Dark Doriado seems like one of those cards that's gonna explode into the meta a few years from now when a new archetype that calls cards on top of your deck is revealed. Better side Engraver of the Mark to counter it!
Bowi Four words. Super Vehicroid Stealth Union. I mean It halves its own attack when it makes an attack for pete's sake meaning that the only way to take advantage of his unique abilities is by using Power Bond to double his attack. Which is why I would put him towards the bottom.
I used "Graceful Tear" in my Cubic deck. It's because 1) my opponent most likely wouldn't play Cubics so they can't use the card I give them, and 2) it restores my life points back to 2000 after "Crismon the Dark Cubic Lord burns for 3000
You could use Graceful Tear in an old Elemental Hero Deck that uses Hero Counter Strike which would protect your Elemental Heroes but nobody uses regular Elemental Heroes ( NO MASK OF CHANGE ) just regular fusions(Ex Flamewing man, or Tempest, etc)
Dark Dorialdo is actually a really good card in a Barrier Statue deck, it either boosts your statues attacks or searches for most of the statues you need.
So as a Magic player, I like watching these videos about other games. Honestly, I'm pretty upset that the donate card is as bad as it is, since Magic has cards that make you donate something, but they have a lot of opportunity to donate something so horrible that it causes the opponent to lose. In short, donate cards should always have a home in the creativity decks, and seeing as they don't in your game, it shows a major lack of flexibility. Do note though, the donate deck was a power house at one point in Magic.
It sounds like donating in MTG is just giving your opponent a card you control....that mechanic does exist in Yugioh and is used pretty effectively. The card mentioned in this video puts the card in your opponents hand...which is bad.
Card of the soul can actually be useful if you have deck based on something like Obelisk the Tormentor, or 2 of the sacred beasts, you could easily get them into hand with their 4000/4000 atk and def, in case your life points are intact.
Dicelops + That Six. 1/3 chance of -1 yourself, 2/3 chance of -1 your opponent. Roll a 1: Leave it. Roll a 2, 4, or 6: Change it to a 1. Roll a 3 or 5: Leave it, take the -1.
Engraver's field effect is actually pretty good as it can be activated on your opponent's turn near the end phase so that the target is destroyed at the end of your turn. It doesn't say "during the End Phase of your opponent's next turn", it just says at the end of the next turn. Simple combo off the top of my head: let opponent summon super-ultra-monster, activate Fiendish Chain(or whatever the new better version of it is), on opponent's current EP use Engraver's effect, do your stuff on your turn, end turn, destroy target.
hm +Davinator1212 what about Cards of the Soul in Rainbow Neos Turbo? Use AHL to fetch a dookie hero, then use this to get Rainbow Dragon. Just gotta get Neos and a Poly, I guess. a-also who plays cowboy in 2016 :((
Jake Blaster King of the Feral Imps that's who. And I'm referring to the RUclipsr who did a Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links rant in facecam but wore a Cheshire Cat mask.
Well... Burning abyss and PKs like to be in the grave right? And Darkworlds like to be discarded so.... Not that bad... Until you realize each of those archetypes have better ways to accomplish that without clogging the deck, you know, with actual archetype support?
Isn't number 10 trying to support the old "elemental mistress doriodo" archetype? I vaguely remember trying to make her work back in high school... never did, but the attempt was fun. Kinda nostalgic seeing her again
Diceclops was used as coasters in my household. No lie. Had scores of them after binging through packs every week when SHVI dropped. Also those Jumpcuts tho, let me find out the boi Drew influenced people ;)
I mean Dicelops and Dark Doriado actually have decks that can be build around them. Thanks for reminding me of the Zebra. I always wanted to build a deck with it but that was back then. New support we got (and will get) hopefully helps.
I remember Graceful Tear was used in that wierd Voo Doo Bait Doll & Relay Soul combo deck. OMG it was soooo bad, but it was pretty interesting to see it being played.
