He Didn't Care About God...but was in Tears After Hearing This

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • Ray Comfort, a Christian evangelist, talks about Jesus with a young man who doesn't care much about Christianity at first. However, once Ray brings up his sin against God, it strikes his heart and he begins crying. Get the Basic Training Course to learn how to share the gospel here: store.livingwat...
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Комментарии • 23 тыс.

  • @LivingWaters
    @LivingWaters  3 года назад +2633

    Did you know we release a new podcast twice a week? Experience the lively discussions and theological insights of The Living Waters team. livingwaters.com/podcast/

    • @markkeenan1
      @markkeenan1 3 года назад +66

      Emotional for sure. The time I was saved I was sobbing and giving thanks over and over. Fell asleep and woke up different and what a change. I'd like to share my testimony I'm told it's good. My name is Mark Keenan. I’ve lived my entire life in the Kingdom of Fife. I’m 30 years old.
      I grew up in a home where religion was never really discussed. I was very fortunate to never have want for material things. My parents raised me the best they could but I was so rebellious.
      Growing up I was fascinated by scientific theories and fed on the teachings of evolution and Big Bang. I wasn’t religious; I was more atheistic in my world view. I rebelled and hated religion. My morality was based on what was suitable and beneficial to me. If I could do lesser evils and get away with it, it wouldn’t be an issue.
      I was a man of science and of logic. The idea of Jesus loving me or that he was a great man or teacher was laughable.
      My lifestyle was pleasure driven and one of helping family first and others around me. I did want to help others and see people do well and not suffer. Suffering was something I know a great deal about. I have suffered from mental health and physical problems most of my life. I had a suicidal depression and anxiety that started around the age of 14.
      Later on in life I eventually tried out Church on-and-off; maybe spent about 10 hours of my life in church before I was a Christian. I saw people had joy and hope, but didn’t understand or read the Bible. I couldn’t read a book that says the world was created around 6000 years ago when science says the earth is billions of years old.
      I stopped going to church and started drinking and taking party drugs with friends. I did work for a family business but it didn’t last. I tried to work for a friend but injured my back. I struggled to do any kind of physical work and my mental state didn’t help. I got to the point where my life was just full of misery and pain.
      I tried many suicide attempts over the years. I really couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t die. I had taken lethal doses of medications and drugs. My mind was broken; my body was broken. For some reason I continued on. I was in and out of college and on antidepressants and other medications to try to get better. I even went to lots of therapy - I saw psychiatrists and psychologists. Nothing helped. I was completely dead inside
      I decided to say goodbye to my close friends, saying i couldn’t live anymore. I told them, “I’m sorry but I’m in too much pain and I just want to prepare you that I’ll be leaving soon. It’s for the best.” I went through with it. I wrote yet another suicide letter and having hundreds of pain-killers ready laid out I started to quickly swallow them, desperate to end things. I went into a seizure while forcing these pills down my throat, desperate to die. This was my only way out. If my dad hadn’t found me having that seizure, I would have woken up and continued to take the pills. This was a desperation to end my life. I needed peace. I needed to be free from this wicked world.
      I woke up with paramedics around me. I was saying sorry to them, but really I was angry at them for stopping me. I don’t know how many times I’ve tried this. I’ve lost count.
      I got so desperate I decided to read the Bible in August 2013. I tried to read it but it was difficult to understand. So I decided to try and find some Christian films online. Accidently I came across a documentary, thinking it was a Hollywood film - Noah the Movie by Ray Comfort.
      I witnessed the good news of Jesus Christ preached in a way I could understand. For the first time it was explained to me in such simple ways. Starting from the beginning. That if you look at this building, you know it had a builder. If you look at a painting, you know it had to have a painter. If you look at creation, you know it had a creator. You can’t have the universe without a universe maker. There has to be an eternal cause. An intelligent Being that has always existed, that created time, space, and matter. I read from book of Romans:
      The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
      I continued to watch and he explained to me that God is holy, that is perfect, and loving; without sin. He hates evil and must punish those who do evil. But I thought, “Hey I’m not such a bad guy. I haven’t killed anyone.” But he went through the Ten Commandments - God’s law - and it shocked me. I saw just how wicked my heart was.
      I have told hundreds if not thousands of lies, making me a liar in God’s eyes. I tried to justify my lies, but lying to someone isn’t loving them. I’ve stolen things, making me a thief. And this one caught me off guard. Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust, you commit adultery in your heart. I was very guilty of this. I’ve used God’s name in vain - using it at times as a swear word, not giving it due respect, when God has given me life and all the good things in my life - thus making me a blasphemer. I’ve hated a lot of people, and God sees hatred as murder. I saw my sin. And that’s only five of the commandments I’ve broken. I’ve looked deeper into it and I’ve broken them all. I thought, I’m in deep trouble on Judgment Day.
      And doing charity or good works to try make up for the evil I have done is no good. Try that while standing before a judge in a court of law. Say, “Judge, I’ve stolen and hurt people, but I’ve done a lot of good things in my life.” The judge will throw the book at you. How much more will a holy God give justice! If God is loving and good he must punish evil. God will judge me by his perfect law, and I’m deserving of eternal separation from him a place the Bible calls hell.
      He also told me how I could be reconciled with God through his Son Jesus Christ; that if I repent - that is, turn from all sin - and put my trust in Jesus Christ and him alone, he would take the wrath upon himself that I deserve for the evil I have done.
      I was shocked. I didn’t want to go to hell. I wanted everlasting life. But I didn’t want to go to church. I didn’t want to stop drinking or partying. I didn’t want to give up my freedom and surrender my will to God. I loved my sin. I said, “No! I don’t accept this. The Bible is wrong.”
      2nd part in the comment below

    • @markkeenan1
      @markkeenan1 3 года назад +79

      I spent time trying to disprove the Bible, trying every method or theory out there to discredit it. I got to the point that I had proof the Bible is fact and not a book of stories.
      My illness put me to my knees. I was contemplating another suicide attempt. But things changed. I was so broken and twisted. Not really knowing how to pray, I cried out to God, “Save me!.” I repented on May the 4th, 2014, that night - surrendering all to God, saying “I don’t care about my depression or suffering. Let me serve you. Let me do your will.” I came to him as a servant begging for mercy knowing I deserved none. I didn’t even know he saw me as a son. He was there with open arms. I remember saying, “Everything I am, was, and always will be, is yours” - repeating this over and over. God set me free that night. An overwhelming peace came over me. Crying my eyes, out thanking him over and over, I did not have any other words but “Thank you.” I fell asleep and woke up totally different. I had peace and my depression gone and my anxiety manageable - all surrendered to Christ. My eyes were opened and I was healed of a lot of my illnesses, and I have been seeking after truth ever since - walking in total obedience to God’s loving Word.
      Since I’ve been a Christian my life has completely changed. I no longer follow the things of this world. My addictions to alcohol/drugs and junk food have gone. My depression just disappeared and my anxiety to a manageable state. I’m truly happy and have joy I thought I could never have. I have peace and a relationship with God, knowing he is always watching and when I fall he’s right there to pick me back up.
      But I’m still a sinner. I often speak in anger when I see wrong or people do wrong against me - and I always regret taking my opinions and actions too far. I’ve been guilty of this all through my walk as a Christian. It’s something that’s very difficult for me and I pray and ask God to work in me, to change me. It’s a slow process but it’s happening. I see God teaching me to have patience and to be kind to others. It’s not easy. I’m trying to help people; I really am! It’s hard to help so many people when I’m struggling to sort myself out. My mind’s still not in the best shape, or my body. The Bible says you reap what you sow. I’m suffering because of my sin. I’m forgiven by God’s grace but there’s a lesson in life. And it’s a hard one. God can heal me of everything. But if everything in my life was perfect, how will that shape my character? Would I depend on God? No. I rejoice in my suffering, because its brought me to my knees before him. If I hadn’t suffered from so much sickness I would still be out there drinking and doing foolish things, wasting the money and gift of life God has given me. I’m glad my suffering put me where I am today. It’s nothing in comparison to an eternity separated from him.
      People ask how a loving God can send someone to hell. The Bible shows us. How can a loving God not punish a murderer or one who’s done evil. Know this. God won’t force you into his presence. If you don’t want Jesus now, you won’t want him in eternity. God will give you what your heart desires. My heart desires to do what’s right, to love God and those around me.
      I really wish I could explain better how loving and great God is. I look to the cross. Jesus said that there is no greater love than this, that one should lay his life down for another. And that’s exactly what Jesus did. And he did it for all - even the worst of the worst. You can’t out sin God’s grace. Everyone can come to him and he’ll make them new, changing every desire and giving them peace and a joy that cannot be stripped away.
      Two years ago on this very month if I hadn’t opened my Bible, the people who know me would’ve been at a funeral. But instead you’re here to witness God’s grace and a new birth.
      For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
      I’m being baptised today, not because it gives me eternal life, but because it’s a sign of my obedience to God and a symbol of what it is to be made new. I confess faith in Christ; Jesus has cleansed my soul from sin, through his loving sacrifice on that cross and I now have a new life in him. When I think of God one thing springs to mind: freedom! I’m free from spiritual death; free from darkness; free from the judgment to come. I’m free to love him and those around me. I’m free from that crippling depression and anxiety. Who the Son sets free, is free indeed. Amen!!!
      I was saved about 40 days after I watched rays Noah and the last days. Might of been 40 but my memory is terrible. The day I was saved I also had a dream that day or day after of Noah's ark it was huge! Months after I was saved i Also seen a sign in the heavens of an upside down rainbow when I was at the entrance of a park I was praying to the LORD if he was pleased with me and what I needed to change. I can't remember all the details but I may of been continuing the thought and prayer what do I need to change and asking if the Lord was pleased with me and About 10 minutes later on top of the hill I look up and I see this upside down rainbow in the sky like a smile from God. Put a smile on my face believe me oh how amazing is the LORD to change us to live Holy by his Grace. I have a picture of the upside down rainbow if u want to see it. Email me on marksof3@hotmail.com

    • @momoflogan
      @momoflogan 3 года назад +38

      Thank you!! I love sharing the gospel and sometimes my words fail me.

    • @LivingWaters
      @LivingWaters  3 года назад +87

      @@ishalljr Ivan. I have a staff to pay so that they can pay their rent, put food on their table, pay for gas in their cars, have insurance, pay electricity bills, etc. Perhaps that didn’t enter your thoughts. Stay safe sir. Best wishes, Ray Comfort

    • @donnabuckalew-wagner6431
      @donnabuckalew-wagner6431 3 года назад +10

      Another great teaching on the scope of people that need to recieve the truth of the gospel...thanks again, brother

  • @javierparrado7505
    @javierparrado7505 Год назад +4937

    this young man is more mature and more honest and true towards himself than 90% of adults out there.

    • @mylightgraycottage4913
      @mylightgraycottage4913 Год назад +37

      That is what I thought too ✝️✝️✝️

    • @otpays8552
      @otpays8552 Год назад +6

      He's on ecstasy so

    • @AEO21Productions
      @AEO21Productions Год назад +13

      @@otpays8552oh you know Mario? He’s a good kid, that’s what matters

    • @alexiswiftrock
      @alexiswiftrock 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@otpays8552How can you tell ?

    • @Reactx7
      @Reactx7 11 месяцев назад

      @@otpays8552 his pupils are way to small to be on ecstasy how do you now?

  • @badnewsbruner
    @badnewsbruner 11 месяцев назад +2134

    That boy was going through so much inner turmoil.
    He felt God's presence, and it was so beautiful to see.

