Quick 200s - Portugal Track Session

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • For this video, I did a track session at the track in Faro in Portugal of 4x800 with 2 min rest followed by 4x200 also with 2 min rest. The shoes I used were a pair of the original version of the Nike ZoomX Vaporfly NEXT%.
    Subscriber count at time of upload: 6135
    #mastersathlete #faro #algarveathletics

Комментарии • 28

  • @robin29991
    @robin29991 3 месяца назад +1

    Good job on those intervals, Tim. Those were very quick, Middle Distance training seems to be working well

    • @TimGrose
      @TimGrose  3 месяца назад +1

      Yeah thanks - went better than I thought but today left foot bit sore which brings it home why can’t do these sessions as often as I used to be able to.

  • @BenNotley
    @BenNotley 3 месяца назад +1

    Can't beat a free track session. Looked like a decent track too. 👌 Top training as always Tim. 👏😎🤘

    • @TimGrose
      @TimGrose  3 месяца назад +2

      Ha ha yes - sometimes I try and get a free one on an unfenced track when nobody is about but don't think have ever had a bona fide free one! Besides not found a towpath here yet so needs must.

  • @timeonfeet
    @timeonfeet 3 месяца назад +1

    Great session and speeds there Tim, amazing that you can use the track for free, fingers crossed they keep that. Two trollies for all your shoes, you'd probably need a lot more than that wouldn't you 😅

    • @TimGrose
      @TimGrose  3 месяца назад

      Yeah I was expecting to pay something as it is a nice facility with a decent size stand and extensive changing rooms. Been here about 10 years I think as still feels fairly new and the track surface is decent whilst clearly showing signs of use. I guess "real" European countries have different policies on use by the public. There is an adjacent sports centre with a swimming pool and all weather pitches. Reading the comments on Google seems there is a small charge for the pool. Maybe there would be so little income from the track it is not worth the bother of collecting the money!

  • @sagsdothedu
    @sagsdothedu 3 месяца назад +1

    Looks great venue - jealous 😂. Good paces there and your natural speed showing on those 200s. Looking good for some track racing 👌

    • @TimGrose
      @TimGrose  3 месяца назад

      Yeah it was built since we started coming here so think it is about 10 years old. Have passed by it many times and run up to it a few times when never managed to get in when it is open. Seems to open for the "evening" at 3pm. Pleased with the 200s for sure - fastest have done for a few years I think although did have a bit of a tailwind !

  • @tworunningbrooms
    @tworunningbrooms 3 месяца назад +1

    Brilliant leg speed. Surprised you didn't have to provide a medical certificate too on top of your passport details.

    • @TimGrose
      @TimGrose  3 месяца назад

      Yeah I get the feeling they were worried about 57 year old foreigners passing out ! More forms than I expected but being free pleasant surprise. Warm weather and a long “warm up” and I can still get some turnover even if this was still a fraction slower than my PB 1500 pace. If likes of Josh Kerr ran a 32 200 or 64 400 he would look like is jogging.

  • @markbateman9222
    @markbateman9222 3 месяца назад +1

    Enjoyed the video a lot, this is the sort of session that I would like to do getting ready for a possible 5K. If it's not a rude question, Tim, how old are you? I am well into my seventh decade on the earth and am starting to wonder if even thinking of sessions such as this is really, really stupid!

    • @joneaton3366
      @joneaton3366 3 месяца назад +1

      He says in this video that he is 57yo and yes keep in some high intensity training and getting heart rate High a couple of times a week is especially good for older people

    • @TimGrose
      @TimGrose  3 месяца назад

      I am 57. I was started training consistently back in 1983 when I was then 16 and until I was 37 I used to focus on the 800 and 1500 so sessions like this are quite familiar although it is largely only through my coach Matt that I have the idea to do 800s and then the much faster 200s. Ironically I have an 800 track race coming up followed by a 5K road so this session was sort of covering both bases. I often do sessions like this on the road as usually that is just more convenient than finding a track which is open but nothing like a track for both traffic free running and a perfectly flat surface. Usually just the wind to contend with. I would certainly recommend doing some interval training. The general idea is to run roughly at the pace you want to race at and then adjust the interval distances and rests to make that hard but not too hard as you want to try and run each interval at more or less the same pace.

