Yes this were just for fun, an absolutely pointless tank that does not have any practical function. The electrical tape was just to hold it in place until I taped it with the duck tape. It did actually last for a couple of minutes in the 2m deep pool, and I did blow bubbles on the way up ;) And you are right, I'm a commercial diver so it's not my first rodeo. Love the reaction video, it actually gave me an idea to a follow up video regarding this tank. Coming out tomorrow.
You do realize that there is someone out there who is gonna try this for real and could end up hurt. Ah well, who cares about putting out disinformation and encouraging kids to do something that might get them hurt, right? As long as u get a few clicks, it's all good....
@@bones2177 Are you actually serious? Nobody is going to use something like this realistically, even if they do, do you really think they would be able to get deep enough to not be able to swim back up when it ran out of air? Try a bit of positivity in your life, you seem grim.
I keep wondering what his subsequent doctor check-ups are going to reveal and when. It would be interested if someone kept a medcal timeline on that guy. On the other hand with everything going on in Ukraine he's probably hard to find. If he's still alive.
@@bones2177 Oh, actually they did a follow up episode where they all got tested. Testing for radiation poisoning is pretty standard in the surrounding area. They all tested fine. I kind of figured that the danger was overblown for hype. From the context of the episode, it seemed to me that testing was not only standard, but required if authorities find out you've been fooling around there.
Are there mabey a set of Blue Prints for manifolded doubles as a "traditional" setup makes wreck diving a bit costly esp for noobies to the sport. I was all so thinking I have a ton of old shoes and the thrift store has a ton of old shoe laces so if I can get the shoe laces in a bulk discount then wrap them around a toilet paper roll I now have a low cost line for my wreck diving...
Eh it’s not too hard. Just wing it. There’s a video of some guys diving in Chernobyl with a fish tank on their head. I think that could be a great option for a cave diver on a budget. Just kidding obvi I don’t want to be responsible for anyone’s death lol
I can relate to his humor so much. I drives my wife and daughter crazy w/ a similar delivery 😂. I laugh and they roll their eyes. I couldn’t tel if he really didn’t know the difference between masking/electrical and duct tape though !
I like watching them but you aren't gonna catch me deep in one of these claustrophobic inducing black as night caves. Love the beautiful video footage though.
Oh god this reminds me when I was in middle school and tried to make a rig out of a foot pump and hose. Basically it was a long snorkel, partially inspired by a "Where's Waldo" drawing. Of course to test it, I closed the pool cover- so I guess it was my first cave diving experience? I get to the bottom of the pool, about 8 feet, and try to take a breath. If you know how breathing works, the diaphragm relaxes and the atmospheric pressure pushes air into your lungs. Middle school me didn't know that, so all the air gets pushed out hard and my chest feels like it's being crushed. In a panic, I try to pull myself along the underside of the pool cover to find the opening and pull myself up the ladder. It was maybe 5 feet or so, but it felt like a mile. Now I have a healthy respect for atmospheric pressure.
Virtual fathers, forgive me, for I have sinned. Long, long ago, mini-me saw a Jacques Cousteau documentary and got the diving bug. My parents had a larger backpack sprayer, so I tried this. I'm pretty sure I cleaned most of the paraquat or whatever spray it'd previously held out first. I think it was a good introduction to diving because a) I survived! b) I learned about bouyancy c) I learned what inevitably happens when you swallow a lot of air rather than breathe. Even my dog avoided me the rest of that day. On the plus side, I did have my parents watching closely, and it was in a 2-3' deep paddling pool, and then some years later, I did get certified.
@@drpainglove3389 I think that's true of all the diving pioneers. The first divers couldn't order a used rebreather off Craigslist and head for the nearest cave, so had to improvise and create the things we enjoy today. And I guess that was a pretty Darwinian form of product development. Or the subject of a potentially fascinating book on the history of diving. Wonder if that exists? But it's still something that fascinates me, namely how technology has progressed from tethered to SCUBA to closed-circuit. I still amuse/scare myself when bored with thought experiments. So if dive time's limited by gas supply, compression gives you more volume. But why not use liquified gases? So then figuring out all the potential ways a rebreather modified to use LOX would kill me :)
🤣 "The masking tape is the most credible part...." Woody you are too good. No bubbles..very important. I love Dive Talk. I'm going for my open water cert this weekend. I am hooked on diving. Thank you for your encouragement in the diving community. I'm a beginner who wants to learn smart. Right way the first time.
