David Rooney | A History of Civilization in Twelve Clocks

  • Опубликовано: 24 июл 2024
  • How has time been imagined, politicized, and weaponized over the centuries-and how it might bring peace?
    Horologist David Rooney tells the hidden story of timekeeping and how it continues to shape our modern world. From medieval water clocks to monumental sundials, and from coastal time signals to satellites in earth's orbit, Rooney takes us on a global journey that showcases the ingenuity and craftsmanship humans have used to track and measure time. His in-depth research illustrates the very real effects clocks and timekeeping have on everything from navigation, to capitalism, to politics, to our very identity.
    An expert storyteller, Rooney brings pivotal moments from the past vividly to life and shows us how a history of clocks is a history of civilization.
    David Rooney, is a historian of technology and expert on clocks and timekeeping practices. As a curator at the Science Museum, London, Rooney was the lead caretaker of Long Now's "Prototype 1" of The 10,000 Year Clock which is on display there in the "Making of the Modern World" exhibit.
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Комментарии • 50

  • @QuaaludeCharlie
    @QuaaludeCharlie 8 месяцев назад +2

    Time is the Motion of Objects in a given area of Space in Our Vacuum Under the firmament subject to Decay . The Sky is a Clock . Time is the Result of Observation of Biological Life , Like persistence of a Heartbeat , It's a Love beat , and when we Meet , It's a Good Vibration. Thank you David .

  • @kahlesjf
    @kahlesjf 2 года назад +6

    Fascinating, well-written material. Excellent narration without the use of distracting artifices or presence of annoying idiosyncrasies. I intended to watch for only a few seconds in order to decide whether to save it for later. Next time I checked the progress bar, half the program had played. (That reality?/perception discrepancy). Although this is in line with many enjoyable documentaries over many decades, it could serve as a template for a particular subset of the genre.

  • @4angayoga
    @4angayoga 2 года назад +8

    Great job guys! It so helpful to challange ourselves with perspective growth and shift on especially things like time that are presumed to be fixed. Thanks.

  • @tanyatravis6318
    @tanyatravis6318 Год назад +3

    Since time is a construct for us to order human activity does it confound what time really is?

  • @wonseoklee80
    @wonseoklee80 2 года назад +3

    Like first, will watch the complete video later today with some beer!

  • @michaelbauers8800
    @michaelbauers8800 Год назад +2

    What a great idea for a video. I love timekeepers so much, it's weird. I can't explain my slightly obsessive fascination.

  • @stevenbritt1227
    @stevenbritt1227 2 года назад +3

    This is absolutely fantastic and ends so sweetly with time lords and crypto

  • @rangersmith4652
    @rangersmith4652 2 года назад +2

    I would broaden the definition of "clock." Organisms have an internal sense of the "passage of time," and they act on that sense with regular and predictable accuracy. Celestial bodies move about each other with similar predictability and in some cases even greater precision. So I would argue that a clock does not have to be man made.
    As a musician, an amateur radio operator, and a watch collector, time has a great influence on my life. Even in retirement, being almost completely unfettered by schedules, I still feel the need to know what time it is.

    • @artstrology
      @artstrology 10 месяцев назад

      I agree and have studied calendars for almost 20 years full time. The best clocks we have are the natural cycles which have been known for many thousands of years and are still used today. The entire world had, the 36 decans for the solar year, and the personal clock of 20 days. These are biological cycles, but also provable and trackable by anyone.

  • @rangersmith4652
    @rangersmith4652 2 года назад +2

    Noon on the moon? What time did you sit down to lunch? That was noon. It would be a lot like time on a submarine, where we had no sunrise and sunset to go by. You just pick a standard (the US Navy used GMT) and use it.

  • @kalaperkins9883
    @kalaperkins9883 2 года назад +2

    Brilliant! An excellent alarm clock to awaken to the pulsing realities! Regarding time and space, in astronomy we have considered using pulsars, the very rapid spinning remnants of exploded stars, as time keepers, more accurate than atomic decay. But there is a problem in that they occasionally vary, even though some are as fast as 400 to 700 pulses per second. We are seeking a consistently accurate pulsar😊

    • @michaelbauers8800
      @michaelbauers8800 Год назад

      But we do use extra galactic radio sources to get very accurate information on the rotation of the earth (Earth Orientation Parameters,) to know what time it is ( in other words, to compute the leap second offset used to convert TAI to UTC.)

  • @BrianNeil
    @BrianNeil 2 года назад +4

    Wonderful thank you!

