When I was in my late 20’s, married with young children, Ted Bundy murdered a 12-year old girl in our town. The girl’s mother was a hairdresser and a lady in our church was her client. I wrote Chuck Swindoll a letter to ask about a similar murder he had mentioned in a sermon. He wrote me a personal letter back. I was a young believer at the time and thinking through why bad things happen. Now I’m in my mid-70’s and many events have occurred since and I have grown in my knowledge of God that I just have to trust His character and I don’t always have to have answers but to rest in His goodness. Romans 8:28-30. I appreciate that Mr. Swindoll took the time to respond to my letter in the days of snail mail. 🙏🏻
I found the part where he he mentioned how Luther translated the New Testament into German in 11 weeks that’s profound . I’m sure German Christians see this man as a hero in many ways having given them this gift of Gods New Testament in their own language! 🙌
Continued from previous, -- Eric's radio show on TBN , which is broadcast in video, is a treat to watch and listen to as he interviews many different Christian guests. Filled with humor and insightful teaching of current events and God's Word. Keep up the great work Eric Metaxas
Eric is thoroughly entertaining, both as a speaker and interviewer, in addition to being an exceptional writer. I read and loved the Bonhoeffer bio. After this interview, must now read Eric's Luther bio.
He is SO funny! I sat here and listened while I was sewing knowing absolutely NOTHING about what he was talking about and now I want to read the books!!! I learned SO much! 🙏🏻
Blew my mind didn’t understand much of this conversation but it was so very entertaining, have listened to Him many times lately have really grown to appreciate him as a very influential man of God who God is using in ways I never knew I would be drawn to ! Very happy I ran across this ! Blessings 🙏🩸✝️
I, too, just stumbled upon this interview / discussion with Chuck and Eric after watching Eric's speech and teaching about the "fine tuned universe" at another church in Arizona. My first knowledge of Eric Metaxas was when I read his Bonhoeffer book. The longest book I ever read, I must admit, but I couldn't stop reading it. I had to put it down to live life and talk with my wife, but I wanted to keep reading. Eric's radio show, which is broadcast
I have never been a reader being dyslexic. As a child my mother would read a book to me and I would do the book report. I became interested in Bonhoeffer and checked his book out of the church library never dreaming of completing it. I couldn’t put it down actually read the complete book. I would recommend everyone to read it. What a blessing.
Total awesomeness! I loved this presentation. I had never heard of Eric Metaxas, and now I must read everything he has ever written, because he skilled in discovering and discerning the hidden historical places to find him where no other writer heretofore has looked, especially in regards to Luther and Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
There has been 21 church councils in history including the council of Jerusalem.The second Vatican council says “”In ways Only known to God He gives all people the Grace to be Saved”” That’s consistent with the character of the Lord Jesus .
I can remember a story chuck told so many years ago " admonishing teachers Sunday schoolteachers to be patient with their young children because you licked windows, when you were in Sunday school as a child ".
The Church of our Lord Jesus Christ has gradually been going forward until we will reach the true and complete knowledge of the Word of God. We at the end times, know that there will be a time when that man of sin will be removed completely from the midst of us. 2 Thess. 2: 8.
The original Luther N.T. is simply glorious. I have read the N.T. over and over in German and I never cease to admire its beauty, simplificity, and directness.
I have read Zwingli's lovely translation of the Bible into German, as well as Luther's. There is a sweet sort of Swiss lilt, just barely in the text. Zwingli's translation is elegant, but it does not quite have the strength and splendour of Luther's translation.
" It is only in today's reign of Amoral cynicism, subjectivism and hooliganism that men may imagine themselves free to utter any sort of irrational judgement and to suffer no consequences ." -Ayn Rand- 1962
You're kidding, right? :) What is your definition of "Evangelicals"? I keep seeing the word used really incorrectly, so I'm asking everybody now. My University degrees are in Applied Ministry and English History, so yes, I know a bit about Luther. ;-)
Lilianna Mathers Well, according to common parlance, and to the two in this video, American Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians and others wouldn’t qualify. I agree, the word has been much maligned.
If his nastiness got so bad towards the end of his life it has to be because the devil was gaining on him. Those are DEFINITELY not the fruits of the Spirit!
G'day, gentlemen! There is no written record from transcript or witness that Luther actually said, "Here I stand. I can do no other. (Hier stehe ich. Ich kann nicht anders.)"
Martin Luther would go, in disguise, to the market place to listen to the German people’s everyday speech for his German Vernacular New Testament. The German people so loved Luther’s New Testament translation that they would take it with them, buttoned in their shirts and dresses, as they worked in the fields.
You have to be wealthy to become a priest or monk. . In Ireland only the wealthy farmers tried to have a son in the priesthood. A priest in the household was equivalent to a well of water in your farmyard
I also appreciate Mr. Swindoll stance on the ECT document in the 1990’s. It was a stance for the Biblical gospel. I know it wasn’t easy because respected Christian leaders on the opposite side disagreed.
Thank you Both for this Eye Opening Conversation and the sense of Humour. God's Timing was perfect in breaking the Power of Rome/Vatican over the Lives of the People, but we can see that History is on its way of being Repeated - Biblically and Historically, but in a Subtle way that Most are not seeing! We have a German Man called Professor Walter Veith who was a Catholic/Lutheran, became an Atheist, then back to Catholicism, then to Protestantism - an Amazing Testimony. He has produced a Number of Excellent Video Series based on Factual Evidence - Worthwhile watching for Truth. The Following Productions/Series Posted are : ● TOTAL ONSLAUGHT (one of the Videos = Two Beasts Become Friends - Eye Opening Clip) ● REKINDLING THE REFORMATION ● DARKNESS BEFORE DAWN ● CLASH OF MINDS May our LORD God of Heaven Bless you Both for The Work you're doing to Uphold Christ's Name, His Righteousness and The Great Plan of Salvation ♡
The Word of God says: 1Co 11:23-25 "For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the [same] night in which he was betrayed took bread: And when he had given thanks, he brake [it], and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do IN REMEMBRANCE of me. After the same manner also [he took] the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink [it], IN REMEMBRANCE of me." Why add anything else ?
