@@Azarthesyes but practice doesnt make perfect, if you only practice bad things youll only ever be as good as what you practice, so if they just keep doing the same things not changing or adjusting at all every game every comp theyll never get better
I love this guy because his criticisms never sound like he is looking down at the player. It's never "well that was stupid" but rather "you know what I respect that play I know what you were going for and if you did this differently it definitely could have worked" love it keep up the positive vibes
Yeah I’ve been watching Flats and his Bronze reviews are just so negative. There’s critique there but it’s all walled behind constant belittling, which kinda annoys me considering they are the ones giving him content lol
@@BorgerWithCheesethat’s why he explicitly says he is there to mock them, not teach them. Anyone who sends him a game isn’t doing it to improve- just to help provide some entertainment
@@BorgerWithCheese Woah, I've met one. Someone in the wild who literally doesn't listen to the videos but gets mad when he does what he says he's going to do.
@@louiepikmin3184 It's not the point though, it is just a bad habit to get into. Any half-decent hitscan player would roast you like a grilled cheese sandwich if you kept doing that on any map.
@@bigfudge2031then again, it's bronze. You'll go against like one quarter-decent hitscan in like 20 matches. They'll learn (hopefully) as they progress. Because i did this a lot as well when i first learned super jump. Now i have a good grasp of when to super jump, long jump, or cancel my GA in most situations
I'm in plat and I still do that for some reason. I really need to knock it off cause I'm starting to realize flinging myself into the air doesn't help survivability.
@@gerronuma7860 it's fun to press your buttons, especially because Mercy's buttons are extremely fun (flying = fun). for me, the most helpful thing to remember has always been that GA's cool down is still super short in the grand scheme of things but when you waste it and don't have it when you need it, it's a big feels bad. and even in plat, there's a lot you can get away with, but occasionally there will be a widow who gets a free elim on you because you super jumped for no reason lol hopefully you will learn this lesson faster than I did, I fed many ults to many widow makers over the years before I learned to respect enemy snipers lol
I feel like CC'd could be changed to either "Not my problem" in which they look away from something important (like letting someone fall over or hard tunneling) or "I'm doing damage" in which they just shoot the tank and ignore everyone else even if they are being actively pocketed
Too easy. That's just every other rez in lower ranks. A prior suggestion of 'successful rez in the middle of the enemy team' might be challenging enough, though.
@@mihaela52 I'm currently in the process of leaving gold in all three roles. I'm between g2 and p4 in everything. I've had a mercy res me next to a transformed bastion. It works less often the higher you go up but it always works occasionally at every rank even top 500. It also works against projectile cheaters.
19:24 I figured it out. It wasn’t an accidental q, the thought process was “my tank is low hp and alone, I need to save them. Coal is the fastest way to heal them up.”
Better than a qp game I played where I was playing Zarya and the mercy who refused to get off my ass only ever right clicked, even when I was at 1 bar, spamming that I needed healing, and was fully pulled out of the team fight.
I have this thing where I'm a mid-gold Moira and I fear I'm ranked too high, but looking at that Moira, I'm now convinced that I'm at least not a Bronze 5 Moira.
I'm a moira stuck in bronze and I don't mean to be offensive to that player but it's making me think there must be something that isn't my ability keeping me back (I carry about half of all games and end up with the highest heals and kills more often than I'd like)
@@Trelghyl try playing more than Moira, sometimes the only thing that you lack is flexibility, try picking based on map and your own team comp. and if you want a hero to be your main focus, i would switch Moira by Baptiste, it requires you to aim and manage your cooldowns better, but at the same time you can control the flow of the match much more.
As a previous mercy main turned kiriko, i thought my rank is too high (gold 4, about to drop to gold 5 after a loss streak) I can confirm im silver at best because i miss the easiest suzus, make the dumbest plays, and run my ult into walls, but i can somehow double headshot a sniper across the map, or 180 flick on a lucio wallriding 😭
I remember playing kiri our team pushed forward leaving the cart behind, so I went to go get it thinking my moira can keep the team going during down time only to look back at the moira just following me saying hello as she left the team to die 5 v 3 so wholesome but ended horribly
Nah but fr i spam ping "push the payload" and hope my other support takes the hint. Unless theyre pushed up and i become payload princess, even when im widow 💀
it's always hilarious when he's just baffled for a minute or two straight then pulls up the card and checks off the question marks Also the door closing at the very last moment was just the icing on the cake
Bronze OW reminds me of little kid soccer; where all the kids are in a huddle kicking each other so they can get the ball. When will it end, what's going on, who will win!? No one knows lol 😂
WHY DID HE NEVER HEAL ANYONE WHEN THEY WERE CRITICAL? like omfg i am losing my mind!!! dude would just look right at them and go "yknow what, fuck it, i wanna dps"
Bronze Support is the trenches of WW1 The mercy running in to rez when enemies can easily see her and then also her keeping the healing beam on her team even when they’re full hp… ahhhh
Life Weaver is insane for those high aggression close range tanks. Reinhardts, Dooms, and even Zarya's are so aggravating when they make those suicide dives doing tons of damage --- then get yanked back to safety without getting punished.
I have 600hrs on Moira and I’m frankly embarrassed and baffled by this guy’s Moira gameplay. The amount of times I audibly said OUT LOUD “what are you doing?” while watching this is too numerous to count. I guess when people say Moira is a skilless hero, this is what they mean. 😂 Edit 2: This person actually picked Moira for the wrong reason, in my opinion. I think they might feel more comfortable playing Kiriko, which allows for a quick teleport in-teleport out gameplay while also being able to stay safe and fire at range. To play Moira in dive or with a dive tank, you really have to be aggressive, take initiative, and be aware of your surroundings. Moira’s utility in a match isn’t just her healing. You need to use her mobility to get picks, keep ranged enemies out of position, and protect your other support if needed. It’s not…whatever the heck this is.
i also have hundreds of hours on moira and i hard agree here; i have people in my games who instantly assume when i pick her that im gonna play like THIS, or worse, like a tiktok damage only flanking moira, but her value is in knowing where you need to be and who you need to focus at all times, whether for healing or for damage, moreso than most supports bc of how often it changes for a good moira in a single game. lucio has a similar problem of getting a bad rap due to tiktok plays and horrible bronze gameplay, but in both cases, if you truly know how to play the hero effectively, you're gonna get a lot more value than people think. lol had a comp game on route 66 the other day where i said something along the lines of "how's everyone doing?" and one of my dps basically said "you're on moira, this is gonna suck." it wasn't even one of my better games (i was messing up a bunch and making a tonne of mistakes with positioning and cd usage) and i still managed to have nearly 20k healing, over 10k damage, the most assists in the lobby, the most elims on my team (second most in the lobby iirc), and fewest deaths in the lobby. it was close, but we won, and that dps ate his words lol. THAT'S the kind of impact a good moira can have.
