ビートルズのHERE COMES THE SUN に対するアンサーに聞こえる名曲。個人的な思いを太陽に絡めて描写しているが、all rightと歌うジョージ・ハリスンに対し「え、誰が?」と問いかけるのがルーらしいです。ライブではキーを下げたというより、オリジナル通りになんか歌いたくないという彼の気持ちを感じます。
Wow, so much better than the Loaded version. I hate the Loaded version. Lou's vocals here go better with the lyrics to give it the right tone, keeping it from just being a crappy wannabe pop song as it is on Loaded.
His voice makes the song sound more authentic, the worldly weariness comes out in Lou's voice more.
It's in a lower key to fit Lou's voice. Sounds more authentic this way.
Yes exactly. I was wondering why I liked it better with Lou singing. It needs a deep vocal. Of course the sound quality is horrible.
This could have been a hit.
Lou Reed in Dunstable. Bedforrrd-shyer !.!
how incongruous.
since you broke my heart
happy days of yore
ビートルズのHERE COMES THE SUN に対するアンサーに聞こえる名曲。個人的な思いを太陽に絡めて描写しているが、all rightと歌うジョージ・ハリスンに対し「え、誰が?」と問いかけるのがルーらしいです。ライブではキーを下げたというより、オリジナル通りになんか歌いたくないという彼の気持ちを感じます。
me ara
Wow, so much better than the Loaded version. I hate the Loaded version. Lou's vocals here go better with the lyrics to give it the right tone, keeping it from just being a crappy wannabe pop song as it is on Loaded.
Doug Yule is the lead vocals on the song from Loaded