Terharu sy dgr lagu ini, sampai TIADA TERASA AIR MATA SY BERLINANG dan MENANGIS SEDIH.. Gmn Lagu ini lagu kesukaan sy dari BEYOUND.. ini lagu favorit sy banget.... trringat KOMFLIK BERKRPANJANGAN yg MERENGGUT NYAWA DI PAPUA, sebagai orang papua yg berkulit hitam dan keriting rambut, Setiap sy mendengar lagu ini SY PASTI sedih HARU, sebagai bangsa dan ETNIS KULIT HITAM pd Serangkaian kalimat lagu ini, sy selalu sedih apa lgi yg mencover lagu ini sangat menjiwai lagu ini sehingga tak terasa air mata pasti menetes, dan kesedihan itu hanya TUHAN ALLAH lah yg tau .. terima kasih untuk anda yg membawakan lagu ini dgn sangat menjiwai, sebb lagu ini punya makna dan arti MENDALAM... Bagi seorang seniman... 👍👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏🙏☦️🛐🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
Terima kasih banyak Kawan 🙏🙏🙏🙇♂️.. dengan senang hati semua rasa cape dalam proses mengcover lagu ini terbayar dengan tuangan isi hati anda 🙏🙏🙏... kita semua pernah mengalami hal2 pahit dan trauma terkait isu warna kulit dimasa lalu.. dan kadang masih bisa terjadi disaat ini, dan mungkin di masa depan... mari kita saling support dan berharap dengan kebaikan dan cinta kasih akan mampu menggerak hati manusia untuk memperlakukan sesama dengan baik dan rasa hormat antara satu sama lain tanpa harus memandang identitas, suku , warna kulit, dan kepercayaan, yang justru semakin membuat kita terpecah belah hingga berbuah kebencian yang tak berdasar, tidak manusiawi, dan melawan hati nurani.. "Saya menantikan suatu hari dimana manusia tidak dinilai berdasarkan warna kulitnya. melainkan Karakter" -Martin Luther King Jr- mari kita saling subscribe dan saling mendukung Kawan 🙏🙏🙏 Salam dari Sumatera Utara 🎼🎸❤️❤️🕊️🕊️🕊️🎶🎶🤗🤗
@@Wang-er2wv Benar sekali, sebab tujuan lagu ini, sebagai bukti dukungan BEYOUND kpd BANGSA KULIT HITAM yg di perjuangkan NELSON MANDELLA Presiden Afrika atas perjuangan utk kebebasan dan kejayaan bangsa kulit hitam yg yg tertindas kala itu, sehingga sebagai org kulit hitam sy terkadang MENANGIS HARU ketika dgr lagu ini.. Sebab jika mrk tdk brjuang pd hari ini entah kpn lgi mrk mendapat kejayaan dan kebebasan DALAM TAHUN2 EMAS, MASA KEJAYAAN MEREKA sebagai MAKLUK CIPTAAN TUHAN yg Berhak FREEDOM di muka bumi ini.. Terima kash Mr wang tuk penjiwaan lagu ini... Sebab lagu ini GUANG HUI SUE YUE ini bkn hanya SEKEDAR NYANYIAN tapi MAKNA KESEDUHANNYA CUKUP MENYAYAT HATI YG PALING DALAM...🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏☦️🛐🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
@@byaksaireri7823 @BYAK SAIRERI Betul.. Beyond berkunjung ke Afrika awal tahun 90an dalam misi kemanusiaan mereka, mereka ikut menyumbang bahan pangan dan bahkan bantu membangun sekolah untuk anak2 terlantar disana.. mereka ikut menyuarakan jeritan kaum afrika yang warna kulit mereka dianggap sebagai kasta rendah oleh para elite dunia, mereka harus berjuang keras susah payah untuk bisa mendapatkan air bersih, makanan, tempat tinggal, dan pendidikan yang layak di tanah sendiri... Beyond menghasilkan beberapa karya untuk kaum kulit hitam Afrika seperti Amani, dan juga Guang Hui Sui Yue, yang dikhususkan untuk Nelson Mandela, mengenang perjuangan puluhan tahun beliau dalam menaikkan derajat orang Afrika dan membawa mereka keluar dari belenggu perbudakan.. lagu tersebut menceritakan ketabahan seorang manusia untuk tetap gigih bertahan disaat cobaan datang, dengan memegang teguh nilai2 kebenaran dan dengan keyakinan bahwa hari kemenangan itu akan tiba... 😊 🙏🙏🙏🏳️🏳️❤️❤️❤️
RiP Wong Ka Kui... his song will keep living for decades to come.. 😁😁🙏🙏🙏🙏 Please subscribe , like, and comment... it's hard to represent a legend song.. i will try to cover some Beyond's song .. Peace and Love ❤️❤️❤️😁
Rated most influential band ever. A legend who fight for freedom, humanity and peace. A legend cannot be replaced. I have never listen to the same songs for over 27 years. Only songs from him. 50 years from now still the same.
