look at this net 腐りました - we are number one vaporwave

  • Опубликовано: 17 дек 2024

Комментарии • 744

  • @akyde6003
    @akyde6003 8 лет назад +937

    you slip and slide
    on this banana peel

    • @okey7281
      @okey7281 8 лет назад +31

      W H A T A R E Y O U D O I N G ? !

    • @jamestaylor5164
      @jamestaylor5164 8 лет назад +23

      +okey N O D O N T T O U C H T H A T!!!

    • @battleshipfleet
      @battleshipfleet 8 лет назад +5

      W E A R E N U M B E R O N E

    • @owenmowatt6451
      @owenmowatt6451 8 лет назад +17

      N o w l o o k a t t h i s n e t
      T h a t I j u s t f o u n d

    • @oufraagaardlarsen6407
      @oufraagaardlarsen6407 8 лет назад

      how do you make that kind of text? I rly want to know

  • @Alejandro14300
    @Alejandro14300 8 лет назад +505

    L A Z Y W A V E

  • @vithral8834
    @vithral8834 8 лет назад +218

    The audio fades make it feel like you're fading in and out of consciousness while experiencing a fatal acid trip. Listening to this is literally a perfect simulation of being on a meme trip and slowly dying. It's actually sort of scary.

  • @skirdus367
    @skirdus367 8 лет назад +965

    how many ironies of level are you on right now

    • @oneeighthundred2917
      @oneeighthundred2917 8 лет назад +40

      like, 5 or 4

    • @TheSwerAlmighty
      @TheSwerAlmighty 8 лет назад +6

      my man

    • @okey7281
      @okey7281 8 лет назад +50

      its 5 or 6 my dudes

    • @vomit1006
      @vomit1006 8 лет назад +10

      I don't know, about 5 or 6 my dude

    • @TheSwerAlmighty
      @TheSwerAlmighty 8 лет назад +43

      you guys totally didn't get the joke, you're supposed to change it so it's incorrect, that's why i said "my man" instead of "my dude" and the other dude said 5 or 4 instead of 5 or 6.
      ugh, muh memes, fucking normies.

  • @blackcatthegreat182
    @blackcatthegreat182 8 лет назад +803

    The branch crunch wasn't earrape 0\100 thumbs down.

    • @robinhoode-f7y
      @robinhoode-f7y  8 лет назад +55

      sorry, george orwell

    • @n0lain
      @n0lain 8 лет назад +6

      How did you do that with your username?

    • @n0lain
      @n0lain 8 лет назад

      ***** No I meant the blue bubble around it

    • @n0lain
      @n0lain 8 лет назад +4

      ***** Huh, rad

    • @troldkaelling
      @troldkaelling 8 лет назад +4


  • @victorschmitt2831
    @victorschmitt2831 8 лет назад +232

    B E C A R E F U L N O T T O M A K E A S O U N D

  • @teilshow
    @teilshow 8 лет назад +384

    Are you a real villain?
    /music plays

    • @HarrisonScottHisoandso
      @HarrisonScottHisoandso 8 лет назад +36

      Have you ever caught a good guy, like a, like a real superhero?
      /music plays

    • @elultimopancho
      @elultimopancho 8 лет назад +10

      Well, uh, technically, nah.
      /music stops

    • @lamefuck621
      @lamefuck621 8 лет назад +7

      Are we truly number one?
      /music resumes playing

    • @elultimopancho
      @elultimopancho 8 лет назад +6

      JDestroyed T H R O W I T O N H I M N O T M E
      /music stops again

    • @jetbeamsfuelmeltsteelcant63
      @jetbeamsfuelmeltsteelcant63 8 лет назад +11

      The True Nameless Internet Nerd L E T S T R Y S O M E T H I N G E L S E
      /music resumes playing

  • @NinaNooneknows
    @NinaNooneknows 8 лет назад +27

    "Now listen closely..." *muffled mumbling*

  • @LukaBigPants
    @LukaBigPants 8 лет назад +81

    you just slowed the song down, messed with the lowpass and called it vaporwave..
    I love it

    • @geckomeat
      @geckomeat 7 лет назад +4

      isn't that what vaporwave is

    • @nomuru2d
      @nomuru2d 6 лет назад

      @@geckomeat Not enough repetition and additional references.

