We need to fight for justice, not race. Not for the white farmer or the black protestor but for the protection for the weak and the vulnerable. The farmer that is killed, along with the mother that is raped in the township, are the same. An injury to one, is an injury to all because it is the principle that matters.
I wish more people in South Africa and around the world understood this. This is exactly the mindset we need our leaders to promote and actively work towards.
@Atomic Litter Box Matthew 5:43-48 Love for Enemies 43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven.
PLEASE REMEMBER! It only hurts if it's true! I will never apologize for being white, it's my privilege to have the intellect to accomplish anything I want without blaming everyone else for my incompetence. It is also my privilege to preserve and not to destroy or take all for myself? What's happening is nothing compared to what we can handle! Please keep in mind that "the point of no return" might just be around the next action.....
Actually i didn't have any misplaced sympathy for them my whole life and i don't think i'm better than them . That's their way of life and it's not compatible with the white people way of life .
When you stand against hate , it has to be done in love. This is a Love Poem to ALL South Africans to end division and come together to demand a better future by settling the wrong narratives once and for all. Steve has taken immense courage to express his love for SA and his hate for those that would divide us or impose a regime of pain, misery and death. This is a Poem of HOPE, an edict of 'enough is enough' name calling and self promotion where YOUR future matters and if you don't speak out now, it won't ! Bravo Steve.
Yeah right a love poem that attacks black people and generalize the intention of their movements by associating them with thuggery and chaotic behavior. By not critiquing his own race for their own shit, he is kind of implying that white people are perfect and these so called "racist policies" that excludes them under the current government were just made out of the blue without any reasonable grounds. He seems to forget that apartheid government excluded blacks in participation of economy for decades 😤 . The only professions a black person could venture into were teaching, nursing and working as a police officer and these white people he represents have never been discriminated to that extent. But he wants to paint a picture that white people are the victims and black people are the evil wrongdoers. I mean this is the same guy who flagrantly blurted out that Sharpville massacre wasn't a violation of human rights. This is the voice of the so called "marginalised white people" and he isn't speaking from a shack let alone in an RDP house. He is speaking from the comfort of his big house bought most probably by his "white privilege" and somehow what he says is supposed to not be taken with a grain of salt .
Mate!!!!! great, great words well done!!!......... you have no idea on your impact, that's a Winston Churchill equivalent, seriously!!!!!.......blew me away!!!!!!
"The need to punish excellence", probably one of the most apt & telling lines in this superb condensation of plainly spoken truth. Support Steve's organisation "Toekomsvonk"!!
How sad that, despite how succinctly put your argument is, it will not matter one bit in the eyes of those it is directed at. You can not reason with a fool! More is the pity that those who are guilty, have not the wit to grasp it! Kudos to you Steve!
@@yellowpigin6921 Yes agree with you 100%. thing is we get it and they do not.Will not use the letters as they are crap just like the cANCer in our country! More strength to him.
So so so true. All normal people will get it and understand it, but those that it's intended for will still just be stupid baboons... So well said and so sad that it will most likely not make the impact it needs to. ☹️
@@brandenvandermerwe5352 2 cops were kneeling on him for 9 minutes, one on the neck and other one on the spine and pressing tummy from inhaling oxygen. Branden, believe what you want to believe... I know exactly where you are coming from. If you can, imagine yourself being in suck a position. I doubt that you will even try to imagine. From the human perspective, it is not fair one life to be ended that way.
How is the world crazy? BLM stands for infinite more integrity than this white supremacist rubbish. If you feel threatened by the idea of standing on equal grounds with a black man- that’s your prejudice, not the worlds. Check yourself
Katy H you need to listen again, slowly, take notes, think deeply (admittedly he did pack a helluva lot into those 5 minutes) but if you analyze it deeply you might just be able to break through that Dunning-Kruger barrier ..
@@katyh1576 wow, does the muppetry run ever so deep with this one. It would seem that you haven't got a clue what BLM stand for, why they are doing what they are doing nor what they want do you? Their goal is not black equality with white people, nor is their to elevate black people at all actually. Even though, as Steve has so rightfully pointed out the colossal advantage that has been afforded to black people, they still feel inferior.... You can't seriously be that stupid, but then again calling someone who fought for equality in this country a "white supremacist" doesn't bode well for your case now does it? So my comment stands, as long as a mindset and worldview like yours stands in the face of all the evidence, then yes, this is a crazy world.