    • @bottimind8726
      @bottimind8726 5 месяцев назад


    • @-3Jordan3-
      @-3Jordan3- 4 месяца назад


    • @W6rstAsmr
      @W6rstAsmr 2 месяца назад


    • @W6rstAsmr
      @W6rstAsmr 2 месяца назад


  • @danielletuck5773
    @danielletuck5773 3 года назад +23257

    A lot of teens would’ve just walked away. I fully appreciate that he stayed and listened

  • @pbyt3869
    @pbyt3869 8 месяцев назад +591

    I grew up a Christian but I lived very much like a lukewarm Christian. When I saw this video back in April, it affected very deeply because the kid reminded me of myself. I was brought to tears a few days later and realized the grace and mercy of God. I was convicted with my sins and sought to change some bad habits in my life. Thank you for this video Living Waters. It’s changed the way I view being a Christian!

    • @darlae88
      @darlae88 8 месяцев назад +11

      Praised God! ♥️🙏🏽 So happy for you!

    • @tracesofheaven-giftbandit3094
      @tracesofheaven-giftbandit3094 8 месяцев назад +11

      I Praise God for opening up your eyes and heart and for moving you toward obedience.
      All glory to God!

    • @HappyHappyHappy400
      @HappyHappyHappy400 3 месяца назад +2

    • @dmytrosun1
      @dmytrosun1 2 месяца назад

      I assume that you were guilty of masturbation? This is the most common hidden sin. The devil built modern society to drive Christians into this sin.

    • @pael.baduday416
      @pael.baduday416 Месяц назад

      Welcome to the true Christianity brother ❤

  • @MimiMimi-yj4kl
    @MimiMimi-yj4kl 3 года назад +4553

    A real man admits that he's a sinner

    • @amirfreeman1557
      @amirfreeman1557 3 года назад +58

      @@hempleafcar1 are you okay francis

    • @meghanc5793
      @meghanc5793 3 года назад +36

      So true! The world is upside down where they view faith as weak.

    • @demo_cuteynotfound3904
      @demo_cuteynotfound3904 3 года назад +3

      My mom said if you don't stupid I don't care you better know that word Jesus and God ,...................

    • @melissabeth29
      @melissabeth29 3 года назад +9

      @Kevin Belgrove pleaseee stop with that.. Many Many ppl dont know the name Yeshua and know it by Jesus and God knows this..in His mercy He knows they are referring the Man of the cross who died for our sins and was risen in the 3rd day...when i heard of the Gospel many years ago i never knew YESHUA because im NOT hebrew... i was SAVED in Jesus name!! And yes Yeshua is great and is His name but He does NOT condemn ppl to hell or wont save ppl that dont call him His hebrew name many ppl dont know

    • @vivianpham9675
      @vivianpham9675 3 года назад

      @Kevin Belgrove There is no real name that is confirmed by everyone. It is based on religion. Everyone has a different religions and therefore different name for gods.

  • @SunRayzzz
    @SunRayzzz 3 года назад +3733

    This guy's heart was already seeking God. He just had to let go and let God. Amen

    • @sagehuck8941
      @sagehuck8941 3 года назад +8

      To let you guys know my comment was deleted for saying what yeshua said. He said the kingdom of heaven is within you. Do not look say the kingdom of heaven is here or there for the kingdom of heaven is within you. This channel is hiding the words of yeshua(Hebrew for Jesus) the anointed or simply lacks knowledge of the scripture one of the 2. Where did he ascend? To heaven where is heaven? Inside us. Where is the father? In heaven inside us. What we have here is refusal to believe the way truth and life which is what yeshua the image of god said god is. Really should believe that we are connected and came from god. “If you have seen me you have seen the father for I am in the father and the father in me and I in you. What about the verse it’s no longer I who live but Christ (anointed)who lives in me? Do you believe that? Or do you reject the creation god made to say that something that is truth is a lie? What about the verse where concerning judgement day where the father says anything you have done to the least of these you have done to me? Is the father a liar? What about when yeshua the anointed said that we are gods to whom the word came? What about when yeshua called peter satan which means adversary. What about the verse where it says let god be the truth and every man be the liar? Who is the beast? Every man. So when I tell the truth I am god when I lye I am satan how do I know? A good tree CANNOT produce bad fruit and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. Another parable spoken from the mouth of god. I wish ray believed the Bible when it says the wages of sin is death and not eternal damnation in fire. It does say we are tossed into fire but the fire is Holy Spirit when people were baptized in fire they weren’t running around because they were burning but running around because they were joyful and happy. What about when it says that whoever hears and does my words have passed from death to life? Do you believe that? Do you believe yeshua when he said the father has not sent him into the world to condemn it but that through him( the way truth and life) the world may be saved. John 3:18 yeshua said HERE IS THE CONDEMNATION THAT LIGHT(understanding) HAS COME INTO THE WORLD AND MEN LOVED DARKNESS(ignorance) RATHER THAN LIGHT BECAUSE THEIR DEEDS WERE EVIL. There is what the lord says condemnation is. Also he says whoever does the will of the father is his mother and brother. Wow it’s amazing how many demons come out of our body the temple (where the son of partition sits)when we believe what was said by the one we base our religious beliefs off of instead of believing what preachers say. Because they teach the opposite and act like we have to pray to a far off god in an unbiblical heaven. Believe when it says all of his substance is given to you and believe when it says we are coheirs to the throne of god.

    • @sagehuck8941
      @sagehuck8941 3 года назад

      @@theriseoftheummah-8027 what do you think I’ll find there? I’m asking out of curiosity not mockery.

    • @toplobster1040
      @toplobster1040 3 года назад

      @@sagehuck8941 I don't understand what you mean. Like we're all divine?

    • @anawilson2671
      @anawilson2671 3 года назад +9

      No one seeks God. He seeks us.

    • @wendytheballer2662
      @wendytheballer2662 3 года назад +23

      @@anawilson2671 Matthew 6:33 ESV / 2,131 helpful votes
      But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

  • @nmambuehnawe3324
    @nmambuehnawe3324 2 года назад +4236

    I truly admire this kid...
    So much humility and patience.. good listener too.

    • @monmonthecat1652
      @monmonthecat1652 2 года назад +57

      Jesus is our savior

    • @not_nickyay
      @not_nickyay 2 года назад +24

      Yeah ❤️❤️❤️ god bless him

    • @not_nickyay
      @not_nickyay 2 года назад +8

      @@monmonthecat1652 ikr ❤️❤️❤️

    • @ayokanmibolu-ariyo6109
      @ayokanmibolu-ariyo6109 Год назад +27

      Romans 10:9-10, 13 (KJV) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
      For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
      For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
      John 3:16 (KJV) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    • @michaelparissi3233
      @michaelparissi3233 Год назад +1


  • @ItsmeEmilio
    @ItsmeEmilio 5 месяцев назад +382

    Im a grown man sitting inside a laundry mat , I nearly burst into tears watching this , he felt The holy Spirit and Gods call to repentance , when he started crying it was strikingly familar !
    Anyone Reading this , its not a joke Jesus is the truth , you can have his forgivness peace and salvation all u do is ask him

    • @DougBoo-ib6xk
      @DougBoo-ib6xk 5 месяцев назад +13

      God is Love I promise you he loves you so much that he wants you to come home.

    • @mariazimdars4058
      @mariazimdars4058 5 месяцев назад +7

      All you do is to believe. Believe Jesus Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.

    • @tinaknutsen
      @tinaknutsen 5 месяцев назад +8

      And he wishes to have a relationship by being in his word and talking to him as you would anyone. He says to fellowship with other believers.

    • @TheRapnep
      @TheRapnep 5 месяцев назад +4


    • @matthewbrice6202
      @matthewbrice6202 4 месяца назад +6

      mariazimdars4058, Please remember that demons believed in Jesus. So we must also ask forgiveness of our sins, turn from our sins and obey the Word of God. God Bless You.🙏🏽🙏🏻

  • @MommaBear413
    @MommaBear413 Год назад +2031

    Bless this kids heart. You can see he’s been searching for the truth for a long time. Praise God!

    • @hollyperrin7353
      @hollyperrin7353 Год назад +38

      A lot of seekers get derailed, as I did, into “New Age” philosophies. They are so “feel good” that the truth of Jesus is obscured. I’m humbled and thankful that God brought me out of my delusion. I’m very touched by this young man’s awakening, as well. Praying for him.

    • @reginesarai
      @reginesarai Год назад +9

      @@hollyperrin7353 that was me!

    • @oscaradeaza1203
      @oscaradeaza1203 Год назад +1

      Yesterday, I got very shocked that i don’t like praying.
      I relied on attention and feeling, it’s nervous genetic.
      Good thing I never attended public schools.

    • @Itsmy2cent
      @Itsmy2cent Год назад +3

      He seems high, like maybe smoked green recently. Just from working with recovering addicts is why I say so

    • @rickfrancis5480
      @rickfrancis5480 Год назад +2

      Is that boy in here, what a wonderful heart he has. Christ moved you sir and so thankful God was there at that moment

  • @harryetil9242
    @harryetil9242 3 года назад +3634

    He really listened and answered the questions. He is so honest.

    • @sevenstarnongrum4401
      @sevenstarnongrum4401 3 года назад +17

      Yes it's true 👍

    • @treeko10k30
      @treeko10k30 3 года назад +30

      Always put God first and accept Jesus as your lord and savior always. Jesus died for us and he wants us to do better. So always help people in need that way you can show him you love him, amen.

    • @user-el3rk6os3p
      @user-el3rk6os3p 3 года назад +4

      Honesty bought me to atheism. Christianity cannot be true. Jesus’ promises fail how can he be trusted?
      For example, Jesus said you will receive whatever you ask in prayer
      Matthew 21:22 And whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive it all.” NASB version
      This is obviously false.

    • @user-el3rk6os3p
      @user-el3rk6os3p 3 года назад

      @@ALLINCAPZBANGINONWACKZ805 I’m a simple man. I’ve asked for miracles I’ve also asked for mundane things. Nothing miraculous happened.
      This contradicts the promise of Jesus whereby ANYTHING you ask for should happen.
      I even heard about an evangelist Nick Vujic buying shoes even though he has no legs and feet in faith that God will grant his wish.
      So clearly this is a false promise

    • @user-el3rk6os3p
      @user-el3rk6os3p 3 года назад +4

      @@ALLINCAPZBANGINONWACKZ805 thanks for your reply. I’m a simple man. If someone is promising me ANYTHING that I ask for, and I believe them but they don’t deliver, then I stop believing them. They can’t be truthful.
      Jesus didn’t have to promise to give whatever you ask for and yet the promise has been made and is false.
      So I don’t believe in Jesus. Maybe there are other Gods out there who are honest but I have not found them.

  • @loverofyhwhtillinfinity
    @loverofyhwhtillinfinity 3 года назад +1950

    He looks so exhausted and hurt and is trying to convince himself he’s fine he’s going to be ok he’s got it AND is trying so hard to be better

    • @hikeCANOEcamp
      @hikeCANOEcamp 3 года назад +33

      I'm sure this man is better now after accepting Jesus into his ❤️... Praise God and God bless you and your team Ray!! If it wasn't for you and many past interviews...who knows where they would be?

    • @treeko10k30
      @treeko10k30 3 года назад +17

      He's gonna be okay because he's got Jesus in his heart now. And as long as he puts God first than he will be forever happy and safe.