Remember... it is a federal requirement to watch Jaws, tentacles, and perahna 3D shortly before your first open water dive. Also man eating sharks are everywhere.. creeks.... rivers ... ponds..swimming pools... bath tubs.. by time you see them it is too late.
New video idea: woody takes gus gold diving in the river again, but yall each have to construct your own scuba gear. Also, woody needs to get his tapes sorted out! He loves duct tape, masking is the brown stuff that's useless underwater. Electrical tape is thinner, black & rubbery.
There's an alternate-universe version of this video where he just makes a really cool scuba-diver Halloween costume, and nobody encourages anyone to risk drowning for views.
We have open circuit, closed circuit rebreathers and now...... vape circuit, all equipment available from your local Dollar store. Guess you also get 3 ring binders and more tape for fins as well.
Best thing about this channel is that i can always count on you guys to deliver the best content. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time, and i needed it lol. Thanks guys😂
@@hearsejr 100% agree since finding dive talk I’ve been fascinated 🤿 , buttt as a kid I did have a slight drowning accident and haven’t been in the water since , Monday is my first Try dive and I’m excited 😆
An air bubble is initially not much more than the sprayer, and you can recover the additional expense by using the free air compressors from gas stations.
Gus is the greatest! When he asked "does the 3 - 5 minutes include the time spent drowning?"😂😂 I almost chocked laughing🤣🤣. I guess not Gus. No one was hurt during the testion and product development stage of this contraption.
Great video as always Dive Talk. I know your channel is primarily about cave diving, but seeing some of the videos where Woody tries to convince Gus to go dry caving I am wondering if either of you have heard of the channel Caveman Hikes. I think Gus would love to see some of these pinches they go through. Love your guy's work! keep it up!
I made one of these as a kid so I could explore some reefs with a mate and his kayak, completely impractical but it was really fun and quite exciting to be able to breathe underwater even if it was only for about 4 minutes. I reckon these guys were a bit too critical of what is just a fun little project.
You guys have it a bit skewed. This is the prototype video of the original “Spare Air” idea. This guy is a true innovator. He has found a way to prolong the drowning process in a logical way. I can’t hold it anymore, I gotta pee!
I thought for spare air you can just use a disposable water bottle full of air. Just make sure you hold it upside down when your take the cap off underwater. I bet you can get at least 1 extra breath lol....
@@penguin12902 that’s what I thought too. Turns out they were having issues because divers were getting thirsty under water and some drowned trying to take a sip of the spare air.
@@FoundInTheRiverAndCaves Oh my god I'm dying. I'm not going to research what you just said because if that's true I'll feel bad for laughing at something tragic. The knowledge that someone may have actually drowned because they tried to drink air while submerged in water is absolutely surreal.
Oh Gus, you're a hoot... Woody is game for anything. You both make everyday so enjoyable. Thanks guys. Gus they sent to you because you two are 100% priceless with your reactions...
Great video guys! Love the commentary on the idiocy here😅 One note, masking tape is usually low adhesive, not waterproof and quite easy to pull off. Its for "masking" areas when paiting or similar. What he was using was duct tape!
I'm going to make a set of doubles like this and rig it Hogarthian style. Can't wait to see the look on my buddies face when I turn up at the resurgence with it!
Its somewhat easy to pump those things up to 3 bar. A friend of mine improvised a pressure chamber with one of those so he can check if he installed batteries on his dive computer correctly. Just pump it up, remove the dive computer and dunk it in water to see if bubbles are coming out
I did this as a child in our pool (1.5 m deep), just kept the bottle on the surface. It was a lot of fun as a child swimming around for 1 minute for 5 minutes of pumping.
I've made something "similar" - but it wasn't a tank lol, just a garden hose run to the surface, used a pool noodle to make foam rings so it stays up and out of the water (multiple rings so if you try to pull it under it resists more and more), 2 types of mesh screens and a solid top (for wave protection) attached to that. Hose stood about a foot above the waters surface, screens were for bugs etc. If all you're going to do is spend a few minutes under (which means you're not reaching any real depth, why build this when you can use a hose and spend all day down there with a hose that's ~40 feet long. Sure you can't purge it, but that's why version 2 had a ball valve and a QEV :P
As a 'professional fabricator' I can certainly say that building scuba gear has never been on my list of 'gotta try it'... Y'know for the sake of self preservation 😅
The funniest thing is that I looked up lung over expansion injury on RUclips to find out more about it and the guy that made the video you watched is one of the top results.