Hmm...the Latin Vulgate was translated from the Greek Septuagint by St Jerome, who was the first scholar to do so. See the Introduction in the KJV for those translators’ gratitude and acknowledgment of the scholarship and talent of St Jerome.
I agree with Eric about the dubious collusion with Aristotelianism, but Jesus words of, "this is my body" were repeated often enough in the bible that we had better take Him, "at His word". That is, calling it merely a symbolism is watering down the message.
As it relates to Catholicism, I often wonder what Bible they read because what they often do in terms of the ritualisms of the church often goes against Scripture. I was reared as a Catholic, went to Catholic schools and it wasn't until someone asked me why Catholics pray repetitious words, and not just talk to God that began my journey through scripture and intimacy with God, in Christ.
The Catholic Bible is as it should be. It’s a tragedy the Protestants are without books like Sirach. The traditional Latin Mass is the highest form of worship on Earth. We can all have a talk with God anytime.
I have thought that, I think most people have. Alzheimer's has broken my heart, I see it every day. It's not about being "forward" if I understand you correctly, but my stars, the person who introduced me to Jesus, taught me to pray... now says stuff like "you belong in hell". I mention that only to highlight that even people who love Jesus and are great Bible teachers can ... well, yes. It's very possible.
Excellent. I learned a lot from this time. Lived the T-shirt. Eric is one of my favorites, and I've listened to Dr. swindoll and read some of his books over the years. Priceless for sure. Thank you for sharing this interview.
Actually, Tyndale's very significant English translation of the New Testament was initially printed in Worms in 1526, so it's not quite true that nothing else significant happened in Worms between St. Martin and the time of Martin Luther.
Lynn Lewis, You go, girl!! Interesting...my sister's middle name is Lynn...and my middle name is Lewis...and your name appears to be Lynn Lewis!! Thanks for your studies in Theology, and creatively, in history as well!!
Luther did not singlehandedly translate Bible while holed up in the castle. He had help from Melanchthon and others. Luther put his own stamp and style on all of it.
I was wondering what Martin Luther thought about Mary the mother of Jesus' humanity? How might Luther's theology differ from the theology of the Roman Catholic Church? How might Luther's thinking about Mary differ from most modern day protestant Churches? What then also might Luther tell us about Once Saved Always saved and Once a Believer always saved? How might Luther criticize modern day evangelism? Did Luther also write the bondage of the will? If He did then how did he deal with the bondage of his own will?
"For the New Testament he worked mainly from Erasmus's Greek edition. The work was finished in 11 MONTHS and the first edition of Luther's New Testament appeared in September 1522." Wikipedia
Eric has a very winsome personality. God made a lot of people that way, because others need to see JOY from Christians! Not always sad, dour saddos wishing the world would end. Additionally, Eric and Chuck were long time friends, so I'm sure he felt very comfortable talking to his buddy. How sad that we feel the need to nitpick endlessly. The #1 thing that keeps the lost out of church? Sadly, that is Christians. And I don't blame them. Which is very bad news. You don't even know why you find Eric (I think you meant "disrespectful"?). Yet you posted it anyway. And here I was thinking he was only treated rudely by CNN anchors! Who is he disrespecting? I just don't get it, but I'm sick of the negativity, so please tell me what you think he did wrong.
Bonhoeffer died for his faith in Jesus. Martin Luther didn’t, but he changed the way the Church thinks. Not just the Catholic Church, but all serious Christian Churches.