Engraver of the Mark is Grade-A compared to similar cards. Take Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell, a card that some folks had high hopes for way back when. Despite the potential of completely ruining certain decks, this was a Counter Trap that not only required a discard, but required a specific discard. (You discard a Spell Card.) No wonder Misawa messed up after trying to use it.
My friend made a really odd Doriado deck involving The actual ritual Doriado and Dark Doriado. It's weirdly consistent and he put some nice work into it.
Could see Dicelops getting some play in a Fluffal deck. if you roll a 2-6 and Edge-Imp Chain is in your hand, you can use his effect to pull a Frightfur Fusion from your deck and if the rest of the stuff in your hand was fusion material stuff, you can still kinda bring something to the field, granted dropping your whole hand like that would be kinda sucky, but it's Fluffals. Fluffals always find a way.
I see a use for Engraver of the Mark - I don't care about the meta so whatever. It brings a halt to things like Emissary of Peace, the Level Limit Area spells, Toon World, Swords of Revealing Light, and Wave Motion Cannon. It's also probably good against Union monsters, since the union pieces stay on the field no matter what their role is. It can also shut down a Pendulum-heavy deck, or stop a Field Spell. It's not perfect, and for the cards I mentioned, there's De-Spell and Man-Eater Bug, Trap Hole, and the like. But! I could see a use for it. Plus, it's an L4-18ATK, so it's a non-Xyz Sky Pegasus without that "pay 1K LP to stop me cold" nonsense.
ethanb12007 Elemental HERO's would love this card in there deck making them easier to search, setting up, and adding Attack for each different Attribute
Card Of The Soul can search Obelisk on turn 1. Combo with Frontline Base/Double Summon, Ra's Disciple is your first normal, Ra's Disciple's effect activates, you special 2 more, tribute them all, your opponent is staring at Obelisk.
So... Card of the soul makes you look at your deck for cost? Also, graceful tear combo: Give them relay soul, hope to god they set it, and hit it with bait doll.
Yeah the relay soul tip is exactly why your opponent will shake their head when you even try to put it in their hand. Especially if they can READ until the card version of Duel Links' Surprise Present happens, relay soul will forever be a dunce card (the moment you play it, you surrender)
Dice ReRoll is the card you're thinking of, it's a trap that lets you roll a dice again. I could see Dicelops working well with a Dark World deck since they like to discard stuff.
You can normal summon Zany Zebra and lock out the extra monster zone that you haven't used turn one, if I'm not mistaken, not practical and easily dealt with, but I could see it someday seeing play
Well...you could use That Six to increase your chances on Dicelops' 1st effect from 1 in 6 to 2 in 3. There's still the problem of That Six being a continuous trap, and Imperial Custom ain't doing it any favors other than protection.
Before the official ruling came out, if your opponent used lullaby of obedience on your hokarthy and you made them special summon it, it counted as your win. So you could present exchange them a lullaby of obedience and, if they used it, chain engraver of the mark to have them special summon Hokarthy. Gimmicky but fun. If you feel like it, you can forgo present exchange for graceful tear to use two cards on the list :^)
i played against someone the other night who summoned two engraver of the marks in a row. i have no idea what he was playing, because the game didn't last long enough
If you're playing someone with a dark world or lightsworn deck and you try to use Engraver of the Mark, it might not even play around mind control, because the effect where you discard could be beneficial to the other player still, but honestly dark world players only play mind crush and they use it to mill anyways
wouldn't diceclops work with dark world still confused about dark world because I had a dark world Deck and used a trap it's wording was discard a card and destroy a card on field so I discarded the dark world level 3 that let's u draw and it didn't let me?
Lachlan Smith If the discard was part of the cost rather than the actual effect the Darkworld effect of "do a thing when discarded by a card effect" wouldn't trigger.