@@Battleress2 Absolutely! Target prioritization is so important, and knowing who to target, for healing or damage, is so important. I’m mainly a more aggressive Moira unless I really have to hard support someone, but even that isn’t about going full DPS. I’m always keeping an eye on problems for my team and targeting them. Even dying, if I made the team turn around and we capped, or killed whoever was focused on my team, that’s hugely beneficial. I actually had someone recognize my username in a comp lobby because I’m essentially a one-trick. It was incredibly satisfying to know they were scared of me because of how efficiently I can play her on my best days.
@@sylvievadimsky7515 that's how it should be for any hero! when played effectively, people SHOULD be scared! but they see stuff like this bronze player and think "oh wow all moira players must be like this," or they'll be like "ugh lifeweaver sucks," even tho he's been getting repeated buffs since his launch. and yet....
One thing I noticed about lower ranked games is neither team really combines ults. As in, stretegically, usually, one person pops their ult, then it just sets off a chain reaction of ults. But it's much more effective to use ults in synergy, (Grav into DVA Bomb, Nano into pretty much any ult, etc). You'd be amazed at how many times this can result in a team kill and an easy win.
here are some general rules of thumb for playing moira in lower ranks [id say bronze to gold], because ive seen a lot of really bad moira players in my days, and moira guides arent exactly in high demand ~ DONT DPS, PLEASE. if youre in lower ranks, more often than not, your other support will not be able to singlehandedly pick up the slack and heal the entire team. the only reason you see dps moiras more often in high rank/the competitive scene is because the other support can manage healing the team on their own. that doesnt really work unless you a) have a 5 stack all in a discord call or b) are in diamond or above ~ in that same vein, dont do the same thing in more than one form. so if youve just thrown a damage orb at the enemy team, dont also try and suck them aswell. while your purple orb is doing its thing, focus on using your primary to heal your teammates. if you throw a healing orb at your team, you can use your suck to try and finish off any stragglers. ~ dont hoard your ultimate. moira has one of the fastest charging ults if youre playing her right, so if you get your ultimate, and you arent alone, and you see at least like 2 enemies on the point/cart/robot, make like beyblade and let it rip. youll more than likely get it back in like 3 minutes anyways ~ also a good rule for every hero is knowing a good time to ult. with moira, if youre in the middle of a fight and most of your team is low, thats a GREAT opportunity. along with that, much like other ults, its one of those "if everyones grouped up, pop it" ultimates. itll help you get the enemies low so your teammates can finish them off. one of the nice things about moira ult is that it cant be 100% negated with a simple suzu or a defense matrix. be careful for any stuns, but other than that, you should be alright. ~ and finally, dont watch owwc or owl to determine how you should be playing moira. these are teams with massive amounts of practice and synergy. most esports teams for overwatch have been playing for over a year JUST practicing for the big events. you are most likely a soloq or duoq player that doesnt play comp more than twice or thrice a week. watching competitive overwatch is good for seeing good matchups, and good team comps. not quite something that should judge your entire gameplay if youre anything below *maybe* masters.
4:19 the player essentially blamed their Mercy for this lost team fight but honestly, I feel like the LW is the reason they lost it or why they weren't able to hold on for longer. they just.... did not heal their doomfish when doom was right next to them. maybe doom would have died anyway but LW didnt seem to even notice. I really feel like the team had a chance of falling back and holding the next corner or at least recontesting right before the checkpoint if they had healed their doomfish and used tree to help keep everyone up. I'm not a LW expert so maybe I'm wrong, but it feels like their lack of action to protect their doomfish was a HUGE mistake. 6:02 the best thing to do when the enemy gets this checkpoint is immediately fall back to the high ground with the bridge and the mini. it's a very good defensive position. if your team doesn't want to fall back, YOU at least need to be in a good defensive position. fall back towards the mega that's in front of the cart or climb to the high ground. playing with your team doesn't mean positioning as poorly as they do. 10:06 your positioning needs work here. you just walked backwards right into one of the best sightlines for snipers in the entire game. you're not even looking towards where the enemies might be. you're not getting ready for the next team fight. yes, tell your team if you think or know there's someone behind, but you need to also focus on your main job. if you went Moira to help your tank, you need to be thinking about where you should be positioned to actually be able to do that. 11:24 you looked really confused for a second re: where the damage was coming from. the damage indicators on screen are directional, as are the audio cues like the sound of bullets and other weapons. you can use those to very quickly identify where the damage is coming from. 11:32 you are letting your doom die right now. you're not even keeping track of their hp or what they're doing. this is 100% your fault. doom isn't overly aggressive right now, they're not in the enemy backline, they are right next to you and within range of your healing but they're going to die because you're not paying attention to your job. support isn't just healing, but with Moira, your primary job is healing your team. 12:30 I am genuinely confused by this. I have no idea how you came to the decision that this was the most valuable play you could be making right now. I'm glad you abandoned whatever your plan was because you were very close to just abandoning your team and leaving them to 4v5 12:48 you're healing so randomly. you're not keeping track of your teammates and their health. you just tunnel vision on one thing and don't look around to see who needs help until you're done doing YOUR thing. you should be constantly looking around for your teammates and gauging who needs your help the most and how you can help them. if there's a genji who is very low and attacking a full hp teammate, dpsing the genji is going to be the most help. but if someone is very low and being focused, healing them is going to be the best play. but you can't help anyone if you're not actually looking around. 13:00 tbh you're not really participating much in this game. you're not concerned about the objective, you're only occasionally concerned with your teammates and typically only if they are DIRECTLY in front of you (and sometimes not even then because You've let doom die twice when they were directly in front of you). 13:06 if you are choosing to go Moira for your doom, you need to dive with your doom, essentially. you need to follow them. right now, you've really been letting rhem fend for themself. honestly, pocketing a doom as Moira can be one of the most fun support experiences, but you have to actually work with your doom first. 