    • @joneaton3366
      @joneaton3366 3 месяца назад +1

      Your still super quick Tim

    • @TimGrose
      @TimGrose  3 месяца назад

      @@joneaton3366 thanks - doesn't often feel that way but got to keep trying...

  • @fabsterun
    @fabsterun 3 месяца назад +1

    Morning! Well done

    • @TimGrose
      @TimGrose  3 месяца назад +1

      Close !

    • @fabsterun
      @fabsterun 3 месяца назад

      @@TimGrose haha yeah! Hope your weather will be better there

  • @justoutlaw6423
    @justoutlaw6423 3 месяца назад +1

    Well done, nice and fast running. Do you find Portugese weather being a factor? I guess it's much warmer then back home.

    • @TimGrose
      @TimGrose  3 месяца назад +1

      Thanks. Think it is always a bit easier to run short, relatively fast intervals when it is warm. Not often back home in the UK could go to and from a track in just a singlet and not feel need anything else. That said it wasn't baking hot as otherwise those 800s would be have been tougher. Bit of wind to keep you a little "cooler".

  • @josephgonzalez_
    @josephgonzalez_ 3 месяца назад +1

    Looks like a very nice track. No doubt funded by the local authority, which surprises me. Even more surprised that they wanted to see your passport! Why, did they think you were going to walk off with bits of the track surface??? Lol
    Anyway, good sesh. 32s is shifting - bodes well for a fast 800 race.

    • @TimGrose
      @TimGrose  3 месяца назад +1

      Yeah perhaps it is surprisingly to us Brits that other countries provide facilities and encourage their use. I was the only one on the track when I arrived at about 5pm but by the time I left were about 10 club type runners warming up. I think part of the questions were in case if you passed out in the heat as also had to give Sue as next of kin. Fortunately I had a picture of my passport on my phone so could fill out the number! They said if I went again would only need to sign in and not fill in the whole form but will probably be next time. Yeah the 200s were encouraging and so were the 800s. I was meant to do 2 miles warm up but ended up doing 4 miles and nearly did not bother with the session as felt really tired. Just need to get those 2nd laps in 800 a bit more even - felt bit like my 5000s. Maybe even effort which means slowing!

    • @josephgonzalez_
      @josephgonzalez_ 3 месяца назад +1

      @@TimGrose the number of times my warm ups felt awful and then went on to do a good session… goes to show you should always give it a go. You often surprise yourself!

    • @TimGrose
      @TimGrose  3 месяца назад +1

      @@josephgonzalez_ Maybe it also shows sometimes that I need a longer warm up than I often do before races. Think there is also an element of warming up then taking a bit of a chill period as I did here. Sometimes I feel I do a warm up then rush straight to the start line then wonder why not feeling great.

  • @greedyready1
    @greedyready1 3 месяца назад +1

    Now I know why your 800m is so superior to your 1500/Mile. That leg speed. I can’t get 200m reps under 33.5 eyeballs out

    • @TimGrose
      @TimGrose  3 месяца назад

      yeah it is a bit odd as my all time 1500 PB 3:55.5 is slightly better than my 800 1:55.8 and back in 2002 when I did 4:00.35 as a 35 year old I only managed 1:59.27 that year. As an M45 my best 800 is only 2:14 but in same period I did a 4:30 1500. So in that sense I always felt I was slightly better 1500m runner. I do feel some of my more recent 1500/Mile races have been a bit processional and the 1500 at BMAF indoors a good case in point and was tired from the 800. Also I felt my recent 800s I could race more "gun to tape" and perhaps did not get so worried about paces and just raced the race. Maybe another factor that a 1500 these days is almost a lap longer timewise than it used to be! Back in the day I could do 25 200s but never any faster and my official 400 PB is only 54.2 although did get a 52.5 relay leg so I guess I have some speed but definitely a 800/1500 type not a 400/800 one for sure. BTW what happened at Oxford - did you fall over or something?

  • @richardrendell9363
    @richardrendell9363 3 месяца назад +1

    Hi tim

    • @TimGrose
      @TimGrose  3 месяца назад +2

      Quickest !