There is only audio on the left chanel of these videos, which is uncomfortable and disorienting when you are listening to through headphones. I was able to fix it from my sound driver by enabling headphone surround sound emulation and pulling the stereo slider to the right. But it would be nice if this series could be reuploaded, since the surround sound emulation kinda adds an echo and is not as loud when recentered.
8 лет назад+1
Kudos for the pronunciation of the Chinese province of "Xinjiang." Cheers!
The lecturing is very rambling and appears terribly unstructured. Continual "ERs", "UMMs", and "AHs" are very distracting. At one point I drifted and started counting them. Many inaccuracies sprinkled throughout the material. I give it 6/10.
thank you for posting this so those of us interested in history can watch/listen to it and learn something.
Prof. Bulliet is highly knowledgeable and great to listen to; reminds me of my grand uncle. Thanks for sharing this with the rest of the world.
Great lecture...a lot of useful historic information. Wish we could take this course online and get certification.
Awesome, I'm writing about Merv and the Silk road in the Early Islamic period atm. this was helpful
There is only audio on the left chanel of these videos, which is uncomfortable and disorienting when you are listening to through headphones. I was able to fix it from my sound driver by enabling headphone surround sound emulation and pulling the stereo slider to the right. But it would be nice if this series could be reuploaded, since the surround sound emulation kinda adds an echo and is not as loud when recentered.
Kudos for the pronunciation of the Chinese province of "Xinjiang." Cheers!
Mr. Bulliet
you spoke about weather , Iran, climate etc
but the main issue is absent, thank you again
Martinez Karen Thomas David Hernandez Anna
The lecturing is very rambling and appears terribly unstructured.
Continual "ERs", "UMMs", and "AHs" are very distracting. At one point I drifted and started counting them.
Many inaccuracies sprinkled throughout the material.
I give it 6/10.
R K have you listened to the other lectures? He’s incredibly well-read and the overall structure is great.
Sorry Richard. Mules can't breed.
thats what he said --> "unlike a mule, it is fertile (refering to the hybrid camel)