Uncharted 4 - Crushing Stealth

  • Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
  • See the list of encounters below. I know this is a large compilation of recordings, so this should make it easier. Please note, I did a pretty bad job of editing, as there were several failed attempts that I didn't edit out. Goes to show me I shouldn't try to multitask while Game of Thrones is on...
    Chapter 7: Lights Out
    Evasion - 0:22
    Balcony Fight - 2:53
    Chapter 8: The Grave of Henry Avery
    Bridge - 5:05
    Dormitories - 11:01
    Cliffside - 13:18
    Chapter 10: The Twelve Towers
    Trails Tower - 15:05
    Chapter 13: Maroon
    Island Jungle - 24:12
    Chapter 14: Join Me In Paradise
    Lost Colony - 34:38
    Chapter 17: For Better or Worse
    Get to the Car - 37:43
    Chapter 18: New Devon
    Water Features - 41:58
    Chapter 20: No Escape
    Showdown - 44:40 - For funny scene
    Chapter 22: A Thief's End
    The Duel - 45:18 - For fun, tough end boss battle
    Back from the dead...
    Disclaimer: Please (again) treat this as my final video. Having played through this game, I thought it was so good that I had to replay it on Crushing (hardest) difficulty and record the gameplay. While not a stealth game per se, the stealth sections in this game were so good and brutally difficult, I couldn't pass it up.
    I don't expect this to garner as many views as, say, Metal Gear Solid V videos, but there has to be something said about Naughty Dog's incredible job here. While Nathan Drake only has a very limited amount of user control (i.e. can't sprint, crouch, etc), the environmental mechanics and keen enemy detection system made this my most challenging completion in any game to date. The guards have life-like reactions to your infiltration, and many areas are impossible to 'ghost' due to enemy placement and pathing.
    That said, it plays out almost how one would expect stealth infiltration to happen in real life: No (general) knowledge of what is around the next corner (or rooftop, with verticality), and your split second decisions mean the life or death of your character.
    Again, personally this was the most challenging stealth compilation I've ever done, and the Crushing difficulty was absolutely punishing. Many of the areas I actually felt were impossible to get through without taking down at least 1 or more enemies, however I ended up pushing and found that to be true of only a few select areas.
    Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoy. I'm sure opinions will vary on my calling this the most challenging stealth experience, but that is always in the eyes of the player. Take care everyone, I leave you this last video before vanishing back into retirement.

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