  • @h0verman
    @h0verman 8 лет назад +264

    in audacity
    >change speed to .50
    >add phaser with maximum depth and dry/wet contrast

  • @erikrudaks1368
    @erikrudaks1368 8 лет назад +65

    Imagine this. You are attracted to women, like you are now (emotionally and sexually), but they do not exist. They existed a long time ago, and no one knows what they looked like (They have a pretty good idea from the fossils, however), but they do not exist anymore. That means, not only do you know there will never be any possibility, of you having sex with one, but there;s not even a possibility of you ever seeing one in real life. Everyone else, however, except for a very few, are not attracted to women, they are attracted to something else entirely. So, in other words, you will never find any porn anywhere on the internet, only non-sexual pictures of women. Everyone you have told about your attraction to women think it’s disgusting. To relieve yourself, you get off on the non-sexual pictures of women, knowing it will never get any better. That’s what life is like to me. I am a degree 6 Zoosexual, sexually and emotionally attracted to Tyrannosaurs and nothing else. Women don’t even do it for me. I am cursediPhone is the best console, and nobody could ever fucking speak against it. When I first got an iPhone, I was so excited that I wouldn't be trashy anymore. I got so many friends with the iPhone 5C's stunning colors and sexyness, and that isn't even half of it. It has over 30 GB worth of data. I was able to store, if I recall, 10,000 photos and it would only take up 4 gigabytes. It would play games that would seem laggy to a console and turn it into a lagless portable experience. I am a true fucking gamer, I play Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, Flappy Bird, and Clash of Clans daily, I can message friends and stay up to date, I can talk to people with my face and always remember how my friends looked like, I can take endless photos with no worry about using data, and I could browse infinite pages of the internet, which a shitty console can't do. The PC, Wii, PS4, and Xbox 1 can't do any of this shit. Compete with that, consoletards. Also, nice trolling fucko, with you're not including you're fucking iPhone, get your facts strate Android fuckers.My Nana is still a looker, even at eighty. Whenever I bathe her in the driveway, I'm always impressed by her sinewy physique. I'll be like "Nana you're ripped bro" and she'll be like "nothing but clean living and good genes" then I'll be like "clean living? You ain't been sober an entire day since Nixon was still on the teet" and she'll be like "you'd drink too if you had such a shitty family" and I'll be like "maybe if you didn't have so much side wang pop-pop wouldn't have moved to Reno" and she'll be like "he moved to Reno because Schenectady was getting overrun with Mexicans" and I'll be like "Nana that's racist" then she'll say "then why don't you move there." This goes on until I'm done hosing her off, at which point I take her back inside, but her in front of a TV playing Diagnosis: Murder reruns, and give her a box of wine with a straw. Old people need the routine.Here in my garage, just bought this new TOP SNIPER IN THE ENTIRE US ARMED FORCES here. It’s fun to KILL YOU IN OVER SEVEN HUNDRED WAYS up here in the Hollywood hills. But you know what I like more than THE NAVY SEALS? GORILLA WARFARE. In fact, I’m a lot more proud of these NUMEROUS SECRET RAIDS ON AL-QUAEDA that I had to get installed to hold OVER 300 CONFIRMED KILLS that I bought. It’s like the TOP SNIPER Warren Buffett says, “the more you PREPARE FOR THE STORM, the more you DROWN IN IT.” Now maybe you’ve seen my SECRET RAID ON AL-QUAEDA where I talk about how I WIPE OUT a TARGET a day. You know, I WIPE OUT a TARGET a day not to show off it’s again about the UNHOLY RETRIBUTION. In fact, the real reason I keep this TOP SNIPER here is that it’s a reminder. A reminder that YOU ARE NOTHING TO ME BUT JUST ANOTHER TARGET, because it wasn’t that long ago that I was A GODDAMN IDIOT sleeping on a couch in a mobile home with only forty seven CONFIRMED KILLS in my NETWORK OF SPIES. I didn’t have ACCESS TO THE ENTIRE ARSENAL OF THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, I