Davinator1212 I think that's what I meant, I just worded it poorly. :P I meant if the Darkworld card says "do a thing if this is discarded by a card effect", and the trap discards as the cost, the Darkworld card doesn't trigger because it was discarded for cost, not by effect. I'm only just getting back into the game (in large part because of your channel) so forgive me if I'm wrong.
ok thanks for helping me and Dave people do like dark world I prefer fables but dark world are still cool I prefer the older archetypes then the newer oh I drew a card allowing me to search and summon and overlay and win and all this shit in the first turn
Davinator1212 me I only really played competitively 2010 back when dark world were a lot less dangerous "fucking lightswarm and yes I called it lightswarm for a reason" so I never really played nowadays darkworld most recent deck I have played is a ghostrick when they were first realised so I don't understand newer cards. I will start again when I get money. plus when I wrote that I had zero hours skeep for a day and 3/4 s so that was sleep deprivation talk mind you still haven't sleot for a while so if it doesn't make sense blame the taste of coffee
I could honestly see myself making a trolly deck around The Supression Pluto and Graceful Tear. Just Graceful Tear them a gate guardian or hungry burger and enjoy your free snatch steal every turn
Ruling quiz: Does engraver of the mark's effect, when used on ancient gear gadget, supersede the gadget naming restriction set on that card? also I need to make a troll comment as is the norm in your comment section.. Graceful tear them pot of greed then turn them in for using banned cards!!
Dark Doriado is obviously supposed to go with Yugi's Berserker Soul; 6000 damage combo right there. It just needed to be 300 damage lower and, you know, have the other card exist.
11:04 Well there's Obelisk the Tormentor, sure he'd die during the End Phase, but if you have 8,000 Life Points when you play Card of the Soul you can do a first turn Egyptian God Card.
graceful tear- givebthem the darkworld monster that when discarded summons to your opponents field then makes them discard a card ,mind crush it, discard your own grapha, since its your opponents effect you get to summon one of their monsters opop
"Give your opponent relay soul and hope that they use it" There's cards that require your opponent to do something and then there's cards that rel(a)y on your opponent being braindead
I think kozmourning is better than Purusha Shaddoll Aion cause it has grave effect which make it good to send to grave with foolish burial with belongings (from deck), twin twister (from hand) or magic planter (from field), and that grave effect is better than the eff of purusha shaddoll aion.
I would like to point out that Dino-Sewing only loses the attack that it gains. The defense stays forever so you could potentially get a defense mode OTK
Ryan Jacobs It's a stupid card though because while it's an interesting effect, it only gains if it's attacked and only 1k per attack no matter what the enemy's monsters ATK points are at. You'd only ever have the one face down attack at best and then no more attacks once it's face up. They'd likely just have an effect based destruction to get rid of it.
Dino-Sewing doesnt say it loses its defence though, so if you have savage colosseum, dino-sewing gets attacked, it gets 1000 more defense each turn, bada boom bada bing
Your wrong about priestess her effect only sends an effect monster to the graveyard. Do you only loose one monster. And if your opponent targeted her with an effect you can chain to that and send herself.
Priestess would've been 100 times better if she could also stop an attack like Maiden does and then search out the two Blue-Eyes. As for her grave effect, she should've been able to target an effect monster or level 1 light tuner monster at the very least. That way Sage would never run out of things to search out, and the Eyes Of Blue engine could keep on going.
i haven't been on the loop in Yu-Gi-Oh since gx, now theres synchro summons, xyz summons, now pendulum monsters. god dammit. at least pokemon pretty much never changed much
Can anyone give me recommendations for a Egyptian god deck. Mainly for slifer cuz it's the only tournament legal god I have (in other words DRAW POWER)
I mean I could kinda see zany zebra being useful with the odd eyes fieldspell so you can destroy it search out what you need summon it back and repeat but other then that not much else
well i did try dicelops in infernoid when he came out was good to discard infernoid monsters and you could use rekindling to bring it back and do it again...great no but it did work more than not😂
I'd consider dicelops almost a staple in dark worlds / fabled but that has been said 100 times already in the comments so im wasting your time here by typing this out :)
Not a staple and you must have low standards if that is deemed "a staple". Its shitty pack filler. Use it as a coaster or proxy for a better card you dont have/
"Why do I get sleepy after I touch myself."
