lol...In which exact note you figured THAT out? People will comment anything these days to stand out....Usually in a bad way. Enjoy the music and the effort, and..shut up? Who gives a shit if in your own fuckin' "dictionary of Metal genres" this is "core at best"......Go play your plugins.
In which exact note did you think "I would add more feel"...and HOW would you do it? Please explain to us mere mortals or....go criticise your plugins instead. If you don't like this, why are you here?
Ah man I would get one of these so fast if I had the money
Good song dude.
It's quite a guitar but what is gotten out of the simultaneous double neck playing is only a few harmonics that don't even sound that well.
Those riffs are so tasty I want to eat them!
What instrument do you play? "Im not sure"
Damn... Only the vocals were good (Demilich-core/frogcore). The riffs are bland and uninteresting affffffff
The title says "death metal". This is core at best.
lol...In which exact note you figured THAT out? People will comment anything these days to stand out....Usually in a bad way. Enjoy the music and the effort, and..shut up? Who gives a shit if in your own fuckin' "dictionary of Metal genres" this is "core at best"......Go play your plugins.
Was your metal dictionary offended mate? Grow up, grow a pair, and go criticise your cheap ass plugins instead. The kids nowadays...
Mega feel.
It's fucking death metal
and you got all feel zero skill :3
I don't understand what this means. No feel? Do you just mean it's not blues???
In which exact note did you think "I would add more feel"...and HOW would you do it? Please explain to us mere mortals or....go criticise your plugins instead. If you don't like this, why are you here?
This guy isn't even skilled.