    • @angelpaige1500
      @angelpaige1500 3 года назад +2

      stay away from these legalists we are saved by grace not the law

    • @dannydonnelly8345
      @dannydonnelly8345 3 года назад +12

      It's absolutely amazing how we all see things differently. And how insistent some people are in how they see things, is how everyone else should see them.I wanted to say he looks so exhausted because it's probably about 105° in Bellflower California, lol. What I see is a very gullible kid that is out talked by someone that is a scammer, and this whole thing ends with the scam about selling books. he tells the kid that the kid himself admitted to being a liar a thief a fornicator at heart etc. go back and listen to the little conversation. the kid never said he felt that way about himself at heart, in fact he said he felt quite the opposite about himself at heart. This guy literally pulled the rug out from underneath this kid at a very gullible age, and now this guy is trying to sell books on how you can do this to other people too! think about it folks.This older man was playing on this young kid and playing on the kids guilt. guilt is instilled in us by society and by a**holes like this old man. This is also known as being a con man, or a confidence man using the same technique creepy old men use to talk young boys and little children into who knows what.

    • @viviannaperez6507
      @viviannaperez6507 3 года назад +1

      @@hikeCANOEcamp yeah

  • @joannablhani
    @joannablhani 11 месяцев назад +237

    This young man was already seeking Jesus but couldn't find. And through this interview, he found Him! His heart was already so thirsty for Jesus. It warmed my heart to see him accept Our Blessed Lord. May God Bless Ray and Mario for this beautiful meeting.

  • @AmberLou2009
    @AmberLou2009 Год назад +1761

    You can see the pain on this kids face that he has had some issues being loved in his life. Bless his heart, he seems so sweet and kind. I pray he sticks with Jesus and grows in that.

    • @cherieadams77
      @cherieadams77 Год назад +19

      Amen, Amber, I pray so too!

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 Год назад


    • @user-gv4cb2zl3f
      @user-gv4cb2zl3f Год назад

      This guy deserves to rot in hell and never be allowed to speak again

    • @user-gv4cb2zl3f
      @user-gv4cb2zl3f Год назад +2

      @@cherieadams77 he’s not a man. He cries in a pink shirt and is gay

    • @christopher31ck
      @christopher31ck Год назад +90

      @@user-gv4cb2zl3f real men cry. Boys may not have gone through enough to cry yet but a man who has lived on this Earth and has grasped some true sense of his life before a mighty God and in Gods magnificent universe knows that there is a proper time to cry !

  • @amcp6187
    @amcp6187 3 года назад +5628

    Who else wants to give Mario a big warm hug!!! Thank you Lord for touching his heart and mind!

    • @greattunesking1
      @greattunesking1 3 года назад +55

      AMCP Mario. So glad you have entered Gods spiritual family. I cried like a baby for at least 15 minutes when I came to Christ at 26 years old. I don't know what makes a unsaved person cry before they accept Christ. At least I know I am not the only one that cried when I came to Christ 45 years ago. God Bless you Mario. Amen.

    • @tinacurlyq
      @tinacurlyq 3 года назад +86

      I too felt like giving Mario a big hug. You can tell he has a wonderful personality and empathetic towards others. He is going to change people’s lives. He is wise beyond his years.

    • @authorlydiagreen1862
      @authorlydiagreen1862 3 года назад +40

      Yes, I definitely wanted to hug that child

    • @Cope422
      @Cope422 3 года назад +20

      Yes! You took the words right out of my mouth!

    • @alberthabarnes3997
      @alberthabarnes3997 3 года назад +20

      Thank you Lord for touching Mario's heart and opening his understanding to the gospel. Please Lord make your light be a lamp to his feet guiding him on the narrow path. AMEN ALILUAH PRAISE THE LORD,, 🙏

  • @user-hx7mi7ml8u
    @user-hx7mi7ml8u 3 года назад +2113

    What a sweet, mature, young man. He wasn’t mouthy, rude, or defensive.

    • @Clintsessentials
      @Clintsessentials 3 года назад +20


    • @harryk8696
      @harryk8696 3 года назад +40

      agreed. so let's manipulate him, make him feel like crap and preach to him to follow our way of thinking. absolutely sick you people.

    • @Clintsessentials
      @Clintsessentials 3 года назад +6

      @@harryk8696 absolutely

    • @Dylan_Lino
      @Dylan_Lino 3 года назад +1

      Harry K how

    • @AndressaEduarda
      @AndressaEduarda 3 года назад +98

      @@harryk8696 hey Jesus loves you, and I know that you identified with this video. It is not manipulation, it is just the truth you need (Jesus Christ), and you are struggling with yourself without wanting to accept it. God bless you🙂

  • @TailsSP
    @TailsSP Год назад +297

    This was so precious. From the first moment you spoke to him, you could see in his face and hear in his voice that even though he was still searching, he had settled on an answer for himself just for peace. The Holy Spirit was totaling working on this kid's heart. Thank you for reaching out to him.

  • @mikejohn0088
    @mikejohn0088 3 года назад +3758

    This young guy is deeply emotional, sensitive and honest. He is unfortunately in the minority in todays' world.

    • @officialnarcissco4533
      @officialnarcissco4533 3 года назад +84

      He's wonderful

    • @pearlsswine
      @pearlsswine 3 года назад +41

      Oh yes, so unfortunate! Why can't every kid in America stop what they're doing when a strange, unknown man stops them in the street, and literally believe every single thing they tell him about some religion. Yeah, the world would be so much better if everyone was gullible and trusting of randos.

    • @pablotherobloxadventurer4621
      @pablotherobloxadventurer4621 3 года назад +23

      @@pearlsswine huh, unbelievable.

    • @FourNNNN
      @FourNNNN 3 года назад +7

      @@pearlsswine yep

    • @ermay3031
      @ermay3031 3 года назад +18

      He will find god

  • @Jesus.loves.you.123
    @Jesus.loves.you.123 3 года назад +5578

    🍓 I can feel that Mario was having some personal issues the time when he was interviewed. Jesus knew it was the right moment to help Mario come to Him.

    • @jemimajanvier4706
      @jemimajanvier4706 3 года назад +54


    • @tiarasiahaan
      @tiarasiahaan 3 года назад +79

      I can feel it too

    • @bkjustice9390
      @bkjustice9390 3 года назад +57

      Yep, I sensed that as well.

    • @jsant8998
      @jsant8998 3 года назад +52

      The way you worded that made me realize that I forgot God uses people or events when you most need it or when as a reminder. Still on my journey to God ... my spiritual reawakening if im not there yet

    • @malindaallen718
      @malindaallen718 3 года назад +6

      @@andrew1476 yeah, he seems like a heavy toker, at least. But like a happy drunk.

  • @katrinaquintan736
    @katrinaquintan736 Год назад +1385

    You can tell he has a deep heart. Being this young and contemplating these things seriously on his own. His soul was searching & found rest in Jesus. Thank you Lord.

  • @eozed
    @eozed 10 месяцев назад +184

    This young man looks just like my son,I literally saw my son seeing him.GOD loves you.This brought tears to my eyes.I hope my son accept GOD in his heart one day.

    • @jebediah4780
      @jebediah4780 5 месяцев назад +4

      I hope you help your son to do that, instead of just leaving him out in the middle of the ocean without a paddle and hoping he figures it out.

    • @jasminehernandez4914
      @jasminehernandez4914 3 месяца назад

      Ur son is probably really cute then .. lol

  • @jeremiahboomin8625
    @jeremiahboomin8625 Год назад +1254

    He was crying cause he felt conviction. God is about to move in his life. Praying for him🙏🏽

    • @Roxyfoxy157
      @Roxyfoxy157 Год назад +40

      Praying for him too. It's weird, that I am wathicng this and asking God for someone I don't know but also love in His name

    • @firefly88887
      @firefly88887 Год назад +17

      It’s far from weird, it’s a blessing in itself, God bless you and keep your heart so beautiful 🙏🏻❤️

    • @cool_cat007smoove3
      @cool_cat007smoove3 Год назад +4


    • @carolhenry2996
      @carolhenry2996 Год назад +6

      Good job we need more people like you to help the youths to understand more about god

    • @randynutt5660
      @randynutt5660 Год назад +6

      I am praying for him as well. He is so close to repentance...

  • @EchoInTheStorm
    @EchoInTheStorm Год назад +1596

    The fact that he was brought to tears shows that our hearts know, deep down, that this is all true. I hope we will meet him in heaven. Bless the Lord

    • @wenterinfaer7868
      @wenterinfaer7868 9 месяцев назад +3

      Opium of the people

    • @NorseWhittler86
      @NorseWhittler86 9 месяцев назад

      Kid seemed close to tears before they started talking. @@wenterinfaer7868

    • @kilors206
      @kilors206 8 месяцев назад

      lmao and what do Marxists do? The exact same thing, they are blind and faithful that what they are doing is the right thing, Communism is the opium of the failures@@wenterinfaer7868

    • @Akl268
      @Akl268 8 месяцев назад

      @@wenterinfaer7868religion is opium, but not a living faith

    • @jatindersingh-kz9th
      @jatindersingh-kz9th 7 месяцев назад

      😂😂meet him in heaven 😂😂😂

  • @luvjc77
    @luvjc77 3 года назад +3601

    Only God can touch a person's spirit like this. And Ray knows how to gently lead a lost person to Him. I'll be praying for this young man.

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 3 года назад +8

      So, why did this all not work with many angels, in the actual presence of God?

    • @johnnyjonjohn8443
      @johnnyjonjohn8443 3 года назад +53

      @@chrissonofpear1384 God gives everyone and everything free will. He wants to see your true heart. Therefore not even the Angels know when Jesus will return because even the Angels have free will and can choose to betray God or stand with him. This earth is terrible because we get to see everyone's true heart, free will shows all.

    • @MrThroneTalk
      @MrThroneTalk 3 года назад

      I am a man with The Lord as a Friend named Jesus ruclips.net/video/e7R7wHz7cKU/видео.html

    • @mabelidove6813
      @mabelidove6813 3 года назад

      Ray is the one behind the camera, right? Does he have a RUclips channel?

    • @kellibodony1077
      @kellibodony1077 3 года назад +3

      @@mabelidove6813 Living Waters/Way of the Master.

  • @dawn7796
    @dawn7796 4 месяца назад +30

    God bless that dear young man. I hope he's still walking with Jesus...

  • @isabeltabares7474
    @isabeltabares7474 3 года назад +4331

    I pray that Mario has found the truth and God is growing him everyday.

    • @Aem222
      @Aem222 3 года назад +90

      In Jesus name, Amen!!

    • @alicestierl4384
      @alicestierl4384 3 года назад +34

      @@Aem222 amen!

    • @redrobin7136
      @redrobin7136 3 года назад +20

      Amen and God Bless Isabel....that is my prayer also.....it was soooo beautiful to watch such conviction...and acceptance of Our Lord.....tears...

    • @Dokumentarfilme
      @Dokumentarfilme 3 года назад +16

      @Ras Scotty no, actually you accept the reality, now and back then.

    • @antoinette6465
      @antoinette6465 3 года назад +2

      Me too. Amen!

  • @AllysseMarie
    @AllysseMarie 3 года назад +3494

    His heart was ready. It doesn’t take much when their heart is broken and ready for God to fill it. This was beautiful. Praying for Mario that he will never forget this day

    • @autumxxleaves4186
      @autumxxleaves4186 3 года назад +21

      True, I think it’s important to look for that in ppl/ friends we preach to

    • @TheRussRave
      @TheRussRave 3 года назад +55

      @@morfisiuslizerro6400 And how many people do you think you have influenced with your "expert" opinion?