But for kids that want to dress-up with a scuba tank, (as long as they are not entering the water with it) I think this is amazing as this thing will produce some air unlike other fake scuba tanks. So if you were to do it for kids dress-up, I think this is a great idea. Maybe also needs a fake round regulator only. (Again to be used above water only)
Hilarious! It's so obvious this guy is Sus's cousin. Gus cackling makes my day better. Also 'The Yankee-est' is fucking gold! "Don't hold your breath like cavemen!"
Looked like duct tape to me. 3M brand is usually the best. Gorilla Tape is pretty good but not sure how long it last under water. What would have made it better would have been if he had left the "tank" above and had a longer hose to the "mouth piece" then he could have had a friend give it a few pumps every 45 secs or so and see how long he could have stayed underwater. Then we could see natural selection at work...
I think he wasn’t blowing bubbles because he ran out of them on the bottom of the pool. Maybe on his next version, he can show us how to add a transmitter. I’m sure you guys have some contacts over at Shearwater that would love to help him out.
I didn't mean to sound like I'm crapping on you but I feel that we are so blessed with the opportunities that people in other parts of the world will never see. I love watching videos of diving but I am definitely afraid of water above my head and only recently found out at age of 65 that I was drowning at three with my face down in the water which might explain my phobia. But I am amazed at people not knowing the risks that they are willing to go to achieve their objective. I enjoy your videos and don't change a thing.
I like to use spent helium tanks for balloons, from my local grocery stores florist department. I get them wicked discounted when they run out. Plus side, it has remnants of helium in the tank, so Gus, Woody, that rates me to about what....100ft? No problem...😂😂😂😂 Love all the content guys!!🤿🛁
well, who would have thought I had a scuba tank at home 😂 I have one of these sprayers that I use to mist my terrariums , didn't think it had this much versatility
When I did my scientific diving course, we had to learn a lot about technology. This video was shown as bad example. We were torn between laughter and shock!
I am so doing that!!!! I already worked out the problem. First you need two harbor freight bug sprayers. These are frosted white, and dont have that leaky bypass valve. I should get 6 bars out of tow tanks. I will use flex seal tape. Its better then duct tape. Then add some scrap metal wheel weights... these can be got for free in just about any parking lot. Just simply pick them up. Leaving the straps connected to the tanks at the top connection you connect the bottom strap to the other tank to form an X across the chest. Use the flex seal tape and tape both tanks together. There is no need to wash the tanks out if you get new ones.. they only cost like $20 and should pay for themselves in the money you savein just one dive.
I know it will work... had my doubts until the duct tape was used. THAT proves that the tank is indestructible!!! Its all I needed for total believability!!!
Great tutorial! I've got my new DIY scuba tank now and I'm ready to go cave diving! I just put a mag light in a zip lock baggie and I'm good to go! See you suckers in the history books! Or maybe the Darwin awards?
For when the feds come knocking, but you left your scuba suit in the shed and need to make a quick getaway through the secret underwater cave in your backyard
That is so funny, I have 2 bike tyres inflated to 60 psi so in theory if I bring them to my next dive I should get 4-6 minutes of air from them. I'm smart though I'll only use them as bail out bottles.
The saddest and scariest part of this is this could honestly kill someone. I really hope people don't try that at home, but the reality is some might...
Hi Gus and woody👍 I need a little advice, I am doing a wreck dive next week, it's in the u.k so cold water, the wreck lies at between 36 and 44 metres. I need a bottom time of 40 minutes. I am expecting some deco penalty. How many spray bottles would you suggest I take with me? Thanks in advance. P.s this is a core dive on my advanced course.
Just one, however, hold your breath on the way down to the wreck and start breathing your bottle once you get to the wreck at 36 should be okay... Oh yeah and take an entire legit Total Diving System with a full tank with you just in case the first one fails. ;)
I went to his channel and the video has, "This video is meant for entertainment purpose only, and we recommend that you don't build and use this. Scuba diving can be dangerous without proper equipment and training." Thank god! XD
This reminds me of a Jalopnik article _How To Breathe Out Of A Tire And Prove Mythbusters Wrong_ where the author claims he can open a tire's valve stem w/ a knife, then block it off & control airflow with his tongue, so he thinks it would work, although he "didn't try it underwater"
Open circuit is where this idea breaks down, I mean you only have 3 bar so you borrow grandma's oxygen concentration and make a rebreather with this, with enriched oxygen and not losing gas you'd have at least an hour, you can make a good counterlung with pvc pipe, you put a waterproof bag and superglue it to one end and then you put a cap with 2 fittings on the other end one, attach that wand to one fitting and the other fitting goes into another pvc canister filled with drain cleaner which is capped and attached to the return air line, make the hoses out of garden hose you use 2 reed valves so you breath in from the lung and out into the scrubber canister. Now you just add gas to the loop by squeezing the trigger on the wand and you're set for hours of underwater fun for 50$ and parts you scavenge from around the house. Happy Diving!
