I would love a ranked mode where everyone has the same equipment and skills available to them! No pay to win nonsense, no grinding the game like a job, just pure skill.
Yes please... I moved from USA to Asia, and I do not play this game anymore as I dont want to create another premium account. As I have already played this game for 4 years, I know how OP a premium account is in this game. :(
Mike Tof Ranked is meant to be a fair and balanced playing field where people test their skill. Not to test who fires more gold rounds and who has the more OP tank.
@@beefjiggler5665 Lmao. This game has the worst ranked system. Literaly everyone can get into the league. It isn't about skill. Just about time. Every game has rank system, where bad player can't do anything. In rankeds in wot, everyone can hit league.
he was watching a teammate a while back after he died and the guy did this, he was in an IS-3 or defender or some soviet heavy can't remember, we all learned about it that day haha, I used to just run it over and back up quick before that.
@@probiegamer7539 That could work too but if the enemy arty has enough splash radius then the cap would've been reset, but still interesting to try out.
Nope overrated.. the way he used it here he might as well have driven over it to relocate, since he shot after the arty just fired a shot, wich takes several seconds before the next shot. So time enough to crush it and sit somewhere else in the circle..
@@emonhunter8107 assuming im bitter and couldn't do better.. With people who didn't grow up I don't argue. Maybe try to get used to different opinions, they are nothing to get defensive about.
QB, Id just like to say that you’ve inspired me to get back into WoT after a couple of years break, I’ll still be the reddest of tomatoes but hopefully watching your vids will help me be a bit more useful to my team mates. Thanks 👍
Soooo wg bans my m60, and not wheels? Alright Jokes aside, this is a step in the right direction. I am happy with this decision Edit: I’m an NA player, maining the leopard 1 and the batchat. I’ve noticed that there is a medium tank meta on my server. Progettos and tvps are the most popular. I see a few batchats here and there. I see a lot of auto loading meds rush a flank, and obliterate it. I still see 430s, object 140s, S tanks, 277 and a conq, but I think this season is all about the auto loaders
I wish you good luck about maining Leopard 1. There are too many players cant understand all medium tanks have different tactics and playstyles. You will ended up getting insulted by your team because of you sniping/supporting from distance instead of hugging tanks like 430u players do.
@@batuhanozer5273 I am in the second devision by only playing the Leo 1. Ending in the top 3 nearly 50% of the time. People scolding Leo 1 players for playing the TD role most of the game dont realise how valueble those teammates are. Much more valueble then regular TD's who lack the flexability of moving around the map or actually going ham when the situation demands it. With the removal of the OP clan war tanks I feel very competitive with the Leo 1. :)
@@longbow857 I didnt say Leo sucks, i am Leo driver too. I claim its not a sniper but overall better performancer than any other medium tanks from long distances alongside with M48 but i play my M48 on frontlines rather than sniping.
honestly it wasnt all the reward vehicles that was the problem it was mainly the 279 and the chief, the rest were fine imo, but thinking reward vehicles were the only problem is flawed, EBR..........
I feel like wargaming is trying to listen more to the community. Nerfing obj 430u, not making polish mediums OP and now banning reward vehicles. They sure gotta fix a lot of things more, but i think they are doing great Edit: and ofcourse nerfing the ebrs, but we will see if and when they are planning to nerf them
@@waszkreslem9306 They're not banning it, they're nerfing the 65 because it has everything but dpm. But buffing the 46 even though it has everything including dpm.
The progetto 46 has struggled when it came out but players like me, who enjoy it and got hang of it really started to destroy. Taking 3 shells to finish off an enemy and a light tank rushes you thinking you are empty, nope you finish him too. That's why wargaming should look at the skill not overall statistics crap
Warning!! Long read! But I can assure you it might be worth your time!! I personally own quiet a handful of reward tanks myself, and I really applaud wg for implementing this change, allowing researchable vehicles only to compete. to be frankly, before this change, rank was very very toxic and stale as both team lineups were almost similar and you'll be meeting the same vehicles over and over again. But however I feel there is still alot of room for improvement. Since rank battles are all about the skills and power plays, and the ability to react in a dire situation as qb demonstrated flawlessly, then I strongly feel, that money shouldn't play an important role in rank battles like premium account and battle economy, hear me out on this, don't judge too soon, like popular competitive esport games Dota and LoL, spending money doesn't improve a heroes stats by 5% or so. Firstly, I would make rank battles free, and creditless, tank repairs and ammunition, yes standard, gold shells would all be free. (consumables are debatable) a game mode without economy, not worrying about losing credits after every game with a negative profit. Because of these reasons: newer/f2p players will always be at a disadvantage against people who uses credit cards, just simply because they spend real $ they have an edge, can afford more gold ammo, and premium consumables and just simply break even in a rank game or simply to minimize credit lost after tier X games, (economy at tier X is brutal if u didn't know this already) Secondly, now this is the interesting part in RaNkED battles----> Ammunition load out. A very heated argument. As I said earlier, since the economy is non existent and everything is priceless, so every tank will have a fixed loadout of shells. (debatable, pls don't hate on yet) example for the is7 tank it has a maximum of 30shells, it will have a fixed load out of 15/10/5, standard/gold/HE and this cannot be changed at all, and will always be same and equal to all other is7s in the ranked mode, and after the battle everything is resupplied for free. With this changed, i feel it would be FAIR for everyone, new/noob/veteran players since rank battles is all about the skills, not the money, everyone compete on the same equal ground. And by equalising the load out of x vehicle, f2p players also has easier access to premium rounds without bleeding credits. With that being said, now with gold ammo capped in ranked, gold spammers and p2w players have to actually use their skill and judgement (rank battles require skill right?) in battle to make proper tactical decisions, because if not, by wasting all gold ammo early in the game would cost you when facing a maus, type 5, bobjects, V4s or simply in dire/emergency needs. And now with gold spamming drastically reduced, players would play more varieties of vehicles, and variety will increase by a great margin, rather than 277s, sconq, wz1115a, progettos being constant meta picks, I'm sure you would see more mauses, type 5s, e50M, E100s and so on. And this would overall make rank game mode not only skill based game, also enjoyable, slow tanks actually get to have a solid roll in ranked. But now with all this changes, this would 100% hurt wargaming as a company, they too have staff and workers, to pay, but let's think, for the overall health and longevity of the game, I hope they do work and care about players overall happiness, longevity and health of the game, instead of just dollars and cents. Mr quickybaby, I hope you can see this, before this gets lost in the sea of comments. Congrats if u made it till this far, Anyway, I'm just 1 guy on the internet. trying to get attention from wargaming is like talking to a goat, it either listens and obeys, or listens and kick you in the balls and walks away after taking your credit card.
Very well said; obviously the ratios of shell types will be a complex thing to settle on but it will work along with the zero economy and QB's thought of crew skill disparity(simply make it so all crews are 100% with no skills and don't gain crew xp even if it's your first battle in that tier 10 which has a 75% crew or a 1000hr 7 skill one). All combined together emphasising player skill as the determining factor as to what the end result is. There will still be those toxic players of the "your trash go play barbie" kind, which the complaint system will(should) take care of but for the most part it'll encourage actual teamplay as everyone wants to win and bad mouthing someone because they aren't as good as you is probably worthy of the ban hammer(temp initially). And another thing to that list is no tank equipment at all or a pre-determined loadout for each tank.
Basil Abeysekera Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. I agree with your proposal and am of the belief that this mode would be well supported by the community, who at the moment appear have little motivation to play tier 10. I stopped playing about 12 months ago as the disparities were too great between a ‘casual’ player like myself (real life got in the way of spending time in the game like I did in the early days of WoT) and those players able to devote the time to the game. Crew skills and the other perks, as well as gold spamming made too much of a difference. Your idea would, as QB has suggested, level the playing field and allow players to show off their skills. Moreover, there would be an incentive to grind out more tier 10 tanks to give yourselves a variety of options in ranked. WG would make their money out of the grind process. They can dust off their 7/5/3 ratios as the ammo load out principle for all participating tanks. That would also influence tank selection... low ammo count big hitting heavy or ammo laden medium? Maybe a mad Sheridan driver would come out on top? Interesting proposal mate. Thanks for sharing.
The main problem I have with ranked battles is that, where I live, they open at about 11 pm Kinda sucks when I have classes in the morning and need my sleep.
Its called eSports... a level playing field. I thought we tried this a few times but ready for another go. Ranked games I agree should not be about who grinded more but who played better. Unfortunately, WOT is not always about who played better its what tank you play, what ammo you load, what perks you have etc etc. Which is fun on one level but total nonsense when playing competitively.