Yes.. BEYOND will fly for decades to come.. Thanks for your support.. don't forget to Share, Like, Subscribe.. i'll cover some other Beyond's song in the future.. 😁😁🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️
as a person with cantonese as mother tongue i'm really impressed by your cover of Beyond song, i believe that you are not a cantonese speaking person. Your pronunciations are very good. hope your plan of helding the tribute to beyond will come true & upload the whole video here in the channel. Love Live Beyond~!
❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🔥🔥🔥 thanks, very appreciated.. yes it was really a lot of works 😁😅.. the languages barrier was getiing helped a lot from my childhood, watching tvBs, having lots of cantonese friends, now still learning growing.. basically im alone right now doing all the music arrangement, recording vocal and also shooting the video myself.. it takes time, but stay please tuned.. 😁❤️❤️❤️
Terima Kasih banyak atas dukungannya... Kiranya bisa menghibur.. jangan lupa untuk like, share ke teman2, dab Subscribe yah... semoga kedepan semakin baik.. Peace and Love.. ❤️❤️❤️ 🙏🙏🙏😁
Mr. Wang Membawakan Cover lagu ini dgn penjiwaan yg sangat dlm... SETIAP SIAPA PUN ORANG KULIT HITAM tak ADA YANG TIADA TANGIS mendengarkan lagu ini jika mengerti benar ARTI LAGU IN... sebab lagu GUANG HUI SUE YUE INI di persembhakan khusus BEYOND untuk bangsa/WARNA KULIT HITAM... sedih dan sedih nian lagu ini...
Thank You.. i will try my best to translate any song i cover.. hope everyone feel entertaint and joyfull... will keep improving.. don't forget to share like and subscribe 😁❤️❤️ Peace..🙏🙏🙏
Terima Kasih atas dukunganya, semoga ke depan bisa lebih baik, sebuah tugas mencoba cover lagu legenda dari musisi legenda... Mohon jangan lupa untuk Like, Share, dan Subscribe , kiranya bisa menghibur semua.. Salam damai kebahagiaan... Peace and LOVE 🖤😍 :)
Tanniah bro.sya peminat Beyond dan membesar di zaman2 kegemilangan mereka dulu dan lagu mereka smua mmg best2.this is the best cover that i've ever heard.nyanyian dan suara pun persis seperti suara mendiang Wong Ka Kui. the best.RIP Wong Ka Kui
Terima kasih atas komentar dan dukungannya.. 😁.. yah Beyond memang one of the best di era 80 n 90.., dan lagu mereka hidup dan membekas sepanjang masa... Rip WKK..🙏
Thanks you, Beyond's song are awesome and may live forever , hope you like this cover song, Please don't forget to Like , Share , and Subscribe.. Peace and Love.. :)
Thank You ❤️🙏🙏 next Beyond Cover in process.. in the meantime im doing everything alone, covering, music production editing, shooting, etc.. it takes time, please be patient and keep up the supports 😀🙏🙏🎸🎤🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽
Terima kasih atas dukungan anda... Semoga kedepan kami akan lebih baik.. tunggu tanggal mainnya yah.. jangan lupa Share, Like, dan Subscribe.. 😁❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for your appreciation 😄👃👃, yes i'll probably cover that song in the future., but now im caught in middle projects of 灰色轨迹, 午夜怨曲, and 再見李子昂, i am currently alone in making all the arrangements all by myself, music editing, and video editing.. so it takes time :) 🙏🎸
this song is legendary from early 90's , coming from HongKong Band, BEYOND , it tells about represents humanity, peace , and love :) , thank you for your support :)
Thank You, i actually sing many cantonese songs on the streets.. i kind of left this youtube projects due to performing on the streets, but now i am back again.. keep up the support.. greetings.. Xie-Xie.. :)
Terimah kasih atas apresiasinya sobat 😀😄. 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽🙏🙏🙏... hanya sebuah tribute2 kecil2an.. nostalgia.. kiranya bisa menghibur para penikmat lagu 🙏🙏🙏.. 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
Terima Kasih.. Salam damai dan penuh Cinta.. Jangan lupa untuk Like, Share, dan Subscribe , semoga dapat menghibur para penikmat lagu .. Peace and Love.. :)
Honestly, this is a fantastic song. I'm not a huge listener of Chinese music, but this and 明天会更好 are fantastic songs that I listen to on a regular basis.
Thanks You for your support, will keep improving, hope every one get entertained, will try to cover some English, Chinese, Indonesian, Thailand maybe.. in the future,, will try to sing my heart out.. please subs, share and subscribe :)
Salam sejahtera dari Malaysia! Wow! Great job, Wang! You sang this very well with all your heart, soul and might! I could see how much effort you've given to produce such a great cover version of this classic Cantonese song. I really enjoyed listening to this and going down memory lane with this tune. Thanks for the English & Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia translation too! Keep it up, Wang!
Salam Sejahtera juga dari Indonesia.. Thanks for your support.. 😁😁❤️❤️🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼, yes i actually sing lots of Beyond's song , and also other oldies cantonese and mandarin, but mostly in a live performance venue , yes these kind of cover, really takes time, the music arrangement, also the shooting itself, we also have a band that specially play Beyond's song, we plan to held a 'Tribute to Beyond 2022' this year , play about 10-15 Beyond's masterpiece.., maybe near the end of this year, just hopefully this pandemic can go away quickly, so we don't have to face any problem with the government's lockdown rule 😁, just hope everything's fine according to the plan 😁... i plan to cover lots of song in this near future, but currently im working alone right now.. that's why it's kind of slow and late haha.... thanks for the subscribe. 😁. let's the support each other 😁🙏🙏🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🎤🎸🎸 Leeron Tai 😁
Thanks for the translation. I now understand the meaning of this song - can resonate the depth and empathy for the struggles of the minority. Good composition. 5 stars!