Hey Steve, ever thought of running for president? I'm but a humble coloured man but you sir!!! Having the makings for a great leader! I would vote for you!!!!
Ek is net so bruin soos jy mnr Scotland en stem 100% saam met jou. My stem is vir Steve. Ongelukkig val ons tesame met blankes maar in die minderheid en sal al daardie klomp konyne die heeltyd te veel wees. So hartseer...
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Steve, I believe you must be the first person wordwide who has cut to the chase and said it so bluntly without doublespeak. Stay the course my friend.
Yeah right higgle-piggedly runctions strung together by someone who has his own hidden political agenda which focuses solely on attacking black people and generalize the intention of their revolutionary movements by associating them with thuggery and chaotic behavior. By not critiquing his own race for their own shit, he is kind of implying that white people are perfect and these so called "racist policies" that exclude them under the current government were just made out of the blue without any reasonable grounds. He seems to forget that apartheid government excluded blacks in participation of economy for decades 😤 . The only professions a black person could venture into were teaching, nursing and working as a police officer and these white people he represents have never been discriminated to that extent. But he wants to paint a picture that white people are the victims and black people are the evil wrongdoers. I mean this is the same guy who flagrantly blurted out that Sharpville massacre wasn't a violation of human rights. This is the voice of the so called "marginalised white people" and he isn't speaking from a shack let alone in an RDP house. He is speaking from the comfort of his big house bought most probably by his "white privilege" and somehow what he says is supposed to not be taken with a grain of salt. This is sad really.
Finally someone who has the strength of his conviction to stand up against the total ludicrousness of what is happening around the world thank you Could not have said it any better right with you 👍🏻
Yeah right convictions held by someone who has his own hidden political agenda which focuses solely on attacking black people and generalize the intention of their revolutionary movements by associating them with thuggery and chaotic behavior. By not critiquing his own race for their own shit, he is kind of implying that white people are perfect and these so called "racist policies" that exclude them under the current government were just made out of the blue without any reasonable grounds. He seems to forget that apartheid government excluded blacks in participation of economy for decades 😤 . The only professions a black person could venture into were teaching, nursing and working as a police officer and these white people he represents have never been discriminated to that extent. But he wants to paint a picture that white people are the victims and black people are the evil wrongdoers. I mean this is the same guy who flagrantly blurted out that Sharpville massacre wasn't a violation of human rights. This is the voice of the so called "marginalised white people" and he isn't speaking from a shack let alone in an RDP house. He is speaking from the comfort of his big house bought most probably by his "white privilege" and somehow what he says is supposed to not be taken with a grain of salt. This is sad really.
Wow! Go Steve! And what about all our brothers, fathers and menfolk who had to do national service? My brother was even in a land mine explosion! Not everyone in this country can say they were expected to do national service! Certain groups were exempt from it! But I ll vote for ur party Steve! X
Steve, jy is ‘n ware Afrikaner, RESPEK!! En doen so voort ons is Sam met jou. Vir die steeds apatiese Suid-Afrikaners, dit is reeds ter 11 de uur. Wys my julle is wakker en antwoord met #steve NOU!!!
@@devillesh6593 That is true. I think the Germans will not stand for this much longer. They are forcing a second wave and lockdown. Aberdeen in Scotland has gone back in to lockdown as is greater Manchester and Leicester.
Thanks Steve ! you're the best !!! I hope the USA 🇺🇸 sees this....we will pass it on to as much people as we can. I hope Tucker Carson of FOX news invite you on his show....and i hope you can make time to accept it. All our " real" afrikaners in the USA hope and pray that President Trump win this next & most important election i. USA history.
He cant be a proud person, doesnt look his proud to be black, maybe thats why he married a white person. IT DOESNT MATTER WHERE WE ARE COMMING FROM, IT MATTERS WHERE WE ARE GOING. Be proud of who you are and work hard....God loves you....Dont blame others for your failures, work harder, nothing is for free....
a) Her name’s Rachel. She’s a human being too. b) She married the man she loved, it’s your racism making it anything else. c) what does she have to do with this??? Are you lot really so insecure that you feel the need to diminish whoever’s available? Grow up and stop beating down other women. It’s distasteful and cruel
Steve, you are absolutely awesome and on point I don’t think anyone could have done a better job ...... I’m so proud of you I’m bursting, well done ...