The issue i have with ranked is winner doesn't take all, and also when you win the win is not equal for everyone. So everyone tries to farm damage more than they try to win
Yeah, they were OP, they had to be removed, but now the whole game mode is like: Kemp bush= not lose a chevron. I feel like 279 Es and Chieftains encouraged at least some kind of teamplay cuz you can't just 1v1 them, you have to work with your team. Now even that tiny part of teamplay is gone. And nobody is even trying to do something aggressive.
but that's just it..Team play rarely exists...now you have people saying "well I did my part" and have no idea what team play actually is and what it involves
@Frederick The Blue Whale I didn't say win, I said -not lose a chevron-. Big difference. "Kemp bush does not equal win but positional play wins the game." Tell it to all the EBRs who kemp bush and do nothing all game.🤣 And honestly, I don't think it's better after they removed reward tanks. I just feel it became even worse.(just my opinion tho)
QB You hit it right on the Head for me!! I am one of those average players that doesn't even attempt the Ranked Battles because I have dreaded those 6-7 SKill Crews in the Reward Vehicles with the super veteran players. Thank you for this video!! This NOW makes me want to try the Ranked Battles to see how I really do!
A couple of ideas for making a "purer" ranked battles: 1) Have only 1 tank from each class (light, med, etc) that players can choose from. These tanks can change each season. This would allow people to play a class that they feel comfortable in. 2) Have all players play a single tank. The tank selection could change class for each season or better yet each stage. This would allow people to prove how good they are in a wider range of tank classes.
As long as bounty equipements that can only be bought with 6k gold passe, banning reward tanks helps, but this game mode is still unfair for free to play players; you might say bonds equipements give you the same advantage, but those are a lot harder to get and you can't move them between tanks that easy
You can still get them as free to play players all you have do is be good and this the party that most people will fail. Also Ranked is endgame content so newbies and not good players will always have a hard time on this mode.
you are correct in that the battle pass does give a tiny benefit to paying players. But bounty equipment isn't whats holding you back from gold league.
As a f2p player I find the changes sufficient enough for me to start playing the mode. I don’t find improved equipment to provide that much of an advantage.
bounty equipment is nothing when people have already earned well over 100k bonds and can afford multiple tanks worth of improved equipment. And next patch improved equipment will be better than bounty.
@@pyra_cmd i agree and i did not say you can't play it. But that doesn't mean paying players will not have an edge over you. If they really want to call this ranked battles where only skill matters. They should give everyone equal chances. Rental tanks with pre loaded ammo with half gold half normal and no or same equipments for everyone
A more pure game mode would start with a totally diffenent way of Chevron Distribution, since as it is right now it all comes down to be lucky enough to be on the winning team.
15:47 I like the idea, but still I think it should be a requirement to be able to play that mode, like having X number of battles in your account that are +6 Tier. Or allow to have same crew skills, consumables, etc, but you can only play it with the T10 you have unlocked.
For the Pure Ranked Mode suggestion, have a menu where a player chooses a tank, then each of the crew members skills, then the tank equipment. Now the players have a dedicated Ranked Menu where no player has to worry about unfair advantages in ranked.
@@strachinescucozminstelian9156 I have been playing since 2011 and have paid a lot of money to WG over the years and am getting so fed up of EBRs, 3 arty and gold spamming that I play just to do the daily battles to get the bonds then stop. Maybe up to 10 battles a day or so and I don't sweat it if I don't have time. I used to play 30+ battles on a weekday and a frightening number at weekends. But now it just isn't as good. I don't know if the demographic who like EBRs and gold spamming spend more than me but that is who is being catered for and maybe WG think they are the future because I, and players like me, are less and less likely to be playing in a few years.
I work the night shift, from 3pm to 2am. It's extremely frustrating that wg has implemented a curfew meaning I will likely never be able to participate in anything other than random battles again.
On that banned list is the FV215b 'Deathstar' TD. It's not a reward tank, just removed from the tech tree, seems a bit unfair to those player who did the long grind to get it. (I don't have one by the way).
It's not about skill, it's about op shits like ebrs, 430us, proggettos, superconqs, objs etc. If you don't have any of these tanks, you can't rank up, unless you're a superunicum. Not to mention 90% of games are lemming trains games.
I think a game mode that was a "war of the masses" theme would be great. Chose between T-34-76, M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo, or Panzer VI Ausf. H. Your entire team is that 1 tank and you fight one of the other masses. (I don't know of equivalent tier and stat balanced tanks of the other nations, sorry). But that'd be like true ranked. Top tier brings a lot of different meta, but using the main stay work horses or their equivalent counter parts (ie the Jumbo instead of the standard Sherman with the 75mm) would be decently fair in my opinion. But that's just my opinion.
6:00 You're thinking wrong about it mister QB, fire as little gold as possible in randoms, especially think about relocating and flanking so you can use standard rounds rather than spamming gold from where you are. The amount of credits you can save in randoms that way you can use for buying masses of prem consumables when they are on sale. You don't need massive profits when you can just save credits instead. You know weakpoints so use that knowledge instead of gold. Save creds in randoms and spend them in ranked or other important games. That is the way of the F2P.
It's not everyday one gets to see the results of one man's aspirations for a fairer, more enjoyable ranked mode become a reality. I wish I could like this video twice.
Yusha Amin to destroy on random battles and for fun or creds depending on the vehicle. Their OP compared to basically all tech tree tier Xs and I think it’s a great change like the original comment said edit - also if you want to stat pad at tier X, and I also am ok with them in CW for now because CW is typically how you get those tanks, I think it’s reasonable for them to be in CW
Imagine playing cw to get these tanks and then not being able to play them. It’s not hard to get one, just sit down and get one. If ur not in a good enough clan, work on yourself and get into a better clan
Yeah, no. They aren't "reward" tanks if youre going to severely limit where they can be played. The players that have them earned them, regardless of how stupid or busted some of them may be. It's up to WG to put their peabrains together and properly balance these tanks, and if they can't it's on them. Also like others have said, anyone can get a reward tank, you just have to be good enough and willing to put the time in to get one.
@@no1washerezz I would advise you read the entire comment I made before trying to type a response. I never said that these tanks being OP is fine due to anyone being able to get them. I said that anyone can get them, and what IS retarded is severely limiting them to certain gamemodes, rendering the word "reward" entirely useless. I also said that it was up to WG to make them balanced, which as we all know is a crap shoot, but regardless these tanks shouldn't be disabled like they currently are. Please read next time. ty
sconq is better than chief in ranked. 907=140 in ranked. 279e doesn't work well against gold ammo. The real problem is arty. They just sit at the back of the map until the very end and farm Xp easily.
next that we need is a change in the game economics because its to expensive to play the tier 8, 9 and 10 because in every single game that you play in those tiers you lose tons of credits. in this game he uses premium account and personal reserves but imagine and average player that dont have premium account or dont use any personal reserve and dont know how to play very well in ranked battles, hewill lose too many credits.
Unfortunately that's how it is, my recommendation is if you really like the game, invest in 1 good tier 8 you like or a bundle to see if you can get multiple high tier premiums for a significantly reduced price. Make that your only purchase and play the hell out of them, 1 game could net over 100k silver if you do well. Super Pershing is a good one, ok gun with fantastic frontal armor with pmm. Or just go op Soviet. That's the only real way to make credits at high tiers
Excellent content, thumbs up. Having said that I have no trust in WGs willingness to make things truely fair like you propose - even if removing reward tanks was a big step in the correct direction.
damm i am early. this was a good move by WG. not like there current common test 2 from update 1.10. are you going to make a video about that QB btw? thanks in advance
I agree with all your comments about leveling the playing field. I for one won't play in anything other than random as I just don't want the toxicity in more competitive games.
Thats nice and all but every time I play randoms in my T8 tanks I ALWAYS face a marked Chef that rushes some random OP position on map and goes hull down and cant do anything about it.....8 out of 10 games in T8 I face a god damn Chieftain, like im so sick of that tank. but I need to play T8 so I can get T9 and T10 one day....