had no opportunities. But you know what? Something happened that changed my life. I bumped into a CONFIRMED KILL. And another CONFIRMED KILL. And a few more CONFIRMED KILLS. I found five CONFIRMED KILLS. Again, it’s not just about money, it’s about the good life; GORILLA WARFARE, THE NAVY SEALS, UNARMED COMBAT and CONFIRMED KILLS. And so I record a little SECRET RAID, it’s actually on my website, you can click here on this video and it’ll take you to my website where I share three WAYS TO KILL WITH MY BARE HANDS that they taught me. Three COMBAT TACTICS that you can implement today no matter where you are, KIDDO. Now, this isn’t a “get CONFIRMED KILLS quick” scheme. You know, like they say if KILLS sound too good to be true they are too good to be CONFIRMED. I’m not promising you that tomorrow you’re gonna be able to BECOME THE TOP SNIPER IN THE ENTIRE US ARMED FORCES. But what I am telling you is that it can happen faster than you think if you know the proven TACTICS. So, I record a little two minute SECRET RAID on my website. Like I said, now it’s not the most professional I just shot it here with my ENTIRE ARSENAL OF THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, but it’s real. Nobody can argue, this is my CONFORMED KILL. And I’m going to give you the three most important KILLS you can do today. So click the link, go there it’s completely free to watch it it’s just a couple minutes. Invest in your KILLS. Always be curious. Don’t be a MAGGOT. Okay, people see videos like this and they say “Ah that’s not real that’s for somebody else.” Don’t listen, don’t listen. Be an optimist. Like, Conrad Hilton, the TOP SNIPER who started Hilton Hotel, he said that he was only fifteen years old when he GOT HIS FIRST CONFIRMED KILL, and that changed his life. CONFIRMED KILLS can change your life. And in that SECRET RAID, Helen Keller said “SHIT FURY” so if you’re a MAGGOT, if you’re a LITTLE SHIT you don’t need to click here. Don’t worry about it, I don’t need to talk to MAGGOTS. But if you’re somebody who knows GORILLA WARFARE, cause the KILLS are possible, you know, for some of you watching it’s not necessarily a TOP SNIPER, maybe it’s a SECRET RAID ON AL-QUAEDA, a new CONFIRMED KILL, starting your own NETWORK OF SPIES. Maybe it’s a new lifestyle without so much stress, GRADUATING TOP OF YOUR CLASS IN THE NAVY SEALS, doing those things you know you’re destined to do. You can't do those unless you understand GORILLA WARFARE. Money, I don’t call it money anymore, I call it CONFIRMED KILLS. You must have enough KILLS to live out your dream and to live out your destiny. So, I’ll see you on my website, it’s a quick video and you’ll see there absolutely free. So just click this video and you’ll be taken there in a second, and uh, I’m excited to share these COMBAT TACTICS. You’ll see, not because of anything of me but because I’ve been fortunate enough to learn from SNIPERS many years ahead of me. Not just in SECRET RAIDS ON AL-QUAEDA like these, although I love CONFIRMED KILLS but also real in-person TOP SNIPERS. So let me share with you these three COMBAT TACTICS that have made all the difference in my life. They’re practical, you can do them today, you can start on them today. All right? See you there on my site.If you are reading this, then you are wasting precious time reading the comments. You will probably comment or like this, but you will waste more time. You are now thinking what I am on about, probably thinking that I am on something. However you are just wasting more time reading my comment. I have just wasted precious moments of your life that you could have spent sleeping or smoking weed. If you just realised, I have wasted more time explaining that I have wasted time. For this reason you might as well like this comment, as you might as well waste more time. Thank you for your wasted time.  nigger

  • @MemeTish
    @MemeTish 8 лет назад +132

    It's 2:30 AM and I'm watching We Are Number One vapourwave

    • @kotzpenner
      @kotzpenner 8 лет назад +1

      3:53 here

    • @carterpewderschmitgaming
      @carterpewderschmitgaming 8 лет назад

      MrCprules it's 1:19 here in Canada

    • @citrusui
      @citrusui 8 лет назад

      MrCprules 4:34 AM here.