The remaining fact that even OUR president turned a blind eye to farm murders accross OUR country is not only baffling, but also down right scary. As a white man, growing up outside the apartheid era, I have only known every man as an equal, growing up on a farm, my BEST friends were black. It was only when I grew older that I realised how warped the world made race to be, how the past made people racists even if they were not even born then. How we as a country can't look each other in the eye and live in peace to build ourselves and become stronger is painful. The past doesn't make you racist, the world we live in does. If I could have one wish, it would be that all lives matter, all lives equal, all lives given a chance. But no one gives us chances
@@tombraider402 by the Boer obviously? Rather look at this way, on our farm for example weve only ever been taking care of our workers with respect. Only death that has come to pass is wives stabbing their own husband or fathers beating their children. Very seldom does this occur, but where I am from the only people violent is toward themselves, not from their work giver. So please give me the instances you talk of, cause i have a bunch of examples of my statement I can give.
@@DiewiesZA Are you seriously asking for examples where black farm workers are getting killed on farms?😬 because if your answer is yes then I will advise to stop reading newspapers which are written and edited by this racist bigot named Steve Hofmeyer and start to read farm attacks stories with a holistic view. THIS WILL ASSIST your ignorant self a whole lot .
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." "You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, "There is a price we will not pay." "There is a point beyond which they must not advance." "We'll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness." -Ronald Reagan It is time, WE, THE PEOPLE, reclaim what is rightfully ours.
Everything that has been happening has made me appreciate my Afrikaans culture, traditions and people again. And I’m also thinking of returning to the Dutch Reformed Church - the faith in which my parents brought me up and where I have learned to love God.
I keep coming back to watch your grand speech here Steve and I wish I could give it a thumbs up each time ! I guess it's the effect that truth has, it never ages. Thanks once again and God bless!
Well spoken and not one word of hate, only a true dismay that the majority feel they need protection (through BEE,etc) from the minority. The only country in the world where this happens. Why feel so inferior - you have nothing to feel inferior about unless you are being less than honest.
Erudite and telling Steve. You certainly do have a way with words. You put this situation into a nutshell in a forthright manner. our only problem in SA is that the world has stopped caring about what happens here. So many of our brightest and best have left for better climes. When I was working in London a few years ago I had a very open conversation with two young Zulu men who were working as Doctors (GP's) in London. They were appalled by the situation back home and they will not be coming back. The whole BLM thing as far as I am concerned has been orchestrated by someone or an organisation that is practising divide and rule tactics. I am not one for believing in conspiracy theories, however, this situation has got me wondering...antifa and blm appear to be a means to an end. The very weird things that are happening around gun licensing laws make me think of the disarming of communities by authoritarian regimes like Nazi Germany, Stalins Russia, Mao's China....and why do the European countries and Britain wish to disarm the common people. maybe those agenda's are now just coming to fruition. Anyway, keep well and more power to your pen, maybe you can make a difference and ruk people out of their comfort zone to see our way of life is being systematically destroyed. PS:... I watched your Afrikaans video too. Your use of the language is commendable....spoken as it should be.
There's a huge disparity between your comment and your previous ambitions of being recognised as "Humanitarian of the Year". Listen to the last words spoken in the video above and tell me how your support for this position is compatible with humanitarianism. Being a humanitarian means helping people who are suffering and saving lives any time any place in the world. And so humanitarian work requires being responsible, conscious of the circumstances of other people’s lives, and helping them on the basis of need, without discrimination. That's the opposite of what's being talked about here. Not looking for an argument... I'm just surprised with your alignment with this guy's denial of the obvious racism that black people have experienced first hand.
It is sad but true, and you will probably by crucified for this again. But one of the only afrikaaners that has the guts to publicly say this. It will be worse because you are Afrikaans.
Fantastic, so true, you are an honest Afrikaner, your grandfather would be proud of you & so are ALL true Afrikaners! God Bless you Steve for your true words!
Well well. Someone that has the apples to tell it like it is! It has not escaped me - 115 (less than 3%) dislikes but can't find a single comment against. Because Steve just shot the lights out of any argument!! Truth hurts you feeble minded progressive politically correct farm animals neh? Well done Steve, aced it! Just slow down the delivery for the international audience not used to our accent.
More people of stature and public platforms must stand for humanity and ensure progressive healthy society's dont leave it to politicians they are corrupt and ambitious to steal and look after themselves THANKYOU STEVE
Never heard this much truth in 5 minutes ever!
Thank you, sir
Fokoff Skelm.