Just watched this and even though I have never played a ranked game on WOT, I do feel that they could come up with two different types of "Ranked" games: 1 - RWYB (Run What Your Brung) Anything goes. 2 - Same tanks for all, same crew with 1 skill [maybe you choose that ONE skill] )
Here's how I'd do ranked. Lock it to the majority of the player base, yes, it sounds harsh, but the bare entry level should be 3 tier X vehicles. Ranked is meant as an endgame competitive mode for experienced players, something you do when you're not grinding tech tree lines and actually want to use the tier Xs you 've earned. This would also prevent smurfing to a degree IMO, although I don't think it's that big of a problem in WoT compared to other games with a steeper learning curve. Now, as for the level playing field. Each tier X should have two loadouts, one for ranked and one for....everything else(randoms, 7v7s etc.) Equipment should be limited to just the normal version, and it should cost ranked tokens(a new currency), not credits, and obviously, be usable in ranked only. Once you reach the entry barrier, you should get enough tokens to be able to equip your 3 tier X starter tanks for ranked. The more you play ranked, you earn additional tokens to further equip other tanks. Ranked is where you usually want to hone your skills, so I don't think the equipment will limit players in any way since everybody will likely choose 3-4-5 tanks which they will play consistently. Consumables should remain as they are except no premium consumables, just the basic repair kit, medkit, fire extinguisher, speed governor, 5% oil. One idea here is that they could maybe allow the use of the same consumable in two slots in order to not lock out tactics like small kit, large kit on the Maus for example. Directives should also be disabled or made free to choose before the battle in ranked so that variety can still be kept.(it's not that impactful, so I guess letting them in would account for some of the improved equipment losses.) Crews should also be ranked specific and IMO they should be locked from the start to a level of XP in order for most tanks to obtain 4, maybe 5 skills. I say locked XP so that vehicles that have just 2 or 3 crew members would not be at a disadvantage and actually have 6-7, but the same XP. Sixth Sense, at this point should just become commander intrinsic across the game and removed from the skills tab. IMO, this should still allow for specific builds while creating a level playing field independent(mostly) from any economy aspect. The cost of three tier Xs is more than enough for entering ranked and it will take a while before making the money back from ranked exclusively. Yes, this might hurt WG's profit, at least at a glance, but maybe, having a fair playing field will generate positivity around the mode and the game which in turn will actually incentivize players to invest again in the game. I mean, WG, you have enough money to at least give this a try, for one season and see how that goes. I have a feeling it'd go well. I surely know I'd play it. But the steps taken here, removing reward vehicles should be commended. Bravo WG.
I would prefer sixth sense to be removed, it's like a built in cheat. Used to do cheesy things like in this vid: "oh I'm certain I'm unspotted, let's abuse that advantage". If he didn't know for sure it would be a guess.
@@Rygir SS takes 3 seconds to pop up, it's not instant. And it's also information. What one does with the information separates a good player from a bad player. Sometimes, bad players don't even react after their SS pops up... Nothing was cheesy in the vid. It was Progetto vs. IS-7, paper medium vs well armoured heavy. You can't "guess" an engagement with like that, you can't take a "maybe he misses" risk. You act on certainty and advantage in these kinds of situations. It's not an unfair advantage in the way it works. It is however unfair if someone has it and you don't or vice-versa, which is why I think it's about time they made it a commander intrinsic and not a learnable perk. Everyone should have it.
7 years as a Free to Play account, im kind of envious as to so many players managed to have pretty nice/decent tanks. I dont have the money to buy gold or premium consumables or even a single tank! While i only have a single tier 9 TD. Did not participate in ranked or managed to have a clan. Im not a casul player im just trying my hardest to participate in games and events to actually earn credits and xp. Its pretty hard. Although the mechanics significantly improved the game ever since im kind of happy about that. Now in these challenging times, since the pandemic started i did not play wot nor touch a pc (since i play only in computer shop). nor participate in the recent event i'm kind of feeling down. i watched your videos through mobile. I'm thinking that i should just retire. Its not self pity, its just the reality. Thank you Quickybaby for the awesome videos as always! I learned a lot from you esp. In dealing premium tanks.
Looking at them from face value, they're bad, however, if played properly, both the 215b and 215b 183 are good vehicles. The Foch 155 on the other hand, looks good at face value, but is not the absolute best. It has clip potential, but its reload really knocks it down a few notches.
I'd like you to explain to all of the Casual players why it's so goddamn important that your ranked games do not include these overpowered tanks but we have to put up with them in public matches? So random casual players who are Fing fed up with broken tanks should just play ranked instead of random....
Ah, now I see! not watcha one of these videos in a long time, but watch him regular on Twitch. I've seen people moan on there that they can't understand why he's so mean when he's 'so pleasant' on YT ... not I see it, you're only seeing the calmed down, non tilted version on here. On Twitch you get the more realistic experience, the ranting, the salt, the aggro, the realism ... for me, it's more surprising to see him calm and stress free on these videos lol
Every time I occasionally touch base with quickybaby over the years to see what the state of WOT is (by watching one of his videos) I'm so far always glad of two things; First that he's honest about the mechanics, and secondly, that I quit world of tanks a long time ago. Keep up the good work!
@@jannezkannez556 I've just been in a battle and an EBR can hit me whilst he is moving at 70kmh. He had been driving around in front of half my team for four minutes and still had 700 HP left. And that is not untypical. It is YOU who are stupid, or a kid, who wants to play World of Racing Cars which is pissing of the players who actually fund the game who played it because it didn't used to just be who has the fastest reactions.
If you were any good at shooting it wouldn't be a problem. People are constantly complaining the EBR is stupidly OP because of the speed. They are not that hard to hit, especially when you consider most tanks at tier 10 have APCR as standard, or at least as prem ammo. People are mad cuz bad.
@@billw7000 bro I am probably twice as good as u are and what is the Problem in hitting a 70km/h Tank? A RU 251 goes that fast aswell and maybe u are just MAD cuz BAD
Well QB, I tried ranked battles as per recommendation, and it turns out that not having any OP tank with 7+ crew skills that spams APCR or HEAT like a murdertracker leads to wasted time and credits. The MM seems to be more broken than usual often leading to swift overruns for either side, so a slow tank is then either murdered or left behind. So buyer beware if you're a free to play (and still grinding) player.
I have been saying for many months now, that WG should remove all premium equipment, rounds and perks for ranked and that all tanks have 0% crews to balance the game mode further.... Everytime i posted this under CCs videos or chats, I got laughed at. I sitll stand to my words: Make ranked an equal playing field for all players!
A premium round rework is inevitable. Sit tight for that one. As for crew skills, I guess wg could put a cap on the amount of skills a crew member could have. I don’t think the community would be happy with that, unless they get compensation in the form of free xp. As for bond equipment, I 100% agree. It is a stupid concept, and all bond equipment should be refunded for all players
@@Macaroni139 one good option for the gold ammo rework would be to reduce their alpha like in wot blitz. People would only use theme if it's necessary because it lowers their dpm.
Everyone gets a repair, med, and fire extinguisher. 75% of your ammo is AP, 20% gold, 5% HE or something like that but with only 20% of your tanks max ammo can be gold rounds.
"Ranked games are more fair now." %70 of the vehicles are the one's that are released in last 2 years. And.... NOT A SINGLE GERMAN VEHICLE IN THE GAME. Does anyone else notice that, all Top meta vehicles are the same. I mean, they have the same layout. Same armor scheme, same turret. Similar guns. Either auto loader, auto reloader, or high alpha. Maus is basically out of the game. E-100 out of the game. Type 5 oyt of the game. Even the Once powerful meta play Is-7 is not modern enough. Only the one's that are closer to MBT layouts are used. That's why i quit Wot. It's basically same tanks over and over again. I play 10-20 games in a row with 90% of each team is either Swedish, Czech or Soviet with brits mixed in at times. Perfectly balanced. As all things SHOULDN'T BE..
"Actually i have to snipe for weak points" god this is why i no longer play that game... tier 8+ is just like Amsterdam red light district. pay to penetrate and make the armour paper value obsolete. This is why ppl who choose not to pay to penetrate and still play good are much more valuable than gold spamming wallet warriors.
@@vcommandarv5916 i played (with strong emphasis on the past time) since pretty much a second week of game going on closed beta tests. And unless WG introduce some retarded tanks with ultra angles and auto ding armours players are just stupid, plain and simple. Before the update that gold was available for credits, playing tanks like Maus was both pleasure and challenge as ppl knew weak-points of tanks and were patience to aim and that was fun. Maus had a purpose of a moving fortress. Angling your tank was an art but you were never indestructible. When you encountered a good player who knew his tank you had a hard time or you disengage to find a more suitable target. Now press 2 for skill and let armour be something of a past. QB showed in this battle the big difference of playing freemium and premium. Premium is just lvl easy shooting in more or less general points in armor. Shooting as freemium you need to make those shots count. And yeah the game is designed to take advantage of people who doesn't like to think
Quickie .. what this merely points out is the reward tanks are seriously OP and need to be nerfed to begin with. Oh sure the ranked battles are more fun. But then random battles still SUCK. People play in those games with their damn OP tanks and seal club the lesser players especially when it's a tier X game with Tier 8 and 9 tanks. Where is the fun in that for the Tier 8 and 9 players? A reward tank should be something only those who earn can play BUT it should not be so OP as it unbalances the game. You already supported how they unbalanced rank battles ruining the play. The same applies to random battles as well. Yet WoT is so scared to admit THEY HAVE MADE MISTAKES with the tanks and the refuse, REFUSE, to nerf them. Look at the proposed EBR nerfs which are a fair start but still leave the tank with magical wheels, magical movement, magical drops off cliffs with no damage .. because they get to avoid the laws of physics to stay on the ground. The reality is anything moving as fast as those tanks trying to make a turn WOULD flip .. but not in WoT. Sigh .. still a pay to win game.
This guy gets it. The only reason to remove tanks from "ranked play" is because they are too strong and it would be unfair. WG needs to do the right thing for the game and nerf overpowered tanks.