Hi there! The name of the book discussed in this interview is called "Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World" by Eric Metaxas. Thank you! - IFL Staff
But God uses people it’s not placing them above God or Jesus as he said it is written you decide noting,s ever going to change the truth of who God the Father , God Jesus Son of God or God the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, but one might think God would say of Those two Well done my good and faithful Servants
Since I have not read Eric Metaxas' Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World, does he cover the following in his book? 1. That on his own authority in his German translation of the Bible, Martin Luther added the word ALONE (Allein) to Romans 3:28 to read, "For we hold that a man is justified by faith ALONE (Allein)" to justify his doctrine of Sola Fide, i.e., Justification by Faith Alone. [Michael Davies, Cranmer's Godly Order (Ft. Collins, Colorado, 1995), p.25.] 2. That he wrote the following regarding his addition of the word ALONE (Allein) to Romans 3:28: "If your papist worries you about the word 'alone', just tell him plainly that Dr. Martin Luther will have it so, and says: 'Papist and donkey are one and the same thing; sic volo, sic jubeo, stat pro ratione voluntas.' For we must not be the pupils or disciples of the papists, but on the contrary their masters and judges. We ought to swagger and hammer on their donkey-heads, and, as Paul challenged the sanctimonious fools of his day, so I will also challenge these donkeys of mine." [G.W. Bromiley, Thomas Cranmer Theologian (London, 1956), p.36.] 3. That in addition to the above concerning Romans 3:28, Luther also wrote: "I am sorry now that I did not add the word 'all' so that it would read 'without all works of all laws', and thus ring out loudly and completely. However, it shall stand as it is in my New Testament, and though all the Papist-donkeys go mad about it, they shall not move me from this." [A. Hilliard Atteridge, Martin Luther (London, 1940), pp.19-20.] 4. That although subsequent German translations removed the word ALONE (Allein) from Romans 3:28 to accurately transmit in German what St. Paul originally wrote, Luther steadfastly held on to the doctrine of Sola Fide derived from his additional word, which then was adopted by the major 16th century Protestant Reformers who initiated organizations that continue on to the present day and which include: (A) John Calvin (Reformed) in his Institutes of the Christian Religion, (B) Thomas Cranmer (Church of England/Anglicanism) in No. VIII of 39 Articles in his Book of Common Prayer, and (C) Calvin's student John Knox (Presbyterianism) in his writings and homilies. 5. That in 1537 Martin Luther composed his Smalcald Articles that include his teaching that the Pope, the Catholic Bishop of Rome is the Antichrist (In 1580 these articles were added to the Book of Concord, which is considered authoritative in Lutheranism). 6. That this teaching of Luther's of the Pope as Antichrist was subsequently adopted by all of the 16th century Protestant Reformers which include: (A) John Calvin, specifically in Book IV of his Institutes of the Christian Religion; (B) Thomas Cranmer in his works, and (C) John Knox most vehemently in his writings and homilies. Later in the 17th century, this teaching of the Pope as Antichrist was adopted by free-lance Anglican clergyman John Wesley, founder of Methodism. 7. That in 1543 Martin Luther composed his On The Jews and Their Lies, the content of which is so inflammatory and incendiary that its contents should not be quoted in social media in light of what happened to German Jewry, particularly in the 20th century. 8. That one year before his death in 1546, Martin Luther published his final written testament where he personally addressed the Pope, the Catholic Bishop of Rome with these words: "I would not dream of judging or punishing you, except to say that you were born from the behind of the devil, are full of devils, lies, blasphemy, and idolatry; are the instigator of these things, God’s enemy, Antichrist, desolater of Christendom, and steward of Sodom." [From Against the Roman Papacy, an Institution of the Devil, pg. 363 of Luther’s Works, Vol. 41] 9. To be fair to Martin Luther, I have to consider the possibility that in these two above mentioned works published a few years before his death, (A) On The Jews and Their Lies and (B) Against the Roman Papacy, an Institution of the Devil, he was suffering from some form of dementia which may have been induced by his voluminous intake of alcohol in the forms of beer and wine. 10. Is the possibility of No. 9 included in Eric Metaxas' biography of Martin Luther?
I can relate to the birthdate because the Hmong people don’t keep track of the date of birth. They just say “ I was born during harvest time or corn planting time.” The years? No lol nobody know …”during the Japanese war I was already running.” Lol
I only discovered recently about Luthers book or letters, the Jews in their lies, where he speaks horribly against God’s chosen people the Jews. If I had known about this literature of Luthers rants against the Jewish people, I would not have raised my daughters In the Lutheran Church. I stand with Israel.
G'day, ZZ stop! I don't know why the other reply to your question disappeared, but here's the answer. The opening music is "Air on the G String" from Orchestral Suite #3 by J. S. Bach. Great choice! BTW, Bach was a Lutheran and had books written by Luther in his home library. Bach also was born in Eisenach which is overlooked by the Wartburg castle in which Luther was confined for his own safety after his stand at Worms.
Worms is the main location of the oldest german Legend. The Nibelungen. It was basicly the capital of northern europ during the Migration Period. If you ever read about Ceasar , the end of rome, the burgundian kingdom, norther european legends, the holy roman empire, ore the reformation, you will come acros Worms.
I know that Martin Luther went further and further from what he believed when he rightly proposed reforms and in the end, became a real heretic (an example: “sin greatly! But believe more greatly”). He and Calvin became what they say they did not believe in: their own Pope who alone could interpret scripture for everyone even proposing execution for people who differed. And evangelical Protestantism bears almost no resemblance to what started out as “Protestant reformation.” I left the Catholic Church but after studying all these things, I returned to the Church that was there, that arrived at the canon of scripture in the New Testament and what the early a Church fathers taught.
Luther was not right about everything. The Catholic Church did correct many things. Luther’s intent was not meant to split the Church, just to have the errors corrected. Nearly ALL human institutions are corrupt, including the Protestant churches - not just the Catholic. It’s our human nature, which we cannot escape. Precisely why We need Jesus. Jesus knew our sinfulness would continue until His 2nd coming. He showed us this by choosing Judas, who betrayed Him. He knew from before He invited Judas into His inner circle exactly who Judas was and what he would do. Jesus established only ONE Church. Also, Satan is closest to those who are closest to God. That the Catholic Church still exists is a miracle itself. Jesus will reconcile all to His Church when he comes again, not Luther’s church, not to the Baptist’s church, but only to His Church. Come Lord Jesus!
in agree with Martin Luther king because he made too much blind and mute tobecome the best in gospel original,have knowledge in the bible study of words God to give them the lights as you eric texas Haitian people love you in Jesus and continues to work for Jesus you will be not lose it
The Marburg Colloquy, 1529 goal was for military unity and less on understanding scripture. NASB 1 Corinthians 11: 27 " Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord. 28 But a man must examine himself, and in so doing he is to eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For he who eats and drinks, eats and drinks judgment to himself if he does not judge the body rightly. 30 For this reason many among you are weak and sick, and a number [s]sleep. 31 But if we judged ourselves rightly, we would not be judged. 32 But when we are judged, we are disciplined by the Lord so that we will not be condemned along with the world ".