    • @Jooooyyyyyyyyto
      @Jooooyyyyyyyyto 3 года назад +15

      @@TheRussRave ahahha uno reverse card. 😆😆😆

    • @itzybitzyspider2059
      @itzybitzyspider2059 3 года назад +1

      What is his name? Mario?

    • @AllysseMarie
      @AllysseMarie 3 года назад

      @@itzybitzyspider2059 yes !

  • @goodtimeswithchelsea7052
    @goodtimeswithchelsea7052 3 года назад +1913

    I love how authentic he was and how vulnerable he allowed himself to be.

    • @metamorphichoe
      @metamorphichoe 3 года назад +8

      He's high lol totally

    • @errickflesch5565
      @errickflesch5565 3 года назад +57

      when the Lord touches your heart......you just melt like hot wax.

    • @marvelguy8101
      @marvelguy8101 2 года назад +18

      Agree. I fully respected his honest, vulnerability. Sometimes people who aren't yet Christians have been prompted by God, and are more ready than other people to receive Jesus. That is precisely where Mario was when this video was filmed. Ray finished off what God had started long ago. Mario, the road to the kingdom is hard, but Jesus will always be with you.

    • @jesussavedme6260
      @jesussavedme6260 2 года назад +6

      Jesus loves you all, He knows you and can heal you from your pain if you let Him :)

    • @-.Ren_Ren.-
      @-.Ren_Ren.- 2 года назад +7

      To let God in you have to be. Your whole life depends on who you trust, who you trust with what and who you trust to what degree. If u trust yourself over God, u loose, if you trust God above all else, and this is coming from experience when i was at my lowest is a long time, I rose with him, despite being hesitant and unknowing, I followed him, back to the light, bc he is the light.

  • @NaitsirhcCheck
    @NaitsirhcCheck 7 месяцев назад +66

    He seems like a genuine & sharp young guy. God please bless him in Jesus name.

  • @TeferiHagos
    @TeferiHagos 3 года назад +4188

    This kid has a kind heart but deceived by this evil world to believe in himself, not God. Glory be to our Lord for His forgiveness.

    • @aaliyahx5081
      @aaliyahx5081 3 года назад +21

      I think he knows the truth but tries too suppress it like me 💀😭 ngl I would have much rather lived in ignorance
      Edit because ignorance is bliss right ?

    • @perrypeters5151
      @perrypeters5151 3 года назад +10

      Amen. It is clear the beautiful heart he has. Praise God for people like Ray

    • @mybebe2005
      @mybebe2005 3 года назад +10

      That's so true. He does have a good heart but is so deceived by the devil and the world.

    • @samaldridge5283
      @samaldridge5283 3 года назад +11

      His soul is ripe for salvation. May our hearts break as Mario’s

    • @maxeh9879
      @maxeh9879 3 года назад +6

      You are a cancer

  • @rumar4u
    @rumar4u 3 года назад +2646

    The word of God broke him so deep, he couldn’t resist. Truly touching

    • @joserobles5614
      @joserobles5614 3 года назад +71

      You can just see his pride being shredded by the word! Wow glad the Lord opened his heart

    • @theultrawarrior7448
      @theultrawarrior7448 3 года назад +27

      The boy is an empath... Especially one following a spiritual path.
      Be blessed

    • @alaskaaksala123
      @alaskaaksala123 3 года назад +32

      The word of God, sharper than any two edge sword able to cut to the soul..

    • @jenn5773
      @jenn5773 3 года назад +10

      And People want to try and unhitch the Christian faith from the OT in the name of evangelism.
      Thanks Ray for sharing, this was beautiful. God bless Mario!!

    • @Bomtombadi1
      @Bomtombadi1 3 года назад +8

      Ray emotionally manipulated him.

  • @marywisniewski9883
    @marywisniewski9883 3 года назад +2162

    I'm crying He is being convicted Holy Spirit abounds. I pray for his soul.

    • @ygromt
      @ygromt 3 года назад +26


    • @perrypeters5151
      @perrypeters5151 3 года назад +10

      Same here. Tears of joy

    • @esmeraldajuni2276
      @esmeraldajuni2276 3 года назад +6


    • @rendezvouswithdestiny1717
      @rendezvouswithdestiny1717 3 года назад +2

      😭meeeeee tooo

    • @jennifer9902
      @jennifer9902 3 года назад +2

      yesss 😭😭😭❤️

  • @PinkinPA
    @PinkinPA 3 месяца назад +17

    My name is Sophia and I am 10 years old, and I have a friend name Rosie and her and her family are beyond atheist, I am going to talk to her about faith next time I see her, I have talked to many pastors about examples on how to bring up faith and one of the many examples i will use is the plane and parachute, please pray for me and my friend Rosie, thank you Mr. Comfort.😁

    • @nobdoll
      @nobdoll Месяц назад +3

      That's so sweet. ❤ By the way, don't worry or feel bad if your friend rejects God, the important thing is that you make hew know that Jesus loves her. We all have different times when it comes to knowing God and accept him in our hearts.

  • @jphillips4360
    @jphillips4360 3 года назад +1940

    What a beautiful kid, he was capable of taking it in without all the questions, his heart clearly was waiting for the info. This kids heart is huge

    • @karawilliamson106
      @karawilliamson106 3 года назад +3


    • @dncovjsbeicj
      @dncovjsbeicj 3 года назад +8

      You should be hoping for the opposite. If you sincerely believe what you believe to be true, it should hold up to question. We apply this to just about every single thing we believe in-even opinions. I feel bad for him, being brought to tears so he would resent living a completely healthy lifestyle. Lying and thievery are bad things conceptually but I doubt this kid has ever caused significant harm to other people. I bet you the most harm he’s done and most of us have done has been through other means than lying or stealing. It’s a dogmatic fear of lying and thievery that makes us look at them as worse than they are. Don’t confuse me, I’m not defending either of those things, but sometimes they happen and are not as big a deal as other things we do and ultimately don’t affect much. He shouldn’t be brought to tears for just living and committing small misjudgments out of some fear of something he can’t be sure of overreacting about those things.

    • @gracielou4070
      @gracielou4070 3 года назад +5

      @@dncovjsbeicj Hello:) The thing is is that at heart, in the flesh, and without Christ dying on the cross and living within us we are bad at heart. We are selfish and greedy, we do things we know are wrong, the list goes on. I know I still struggle with those things as well. If it wasn’t a big deal, a completely innocent man, the Son of He who created the universe, wouldn’t have died for you or for me. It doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it is. We are sinners. And because of Christ we can be forgiven. The things he listed that he did are things that seem pretty common to do, nobody seeks to harm other people, that’s not our intention, and yet it happens. We think we’re good people but at heart we aren’t. That’s why Christ’s death on the cross is so important. Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions or anything. :)

    • @ascendwithemily
      @ascendwithemily 3 года назад +3

      @@dncovjsbeicj For real... That boy is PURE LOVE and the interviewer didnt teach him anything more than his Soul had shown him. It was old paradigm fear based oppression teaching him to repent on being a child of Love. This is a very strange video - the interviewer was like an angry dad. God is the judge and this preacher is acting like he is here to judge... funny that... x

    • @peachberry2846
      @peachberry2846 3 года назад

      He's not a kid

  • @scottm4042
    @scottm4042 3 года назад +1756

    This shows that people know down deep that God is real, and that we are sinners. May God's Grace be on all who watch this.

    • @kofiquashie6032
      @kofiquashie6032 3 года назад +47

      The thing is people know that there is something fundamental but they don't want to believe it's a god or God

    • @Maranatha63935
      @Maranatha63935 3 года назад +10


    • @joshuablomer
      @joshuablomer 3 года назад +10

      Praise GOD

    • @weonly9234
      @weonly9234 3 года назад +6

      Amen ❤️🙏🏼 thank you for your support and your prayers family.

    • @akhamp1943
      @akhamp1943 3 года назад +1


  • @sendakabambi1354
    @sendakabambi1354 3 года назад +1653

    I just love Jesus😭😭😭 just think about how many hearts he's touched 😭😭😭 Jesus is my hero

  • @user-th4pt7qy6o
    @user-th4pt7qy6o 10 месяцев назад +136

    I watched this about 2 years ago and it made me cry. I watched it again today and it made me cry again! You can see his heart in his eyes. May God call him for greater ministry.
    I also love the way you share the gospel!

  • @jeanettemelendez5399
    @jeanettemelendez5399 3 года назад +2506

    This guy was pure hearted from the beginning.....God has his choosen people and he was one of them!!! Hallelujah praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!

    •  3 года назад +3

      relax woman no human is of pure heart...

    • @jeanettemelendez5399
      @jeanettemelendez5399 3 года назад +47

      @ pure hearted....in a sense of humbleness....you can see the humble in him ....the word of God came easy for him. Not ALL PEOPLE CAN PERCEIVE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @mixupmydays
      @mixupmydays 3 года назад +5

      gods not real... sorry anyway

    • @jeanettemelendez5399
      @jeanettemelendez5399 3 года назад +1

      @ yessssss I did....thank you!🙏 If ur not careful typing these keys will put anything 🙄

    • @jeanettemelendez5399
      @jeanettemelendez5399 3 года назад +27

      @@mixupmydays God's not real to millions of people.......hope you'll have a change of mind before it's too late. Now that's sad?!

  • @user-zu4qg6sc8v
    @user-zu4qg6sc8v 3 года назад +2519

    i remember when i was in 7th grade, we were learning about different religions of the world and i was totally fine the whole way through, then we got to christianity. i felt something in my soul, and when it showed the crucifixion, the whipping and the blood going down his face as he carried that cross, i started crying in class wondering why everyone else wasn’t. even though i knew it was an actor i knew it really happened. i gave my life to the Lord a year later. 🙏🏼😭

    • @michaeljacob3778
      @michaeljacob3778 3 года назад +120

      Wonderful. God is Awesome. Words cant describe. 😢

    • @evren9791
      @evren9791 3 года назад +47


    • @preparingforhiscoming3745
      @preparingforhiscoming3745 3 года назад +80

      Stay true to him, He's coming back now, after so long a time.
      All signs are POINTING TOWARDS home.
      May JESUS HOLD you close to HIS HEART and SAVE you by HIS GRACE.

    • @zehra309
      @zehra309 3 года назад +14

      @@michaeljacob3778 The almost same thing happened to me ,but i choosed Islam cuz i felt it in my heart and my soul just like you.Christianity and Islam are so similar u can't change my mind hahah,and love you 💕

    • @michaeljacob3778
      @michaeljacob3778 3 года назад +30

      @@zehra309 Haha. Its funny how amongst everyone that Is under this comment, you tag me to say this..😁. I think its the lords doing and you never know, i just might be able to not change your mind, but make you see clearer. I think God directed you to me cause unlike several other Christians, i don't seem to have/hold the same opinion they do as pertaining to the Islamic religion.. If this was some other platform, i would have shared you screenshots of me defending y'all on some of the false things Christians say(ignorantly anyways) about yall.. The only thing id require you to have is an open heart/mind. Cause its possible to be sincerely wrong. But when your beliefs becomes a god to you, much more than the Actual God its talking about, that's where you'd have a problem. Ive studied so many religions. When i was done(at least with the most popular ones), i knew that all these talk about labels(im Christian, I'm Muslim, Baha'i, etc) is just folly if you don't really know/understand the God you say you worship. To know that it's the lifestyle we should live by as Humans, and not just a religion with only rituals and no fellowship. But id be honest with you and tell you plainly. Christianity is truer/complete than any Other..