Thank You for your support.. this is definitely a legend song coming from decades ago, come from a legendary band called BEYOND 😁 Please subscribe, share, and like.. will keep improving this channel.. Peace.. 😁😁❤️❤️❤️
Terharu sy dgr lagu ini, sampai TIADA TERASA AIR MATA SY BERLINANG dan MENANGIS SEDIH.. Gmn Lagu ini lagu kesukaan sy dari BEYOUND.. ini lagu favorit sy banget.... trringat KOMFLIK BERKRPANJANGAN yg MERENGGUT NYAWA DI PAPUA, sebagai orang papua yg berkulit hitam dan keriting rambut, Setiap sy mendengar lagu ini SY PASTI sedih HARU, sebagai bangsa dan ETNIS KULIT HITAM pd Serangkaian kalimat lagu ini, sy selalu sedih apa lgi yg mencover lagu ini sangat menjiwai lagu ini sehingga tak terasa air mata pasti menetes, dan kesedihan itu hanya TUHAN ALLAH lah yg tau .. terima kasih untuk anda yg membawakan lagu ini dgn sangat menjiwai, sebb lagu ini punya makna dan arti MENDALAM... Bagi seorang seniman... 👍👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏🙏☦️🛐🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
Terima kasih banyak Kawan 🙏🙏🙏🙇♂️.. dengan senang hati semua rasa cape dalam proses mengcover lagu ini terbayar dengan tuangan isi hati anda 🙏🙏🙏... kita semua pernah mengalami hal2 pahit dan trauma terkait isu warna kulit dimasa lalu.. dan kadang masih bisa terjadi disaat ini, dan mungkin di masa depan... mari kita saling support dan berharap dengan kebaikan dan cinta kasih akan mampu menggerak hati manusia untuk memperlakukan sesama dengan baik dan rasa hormat antara satu sama lain tanpa harus memandang identitas, suku , warna kulit, dan kepercayaan, yang justru semakin membuat kita terpecah belah hingga berbuah kebencian yang tak berdasar, tidak manusiawi, dan melawan hati nurani..
"Saya menantikan suatu hari dimana manusia tidak dinilai berdasarkan warna kulitnya. melainkan Karakter"
-Martin Luther King Jr-
mari kita saling subscribe dan saling mendukung Kawan 🙏🙏🙏
Salam dari Sumatera Utara 🎼🎸❤️❤️🕊️🕊️🕊️🎶🎶🤗🤗
@@Wang-er2wv Benar sekali, sebab tujuan lagu ini, sebagai bukti dukungan BEYOUND kpd BANGSA KULIT HITAM yg di perjuangkan NELSON MANDELLA Presiden Afrika atas perjuangan utk kebebasan dan kejayaan bangsa kulit hitam yg yg tertindas kala itu, sehingga sebagai org kulit hitam sy terkadang MENANGIS HARU ketika dgr lagu ini..
Sebab jika mrk tdk brjuang pd hari ini entah kpn lgi mrk mendapat kejayaan dan kebebasan DALAM TAHUN2 EMAS, MASA KEJAYAAN MEREKA sebagai MAKLUK CIPTAAN TUHAN yg Berhak FREEDOM di muka bumi ini.. Terima kash Mr wang tuk penjiwaan lagu ini... Sebab lagu ini GUANG HUI SUE YUE ini bkn hanya SEKEDAR NYANYIAN tapi MAKNA KESEDUHANNYA CUKUP MENYAYAT HATI YG PALING DALAM...🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏☦️🛐🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
@@byaksaireri7823 @BYAK SAIRERI Betul.. Beyond berkunjung ke Afrika awal tahun 90an dalam misi kemanusiaan mereka, mereka ikut menyumbang bahan pangan dan bahkan bantu membangun sekolah untuk anak2 terlantar disana.. mereka ikut menyuarakan jeritan kaum afrika yang warna kulit mereka dianggap sebagai kasta rendah oleh para elite dunia, mereka harus berjuang keras susah payah untuk bisa mendapatkan air bersih, makanan, tempat tinggal, dan pendidikan yang layak di tanah sendiri... Beyond menghasilkan beberapa karya untuk kaum kulit hitam Afrika seperti Amani, dan juga Guang Hui Sui Yue, yang dikhususkan untuk Nelson Mandela, mengenang perjuangan puluhan tahun beliau dalam menaikkan derajat orang Afrika dan membawa mereka keluar dari belenggu perbudakan.. lagu tersebut menceritakan ketabahan seorang manusia untuk tetap gigih bertahan disaat cobaan datang, dengan memegang teguh nilai2 kebenaran dan dengan keyakinan bahwa hari kemenangan itu akan tiba... 😊
멋진 beyond 노래를 멋지게 커버한 당신은 진정한 아티스트!!