You know, for a virulent anti Semite, that Luther was one hell of a guy. 'If we wish to find a scapegoat on whose shoulders we may lay the miseries which Germany has brought upon the world-I am more and more convinced that the worst evil genius of that country is not Hitler or Bismarck or Frederick the Great, but Martin Luther' -Reverend William Ralph Inge, 1944. Eric''s apologetics on this point are pitiful. Just sweep it under the rug.
Right, because Martin Luther was totally responsible for the deaths of 5+ million Jews 400+ years after his death. It certainly doesn't make sense to "lay the miseries which Germany has brought upon the world" on persons/entities like Anton Drexler, Hitler, Adolf Eichmann, the National Socialist German Workers' Party, or propaganda like the Der Stürmer newspaper ... no, all of these persons/entities were Godly and upright, and couldn't possibly have been the "worst evil" to ever beset Germany. Martin Luther bravely pointing out a system of financial penance for salvation, hypocritical aspects of a church, and being a huge proponent of studying Scripture for oneself is ABSOLUTELY evil. How dare he. You're right, even though he'd been dead since the 16th century, it's all Martin Luther's fault. (Hopefully you can gauge that I'm being entirely sarcastic) Also, for the source of your quote, didn't Inge write that men and women were made unequally? After reading up on "The Gloomy Dean", it's surprising you quoted him seeing as he saw women as lesser than men in several fields ("Human beings are born unequal, and the only persons who have a right to govern their neighbors are those who are competent to do so." | archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.216045/page/n121/mode/2up?q=uneual ), he was a proponent of eugenics until the Nazi party adopted it ("Here again one notices [Inge's] belief in eugenics . . . It was not until the Hitler utilized a form of eugenics to sanction his purge of non-Arian people that eugenics fell out of vogue, having been finally unmasked as disastrous and unethical." | www.giffordlectures.org/lecturers/william-ralph-inge ), and "he criticized democracy in favor of rule by an educated elite" | same link as above). You think Eric's apologetics are pitiful and you're basing your comment on a statement from Inge? Kinda weird why Inge, an alleged representative of Jesus, would be a proponent of a nation being ruled on the basis of intellectual capability when Jesus used some Galilean fisherman and socially hated tax-collectors to be his primary witnesses. Definitely odd how Inge believed men and women were "unequal" even though Jesus revealed himself FIRST to women after his resurrection and treated women with incredible dignity and respect throughout his ministry. Assuredly strange why Inge was an advocate of eugenics when Jesus would probably advocate that the formation of a child in the womb should be left up to the Lord and not selfishly and unethically manipulated by man (Psalm 139:13-16). Perhaps focusing on your own execution of apologetics would be a more beneficial activity to do with your time rather than criticize a bestselling author who has clearly done extensive research regarding Luther's life. If you'd like to buy the book, it's worth your time! :) ericmetaxas.com/books/martinluther/
@@jacemackera700 Hear, Hear! That was an excellent response😊. I find I am not so eloquent and not as informed as I should be, ( trying to rectify that ) so it takes me a long time to refute people's insults with facts- but that was amazing AND informational. Thank you!
@@taramckinley7585 no, Luther wasnt responsible entirely for WW2. He didn't have to be. What happened which he sparkled however, is largely responsible for it. His legacy, freemasonry, the French revolution, the American revolution, the Irish rebellion, Karl Marx, the Russian revolution, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot and the current CCP... To mention a few, are the legacy of Luther. As for Luther himself, he encouraged enough war in his own time.
When I was in my late 20’s, married with young children, Ted Bundy murdered a 12-year old girl in our town. The girl’s mother was a hairdresser and a lady in our church was her client. I wrote Chuck Swindoll a letter to ask about a similar murder he had mentioned in a sermon. He wrote me a personal letter back. I was a young believer at the time and thinking through why bad things happen. Now I’m in my mid-70’s and many events have occurred since and I have grown in my knowledge of God that I just have to trust His character and I don’t always have to have answers but to rest in His goodness. Romans 8:28-30. I appreciate that Mr. Swindoll took the time to respond to my letter in the days of snail mail. 🙏🏻
I love Eric Metaxas. He is a very gifted man of God. He also has a keen sense of humor God bless him and his ministry.
Metaxsas should have a PhD for this book! He’s done such fine, scholarly work in researching Luther. His work so impresses me, as a fellow researcher.
I found the part where he he mentioned how Luther translated the New Testament into German in 11 weeks that’s profound . I’m sure German Christians see this man as a hero in many ways having given them this gift of Gods New Testament in their own language! 🙌
Continued from previous, -- Eric's radio show on TBN , which is broadcast in video, is a treat to watch and listen to as he interviews many different Christian guests. Filled with humor and insightful teaching of current events and God's Word. Keep up the great work Eric Metaxas
Both of these gentlemen have made a positive difference in my life over the years. May God bless them each, even more. 🙏 ❤
I'm watching/listening from Australia in Aug '23. We believer's need to be in God's Word reg/dly.
What a joyful learning experience. Thank you Churck Swindoll (from a DTS alumni) and thank you Eric. I watch your TV show.
Beautiful, delightful and fascinating interview. I knew Erik was funny but he was extra funny in this! I'll be buying his books!
Eric is thoroughly entertaining, both as a speaker and interviewer, in addition to being an exceptional writer. I read and loved the Bonhoeffer bio. After this interview, must now read Eric's Luther bio.