Really? Because this video made me realize how stupid people can be😂😂 I tend to forget that idiots actually exist 🤪
@@tumelogadinabokao3655 😂😂😂
That's because you've clearly only been alive for 5 minute
We need to fight for justice, not race.
Not for the white farmer or the black protestor but for the protection for the weak and the vulnerable. The farmer that is killed, along with the mother that is raped in the township, are the same. An injury to one, is an injury to all because it is the principle that matters.
Yes brother yes.
Spot on. Those of us who share this kind of thinking need to unite.
I wish more people in South Africa and around the world understood this. This is exactly the mindset we need our leaders to promote and actively work towards.
@Atomic Litter Box we must love each other. For that is what God himself commands.
@Atomic Litter Box Matthew 5:43-48
Love for Enemies
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven.
PLEASE REMEMBER! It only hurts if it's true! I will never apologize for being white, it's my privilege to have the intellect to accomplish anything I want without blaming everyone else for my incompetence. It is also my privilege to preserve and not to destroy or take all for myself? What's happening is nothing compared to what we can handle! Please keep in mind that "the point of no return" might just be around the next action.....
yster woorde, meer mense soos jy moet praat.
@Leander Herman "klootzakke" - ek hou baie van hierdie doel treffende woord! :D
No apologies, no mercy, no more extended hand.
Actually i didn't have any misplaced sympathy for them my whole life and i don't think i'm better than them . That's their way of life and it's not compatible with the white people way of life .
@Bok ram , definitely are our way by far the better !
And you wonder why this guy's incoherent speeches attract racists?😒
@Bok ram Yeah same way you do with Julius Malema?
@Bok ram I knew you were going to say something negative about him because he exposes ya all.
When you stand against hate , it has to be done in love. This is a Love Poem to ALL South Africans to end division and come together to demand a better future by settling the wrong narratives once and for all. Steve has taken immense courage to express his love for SA and his hate for those that would divide us or impose a regime of pain, misery and death. This is a Poem of HOPE, an edict of 'enough is enough' name calling and self promotion where YOUR future matters and if you don't speak out now, it won't ! Bravo Steve.
Thank you. I hope some will see that.
Yeah right a love poem that attacks black people and generalize the intention of their movements by associating them with thuggery and chaotic behavior. By not critiquing his own race for their own shit, he is kind of implying that white people are perfect and these so called "racist policies" that excludes them under the current government were just made out of the blue without any reasonable grounds. He seems to forget that apartheid government excluded blacks in participation of economy for decades 😤 . The only professions a black person could venture into were teaching, nursing and working as a police officer and these white people he represents have never been discriminated to that extent. But he wants to paint a picture that white people are the victims and black people are the evil wrongdoers. I mean this is the same guy who flagrantly blurted out that Sharpville massacre wasn't a violation of human rights. This is the voice of the so called "marginalised white people" and he isn't speaking from a shack let alone in an RDP house. He is speaking from the comfort of his big house bought most probably by his "white privilege" and somehow what he says is supposed to not be taken with a grain of salt .
@Young Turkish What a domkop.
Mate!!!!! great, great words well done!!!......... you have no idea on your impact, that's a Winston Churchill equivalent, seriously!!!!!.......blew me away!!!!!!
Share it then so this video go viral world wide!!!!!
Thank you, sir. Fighting for sanity.
@@stevehofmeyr8696 Steve mate...can I contact you privately??
Churchill was Zionist puppet....wake up thick prick
@WolraadWoltemade 1652 ...every puppet has to be handled....
Thank you for this very encouraging message and for saying what a lot of us feel. It gives us courage to also speak up.
The absolute truth. The truth must set you free, that is if you want to hear and accept the truth.
"The need to punish excellence", probably one of the most apt & telling lines in this superb condensation of plainly spoken truth. Support Steve's organisation "Toekomsvonk"!!
How sad that, despite how succinctly put your argument is, it will not matter one bit in the eyes of those it is directed at. You can not reason with a fool! More is the pity that those who are guilty, have not the wit to grasp it! Kudos to you Steve!
Maybe, but his words strengthen and unite those who do not proclaim BLM, and that is excellent.
@@yellowpigin6921 Yes agree with you 100%. thing is we get it and they do not.Will not use the letters as they are crap just like the cANCer in our country! More strength to him.