    • @Chubs.
      @Chubs. 8 лет назад +5


    • @campsissauce
      @campsissauce 8 лет назад


  • @ellieosullivan9717
    @ellieosullivan9717 8 лет назад +6

    When Robbie has too much to drink...

  • @kiero881
    @kiero881 8 лет назад +75

    ᶰᵒ ᵈᵒᶰ'ᵗ ᵗᵒᵘᶜʰ ᵗʰᵃᵗ

  • @christiangrey3645
    @christiangrey3645 8 лет назад +19

    N E T S T H E T I C

  • @moldychip6847
    @moldychip6847 8 лет назад +10

    Q U A L I T Y

  • @BrickiestBrick
    @BrickiestBrick 8 лет назад +61

    seriously though you made this sound amazing
    i can jam at a club with this

  • @williamw.2610
    @williamw.2610 8 лет назад +222

    Someone could really make this good. It seemed to me that you just slowed this down and faded in/fade out. At 00:05 you could loop the opening horn a few times and that would be really nice. Kinda like you're sinking into the songscape

    • @n00b4liciou5
      @n00b4liciou5 8 лет назад +22

      Vaporwave isn't intended to be good

    • @robinhoode-f7y
      @robinhoode-f7y  8 лет назад +46

      Murraay Murraay tbh this was such a joke I don't know why people like it

    • @onemanminority
      @onemanminority 8 лет назад +14

      It isn't intended to not be good though

    • @ZacharyArrow
      @ZacharyArrow 8 лет назад

      haha.. the a e s t h e t ics . . .

    • @dlxoajanelckckkskwocockdkd5354
      @dlxoajanelckckkskwocockdkd5354 8 лет назад

      I could just do this by using youtube's feature where which you can slow down the video and you will get the same effect but without the fade in and fade out.

  • @storiiies1480
    @storiiies1480 8 лет назад +19

    i'm scared

  • @jt2aw15
    @jt2aw15 8 лет назад +77

    I am so glad I discovered this cutting edge meme

    • @VetusDea
      @VetusDea 8 лет назад +29

      Cutting is already edge tho ( ._.)
      Oh wait

  • @mychemicaljulia
    @mychemicaljulia 8 лет назад +56

    *_A R E Y O U A R E A L V I L L I A N_*

  • @broganwoodman1050
    @broganwoodman1050 8 лет назад +69

    You can't just slow a song down, put chorus on it and call it vaporwave

    • @SomethingRules
      @SomethingRules 8 лет назад +51

      That's what Macintosh Plus did tho

    • @KoltoxOfficialChanel
      @KoltoxOfficialChanel 8 лет назад +58

      That's where you're wrong, kiddo

    • @zloty03
      @zloty03 8 лет назад +19

      look at this net

    • @jdh21403
      @jdh21403 8 лет назад +14

      Brogan Woodman y e s y o u c a n

    • @ScumSookar
      @ScumSookar 8 лет назад +20

      I have 3 seperate vaporwave albums....
      Yes, you can. Its literally the easiest genre of music to make.
      Take a Macintosh Plus song, speed it up 33%, and you realize its just parts of the song slowed down, with reverb and repeated 5-6 times.
      Vaporwave is purely about the A T H S T E T I C S, in both sound and visuals, not complexity. Its the musical equvilalant to shitposting, applying any deeper meaning is retarded.

    @LORDCANTl 8 лет назад +92

    this is quality content

  • @Wubbix
    @Wubbix 8 лет назад +20

    slow down we are number one, add reverb, delay, make a lowpass automation loop and paste it everywhere.

  • @m.k.7087
    @m.k.7087 8 лет назад +6

    When the bong rips catch up and you're so baked you fade in and out of reality

  • @TreeTap15
    @TreeTap15 8 лет назад +11

    This is the hidden gem out of all the We are number one parodies, truly a masterpiece.