"It's a hand trap."
Strangely good answer.
what's the name of that guy?
That Earth Wind and Fire clip caught me so off guard. Great video!
Davinator1212 That Captain Planet meme part felt like a stupid joke. Comedy is subjective but memes for the sake of memes aren't funny in my eyes.
Nyhmnim are you evolving?
it also did catch me off guard when Dark Doriato turned into Dark Dorito
I can see Joey running dicelops and getting a 1 every.single.time
Carlos Zavala Joey should seriously buy a few lottery tickets. He's broken lol.
I like how dino-sewing gains both attack and defense, but only loses attack. So dat defense doe
The worst cards were Solemn Strike, pay 1500 LP, huge cost, Pot of Desires, minus 9, and Dimension Barrier, minus one.
This is a joke btw
Davinator1212 lol
Was about to say...
I actually really hate Pot of Desires. I always, ALWAYS end up banishing the cards I actually need and then I'm just fucked cause I can't do anything.
Roberto Whyyoucare can i have it since you don't like it? :3
Dark Doriado seems like one of those cards that's gonna explode into the meta a few years from now when a new archetype that calls cards on top of your deck is revealed. Better side Engraver of the Mark to counter it!
she already works wonders with the Trap FU -RIN - KAH. SAN and was plenty playable with that banned Djin that sops special summons....
And Charmers. Don't forget Charmers.
Idea for a next top 10, top 10 cards that couldve been good but got screwed by if/when wording
Bowi so basically the whole gustos
Bowi Four words. Super Vehicroid Stealth Union. I mean It halves its own attack when it makes an attack for pete's sake meaning that the only way to take advantage of his unique abilities is by using Power Bond to double his attack. Which is why I would put him towards the bottom.
Don't you mean TOADally dead?
hey guys davinator1212 here comeing at you with the top 1000 cards made in yugioh that have a name and card text
Peter Cross king of the swamp?
***** thanks for laughing at my joke davinator i love your content honestly
That was a joke? I was looking forward to that list 💔
Jason Ortiz Top 10 anime betrayals
Activate graceful tear, give your opponent cuben
Hey, Card of the Soul searches Obelisk first turn... Right?
~Starlight~ or the wicked dreadroot
Dicelops is dumb, but I can only imagine it in a Dark World Deck lol
Not a relevant deck and bad card in irrelevant deck.
I guess you didn't get the sarcasm
Veilion Couldnt see it
Yeah you didn't lol
lol i'll show you relevant XD
Card of the soul is something yugi would use
I used "Graceful Tear" in my Cubic deck. It's because 1) my opponent most likely wouldn't play Cubics so they can't use the card I give them, and 2) it restores my life points back to 2000 after "Crismon the Dark Cubic Lord burns for 3000
your channel blows dude
You could use Graceful Tear in an old Elemental Hero Deck that uses Hero Counter Strike which would protect your Elemental Heroes but nobody uses regular Elemental Heroes ( NO MASK OF CHANGE ) just regular fusions(Ex Flamewing man, or Tempest, etc)
Dark Dorialdo is actually a really good card in a Barrier Statue deck, it either boosts your statues attacks or searches for most of the statues you need.
So as a Magic player, I like watching these videos about other games. Honestly, I'm pretty upset that the donate card is as bad as it is, since Magic has cards that make you donate something, but they have a lot of opportunity to donate something so horrible that it causes the opponent to lose. In short, donate cards should always have a home in the creativity decks, and seeing as they don't in your game, it shows a major lack of flexibility.
Do note though, the donate deck was a power house at one point in Magic.
It sounds like donating in MTG is just giving your opponent a card you control....that mechanic does exist in Yugioh and is used pretty effectively.