Yes this were just for fun, an absolutely pointless tank that does not have any practical function.
The electrical tape was just to hold it in place until I taped it with the duck tape.
It did actually last for a couple of minutes in the 2m deep pool, and I did blow bubbles on the way up ;)
And you are right, I'm a commercial diver so it's not my first rodeo.
Love the reaction video, it actually gave me an idea to a follow up video regarding this tank.
Coming out tomorrow.
Thanks for chiming in...we look forward to the follow up! :D
@@DIVETALK lets be honest, I didn't see any bubbles on the ascent either lol
You do realize that there is someone out there who is gonna try this for real and could end up hurt. Ah well, who cares about putting out disinformation and encouraging kids to do something that might get them hurt, right? As long as u get a few clicks, it's all good....
If anyone actually uses this and dies; consider it thinning of the herd.
@@bones2177 Are you actually serious? Nobody is going to use something like this realistically, even if they do, do you really think they would be able to get deep enough to not be able to swim back up when it ran out of air? Try a bit of positivity in your life, you seem grim.
Guys don’t be too hard on this dude, remember, we have a friend that went scuba diving with a fish bowl on his head in radioactive water.
Those guys were hysterical
I keep wondering what his subsequent doctor check-ups are going to reveal and when. It would be interested if someone kept a medcal timeline on that guy. On the other hand with everything going on in Ukraine he's probably hard to find. If he's still alive.
@@bones2177 Oh, actually they did a follow up episode where they all got tested. Testing for radiation poisoning is pretty standard in the surrounding area. They all tested fine. I kind of figured that the danger was overblown for hype. From the context of the episode, it seemed to me that testing was not only standard, but required if authorities find out you've been fooling around there.
@@HandleHandled thanks
Radioactivity still doesn’t harm you.
Would it be possible to see this in a sidemount configuration next? We can really cut cost out of cave diving.
Pop an LED on each tank and you only need to carry one flashlight!
Are there mabey a set of Blue Prints for manifolded doubles as a "traditional" setup makes wreck diving a bit costly esp for noobies to the sport. I was all so thinking I have a ton of old shoes and the thrift store has a ton of old shoe laces so if I can get the shoe laces in a bulk discount then wrap them around a toilet paper roll I now have a low cost line for my wreck diving...
Or mabey in a rebreather layout, use one for a dill and another for O2
Eh it’s not too hard. Just wing it. There’s a video of some guys diving in Chernobyl with a fish tank on their head. I think that could be a great option for a cave diver on a budget.
Just kidding obvi I don’t want to be responsible for anyone’s death lol
Ok went to home depot got 4 sprayer bottles and some straps and such looking for a dive buddy to dive casino point dive park this weekend anytakers
Does Woody know just how much we cherish his sense of humor? Found this channel a month ago. I’m scared of water, but I’m hooked on these videos.
I can relate to his humor so much. I drives my wife and daughter crazy w/ a similar delivery 😂. I laugh and they roll their eyes.
I couldn’t tel if he really didn’t know the difference between masking/electrical and duct tape though !
Same, i watch these guys like a watch horror movies, vicariously :D
I like watching them but you aren't gonna catch me deep in one of these claustrophobic inducing black as night caves. Love the beautiful video footage though.
Imagine being the instructor teaching a class in the pool that day.
"Ok class. Today we're in for a treat. Sit here and watch from a safe distance."
They should have beaten up the guy underwater to teach him a lesson, James Bond style
Oh god this reminds me when I was in middle school and tried to make a rig out of a foot pump and hose. Basically it was a long snorkel, partially inspired by a "Where's Waldo" drawing. Of course to test it, I closed the pool cover- so I guess it was my first cave diving experience? I get to the bottom of the pool, about 8 feet, and try to take a breath. If you know how breathing works, the diaphragm relaxes and the atmospheric pressure pushes air into your lungs.