13:37 it genuinely feels like you only maintain focus on your team for like five seconds at a time. you spent so long doing absolutely nothing, wasted a significant portion of your ult trying to get one kill, and only NOW do you care about your team. 14:34 you don't need to use your healing orb here. your primary healing is fine. save it to throw a damage orb to help you build your ult again, or save it until it will either benefit multiple people who are low or one person who is close to death. it heals a significant amount in an AOE, so appreciate the value that can contribute and don't just use it to use ot. treat it as a resource for the team and ask yourself what is the best way to use the orb to support the team. 17:19 based on how little you're actually playing with your team, your second support is actually contributing a lot more to this match than you are. they're playing with the team and trying to help and heal the tank. you have significant periods of down time that are so frequent. 19:17 continuing to push the cart would have been way more valuable than wasting your ult. your team is trying to be aggressive and make space. ideally Lucio would be on cart and you would be with doom, but you don't seem very interested in playing with your doom so pushing cart was the play here. 20:03 easy way to remember Moira's healing range: its the same length as Mercy's beam. so if you would be able to heal someone as Mercy, you can reach them as Moira 20:10 consider lowering your sensitivity so you can be more precise, or dont just spray and pray. echo isn't that low and isn't in immediate danger, they used their mobility to get back, so you can just tap healing on them a couple of times once they're relatively still instead of using so much of your healing and barely doing anything with it. it has a resource meter and it doesn't recharge very fast passively, so you really need to be mindful about how much you're using. there are times when you just have to hold down the button, but little bits of chip damage for people who aren't under pressure can be healed with quick little taps of healing. 24:05 you really need to work on your ult usage. you haven't had one impactful coal this game. i recommend watching ml7's unranked to GM with Moira. it's from ow1 but ALL the advice still applies. he also does a lot of vod reviews of supports, including Moiras. definitely give his videos a watch - you'll learn a lot, just like i did and do. 24:36 coal could have been huge here. you were in a 3v5 without your other support, and coal heals and does damage. but unfortunately you didn't have it. 26:43 damage boost damage boost damage boost. you can flick between it while healing. damage boosting your dps and then beaming doom for a brief second when they punch in would be very impactful. you also overuse mercys movement here and put yourself in completely unnecessary danger. you're just full on out in the open. staying on the ground and using GA to go between covered areas to help your team is generally going to be a much better idea. yeah you aren't going to be punished for it because you're in bronze 5, but if you want to climb, its better to break bad habits now than later. 28:36 you need to use cover. you're very much relying on the fact your enemies are in bronze, but if you want to climb, you need to learn how to position.
@@danielkazarov243I'm sorry you feel so overwhelmed by a large amount of text that isn't even directed towards you. I can try to summarize it so it's easier for you to digest, if you'd like.
For that random suzu that got random ability on the board, I could be wrong but i think they were trying to get the mercy for that moment of invincibility to try and help her get back with team. But then they just missed badly. I could be wrong tho.
on the cart stuff I play support and am typically the one who can stay on the cart, I'm busy telling my moira partners to join the team, and since I am usually lifeweaver if i need help i grip some one back to save me.
i love the support bingo! i’d LOVE to see more. i understand support is generally boring to watch to a lot of people but i think this is the most interested i’ve been in one of these videos (not to say i’m not interested in others, i love ALL of them.) if possible i’d really adore to see some more support bingos
per my longterm metal rank investigative skills, what happened here was a mercy player getting into a game where the other support chose mercy before them and they therefor had to chose something else (LW/kiri/moira) which is much worse than their mercy gameplay. its like the awareness increased 10fold on mercy, healing priority made sense, movement was decent (everyone being mean as hell in the comments, this is bronze 5 like there are bronze 5 mercies who dont even fly). i think they called the decision controversial because its kinda rude sometimes to take a hero that someone else already played but idk, switching to mercy is honestly the only reason they won LOL
i was watching the moira gameplay, and as a main... lowkey painful. but then they switched to mercy, and man, for bronze five, that was really good. my tip, cuz they asked for it, would be to focus on getting better w mercy, and then expand to other heroes, so you have someone to go back to if the games not working in your favour. thats how i have done, at least
exactly what i thought! i occasionally play mercy as a moira main, and imo shes much more difficult. prob bc my entire playstyle is built around moiras set, but... whatever. like, how? focus on mercy and theyll rank up in no time
That looked like pretty clueless mercy gameplay in my opinion. They were just constantly doing the mercy jump. If the enemy team had any proper dps they'd shoot down that mercy in a heartbeat lol. Also zero damage boost. Now I get that damage boost is going to be less effective in bronze, but it just seriously pained me watching them just healbot after popping valkyrie right after their other support put down a tree. At least damage boost when your team has a healing ultimate up! One of the most powerful aspects of valkyrie is that ability to damage boost the entire team, and then heal the team when needed.
I think they just need to work on being aware of where the spawns are, where line of sights are, where their teammates are, what the goal is (stay on payload). I was stuck in bronze for a long time but gaining that awareness helped a lot.
maybe also go into practice range to see how your powers work. It seems they think that moira's abilities can work through walls and from really far away. It's good to figure out the range of distance for your abilities
4:04 why would he switch to damage when his DF was being shot at IN FRONT OF HIM? 🤦🏻♂️ Edit: Im impressed by his Mercy movement. If he sticks to Mercy, he will climb. Im Plat and I csnt stay in the air as long as Mercy as he did.
nothing encapsulates the bronze experience more than hugging the wall to move faster and then getting stuck on said wall because you won't press any other button than W on your keyboard
This was, by far, the most painful game of bingo to watch since you started the series…and it ain’t even close. You could’ve told me that someone rang their door bell, and their cat started playing with the controller - and I would 10000% believe you. No rhyme, no reason, no brains. Petition for Blizzard to create a Bronze 8 specifically for this player. OOOOOOF.
@@ivanych6231 why the hell are you so mad, listen dude im a hanzo main so sorry to break your confidence but yes hanzo does require skill but without the random shots youll be nothing
@@Tapood74 bruh. Bro I know that Hanzo requires skill and I don't decline that. I mean that he require more gamesense and precision practice than mechanical aim cuz it's projectile.
for ulting with low HP, at the beginning the OP ulted as lifeweaver with low HP and immediately had to fall back due to low HP, then later the OP ulted as Kiriko and immediately died bc they were low, while also having waited to ult as it stands, leading to another teammate dying.