  • @baranxlr
    @baranxlr 8 лет назад +28

    now THIS is
    a e s t h e t i c

  • @magicant6482
    @magicant6482 8 лет назад +6

    My roommate just spilled a ton of bleach on the floor outside my room. The fumes are giving me a headache and making me light headed.
    Yet somehow I thought clicking this video was a good idea.

  • @HJALTE2002
    @HJALTE2002 8 лет назад +116

    How do you make text like this: look at this net

    • @PV-po6zt
      @PV-po6zt 8 лет назад +18

      Japanese keyboard. Dunno if it works for PC, im using mobile

    • @RumerPriestly
      @RumerPriestly 8 лет назад


    • @maisumjesus
      @maisumjesus 8 лет назад +1


    • @aoneko6813
      @aoneko6813 8 лет назад +37

      fuck me in the ass senpai

    • @rita-ee3re
      @rita-ee3re 8 лет назад +4

      h o l y s h i t

  • @thob
    @thob 8 лет назад +7

    This vaporwave is literally in a wave. Good job.

  • @ZatsuneMikuWorld
    @ZatsuneMikuWorld 8 лет назад +17

    R O B B I E
    L A Z Y W A V E
    L A Z Y S T E T I C S

  • @wirtsroom
    @wirtsroom 8 лет назад +29

    Robbie tries weed for the first time

  • @jameschubby3794
    @jameschubby3794 8 лет назад +16

    when memes start to sound good

  • @NisemonoVirtualCancer
    @NisemonoVirtualCancer 8 лет назад +21

    Well, technically uh... nah

  • @sally_buckley
    @sally_buckley 8 лет назад +10

    perfection doesnt exis-

  • @kitchensink1833
    @kitchensink1833 8 лет назад +18

    A E S T H E T I C

  • @moomoomilkshake619
    @moomoomilkshake619 8 лет назад +35

    you are number one

  • @september-xyzx
    @september-xyzx 8 лет назад +10

    This sounds so good I don't even mind that it's fuckin up my recommended videos

  • @ProjectBarcodeError
    @ProjectBarcodeError 8 лет назад +18

    N O W L O O K A T T H I S N E T

  • @bobbyyon1435
    @bobbyyon1435 8 лет назад +3

    Me: "Gimme that aux cord
    Friend: "You better not play trash"

  • @Kanadabalsam
    @Kanadabalsam 8 лет назад +7

    You uploaded this the same day of my birthday.
    There has to be some kind of connection.

  • @RyanArnold
    @RyanArnold 8 лет назад +100

    I only listen to real music.

  • @LucyPero
    @LucyPero 8 лет назад +16

    i f e e l w i d e

  • @irlsprig
    @irlsprig 8 лет назад +20

    wow i love twenty one pilots

  • @AstropilotStudios
    @AstropilotStudios 8 лет назад +7

    This sounds like some punk rock song that The Clash would make

  • @Jimmy-pg7ms
    @Jimmy-pg7ms 8 лет назад +17

    you can't just slow it down and play with the the reverb to make it vaporwave

  • @jimpachi98
    @jimpachi98 8 лет назад +11

    My brain has been W i D e N e D

  • @yungmalaria
    @yungmalaria 8 лет назад +5

    Finally Robbiewave is a thing

  • @drz616
    @drz616 8 лет назад +22

    W H A T T H E F U C K

    • @drz616
      @drz616 8 лет назад +5


  • @t.retanabarquero.9624
    @t.retanabarquero.9624 8 лет назад +14

    modern art

  • @jakestockton4808
    @jakestockton4808 8 лет назад +11

    Should have been titled: "We are number one but
    /music plays"

  • @threeio9951
    @threeio9951 8 лет назад +28

    this could use a little work, it has potential.

  • @jelligems1041
    @jelligems1041 8 лет назад +8

    no, dont touch that!