  • @sarahlutz5111
    @sarahlutz5111 3 года назад +477

    Poor sweet guy. He was so confused. It was just fake confidence, trying to protect himself from being vulnerable. Praying for him.

    • @footsoldier1188
      @footsoldier1188 3 года назад +31

      Yup you can see through it. It’s not bad, but many people do this because they are hurting inside. We have to let go, glad ray allowed him to let go by giving him truth.

    • @bartholomewa9294
      @bartholomewa9294 3 года назад

      Sarah spot on

    • @bardockojama3423
      @bardockojama3423 3 года назад +1

      @@footsoldier1188 whats the name of the interviewer?

    • @footsoldier1188
      @footsoldier1188 3 года назад

      @@bardockojama3423 Ray Comfort (: he’s written books as well

    • @footsoldier1188
      @footsoldier1188 3 года назад +7

      @Ras Scotty nah. You just don’t know how to read it. Give me some examples and I’ll explain. Also. If you didn’t know. I’m guessing you don’t. Whatever is in the Old Testament rules don’t apply to us. It was for the Jewish people during THAT SPECIFIC time. The New Testament is the NEW covenant for the gentiles AKA non Jews. Do your research and know what you’re speaking on before even speaking

  • @NoLabels7488
    @NoLabels7488 6 месяцев назад +27

    He loves God and can feel the Holy Spirit. I wonder what he’s doing now?! I feel Gods using hun. This is so beautiful.

    • @ylekiote99999
      @ylekiote99999 6 месяцев назад

      What a sham. It is all about indoctrination plain and simple. In North America it is the jesus story, in China it is about Buddha, India Hindu, etc. There are over 4,200 different religions in the world and we are all a product of what country we were born in and/or who our parents are.

  • @braydenbreed6387
    @braydenbreed6387 Год назад +2105

    I’m 20 years old and it recently hit me, Jesus died for us. I’ve heard it a million times but never truly understood what it meant. One day I was praying for forgiveness and I believed that I deserved hell for my sins. Then it hit me, Jesus died for everyone’s sins… He sent his son to suffer and die for all of our sins. To me that is just overwhelming.

    • @kik4jc
      @kik4jc Год назад +47

      God has been with me all my life and I knew it as a kid but this world, this life and new age teachings led me astray from real love in Jesus. As a kid I used to pray to God and i always knew God looked out for me, but not until recently was my heart truly opened to accepting Jesus as our Saviour and truly understand the meaning of His sacrifice, that led me to understand sin and how we are born sinners but through Jesus we are truly saved 🤍 im 26, and it is such a relief to have Jesus in my life and the Word of God to guide me

    • @GodlessFiend
      @GodlessFiend Год назад

      If he did die for our sins, then why are we still sinning?
      When I was a Christian , just like you, I did pray for forgiveness and everything and I haven’t received anything. I asked for his presence and I got nothing even though I’ve waited weeks. I think you’re just delusional my friend sorry to say.
      Edit: believe me when I say this. There’s no God. I could pray right now, and nothing would happen, and I will just be wasting my time.

    • @JosephJackson-yo5te
      @JosephJackson-yo5te Год назад

      This guy shouldn’t try to make this guy Christian

    • @robinbrauers6080
      @robinbrauers6080 Год назад +3


    • @JosephJackson-yo5te
      @JosephJackson-yo5te Год назад +1

      What do you mean

  • @acevideos2
    @acevideos2 3 года назад +12802

    Mario has been struggling with some things before this video and God brought Ray Comfort to him at just the right time.

    • @stayroxy
      @stayroxy 3 года назад +41


    • @aaronflores9662
      @aaronflores9662 3 года назад +149

      I love your videos And love that you love Jesus Christ :)

    • @ffranc11
      @ffranc11 3 года назад +63

      @Tiago Baenre stop

    • @Sebastian-xp9eb
      @Sebastian-xp9eb 3 года назад +14

      @@stayroxy yeah, a white privileged person born in one of the best countries in the world. Bro washing the dishes ain't so hard.

    • @dr.j5642
      @dr.j5642 3 года назад +29

      Love your videos. May the depth of scripture be revealed to you and your family my brother in Christ.

  • @bobbyduke777
    @bobbyduke777 3 года назад +1859

    I am a 63 year old biker, I was born again in 93. I still can not speak about our Lord without my throat squeezing shut and my eyes flooding. I understand what he is feeling completely.

    • @bobbyduke777
      @bobbyduke777 3 года назад +14

      @@jeffreywalker4476 watching TV I realized I was going to die, and i changed the channel and ptl or someone was giving an alter call and i took it

    • @seuthsayer
      @seuthsayer 3 года назад +41

      No one comes unto the father unless they humble themself like a little child. We must humble ourselves and seek him with loving childlike faith. God Bless you brother

    • @syuann
      @syuann 3 года назад +19

      That's amazing, God is so good!

    • @Bob-pe9yo
      @Bob-pe9yo 3 года назад +3

      @@bobbyduke777 god doesnt exist

    • @Bob-pe9yo
      @Bob-pe9yo 3 года назад +3

      @@seuthsayer no such thing as god

  • @gytebaltramonaityte
    @gytebaltramonaityte 7 месяцев назад +29

    The way he said that God came up with the idea that depending on what you do here you are either good or bad is so crushing. He felt the impossible weight on his shoulders. What torture it is to live like you always have to live up to expectations, to be perfect, never make a mistake, be good all the time otherwise you will go to hell. Abba, thank you for your freedom, for your never ending love and the way you made for us!

  • @shamelasukhraj4368
    @shamelasukhraj4368 3 года назад +667

    Let's pray for Mario. He has a humble and willing heart..May God him help to find the truth in Jesus name🙏🏻

  • @jermainamburayan580
    @jermainamburayan580 3 года назад +1251

    Mario had an open heart. He was so honest and patient to listen to Ray right till the end instead of walking away. I believe THE HOLY SPIRIT was already at work in Mario before Ray talked to him. Go bless Mario.

  • @julianalinzey7594
    @julianalinzey7594 3 года назад +704

    Mario Is a Man! A true man is Not afraid of his emotions and hearing the truth. GOD Bless you Mario.

    • @BiancaMichelleMelendes
      @BiancaMichelleMelendes 3 года назад +6

      Exactly!!! So many men and women get defensive when you lay it out and tell them they need to repent and change their ways or even let them know that they have sinned and need to accept that they have sinned and are a sinner and true forgiveness is from God and salvation was bought through Jesus on the cross

    • @tameriajones593
      @tameriajones593 3 года назад

      I hope Mario gets saved.

    • @tameriajones593
      @tameriajones593 3 года назад

      @Kevin Belgrove Yes I am sure that I am saved.

    • @tameriajones593
      @tameriajones593 3 года назад

      @Kevin Belgrove What are you talking about I don't believe in a lie.

  • @zegumazim6107
    @zegumazim6107 9 месяцев назад +39

    the holy spirit of GOD touched this man before our very eyes ❤💚💙

  • @helloitsme7553
    @helloitsme7553 3 года назад +734

    The heavens are celebrating for his repentance

  • @godistheway8307
    @godistheway8307 Год назад +2238

    You could tell deep down he was trying to convince himself a lie but couldn’t believe it any longer 🙏🏾 Amen

    • @christisking777
      @christisking777 Год назад +27

      For real, that’s a good observation

    • @taekooktrash9607
      @taekooktrash9607 Год назад

      you religious goons always believe thinking logically is lying lmao

    • @johnboy992
      @johnboy992 Год назад +25

      Whoever u are pray for me please ❤️I'm trying to be a godly man

    • @johnboy992
      @johnboy992 Год назад +18

      Iv lost all ability to sleep and parying for God to heal me

    • @FreedomLovinLady
      @FreedomLovinLady Год назад +15

      @@johnboy992 that's a great goal, you will become like those you spend time with, so spend time with God, His Word and in worship and with godly Christian men. Be richly blessed 🙋‍♀️💖😊 these things will also help with your sleep, rest in God's peace

  • @faithoverfear6263
    @faithoverfear6263 3 года назад +1087

    “The LORD is near to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” Psalm 34:18

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH 3 года назад +9

      Here is the Original Semitic Text, in Moshe (Moses) own handwriting
      YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
      From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
      "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
      Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
      Yad - "Behold The Hand"
      He - "Behold the Breath"
      Vav - "Behold The NAIL"

    • @buttercup5920
      @buttercup5920 3 года назад +2


    • @DW-oj6yu
      @DW-oj6yu 3 года назад +4

      @@Praise___YaH Wow - going to try to verify this for myself! Thank you for this!

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH 3 года назад +2

      HalleluYAH “Praise ye YaH” brother

    • @faithoverfear6263
      @faithoverfear6263 3 года назад +4

      @@Praise___YaH I am a Jewish believer, I read and speak Hebrew, what you just wrote is nonsense. I'm sure you mean well but what you wrote has nothing to do with the meaning of the text nor the work of repentance in Mario's heart.

  • @jaspbuilds
    @jaspbuilds 11 месяцев назад +51

    It actually hit me when you said, God became a human to die for our sins legally. I started tearing up since I can't imagine that he died for us because of our own doings and actions. God, I love you and will always will. Amen 🙏

  • @itzaidans9040
    @itzaidans9040 Год назад +1028

    The fact that a 10 minute interview had this much of an impact on a kid who was just trying to figure his life out proves that faith in God is a very real and very powerful thing

    • @marsmallow_17
      @marsmallow_17 Год назад +9


    • @brinaskore
      @brinaskore Год назад +2

      he's not real mate

    • @Jlk9711
      @Jlk9711 Год назад

      I’d advise you to remove that sinful juice world profile picture. He sings and glorifies drugs, shooting, & sex.

    • @badbitty-cr4me
      @badbitty-cr4me Год назад +8

      @rosiesmyluv he is and I pray that u find him one day bc it's truly a beautiful and amazing feeling ✨️ 💗

    • @asian123205
      @asian123205 Год назад +8

      @@brinaskore He is real, He just doesn't want you to find him! He coming to find you!

  • @KG131.
    @KG131. Год назад +870

    You can tell he’s a genuine good kid…GOD bless him

    • @True_Judah
      @True_Judah 11 месяцев назад +25

      Yup, He didn't resist Holy Spirit as soon as He touched his heart. I believe he has a powerful anointing, very special heart in this kid.

    • @DaveGirma-ni7px
      @DaveGirma-ni7px 10 месяцев назад

      @@True_JudahHey brother do you know no one can resist the Holy Spirit?

    • @user-jh3ze8or2h
      @user-jh3ze8or2h 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@DaveGirma-ni7px you can not resist to the Holy Spirit but God gaved us the chance to have a choice, if we don't want to look to the truth we can. (sorry for my english)

    • @Emerald1680
      @Emerald1680 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@DaveGirma-ni7px yes but you can ignore god

  • @YT-ml8gz
    @YT-ml8gz 2 года назад +800

    Hes a sensitive soul. God bless him. He wont be lost forever.

  • @marylg7824
    @marylg7824 4 месяца назад +10

    Praise The Lord for this young man’s honesty. God will use him to fulfill His plan and purpose for God to get the Glory!! Bless this young man’s heart!!! I wish and pray all will be well with his soul!! 🙏❤️

  • @mmorphy4258
    @mmorphy4258 Год назад +1199

    “Do you know why you’re weeping”
    “Because I’ve sinned, as a man...”
    That response is so genuine and human. This young man really had his eyes opened by the Holy Spirit in this video. The veil was lifted!

    • @clairelivefreeordie2551
      @clairelivefreeordie2551 Год назад +15

      he appeared enlightened to begin with...