So so so true. All normal people will get it and understand it, but those that it's intended for will still just be stupid baboons... So well said and so sad that it will most likely not make the impact it needs to. ☹️
@@francoisdean4491 No but we are going to make them listen...join Direct Elections and Move One Million an help make it happen!(hashtag) on both.
The time is almost here Steve....prepare prepare......
I want to see someone make a valid good argument against everything he just said
(they can't)
Oh, they'll find something 😇
@@stevehofmeyr8696 Did you watch video how George was killed?
@@stevehofmeyr8696 Just to add, BLM movement has totally different meaning in South Africa and US. I agree about South African part of your speech!
@Peter he didn't die because the police killed him. He died because of an OD!
@@brandenvandermerwe5352 2 cops were kneeling on him for 9 minutes, one on the neck and other one on the spine and pressing tummy from inhaling oxygen. Branden, believe what you want to believe... I know exactly where you are coming from. If you can, imagine yourself being in suck a position. I doubt that you will even try to imagine. From the human perspective, it is not fair one life to be ended that way.
I'm exceedingly happy that you have made this very important message for a world gone crazy. Thank you Steve
Trying to stay sane.
@Slivv The Shiv true story. Afrikaans is a very expressive language
How is the world crazy? BLM stands for infinite more integrity than this white supremacist rubbish. If you feel threatened by the idea of standing on equal grounds with a black man- that’s your prejudice, not the worlds. Check yourself
Katy H you need to listen again, slowly, take notes, think deeply (admittedly he did pack a helluva lot into those 5 minutes) but if you analyze it deeply you might just be able to break through that Dunning-Kruger barrier ..
@@katyh1576 wow, does the muppetry run ever so deep with this one. It would seem that you haven't got a clue what BLM stand for, why they are doing what they are doing nor what they want do you? Their goal is not black equality with white people, nor is their to elevate black people at all actually. Even though, as Steve has so rightfully pointed out the colossal advantage that has been afforded to black people, they still feel inferior.... You can't seriously be that stupid, but then again calling someone who fought for equality in this country a "white supremacist" doesn't bode well for your case now does it? So my comment stands, as long as a mindset and worldview like yours stands in the face of all the evidence, then yes, this is a crazy world.
Thank you Steve......
"No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth"........Plato
Hey Steve, ever thought of running for president? I'm but a humble coloured man but you sir!!! Having the makings for a great leader! I would vote for you!!!!
Thnk u, sir
vote for the FF+
they want localism and not centralized corrupt goverment
@@vatanak8146 ...so did Hitler and look how the Banksters manipulated the destruction of Europe
@@stevehofmeyr8696 .... still waitin your reply. Heres a tip look up Yuri Bezmenov
Ek is net so bruin soos jy mnr Scotland en stem 100% saam met jou. My stem is vir Steve. Ongelukkig val ons tesame met blankes maar in die minderheid en sal al daardie klomp konyne die heeltyd te veel wees. So hartseer...
Saying enough is enough is not enough. Saying it will not change a thing.
@@ethanharrison9379 It's a start
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Steve, I believe you must be the first person wordwide who has cut to the chase and said it so bluntly without doublespeak. Stay the course my friend.
Yeah right higgle-piggedly runctions strung together by someone who has his own hidden political agenda which focuses solely on attacking black people and generalize the intention of their revolutionary movements by associating them with thuggery and chaotic behavior. By not critiquing his own race for their own shit, he is kind of implying that white people are perfect and these so called "racist policies" that exclude them under the current government were just made out of the blue without any reasonable grounds. He seems to forget that apartheid government excluded blacks in participation of economy for decades 😤 . The only professions a black person could venture into were teaching, nursing and working as a police officer and these white people he represents have never been discriminated to that extent. But he wants to paint a picture that white people are the victims and black people are the evil wrongdoers. I mean this is the same guy who flagrantly blurted out that Sharpville massacre wasn't a violation of human rights. This is the voice of the so called "marginalised white people" and he isn't speaking from a shack let alone in an RDP house. He is speaking from the comfort of his big house bought most probably by his "white privilege" and somehow what he says is supposed to not be taken with a grain of salt. This is sad really.
