Boromir tries to take the ring from Frodo by force.

  • Опубликовано: 31 дек 2021

Комментарии • 1

  • @drewbug93
    @drewbug93 6 месяцев назад

    First comment!
    *Andy finds Bonnie playing soccer with her toys and Forky in the front yard.*
    Andy: Hello, Bonnie, I'm home for Thanksgiving! Are you enjoying your new toys?
    Bonnie: Yes I am.
    Andy: And what about Woody?
    Bonnie [stammers nervously]: I might have accidentally left him at a county fair.
    Andy [in disbelief]: What??
    Bonnie: I'm sorry. My parents called the RV rental place, but they didn't find Woody. I love Forky, but there is no other way to find him.
    Andy [frustrated]: I ask only for you to take care of Woody! If only you lent me my most important toy back if you weren't interested in him.
    Bonnie [gasps]: No!
    Andy: Why do you recoil? I am no thief.
    Bonnie: You are not yourself.
    Andy: What chance do you think you have? My family will find you. They will throw away Forky when you are getting old. And you will beg for death before the end!
    *Bonnie tries to walk away*
    Andy [enraged]: You *_fool!_* Forky is not yours anymore, save by unhappy chance! Woody could have been mine! He should be mine!
    *Pins Bonnie to the ground and tries to grab Forky from her hands*
    Andy: Give him to me! _Give him to me!_
    Bonnie: No!
    Andy: _Give him to me!_
    Bonnie: No!
    *Hits Andy with her soccer ball and runs inside*
    Andy: I see your mind. _You will replace Woody with a spork! You will betray us!_ You go to your betrayal, _and the betrayal of us all! Curse you! Curse you, and your family!_
    *Suddenly gets ahold of himself and starts choking up*
    Andy: Bonnie? Bonnie. What have I done? Please, Bonnie. Bonnie, I'm sorry! Bonnie!