Two GREAT Men, I have the utmost respect for both ❤
He is SO funny! I sat here and listened while I was sewing knowing absolutely NOTHING about what he was talking about and now I want to read the books!!! I learned SO much! 🙏🏻
Blew my mind didn’t understand much of this conversation but it was so very entertaining, have listened to Him many times lately have really grown to appreciate him as a very influential man of God who God is using in ways I never knew I would be drawn to ! Very happy I ran across this ! Blessings 🙏🩸✝️
I, too, just stumbled upon this interview / discussion with Chuck and Eric after watching Eric's speech and teaching about the "fine tuned universe" at another church in Arizona. My first knowledge of Eric Metaxas was when I read his Bonhoeffer book. The longest book I ever read, I must admit, but I couldn't stop reading it. I had to put it down to live life and talk with my wife, but I wanted to keep reading.
Eric's radio show, which is broadcast
Eric is HILARIOUS along with being extremely deep and profound!
watching Chuck's face laughing and trying to control himself is very enjoyable! :)
Agree! I listened just to hear him talk!
Taylor Marshall
He definitely has a sense of humor. And his intelligence coupled with his awareness of the Holy Spirit within has led to the insight
What a great show!
I am going get his books. He is brilliant and funny.
I have never been a reader being dyslexic. As a child my mother would read a book to me and I would do the book report.
I became interested in Bonhoeffer and checked his book out of the church library never dreaming of completing it.
I couldn’t put it down actually read the complete book.
I would recommend everyone to read it.
What a blessing.
Chuck Swindoll’s smile and voice bring me joy.
Great job you hard working lady!! 💯💪❤ Love seeing the accomplishments you make on your projects.
What a blessing...thank you, Eric.
Brilliant interview. Thank you both.🙏🏻
Total awesomeness! I loved this presentation. I had never heard of Eric Metaxas, and now I must read everything he has ever written, because he skilled in discovering and discerning the hidden historical places to find him where no other writer heretofore has looked, especially in regards to Luther and Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
I agree-I had never heard of him before either but now I'm obsessed.
Yes I listened to Chuck's radio program in Perth WA, before internet, listen to Eric on you tube
There has been 21 church councils in history including the council of Jerusalem.The second Vatican council says “”In ways Only known to God He gives all people the Grace to be Saved”” That’s consistent with the character of the Lord Jesus .
Great discussion. 👏🕊️❤️🔥🙏🏻
This was SPECTACULAR! Loved every minute!
Just faith in Jesus is sufficient.
That's a"hell" of a gamble.
@@KitiwakeIt’s the truth. Salvation is only found in the Lord Jesus Christ. We’re now more than conquerors in Christ Jesus
I can remember a story chuck told so many years ago " admonishing teachers Sunday schoolteachers to be patient with their young children because you licked windows, when you were in Sunday school as a child ".
In Thailand God Bless you all Larry Huddon here.
I got to hear near Christmas.
This is the best present I could want
Oh my, I had a kitty named Smokey. I love listening to Eric, brilliant and so interesting and this was a fun interview with Pastor Swindoll.
The Church of our Lord Jesus Christ has gradually been going forward until we will reach the true and complete knowledge of the Word of God. We at the end times, know that there will be a time when that man of sin will be removed completely from the midst of us. 2 Thess. 2: 8.
The original Luther N.T. is simply glorious. I have read the N.T. over and over in German and I never cease to admire its beauty, simplificity, and directness.
I have read Zwingli's lovely translation of the Bible into German, as well as Luther's. There is a sweet sort of Swiss lilt, just barely in the text. Zwingli's translation is elegant, but it does not quite have the strength and splendour of Luther's translation.
Lot to pray about.
" It is only in today's reign of Amoral cynicism, subjectivism and hooliganism that men may imagine themselves free to utter any sort of irrational judgement and to suffer no consequences ."
-Ayn Rand- 1962
When someone is this knowledgeable you just don't have a simply yes or no answer.
I love that the Evangelicals are finding Luther..and Bonhoeffer....two giants of reformation theology.
You're kidding, right? :)
What is your definition of "Evangelicals"? I keep seeing the word used really incorrectly, so I'm asking everybody now.
My University degrees are in Applied Ministry and English History, so yes, I know a bit about Luther. ;-)
Lilianna Mathers Well, according to common parlance, and to the two in this video, American Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians and others wouldn’t qualify. I agree, the word has been much maligned.
@@davidolson8537 Lutherans have a thing about being considered " evangelical", but this is using an older meaning of the term.
If his nastiness got so bad towards the end of his life it has to be because the devil was gaining on him. Those are DEFINITELY not the fruits of the Spirit!
G'day, gentlemen! There is no written record from transcript or witness that Luther actually said, "Here I stand. I can do no other. (Hier stehe ich. Ich kann nicht anders.)"
Martin Luther would go, in disguise, to the market place to listen to the German people’s everyday speech for his German Vernacular New Testament.
The German people so loved Luther’s New Testament translation that they would take it with them, buttoned in their shirts and dresses, as they worked in the fields.
Dude! Eric already wrote a great book. I think we're good :)
You have to be wealthy to become a priest or monk. . In Ireland only the wealthy farmers tried to have a son in the priesthood. A priest in the household was equivalent to a well of water in your farmyard
I also appreciate Mr. Swindoll stance on the ECT document in the 1990’s. It was a stance for the Biblical gospel. I know it wasn’t easy because respected Christian leaders on the opposite side disagreed.
Thank you Both for this Eye Opening Conversation and the sense of Humour. God's Timing was perfect in breaking the Power of Rome/Vatican over the Lives of the People, but we can see that History is on its way of being Repeated - Biblically and Historically, but in a Subtle way that Most are not seeing!