목소리 비브라토 너무 멋있어요
是的..他最好的杰作之一,这类歌曲将流传几个世纪,很高兴我能为他唱一些敬意,我现在也在努力翻唱他的其他歌曲,以带回那些80-90年代的记忆 🤘🏽🔥❤️❤️❤️
Such an amazing talent lost, RIP Wong Ka Kui, your music lives on
RiP Wong Ka Kui... his song will keep living for decades to come.. 😁😁🙏🙏🙏🙏 Please subscribe , like, and comment... it's hard to represent a legend song.. i will try to cover some Beyond's song .. Peace and Love ❤️❤️❤️😁
Rated most influential band ever. A legend who fight for freedom, humanity and peace. A legend cannot be replaced. I have never listen to the same songs for over 27 years. Only songs from him. 50 years from now still the same.
Yes.. BEYOND will fly for decades to come.. Thanks for your support.. don't forget to Share, Like, Subscribe.. i'll cover some other Beyond's song in the future.. 😁😁🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️
For the first time I listened to the glorious years and heard crying. . . 😭
This song will Never get old... because it's perfect
Yes.. definitely legendary song.. :) Thank You for the support :)
Goood singer,bravo...
Gas terusss... Jgn kasih kendorrr
love. .after many time.
nice song was alive today to the songs
one of the world peace . thank you sir (huey ly).
Mi nieto Jiang me la hizo escuchar y ahora todos los dias voy al trabajo escuchandola en el Bus , no dejo de mover la cabeza 😅 lindo
Gracias mi Amigo.. 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽❤️🎤🎸🎶🎶
Teruskan Karyanya! Mantap !
Noted.. Everything's on process ❤️🙏🙏🙏 😁
as a person with cantonese as mother tongue i'm really impressed by your cover of Beyond song, i believe that you are not a cantonese speaking person. Your pronunciations are very good. hope your plan of helding the tribute to beyond will come true & upload the whole video here in the channel. Love Live Beyond~!
❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🔥🔥🔥 thanks, very appreciated.. yes it was really a lot of works 😁😅.. the languages barrier was getiing helped a lot from my childhood, watching tvBs, having lots of cantonese friends, now still learning growing.. basically im alone right now doing all the music arrangement, recording vocal and also shooting the video myself.. it takes time, but stay please tuned.. 😁❤️❤️❤️
Hajar... Jgn kasih ampun
Terima Kasih ... gasss teruuussss :)
Mantap bro awang 👏👏👏👏💪👍🙏kamu luar biasa ayuk lanjutkan terus bakat anak siantar anesong🥰😉🤗
Wwkwkwkw hallooo Sionggg.... wkkwkk.. hau ciu pu cien 🥰🥰🥰... wkwkkwkk.. Gas poll siong... gairah 😍😍 itu jangan ditunda.. wkwakwakaa...
Wonderful singer. As Cantonese, i can't sing like you..❤
Im malay, and i love beyond ❤️
Hi.. Greetings from Indonesia.. yes.. they rock. 😁🙏🙏💥💥💥❤️
Terima Kasih banyak atas dukungannya... Kiranya bisa menghibur.. jangan lupa untuk like, share ke teman2, dab Subscribe yah... semoga kedepan semakin baik.. Peace and Love.. ❤️❤️❤️ 🙏🙏🙏😁
That brother sang it with HEART!!! ❤💯
Thank You, i wish everyone got entertained.. next cover in process.. 🤘🏽🎸🎸🎤❤️❤️
beautiful, no matter. .
Mr. Wang Membawakan Cover lagu ini dgn penjiwaan yg sangat dlm... SETIAP SIAPA PUN ORANG KULIT HITAM tak ADA YANG TIADA TANGIS mendengarkan lagu ini jika mengerti benar ARTI LAGU IN...
sebab lagu GUANG HUI SUE YUE INI di persembhakan khusus BEYOND untuk bangsa/WARNA KULIT HITAM... sedih dan sedih nian lagu ini...