  • @lyrikalwong5961
    @lyrikalwong5961 2 года назад


  • @PowerfulEnergySportswear
    @PowerfulEnergySportswear 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you very much for your hard work and this outstanding video about humanity's clocks 🎉

  • @rustreamin4210
    @rustreamin4210 2 года назад

    Awesome work , I heard this on RN radio in Australia and found it very interesting

  • @LambentOrt
    @LambentOrt Год назад


  • @TheMrCougarful
    @TheMrCougarful 2 года назад +1

    This makes me want re-read "Faster"

  • @clarkharney8805
    @clarkharney8805 2 года назад +1

    driving clocks were that which kept telescopes fixed on a star while the earth rotated 🤯 let us not be too hasty to eliminate older technologies with newer technologies, but rather keep both and let them add to higher complexity.

  • @inishmannin
    @inishmannin 2 года назад +2

    Thank you so much for this talk with so many exemples of how Chronos as opposed to Kairos is at the root of our destructive civilization

    • @rangersmith4652
      @rangersmith4652 2 года назад

      When I was a university professor of English composition, I taught my advancing students that the rhetorical triangle of ethos, pathos, and logos was insufficient to formulate argument. Kairos, I taught them -- timing -- is the fourth essential element to the art of argument. _When_ one makes a point is critically important to gaining adherents and support for one's position. That is becoming more and more true.

  • @michaelwoodsmccausland5633
    @michaelwoodsmccausland5633 2 года назад +1

    The Flow of the Dao!

  • @davidwilkie9551
    @davidwilkie9551 5 месяцев назад

    How do you keep time on the Moon, ..well "guineas to gooseberries" the probable first time-timing device would have been a heavy weight hanging from the roof of a cave, possibly one of those directional Calendar Caves associated with animal migration schedules, because as with the Foucault's Pendulum, the continuous sweep is a circle aligning with the vertical at noon once every day.
    If nothing else it provides a great example of the Clockface of 360⁰ and the thought of an Observer's checking progress by comparing it with their heartbeat.., same device would be great on the Moon, but dividing a moonth up into seconds would be tedious.

  • @wetcanoedogs
    @wetcanoedogs Год назад

    i have never seen a public clock in the Mall Of America in Minnesota.
    i always assumed that they want the mall to be a world of it's own plus
    people might decide to leave when they seen how long they have wandered
    it's halls.

  • @TheBirdLovingMan
    @TheBirdLovingMan 11 месяцев назад +1

    Twelve Clocks, the twelve tribes, twelve hours day & twelve days night, twelve days of Christmas, twelve to a dozen, money in the U.K used to be twelve pennies to one shilling, twelve weeks for each season, and the list goes on... Have a good day and love your clock documentary...

    • @TheBirdLovingMan
      @TheBirdLovingMan 11 месяцев назад +1

      And the twelve months of each year too...

    • @TheBirdLovingMan
      @TheBirdLovingMan 11 месяцев назад +1

      And the meaning of a shilling is a person who poses as a customer in order to decoy others into participating, as at a gambling house, auction, confidence game, etc... 2. a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty...

  • @BrunoWiebelt
    @BrunoWiebelt Год назад

    the computer by it self is a clock that is divided down , for do THE computing

  • @michaelwoodsmccausland5633
    @michaelwoodsmccausland5633 2 года назад

    Tick Tock your on the Clock!

  • @paulclalchungnunga2052
    @paulclalchungnunga2052 2 года назад

    ( Leave your comment English )
    Very informative , whole lotta thanks for the post tbh

  • @michaelwoodsmccausland5633
    @michaelwoodsmccausland5633 2 года назад

    The regulation of space distance by the Dao!

  • @dragonmaster9543
    @dragonmaster9543 2 года назад

    To answer Kevin's last question, the clever folks at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory have already given much thought to the problem of timekeeping on the Moon and in space. Their answer is the Deep Space Atomic Clock. Twenty years of design, construction, and painstaking tests resulted in a test article good enough to try out in space. Ten times more stable than the existing GPS satellite clocks, it drifts by no more than 1 nanosecond in 10 days. It's a mercury ion clock the size of a child's suitcase that runs on 44 watts of power. Launched into low Earth orbit as a secondary payload on a Falcon Heavy rocket in 2019, on orbit testing didn't go perfectly but the results were still so good that NASA will be including a revised version on board the VERITAS mission to Venus in 2028. I expect the next space telescope after the Webb telescope to have one on board, and every one after. Space is vast and navigation is difficult. As on the seas of Earth, so too in space, accurate timekeeping makes successful navigation possible.