We have a German Man called Professor Walter Veith who was a Catholic/Lutheran, became an Atheist, then back to Catholicism, then to Protestantism - an Amazing Testimony.
He has produced a Number of Excellent Video Series based on Factual Evidence - Worthwhile watching for Truth.
The Following Productions/Series Posted are :
● TOTAL ONSLAUGHT (one of the Videos = Two Beasts Become Friends - Eye Opening Clip)
May our LORD God of Heaven Bless you Both for The Work you're doing to Uphold Christ's Name, His Righteousness and The Great Plan of Salvation ♡
The Word of God says: 1Co 11:23-25 "For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the [same] night in which he was betrayed took bread: And when he had given thanks, he brake [it], and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do IN REMEMBRANCE of me. After the same manner also [he took] the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink [it], IN REMEMBRANCE of me." Why add anything else ?
Hmm...the Latin Vulgate was translated from the Greek Septuagint by St Jerome, who was the first scholar to do so. See the Introduction in the KJV for those translators’ gratitude and acknowledgment of the scholarship and talent of St Jerome.
Are you just here to argue? I don't understand the point of that. If you know more than these very wise men, write your own book.
I agree with Eric about the dubious collusion with Aristotelianism, but Jesus words of, "this is my body" were repeated often enough in the bible that we had better take Him, "at His word". That is, calling it merely a symbolism is watering down the message.
As it relates to Catholicism, I often wonder what Bible they read because what they often do in terms of the ritualisms of the church often goes against Scripture. I was reared as a Catholic, went to Catholic schools and it wasn't until someone asked me why Catholics pray repetitious words, and not just talk to God that began my journey through scripture and intimacy with God, in Christ.
Then both observations are childish.
The Catholic Bible is as it should be. It’s a tragedy the Protestants are without books like Sirach.
The traditional Latin Mass is the highest form of worship on Earth. We can all have a talk with God anytime.
I wonder if Luther suffered from something like Alzheimer's at the end of his life....they can get very forward and unfiltered!
I have thought that, I think most people have. Alzheimer's has broken my heart, I see it every day. It's not about being "forward" if I understand you correctly, but my stars, the person who introduced me to Jesus, taught me to pray... now says stuff like "you belong in hell". I mention that only to highlight that even people who love Jesus and are great Bible teachers can ... well, yes. It's very possible.
Excellent. I learned a lot from this time. Lived the T-shirt. Eric is one of my favorites, and I've listened to Dr. swindoll and read some of his books over the years. Priceless for sure. Thank you for sharing this interview.
i love both these guys and at 10 minutes... i can't wait to hear the rest!
They're very loveable
Actually, Tyndale's very significant English translation of the New Testament was initially printed in Worms in 1526, so it's not quite true that nothing else significant happened in Worms between St. Martin and the time of Martin Luther.
*BINGO!* Very nice observation!
Lynn Lewis, You go, girl!! Interesting...my sister's middle name is Lynn...and my middle name is Lewis...and your name appears to be Lynn Lewis!! Thanks for your studies in Theology, and creatively, in history as well!!
Tyndale's rendition was full of mistakes and heresies. That's why it was never accepted by the church.
Luther did not singlehandedly translate Bible while holed up in the castle. He had help from Melanchthon and others. Luther put his own stamp and style on all of it.
I was wondering what Martin Luther thought about Mary the mother of Jesus' humanity? How might Luther's theology differ from the theology of the Roman Catholic Church? How might Luther's thinking about Mary differ from most modern day protestant Churches? What then also might Luther tell us about Once Saved Always saved and Once a Believer always saved? How might Luther criticize modern day evangelism? Did Luther also write the bondage of the will? If He did then how did he deal with the bondage of his own will?
Swidoll announced Eric was from' A Particular Nationality!' lol!
Grew up Greek Orthodox! Is he still? ❤
"For the New Testament he worked mainly from Erasmus's Greek edition. The work was finished in 11 MONTHS and the first edition of Luther's New Testament appeared in September 1522." Wikipedia
You believe Wikipedia?
For some reason, I find Eric to be disrespectable sometimes. Probably it's just my culture.. I like the way how Chuck stays quiet...
Eric has a very winsome personality. God made a lot of people that way, because others need to see JOY from Christians! Not always sad, dour saddos wishing the world would end.
Additionally, Eric and Chuck were long time friends, so I'm sure he felt very comfortable talking to his buddy.
How sad that we feel the need to nitpick endlessly. The #1 thing that keeps the lost out of church? Sadly, that is Christians. And I don't blame them. Which is very bad news.
You don't even know why you find Eric (I think you meant "disrespectful"?). Yet you posted it anyway. And here I was thinking he was only treated rudely by CNN anchors!
Who is he disrespecting? I just don't get it, but I'm sick of the negativity, so please tell me what you think he did wrong.
Sorry, got my Chucks briefly confused. Long day. I stand by the rest.
No, you're right he can be outspoken at times. But he's harmless.
He's a New Yorker
1:17:07 German word for conscience is Gewissen.
Wow... this is incredible!
Bonhoeffer died for his faith in Jesus. Martin Luther didn’t, but he changed the way the Church thinks. Not just the Catholic Church, but all serious Christian Churches.
Luther was a destroyer.
What is the name of this book ?
Hi there!
The name of the book discussed in this interview is called "Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World" by Eric Metaxas.
Thank you!
- IFL Staff
One Holy Catholic Apostlic Church
The 4 marks of Christ Bride , his Holy Church
But God uses people it’s not placing them above God or Jesus as he said it is written you decide noting,s ever going to change the truth of who God the Father , God Jesus Son of God or God the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, but one might think God would say of Those two Well done my good and faithful Servants
Since I have not read Eric Metaxas' Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World, does he cover the following in his book?