It never gets brought up after the exposition, but I think the "call" the player was referring to was that both supports in this are Mercy OTPs (or at least mains) and round 4 was the round where the poster decided to insta-snag Mercy from the other support. Which is why I think they started life-gripping a couple times in frustration.
You should either get rid of the "CC" Field, or put some restrictions on it. Otherwise you can basically just check it off at the start of every VOD, since it's almost impossible to build a teamcomp that doesn't have at least one form of CC.
After watching an apparently Masters console mercy player, this short of Mercy gameplay was certainly a good treat! (Better movement and more dmg boost) Although my highlight was the Moira going on a trip :3 Some of the gameplays were questionable but I have seen worse, so I enjoyed the little ???? Moments ❤😂
I'm high silver, low gold. You know how many times I tell my team to back off because we were fighting right outside their spawn? You know how many times they listened? The answer is every single time and 0. They never listen then get upset when they lose the fight. I got tired of bad balance and bad team mates so I uninstalled. The game isn't good for the majority of players.
1:14 No one is talking about it, but let's take a moment to remember the "controversial question" of MordSith's decision in round 4. They took Mercy from the other support player. And considering their remarks about that player earlier in the essay, I think it's fair to say this was an entirely petty move to get them to play something else lmao
I don't know if I agree that LW tree at the beginning was "random." I think what probably happened was the player had already decided to swap off LW, and figured "well, I have ult may as well throw it outt rather than waste the charge. MAYBE someone on my team uses it to generate a little more of THEIR ult charge."
When I played my first round of comp games in OW2 and got placed into bronze, I thought maybe I do belong in bronze. After watching this, I can confidently say that I in fact do not belong in bronze. Thank you for the video Emongg! Great series, it's super fun!
The mercy would improve if he/she used damage boost more. Valk and yellow beaming during lifeweaver tree wasn’t necessary. Now blue during the lw tree would’ve gone hard.
There are sometimes few supports in a lobby playing like this up to diamond. Awareness = 0. I'd say damage role get punished for being bad pretty early in ranks and they don't go up until they improve, tanks mostly get same punishment in gold or plat, but supports are completely out of hand in current system.
love that "doesnt take map control" is on the bronze bingo card because theres nothing more infuriating than winning a team fight and no one wants to push up and deny space and just sits on point. Crazy that this still happens in diamond +
On an unrelated note, what game is the music from at 18:00? It's really bothering me because I can't remember what game its from but I know ive played and heard that song a million times. If anyone can tell me I'll be super grateful
Moira watching the scenery and strolling around like its a sunday afternoon is the funniest thing ive watched today😭😭
6:55 I love the fact the Sigma rocked the Doomfist into the healthpack. He was a better support than the Kiriko or Mercy, lol.
Haha I thought only I noticed that 😂
OMFG this is wild. I don't see things this bad in QP.
@ajcopple aren't qp lobbies based on your mmr tho...
@@MilkysRevenge qp have much wider range, so you can find bronze and diamonds on the same team
The moira section of this video is the perfect summation of bronze I was just speechless the whole way through that round
in some parts, i blame Zbra for all of those bronze doomfist diving carelessly behind enemy like there's no tomorrow, LOL
to be fair, only way to learn is to do
@@Azarthesyes but practice doesnt make perfect, if you only practice bad things youll only ever be as good as what you practice, so if they just keep doing the same things not changing or adjusting at all every game every comp theyll never get better
Doom carried fr
@@Azarthesyeah learn in quick matches where it doesn't matter if u win or lose lmao
@@Azarthesdo it in quick play, not comp
I love this guy because his criticisms never sound like he is looking down at the player. It's never "well that was stupid" but rather "you know what I respect that play I know what you were going for and if you did this differently it definitely could have worked" love it keep up the positive vibes
Yeah I’ve been watching Flats and his Bronze reviews are just so negative. There’s critique there but it’s all walled behind constant belittling, which kinda annoys me considering they are the ones giving him content lol
@@BorgerWithCheeseI'm pretty sure that's the point. His vod reviews are supposed to be roasts not educational and he explicitly says so as well.
@@BorgerWithCheesethat’s why he explicitly says he is there to mock them, not teach them. Anyone who sends him a game isn’t doing it to improve- just to help provide some entertainment
@@BorgerWithCheesetruth hurts huh?!
@@BorgerWithCheese Woah, I've met one. Someone in the wild who literally doesn't listen to the videos but gets mad when he does what he says he's going to do.
The super jump after every GA on Mercy hurt to watch, especially on a sniper map. It's like he just discovered it for the first time.
Tbf they didnt have any snipers during that
@@louiepikmin3184 It's not the point though, it is just a bad habit to get into. Any half-decent hitscan player would roast you like a grilled cheese sandwich if you kept doing that on any map.
@@bigfudge2031then again, it's bronze. You'll go against like one quarter-decent hitscan in like 20 matches. They'll learn (hopefully) as they progress. Because i did this a lot as well when i first learned super jump. Now i have a good grasp of when to super jump, long jump, or cancel my GA in most situations
I'm in plat and I still do that for some reason. I really need to knock it off cause I'm starting to realize flinging myself into the air doesn't help survivability.
@@gerronuma7860 it's fun to press your buttons, especially because Mercy's buttons are extremely fun (flying = fun). for me, the most helpful thing to remember has always been that GA's cool down is still super short in the grand scheme of things but when you waste it and don't have it when you need it, it's a big feels bad. and even in plat, there's a lot you can get away with, but occasionally there will be a widow who gets a free elim on you because you super jumped for no reason lol hopefully you will learn this lesson faster than I did, I fed many ults to many widow makers over the years before I learned to respect enemy snipers lol
I feel like CC'd could be changed to either "Not my problem" in which they look away from something important (like letting someone fall over or hard tunneling) or "I'm doing damage" in which they just shoot the tank and ignore everyone else even if they are being actively pocketed
Or like goldfish memory
@@nahnvm8493 or no object permanence (e.g. someone goes behind a wall and the player instantly forgets about them)
Yeah I'm not sure what cc'd is supposed to be, like..? Someone in the game is playing cass, doom, etc? Lol
You should add 'optimistic res' to the card. happens all the time
Too easy. That's just every other rez in lower ranks. A prior suggestion of 'successful rez in the middle of the enemy team' might be challenging enough, though.
the card is intentionally neutral re: heroes. if no one picks mercy in a game, then that limits the potential bingos.
It also works all the time
he used to have something like that but then he removed all hero-specific squares.