    • @mykhayloskitsak8395
      @mykhayloskitsak8395 Год назад

      A# xzsjdk.Jdd

    • @TheSpacePlaceYT
      @TheSpacePlaceYT Год назад +1

      @@leeyanloke8650 Maybe I shouldn't criticize you for what you're doing, but if you want to spread God's word effectively as opposed to turning people away from God because of these bot-like messages, try actually doing something effective and make a short or something...

    • @sumrandomguy4860
      @sumrandomguy4860 Год назад +1

      well he's weeping cause he got scared as soon as the interviewer painted the picture of capital punishment, before he mentioned Jesus. That's how religions get their followers.

    • @mmorphy4258
      @mmorphy4258 Год назад +1

      @@sumrandomguy4860 you're literally changing the kids answer for him to fit and validate your ideas and past experience with religion, that is ridiculous.

  • @myfr_end400
    @myfr_end400 2 года назад +724

    He’s been seeking truth you can tell and God said those who seek shall find. Glory to God

    • @YayA-zs4ob
      @YayA-zs4ob Год назад

      This is very true
      If you just live the matrix you don't even care about the truth

    • @iainooooo
      @iainooooo Год назад +4

      Absolute rubbish!

    • @kadd4415
      @kadd4415 Год назад +11

      How precious is his tender heart in God's sight. Hard-heartedness is easy to find but a tender heart, openly seeking, is far rarer.

    • @priskadwi2973
      @priskadwi2973 Год назад +3

      Amen 🙏🙏

    • @oswaldfarkleton3839
      @oswaldfarkleton3839 Год назад +8

      @@iainooooo if you don’t want to believe that’s fine. Jesus forgives all

  • @tigereyes1559
    @tigereyes1559 3 года назад +478

    The way he was rubbing his chest. It literally made his heart hurt. Man, I'll personally pray for him and his family. 🙏

    • @healingIRT
      @healingIRT 3 года назад +10

      Please do, we aren’t supposed to just see people and move on ❤️

    • @Rayne1bow
      @Rayne1bow 3 года назад +1

      True , how come you think he did that? I feel like there’s a reason but I don’t exactly know why

    • @miguelberumen558
      @miguelberumen558 3 года назад +8

      i feel mario was searching for a answer or a sine and GOD answered him and WHAT A moment when you feel the holy sprit just go tru you and i thank God that we witnessed this

    • @SS-gq7vr
      @SS-gq7vr 3 года назад +6

      @Ras Scotty I think you have a wrong idea of the bible and the love of Jesus. I pray that you read the bible and that God open's your eyes to His love, grace and peace

    • @brds8823
      @brds8823 3 года назад


  • @Jesussavedme
    @Jesussavedme 11 месяцев назад +38

    Holy spirit just convicted him on the spot ❤ how incredible to watch his heart break for Jesus and be transformed by the word of God ❤ thank you God for this kid 🙏

  • @osasereimafidon1642
    @osasereimafidon1642 3 года назад +566

    I pray, he is still walking with Jesus.

    • @abraa296
      @abraa296 3 года назад +7

      @Macrona Virus u the only one going to hell well with other ppl have fun

    • @abraa296
      @abraa296 3 года назад +3

      @Macrona Virus u like it don't u lmao I bet u will like when u burning too😹😹

    • @tobyevans8823
      @tobyevans8823 3 года назад +8

      @@abraa296 two wrongs dont make a right bro

    • @sahdi2910
      @sahdi2910 3 года назад +1

      @Macrona Virus not sure where God said we ought to condemn people. I thought only He knew our hearts and our calling was to be an example of His love. I hope His love is stronger and purer than yours.

    • @dabwayy4822
      @dabwayy4822 3 года назад +2

      why do u believe in the religion of the slave masters

  • @laraeagleeyes4902
    @laraeagleeyes4902 3 года назад +1187

    Mario’s heart was so open and ready, the Holy Spirit was already doing a work in Him. Great job Ray! ❤️

    • @Brucev7
      @Brucev7 3 года назад +5

      John 16:8 Begin with Young...

    • @NoSenseEtAl
      @NoSenseEtAl 3 года назад +3

      The trinity was 'invented' about 300 years 'after' the 'apparent' death of Jesus. And about the God taking human form (meaning Jesus), well, Jesus never said that anywhere in any place of the Bible.

    • @beautifulseventeen9636
      @beautifulseventeen9636 3 года назад +5

      @@NoSenseEtAl Yes He did. He told his disciples that he had to "go away" so that "the helper could come" and if he didn't go away, the helper could not come. If he was in the flesh constantly on earth, there would be no need for the helper aka the Holy Spirit. The helper is the Holy Spirit. Also, Jesus claimed many times that God was His father. God also publicly claimed Jesus as His son during His baptism.
      Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All right there in the gospels if you actually read them!
      Be blessed, God's people! He's coming back SOON! ✝

    • @karasuarts900
      @karasuarts900 3 года назад

      @@beautifulseventeen9636 yeah give it another 2000+ years. I just wonder how god came up with these ideas, how did he think that one day he’d make humans? And if gods such a smart being and knows everything, then what inspired us to be created? Where did his power to make us come from, theirs got to be an origin for the power that he has, some other thing must have had it there for god to obtain and use. And if he just showed up one day then how did he get the idea to even use it? Atleast someone who believes in evolution can make sense of their origins, and can give reasons that have proof to them. The only inconsistent one here is god, who doesn’t say anything about his origin.

    • @jesussavedme6260
      @jesussavedme6260 2 года назад +1

      Jesus loves you all, He knows you and can heal you from your pain if you let Him :)

  • @iza_curls2435
    @iza_curls2435 3 года назад +832

    he’s so gentle and honest. God bless Mario

    • @abigailkusi8074
      @abigailkusi8074 3 года назад +3

      Other teens would have walked away

    • @z4kry44
      @z4kry44 3 года назад +1

      Islam is the truth

    • @lilkobe9711
      @lilkobe9711 3 года назад +1

      Wow just saying you are beautiful hiii haha

    • @z4kry44
      @z4kry44 3 года назад

      @@lilkobe9711 hi, hows life

    • @CulturedPotato
      @CulturedPotato 3 года назад

      Mama Mia!

  • @jeffburney89
    @jeffburney89 5 месяцев назад +9

    I cry like this alot when I worship, when I think about Jesus, God's Word. It's amazing how the LORD and the Holy Spirit can grip a ♥. The unconditional love of God we don't deserve but because Jesus paid the price we are redeemed.

  • @natalietorres8047
    @natalietorres8047 3 года назад +730

    The Holy Spirit was working so powerfully through this boy. Wow!

    • @hoodieboy1515
      @hoodieboy1515 3 года назад +3


    • @sunshinelover3148
      @sunshinelover3148 3 года назад +3


    • @dawn7612
      @dawn7612 3 года назад +9

      So true. This boy had a real conversion. Too many people don't have a broken and contrite heart. He certainly did. God bless him.
      When someone is saved you don't have to convince them that they are saved. They KNOW IT for certain from that moment forward.

    • @mariahconklin4150
      @mariahconklin4150 3 года назад +2

      I mean I guess. I’ve heard him say “self” multiple times. 🤔 Trying to understand this. Not sure if this is even gonna make any sense though

    • @legosandmore4491
      @legosandmore4491 3 года назад +2

      @@mariahconklin4150 the way he was crying at the end showed the Holy Spirit working because sorrow for sin is a sign of repentance and that he wants to now give his life to Christ and live truly in Him

  • @ericvillahermosa9616
    @ericvillahermosa9616 3 года назад +821

    God bless you kid, don't stop believing in our savior Jesus Christ, Amen...

    • @esperanzaamaya9083
      @esperanzaamaya9083 3 года назад +6

      God love you jesus paid for our sin I will pray for you 🙏🙏🙏for that confession

    • @judybrown1810
      @judybrown1810 3 года назад +1


    • @southbeachmiamiart895
      @southbeachmiamiart895 3 года назад +1

      I just got fired yesterday due to my double spine operation. Funk the holy pig on a stick!!! Eternal nonexistence!!!! Eternal nonexistence!!!!!!

    • @sandieskitchen9955
      @sandieskitchen9955 3 года назад

      Amen 🙏

  • @jusstmee
    @jusstmee 3 года назад +608

    He's the most precious thing Ive ever seen. Oh heavenly Father call this young man show him the truth we pray. Jesus name. Amen

    • @tesfalemdemissie5135
      @tesfalemdemissie5135 3 года назад +5

      Amen amen 🙏🙏

    • @mitchellc4
      @mitchellc4 3 года назад +3

      The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM!
      Repent and believe the gospel! Follow Jesus’ teachings!
      Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21
      Jesus said the Father is the only true God!
      John 17
      3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
      Monos theos
      The Father
      Jesus is the one sent by the true God (the Father)!
      Jesus never claimed to be God, Jesus said he has a God!
      Jesus has a God!
      Jesus died!
      God can’t die!
      God raised Jesus from the dead!

    • @daintyja2442
      @daintyja2442 3 года назад


    • @prod.kaycey7437
      @prod.kaycey7437 3 года назад

      Amen 🙏🏾 allow this man to seek God and find Gods mercy and love 🦋

    • @dafffodils
      @dafffodils 3 года назад +1


  • @mariejeannewurrer7212
    @mariejeannewurrer7212 10 месяцев назад +20

    What a beautiful young man, such a beautiful heart. It brought me to tears .

  • @trishs6363
    @trishs6363 2 года назад +1279

    I am a teenager and have a hard time being a Christian. I’m so grateful for God and redemption. Thank you Lord!

    • @queenbarbee902
      @queenbarbee902 2 года назад +6


    • @blueamber2726
      @blueamber2726 2 года назад +3

      Amen !!!

    • @laikenlynn5725
      @laikenlynn5725 2 года назад +20

      Keep at it my Sister!!! :) It's hard for ALL of us in this World that's headed to the Pit. The devil doesn't attack those already doing his will, he doesn't need to bc they're already working for him... he wants to win those souls from Jesus, from Our Father, and chase us away from being filled with the wisdom and discernment and love of the Holy Spirit. He must fight hard to bring us out of the light of Jesus and into his eternal darkness, torture, and burning. That's why God prepared us a verse to equipt us with The Full Armour of God! Might I suggest we all implement this into our daily morning prayer, especially in these last days until the day of our salvation arrives! I don't know you, but I love you and I'll catch you up in Heaven ;)

    • @yareroque8493
      @yareroque8493 2 года назад +19

      Im also a teenager, I’m 15. I have definitely struggled to get to the place I am now. It is NEVER going to be easy! Each day we fight against the currents of this world. May God give you the strengths you need to keep going on in his path. God bless you 😊🙏🏽

    • @abaaba3257
      @abaaba3257 2 года назад


  • @lianet777
    @lianet777 3 года назад +872

    He’s been through a lot. I can tell he’s trying to be the best he can be. God bless his soul and may Jesus Christ restore and save this young man♥️

    • @zanelemtshali5437
      @zanelemtshali5437 3 года назад +4

      Lord Jesus keep Mario in Your grace and help him to grow in Your knowledge in Jesus Name

    • @stopit8022
      @stopit8022 3 года назад +3

      @@zanelemtshali5437 amen thank you brother let is also pray for all those unrighteous so they will be filled with the holy spirit as were we all were lost but were found because the lord raised us up may the lord raise them up as well amen

    • @gemmahatton5586
      @gemmahatton5586 3 года назад +2

      I hope god will bless you now what you just said

    • @Trilliman707
      @Trilliman707 3 года назад +1

      In Islam u dont have to hate and despise urself to become a Muslim instead we would tell u to come into our religion just as urself and be peace with urself and let God guide u through direct prayer and humility u would never find peace in any religion if u have to hate and despise urself and be like someone else or ur evil that would never bring u peace instead constant struggle depression within urself just follow God's teaching work and strive for our creator to do better it's called jihad

    • @alexeerising2458
      @alexeerising2458 3 года назад +1

      Hi, I'm a teenager and christian and i have a question. There’s something that's on my mind for so long. In the Bible, it says that we can only enter heaven if we believe in God and Jesus. But...what happens to all these people who were born into another religion? What happens to the people who live in countries that aren't christian? What happened to all these people who lived before Jesus, or who believed in other Gods (which is normal, and ok). What happens to the babies who died before knowing who God was? Do they all go to hell? Do they all suffer for eternity just because of that? I think that this exact question keeps me from having a better relationship with god😭

  • @nyangel515
    @nyangel515 3 года назад +859

    It seems like he time-travelled from an era when teens were patient and respectful.