@@ArclyteTE but wargaming has the stupid rule of not nerfing premium or reward vehicles to satisfy paying customers, so as much as we want them to be nerfed, I doubt it will happen.
You can't pay to get a reward tank, its all about playing 6 hours everyday for 2 weeks during Clan Wars Campaigns. I agree that those tanks are very powerful, but honestly their power is drowning inside a pool full of EBR's and SPG's. And also, what would be the point of releasing reward tanks, very hard and freaking long to get if they are not powerful ? That would be pointless, go get a tech tree tank instead. So nerfing them will be meaningless. Might as well completely remove them. ps : those tanks don't have God-mode all in, just fire premium rounds and they will go back to garage as soon as they arrived.
@@quickfingers815 but you can buy tanks that are more powerful to help earn the rewards, and spend money on premium ammo and consumables over and over again to get the rewards. So the more money you spend the more OP tanks and abilities you have. And what is the point of a reward if that reward works to unbalance the game for others? While I agree rewards should be nice, granting rewards that are OP or unbalanced or force players to spend money on premium ammo in order to fight them is wrong. And just think you immediately went to use premium ammo. So players who don't play a lot are not going to have huge amounts of silver to spend on the ammo, and if they are in the 49% win rate range (average) they certainly will not be pulling it in. So it forces them to pay to compete .. or walk away frustrated over and over and over.
I actually agree. Because ranked game mode should be only skill. Because this isn't the only game that should have pure skill in ranked games. Otherwise it isn't a ranked game mode at all.
I actually noticed a lot more balanced teams when it was only tech tree tanks in the game. Unfortunately I also noticed crazy toxicity where players just sit in the back while you lose the game, or push you to make you miss a shot. Thankfully I got a few lucky teams towards the end and completed ranked battles. They need to fix the chevron system again, everyone on the winning team needs to gain a chevron. This may get rid of the toxic strategy of not taking key positions to farm in the back with leopards and progettos.
As a mostly f2p player, could not agree more with the idea of an equal ranked. I love my AMX 30B and it’s entire game is to be a dpm monster. Yesterday I encountered a Super Conq that fired faster than me...
I have a 49% W/L and I like ranked. This is the first time I play, what I find is that every time I reach level 7 I start losing game after game and go back to 4. I'm still stuck at division 3 😢
I would have hunted that batchat. Him not firing made it absolutely sure to me he was somewhere in the top left quarter (although not beyond the traintrack), and a progetto still outspeeds/outspots a bc arty.
this is what I do not understand, I worked very hard to get those tanks, why should I and others like me be punished because we put in the time and effort to play tanks that we enjoy playing. Further more its complete bullshit that the 183 and the B are on this list, I ground out the tech trees to get both those tanks before they were ever any kind of reward. If Wargaming is going to do this here, then the only thing that I could see as being justified is premiums being removed from frontline. The player base would lose their minds if they were told they couldn't play OP t8s in frontline
I may have to try Ranked again. It was too frustrating before. Thanks for letting the community know of this change... and thanks to WG for listening to those who actually do play Ranked. It is more fair now for those who aren't in a clan and don't have a chance to acquire the Reward Tanks.
I mean, I get it. But at the same time the people that have those tanks worked hard to get there n I think they should be able to use the tanks they worked hard to earn
Fantastic i saw the banned announcement on thier website before event and have been playing it and loving it. Quite hard for me on 340 average ping from nz to Singapore but it's manageable but not playing an ebr. Having put myself through clan wars to not even get near a tank even after all the bans from cheating clans, whereif you don't have reward tank you can't get a reward tank. So frustrating.
Loved the video dude awesome gameplay I love world of tanks its probably one of my favourite games. RUclipsrs like you give me inspiration to continue with my own channel thanks man keep up the amazing work.
I have the 279E and Chieftain and I’m hoping 907 soon. I’m actually happy that they don’t use reward tanks it was a much needed move. Chieftains were ruining the matches.
After my first time playing ranked i gave it up. Flat quit because i was tired of bouncing off a hull down chieftan. I played this time and the difference is very noticable. I can actually compete now
I think WG should only ban the 279 and maybe the chef but the other reward tanks that aren't OP at all like the m60, and VK I earned and would really like to play in ranked.
It's also funny that this just made it easier for unicums. Getting those reward tanks was only chance some low end guys had. Now the unicums have it even easier
I would love a ranked mode where everyone has the same equipment and skills available to them! No pay to win nonsense, no grinding the game like a job, just pure skill.
Yes please... I moved from USA to Asia, and I do not play this game anymore as I dont want to create another premium account. As I have already played this game for 4 years, I know how OP a premium account is in this game. :(
That's a disadvantage. It is ranked, not any f2p mode. You are able to use whatever you want, cause that's the point.
Mike Tof
Ranked is meant to be a fair and balanced playing field where people test their skill. Not to test who fires more gold rounds and who has the more OP tank.
@@beefjiggler5665 Lmao. This game has the worst ranked system. Literaly everyone can get into the league. It isn't about skill. Just about time. Every game has rank system, where bad player can't do anything. In rankeds in wot, everyone can hit league.
@@FenekMT you have anything to back up that?
Woah woah,
Wargaming actually listened for once?????
Me who plays wt: **sad attack the D point noises**
@@constantino.853 we can still hope, maybe one day theyll listen
They gave us 14 day free premium just stop please
@@wildboar222 theyre being racist against the mauses, they will never change their mind about that :(
Chris_Wooden_Eye noone cares
Guy in chat who wants to "marry" QB...
I think that ship has already sailed! :P
Thank you Stalin, very cool
Not in Utah
**whispers** _Polygamy_
TSD_ Ju omg so funny.
He can convert to islam then , multiple wives, 20 iq move
It was worth a shot
12:30 was some big brain time. Been playing since 2011 and I haven't thought of that lmao
Yeah but those who are good at it, are really fucking good at it
@@EmilienGosselin we can all see you are not smart
he was watching a teammate a while back after he died and the guy did this, he was in an IS-3 or defender or some soviet heavy can't remember, we all learned about it that day haha, I used to just run it over and back up quick before that.
@@probiegamer7539 That could work too but if the enemy arty has enough splash radius then the cap would've been reset, but still interesting to try out.
But how could arty players be so dumb to fall for it. It's obvious a player would not hit an object knowing arty can see. So sad.
Like him or hate him, you gotta give him that HE box tactic was a 200 IQ play.
Nope overrated.. the way he used it here he might as well have driven over it to relocate, since he shot after the arty just fired a shot, wich takes several seconds before the next shot. So time enough to crush it and sit somewhere else in the circle..
longbow857 it still tricked him tho
@@longbow857 Stop being bitter and get over yourself it was cool, you couldnt do better.
Only an idiot would fall for that
@@emonhunter8107 assuming im bitter and couldn't do better.. With people who didn't grow up I don't argue. Maybe try to get used to different opinions, they are nothing to get defensive about.
Wow they actually made a smart decision guess I'll reload the game.
It patches the problem, doesn't fix the random que
Ranked scoring is a damn mess, mode is terrible
dont bother, 3 arty per ranked battle like every battle, it's worse then ther stupid reward tanks were
Don’t bother 1 bandage still 999 bullet holes
Could always try it to see what you think.
And don't bother about those negative comments.
QB, Id just like to say that you’ve inspired me to get back into WoT after a couple of years break, I’ll still be the reddest of tomatoes but hopefully watching your vids will help me be a bit more useful to my team mates. Thanks 👍
Laur's Woodwork A wild Green Cabbage appeared lmao.
Laur’s Workbook, yeah the game definitely doesn’t need more players. What’s the point of a game if more people play it?
Smh moron
Wish ya good luck and have a good day or night.
I mean if your a red tomato but u know every game rule/tips and tricks you can pro out skilled some cabbages
The lockdown lasted so long that Wargaming has finally listened to the Community.
Soooo wg bans my m60, and not wheels? Alright
Jokes aside, this is a step in the right direction. I am happy with this decision
Edit: I’m an NA player, maining the leopard 1 and the batchat. I’ve noticed that there is a medium tank meta on my server. Progettos and tvps are the most popular. I see a few batchats here and there. I see a lot of auto loading meds rush a flank, and obliterate it. I still see 430s, object 140s, S tanks, 277 and a conq, but I think this season is all about the auto loaders
I wish you good luck about maining Leopard 1. There are too many players cant understand all medium tanks have different tactics and playstyles. You will ended up getting insulted by your team because of you sniping/supporting from distance instead of hugging tanks like 430u players do.
@@batuhanozer5273 I am in the second devision by only playing the Leo 1. Ending in the top 3 nearly 50% of the time. People scolding Leo 1 players for playing the TD role most of the game dont realise how valueble those teammates are. Much more valueble then regular TD's who lack the flexability of moving around the map or actually going ham when the situation demands it. With the removal of the OP clan war tanks I feel very competitive with the Leo 1. :)
@@longbow857 I didnt say Leo sucks, i am Leo driver too. I claim its not a sniper but overall better performancer than any other medium tanks from long distances alongside with M48 but i play my M48 on frontlines rather than sniping.