@@mihaela52 I'm currently in the process of leaving gold in all three roles. I'm between g2 and p4 in everything. I've had a mercy res me next to a transformed bastion. It works less often the higher you go up but it always works occasionally at every rank even top 500. It also works against projectile cheaters.
4:05 is too real, the amount of times we lose a fight and the last person feels the need to solo ult 1v5
19:24 I figured it out. It wasn’t an accidental q, the thought process was “my tank is low hp and alone, I need to save them. Coal is the fastest way to heal them up.”
25:10 Not Soldier killing himself with his helix rocket in OT 😂😂😂
The pain in emongg’s eyes during the second round watching them play moira is hilarious
the other support was holding left click on mercy like their life depended on it
PLEASE. I didn't see one blue beam from the other support when they were mercy
Better than a qp game I played where I was playing Zarya and the mercy who refused to get off my ass only ever right clicked, even when I was at 1 bar, spamming that I needed healing, and was fully pulled out of the team fight.
I have this thing where I'm a mid-gold Moira and I fear I'm ranked too high, but looking at that Moira, I'm now convinced that I'm at least not a Bronze 5 Moira.
I'm a moira stuck in bronze and I don't mean to be offensive to that player but it's making me think there must be something that isn't my ability keeping me back (I carry about half of all games and end up with the highest heals and kills more often than I'd like)
@@Trelghyl try playing more than Moira, sometimes the only thing that you lack is flexibility, try picking based on map and your own team comp. and if you want a hero to be your main focus, i would switch Moira by Baptiste, it requires you to aim and manage your cooldowns better, but at the same time you can control the flow of the match much more.
As a previous mercy main turned kiriko, i thought my rank is too high (gold 4, about to drop to gold 5 after a loss streak)
I can confirm im silver at best because i miss the easiest suzus, make the dumbest plays, and run my ult into walls, but i can somehow double headshot a sniper across the map, or 180 flick on a lucio wallriding 😭
I remember playing kiri our team pushed forward leaving the cart behind, so I went to go get it thinking my moira can keep the team going during down time only to look back at the moira just following me saying hello as she left the team to die 5 v 3 so wholesome but ended horribly
Omg this actually made me laugh out loud😭😭
This is why I'm scared to leave my team alone for a second. I walk away and next thing I know the other support is dead and bodies start dropping 😂
Nah but fr i spam ping "push the payload" and hope my other support takes the hint. Unless theyre pushed up and i become payload princess, even when im widow 💀
I love that you're not too hard on these players. Everyone has to start somewhere.
And then there's Flats
it's always hilarious when he's just baffled for a minute or two straight then pulls up the card and checks off the question marks
Also the door closing at the very last moment was just the icing on the cake
Full HP
Took 4 damage
Used fade to move 2 meters back
Fade on cooldown
Dies to dragonblade
Yep, this is the lowest rank alright
Bronze OW reminds me of little kid soccer; where all the kids are in a huddle kicking each other so they can get the ball. When will it end, what's going on, who will win!? No one knows lol 😂
Thats so true 😭 -someone who doesnt know anything about football/soccer
I used Bob on the wrong flash point today, wondering where my team was and why I wasn’t capping. Sometimes we just push Q
Lmfao I can definitely see that happening to me. The game pace is fast so I sometimes just dont realise that the point was already won/lost
1st point of defense: “Moira the exploira” 😂😂😂😂
This is genuinely one of the funniest youtube comments 💀
If anyone’s wondering why is Moira so OP in bronze, just watch this as an “educational” video 😂
Now i know if i drop to bronze (gold 3 previously... Now gold 5)
I can just instalock moira as a win button
WHY DID HE NEVER HEAL ANYONE WHEN THEY WERE CRITICAL? like omfg i am losing my mind!!! dude would just look right at them and go "yknow what, fuck it, i wanna dps"
I, too, try to outrange Widow on Moira!
Right away, the mercy never damage boosts, and right before the MC used the tree he let his tank die.
Bronze Support is the trenches of WW1
The mercy running in to rez when enemies can easily see her and then also her keeping the healing beam on her team even when they’re full hp… ahhhh
The music at 16:30! I'm dying! Nicely done, editor!
Definitely a game that was played
I see the editor is having fun with the background music here
12:25 16:30 i love this
had to search for the comment
Life Weaver is insane for those high aggression close range tanks. Reinhardts, Dooms, and even Zarya's are so aggravating when they make those suicide dives doing tons of damage --- then get yanked back to safety without getting punished.
then they walk right back into danger
Judging by their usage and concept of Moira’s primary healing, I’d bet $100 there is a lot of yellow stains in front of their toilet.
That rant about pushing the cart and paying aggressive makes way more sense than it sounds like it should
I wasn’t expecting that kind of mercy movement, I’m impressed tbh lol
9:41 p sure he wanted to run back in 'cause same bro, that shit hurts 😭
Emongg's Bronze Bingo is basically like , "Things You Shouldn't Do To Get Out of Bronze"
This is so chaotic and has no order whatsoever. Lmao. Im gonna doe laughing at this point
I have 600hrs on Moira and I’m frankly embarrassed and baffled by this guy’s Moira gameplay. The amount of times I audibly said OUT LOUD “what are you doing?” while watching this is too numerous to count.
I guess when people say Moira is a skilless hero, this is what they mean. 😂
Edit 2: This person actually picked Moira for the wrong reason, in my opinion. I think they might feel more comfortable playing Kiriko, which allows for a quick teleport in-teleport out gameplay while also being able to stay safe and fire at range. To play Moira in dive or with a dive tank, you really have to be aggressive, take initiative, and be aware of your surroundings. Moira’s utility in a match isn’t just her healing. You need to use her mobility to get picks, keep ranged enemies out of position, and protect your other support if needed. It’s not…whatever the heck this is.
i also have hundreds of hours on moira and i hard agree here; i have people in my games who instantly assume when i pick her that im gonna play like THIS, or worse, like a tiktok damage only flanking moira, but her value is in knowing where you need to be and who you need to focus at all times, whether for healing or for damage, moreso than most supports bc of how often it changes for a good moira in a single game. lucio has a similar problem of getting a bad rap due to tiktok plays and horrible bronze gameplay, but in both cases, if you truly know how to play the hero effectively, you're gonna get a lot more value than people think.
lol had a comp game on route 66 the other day where i said something along the lines of "how's everyone doing?" and one of my dps basically said "you're on moira, this is gonna suck." it wasn't even one of my better games (i was messing up a bunch and making a tonne of mistakes with positioning and cd usage) and i still managed to have nearly 20k healing, over 10k damage, the most assists in the lobby, the most elims on my team (second most in the lobby iirc), and fewest deaths in the lobby. it was close, but we won, and that dps ate his words lol. THAT'S the kind of impact a good moira can have.
