Thank you Dr. mamusha for your untimely teachings, it is reavealing Christ in us the hope of Glory! In times like these, this type of message is not popular, where the truth of the Word is taken as a commodity, it is soul awakening like fire, for purity and pure love for Christ. God bless your life and ministry, I can't say enough thanks may the Lord of harvest bless your tool in His kingdom!
Admit your foolishness in front of God and put down your dignity then the glory of lord will be shining on you. Bless his name...hallelujah. May God bless you abundantly. You got genuinely Christ. praise God. . . Deny himself, take up his cross and follow me. Jesus Christ
ጌታ ይባርክህ ጌታ ይርዳን
Geta zmnken ybarke!!
አቤቱ ግሩም አምላክ ነክ
ስለ መልእክቱ ክብር ለስሙ ይሁን
ማሙሻዬ በጌታ ስም ተባረክልኝ
ዶክተር ማሙሻ እግዚአብሔር ያከበረው ሰባኪ ! እግዚአብሔር እስከመጨረሻው ይጠብቅህ !! እንደ እናንተ አይነቱ አሁን ከገነፈሉት ጨፋሪ ዘማሪ : ከፈሉት ነብያት ነን ባዬች ባለ 5 ስታር ገስት ሀውስ ዘመናዊ ጠንቋዬች: ኮመዲያን አቅራሪ ፓስተር ነን ባዬች : ተሻሽሎም የአብይ ውታፍ ነቃይ ተደጋፊ ተማሪዎች የሆኑ ጋር እንዴት በአንድነት ጴንጤ ትባሉ ?
Tebarekelen Yemkasaref Temerteh New EGZABHER Tsegawen Yabzaleh Tebarek!!!
aastu na akebabywa lay #eyesusn andegnaa
Dr mamusha geta zemenihin yibarikew
Thank you for sharing!
And God bless you Dr. Mamusha!
Amen my brother tebarek just like now may God help us to be just like those three and show His glory using us.
yes yes amen
Be blessed Dr Mamusha Fenta
Thank you Dr. mamusha for your untimely teachings, it is reavealing Christ in us the hope of Glory! In times like these, this type of message is not popular, where the truth of the Word is taken as a commodity, it is soul awakening like fire, for purity and pure love for Christ. God bless your life and ministry, I can't say enough thanks may the Lord of harvest bless your tool in His kingdom!
Yemigerm new Tebarek mamusha
Christianity is a serious business!
May the Lord of harvest bless your toil in His kingdom!
God bless you the message is support me very much
Bless you my brother.
Admit your foolishness in front of God and put down your dignity then the glory of lord will be shining on you. Bless his name...hallelujah. May God bless you abundantly. You got genuinely Christ. praise God.
Deny himself, take up his cross and follow me. Jesus Christ