    • @puddleduck1405
      @puddleduck1405 3 года назад +69

      yeah lol im a teen and if i ever say anything like Ray to my classmates I would be full-on bullied and mocked...i wish more people of this generation were kind and humble like Mario

    • @BluCrystals
      @BluCrystals 3 года назад +7

      Well put. I agree with you to the fullest. This man truly did what we were put on this earth to do.

    • @roamalot3000
      @roamalot3000 3 года назад +7

      Teens today are like this my G

    • @puddleduck1405
      @puddleduck1405 3 года назад +5

      @@roamalot3000 lmfaooo not where i live

    • @Chalkmarks
      @Chalkmarks 3 года назад +3

      @@puddleduck1405 same dawg lmao

  • @vonnievon6335
    @vonnievon6335 20 дней назад +3

    He was Lost, but now he’s found. MIGHTY GOD BLESS this Young Man. ❤❤❤❤

  • @shirleymoore2645
    @shirleymoore2645 3 года назад +1448

    God grow this young man to be a service of Christ

  • @mulumilz6833
    @mulumilz6833 3 года назад +1626

    Boy I’ve never seen a mans heart get stirred like that. Only God can do that.

    • @MrThroneTalk
      @MrThroneTalk 3 года назад +10

      The Lord is the Light ruclips.net/video/e7R7wHz7cKU/видео.html

    • @mitchellc4
      @mitchellc4 3 года назад +7

      The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM!
      Repent and believe the gospel! Follow Jesus’ teachings!
      Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21
      Jesus said the Father is the only true God!
      John 17
      3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
      Monos theos
      The Father
      Jesus is the one sent by the true God (the Father)!
      Jesus never claimed to be God, Jesus said he has a God!
      Jesus has a God!
      Jesus died!
      God can’t die!
      God raised Jesus from the dead!

    • @angelicaramirez6697
      @angelicaramirez6697 3 года назад +18

      That's Right!!! Its so Beautiful and Awesome!!!

    • @dafffodils
      @dafffodils 3 года назад +7


    • @ninaoglesby2133
      @ninaoglesby2133 3 года назад +4

      Yes! It's beautiful.

  • @DamarisW
    @DamarisW 3 года назад +993

    You can SEE the Holy Spirit moving in him. I pray he was truly saved that day! I wish to know what happened with him after this encounter.

    • @magyarbluey8406
      @magyarbluey8406 3 года назад +4

      Where is it, can you put a time stamp?

    • @christianramirez7666
      @christianramirez7666 3 года назад +2

      @@magyarbluey8406 I don’t see it lmaoooo

    • @enividclinton8634
      @enividclinton8634 3 года назад +1

      I need a miracle to solve so many problems, I have to ask so it will be given to me.
      I understand many people don't like to disclose their identity when helping others so I decided to use a bitcoin wallet. Thanks to those that will see this and be compassionate. The wallet address is inside this comment, kindly like it too, I will appreciate. God bless you.

    • @enividclinton8634
      @enividclinton8634 3 года назад +1


    • @rallybl
      @rallybl 3 года назад +3

      I'm copying a comment by Marjhun Cantago from above that says the truth how deceiving and even disgusting was that conversation not in the spirit of God at all!!!
      "God brought Ray Comfort to him?
      No. that guy Scared him big time,
      that's not how god's apostle approach his people.
      that's so wrong."
      This missionary guy is nothing different from those who sent Jesus to the Cross.

  • @romilalal5197
    @romilalal5197 Год назад +29

    I also cried as the young boy was crying, it was moving moment for me too and I love LORD JESUS He is my everything.

  • @GodsOath_com
    @GodsOath_com 3 года назад +379

    The tears are not emotions, the tears are the Holy Spirit moving on him to convict him of his sin so he repents and asks forgiveness. You don’t often see this on film.

    • @camberlubos3995
      @camberlubos3995 3 года назад

      Time will show.

    • @brianatippens3010
      @brianatippens3010 3 года назад +7

      That’s Godly sorrow. Praise God. God is so good! And bless this guy’s heart. His willingness to receive the truth so quickly is astonishing. I remember how difficult I made it. I will be praying for Mario. Praise God!!!!

    • @GojoTheHonoredOne9
      @GojoTheHonoredOne9 3 года назад +4

      Ras Scotty
      You mean accept that those things happen in the world? Yes, we do accept that moral atrocities happen.

    • @Cailyn-2
      @Cailyn-2 3 года назад +1


    • @ranger_hben8657
      @ranger_hben8657 3 года назад

      You can say that, but you don't know that.

  • @myneighborhood3466
    @myneighborhood3466 2 года назад +820

    Thank you Jesus for Mario. Keep him close to you and use him for your glory

  • @scottbinns318
    @scottbinns318 3 года назад +1048

    His tears brought me to tears. No shame brother. You're sincerety will set you on the path to redemption. Jesus loves you.

    • @saarinenj1
      @saarinenj1 3 года назад +5

      Same. My eyes got watery.

    • @AirDaniel
      @AirDaniel 3 года назад +4

      Same here

    • @jamesmontemayor1018
      @jamesmontemayor1018 3 года назад +4

      Mario, you brought me to tears. No shame brother (as Scott just said). I needed that message as badly as you did. And you have a kind heart and the Lord will work wonders through you. God bless you.

    • @MrTheBoycie
      @MrTheBoycie 3 года назад +2

      Did jesus personal tell you , that he loves him??
      I dont think it did. Yet you speak on some made up guys behalf. Thats fraud and lying.
      Be a better human!

    • @blackeneddove
      @blackeneddove 3 года назад +3

      Same. His softening heart through the Holy Spirit is so beautiful to witness. ❤️

  • @fennkaren
    @fennkaren 11 месяцев назад +40

    God bless, protect and guide this young man!❤ Thx Ray!😊

  • @refillwithlife
    @refillwithlife 3 года назад +775

    The moment when he realized Jesus paid the fine... absolutely precious. God bless and guide this humble and tender soul.

    • @thomasmoore-polowy9170
      @thomasmoore-polowy9170 3 года назад +6

      Preying on an emotional boy, making him cry by causing him to feel guilty for "sinning" and that his only way out is to repent to "god" - profoundly immoral in my book

    • @NLspartan117
      @NLspartan117 3 года назад +6

      Jesus didn’t pay a fine, for we never sinned. The message of the crucifixion is that death does not exist (hence Jesus said Father forgive them for they know not what they do) , and the message of the gospel is not that of crucifixion but that of resurrection. People seem to forget the whole resurrection part because they’re so focused on their sins. Jesus didn’t see sinners, when he looked at maria magdalene or zacheüs, he saw Himself in them, He saw them as whole. THAT is what changed their lives, not the message that they were sinners and bad people, but the look of someone who saw them as whole, for they were never seperated from God, and that is what Jesus reminded them of.

    • @NLspartan117
      @NLspartan117 3 года назад +1

      @@thomasmoore-polowy9170 I absolutely agree with you. It’s painful to see hos so many people applaud this.

    • @NLspartan117
      @NLspartan117 3 года назад +1

      Christians made forgiveness into an act of making sin real. Real forgiveness though is quite the opposite: forgiveness sees that what you thought someone did to you never happened.
      It is looking beyond what you thought was an attack on you, and realising that you are invulnerable, for God did not make a vulnerable creation, His creation is whole and perfect.
      We look at the world and see quite the opposite, because out vision is blurred. We are identified with our body, and so we try to use the body as proof of out vulnerability. We use time and even death to proof how vulnerable we are.
      The thought that we are the body makes us think we are a victim of this world. But those that are aware of perfect safety give freely, for they have everything, and by sharing their being with everyone, they learn about the infinity of their being. They extent their peace into every part of life, and so discover they are everywhere and everyone. Their light heals their brothers for it takes away the darkness of the world by showing the world it was never in darkness, it has never lost its light.

    • @thomasmoore-polowy9170
      @thomasmoore-polowy9170 3 года назад

      @@NLspartan117 thanks my slime

  • @boobooshooboo5977
    @boobooshooboo5977 3 года назад +372

    He looks like a beautiful kind hearted young man

    • @elijah_konda
      @elijah_konda 3 года назад +7


    • @lioness9039
      @lioness9039 3 года назад

      kindly watch ef dawah ,sc dawah channel videos on youtube regarding jesus,comparative discussion on islam and christianity etc

  • @errickflesch5565
    @errickflesch5565 3 года назад +243

    This kid has a tender heart....... Lord knows what he's been going through. A tender heart is ripe pickings for the Lord.

    • @reggieharris9629
      @reggieharris9629 2 года назад

      Amen 🙏

    • @patriciaandrews676
      @patriciaandrews676 2 года назад +4

      i hope God saves this young'n and fills him with his precious Holy ghost in Jesus name

    • @anapicazo6871
      @anapicazo6871 2 года назад

      I think he’s 24 right

    • @solideogloria5553
      @solideogloria5553 2 года назад +1

      The Lord is the good sower, He is tender to reach us first. He had mercy on us so that we can have a "tender" heart.

    • @thatsmuzik2570
      @thatsmuzik2570 2 года назад +2

      Yes, I feel he has suffered too! To be stronger than the hurt, he concocted and clung to a belief system that made him feel better about himself. Only the Holy Spirit’s salve can help us see what real love feels like, and it’s OVERWHELMING when we realize we no longer have to be strong, just rely on the One who is.

  • @alexisAesthetica
    @alexisAesthetica 2 месяца назад +4

    wow...this video... made me cry 😭😭 That young man was going through so much! When he started crying, my heart just filled with so much love that I started to cry as well... His patience and honesty just shows what a real man he is. I am so happy that he got saved!!

  • @bl0pez772
    @bl0pez772 Год назад +109

    "My sheep hear MY voice". This is what Jesus meant by that.

  • @virsapiensfortisest922
    @virsapiensfortisest922 3 года назад +1489

    I have a feeling Mario was barely holding on when you found him. Sometimes the people with the biggest smile are also the ones hurting the most. They have just got used to hiding it.

    • @Southernguitar74
      @Southernguitar74 3 года назад +58

      Someone, somewhere was praying for him.