Middle school me didn't know that, so all the air gets pushed out hard and my chest feels like it's being crushed. In a panic, I try to pull myself along the underside of the pool cover to find the opening and pull myself up the ladder. It was maybe 5 feet or so, but it felt like a mile. Now I have a healthy respect for atmospheric pressure.
Virtual fathers, forgive me, for I have sinned. Long, long ago, mini-me saw a Jacques Cousteau documentary and got the diving bug. My parents had a larger backpack sprayer, so I tried this. I'm pretty sure I cleaned most of the paraquat or whatever spray it'd previously held out first. I think it was a good introduction to diving because a) I survived! b) I learned about bouyancy c) I learned what inevitably happens when you swallow a lot of air rather than breathe. Even my dog avoided me the rest of that day.
On the plus side, I did have my parents watching closely, and it was in a 2-3' deep paddling pool, and then some years later, I did get certified.
That is awesome. I love your parents. I find it encouraging that there are other parents out there like that.
🤣good one!
I can't blame you, Jacques Cousteau was a badass. I kinda want to watch a doc on him now actually.
And in about 10 more years the mesothelioma from the pesticide will get you
@@drpainglove3389 I think that's true of all the diving pioneers. The first divers couldn't order a used rebreather off Craigslist and head for the nearest cave, so had to improvise and create the things we enjoy today. And I guess that was a pretty Darwinian form of product development. Or the subject of a potentially fascinating book on the history of diving. Wonder if that exists?
But it's still something that fascinates me, namely how technology has progressed from tethered to SCUBA to closed-circuit. I still amuse/scare myself when bored with thought experiments. So if dive time's limited by gas supply, compression gives you more volume. But why not use liquified gases? So then figuring out all the potential ways a rebreather modified to use LOX would kill me :)
“There he is again” 🤣 Gus that has to be one of the funniest things you’ve said yet!! Love the videos!! you guys are the best!!
The looks on your faces when he was cleaning out the tank were priceless 🤣
🤣 "The masking tape is the most credible part...." Woody you are too good. No bubbles..very important. I love Dive Talk. I'm going for my open water cert this weekend. I am hooked on diving. Thank you for your encouragement in the diving community. I'm a beginner who wants to learn smart. Right way the first time.
Good luck on your open water certification!
Thank you!
Remember... it is a federal requirement to watch Jaws, tentacles, and perahna 3D shortly before your first open water dive. Also man eating sharks are everywhere.. creeks.... rivers ... ponds..swimming pools... bath tubs.. by time you see them it is too late.
I think he meant no bubbles from "diver" on ascend to prevent lung expansion injury or something.
Clearly duct tape
New video idea: woody takes gus gold diving in the river again, but yall each have to construct your own scuba gear.
Also, woody needs to get his tapes sorted out! He loves duct tape, masking is the brown stuff that's useless underwater. Electrical tape is thinner, black & rubbery.
I was wondering where the making tape was
A DIY scuba tank automatically sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Or a Darwin Award. Or possibly even both.
But you also get all the free RUclips likes like Kreosan!
There's an alternate-universe version of this video where he just makes a really cool scuba-diver Halloween costume, and nobody encourages anyone to risk drowning for views.
The funniest part was watching your face Gus 😂 The disgust , horror and sheer amazement was glorious !!
We have open circuit, closed circuit rebreathers and now...... vape circuit, all equipment available from your local Dollar store. Guess you also get 3 ring binders and more tape for fins as well.
Woody- "This is giving me ideas on something I want to build. "
Gus - "Oh that is my worst nightmare. "
My SO is an engineer with ADHD, Gus’s reactions speak to me on a very personal level. 🤣
@@TrappedinSLC That is hilarious!!
@@chowderbrownchowderbrown5164 Keeps life interesting, for sure. Luckily he is smart enough not to ‘experiment’ with stuff like SCUBA equipment. 😳
Woody and his tape 🤣
That's how we are gonna adjust my trim Woody? Lol
Best thing about this channel is that i can always count on you guys to deliver the best content. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time, and i needed it lol. Thanks guys😂
As someone that will probably never dive as I have no interest, I love all these videos. Great job.
Wellllll... you may go diving oneday.... it's definitely not out of the realm of possibility..
Same here. I don't dive, and if I did (and I never will) the LAST place would be inside a cave, but these videos are awesome. I love 'em.