1. That on his own authority in his German translation of the Bible, Martin Luther added the word ALONE (Allein) to Romans 3:28 to read, "For we hold that a man is justified by faith ALONE (Allein)" to justify his doctrine of Sola Fide, i.e., Justification by Faith Alone. [Michael Davies, Cranmer's Godly Order (Ft. Collins, Colorado, 1995), p.25.]
2. That he wrote the following regarding his addition of the word ALONE (Allein) to Romans 3:28: "If your papist worries you about the word 'alone', just tell him plainly that Dr. Martin Luther will have it so, and says: 'Papist and donkey are one and the same thing; sic volo, sic jubeo, stat pro ratione voluntas.' For we must not be the pupils or disciples of the papists, but on the contrary their masters and judges. We ought to swagger and hammer on their donkey-heads, and, as Paul challenged the sanctimonious fools of his day, so I will also challenge these donkeys of mine." [G.W. Bromiley, Thomas Cranmer Theologian (London, 1956), p.36.]
3. That in addition to the above concerning Romans 3:28, Luther also wrote: "I am sorry now that I did not add the word 'all' so that it would read 'without all works of all laws', and thus ring out loudly and completely. However, it shall stand as it is in my New Testament, and though all the Papist-donkeys go mad about it, they shall not move me from this." [A. Hilliard Atteridge, Martin Luther (London, 1940), pp.19-20.]
4. That although subsequent German translations removed the word ALONE (Allein) from Romans 3:28 to accurately transmit in German what St. Paul originally wrote, Luther steadfastly held on to the doctrine of Sola Fide derived from his additional word, which then was adopted by the major 16th century Protestant Reformers who initiated organizations that continue on to the present day and which include: (A) John Calvin (Reformed) in his Institutes of the Christian Religion, (B) Thomas Cranmer (Church of England/Anglicanism) in No. VIII of 39 Articles in his Book of Common Prayer, and (C) Calvin's student John Knox (Presbyterianism) in his writings and homilies.
5. That in 1537 Martin Luther composed his Smalcald Articles that include his teaching that the Pope, the Catholic Bishop of Rome is the Antichrist (In 1580 these articles were added to the Book of Concord, which is considered authoritative in Lutheranism).
6. That this teaching of Luther's of the Pope as Antichrist was subsequently adopted by all of the 16th century Protestant Reformers which include: (A) John Calvin, specifically in Book IV of his Institutes of the Christian Religion; (B) Thomas Cranmer in his works, and (C) John Knox most vehemently in his writings and homilies. Later in the 17th century, this teaching of the Pope as Antichrist was adopted by free-lance Anglican clergyman John Wesley, founder of Methodism.
7. That in 1543 Martin Luther composed his On The Jews and Their Lies, the content of which is so inflammatory and incendiary that its contents should not be quoted in social media in light of what happened to German Jewry, particularly in the 20th century.
8. That one year before his death in 1546, Martin Luther published his final written testament where he personally addressed the Pope, the Catholic Bishop of Rome with these words: "I would not dream of judging or punishing you, except to say that you were born from the behind of the devil, are full of devils, lies, blasphemy, and idolatry; are the instigator of these things, God’s enemy, Antichrist, desolater of Christendom, and steward of Sodom." [From Against the Roman Papacy, an Institution of the Devil, pg. 363 of Luther’s Works, Vol. 41]
9. To be fair to Martin Luther, I have to consider the possibility that in these two above mentioned works published a few years before his death, (A) On The Jews and Their Lies and (B) Against the Roman Papacy, an Institution of the Devil, he was suffering from some form of dementia which may have been induced by his voluminous intake of alcohol in the forms of beer and wine.
10. Is the possibility of No. 9 included in Eric Metaxas' biography of Martin Luther?
How about Lord Jesus Christ living in ius how does he live in the host too at the same time
I loved living in worms Germany 🇩🇪 where my dad was stationed
Mat_10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword....
Good show Eric. Thanx.
I can relate to the birthdate because the Hmong people don’t keep track of the date of birth. They just say “ I was born during harvest time or corn planting time.” The years? No lol nobody know …”during the Japanese war I was already running.” Lol
The "middle class" owes it origin to this HIStory!
A g of history. I love your debate capabilities E.M
Luther was very mistaken teaching replacement theology. Yeshua never replaced the israelites with the church. He persecuted the hebrew israelites.😢😢
Love Eric! Love love Trump!!!!
What Jews?? Said Erick,
That’s true
I only discovered recently about Luthers book or letters, the Jews in their lies, where he speaks horribly against God’s chosen people the Jews. If I had known about this literature of Luthers rants against the Jewish people, I would not have raised my daughters In the Lutheran Church. I stand with Israel.
How could you speak with this person? I am very disappointed
Wonderful program...
Oh, what is that opening music? Great song! I wish I could remember the name of it. I'd totally forgotten about it.
That's Bach - Air on G String ruclips.net/video/GMkmQlfOJDk/видео.html
So glad you mentioned that, and that there's an answer! I enjoyed the music too, just beautiful.
G'day, ZZ stop! I don't know why the other reply to your question disappeared, but here's the answer. The opening music is "Air on the G String" from Orchestral Suite #3 by J. S. Bach. Great choice! BTW, Bach was a Lutheran and had books written by Luther in his home library. Bach also was born in Eisenach which is overlooked by the Wartburg castle in which Luther was confined for his own safety after his stand at Worms.