@@tombraider402 We shouldn't be excluded from anything I wasn't even alive then
Finally someone who has the strength of his conviction to stand up against the total ludicrousness of what is happening around the world thank you Could not have said it any better right with you 👍🏻
He is just looking for attention like he always does😤
Yeah right convictions held by someone who has his own hidden political agenda which focuses solely on attacking black people and generalize the intention of their revolutionary movements by associating them with thuggery and chaotic behavior. By not critiquing his own race for their own shit, he is kind of implying that white people are perfect and these so called "racist policies" that exclude them under the current government were just made out of the blue without any reasonable grounds. He seems to forget that apartheid government excluded blacks in participation of economy for decades 😤 . The only professions a black person could venture into were teaching, nursing and working as a police officer and these white people he represents have never been discriminated to that extent. But he wants to paint a picture that white people are the victims and black people are the evil wrongdoers. I mean this is the same guy who flagrantly blurted out that Sharpville massacre wasn't a violation of human rights. This is the voice of the so called "marginalised white people" and he isn't speaking from a shack let alone in an RDP house. He is speaking from the comfort of his big house bought most probably by his "white privilege" and somehow what he says is supposed to not be taken with a grain of salt. This is sad really.
@@tombraider402 Go back to the groto you belong....where you came from afterall
Tomb Raider, there's always someone isn't there? ☹️
@@roelienlubbe1192 The womb you prematurely came out of needs you back.
@Steve Hofmeyr geen politikus of journaliste kon dit beter stel nie, absoluut briljant- saluut 👏👏👏
Roelien Cornforth That’s why he can tell the truth, because neither of those are free to speak.
WOW Factor. Thank you Steve for speaking out the common sense that certain folks choose to ignore.
Wow! Go Steve! And what about all our brothers, fathers and menfolk who had to do national service? My brother was even in a land mine explosion! Not everyone in this country can say they were expected to do national service! Certain groups were exempt from it! But I ll vote for ur party Steve! X
Steve, jy is ‘n ware Afrikaner, RESPEK!! En doen so voort ons is Sam met jou. Vir die steeds apatiese Suid-Afrikaners, dit is reeds ter 11 de uur. Wys my julle is wakker en antwoord met #steve NOU!!!
Yep, ware afrikaner maar GEEN BOER
Well done Steve!
jakkie van Eden
Huh? Afrikaans het 'n eksklusiewe aanspraak op patriotisme? So I am English SA....? Ek vra maar net.
Steve moet net sy eie politieke party stig. Ons staan SAAM jou Steve
Dan het hy nie die reg om te sê wat hy nou kan sê nie
500, 000 people march in Berlin against COVID1984 www.bitchute.com/video/vPZI30TBhBT3/
Ja, oe wag...hy het mos probeer, toe kry hy nie genoeg mense om hom te ondersteun nie! Jammer.
@@MRCINI100 at least they do it peacefully. If SA'ns did this everything would be burnt to the ground and looted. The truth is the truth.
@@devillesh6593 That is true. I think the Germans will not stand for this much longer. They are forcing a second wave and lockdown. Aberdeen in Scotland has gone back in to lockdown as is greater Manchester and Leicester.
Thanks Steve ! you're the best !!! I hope the USA 🇺🇸 sees this....we will pass it on to as much people as we can.
I hope Tucker Carson of FOX news invite you on his show....and i hope you can make time to accept it.
All our " real" afrikaners in the USA hope and pray that President Trump win this next & most important election i. USA history.
Wonder how Siya Kolisi's wife deals with his "poor me" confession!!
She can't be all that bright being married to him.
He cant be a proud person, doesnt look his proud to be black, maybe thats why he married a white person. IT DOESNT MATTER WHERE WE ARE COMMING FROM, IT MATTERS WHERE WE ARE GOING. Be proud of who you are and work hard....God loves you....Dont blame others for your failures, work harder, nothing is for free....
This is relating to Mrs Kholisi!!
a) Her name’s Rachel. She’s a human being too. b) She married the man she loved, it’s your racism making it anything else. c) what does she have to do with this??? Are you lot really so insecure that you feel the need to diminish whoever’s available? Grow up and stop beating down other women. It’s distasteful and cruel
Well said i agree with every word, it's high time they were faced with the reality of their pathetic demands and actions, parasites one and all.
True, true, true love what Steve is saying, 100% behind you
Give this man a BELLS
Steve, you are absolutely awesome and on point I don’t think anyone could have done a better job ...... I’m so proud of you I’m bursting, well done ...
Thank you for the English video Steve. 👍
NAILED on the head Steve ..... 💯 % spot on. Thank you !!
Tell them Steve. You tell them!
