Did the oil leak on the catalytic converter? I'm doubting between a vacuum pump leak or a valve cover gasket leak at the back. My car drips oil on the catalytic converter.
No I used a set off eBay. www.ebay.co.uk/itm/183969555905?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=tF-TxQTlTu6&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ENW11iTvRY2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
1 week on, and disconnecting the bonnet switch has stopped the alarm going off randomly.
What sort of socket did you use to undo the bolts? I dont seem to have much working room on mine and can barely fit my hand in there
I can’t remember now. It would have been either a torx or a 8/10mm.
Did the oil leak on the catalytic converter? I'm doubting between a vacuum pump leak or a valve cover gasket leak at the back. My car drips oil on the catalytic converter.
It was dripping it all over the exhaust at the back of the engine. May have been the cat.
Please tell me what that round thing that’s between the windscreen washer tank and that block
On the side of the engine? Maybe the Vanos motor?
do you have a part number of the seals? is the kit originally bmw?
No I used a set off eBay.
why does my n46 not have that silver pipe thing
Could depend on year or engine. Mine was an N42 so maybe slightly different.