@@Battleress2 Absolutely! Target prioritization is so important, and knowing who to target, for healing or damage, is so important. I’m mainly a more aggressive Moira unless I really have to hard support someone, but even that isn’t about going full DPS. I’m always keeping an eye on problems for my team and targeting them. Even dying, if I made the team turn around and we capped, or killed whoever was focused on my team, that’s hugely beneficial.
I actually had someone recognize my username in a comp lobby because I’m essentially a one-trick. It was incredibly satisfying to know they were scared of me because of how efficiently I can play her on my best days.
@@sylvievadimsky7515 that's how it should be for any hero! when played effectively, people SHOULD be scared! but they see stuff like this bronze player and think "oh wow all moira players must be like this," or they'll be like "ugh lifeweaver sucks," even tho he's been getting repeated buffs since his launch. and yet....
Buddy he couldn't even get a full set of cards into a teammate or even 50% most of the time, I don't think kiriko is the pick for him either lol
One thing I noticed about lower ranked games is neither team really combines ults. As in, stretegically, usually, one person pops their ult, then it just sets off a chain reaction of ults. But it's much more effective to use ults in synergy, (Grav into DVA Bomb, Nano into pretty much any ult, etc). You'd be amazed at how many times this can result in a team kill and an easy win.
How are you going to do grav (I'm guessing you mean zarya ult, a tank) into dva bomb (another tank) in ow2? 🤔
@@Bruh-ev4plopen queue idk
Games like this are ones I wish i could see Flats watch (with the players consent). Enough roast to eat for days.
here are some general rules of thumb for playing moira in lower ranks [id say bronze to gold], because ive seen a lot of really bad moira players in my days, and moira guides arent exactly in high demand
~ DONT DPS, PLEASE. if youre in lower ranks, more often than not, your other support will not be able to singlehandedly pick up the slack and heal the entire team. the only reason you see dps moiras more often in high rank/the competitive scene is because the other support can manage healing the team on their own. that doesnt really work unless you a) have a 5 stack all in a discord call or b) are in diamond or above
~ in that same vein, dont do the same thing in more than one form. so if youve just thrown a damage orb at the enemy team, dont also try and suck them aswell. while your purple orb is doing its thing, focus on using your primary to heal your teammates. if you throw a healing orb at your team, you can use your suck to try and finish off any stragglers.
~ dont hoard your ultimate. moira has one of the fastest charging ults if youre playing her right, so if you get your ultimate, and you arent alone, and you see at least like 2 enemies on the point/cart/robot, make like beyblade and let it rip. youll more than likely get it back in like 3 minutes anyways
~ also a good rule for every hero is knowing a good time to ult. with moira, if youre in the middle of a fight and most of your team is low, thats a GREAT opportunity. along with that, much like other ults, its one of those "if everyones grouped up, pop it" ultimates. itll help you get the enemies low so your teammates can finish them off. one of the nice things about moira ult is that it cant be 100% negated with a simple suzu or a defense matrix. be careful for any stuns, but other than that, you should be alright.
~ and finally, dont watch owwc or owl to determine how you should be playing moira. these are teams with massive amounts of practice and synergy. most esports teams for overwatch have been playing for over a year JUST practicing for the big events. you are most likely a soloq or duoq player that doesnt play comp more than twice or thrice a week. watching competitive overwatch is good for seeing good matchups, and good team comps. not quite something that should judge your entire gameplay if youre anything below *maybe* masters.
made me laugh the 7000 times when he kept going well that is certainly a ranked match/alt ect. so funny
Fr idk why but it gets me every time 😭
4:19 the player essentially blamed their Mercy for this lost team fight but honestly, I feel like the LW is the reason they lost it or why they weren't able to hold on for longer. they just.... did not heal their doomfish when doom was right next to them. maybe doom would have died anyway but LW didnt seem to even notice. I really feel like the team had a chance of falling back and holding the next corner or at least recontesting right before the checkpoint if they had healed their doomfish and used tree to help keep everyone up. I'm not a LW expert so maybe I'm wrong, but it feels like their lack of action to protect their doomfish was a HUGE mistake.
6:02 the best thing to do when the enemy gets this checkpoint is immediately fall back to the high ground with the bridge and the mini. it's a very good defensive position. if your team doesn't want to fall back, YOU at least need to be in a good defensive position. fall back towards the mega that's in front of the cart or climb to the high ground. playing with your team doesn't mean positioning as poorly as they do.
10:06 your positioning needs work here. you just walked backwards right into one of the best sightlines for snipers in the entire game. you're not even looking towards where the enemies might be. you're not getting ready for the next team fight. yes, tell your team if you think or know there's someone behind, but you need to also focus on your main job. if you went Moira to help your tank, you need to be thinking about where you should be positioned to actually be able to do that.
11:24 you looked really confused for a second re: where the damage was coming from. the damage indicators on screen are directional, as are the audio cues like the sound of bullets and other weapons. you can use those to very quickly identify where the damage is coming from.
11:32 you are letting your doom die right now. you're not even keeping track of their hp or what they're doing. this is 100% your fault. doom isn't overly aggressive right now, they're not in the enemy backline, they are right next to you and within range of your healing but they're going to die because you're not paying attention to your job. support isn't just healing, but with Moira, your primary job is healing your team.
12:30 I am genuinely confused by this. I have no idea how you came to the decision that this was the most valuable play you could be making right now. I'm glad you abandoned whatever your plan was because you were very close to just abandoning your team and leaving them to 4v5
12:48 you're healing so randomly. you're not keeping track of your teammates and their health. you just tunnel vision on one thing and don't look around to see who needs help until you're done doing YOUR thing. you should be constantly looking around for your teammates and gauging who needs your help the most and how you can help them. if there's a genji who is very low and attacking a full hp teammate, dpsing the genji is going to be the most help. but if someone is very low and being focused, healing them is going to be the best play. but you can't help anyone if you're not actually looking around.
