The musical genre of Red Velvet lies in their name-Red (bright, upbeat, pop) and Velvet (R&B, mature, ballad), or both in some instances. This kind of duality makes it interesting as it gives them a very wide discography, not to mention their outstanding bsides, vocals, and harmonies. Overall, I would say, Red Velvet is a group that really dwells on musicality, theatricality, and storytelling. As a Reveluv since debut. I would say we take pride in their album "The Perfect Red Velvet" last 2018 as this is still, to this day, one of the greatest album in Kpop. You should check that out.
Chill Kill was my introduction to Red Velvet. I loved it instantly and bought the album, and it's a real no-skip listen. I've slowly picked up the more "velvet-y" albums since then but it has taken me a while to really go all in, because of how "quirky" they can be, especially some of the goofy 'red' songs. Cosmic won me over and I've got it and 2 more older albums on order, with more to come. Seulgi is my bias. Wendy is probably a bit better singer but Seulgi's voice melts me.
The musical genre of Red Velvet lies in their name-Red (bright, upbeat, pop) and Velvet (R&B, mature, ballad), or both in some instances. This kind of duality makes it interesting as it gives them a very wide discography, not to mention their outstanding bsides, vocals, and harmonies. Overall, I would say, Red Velvet is a group that really dwells on musicality, theatricality, and storytelling.
As a Reveluv since debut. I would say we take pride in their album "The Perfect Red Velvet" last 2018 as this is still, to this day, one of the greatest album in Kpop. You should check that out.
That’s Wendy main vocal
Chill Kill was my introduction to Red Velvet. I loved it instantly and bought the album, and it's a real no-skip listen. I've slowly picked up the more "velvet-y" albums since then but it has taken me a while to really go all in, because of how "quirky" they can be, especially some of the goofy 'red' songs. Cosmic won me over and I've got it and 2 more older albums on order, with more to come. Seulgi is my bias. Wendy is probably a bit better singer but Seulgi's voice melts me.