The remaining fact that even OUR president turned a blind eye to farm murders accross OUR country is not only baffling, but also down right scary. As a white man, growing up outside the apartheid era, I have only known every man as an equal, growing up on a farm, my BEST friends were black. It was only when I grew older that I realised how warped the world made race to be, how the past made people racists even if they were not even born then. How we as a country can't look each other in the eye and live in peace to build ourselves and become stronger is painful. The past doesn't make you racist, the world we live in does.
If I could have one wish, it would be that all lives matter, all lives equal, all lives given a chance.
But no one gives us chances
Just like you are turning a blind eye to the fact that black farm workers also get killed.
@@tombraider402 by the Boer obviously? Rather look at this way, on our farm for example weve only ever been taking care of our workers with respect. Only death that has come to pass is wives stabbing their own husband or fathers beating their children. Very seldom does this occur, but where I am from the only people violent is toward themselves, not from their work giver. So please give me the instances you talk of, cause i have a bunch of examples of my statement I can give.
@@DiewiesZA Are you seriously asking for examples where black farm workers are getting killed on farms?😬 because if your answer is yes then I will advise to stop reading newspapers which are written and edited by this racist bigot named Steve Hofmeyer and start to read farm attacks stories with a holistic view. THIS WILL ASSIST your ignorant self a whole lot .
"Punishing excellence to make yourself feel better "... Pretty much sums up the entire movement
I'm stealing this quote for all my future arguements with liberals.
Share world wide. This is really brilliant. Well done steve
Please don't stop Steve, respect
Steve you are the boss. Thank you for sharing the truth
Thank you Steve, well articulated.
Thanks Steve for English version.
That's some top form English articulation if you happen to ask me !
Mooi Steve, hierdie vertaling was bitter baie belangrik!!!
Hope this phenomenal video and it’s message reaches the whole world 👌🏻
Please send to all
Steve belongs on a stage. Brilliant
Good for you we will fight with the Lord and win with him at our side
My love for the truth is outweighing my fear of offending you.
The truth. They cannot handle the truth.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
"You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, "There is a price we will not pay." "There is a point beyond which they must not advance."
"We'll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness."
-Ronald Reagan
It is time, WE, THE PEOPLE, reclaim what is rightfully ours.
Well Stated! - Nice! - Now all we need to do is share this with EVERYONE! - thanks.,
I didnt like country music until I heard Amanda, that made me a fan. After seeing this clip, now you are one of my hero's! Thanks buddy
Stefaans, ek ken niemand wat dit beter kon sê nie!! Wel gedaan!!
Everything that has been happening has made me appreciate my Afrikaans culture, traditions and people again. And I’m also thinking of returning to the Dutch Reformed Church - the faith in which my parents brought me up and where I have learned to love God.
What a man this is. If we in SA had leaders like Steve, this country will be back within a year to best country in Africa😊
English speaking! Thanks 🙏 You’re now going viral 😘
Thank you for the truth
Wow! What a brilliant speech. So uplifting to hear the concise brilliant way you spoke.
Sterkte voorentoe.
Nailed it Steve.Brilliant.
🙏🙏🙏💪💪💪 very well said. I only bow my knee to Jesus. Amen.
Outstanding!!! Truly outstanding!...
This is how you address corruption and theft and a country stagnant in the past who blames everything on apartheid.
OMG ... this man is speaking the truth .... May the lord have mercy on him ...
This man just made my VERY short list of heroes !!
Thank you sir !!!
well Said Steve!Thank you for speaking up for us!☺😲😦
Ek moet 100 % met jou saamstem Mr Hofmeyr. Die skokkendste, van als wat jy gese het, is dat dit als waar is.....
I keep coming back to watch your grand speech here Steve and I wish I could give it a thumbs up each time ! I guess it's the effect that truth has, it never ages. Thanks once again and God bless!
Thank you. I have nothing to gain. This is not my job. But somethings need to be said.
@@SteveHofmeyrTV Ja Steve jy het alles tot woorde gesit wat ons almal dink. Jy moet a Party begin want mense sal agter jou staan. 👍🏻
Thank you Steve. God bless you for all you are doing ...
Well spoken and not one word of hate, only a true dismay that the majority feel they need protection (through BEE,etc) from the minority. The only country in the world where this happens. Why feel so inferior - you have nothing to feel inferior about unless you are being less than honest.
Steve JY is net briljant. Dankie, jy het alles so goed saamgevat en gestel. Staan saam met jou!!!