The card mentioned in this video puts the card in your opponents hand...which is bad.
Aranethon Yeah it does. The times where you have a card that they can't use are few and far between. If they ever happen at all.
"anything that's not a quick-play spell card nowadays is completely useless"- hey hey, tell that to my Paleozoic deck :)
Suvisak ok well since you would chain all of them to a single trap activation I simply solemn the whole lot of them.
you could use card of the soul in an Egyptian god deck to get Obelisk the Tormentor
Card of the soul can actually be useful if you have deck based on something like Obelisk the Tormentor, or 2 of the sacred beasts, you could easily get them into hand with their 4000/4000 atk and def, in case your life points are intact.
Dicelops + That Six. 1/3 chance of -1 yourself, 2/3 chance of -1 your opponent.
Roll a 1: Leave it.
Roll a 2, 4, or 6: Change it to a 1.
Roll a 3 or 5: Leave it, take the -1.
When I first saw Dark Doriado I thought, "ooh, this will be good in yang zings!" Then I remembered how yang zings actually worked.
Engraver's field effect is actually pretty good as it can be activated on your opponent's turn near the end phase so that the target is destroyed at the end of your turn. It doesn't say "during the End Phase of your opponent's next turn", it just says at the end of the next turn.
Simple combo off the top of my head: let opponent summon super-ultra-monster, activate Fiendish Chain(or whatever the new better version of it is), on opponent's current EP use Engraver's effect, do your stuff on your turn, end turn, destroy target.
b-but +Davinator1212 obelisk turbo would love cards of the souL :^)))
Forget your obelisk. Raviel for the win!
I was like wtf, obelisk decks are great with cards of the soul, start the duel with an obelisk.
hm +Davinator1212 what about Cards of the Soul in Rainbow Neos Turbo? Use AHL to fetch a dookie hero, then use this to get Rainbow Dragon. Just gotta get Neos and a Poly, I guess.
a-also who plays cowboy in 2016 :((
Jake Blaster King of the Feral Imps that's who. And I'm referring to the RUclipsr who did a Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links rant in facecam but wore a Cheshire Cat mask.
hey davinator. what about increasing your DEF by dino sewing? it says it makes his ATK into 0
Well... Burning abyss and PKs like to be in the grave right? And Darkworlds like to be discarded so.... Not that bad... Until you realize each of those archetypes have better ways to accomplish that without clogging the deck, you know, with actual archetype support?
Not only Darkworlds, some fabled too.
zany zebra is actually pretty interesting to use now in the new link format since the pendulum scales are in the spell/trap card zone now
4:19 “Is still target destruction,It will still be bad”
*Cries in Zoodiac Drident Ban
I just noticed that Maiden of the Aqua and Maiden with Eyes of Blue, both have giant chests the TCG didn't censor and both have Maiden in their names.
Isn't number 10 trying to support the old "elemental mistress doriodo" archetype? I vaguely remember trying to make her work back in high school... never did, but the attempt was fun. Kinda nostalgic seeing her again
cit. Davinator1212
Why does Captain Planet have dark magicians stats?
Diceclops was used as coasters in my household. No lie. Had scores of them after binging through packs every week when SHVI dropped.
Also those Jumpcuts tho, let me find out the boi Drew influenced people ;)
Guys, can you help me out? In Cards of the Soul, it doesn't say to shuffle your deck after you look at it. Is it an errata or did I miss something?
Hey, isn't there that one timelord with 4k attack and 4k defense or something? Spicy Card of the Soul tech?
I mean Dicelops and Dark Doriado actually have decks that can be build around them.
Thanks for reminding me of the Zebra. I always wanted to build a deck with it but that was back then. New support we got (and will get) hopefully helps.
I remember Graceful Tear was used in that wierd Voo Doo Bait Doll & Relay Soul combo deck. OMG it was soooo bad, but it was pretty interesting to see it being played.
