very beautifull but, direct sampling will not receive never at frequencies above 14MHz. above 14MHz it begins to mirror. test what I'm telling you 21MHz, 24MHz in etc.
In some places I see it's necessary to do a hardware mod to the SDR dongle to get 500khz-24mhz, But in other articles, I see it can be done by software activating a driver modification, So I'm wondering to do 500khz with a RTL2832U/R820T2 sdr, do I need to modify the dongle? Can better/easier results be achieved using additional hardware like HamItUp or BA5SBA? Or via software only?
I have finished my new project. I developed an interesting ANTENNA ANALYZER. I will make a video presentation as soon as possible, So far please visit to my home
very beautifull but, direct sampling will not receive never at frequencies above 14MHz.
above 14MHz it begins to mirror. test what I'm telling you 21MHz, 24MHz in etc.
What kind of antenna are you using?
I use HEX-BEAM antenna. It is a 2 element 5band short-wave antenna for 20m,17m, 15m, 12m, 10m.
I will check the receiving capability,...
In some places I see it's necessary to do a hardware mod to the SDR dongle to get 500khz-24mhz,
But in other articles, I see it can be done by software activating a driver modification,
So I'm wondering to do 500khz with a RTL2832U/R820T2 sdr, do I need to modify the dongle? Can better/easier results be achieved using additional hardware like HamItUp or BA5SBA? Or via software only?
Thank you for the information!!! Yes it is better solution to use an upconverter. You can get better result!!!
I have finished my new project. I developed an interesting ANTENNA ANALYZER.
I will make a video presentation as soon as possible, So far please visit to my home