You could always do a try dive ? You don’t need to go cave diving or anything
Yall should atleast try it... you might like it.. lol
@@hearsejr 100% agree since finding dive talk I’ve been fascinated 🤿 , buttt as a kid I did have a slight drowning accident and haven’t been in the water since , Monday is my first Try dive and I’m excited 😆
As we all know from Woody, thick silver tape is an integral part of any save a dive kit 😅
It’s the handyman’s secret weapon.
An air bubble is initially not much more than the sprayer, and you can recover the additional expense by using the free air compressors from gas stations.
Gus: "This is the yankee-est..."
Haha! I love you bro!
"Don't hold your breath like a caveman" lol
The cherry on top is the shot of the legit scuba class going on in the background, hilarious
I’m literally binge watching your videos every night!! Great work guys 👏🏿
Gus is the greatest! When he asked "does the 3 - 5 minutes include the time spent drowning?"😂😂 I almost chocked laughing🤣🤣. I guess not Gus. No one was hurt during the testion and product development stage of this contraption.
Woody's deadpan trolling of Gus never gets old.
I need you guys to start a rock climbing channel so you can teach us how to make ropes out of old shoe laces.
I'm on it
Great video as always Dive Talk. I know your channel is primarily about cave diving, but seeing some of the videos where Woody tries to convince Gus to go dry caving I am wondering if either of you have heard of the channel Caveman Hikes. I think Gus would love to see some of these pinches they go through.
Love your guy's work! keep it up!
I made one of these as a kid so I could explore some reefs with a mate and his kayak, completely impractical but it was really fun and quite exciting to be able to breathe underwater even if it was only for about 4 minutes. I reckon these guys were a bit too critical of what is just a fun little project.
You guys have it a bit skewed. This is the prototype video of the original “Spare Air” idea. This guy is a true innovator. He has found a way to prolong the drowning process in a logical way. I can’t hold it anymore, I gotta pee!
I thought for spare air you can just use a disposable water bottle full of air. Just make sure you hold it upside down when your take the cap off underwater. I bet you can get at least 1 extra breath lol....
@@penguin12902 that’s what I thought too. Turns out they were having issues because divers were getting thirsty under water and some drowned trying to take a sip of the spare air.
@@FoundInTheRiverAndCaves Oh my god I'm dying. I'm not going to research what you just said because if that's true I'll feel bad for laughing at something tragic.
The knowledge that someone may have actually drowned because they tried to drink air while submerged in water is absolutely surreal.
@@drpainglove3389 please forgive my morbid sense of humor ;)
I've never heard Gus laugh so hard....pure entertainment!
I'm guessing the tape is Woody's secret for that perfect fit he has been talking about on the Sidewinder?
My favorite part is the actual divers chilling in the other end of the pool
Woody with the tape joke got me 😂
I love how you guys are so different yet bestfriends. Life is a funny thing and you guys are awesome
Oh Gus, you're a hoot... Woody is game for anything. You both make everyday so enjoyable. Thanks guys. Gus they sent to you because you two are 100% priceless with your reactions...
Great video guys! Love the commentary on the idiocy here😅
One note, masking tape is usually low adhesive, not waterproof and quite easy to pull off. Its for "masking" areas when paiting or similar.
What he was using was duct tape!
Soap and water...yea it's basically O2 compatible now 😂
I see a Dive Talk video, I like it.
Been watching since 3k subs!!! so insane to see you guys grow!
Coolest/Nicest dudes on RUclips.
I'm going to make a set of doubles like this and rig it Hogarthian style. Can't wait to see the look on my buddies face when I turn up at the resurgence with it!
Its somewhat easy to pump those things up to 3 bar. A friend of mine improvised a pressure chamber with one of those so he can check if he installed batteries on his dive computer correctly. Just pump it up, remove the dive computer and dunk it in water to see if bubbles are coming out
Awesome innovation!!
I did this as a child in our pool (1.5 m deep), just kept the bottle on the surface. It was a lot of fun as a child swimming around for 1 minute for 5 minutes of pumping.
I've made something "similar" - but it wasn't a tank lol, just a garden hose run to the surface, used a pool noodle to make foam rings so it stays up and out of the water (multiple rings so if you try to pull it under it resists more and more), 2 types of mesh screens and a solid top (for wave protection) attached to that. Hose stood about a foot above the waters surface, screens were for bugs etc. If all you're going to do is spend a few minutes under (which means you're not reaching any real depth, why build this when you can use a hose and spend all day down there with a hose that's ~40 feet long. Sure you can't purge it, but that's why version 2 had a ball valve and a QEV :P
As a 'professional fabricator' I can certainly say that building scuba gear has never been on my list of 'gotta try it'... Y'know for the sake of self preservation 😅
"Does that 3-5 minutes include the time you spend drowning?" 🤣😂
The funniest thing is that I looked up lung over expansion injury on RUclips to find out more about it and the guy that made the video you watched is one of the top results.