  • @theawakening2946
    @theawakening2946 2 года назад

    clock:" the inventor of doom"

  • @michaelwoodsmccausland5633
    @michaelwoodsmccausland5633 2 года назад

    Tick Tock your life is on the Clock of monetization of life!

  • @ifr0gsy
    @ifr0gsy 2 года назад

    Prison Planet- arrested by Central-Banking, Legalese, Religion, Language, and Time (among other carefully crafted and long-maintained Systems). "Clocks are "human"-made constructs"... Are they, tho?🤔

  • @violenceislife1987
    @violenceislife1987 2 года назад

    Society is a mmlarpg.
    Life is unrelenting war.
    Hail Wodin

  • @drawingmomentum
    @drawingmomentum 2 года назад

    Daylight savings jump ahead can cause heart attacks. Are we really saving time? 🤔
    Will the next Mayan calendar have pin-ups?
    ... now, I'm craving some Alice in Wonderland... down the rabbit hole... I'm late! 🐇 ⏳

  • @beanhavok2287
    @beanhavok2287 2 года назад

    They build a clock
    That clock excludes the unvaccinated.

  • @michaelwoodsmccausland5633
    @michaelwoodsmccausland5633 2 года назад

    Perhaps zi /We are caring about the wrong time spans!
    Manipulation of time Tick Tock you are off your circadian rhythm youn on the Clock Tick Tock!

  • @michaelwoodsmccausland5633
    @michaelwoodsmccausland5633 2 года назад

    A horrid system of control

  • @michaelwoodsmccausland5633
    @michaelwoodsmccausland5633 2 года назад


  • @Maulfurion
    @Maulfurion 6 месяцев назад

    God’s speed!
    The clock on Earth is one and ticks seconds every 1.11777..seconds.
    This shifts you towards moon/sun vibration of 13months/28day.
    It increases atomic orbit, allowing more light.
    This ticking tunes your antenna towards 333-555 speed of light, but the chrono-wave tips you over 333-500 and rises your chin so you stay there.. vibin’.
    If you change the second ticker to 333-500 vibration, the wave hits the ceiling 500 and comes down.
    The devil is on the clock, but not the clock. It makes it faster, increasing atomic orbit, thus cutting light by 11.1777%.
    The Devil tells wake up, it is seven in the morning here, but not there. Then the Devil tells the time is off, rewind, skip forward, leap seconds, days, be confused and in dark!
    God’s time, all churches ding 3AM on the planet at the same time with stretched second, then like the Moon flows the skies, the clock too gives everyone eventually 3AM+the devil’s nighttime, but everyone is out of the timezone’s pearly gates and lives with the same clock, but wake up with the sun.
    If you turn clocks to wiggle the antennae which already is calling for wrong signal of: 299-792-458
    The god’s signal calls for: 333-555-500
    Emerald tablets talk about this divine perfectness, where 333-555 is the antenna frequency which in turn gives the perfect light of 333-500, so you strive for perfection, but 333-555 is not perfect, but this perfection gives this perfect light of 333-500.
    Call God, is’ lonely!
    I think last hour gets triggered if churches are chrono-shifted+same time. Or these holy people with chrono-shifted rollies meeting up then going around the world like a god’s light chemtrail.

  • @xitheris1758
    @xitheris1758 10 месяцев назад +1

    It's said that God tripped Bourdin.

  • @PibrochPonder
    @PibrochPonder Год назад +3

    Sounds like it’s just an excuse to bash European using clocks as an excuse. It seems very racist towards Europeans to me.

    • @lunam7249
      @lunam7249 Год назад

      the LUCIFERIAN ELITE are projecting a hating white european racist narrative right now, prolly for the next 10 years

    • @LambentOrt
      @LambentOrt Год назад

      Europeans were (and are) still very racist. Not to say that other societies were/are not racist, but during the colonial age, Europeans were awful towards non-European peoples.
      But at the same time, I think you missed the point of David Rooney's book. He talked about how notions of time and technologies of timekeeping/horology has been used as tools of power and control throughout history across many societies, not just among Europeans, but also in non-European societies.

    • @rsr789
      @rsr789 7 дней назад

      @@LambentOrt You should learn about Islamic Arabs, and then get back to us, they make the worse European colonialists look like babies.

  • @craigdylan3953
    @craigdylan3953 Год назад

    I thought I would learn about mechanical clock history. Thanks for the unlesson and your personal opinions...talk about escapement, I'm outta here.