🏳️🏳️🏳️World Peace ❤️ Universe ❤️ All Lives Matters🏳️🏳️🏳️
Excellent! want more! please upload more video with translation
Thank You.. i will try my best to translate any song i cover.. hope everyone feel entertaint and joyfull... will keep improving.. don't forget to share like and subscribe 😁❤️❤️ Peace..🙏🙏🙏
Brother love from America You Rock!
Thank You ❤️.. stay tuned.. the other's in the making 😀..🙏🙏
who is such an amazing song
saya from Indonesia,. saya jg salah satu penggemar Beyond dan byk lagunya membuatku nostalgia waktu masih skolah smp dulu,,, 😎👍☕
Yess..Yess... haha... old memories.. haha.. Xie Xie.. Kamsia... keep support yoo.... wkwkwkw...
excellent cover! amazing cantonese accent... Love your performance...
Thank You for your support 🙏❤️.. 😁 please subscribe 😁.. will cover more in near future..🙏👍❤️
Bakatnya emang muncul dari dalam diri nya makanya karyanya bisa sebagus ini.
Terima Kasih atas dukunganya, semoga ke depan bisa lebih baik, sebuah tugas mencoba cover lagu legenda dari musisi legenda... Mohon jangan lupa untuk Like, Share, dan Subscribe , kiranya bisa menghibur semua.. Salam damai kebahagiaan... Peace and LOVE 🖤😍 :)
i can tell, this is one of the finest cover , i ever heard till today.. first i heard during 90s before wong ka kui left the world
Mantap bang terbaikkkkkkkkkkk
wait for my next project yah.. 😀🙏🙏 🤘🏽🤘🏽🔥🔥❤️❤️
Tanniah bro.sya peminat Beyond dan membesar di zaman2 kegemilangan mereka dulu dan lagu mereka smua mmg best2.this is the best cover that i've ever heard.nyanyian dan suara pun persis seperti suara mendiang Wong Ka Kui.
the best.RIP Wong Ka Kui
Terima kasih atas komentar dan dukungannya.. 😁.. yah Beyond memang one of the best di era 80 n 90.., dan lagu mereka hidup dan membekas sepanjang masa... Rip WKK..🙏
excellent! want more! please please like
It’s way good, plz next one ZHENG DE AI NI, means really love you, also from Beyond, it’s about the unconditional maternal love
awesome song.....still remember the Beyond heyday in early 90's !!!
Thanks you, Beyond's song are awesome and may live forever , hope you like this cover song, Please don't forget to Like , Share , and Subscribe.. Peace and Love.. :)
You have such a good voice bro. I like beyonds song. Keep it up. 🤩👍👍👍
Thank You ❤️🙏🙏 next Beyond Cover in process.. in the meantime im doing everything alone, covering, music production editing, shooting, etc.. it takes time, please be patient and keep up the supports 😀🙏🙏🎸🎤🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽
Ditunggu video berikutnya..secepatnyaaaaa
Terima kasih atas dukungan anda... Semoga kedepan kami akan lebih baik.. tunggu tanggal mainnya yah.. jangan lupa Share, Like, dan Subscribe.. 😁❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
Greetings from Colombia
Greetings from Indonesia.. peace and love.. share like and subscribe :)
Have always love this music and band....rip WKK ❤
Yes... His song will live forever. please subscribe for more content to come.. i will also sing some other songs from Beyond... 😁.. Peace..❤️❤️
i remember there’s an amazing song
My god, you are AWESOME... 100% pure singing talent power! Will you cover '是錯也再不分' next?
Thank you for your appreciation 😄👃👃, yes i'll probably cover that song in the future., but now im caught in middle projects of 灰色轨迹, 午夜怨曲, and 再見李子昂, i am currently alone in making all the arrangements all by myself, music editing, and video editing.. so it takes time :) 🙏🎸
I love beyond forever ❤️
Long Live BEYOND :)
Love love love...amazing😘❤😘❤
Thanks a lot 😁.. very appreciated 😘 ❤️❤️❤️
suara penyanyi ni best
masya, good. . .