“It’s orange” “that’s the least of our concerns” hahah ikr I don’t care if it was BLUE just DONT kill me lol😂😂😂
I stared watching when you guys had about 19k subs, great to see the progression
Not to say you should do this but in shallow water like a pool this does work, done it before with a similar pump but for water balloons.
Love how woody asked if it was hydro-static tested lol
I have never been diving, but i have been in enough ‘get out now or you are going to die’ situations to be terrified by this
But for kids that want to dress-up with a scuba tank, (as long as they are not entering the water with it) I think this is amazing as this thing will produce some air unlike other fake scuba tanks. So if you were to do it for kids dress-up, I think this is a great idea. Maybe also needs a fake round regulator only. (Again to be used above water only)
My inner kid lawyer must point out that you can be underwater and still be above (other) water.
Love an early morning Dive Talk vid!!!!! Thanks guys!
Hilarious! It's so obvious this guy is Sus's cousin. Gus cackling makes my day better. Also 'The Yankee-est' is fucking gold!
"Don't hold your breath like cavemen!"
Looked like duct tape to me. 3M brand is usually the best. Gorilla Tape is pretty good but not sure how long it last under water. What would have made it better would have been if he had left the "tank" above and had a longer hose to the "mouth piece" then he could have had a friend give it a few pumps every 45 secs or so and see how long he could have stayed underwater. Then we could see natural selection at work...
Did someoney say duct tape? "If the divers don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy." - with apologies to Red Green.
“‘It works’ -Does it though???” 🤣🤣🤣
I'm building a double right now! And I'll be doing my deco with single-use oxygen canisters for my oxy-torch from now on!
He would fit in perfectly with the Chernobyl crew. I'd LOVE to see them in a video working together.😂
I think he wasn’t blowing bubbles because he ran out of them on the bottom of the pool. Maybe on his next version, he can show us how to add a transmitter. I’m sure you guys have some contacts over at Shearwater that would love to help him out.
“Does that time include the drowning?”
I die
I didn't mean to sound like I'm crapping on you but I feel that we are so blessed with the opportunities that people in other parts of the world will never see. I love watching videos of diving but I am definitely afraid of water above my head and only recently found out at age of 65 that I was drowning at three with my face down in the water which might explain my phobia. But I am amazed at people not knowing the risks that they are willing to go to achieve their objective. I enjoy your videos and don't change a thing.
I like to use spent helium tanks for balloons, from my local grocery stores florist department. I get them wicked discounted when they run out.
Plus side, it has remnants of helium in the tank, so Gus, Woody, that rates me to about what....100ft? No problem...😂😂😂😂
Love all the content guys!!🤿🛁
well, who would have thought I had a scuba tank at home 😂 I have one of these sprayers that I use to mist my terrariums , didn't think it had this much versatility
When I did my scientific diving course, we had to learn a lot about technology. This video was shown as bad example. We were torn between laughter and shock!
I am so doing that!!!! I already worked out the problem. First you need two harbor freight bug sprayers. These are frosted white, and dont have that leaky bypass valve. I should get 6 bars out of tow tanks. I will use flex seal tape. Its better then duct tape. Then add some scrap metal wheel weights... these can be got for free in just about any parking lot. Just simply pick them up. Leaving the straps connected to the tanks at the top connection you connect the bottom strap to the other tank to form an X across the chest. Use the flex seal tape and tape both tanks together. There is no need to wash the tanks out if you get new ones.. they only cost like $20 and should pay for themselves in the money you savein just one dive.
woody: " The masking tape, you know i'm a beliver in that" ^.^
Gus: " That's why i'm scared"
the gang from Chernobyl should give this guy tips
Or maybe get some tips from him. 🤦🏻♀️ think they should do a back to Chernobyl colab with him. 🤭
I know it will work... had my doubts until the duct tape was used. THAT proves that the tank is indestructible!!! Its all I needed for total believability!!!
Thanks! I am definitely using this for my Halloween costume. It was missing a subtle element of horror.