Shouldn't zany zebra be op now with link summoning since you can target the extra monster zone or pendulum zone in the spell/trap area
I kinda want to run an egyptian god deck, could card of the soul be good since i can then add a free obelisk to my hand on turn one?
Engraver of the Mark is Grade-A compared to similar cards. Take Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell, a card that some folks had high hopes for way back when. Despite the potential of completely ruining certain decks, this was a Counter Trap that not only required a discard, but required a specific discard. (You discard a Spell Card.) No wonder Misawa messed up after trying to use it.
My friend made a really odd Doriado deck involving The actual ritual Doriado and Dark Doriado. It's weirdly consistent and he put some nice work into it.
You could give Dicelops? With the trap?? Ahhh!! Don't hurt me!!! I'm -crying- trying here!!!
Could see Dicelops getting some play in a Fluffal deck. if you roll a 2-6 and Edge-Imp Chain is in your hand, you can use his effect to pull a Frightfur Fusion from your deck and if the rest of the stuff in your hand was fusion material stuff, you can still kinda bring something to the field, granted dropping your whole hand like that would be kinda sucky, but it's Fluffals. Fluffals always find a way.
It seems that the Dino card gains def as well when it's attacked and it doesn't lose the def. So not as useless?
I see a use for Engraver of the Mark - I don't care about the meta so whatever. It brings a halt to things like Emissary of Peace, the Level Limit Area spells, Toon World, Swords of Revealing Light, and Wave Motion Cannon. It's also probably good against Union monsters, since the union pieces stay on the field no matter what their role is. It can also shut down a Pendulum-heavy deck, or stop a Field Spell. It's not perfect, and for the cards I mentioned, there's De-Spell and Man-Eater Bug, Trap Hole, and the like. But! I could see a use for it. Plus, it's an L4-18ATK, so it's a non-Xyz Sky Pegasus without that "pay 1K LP to stop me cold" nonsense.
Dark Doriado is useful in OTKs
ethanb12007 yep theres quite a few otks and ftks with it i dont consider it to be a bad card
ethanb12007 Elemental HERO's would love this card in there deck making them easier to search, setting up, and adding Attack for each different Attribute
Card Of The Soul can search Obelisk on turn 1. Combo with Frontline Base/Double Summon, Ra's Disciple is your first normal, Ra's Disciple's effect activates, you special 2 more, tribute them all, your opponent is staring at Obelisk.
dark doriado is also great in "magician girls" since it can fetch you apple, berry, kiwi and chocolate on top of your deck in any order...
So... Card of the soul makes you look at your deck for cost?
Also, graceful tear combo:
Give them relay soul, hope to god they set it, and hit it with bait doll.
Yeah the relay soul tip is exactly why your opponent will shake their head when you even try to put it in their hand. Especially if they can READ
until the card version of Duel Links' Surprise Present happens, relay soul will forever be a dunce card (the moment you play it, you surrender)
what is the background music that you use for engraver of the mark?
Dice ReRoll is the card you're thinking of, it's a trap that lets you roll a dice again.
I could see Dicelops working well with a Dark World deck since they like to discard stuff.
You can normal summon Zany Zebra and lock out the extra monster zone that you haven't used turn one, if I'm not mistaken, not practical and easily dealt with, but I could see it someday seeing play
Priestess says 'send one effect monster you control'. It's not two, and it's just a tuner/melody.
How do I get the dark Dorito?? I have looked everywhere....🙁 everywhere for it
Huh?... it's not an actual Dorito card? From the Tacobell play set?? Huh? Conned you say? Oh...
Card of the soul doesn't say shuffle so it lets you know what you're going to draw and there's synergy with that its not that bad
Vivi23 Blue23 that’s why I love gold sarcophagus, level up, and any og from deck cards
it doesnt say shuffle, but you still gotta do it after you use it. You're not supposed to know what comes next in your deck
Well...you could use That Six to increase your chances on Dicelops' 1st effect from 1 in 6 to 2 in 3.