TVP is mainly popular due to the battle pass and the extra points earned.
honestly it wasnt all the reward vehicles that was the problem it was mainly the 279 and the chief, the rest were fine imo, but thinking reward vehicles were the only problem is flawed, EBR..........
I feel like wargaming is trying to listen more to the community. Nerfing obj 430u, not making polish mediums OP and now banning reward vehicles. They sure gotta fix a lot of things more, but i think they are doing great
Edit: and ofcourse nerfing the ebrs, but we will see if and when they are planning to nerf them
But for some reason banning progetto
@@waszkreslem9306 They're not banning it, they're nerfing the 65 because it has everything but dpm. But buffing the 46 even though it has everything including dpm.
@@waszkreslem9306 it is one of the best mediums though, but i think the same. No need to nerf the progetto and standard b
The progetto 46 has struggled when it came out but players like me, who enjoy it and got hang of it really started to destroy. Taking 3 shells to finish off an enemy and a light tank rushes you thinking you are empty, nope you finish him too. That's why wargaming should look at the skill not overall statistics crap
@@J3estJ3oy yet it is never used in clan wars haha its not op its just a good tank
The greatest trick WG ever pulled was convincing people this is a "ranked" mode and not a "ladder" style event.
Wow absolutely brilliant every one seems like mindless sheep who thinks this is ranked
Chaos is a ladder
Warning!! Long read! But I can assure you it might be worth your time!! I personally own quiet a handful of reward tanks myself, and I really applaud wg for implementing this change, allowing researchable vehicles only to compete. to be frankly, before this change, rank was very very toxic and stale as both team lineups were almost similar and you'll be meeting the same vehicles over and over again. But however I feel there is still alot of room for improvement. Since rank battles are all about the skills and power plays, and the ability to react in a dire situation as qb demonstrated flawlessly, then I strongly feel, that money shouldn't play an important role in rank battles like premium account and battle economy, hear me out on this, don't judge too soon, like popular competitive esport games Dota and LoL, spending money doesn't improve a heroes stats by 5% or so.
Firstly, I would make rank battles free, and creditless, tank repairs and ammunition, yes standard, gold shells would all be free. (consumables are debatable) a game mode without economy, not worrying about losing credits after every game with a negative profit. Because of these reasons: newer/f2p players will always be at a disadvantage against people who uses credit cards, just simply because they spend real $ they have an edge, can afford more gold ammo, and premium consumables and just simply break even in a rank game or simply to minimize credit lost after tier X games, (economy at tier X is brutal if u didn't know this already)
Secondly, now this is the interesting part in RaNkED battles----> Ammunition load out. A very heated argument. As I said earlier, since the economy is non existent and everything is priceless, so every tank will have a fixed loadout of shells. (debatable, pls don't hate on yet) example for the is7 tank it has a maximum of 30shells, it will have a fixed load out of 15/10/5, standard/gold/HE and this cannot be changed at all, and will always be same and equal to all other is7s in the ranked mode, and after the battle everything is resupplied for free. With this changed, i feel it would be FAIR for everyone, new/noob/veteran players since rank battles is all about the skills, not the money, everyone compete on the same equal ground. And by equalising the load out of x vehicle, f2p players also has easier access to premium rounds without bleeding credits. With that being said, now with gold ammo capped in ranked, gold spammers and p2w players have to actually use their skill and judgement (rank battles require skill right?) in battle to make proper tactical decisions, because if not, by wasting all gold ammo early in the game would cost you when facing a maus, type 5, bobjects, V4s or simply in dire/emergency needs. And now with gold spamming drastically reduced, players would play more varieties of vehicles, and variety will increase by a great margin, rather than 277s, sconq, wz1115a, progettos being constant meta picks, I'm sure you would see more mauses, type 5s, e50M, E100s and so on. And this would overall make rank game mode not only skill based game, also enjoyable, slow tanks actually get to have a solid roll in ranked. But now with all this changes, this would 100% hurt wargaming as a company, they too have staff and workers, to pay, but let's think, for the overall health and longevity of the game, I hope they do work and care about players overall happiness, longevity and health of the game, instead of just dollars and cents. Mr quickybaby, I hope you can see this, before this gets lost in the sea of comments. Congrats if u made it till this far, Anyway, I'm just 1 guy on the internet. trying to get attention from wargaming is like talking to a goat, it either listens and obeys, or listens and kick you in the balls and walks away after taking your credit card.
Very well said; obviously the ratios of shell types will be a complex thing to settle on but it will work along with the zero economy and QB's thought of crew skill disparity(simply make it so all crews are 100% with no skills and don't gain crew xp even if it's your first battle in that tier 10 which has a 75% crew or a 1000hr 7 skill one). All combined together emphasising player skill as the determining factor as to what the end result is. There will still be those toxic players of the "your trash go play barbie" kind, which the complaint system will(should) take care of but for the most part it'll encourage actual teamplay as everyone wants to win and bad mouthing someone because they aren't as good as you is probably worthy of the ban hammer(temp initially).
And another thing to that list is no tank equipment at all or a pre-determined loadout for each tank.
Basil Abeysekera Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. I agree with your proposal and am of the belief that this mode would be well supported by the community, who at the moment appear have little motivation to play tier 10. I stopped playing about 12 months ago as the disparities were too great between a ‘casual’ player like myself (real life got in the way of spending time in the game like I did in the early days of WoT) and those players able to devote the time to the game. Crew skills and the other perks, as well as gold spamming made too much of a difference.
Your idea would, as QB has suggested, level the playing field and allow players to show off their skills. Moreover, there would be an incentive to grind out more tier 10 tanks to give yourselves a variety of options in ranked. WG would make their money out of the grind process. They can dust off their 7/5/3 ratios as the ammo load out principle for all participating tanks. That would also influence tank selection... low ammo count big hitting heavy or ammo laden medium? Maybe a mad Sheridan driver would come out on top? Interesting proposal mate. Thanks for sharing.
Holy shit
Man...wot seeing this I will be happy
A perfect answer to all problems. I HOPE everyone sees this comment. KUDOS. you seem to have hell of WOT experience.
finally! they listen to the community!
Shit 2020 has some wild ass changes
Ok now all they need to do is balance gold ammo and ill be convinced.
Just got to deal with STB-1, 430U, Leo 1, 60TP, Super Conker, 268 4, Obj 277 and of course Progetto 65 now instead
Hordz why Leo 1?
Hordz - The Progetto 65 is the weakest vehicle you mentioned. Now that I think of it, it may be among the weakest tier 10 meds out there.
Its amazing that the solution is to ban overpowered vehicles rather than balance them.
Finally the beginning of the end... of WG making bad decisions
@@BreathtakingBeasts He's saying it's a good decision
No, they decided to buff the already OP Progetto 46.
Josh silly me
It still sucks for me because my teams still suck, they either rush out and die in the first 5 minutes of the game or the all red line camp.
they are buffing the progetto and ebr 75 fl next big patch...
The main problem I have with ranked battles is that, where I live, they open at about 11 pm
Kinda sucks when I have classes in the morning and need my sleep.
Its called eSports... a level playing field. I thought we tried this a few times but ready for another go. Ranked games I agree should not be about who grinded more but who played better. Unfortunately, WOT is not always about who played better its what tank you play, what ammo you load, what perks you have etc etc. Which is fun on one level but total nonsense when playing competitively.
Its not esports. There is no wargaming league anymore. Its just gaming. Super mario and wot in the same category now.
wot will never have a proper level playing field with 25% RNG. What the sole game was built upon abolishes that idea
@mahamuudra Mario Kart is better balanced then this game.
@@mahamudra911 Just because it's not a televised event doesn't mean there's no need for a level playing field. It's still a competitive game mode.
The issue i have with ranked is winner doesn't take all, and also when you win the win is not equal for everyone. So everyone tries to farm damage more than they try to win
Yeah, they were OP, they had to be removed, but now the whole game mode is like: Kemp bush= not lose a chevron. I feel like 279 Es and Chieftains encouraged at least some kind of teamplay cuz you can't just 1v1 them, you have to work with your team. Now even that tiny part of teamplay is gone. And nobody is even trying to do something aggressive.
but that's just it..Team play rarely exists...now you have people saying "well I did my part" and have no idea what team play actually is and what it involves
@Frederick The Blue Whale I didn't say win, I said -not lose a chevron-. Big difference.
"Kemp bush does not equal win but positional play wins the game." Tell it to all the EBRs who kemp bush and do nothing all game.🤣
And honestly, I don't think it's better after they removed reward tanks. I just feel it became even worse.(just my opinion tho)
QB You hit it right on the Head for me!! I am one of those average players that doesn't even attempt the Ranked Battles because I have dreaded those 6-7 SKill Crews in the Reward Vehicles with the super veteran players. Thank you for this video!! This NOW makes me want to try the Ranked Battles to see how I really do!