    • @emoryberrey
      @emoryberrey 3 года назад +8

      I completely agree with you ❤️

    • @tammmy1000
      @tammmy1000 3 года назад


    • @mogha1920
      @mogha1920 3 года назад +7

      Wow great insight! I didn't even think of that. 😊

    • @jessepraise1193
      @jessepraise1193 3 года назад +5

      It is called smiling depression 😇

  • @kimberleyduncan9594
    @kimberleyduncan9594 3 года назад +751

    That kid has a kind heart, just didn’t know the truth. Created a “truth” in his own best attempt to make sense of his world. Praise God for His convicting Holy Spirit and this kids willingness to be vulnerable, honest and admit when he doesn’t have all the answers! Also praise God for Ray and how Holy Spirit uses him to speak truth to people in such a non judgmental way yet doesn’t sugar coat it.

    • @triforce1057
      @triforce1057 3 года назад +8

      @Ras Scotty "You shall love youre neighbor as yourself"

    • @giedrevaiciene4677
      @giedrevaiciene4677 3 года назад +2

      Yes i believe this man who spoke with this beautiful boy. He is decieving him because he is a calvinist. Because he said John MacArthur and others...

    • @hv3079
      @hv3079 3 года назад


    • @malindaallen718
      @malindaallen718 3 года назад +3

      He's so alone, has had to find answers in himself because he had nobody to trust.

    • @smazey2309
      @smazey2309 3 года назад +6

      @Ras Scotty so someone got raped in the Bible, that means God approves of it? That’s the foolishness of atheism. They don’t ask God to show them but they refer to man like sheep.no wonder the Bible says the blind follow the blind and fall in the ditch. You better repent or you and likewise i will perish.

  • @sminem6572
    @sminem6572 10 месяцев назад +12

    The love of Jesus is SO POWERFUL! We cannot even comprehend it, and when we feel it we cannot do anything but cry and BOW!

  • @redzebrastripes
    @redzebrastripes Год назад +966

    This was so extremely heartwarming. It was crazy how you could see him realize that what he’s been searching for all along was God, not himself. I wish him the best as he grows in his faith.

    • @netaenns3315
      @netaenns3315 Год назад +16

      Agree, that was heartwarming

    • @brinaskore
      @brinaskore Год назад +1

      nah it was weird

    • @valerieemmanuel3960
      @valerieemmanuel3960 Год назад +4

      Sooo happy with Mario, heaven must be rejoicing.

    • @malp1
      @malp1 Год назад

      Insulting, ridiculous interpretation.

    • @i.7081
      @i.7081 Год назад

      How, he’s using fear to manipulate him

  • @phenomenol91
    @phenomenol91 3 года назад +431

    You can literally feel the goodness in this young man's heart and soul......

    • @truthhurts2833
      @truthhurts2833 3 года назад +3

      How can you feel goodness from him if the title implies he don't have "God"...

    • @iTaxHD
      @iTaxHD 3 года назад +8

      @@truthhurts2833 Luke 6:32. For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.

    • @entropicmomathome
      @entropicmomathome 3 года назад +11

      He has no goodness, that’s why he needs Christ. Non of us have goodness, that’s why we need Him!

    • @jollygoodgordon5580
      @jollygoodgordon5580 3 года назад +1

      No not one is righteous

    • @jollygoodgordon5580
      @jollygoodgordon5580 3 года назад

      @@entropicmomathome facts

  • @eoinMB3949
    @eoinMB3949 3 года назад +358

    Wow. This dude had an open heart, notice how he didnt go into defense mode and attack the message that was being delivered. His heart was open and so his eyes and ears were open.

    • @WeWillShowMercy
      @WeWillShowMercy 3 года назад +19

      Yes!! I noticed that right away. It's such a relief to see someone, especially an adolescent, respond in such a way and not in immediate retaliation, like the accuser would!!

    • @captainrogers2790
      @captainrogers2790 3 года назад +7

      @@WeWillShowMercy Having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, Ephesians 1:18

    • @Jesus_is_Lord_316
      @Jesus_is_Lord_316 3 года назад +3

      That's God the Holy Spirit working on the spot. Be forever grateful, Mario. God has chosen you.

    • @Terminate1783
      @Terminate1783 3 года назад

      Like why do you even want to know that?

  • @lynnjames6629
    @lynnjames6629 3 месяца назад +3

    Divine appointment. God continue to guide, bless and strengthen this young man in Jesus Name Amen‼️💯🙏💪🛡️🕊️🙌

  • @RevanJJ
    @RevanJJ Год назад +1110

    I like him. He was open and patient. Focused on love. He just needed this wake up call to aim that love the correct direction. I don’t think they met by accident. Well done, Living Waters.

    • @johnevans230
      @johnevans230 Год назад +28

      May God keep this boy(Mario) from falling cos from the day he said that prayer, hell is not happy with him.

    • @animaticToshiue
      @animaticToshiue Год назад +16

      What he said about doing everything in love is true but impossible without God's Spirit. Truly, God sent Ray that day just like how He sent Peter to the person in Acts whose "offerings have gone up to God."

    • @17slushys40
      @17slushys40 Год назад +1

      Darth raven nice

  • @rickylopez2011
    @rickylopez2011 2 года назад +625

    as soon as he heard the name of Jesus, he burst into tears... CHILLS!!!!!

    • @evelynrespass5385
      @evelynrespass5385 2 года назад +65

      Exactly! We can see the moment he starts to feel the power of the Holy Spirit! Such a beautiful young man - I pray he is doing well.

    • @coltongraham9135
      @coltongraham9135 Год назад +5


    • @aadams3995
      @aadams3995 Год назад +2

      Salvation has come to Mario‘s house! Praise God!

    • @amartinez231able
      @amartinez231able Год назад


    • @julianajacksonnn
      @julianajacksonnn Год назад +2

      I have chills too and I started crying with him.❤

  • @robertbrangan9617
    @robertbrangan9617 2 года назад +705

    That kid has more humility and compassion than most. It often feels hopless trying to bring people to Jesus when everyone seems so self absorbed and egotistical these days. How reassuring to see there are still lost sheep out there with open hearts waiting to be saved.

    • @beinspiredforjesuswithsamri
      @beinspiredforjesuswithsamri 2 года назад +8

      In deed in deed there are lost souls just waiting to be reached

    • @Hannah11235
      @Hannah11235 2 года назад +13

      God can save many though it does seem almost hopeless with today's generations. I used to be a very militant atheist myself who hated God a few years ago though. Thanks to Christians exposing the darkness of hollywood and the world, it opened my eyes and months later Jesus rescued me. I was as militant as they come. You never know how long it might take a seed to sprout : ) God bless

    • @BeepingMemeSauce
      @BeepingMemeSauce 2 года назад +1

      @@Hannah11235 The darkness of Hollywood? What do you mean?
      Lemme guess, PG-13 and R rated movies are "sAtAnIc?"

    • @peachbun
      @peachbun 2 года назад

      @@BeepingMemeSauce If you hate the truth, then there is nothing wrong with the lies of Hollywood. You can love those things, but they are broken and temporary, and will never save you. I hope you do not harden your heart against God. He is always trying to get through to us, but if we repetatively say no no no, and think we know better, you can grieve the Holy Spirit away, the conviction becomes less and less until you don't even care anymore and become reprobate, hard hearted. It would only be by the grace of God if you could still be pulled out of that state by some situation waking you up. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. He wants no one to perish, but if we choose deception and lies over truth, to love those things more, then we made our choice. The mind becomes corrupted to think what is good is bad and what is bad is good... Only if you turn to God and continually ask him to lead you, read his Word and learn to trust him can you be saved from whatever path you are on that will only lead to death. There is always hope, no matter what wrong things you have thought or done, God will forgive you if you seek his forgiveness. But you must be repentant, even pray for the gift of a repentant heart if you are struggling....

    • @BeepingMemeSauce
      @BeepingMemeSauce 2 года назад

      @@peachbun I know they won't save me. I'm not stupid.

  • @orangeslurp
    @orangeslurp 27 дней назад +1

    This just made me cry. Beautiful. Much love to all brothers and sisters❤❤❤

  • @jd5788
    @jd5788 3 года назад +402

    This encounter is beyond incredible. Praise to Jesus, the Lord, the Truth, the Life. Bless all of you in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    • @juriz8981
      @juriz8981 3 года назад +2


    • @MightyGiftie
      @MightyGiftie 3 года назад +4

      @@timonp3412 it isn’t a set up. Ray has been doing this for yearssss, please don’t draw conclusions without adequate information.❤️

    • @lysa6377
      @lysa6377 3 года назад

      Mario, I’m praying for you!

  • @2Timothy2-25
    @2Timothy2-25 3 года назад +389

    He was on the right track... Ray just led him thru the narrow gate.
    His tears were shown as he entered it.
    Praise God.

    • @allforjoy1
      @allforjoy1 3 года назад +6

      Awesome, His heart is now home.

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 3 года назад +14

      - Mario was actually on the complete WRONG track. He, just like everyone else, had to completely turn from his self-centeredness and turn to Christ. To not acknowledge the death of our Savior as all significant, and not claim it as our payment for sin, is to do the absolute MOST evil thing we can do on this Earth. Worthy of eternal death.....
      "There is a way that seems right unto man but the end thereof leads to death." Proverbs
      I hope Mario is still serving Christ today.

    • @2Timothy2-25
      @2Timothy2-25 3 года назад +13

      @@redfaux74 yes I agree. What i meant is that i could tell by his demeanor and his hunger for love that he just needed his love to be led in the right direction....
      that being JESUS...
      prayerfully Ray's talk with him made Jesus is #1 priority on how to receive and give that love.

    • @dukadarodear2176
      @dukadarodear2176 3 года назад

      Jesus as per Christianity probably didn't exist.
      St. Paul who never met Jesus (except in visions/hallucinations) founded Christianity and laid out his philosophy in his letters long before the Gospels were written.
      The Gospel of Mark and the others were written long after the Jesus era.
      The Jewish Bible belongs to the Jews but were commandeered by the Christians.
      The Old Testament prefigures Nothing in the 'New' Testament.
      This young man was confused to start with but he was confused AND upset when his head was filled with preachy nonsense.

    • @judgeright2292
      @judgeright2292 3 года назад +3

      New age believes are not a right Path. Its buddhism wrapped around serving anything but GOD. you have no idea what you just wrote.

  • @Gwoog55
    @Gwoog55 2 года назад +1284

    This video actually had a part in saving me, I was lukewarm and barely even considered myself a Christian other than just nominally. But rays words were just TEARING through me and I felt myself in the same position as Mario and cried along with him. I’m 18 now I got saved a month before my birthday and my life has changed, my eyes have opened and they cannot be closed, I still struggle with sin but have never felt so powerful in fighting it. I thank you ray, and praise to Jesus Christ for saving me!

    • @ruthwhittemore7255
      @ruthwhittemore7255 2 года назад +33

      Praise the Lord for his work in you through this video! Hope you can find a good, solid church that can help you continue to walk in him, just as you received Him. :)

    • @jill7212
      @jill7212 2 года назад +24

      Hallelujah! Praying that you continue to walk in faith ♥️

    • @Hannah11235
      @Hannah11235 2 года назад +27

      God bless you! Great testimony. Be happy you found the Truth early. I was a nominal/false Christian and when I turned 21 I went full atheist and later dabbled in some new age circles. Thankfully Jesus rescued me from those deceptions a couple of years ago now. My life has changed and God continues to reveal more and more to you, and continues to refine and sanctify you. I thought I loved my atheist life but nothing the secular world can offer begins to compare to knowing and following Jesus. The Truth is so much more beautiful than the lies. God bless

    • @sherylrojas1
      @sherylrojas1 2 года назад +9

      ❤🙏AMEN!God bless you!

    • @TinaChristinaTD
      @TinaChristinaTD 2 года назад +11

      Praise God. Amen🙏🏽🙌🏽❤️