There's still the problem of That Six being a continuous trap, and Imperial Custom ain't doing it any favors other than protection.
Before the official ruling came out, if your opponent used lullaby of obedience on your hokarthy and you made them special summon it, it counted as your win. So you could present exchange them a lullaby of obedience and, if they used it, chain engraver of the mark to have them special summon Hokarthy. Gimmicky but fun.
If you feel like it, you can forgo present exchange for graceful tear to use two cards on the list :^)
wouldnt dark doriado work good with the elemental archatype (elemental doom, elemental dragon ,etc.)
i played against someone the other night who summoned two engraver of the marks in a row. i have no idea what he was playing, because the game didn't last long enough
I am a heavy Blue eyes guy. my main deck is a blue eyes that I made. and I even have to agree priestess with eyes of blue sucks.
Horrific Beauty I agree. Melody is way better
You could use Dicelops with That Six, making it a 50% chance of having a good effect rather than a 16.6% chance.
graceful tear, give them relay soul, force it's activation with bait doll.
Do yugioh to it. so gonna use that.
If you're playing someone with a dark world or lightsworn deck and you try to use Engraver of the Mark, it might not even play around mind control, because the effect where you discard could be beneficial to the other player still, but honestly dark world players only play mind crush and they use it to mill anyways
wouldn't diceclops work with dark world still confused about dark world because I had a dark world Deck and used a trap it's wording was discard a card and destroy a card on field so I discarded the dark world level 3 that let's u draw and it didn't let me?
Lachlan Smith
If the discard was part of the cost rather than the actual effect the Darkworld effect of "do a thing when discarded by a card effect" wouldn't trigger.
I think that's what I meant, I just worded it poorly. :P I meant if the Darkworld card says "do a thing if this is discarded by a card effect", and the trap discards as the cost, the Darkworld card doesn't trigger because it was discarded for cost, not by effect.
I'm only just getting back into the game (in large part because of your channel) so forgive me if I'm wrong.
If something says discard a card then do something (e.g. Lightning vortex) that counts as a cost and dark world can't activate off costs
ok thanks for helping me and Dave people do like dark world I prefer fables but dark world are still cool I prefer the older archetypes then the newer oh I drew a card allowing me to search and summon and overlay and win and all this shit in the first turn
Davinator1212 me I only really played competitively 2010 back when dark world were a lot less dangerous "fucking lightswarm and yes I called it lightswarm for a reason" so I never really played nowadays darkworld most recent deck I have played is a ghostrick when they were first realised so I don't understand newer cards. I will start again when I get money. plus when I wrote that I had zero hours skeep for a day and 3/4 s so that was sleep deprivation talk mind you still haven't sleot for a while so if it doesn't make sense blame the taste of coffee
I could honestly see myself making a trolly deck around The Supression Pluto and Graceful Tear. Just Graceful Tear them a gate guardian or hungry burger and enjoy your free snatch steal every turn
That Relay Soul strat feels like a plot to beat Joey Wheeler in season 2.
Ruling quiz: Does engraver of the mark's effect, when used on ancient gear gadget, supersede the gadget naming restriction set on that card?
also I need to make a troll comment as is the norm in your comment section..
Graceful tear them pot of greed then turn them in for using banned cards!!
Would dicelops work with skull servant?
I think #1 would work in darkworld and infinity. Not as well as Fabled Raven but it's still a decent option for a one off or side deck.
Dark Doriado is obviously supposed to go with Yugi's Berserker Soul; 6000 damage combo right there. It just needed to be 300 damage lower and, you know, have the other card exist.
Could Dusk Doraida seems to have some potential in something like fur hires?