Great tutorial! I've got my new DIY scuba tank now and I'm ready to go cave diving! I just put a mag light in a zip lock baggie and I'm good to go! See you suckers in the history books!
Or maybe the Darwin awards?
“Does the three minutes include the drowning?” 🤣
Pro tip, i use old car disc brake rotors for my homebrew dive weights. Much more streamlined than the bag of rocks i used to have.
I hope you guys include a disclaimer with this episode.. Safe to say some 'brilliant' folks are alredy shopping at HomeDepot, getting supplies.. 😂😂😂
I almost suffered some lung expansion injury laughing along with you guys. All-in-all, this is something I’d make in a fallout universe.
This is the type of video I come back to, debunking tutorials.
It is nice to see you guys on a Friday.
Where was this? I think I dove at that resort! A little primative as far as the equipment but the diving was fantastic. I'll be going back next year.
For when the feds come knocking, but you left your scuba suit in the shed and need to make a quick getaway through the secret underwater cave in your backyard
Nah brah, you gotta get your diy-gear feds-dodging cave certification first.
Woody: Don't try this at home.
Also Woody: Tries This at Home xD
The title of the video should be "How to die in a complicated way" 😂
Didn’t we all try to use a garden hose to try and breathe in the pool as a kid
“It’s a plastic container..” Classic.
Yay! I really loved the other guy with the leg powered lungs... although i have since learned that there is actually a company developing that.
That is so funny, I have 2 bike tyres inflated to 60 psi so in theory if I bring them to my next dive I should get 4-6 minutes of air from them.
I'm smart though I'll only use them as bail out bottles.
The saddest and scariest part of this is this could honestly kill someone. I really hope people don't try that at home, but the reality is some might...
Yeah I mean at least Chornobyl is inaccessible to most...
Guys!! You need a fun vid competition between you two to make a home made one for a swimming pool session 😂
Hi Gus and woody👍
I need a little advice, I am doing a wreck dive next week, it's in the u.k so cold water, the wreck lies at between 36 and 44 metres. I need a bottom time of 40 minutes. I am expecting some deco penalty.
How many spray bottles would you suggest I take with me?
Thanks in advance.
P.s this is a core dive on my advanced course.
Just one, however, hold your breath on the way down to the wreck and start breathing your bottle once you get to the wreck at 36 should be okay...
Oh yeah and take an entire legit Total Diving System with a full tank with you just in case the first one fails. ;)
@@DIVETALK thanks for the heads up👍
I've had a great idea how to make fins out of dustbin lids and gaffer tape 🤿
I went to his channel and the video has, "This video is meant for entertainment purpose only, and we recommend that you don't build and use this. Scuba diving can be dangerous without proper equipment and training." Thank god! XD
Just when you’ve thought that you’ve seen every conceivable use for duct tape, someone finds another one! Too funny!
He forgot the Elmer's glue stick! That's why it didn't stay together very well. 😉
Thanks for sharing i am gunna test mine tomorrow at this cave near my house. Wish me luck!!
This reminds me of a Jalopnik article _How To Breathe Out Of A Tire And Prove Mythbusters Wrong_ where the author claims he can open a tire's valve stem w/ a knife, then block it off & control airflow with his tongue, so he thinks it would work, although he "didn't try it underwater"
Getting some real Red/Green Show vibes here. Remember, she may not find you handsome, but she will find you handy.
@@DIVETALK Canadian show. Duct tape was used to fix everything.
The dude is world champion in holding his breath underwater 😎 christian wedoy magician and breath holder
I've seen this guy do all kinds of underwater/diving/breath holding videos on YT, he's crazy about it! 🤪
Masking tape? Woody, that's duct tape XD
😂 oh man, i wanted him to go down to 30 feet in the ocean with that gear. that was so funny
"Start with a Actual Scuba tank."
Open circuit is where this idea breaks down, I mean you only have 3 bar so you borrow grandma's oxygen concentration and make a rebreather with this, with enriched oxygen and not losing gas you'd have at least an hour, you can make a good counterlung with pvc pipe, you put a waterproof bag and superglue it to one end and then you put a cap with 2 fittings on the other end one, attach that wand to one fitting and the other fitting goes into another pvc canister filled with drain cleaner which is capped and attached to the return air line, make the hoses out of garden hose you use 2 reed valves so you breath in from the lung and out into the scrubber canister. Now you just add gas to the loop by squeezing the trigger on the wand and you're set for hours of underwater fun for 50$ and parts you scavenge from around the house. Happy Diving!