My favorite song 👍
one of nationalism. good composition.
cover terbaik buat masa ni..good luck bos wang.. salam dari malaysia..
Terima Kasih Bro Aemy.. keep support .. salam dari Indonesia.. :)
Great Job WANG, hope more Beyond covers coming out soon
Thank You, i am currently so busy due to my daily activities, i really wish i could cover more Beyond's in the near future. 🔥🔥🔥
Soo beautifull.. soo sweet..
Thank you so much 😀. Xie Xie.. next projects in the making.. :)
I don't understand Chinese but the music is beautiful and the meaning to the song is exceptional just pure beauty right there.
this song is legendary from early 90's , coming from HongKong Band, BEYOND , it tells about represents humanity, peace , and love :) , thank you for your support :)
Lanjut bro.. Ciayoo..
Thanks banget atas supportnya... semoga kedepan bisa lebih baik :)
He is the greatest singer of all time, FACT
it's hard to represent a legend song especially from the legendary itself - Wong Ka Kui (BEYOND) ..
Thanks for the support.. peace and love..
Banyak kenangan lagu ni masa sekolah…
🚀🚀🙏🙏🙏 yes.. yes... memory 90an.. haha.. 🎆🎆💥💥💥
such a very popular song for beyond song
Awesome brotha'..... 👍👍
Please do more cantonese covers, your voice and cantonese pronunciation is so goooood!
Thank You, i actually sing many cantonese songs on the streets.. i kind of left this youtube projects due to performing on the streets, but now i am back again.. keep up the support.. greetings.. Xie-Xie.. :)
i like the song. .
Sangat menjiwai lagu ini kau sobat...🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
Terimah kasih atas apresiasinya sobat 😀😄. 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽🙏🙏🙏... hanya sebuah tribute2 kecil2an.. nostalgia.. kiranya bisa menghibur para penikmat lagu 🙏🙏🙏.. 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
the best cover
Thanks 🙏🙏🙏 for the compliment.. waaah... bila berkenan mohon share and like yah 😁😁.. Waah sesama penikmat.. let's subs together 😁😁🙏🙏🎸🎸🎸🤘🤘🎙️🎙️🎼🎼
thanks for the meaning behind the injured body still rock.
Dengerin lagu ini malem malem enak banget
Terima Kasih.. Salam damai dan penuh Cinta.. Jangan lupa untuk Like, Share, dan Subscribe , semoga dapat menghibur para penikmat lagu .. Peace and Love.. :)
Excellent cover! Please do more!
Thank You for your support, please share and remember to subscride.. will upload more content in the nearly future .😁🙏🙏🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼❤️
I still love your beautiful voice
😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thanks for the support. 😁
nice arrangement. i like the new music sound
Nice song good night my love... Tania
Thank You.. ❤️❤️ Peace.. :)
Honestly, this is a fantastic song. I'm not a huge listener of Chinese music, but this and 明天会更好 are fantastic songs that I listen to on a regular basis.
Thanks You for your support, will keep improving, hope every one get entertained, will try to cover some English, Chinese, Indonesian, Thailand maybe.. in the future,, will try to sing my heart out.. please subs, share and subscribe :)
Di tunggu karya selanjutnya❤️❤️❤️
Terima kasih , semoga bisa menghibur :)
Salam sejahtera dari Malaysia! Wow! Great job, Wang! You sang this very well with all your heart, soul and might! I could see how much effort you've given to produce such a great cover version of this classic Cantonese song. I really enjoyed listening to this and going down memory lane with this tune. Thanks for the English & Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia translation too! Keep it up, Wang!