  • @dentedtester36
    @dentedtester36 8 лет назад +21

    W E A R E N U M B E R O N E

    • @freelancejudges7661
      @freelancejudges7661 8 лет назад +3

      "I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda."
      -Carolus Rex of Sweden 2444

    • @4NG3LxD3M0N
      @4NG3LxD3M0N 8 лет назад

      +A Salamander /Troodons Rule\ -big smoke, gta sa

  • @tabbender1232
    @tabbender1232 8 лет назад +4

    Watching LazyTown high must be something

  • @thegokert3643
    @thegokert3643 8 лет назад +6

    1:34 We are super one

  • @FishandChipper
    @FishandChipper 8 лет назад +5

    I didn't know bowser liked vaporwave

  • @g00dpaws
    @g00dpaws 8 лет назад +1

    This proved you can't make this song sound bad.

  • @andemand5172
    @andemand5172 8 лет назад +8

    Anyone that knows the name of the background picture?

  • @DaProGamer12
    @DaProGamer12 8 лет назад +6

    *_Nooow loooook aaat thisss neeett, thaaat I just fooound. Wheeen I saaay gooo, beee reeeaaaddy tooo throoow. AAAND THROOW_*

  • @nerocrescendo1306
    @nerocrescendo1306 8 лет назад +7

    This is the definition of cuil theory

  • @literallyasuka2996
    @literallyasuka2996 8 лет назад +2

    *_"W H A T A R E Y O U D O I N G ?"_*

  • @HarrisonMartinson
    @HarrisonMartinson 8 лет назад +8

    throw it at him not me

  • @HyruleChosenOne
    @HyruleChosenOne 8 лет назад +14

    chopped and screwed =/= vaporwave

    • @billied2003
      @billied2003 8 лет назад

      this is just like a mono phaser and delay slowed down

  • @auteereign1332
    @auteereign1332 8 лет назад +7

    I'm very high and dis is very spooky

  • @baseformrolf6710
    @baseformrolf6710 8 лет назад +42

    lol slowing down a video and putting some abstract images that you clearly got from songs like macintosh 420 doesn't make it vapourwave it just makes it a forced meme

  • @royalruby172
    @royalruby172 8 лет назад +11

    why must we play god

  • @ventts7162
    @ventts7162 8 лет назад +4

    I was supposed to be playing game of war but this one player keeps kicking my ass!

  • @bensonismymom6020
    @bensonismymom6020 6 лет назад +1

    rip stefan karl

  • @marshallp946
    @marshallp946 8 лет назад +8

    W H Y T H E F U C K I S T H I S G O O D

  • @sagevantablack-valentine1082
    @sagevantablack-valentine1082 8 лет назад +25

    Is it bad that I like this mockery, shit shittation of a vaporwave remix of We Are Number One?Ugh, let's try something else.

    • @just_some_guy_innit
      @just_some_guy_innit 8 лет назад +7

      danny whatever _I T I S N O T B A D, I T I S G R E A T!_

  • @triviacat
    @triviacat 8 лет назад +2

    my cat is staring at me with an indescribable sort of fear.

  • @wkwmenen
    @wkwmenen 8 лет назад +6

    this is good actually

  • @Zokalex
    @Zokalex 8 лет назад +8

    this isn't vaporwave, this is just a slow down.

  • @Nine-Oh-Five
    @Nine-Oh-Five 8 лет назад +8

    If he died, this wouldve been his theme

  • @editsbyshock
    @editsbyshock 8 лет назад +4

    >all the comments taking this as serious vaporwave

  • @tommmyy2347
    @tommmyy2347 8 лет назад +8

    $ T H I S I S G O I N G D O W N I N H I S T O R Y $

  • @sfish6
    @sfish6 8 лет назад +11

    Does anyone know the kanji in the title

  • @mclemons5599
    @mclemons5599 8 лет назад +6

    this is what happens when you do memes

  • @Oggan17
    @Oggan17 8 лет назад +43

    im sorry but slowing a song down doesnt count as vaporwave

    • @Oggan17
      @Oggan17 8 лет назад +6

      No. They add something more to it than just slowmotion.

    • @RoxNoAnne
      @RoxNoAnne 8 лет назад

      its supposed to be *A E S T H E T I C*, or beautiful.

    • @Arado159
      @Arado159 8 лет назад +9

      He/she also added a ton of reverb and some filter sweeps. Not that that is anything special but just saying.