11:04 Well there's Obelisk the Tormentor, sure he'd die during the End Phase, but if you have 8,000 Life Points when you play Card of the Soul you can do a first turn Egyptian God Card.
graceful tear- givebthem the darkworld monster that when discarded summons to your opponents field then makes them discard a card ,mind crush it, discard your own grapha, since its your opponents effect you get to summon one of their monsters opop
"Give your opponent relay soul and hope that they use it"
There's cards that require your opponent to do something and then there's cards that rel(a)y on your opponent being braindead
I think kozmourning is better than Purusha Shaddoll Aion cause it has grave effect which make it good to send to grave with foolish burial with belongings (from deck), twin twister (from hand) or magic planter (from field), and that grave effect is better than the eff of purusha shaddoll aion.
I would like to point out that Dino-Sewing only loses the attack that it gains. The defense stays forever so you could potentially get a defense mode OTK
Ryan Jacobs It's a stupid card though because while it's an interesting effect, it only gains if it's attacked and only 1k per attack no matter what the enemy's monsters ATK points are at. You'd only ever have the one face down attack at best and then no more attacks once it's face up. They'd likely just have an effect based destruction to get rid of it.
Ryan Jacobs Hello my mokey mokey brother.
Against rituals and spyral engraver works...but still sucks
The last one could be used in infernoids.
Joey Wheeler's plot armor would make Diceclops work as the plot demands it!
Dino-Sewing doesnt say it loses its defence though, so if you have savage colosseum, dino-sewing gets attacked, it gets 1000 more defense each turn, bada boom bada bing
couldn't you purposely go for the negative effects of diececlops in a dark world deck to trigger their effects?
Your wrong about priestess her effect only sends an effect monster to the graveyard. Do you only loose one monster. And if your opponent targeted her with an effect you can chain to that and send herself.
Priestess would've been 100 times better if she could also stop an attack like Maiden does and then search out the two Blue-Eyes. As for her grave effect, she should've been able to target an effect monster or level 1 light tuner monster at the very least. That way Sage would never run out of things to search out, and the Eyes Of Blue engine could keep on going.
i haven't been on the loop in Yu-Gi-Oh since gx, now theres synchro summons, xyz summons, now pendulum monsters. god dammit. at least pokemon pretty much never changed much
Can anyone give me recommendations for a Egyptian god deck. Mainly for slifer cuz it's the only tournament legal god I have (in other words DRAW POWER)
Cool idea for a video: top ten boss monsters that got screwed over.
Thanks will be trooling cough cough i mean running gracefull tear and relay soul in my blue eyes Chaos max deck
Came from the future. Engraver of the Mark is pretty much a Crossout Designator counter hahaha
I mean I could kinda see zany zebra being useful with the odd eyes fieldspell so you can destroy it search out what you need summon it back and repeat but other then that not much else
Dark Doriado and regular Doriado are a nice tech in some Performapal builds u_u
I've seen a few Performapal decks using Doriado since they have a lot of attributes.
Harcion Gaming it be useful for yangzings, they use all natural elements, I still got copies
will say if you are playing an egyptian god deck and you get card of the soul on turn 1, it's basically a free obelisk the tormentor
What Yu-Gi-Oh needs is either a reboot or new formats. Not banlists. Formats, like a Standard, Vintage (Officially) and Modern.
well i did try dicelops in infernoid when he came out was good to discard infernoid monsters and you could use rekindling to bring it back and do it again...great no but it did work more than not😂
cuben seems like an okay choice for batteryman deck to set the field
I'd consider dicelops almost a staple in dark worlds / fabled but that has been said 100 times already in the comments so im wasting your time here by typing this out :)
Not a staple and you must have low standards if that is deemed "a staple". Its shitty pack filler. Use it as a coaster or proxy for a better card you dont have/
You COULD use Dicelops in Shaddolls to get a free monster to the grave when rolling 2-5. But idk if they existed yet when this video went up XD
Zany zebra is broken after link summon. It shuts down the extra deck if you get it turn 1
Zebra can't target the Extra Monster Zone, only the Main Monster Zones
Graceful Tear can be really useful for The Suppression Pluto