Salam Sejahtera juga dari Indonesia.. Thanks for your support.. 😁😁❤️❤️🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼, yes i actually sing lots of Beyond's song , and also other oldies cantonese and mandarin, but mostly in a live performance venue , yes these kind of cover, really takes time, the music arrangement, also the shooting itself, we also have a band that specially play Beyond's song, we plan to held a 'Tribute to Beyond 2022' this year , play about 10-15 Beyond's masterpiece.., maybe near the end of this year, just hopefully this pandemic can go away quickly, so we don't have to face any problem with the government's lockdown rule 😁, just hope everything's fine according to the plan 😁...
i plan to cover lots of song in this near future, but currently im working alone right now.. that's why it's kind of slow and late haha.... thanks for the subscribe. 😁. let's the support each other 😁🙏🙏🤟🏾🤟🏾🤟🏾🎤🎸🎸 Leeron Tai 😁
非常感谢,会继续即兴创作,请支持这个频道,点击喜欢,分享视频,也点击订阅按钮.. :)
Such a wonderful cover from Beyond. Really impressed.Thanks .
😁😁🔥🔥🔥🎼🎼🎼 Thank You 🙏🙏🙏 very much appreciated ❤️❤️❤️
Keep going. Your so talented. ❤
Thanks for covering this in Cantonese.
hari2 dengar suara brader ni..sedap didengar
nice song with translation. .good song
Hebat bang...nyanyiin lagunya....👍👍👍
excellent! want more! please please please
enak banget suaranya mas wang.. lanjutkan !
Thank You mas Envici.. 😁 keep the support 😁🙏🙏🙏
Really good brother keep goinf
Thanks for the translation. I now understand the meaning of this song - can resonate the depth and empathy for the struggles of the minority. Good composition. 5 stars!
Thank You for your support.. this is definitely a legend song coming from decades ago, come from a legendary band called BEYOND 😁
Please subscribe, share, and like.. will keep improving this channel.. Peace.. 😁😁❤️❤️❤️
Good music!
Cover paling paduuu👍👍👍👍
I Like this song.... Legend Song👍👍👍🤘🤘🤘 salken Ko Bro🤜🤛🙏🙏🙏
Helloo..... Terimakasih... Xie Xie yah.. keep support.. :)
@@Wang-er2wv 🙏🙏🙏🙏
amazing. . . . .
Menyentuh hati, sore sore dengerin lagu ini langsung dapet banget feel-nya 💯
Terima kasih atas dukunganya.. jangan lupa like, share dan subscribe.. ❤️❤️🙏🙏 Peacee..
the nail. .thanks, beyond!
Ya Allah.. thanks god. This is the song i ve searching for a longggggg time.
Thank You for your support.. Semiga bisa menghibur.. jangan lupa share like dan subscribe yah.. ❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏 Peace 😁
Sungguh indah didengar kan .. penuh nuansa 🖤
Terima Kasih atas supportnya.. ❤️❤️ semoga bisa menghibur.. jangan lupa like, comment, dan subscribe.. 😁😁 Peace.. ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
It was such a powerful song even when I didn't understand it fully. Thank you for translating!
this song is legendary from early 90's , coming from HongKong Band, BEYOND , it's song represents humanity, peace , and love :)
Adem banget di kuping
Terima Kasih , semoga bisa menghibur.. jangan lupa untuk Like, Share, dan Subscribe untuk lagu cover berikutnya :)..
2021, forever a classic
Thank You for the support, don't forget to Share, Like, and Subscribe, this channel will keep improvise.. :) Peace and Love. 🖤🖤🖤😍😍😍
Akhirnya nemu orang Indonesia yang cover lagu Beyond
Terima Kasih atas dukungannya. Peace.. 🔥🔥🔥
cocok ini kawan suaranya. Ijin di masukkan ke playlist
🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️ Xie Xie, Kamsia... makasih banyak.. 🙏🙏🙏, kemarin sempat vakum ada setahun.. 🤣🤣 stay tune for next project yah 😀.. 🎶🎼🎶
wow! u do good! i like you a difficult song
Thank's for the support, don't forget to like, share, subscribe 😁😁🙏🙏🤘🤘
Mantpp brooo .. Ciayouu.. 😘😘😘
Xie Xie, feichang gan xie.. :) Terima kasih atas dukungannya :)
Tar buat lg yg lain y ditunggu ..