13:00 tbh you're not really participating much in this game. you're not concerned about the objective, you're only occasionally concerned with your teammates and typically only if they are DIRECTLY in front of you (and sometimes not even then because You've let doom die twice when they were directly in front of you).
13:06 if you are choosing to go Moira for your doom, you need to dive with your doom, essentially. you need to follow them. right now, you've really been letting rhem fend for themself. honestly, pocketing a doom as Moira can be one of the most fun support experiences, but you have to actually work with your doom first.
13:37 it genuinely feels like you only maintain focus on your team for like five seconds at a time. you spent so long doing absolutely nothing, wasted a significant portion of your ult trying to get one kill, and only NOW do you care about your team.
14:34 you don't need to use your healing orb here. your primary healing is fine. save it to throw a damage orb to help you build your ult again, or save it until it will either benefit multiple people who are low or one person who is close to death. it heals a significant amount in an AOE, so appreciate the value that can contribute and don't just use it to use ot. treat it as a resource for the team and ask yourself what is the best way to use the orb to support the team.
17:19 based on how little you're actually playing with your team, your second support is actually contributing a lot more to this match than you are. they're playing with the team and trying to help and heal the tank. you have significant periods of down time that are so frequent.
19:17 continuing to push the cart would have been way more valuable than wasting your ult. your team is trying to be aggressive and make space. ideally Lucio would be on cart and you would be with doom, but you don't seem very interested in playing with your doom so pushing cart was the play here.
20:03 easy way to remember Moira's healing range: its the same length as Mercy's beam. so if you would be able to heal someone as Mercy, you can reach them as Moira
20:10 consider lowering your sensitivity so you can be more precise, or dont just spray and pray. echo isn't that low and isn't in immediate danger, they used their mobility to get back, so you can just tap healing on them a couple of times once they're relatively still instead of using so much of your healing and barely doing anything with it. it has a resource meter and it doesn't recharge very fast passively, so you really need to be mindful about how much you're using. there are times when you just have to hold down the button, but little bits of chip damage for people who aren't under pressure can be healed with quick little taps of healing.
24:05 you really need to work on your ult usage. you haven't had one impactful coal this game. i recommend watching ml7's unranked to GM with Moira. it's from ow1 but ALL the advice still applies. he also does a lot of vod reviews of supports, including Moiras. definitely give his videos a watch - you'll learn a lot, just like i did and do.
24:36 coal could have been huge here. you were in a 3v5 without your other support, and coal heals and does damage. but unfortunately you didn't have it.
26:43 damage boost damage boost damage boost. you can flick between it while healing. damage boosting your dps and then beaming doom for a brief second when they punch in would be very impactful. you also overuse mercys movement here and put yourself in completely unnecessary danger. you're just full on out in the open. staying on the ground and using GA to go between covered areas to help your team is generally going to be a much better idea. yeah you aren't going to be punished for it because you're in bronze 5, but if you want to climb, its better to break bad habits now than later.
28:36 you need to use cover. you're very much relying on the fact your enemies are in bronze, but if you want to climb, you need to learn how to position.
mans went on a yappaton
@@danielkazarov243I'm sorry you feel so overwhelmed by a large amount of text that isn't even directed towards you. I can try to summarize it so it's easier for you to digest, if you'd like.
@@sethescopevery good tips
For that random suzu that got random ability on the board, I could be wrong but i think they were trying to get the mercy for that moment of invincibility to try and help her get back with team. But then they just missed badly. I could be wrong tho.
on the cart stuff I play support and am typically the one who can stay on the cart, I'm busy telling my moira partners to join the team, and since I am usually lifeweaver if i need help i grip some one back to save me.
i love the support bingo! i’d LOVE to see more. i understand support is generally boring to watch to a lot of people but i think this is the most interested i’ve been in one of these videos (not to say i’m not interested in others, i love ALL of them.)
if possible i’d really adore to see some more support bingos
per my longterm metal rank investigative skills, what happened here was a mercy player getting into a game where the other support chose mercy before them and they therefor had to chose something else (LW/kiri/moira) which is much worse than their mercy gameplay. its like the awareness increased 10fold on mercy, healing priority made sense, movement was decent (everyone being mean as hell in the comments, this is bronze 5 like there are bronze 5 mercies who dont even fly). i think they called the decision controversial because its kinda rude sometimes to take a hero that someone else already played but idk, switching to mercy is honestly the only reason they won LOL
Yeah I def got the feeling from their other supp that they poached Mercy in the last round.
As a mercy main i dont know how i didnt catch that 😭
i was watching the moira gameplay, and as a main... lowkey painful. but then they switched to mercy, and man, for bronze five, that was really good. my tip, cuz they asked for it, would be to focus on getting better w mercy, and then expand to other heroes, so you have someone to go back to if the games not working in your favour. thats how i have done, at least
LMAOO y'all really hit emongg with the Yapping allegations XD
How are they doing so much better zipzapping through the air as Mercy and so completely clueless on Moira? 😂
exactly what i thought! i occasionally play mercy as a moira main, and imo shes much more difficult. prob bc my entire playstyle is built around moiras set, but... whatever. like, how? focus on mercy and theyll rank up in no time
That looked like pretty clueless mercy gameplay in my opinion. They were just constantly doing the mercy jump. If the enemy team had any proper dps they'd shoot down that mercy in a heartbeat lol. Also zero damage boost. Now I get that damage boost is going to be less effective in bronze, but it just seriously pained me watching them just healbot after popping valkyrie right after their other support put down a tree. At least damage boost when your team has a healing ultimate up! One of the most powerful aspects of valkyrie is that ability to damage boost the entire team, and then heal the team when needed.
10:45 to be fair in bronze 5 directly in front of the widow is probably the safest place you can be. She won't hit her shot.
Healing the air should be added to the board as well as overheating the tank (while the dps are constantly below 200hp)
i'm surprised that Emongg's editor(s) hasn't edited in Torb's "BINGO" voiceline into these videos when there's a bingo
I think they just need to work on being aware of where the spawns are, where line of sights are, where their teammates are, what the goal is (stay on payload). I was stuck in bronze for a long time but gaining that awareness helped a lot.
maybe also go into practice range to see how your powers work. It seems they think that moira's abilities can work through walls and from really far away. It's good to figure out the range of distance for your abilities
"alright so..." Love it! Get's me every time.
4:04 why would he switch to damage when his DF was being shot at IN FRONT OF HIM? 🤦🏻♂️
Edit: Im impressed by his Mercy movement. If he sticks to Mercy, he will climb. Im Plat and I csnt stay in the air as long as Mercy as he did.
