Hi Sara, Thank you for a very clear and informative explanation of the methods! I love this! I also love your off-topic remarks about reviewer 2 - you go girl! I am going to cite the mentioned BMJ paper in my thesis and, hopefully (one day), publication! Is there any chance you could do moderator analysis (mixed-effects model) using argument *mods* ?
Thank you for you great video. For a Meta-analysis on longitudinal studies , does it make any difference in the statistical test I use? thank you for your answer
Hi, Im using your video to build my RE model but I noticed it doesn't take into account the size of the sample im putting in, I added weighted =TRUE to my rma lines but i notice the sizes don't change. am i doing it wrong? do i need to set up the weights separately? thank you in advance
Dear Sara,
Thanks for this. Coming across these videos and your blog has been a life saver! Keith
Thank you! This was a great introduction to the topic and provided a lot of food for thought. Also quite entertaining :-)
Hi Sara, Thank you for a very clear and informative explanation of the methods! I love this! I also love your off-topic remarks about reviewer 2 - you go girl! I am going to cite the mentioned BMJ paper in my thesis and, hopefully (one day), publication! Is there any chance you could do moderator analysis (mixed-effects model) using argument *mods* ?
Thank you for you great video. For a Meta-analysis on longitudinal studies , does it make any difference in the statistical test I use? thank you for your answer
Dear Sara, Thank you so much for posting this. You explain everything very clearly. Absolutely fantastic :)
Hi, Im using your video to build my RE model but I noticed it doesn't take into account the size of the sample im putting in, I added weighted =TRUE to my rma lines but i notice the sizes don't change. am i doing it wrong? do i need to set up the weights separately? thank you in advance
This was a really fantastic video! Is there any chance a video for conducting a mixed effects model meta-analysis is coming soon?
Yes, working on it now - look for it soon!
@@DeeplyTrivial Could you explain why REML and DL are the preferred methods in Fixed, Random and Mixed Effect Models?
And two-category data/binary data would be used by MetaBin?Here,is the data survival data?.Thanks a lot
Hi! how to perform esalc function in metafor when your study have more than one outcome?
Amazing! Super youtube video!