1963 through 1993, the overall amount of natural disasters of all
      different kinds - whether you are talking hurricanes, typhoons, mud
      slides, tidal waves, you name it - have increased by 410 percent.
      The Sun's magnetic field increased by 230 percent since 1901There's a
      study by Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appleton National
      Laboratories in California, who has been investigating the Sun. He has
      discovered that since 1901, the overall magnetic field of the Sun has
      become 230 percent stronger than it was before. More than just
      Earth Changes So, all in all, what we're seeing is a lot more than just
      what they call Earth Changes. Some people get into the idea that there
      is an interaction between the Earth and the Sun that's going on here.
      Very, very few people are aware of the work that is being done in the
      Russian National Academy of Sciences in Siberia, specifically in
      Novosibirsk, where they are doing this research. They've come to the
      conclusion that the only possible thing that could be causing this
      energetic change all throughout the Solar System is that we are moving
      into an area of energy that is
      different - that is higher.
      And if you LABEL me (i.e. name calling) a 'Climate Denier'...you are
      caught in the triggering the subconscious fear of the mob mentality
      that it is dangerous to think for oneself.
      (and subconsciously linking the climate 'fear porn' to the Holocaust deniers.)
      despicable mind control tactics really.
      don't be a 'sheeple' - think for yourself.

    • @hamishcollide
      @hamishcollide 7 лет назад

      Catherine, would it surprise you to know that there are now 15 HAARP facilities around the world, that are basically atmospheric heaters to tamper with the worlds weather?? You're welcome to research it as they make no effort to really hide it. Unfortunately the dot people are failing to connect, is that they are using these to purposely 'heat' the climate and thus create a crisis...sound far fetch??..we'll you're going have to make the leap that many will have to, that the people who really run this show are psychopathic and are more interested in power and control than environmental conditions for the rest of us. If they turned these 'heaters' off and stopped all Geoengineering, Mother Earth would quickly return to balance and peace, the very thing these people don't want. We're being scammed and only a very few are getting it...Al Gore is a front men for the bankers and Globalist's, they want to own it all and they need a crisis to take it. See Club of Rome...
      “The common enemy of humanity is man.
      In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
      with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
      water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
      dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
      changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome.
      The real enemy then, is humanity itself.“
      - Club of Rome,
      premier environmental think-tank,
      consultants to the United Nations
      “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the
      industrialized civilizations collapse?
      Isn’t it our responsiblity to bring that about?”
      - Maurice Strong,
      founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

    • @catharineselph8208
      @catharineselph8208 7 лет назад

      I don't deny that the changes may be natural. Every time our planet goes into the northern part of the galactic plane there are mass extinctions! Comets and earthquakes and HAARP- OH MY! If something were NOT going on then why are there thousands of astronomers watching for NEOS and why have we sent so many missions to study the sun!! I agree that fossil fuel should go the way of the dinosaurs (ha ha get it?). BUT we don't want the Maldives to sink into the ocean so we need to do what we can to TURN DOWN THE HEAT, whatever the cause. Yes, nasty power brokers create wars for fun and profit and the prophet says: "One day there will be a war between the people who love money and the people who love the earth." Hope not. BTW, I worked as a designer for a science museum and researched climate change early as 1983; my daughter has a degree in Environmental Science; I once met Tipper Gore (she's much prettier in person).

    • @catharineselph8208
      @catharineselph8208 7 лет назад

      Yeah, I know about HARP. I think they got Haiti, but its the Chinese I worry about because they have it too. You're wrong about Al, but that's ok, you're entitled to your opinion. I'm a Southerner; an agrarian philosophy is in my DNA.

  • @mistercyst8068
    @mistercyst8068 6 лет назад +2

    im going to buy all your t shirts bro

  • @C_Hart
    @C_Hart 6 лет назад +3

    wow you got worked up on this one. A+ though and i understand the enthusiasm. shit isnt alright

  • @tn123tn123
    @tn123tn123 7 лет назад +1

    Keep up the good work, however consider the option to reduce the mentioning of contact with know avatars in general, as this may give your followers an undesired impression which may reduce real source access....

  • @TiffH7
    @TiffH7 7 лет назад +4

    Lmao. Absolutely, Tobias.

  • @mobettadiggah
    @mobettadiggah 7 лет назад +2

    I have been saying that about dog shit for 20 years

  • @blockfit8312
    @blockfit8312 6 лет назад +2

    Aaarhaha Tobias you crack me up with ur truth. Frikkking love u my brudaaaah ❤️🙏

  • @jennymock9033
    @jennymock9033 6 лет назад +2

    You make me laugh, so grateful~
    Pretty sure your mom gave me up for adoption, couldnt handle 2 smart asses
    Love you, my brother
    Thank you for being you

  • @billyferriter3103
    @billyferriter3103 7 лет назад +2

    Your best video lol scarying the ol lady lol! Get real to heal

  • @nicoledennison-farrar8647
    @nicoledennison-farrar8647 7 лет назад +1

    Hello tobias! Could you speak about the Mandela effect? Or if you have already can someone tell me where to find it?

  • @jessicalove4089
    @jessicalove4089 7 лет назад +1

    because the universe is a spiral

  • @cristine7878
    @cristine7878 6 лет назад

    Hahahahaha... love it!

  • @Awakened_Awareness420
    @Awakened_Awareness420 4 года назад +1

    😂🐣🐢🐓🍁🌞well well well ...good cleaning !

  • @LION_and_the_LAMB
    @LION_and_the_LAMB Год назад

    7:20 How did you know? 🙃

  • @Mulberrysmile
    @Mulberrysmile 6 лет назад

    Lol...You are triggered in this one, Tobias!
    I happen to love my LED eco green lightbulbs...they last a lot longer than incandescent, use a fraction of the electricity, and most (not all) make good quality light now.
    I plan to get a cargo van with a hybrid engine...Why? Because 81 mpg beats the hell out of 18 or 20 mpg. I don't do this because of Al Gore, but because it is the right thing to do for my ethical wellness. Resources are finite and so is my bank account! Mostly, though, taking care of our one and only home is just the way I choose to live.
    I am old enough that I remember a river starting on fire from fireworks, seeing where businesses dumped their garbage in the middle of the woods because going to the dump cost them a few bucks per load, black toxic smoke pour out of a tailpipes up and down the road and choking on the foul taste.
    So should people not have to abide by pollution laws because environmental concern is being co-opted by a segment of the "elites" or it impedes their free will?
    No...Here is why: If your tailpipe is spewing toxins, I am forced to breath it...I have no choice. Your free will ends when it impinges upon my free will to not breath toxins. The common space between us all has to be maintained for optimum life...if someone actually wants to breath toxins, they must find a way to do it that does not impact people who don't want it. If you want an incandescent bulb you can have it, but you will pay a higher electricity bill, or use more of your off grid electricity to operate it. Choices have consequences, and if one is not willing to accept them, than that person is too immature to be allowed full unguided free will choices.
    By the way, I totally agree that freaking out over poo is ridiculous, EXCEPT when the person/animal has a disease or is on a medication that is excreted and can impact life: some meds are very toxic. Wild animals are pooping all over the place and in the water, too...
    Did you know that doing "deep litter" for chickens creates better health down the generations? The method is to keep adding fresh material on the top of the soiled litter and not removing the old layers. The key is that the hens have to raise their chicks on the deep litter. The third generation is far healthier than the first.

  • @mobettadiggah
    @mobettadiggah 7 лет назад +1

    Gospel of Judas too

  • @joel9842
    @joel9842 6 лет назад

    and win the game of life