Most important thing to improve on is the tunnel vision and lack of awareness for positioning (their own AND the enemy's).
ace attorney music is definetely a W
9:40 I'd say that's getting caught on the map
It looks to me that he ran out without a plan and then tried to run back to spawn
nothing encapsulates the bronze experience more than hugging the wall to move faster and then getting stuck on said wall because you won't press any other button than W on your keyboard
19:11 is emongg's brain the entire time he's watching this hahahaha
This was, by far, the most painful game of bingo to watch since you started the series…and it ain’t even close. You could’ve told me that someone rang their door bell, and their cat started playing with the controller - and I would 10000% believe you. No rhyme, no reason, no brains.
Petition for Blizzard to create a Bronze 8 specifically for this player. OOOOOOF.
the facecam & chat overlay looks great!
watching this is a torture method deemed too cruel by the CIA and numerous human rights activists
a cool idea to add to the bingo card would be "random hanzo headshot" although that could be very difficult
Isn't that just any Hanzo headshot?
@@bigfudge2031 exactly thats why i think itll be good
@@Tapood74bro hanzo isn't about random. He is about precision and "fuck you and your sonic arrow". Really random shots equals like 7:100
@@ivanych6231 why the hell are you so mad, listen dude im a hanzo main so sorry to break your confidence but yes hanzo does require skill but without the random shots youll be nothing
@@Tapood74 bruh. Bro I know that Hanzo requires skill and I don't decline that. I mean that he require more gamesense and precision practice than mechanical aim cuz it's projectile.
The “TAB-Q” has happened to me more than I’d like to admit. It happens. But I think that ult at the end of round 2 was intentional. 😅
Love the Gen 3 background noise. So nostalgic.
for ulting with low HP, at the beginning the OP ulted as lifeweaver with low HP and immediately had to fall back due to low HP, then later the OP ulted as Kiriko and immediately died bc they were low, while also having waited to ult as it stands, leading to another teammate dying.
Watching games like this is how I know I'm not actually a bronze/silver player. 😅
they’ve played so much comp they’re gold on every support they choose but still in bronze??
The tank experience sure is crazy but what’s even crazier is that any other role would have got one clipped there lol
i haven't laughed this hard in a little while.
11:38 i have never seen anything like this and it made me ugly laugh
It never gets brought up after the exposition, but I think the "call" the player was referring to was that both supports in this are Mercy OTPs (or at least mains) and round 4 was the round where the poster decided to insta-snag Mercy from the other support. Which is why I think they started life-gripping a couple times in frustration.
You should either get rid of the "CC" Field, or put some restrictions on it. Otherwise you can basically just check it off at the start of every VOD, since it's almost impossible to build a teamcomp that doesn't have at least one form of CC.
Ngl those life grips at the beginning would've made me so mad as a team mate
I know we watched some Bronze Bingo, but man this is the most Bronze Bingo I've ever seen!
After watching an apparently Masters console mercy player, this short of Mercy gameplay was certainly a good treat! (Better movement and more dmg boost) Although my highlight was the Moira going on a trip :3 Some of the gameplays were questionable but I have seen worse, so I enjoyed the little ???? Moments ❤😂
I'm high silver, low gold. You know how many times I tell my team to back off because we were fighting right outside their spawn? You know how many times they listened? The answer is every single time and 0. They never listen then get upset when they lose the fight. I got tired of bad balance and bad team mates so I uninstalled. The game isn't good for the majority of players.
1:14 No one is talking about it, but let's take a moment to remember the "controversial question" of MordSith's decision in round 4.
They took Mercy from the other support player. And considering their remarks about that player earlier in the essay, I think it's fair to say this was an entirely petty move to get them to play something else lmao
honestly this is what platinum games look like too, people are literally this lost just more mechanically inclined
almost everything on that bingo card happens in my diamond games
i love the cyberpunk theme of the bingo card. super super cool
I don't know if I agree that LW tree at the beginning was "random." I think what probably happened was the player had already decided to swap off LW, and figured "well, I have ult may as well throw it outt rather than waste the charge. MAYBE someone on my team uses it to generate a little more of THEIR ult charge."
Mercy gameplay wasn’t that bad, but always pressing crouch during guardian angel when clearly jump was the best option triggered me a bit.
Especially on a sniper map, if they had a hitscan he would have been roasted like a grilled cheese sandwich.
Oh boy what a treat!!
When I played my first round of comp games in OW2 and got placed into bronze, I thought maybe I do belong in bronze. After watching this, I can confidently say that I in fact do not belong in bronze. Thank you for the video Emongg! Great series, it's super fun!
The only way to definitively claim that is to get out of bronze
Emongg rant about pushing cart a creating space at the same time feels like average tank experience, that gave me ptsd.
getting yelled at for not healing but i cant heal people cause im the only one on cart and the rest is at the enemy spawn 🙃
The mercy would improve if he/she used damage boost more. Valk and yellow beaming during lifeweaver tree wasn’t necessary. Now blue during the lw tree would’ve gone hard.
There are sometimes few supports in a lobby playing like this up to diamond. Awareness = 0. I'd say damage role get punished for being bad pretty early in ranks and they don't go up until they improve, tanks mostly get same punishment in gold or plat, but supports are completely out of hand in current system.
When other players are like THIS, how the hell am I still in bronze??
my bf was grand master in OW1 and when me and him did out placements together for OW2 he got placed bronze. trust me you don’t deserve to be there
@@namixless9732 that's a relief I hope the new system fixes this
love that "doesnt take map control" is on the bronze bingo card because theres nothing more infuriating than winning a team fight and no one wants to push up and deny space and just sits on point. Crazy that this still happens in diamond +
Happens all the time, mostly due to the tank refusing to taking space.
I love this bingo format
the man was pulling people off cooldown like it was an apm competition
Sometimes i watch this and wonder is this is what my gameplay looks like
Y'know, I think there may have been a 0 elim ult
On an unrelated note, what game is the music from at 18:00? It's really bothering me because I can't remember what game its from but I know ive played and heard that song a million times. If anyone can tell me I'll be super grateful
idk how some players think, they belong any higher. by any chance, hes an example of why we need iron,below bronze
healing the enemy needs to be a mark if something like cc is when every game has at least on cc characvter
this is the first time i have seen someone miss on moira