You really summed it up🙏 Good work. Every word so true, guess we just racist🤗. Even with BBBEE they still not content. What a shame
Dankie oom Steve. Jou stem praat vir miljoene!
Thank you steve for speaking the TRUTH and not being afraid to do so!
Dankie Steve, so bly jy sit die waarheid uit. Dit maak seer. Ek vir een kyk nooit weer springbok rugby nie.
Well said Steve. Like a true South African speak. Steve Hofmeyer for President. We are all fed up. Our country is at it's knees.
Bravo vir die waarheid!
Surprised this hasn’t been taken down yet. The truth hurts.
Erudite and telling Steve. You certainly do have a way with words. You put this situation into a nutshell in a forthright manner. our only problem in SA is that the world has stopped caring about what happens here. So many of our brightest and best have left for better climes. When I was working in London a few years ago I had a very open conversation with two young Zulu men who were working as Doctors (GP's) in London. They were appalled by the situation back home and they will not be coming back. The whole BLM thing as far as I am concerned has been orchestrated by someone or an organisation that is practising divide and rule tactics. I am not one for believing in conspiracy theories, however, this situation has got me wondering...antifa and blm appear to be a means to an end. The very weird things that are happening around gun licensing laws make me think of the disarming of communities by authoritarian regimes like Nazi Germany, Stalins Russia, Mao's China....and why do the European countries and Britain wish to disarm the common people. maybe those agenda's are now just coming to fruition. Anyway, keep well and more power to your pen, maybe you can make a difference and ruk people out of their comfort zone to see our way of life is being systematically destroyed.
PS:... I watched your Afrikaans video too. Your use of the language is commendable....spoken as it should be.
Isn't it effing glorious? The sound of ...crickets...
What are you implying?
You're just mad because you know what he's saying is the truth and only the truth.
Dankie Steve... Glo tale mense sal saamstaan as ek se jy staan waar ander bang is... Wel gedaan...
STEVE HOFMEYER...WHAT A FANTASTIC ANALYSIS.....BUT AS YOU KNOW ITS THEIR iQ that sits at the heart of the matter..
Uitstekend Steve! Kan jy dit dalk ook in Zoeloe en Sotho oordra?
Go Steve 👊
This is brilliant! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
There's a huge disparity between your comment and your previous ambitions of being recognised as "Humanitarian of the Year". Listen to the last words spoken in the video above and tell me how your support for this position is compatible with humanitarianism.
Being a humanitarian means helping people who are suffering and saving lives any time any place in the world. And so humanitarian work requires being responsible, conscious of the circumstances of other people’s lives, and helping them on the basis of need, without discrimination.
That's the opposite of what's being talked about here.
Not looking for an argument... I'm just surprised with your alignment with this guy's denial of the obvious racism that black people have experienced first hand.
Nice one Steve, calling a spade a spade!
Fantastic Steve. Now translate into all languages in SA. As many are lost with your command of Afrikaans and English.
The Zulu translation will take some time😊
Thank you Steve. You have put into words how hundreds of thousands of people feel.
I agree, more like millions, millions of the silent majority
This message just has truth in it! AMEN
Well good for you Steve. Could not have said it better!!
Spot on. Well said
Don't give up this fight 💪. This is the world that are silent. Want as to be silent. Them far left are driving this hate.
It is sad but true, and you will probably by crucified for this again. But one of the only afrikaaners that has the guts to publicly say this. It will be worse because you are Afrikaans.
Steve keep on telling the truth.
Fantastic, so true, you are an honest Afrikaner, your grandfather would be proud of you & so are ALL true Afrikaners! God Bless you Steve for your true words!
Well well. Someone that has the apples to tell it like it is! It has not escaped me - 115 (less than 3%) dislikes but can't find a single comment against. Because Steve just shot the lights out of any argument!! Truth hurts you feeble minded progressive politically correct farm animals neh?
Well done Steve, aced it! Just slow down the delivery for the international audience not used to our accent.
Wow, I love it. Facts. Difficult to argue with facts
Wow how amazing his intelligence is!
I once thought this dude was just a crappy musician...boy was I wrong! Finally a Saffa with sense!
More people of stature and public platforms must stand for humanity and ensure progressive healthy society's dont leave it to politicians they are corrupt and ambitious to steal and look after themselves THANKYOU STEVE
Briljant dankie vir die engelse weergawe
Victim Blaming....!
One of your historical strong points..