    • @Eli-yr7ou
      @Eli-yr7ou 8 лет назад +7

      Yes it does. And Mac Plus almost adds nothing to the song. He just slows it down and loops it

    • @jaisapara
      @jaisapara 8 лет назад +1

      mac plus is a bad example of vaporwave i wish it wasnt the First Thing ppl think of when they see vaporwave

  • @goodsocksproductions9397
    @goodsocksproductions9397 8 лет назад +14

    W h a t a m I D o i n g w i t h m y l i f e ?

    • @insidiousy
      @insidiousy 8 лет назад +6

      W H A T A R E Y O U D O I N G!?

  • @Omegaknucklesaltenan
    @Omegaknucklesaltenan 8 лет назад +5


  • @w3bcor3
    @w3bcor3 8 лет назад +9

    has anyone tried listening to this while high

    • @w3bcor3
      @w3bcor3 8 лет назад

      Anatobiolic ciloibotanA was it enjoyable

  • @RossWasTaken
    @RossWasTaken 8 лет назад +6

    ears are kinda bleeding

  • @AndroidSunner
    @AndroidSunner 8 лет назад +5

    N O W L I S T E N C L O S E L Y

  • @redfoxdog1
    @redfoxdog1 8 лет назад +37

    what if I don't want to kill myself?

    • @INRamos13
      @INRamos13 8 лет назад +13

      redfoxdog1 Why wouldn't you

    • @redfoxdog1
      @redfoxdog1 8 лет назад

      DeMat good point

  • @Qualyyyy
    @Qualyyyy 8 лет назад +3

    Now look at this net,that I just met

  • @hydroxide5507
    @hydroxide5507 8 лет назад +2

    the background is more reminiscent of seapunk actually

  • @snuffcats8547
    @snuffcats8547 8 лет назад +2

    im going to cry this is the best thing

  • @jonathanh7509
    @jonathanh7509 8 лет назад +2

    should've repeated it a million times

  • @staceypope4503
    @staceypope4503 8 лет назад +7

    on 2x speed it sounds like the original song

    • @meowmrrrp
      @meowmrrrp 8 лет назад +19

      on x0.5 speed it sounds like I wanna die.

  • @ChakkyCharizard
    @ChakkyCharizard 8 лет назад +13

    ...He sounds oddly like Elvis.

    • @galloway3936
      @galloway3936 8 лет назад

      ChakkyCharizard|Chakky-P haha he looks lile

    • @anthonylopez5564
      @anthonylopez5564 8 лет назад

      But what if Elvis wasnt dead?????

    • @aa-mb6mi
      @aa-mb6mi 8 лет назад

      /music plays

  • @hambo6955
    @hambo6955 6 лет назад +1

    Rip Stefàn.

  • @kieratea
    @kieratea 8 лет назад +7

    i'm actually dying.

  • @GothJuice
    @GothJuice 8 лет назад +13

    you can't just put on a cutoff filter and call it vaporwave

    • @marshallp946
      @marshallp946 8 лет назад +7

      Hackura Prime yes we can

    • @darwinlp9860
      @darwinlp9860 8 лет назад +2

      That is the point. It's one of many layers of irony baked into this delicious Meme Cake.

    • @xXEpicMehXx
      @xXEpicMehXx 8 лет назад +1

      you have to do your memeing by the book

  • @John-fq9uc
    @John-fq9uc 8 лет назад +12

    its just slowed down with some slight sound change not very good either

    • @DraGon72097
      @DraGon72097 8 лет назад +15

      The Son Vaporwave =/= slowing down a song and adding phaser effects. The song should also be rehashed/resampled in enough ways to make it its own listening experience, distinct from the original. A perfect example is Running in the 90s, and it's vaporwave edit, running in the 80s. It was remixed, and resampled so that it was it's own listening experience. This is just the original, but with a bunch of shitty effects.

  • @Gingerimp123
    @Gingerimp123 8 лет назад +3

    i feel high but ive never taken drugs in my life

  • @MegaEvo
    @MegaEvo 8 лет назад +3

    Speed 2.
    It's almost normal.

  • @this-aint-no-party
    @this-aint-no-party 8 лет назад +2

    this is my favourite thing