Unrivaled Love - Romans 5:6-11 - Skip Heitzig

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024
  • Modern wisdom continually tells us, "Love is a verb," rather than a sentimental feeling. Love is a commitment that involves action. For the first time in the letter to the Romans, Paul introduced the word love and a very singular kind of love-God's love for us. Wanting to show how secure we are in this salvation, he described the greatest demonstration of love-its proof, its provision, and its product.
    This teaching is from our series Heart & Soul: A Study through Romans with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Church.

Комментарии • 13

  • @troyStoll1028
    @troyStoll1028 Год назад

    Such frustration isn't limited to the children of rich or poor in prison or free. We all are familiar with the feeling of not being valued for who we are. Yet nowhere is the depth of our VALUE more EVIDENT THAN IN THE WAY GOD LOVES US...AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME, when we were still powerless without strength Christ died for the UNGODLY....GOD DEMONSTRATES HIS OWN LOVE FOR US IN JESUS CHRIST HIS SON GOING TO THE CROSS ON OUR BEHALF.
    THANK YOU AMEN Troy Stoll

  • @renardestridge9060
    @renardestridge9060 5 лет назад +2

    Thank you for this message. It's awesome to know that God loves us inspite of our sins.

  • @kansaspeach7727
    @kansaspeach7727 5 лет назад +3

    I Thank You right now in "JOY!" Amen. Thank you for this WORD right now.

  • @cherylarquitt8516
    @cherylarquitt8516 4 года назад +2

    Always a pleasure to listen to you " break down" what Jesus is saying to us ; as in this case he is speaking through Paul and you are translating what Paul's point is ! ✨💖✨ thank you for being Jesus's GREAT story teller !🙏🏻✨

  • @charleswomack2166
    @charleswomack2166 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for this very inspiring message! I am consistently surprised by Skip's ability to "knock it out of the park " so to speak.

  • @maryerlank8828
    @maryerlank8828 4 года назад +2

    Thank you for the message, you inspire us.

  • @troyStoll1028
    @troyStoll1028 Год назад


  • @pidedpiper2832
    @pidedpiper2832 3 года назад

    I need to watch it again it’s been about a year now I don’t think I can go to heaven heaven unless I memorize those verses properly

  • @TAQ2Music
    @TAQ2Music 3 года назад +1

    I have been enjoying this series and am looking forward to the most recent series on Romans. I do have a question that can help me tremendously to know the answer too. Regarding the security we as believers have based on this passage, it is very comforting. However, I get confused about security and unconditional love when I read passages like Jn. 14:21, which says IF we love God He will love us, and Mt. 7:22, where Jesus states that some who served Him will be turned away. Those scare me.

  • @pidedpiper2832
    @pidedpiper2832 3 года назад

    I too am a princess bride follower and memorizer have those precious Writings of Rob Reiner

  • @cammychua6270
    @cammychua6270 3 года назад

    why is it that some christians suffer from depression and feel no true joy? Why don't they experience the product of God's true love?

  • @pidedpiper2832
    @pidedpiper2832 3 года назад

    I love you preaching it’s so simple even a child can understand kind a like what Jesus said if you want to enter the kingdom you must be as a child and watch Princess bride over and over again That’s in the new king James the rapper version Ha Ha

  • @gregorypaul6363
    @gregorypaul6363 3 года назад

    For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
    Romans 5:6
    For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
    Romans 6:23
    For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
    Ephesians 2:8
    I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.
    Galatians 2:21
    Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
    Matthew 5:17
    Firstly, what is ‘sin’ biblically speaking?
    An imaginary tale, we’re yet to discover the truth of, and until we do, we’re doomed to fall under its heavy weight. Since we can’t control the imaginary, we’re doomed to endlessly pay the consequences of something mysteriously imaginary we’re simply told we shouldn’t be doing, thinking, saying, or perhaps a place we’re not to go. Our fault, indeed, for not being able to control the imaginary, when the very God who creates us all, choses not to empower us with such gift, and it’s on us that he didn’t.
    Tacitly, sin seems to be perceived as such by some, or else the ridiculousness that permeates the Bible all throughout, certainly, would have been debunked. Therefore, the callousness and the mischievous intent to which some morons, categorized as biblical figures, would not have been rewarded with the shedding of innocent blood to satisfy their egos. Not only that, the senseless, and dangerous endeavors that millions have found themselves in, and in the name of God, would have been avoided.
    Much of the Bible is full with senseless assertions, baseless claims, and erratic notions that veer toward creating an avalanche of crimes that many individuals involved, never would have been in.
    Take Saul as a devoted member of Judaism, whose zeal to destroy the newly established religious belief, by the massacre of the Christians, and his ways to secure a warrant to go after them, that God stopped him, and who later became Apostle Paul. Surely, the Christians were scared of him, and he was more than a torn on their sides. Judging from the surface, Saul was the devil, conducting that vicious attack again the Christians. But why was he doing what he’s been doing, and where did he get it from?
    Rarely you would listen that ligne of questioning, not that it’s out of line to question the motives and the possible sources that some vitriolic and senseless acts of terrors might be stemmed from, but unconstitutional obedience to God, refrain us all to say the slightest thing, fearing we might frustrate God.
    That is where we get pummeled but our adversaries who seem to be granted unfettered authority to mislead as they so choose, and worse, in the name of God. Sadly, one might wander to what use has ‘Saul’ been conducting
    the killing spree of the Christians against the many apostles Paul, and reversibly, why have so many Apostles Paul have been targeted by the likes of Saul, and both, for God’s sake?
    That’s the whole dilemma. If Saul knew what he was doing wasn’t really for God, we can say with 100/100 that he never would have done it. On the other hand, Apostle Paul never have accepted to be manhandled, had he figured that was flat out nonsense.
    In that sense, Luc 2:34, could not have been anymore to the point with regard to Jesus.
    It isn’t surprising at all that the above-mentioned passages extracted from the Bible are in sharp contrast to each other, and lead us to believe that something isn’t at all normal.
    Si on parle de punition, c’est sans nul doute pour la violation d’un principe, une loi et autres qui exige une certaine ligne de conduite. Maintenant, si le péché c’est la transgression de la loi de Dieu, et puisque nous n’avons pas pu nous-mêmes les observer, il nous a fallu un sauveur, et ce sauveur est Jésus. Si vraiment nous recevons l’expiation du péché en Jésus, par son sacrifice à La Croix, nous devrions rien faire de plus pour être sauvé. C’est ça l’expiation du péché signifierait. Si vous doutez d’une telle assertion, Ephesiens 2:8, nous dit textuellement ça.
    Et alors, Jean 14:15, nous dit d’observer les commandements de Jésus pour lui prouver votre amour. Ironiquement, ça vient de la bouche de Jésus. Pourquoi faut-il observer la loi dont vous dites que nous n’avons pas pu observer, et pour lequel que vous avez venu sur la terre pour nous laver de ses iniquités?
    Pourtant, Ephesiens 2:8, nous dit que cela ne vient pas de nous, parlant du salut, mais la grâce de Dieu. Pauvre Paul, suivant Galates 2:21, déclare que la mort de Jésus est vaine si le salut est conditionné par l’observation de la loi. Certainement, il est vrai. Mais, pourquoi existent- ils des normes qu’il faut respecter pour être sauvé?
    Bref, la bible doit être démystifiée, sinon, nous sommes condamné à répéter l’histoire jusqu’à la fin.