Nice, now I want to re-install WoT and play some rounds as it's actually playable! I like it.
The new Steel hunter mode is also something to look forward to in my opinion.
It's not,they didn't ban EBR's
A couple of ideas for making a "purer" ranked battles:
1) Have only 1 tank from each class (light, med, etc) that players can choose from. These tanks can change each season. This would allow people to play a class that they feel comfortable in.
2) Have all players play a single tank. The tank selection could change class for each season or better yet each stage. This would allow people to prove how good they are in a wider range of tank classes.
As long as bounty equipements that can only be bought with 6k gold passe, banning reward tanks helps, but this game mode is still unfair for free to play players; you might say bonds equipements give you the same advantage, but those are a lot harder to get and you can't move them between tanks that easy
You can still get them as free to play players all you have do is be good and this the party that most people will fail. Also Ranked is endgame content so newbies and not good players will always have a hard time on this mode.
you are correct in that the battle pass does give a tiny benefit to paying players. But bounty equipment isn't whats holding you back from gold league.
As a f2p player I find the changes sufficient enough for me to start playing the mode. I don’t find improved equipment to provide that much of an advantage.
bounty equipment is nothing when people have already earned well over 100k bonds and can afford multiple tanks worth of improved equipment. And next patch improved equipment will be better than bounty.
@@pyra_cmd i agree and i did not say you can't play it. But that doesn't mean paying players will not have an edge over you.
If they really want to call this ranked battles where only skill matters. They should give everyone equal chances. Rental tanks with pre loaded ammo with half gold half normal and no or same equipments for everyone
A more pure game mode would start with a totally diffenent way of Chevron Distribution, since as it is right now it all comes down to be lucky enough to be on the winning team.
When you are so early that there are no comments to read
15:47 I like the idea, but still I think it should be a requirement to be able to play that mode, like having X number of battles in your account that are +6 Tier. Or allow to have same crew skills, consumables, etc, but you can only play it with the T10 you have unlocked.
Right now I just want ranked to have 1 or none artyllery per team, if WG could do that, the game mode would be hands down perfect for me.
For the Pure Ranked Mode suggestion, have a menu where a player chooses a tank, then each of the crew members skills, then the tank equipment. Now the players have a dedicated Ranked Menu where no player has to worry about unfair advantages in ranked.
WG has to do something smart for a change...the game is dying slowly from a thousand paper cuts 😯
the game has been dying for about 8 years but probably clairvoyants like you are dying faster ...
@@strachinescucozminstelian9156 I have been playing since 2011 and have paid a lot of money to WG over the years and am getting so fed up of EBRs, 3 arty and gold spamming that I play just to do the daily battles to get the bonds then stop. Maybe up to 10 battles a day or so and I don't sweat it if I don't have time. I used to play 30+ battles on a weekday and a frightening number at weekends. But now it just isn't as good. I don't know if the demographic who like EBRs and gold spamming spend more than me but that is who is being catered for and maybe WG think they are the future because I, and players like me, are less and less likely to be playing in a few years.
That bait shot at the base shack thing was phenomenal! I did not see that coming :)
I work the night shift, from 3pm to 2am. It's extremely frustrating that wg has implemented a curfew meaning I will likely never be able to participate in anything other than random battles again.
On that banned list is the FV215b 'Deathstar' TD.
It's not a reward tank, just removed from the tech tree, seems a bit unfair to those player who did the long grind to get it. (I don't have one by the way).
Ranked is still no go to anyone with lesser skills. No fun, no gain. Nothing. Waste of time.
It's not about skill, it's about op shits like ebrs, 430us, proggettos, superconqs, objs etc. If you don't have any of these tanks, you can't rank up, unless you're a superunicum. Not to mention 90% of games are lemming trains games.
@@noXeFonice Same on console lmfao
I think a game mode that was a "war of the masses" theme would be great. Chose between T-34-76, M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo, or Panzer VI Ausf. H. Your entire team is that 1 tank and you fight one of the other masses. (I don't know of equivalent tier and stat balanced tanks of the other nations, sorry). But that'd be like true ranked. Top tier brings a lot of different meta, but using the main stay work horses or their equivalent counter parts (ie the Jumbo instead of the standard Sherman with the 75mm) would be decently fair in my opinion. But that's just my opinion.
6:00 You're thinking wrong about it mister QB, fire as little gold as possible in randoms, especially think about relocating and flanking so you can use standard rounds rather than spamming gold from where you are. The amount of credits you can save in randoms that way you can use for buying masses of prem consumables when they are on sale. You don't need massive profits when you can just save credits instead. You know weakpoints so use that knowledge instead of gold. Save creds in randoms and spend them in ranked or other important games. That is the way of the F2P.
It's not everyday one gets to see the results of one man's aspirations for a fairer, more enjoyable ranked mode become a reality. I wish I could like this video twice.
WG is finally on the right track. Now lets see this during CW. 😆
I disagree.. what will be the fucking point of the tanks then.
Yusha Amin to destroy on random battles and for fun or creds depending on the vehicle. Their OP compared to basically all tech tree tier Xs and I think it’s a great change like the original comment said edit - also if you want to stat pad at tier X, and I also am ok with them in CW for now because CW is typically how you get those tanks, I think it’s reasonable for them to be in CW
Imagine playing cw to get these tanks and then not being able to play them. It’s not hard to get one, just sit down and get one. If ur not in a good enough clan, work on yourself and get into a better clan
Yeah, no. They aren't "reward" tanks if youre going to severely limit where they can be played. The players that have them earned them, regardless of how stupid or busted some of them may be. It's up to WG to put their peabrains together and properly balance these tanks, and if they can't it's on them. Also like others have said, anyone can get a reward tank, you just have to be good enough and willing to put the time in to get one.
@@no1washerezz I would advise you read the entire comment I made before trying to type a response. I never said that these tanks being OP is fine due to anyone being able to get them. I said that anyone can get them, and what IS retarded is severely limiting them to certain gamemodes, rendering the word "reward" entirely useless. I also said that it was up to WG to make them balanced, which as we all know is a crap shoot, but regardless these tanks shouldn't be disabled like they currently are.
Please read next time. ty
sconq is better than chief in ranked. 907=140 in ranked. 279e doesn't work well against gold ammo. The real problem is arty. They just sit at the back of the map until the very end and farm Xp easily.
next that we need is a change in the game economics because its to expensive to play the tier 8, 9 and 10 because in every single game that you play in those tiers you lose tons of credits.
in this game he uses premium account and personal reserves but imagine and average player that dont have premium account or dont use any personal reserve and dont know how to play very well in ranked battles, hewill lose too many credits.
I did that for years and it fuckin sucked. Then got a tier 8 prem to make credits
Unfortunately that's how it is, my recommendation is if you really like the game, invest in 1 good tier 8 you like or a bundle to see if you can get multiple high tier premiums for a significantly reduced price. Make that your only purchase and play the hell out of them, 1 game could net over 100k silver if you do well. Super Pershing is a good one, ok gun with fantastic frontal armor with pmm. Or just go op Soviet. That's the only real way to make credits at high tiers
Tier 10 is the only one I usually lose credits with, there are plenty of 8 & 9 games where I make credits.
@@dfxjedi not like a premium can tho
Excellent content, thumbs up.
Having said that I have no trust in WGs willingness to make things truely fair like you propose - even if removing reward tanks was a big step in the correct direction.
damm i am early. this was a good move by WG. not like there current common test 2 from update 1.10. are you going to make a video about that QB btw? thanks in advance
I agree with all your comments about leveling the playing field. I for one won't play in anything other than random as I just don't want the toxicity in more competitive games.
Thats nice and all but every time I play randoms in my T8 tanks I ALWAYS face a marked Chef that rushes some random OP position on map and goes hull down and cant do anything about it.....8 out of 10 games in T8 I face a god damn Chieftain, like im so sick of that tank. but I need to play T8 so I can get T9 and T10 one day....
Just watched this and even though I have never played a ranked game on WOT, I do feel that they could come up with two different types of "Ranked" games:
1 - RWYB (Run What Your Brung) Anything goes.
2 - Same tanks for all, same crew with 1 skill [maybe you choose that ONE skill] )
I played my first ranked battle yesterday, it was pretty easy. Glad they are banning those tanks, especially the chieftain.
very nicely played QB am impressed that was quite enjoyable to watch
What about Progetto 46 buff, plz make vid about it, it's gonna make it OP
And EBR, they are f**king this game in the ass for money.
Its already broken xD
@jakub what Progetto 46 buff, I can't find anything.
Don't you mean projetto 65 nerf
Wargaming is cheeky I’m surprised there hasn’t been a mission marathon
Here's how I'd do ranked.
Lock it to the majority of the player base, yes, it sounds harsh, but the bare entry level should be 3 tier X vehicles. Ranked is meant as an endgame competitive mode for experienced players, something you do when you're not grinding tech tree lines and actually want to use the tier Xs you 've earned. This would also prevent smurfing to a degree IMO, although I don't think it's that big of a problem in WoT compared to other games with a steeper learning curve.
Now, as for the level playing field. Each tier X should have two loadouts, one for ranked and one for....everything else(randoms, 7v7s etc.)
Equipment should be limited to just the normal version, and it should cost ranked tokens(a new currency), not credits, and obviously, be usable in ranked only.
Once you reach the entry barrier, you should get enough tokens to be able to equip your 3 tier X starter tanks for ranked.
The more you play ranked, you earn additional tokens to further equip other tanks.
Ranked is where you usually want to hone your skills, so I don't think the equipment will limit players in any way since everybody will likely choose 3-4-5 tanks which they will play consistently.
Consumables should remain as they are except no premium consumables, just the basic repair kit, medkit, fire extinguisher, speed governor, 5% oil.
One idea here is that they could maybe allow the use of the same consumable in two slots in order to not lock out tactics like small kit, large kit on the Maus for example.
Directives should also be disabled or made free to choose before the battle in ranked so that variety can still be kept.(it's not that impactful, so I guess letting them in would account for some of the improved equipment losses.)
Crews should also be ranked specific and IMO they should be locked from the start to a level of XP in order for most tanks to obtain 4, maybe 5 skills.
I say locked XP so that vehicles that have just 2 or 3 crew members would not be at a disadvantage and actually have 6-7, but the same XP.
Sixth Sense, at this point should just become commander intrinsic across the game and removed from the skills tab.
IMO, this should still allow for specific builds while creating a level playing field independent(mostly) from any economy aspect.
The cost of three tier Xs is more than enough for entering ranked and it will take a while before making the money back from ranked exclusively.
Yes, this might hurt WG's profit, at least at a glance, but maybe, having a fair playing field will generate positivity around the mode and the game which in turn will actually incentivize players to invest again in the game.
I mean, WG, you have enough money to at least give this a try, for one season and see how that goes. I have a feeling it'd go well. I surely know I'd play it.
But the steps taken here, removing reward vehicles should be commended. Bravo WG.
I would prefer sixth sense to be removed, it's like a built in cheat. Used to do cheesy things like in this vid: "oh I'm certain I'm unspotted, let's abuse that advantage". If he didn't know for sure it would be a guess.
@@Rygir SS takes 3 seconds to pop up, it's not instant.
And it's also information. What one does with the information separates a good player from a bad player.
Sometimes, bad players don't even react after their SS pops up...
Nothing was cheesy in the vid. It was Progetto vs. IS-7, paper medium vs well armoured heavy. You can't "guess" an engagement with like that, you can't take a "maybe he misses" risk. You act on certainty and advantage in these kinds of situations.
It's not an unfair advantage in the way it works.
It is however unfair if someone has it and you don't or vice-versa, which is why I think it's about time they made it a commander intrinsic and not a learnable perk. Everyone should have it.
7 years as a Free to Play account, im kind of envious as to so many players managed to have pretty nice/decent tanks. I dont have the money to buy gold or premium consumables or even a single tank! While i only have a single tier 9 TD. Did not participate in ranked or managed to have a clan. Im not a casul player im just trying my hardest to participate in games and events to actually earn credits and xp. Its pretty hard. Although the mechanics significantly improved the game ever since im kind of happy about that. Now in these challenging times, since the pandemic started i did not play wot nor touch a pc (since i play only in computer shop). nor participate in the recent event i'm kind of feeling down. i watched your videos through mobile. I'm thinking that i should just retire.
Its not self pity, its just the reality.
Thank you Quickybaby for the awesome videos as always! I learned a lot from you esp. In dealing premium tanks.
They made one mistake tho they included the old tech tree tanks like fv215b and foch 155 which aren't rewards and are bad
whats wrong with the FV215b with the 183mm?
Fv215 heavy tank is biggest crap... Idk why they ban it
Looking at them from face value, they're bad, however, if played properly, both the 215b and 215b 183 are good vehicles. The Foch 155 on the other hand, looks good at face value, but is not the absolute best. It has clip potential, but its reload really knocks it down a few notches.
@@them3497 good for the lols though. Once got 4.8 k dmg done by just spamming HE
@@them3497 boy was that game hilarious
as a f2p player this is really frustrating to being forced to load basic ammo and not get better consumable to not go bankrupt
I'd like you to explain to all of the Casual players why it's so goddamn important that your ranked games do not include these overpowered tanks but we have to put up with them in public matches? So random casual players who are Fing fed up with broken tanks should just play ranked instead of random....
Yep they ban but the numbers of using SPG in rank battle is enormous especially in SEA server lol.
Ah, now I see! not watcha one of these videos in a long time, but watch him regular on Twitch. I've seen people moan on there that they can't understand why he's so mean when he's 'so pleasant' on YT ... not I see it, you're only seeing the calmed down, non tilted version on here. On Twitch you get the more realistic experience, the ranting, the salt, the aggro, the realism ... for me, it's more surprising to see him calm and stress free on these videos lol
Every time I occasionally touch base with quickybaby over the years to see what the state of WOT is (by watching one of his videos) I'm so far always glad of two things; First that he's honest about the mechanics, and secondly, that I quit world of tanks a long time ago. Keep up the good work!
Now, we just need to DELETE EBR's and this would actually be fun.
Ok u are actually stupid
@@jannezkannez556 I've just been in a battle and an EBR can hit me whilst he is moving at 70kmh. He had been driving around in front of half my team for four minutes and still had 700 HP left. And that is not untypical. It is YOU who are stupid, or a kid, who wants to play World of Racing Cars which is pissing of the players who actually fund the game who played it because it didn't used to just be who has the fastest reactions.
Well at least it's getting nerfed a little.
If you were any good at shooting it wouldn't be a problem. People are constantly complaining the EBR is stupidly OP because of the speed. They are not that hard to hit, especially when you consider most tanks at tier 10 have APCR as standard, or at least as prem ammo. People are mad cuz bad.
@@billw7000 bro I am probably twice as good as u are and what is the Problem in hitting a 70km/h Tank? A RU 251 goes that fast aswell and maybe u are just MAD cuz BAD
Well QB, I tried ranked battles as per recommendation, and it turns out that not having any OP tank with 7+ crew skills that spams APCR or HEAT like a murdertracker leads to wasted time and credits.
The MM seems to be more broken than usual often leading to swift overruns for either side, so a slow tank is then either murdered or left behind.
So buyer beware if you're a free to play (and still grinding) player.
11:20 married for 5 years with a russian-like girl and still no kids. Strange.
Your nickname is more strange imo little boy.
QuickyBaby, Did you see over the weekend the PZ.KPFW. II AUSF. J was for sale for just over 2 days as low as $39.00, I got one
And yet literally nothing has changed in ranked.It's almost as if tho it's not reward tanks,but rather garbage with
That is not fault of the players. This is fully on WG, that after years they werent able to make skill-based MM.
Cait Sidhe so put shitters against other shitters and give them 0 incentive to get better
@@bruhidekman9228 just mix it, equal amount of garbage, average,great and unicums in each team on similar tanks.
What I want to know is what was that B-C 155 doing while a Progetto was wrecking his entire heavy huddle?
I have been saying for many months now, that WG should remove all premium equipment, rounds and perks for ranked and that all tanks have 0% crews to balance the game mode further.... Everytime i posted this under CCs videos or chats, I got laughed at. I sitll stand to my words: Make ranked an equal playing field for all players!
The problem isn't the fact that you want to make ranked fair but how
A premium round rework is inevitable. Sit tight for that one. As for crew skills, I guess wg could put a cap on the amount of skills a crew member could have. I don’t think the community would be happy with that, unless they get compensation in the form of free xp. As for bond equipment, I 100% agree. It is a stupid concept, and all bond equipment should be refunded for all players
@@Macaroni139 one good option for the gold ammo rework would be to reduce their alpha like in wot blitz. People would only use theme if it's necessary because it lowers their dpm.
Everyone gets a repair, med, and fire extinguisher. 75% of your ammo is AP, 20% gold, 5% HE or something like that but with only 20% of your tanks max ammo can be gold rounds.
"Ranked games are more fair now."
%70 of the vehicles are the one's that are released in last 2 years.
Does anyone else notice that, all Top meta vehicles are the same. I mean, they have the same layout. Same armor scheme, same turret. Similar guns. Either auto loader, auto reloader, or high alpha.
Maus is basically out of the game. E-100 out of the game. Type 5 oyt of the game. Even the Once powerful meta play Is-7 is not modern enough. Only the one's that are closer to MBT layouts are used.
That's why i quit Wot. It's basically same tanks over and over again. I play 10-20 games in a row with 90% of each team is either Swedish, Czech or Soviet with brits mixed in at times.
Perfectly balanced. As all things SHOULDN'T BE..
i see leopards every game so
Sanguine Aurora I had some 4-6k dmg rounds in my Leo, German tanks can perform in ranked, but i agree that other tanks seem easier to perform well in
@@azyalius leo is only viable german tier 10, and even not for too long...
@@ywoisug8845 what do you mean exactly? want to know
@@orange1248 It got bufed a while ago
I was asking in stream earlier today if ranked mode sans reward tanks improved things coincidentally. :P
"Actually i have to snipe for weak points" god this is why i no longer play that game... tier 8+ is just like Amsterdam red light district. pay to penetrate and make the armour paper value obsolete. This is why ppl who choose not to pay to penetrate and still play good are much more valuable than gold spamming wallet warriors.
Merimac_ yes and some tanks just scream at you to shoot them with gold, feels like it’s done on purpose. :^x
@@vcommandarv5916 i played (with strong emphasis on the past time) since pretty much a second week of game going on closed beta tests. And unless WG introduce some retarded tanks with ultra angles and auto ding armours players are just stupid, plain and simple. Before the update that gold was available for credits, playing tanks like Maus was both pleasure and challenge as ppl knew weak-points of tanks and were patience to aim and that was fun. Maus had a purpose of a moving fortress. Angling your tank was an art but you were never indestructible. When you encountered a good player who knew his tank you had a hard time or you disengage to find a more suitable target. Now press 2 for skill and let armour be something of a past. QB showed in this battle the big difference of playing freemium and premium. Premium is just lvl easy shooting in more or less general points in armor. Shooting as freemium you need to make those shots count. And yeah the game is designed to take advantage of people who doesn't like to think
A fairer system would be where you always get a shevron even if you are last on losing team.
Quickie .. what this merely points out is the reward tanks are seriously OP and need to be nerfed to begin with. Oh sure the ranked battles are more fun. But then random battles still SUCK. People play in those games with their damn OP tanks and seal club the lesser players especially when it's a tier X game with Tier 8 and 9 tanks. Where is the fun in that for the Tier 8 and 9 players? A reward tank should be something only those who earn can play BUT it should not be so OP as it unbalances the game. You already supported how they unbalanced rank battles ruining the play. The same applies to random battles as well. Yet WoT is so scared to admit THEY HAVE MADE MISTAKES with the tanks and the refuse, REFUSE, to nerf them. Look at the proposed EBR nerfs which are a fair start but still leave the tank with magical wheels, magical movement, magical drops off cliffs with no damage .. because they get to avoid the laws of physics to stay on the ground. The reality is anything moving as fast as those tanks trying to make a turn WOULD flip .. but not in WoT. Sigh .. still a pay to win game.
This guy gets it. The only reason to remove tanks from "ranked play" is because they are too strong and it would be unfair. WG needs to do the right thing for the game and nerf overpowered tanks.
@@ArclyteTE but wargaming has the stupid rule of not nerfing premium or reward vehicles to satisfy paying customers, so as much as we want them to be nerfed, I doubt it will happen.
You can't pay to get a reward tank, its all about playing 6 hours everyday for 2 weeks during Clan Wars Campaigns. I agree that those tanks are very powerful, but honestly their power is drowning inside a pool full of EBR's and SPG's. And also, what would be the point of releasing reward tanks, very hard and freaking long to get if they are not powerful ? That would be pointless, go get a tech tree tank instead. So nerfing them will be meaningless. Might as well completely remove them.
ps : those tanks don't have God-mode all in, just fire premium rounds and they will go back to garage as soon as they arrived.
@@quickfingers815 have them be competitive, but not blatantly op
@@quickfingers815 but you can buy tanks that are more powerful to help earn the rewards, and spend money on premium ammo and consumables over and over again to get the rewards. So the more money you spend the more OP tanks and abilities you have. And what is the point of a reward if that reward works to unbalance the game for others? While I agree rewards should be nice, granting rewards that are OP or unbalanced or force players to spend money on premium ammo in order to fight them is wrong. And just think you immediately went to use premium ammo. So players who don't play a lot are not going to have huge amounts of silver to spend on the ammo, and if they are in the 49% win rate range (average) they certainly will not be pulling it in. So it forces them to pay to compete .. or walk away frustrated over and over and over.
Now if arty would be removed from ranked, it would be amazing, Malinovka wouldn't be so ass to play
When you are so early, all you see is 10 commenters thinking they are first
I actually agree. Because ranked game mode should be only skill. Because this isn't the only game that should have pure skill in ranked games. Otherwise it isn't a ranked game mode at all.
I actually noticed a lot more balanced teams when it was only tech tree tanks in the game. Unfortunately I also noticed crazy toxicity where players just sit in the back while you lose the game, or push you to make you miss a shot. Thankfully I got a few lucky teams towards the end and completed ranked battles.
They need to fix the chevron system again, everyone on the winning team needs to gain a chevron. This may get rid of the toxic strategy of not taking key positions to farm in the back with leopards and progettos.
As a mostly f2p player, could not agree more with the idea of an equal ranked. I love my AMX 30B and it’s entire game is to be a dpm monster. Yesterday I encountered a Super Conq that fired faster than me...
I have a 49% W/L and I like ranked. This is the first time I play, what I find is that every time I reach level 7 I start losing game after game and go back to 4. I'm still stuck at division 3 😢
What type of tanks do u play with? Idk, name ur 3 must played tank...
That.s your level;)
I would have hunted that batchat. Him not firing made it absolutely sure to me he was somewhere in the top left quarter (although not beyond the traintrack), and a progetto still outspeeds/outspots a bc arty.
It's kind of funny that you can drive a Super Conq in ranked but not an FV215b, or a 430U but not a 121B.
I have to say that for the first time that ranked existed, I have been actually playing this mode.
you're such a great guy, love to watch your videos thank you QB
this is what I do not understand, I worked very hard to get those tanks, why should I and others like me be punished because we put in the time and effort to play tanks that we enjoy playing. Further more its complete bullshit that the 183 and the B are on this list, I ground out the tech trees to get both those tanks before they were ever any kind of reward. If Wargaming is going to do this here, then the only thing that I could see as being justified is premiums being removed from frontline. The player base would lose their minds if they were told they couldn't play OP t8s in frontline
Well done Quickbaby and conunity for bringing WOT to its senses.
Wish I would have known that BEFORE Ranked Battles. I did not even bother because I do not have one of the top reward tanks.
I may have to try Ranked again. It was too frustrating before. Thanks for letting the community know of this change... and thanks to WG for listening to those who actually do play Ranked. It is more fair now for those who aren't in a clan and don't have a chance to acquire the Reward Tanks.
Only start if you have something (borderline) OP at Tier X and you're willing to spam gold exclusively -- all opponents do...
I mean, I get it. But at the same time the people that have those tanks worked hard to get there n I think they should be able to use the tanks they worked hard to earn
I completely agree bro. Hands down so much better now man.
Fantastic i saw the banned announcement on thier website before event and have been playing it and loving it. Quite hard for me on 340 average ping from nz to Singapore but it's manageable but not playing an ebr. Having put myself through clan wars to not even get near a tank even after all the bans from cheating clans, whereif you don't have reward tank you can't get a reward tank. So frustrating.
Object 277 in your team was so impressed that he proposed to you lol
Loved the video dude awesome gameplay I love world of tanks its probably one of my favourite games. RUclipsrs like you give me inspiration to continue with my own channel thanks man keep up the amazing work.
Does seem weird they would also ban the FV215b and the Death star since they arent actually reward vehicles
I have the 279E and Chieftain and I’m hoping 907 soon. I’m actually happy that they don’t use reward tanks it was a much needed move. Chieftains were ruining the matches.
The FV 215b and FV 215b (183) are previous tech tree tanks. Therefore should not be banned because they are not reward tanks
And now Ranked battles are decided by which team's EBR does first.
After my first time playing ranked i gave it up. Flat quit because i was tired of bouncing off a hull down chieftan. I played this time and the difference is very noticable. I can actually compete now
WG: releases Ranked and Battle Pass simultaneous.
WG: *Laughs in Premium Shop*
I think WG should only ban the 279 and maybe the chef but the other reward tanks that aren't OP at all like the m60, and VK I earned and would really like to play in ranked.
It's also funny that this just made it easier for unicums. Getting those reward tanks was only chance some low end guys had. Now the unicums have it even easier
Completely agree with your analysis about Ranked. Still not interested, but if they did do "all equal", I'd definitely be interested...
Has QuickyBaby made a WoT tutorial or tips and tricks for starting out?
You can destroy the cover with normal ammo also, no need for HE to do that. Just shot the sandbags on the top.
As not a big fan of Tier X battles, I think this new ranked system had to be one of the best ideas ever.