Starts at 5 minutes
I like when someone decide to work on for Jesus Christ keeps on preache original gospel in hate a bad gospel Haitian people love you in Jesus
Jesus said to his Disciples, This IS MY BODY and My BLOOD SHED FOR YOU ….Not a representative …
A lot of opening praise and clapping for two mortals…
Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood you have no life in you... John 6...
Worms is the main location of the oldest german Legend. The Nibelungen. It was basicly the capital of northern europ during the Migration Period. If you ever read about Ceasar , the end of rome, the burgundian kingdom, norther european legends, the holy roman empire, ore the reformation, you will come acros Worms.
Miss the blue socks.
I know that Martin Luther went further and further from what he believed when he rightly proposed reforms and in the end, became a real heretic (an example: “sin greatly! But believe more greatly”). He and Calvin became what they say they did not believe in: their own Pope who alone could interpret scripture for everyone even proposing execution for people who differed. And evangelical Protestantism bears almost no resemblance to what started out as “Protestant reformation.” I left the Catholic Church but after studying all these things, I returned to the Church that was there, that arrived at the canon of scripture in the New Testament and what the early a Church fathers taught.
Don't you think he was being facetious when he said to sin greatly!
Welcome back home!!! Amen!
Luther was not right about everything. The Catholic Church did correct many things. Luther’s intent was not meant to split the Church, just to have the errors corrected. Nearly ALL human institutions are corrupt, including the Protestant churches - not just the Catholic. It’s our human nature, which we cannot escape. Precisely why We need Jesus. Jesus knew our sinfulness would continue until His 2nd coming. He showed us this by choosing Judas, who betrayed Him. He knew from before He invited Judas into His inner circle exactly who Judas was and what he would do. Jesus established only ONE Church. Also, Satan is closest to those who are closest to God. That the Catholic Church still exists is a miracle itself. Jesus will reconcile all to His Church when he comes again, not Luther’s church, not to the Baptist’s church, but only to His Church. Come Lord Jesus!
in agree with Martin Luther king because he made too much blind and mute tobecome the best in gospel original,have knowledge in the bible study of words God to give them the lights as you eric texas Haitian people love you in Jesus and continues to work for Jesus you will be not lose it
Some day I hope to have the chance to show Eric the errors of Luther, and how what Luther did was actually destructive.
Jan Hus was a Czech not Hungarian; slip of the tongue, Eric??? :-)
No je is not Eric is a flag in the wind in not impersr chuck.dint say anything at times like comiuien what rubish
The Marburg Colloquy, 1529 goal was for military unity and less on understanding scripture. NASB 1 Corinthians 11: 27 " Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord. 28 But a man must examine himself, and in so doing he is to eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For he who eats and drinks, eats and drinks judgment to himself if he does not judge the body rightly. 30 For this reason many among you are weak and sick, and a number [s]sleep. 31 But if we judged ourselves rightly, we would not be judged. 32 But when we are judged, we are disciplined by the Lord so that we will not be condemned along with the world ".
You know, for a virulent anti Semite, that Luther was one hell of a guy.
'If we wish to find a scapegoat on whose shoulders we may
lay the miseries which Germany has brought upon the
world-I am more and more convinced that the worst evil
genius of that country is not Hitler or Bismarck or
Frederick the Great, but Martin Luther' -Reverend William Ralph Inge, 1944.
Eric''s apologetics on this point are pitiful. Just sweep it under the rug.
Right, because Martin Luther was totally responsible for the deaths of 5+ million Jews 400+ years after his death. It certainly doesn't make sense to "lay the miseries which Germany has brought upon the world" on persons/entities like Anton Drexler, Hitler, Adolf Eichmann, the National Socialist German Workers' Party, or propaganda like the Der Stürmer newspaper ... no, all of these persons/entities were Godly and upright, and couldn't possibly have been the "worst evil" to ever beset Germany. Martin Luther bravely pointing out a system of financial penance for salvation, hypocritical aspects of a church, and being a huge proponent of studying Scripture for oneself is ABSOLUTELY evil. How dare he. You're right, even though he'd been dead since the 16th century, it's all Martin Luther's fault. (Hopefully you can gauge that I'm being entirely sarcastic)
Also, for the source of your quote, didn't Inge write that men and women were made unequally? After reading up on "The Gloomy Dean", it's surprising you quoted him seeing as he saw women as lesser than men in several fields ("Human beings are born unequal, and the only persons who have a right to govern their neighbors are those who are competent to do so." | archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.216045/page/n121/mode/2up?q=uneual ), he was a proponent of eugenics until the Nazi party adopted it ("Here again one notices [Inge's] belief in eugenics . . . It was not until the Hitler utilized a form of eugenics to sanction his purge of non-Arian people that eugenics fell out of vogue, having been finally unmasked as disastrous and unethical." | www.giffordlectures.org/lecturers/william-ralph-inge ), and "he criticized democracy in favor of rule by an educated elite" | same link as above).
You think Eric's apologetics are pitiful and you're basing your comment on a statement from Inge? Kinda weird why Inge, an alleged representative of Jesus, would be a proponent of a nation being ruled on the basis of intellectual capability when Jesus used some Galilean fisherman and socially hated tax-collectors to be his primary witnesses. Definitely odd how Inge believed men and women were "unequal" even though Jesus revealed himself FIRST to women after his resurrection and treated women with incredible dignity and respect throughout his ministry. Assuredly strange why Inge was an advocate of eugenics when Jesus would probably advocate that the formation of a child in the womb should be left up to the Lord and not selfishly and unethically manipulated by man (Psalm 139:13-16). Perhaps focusing on your own execution of apologetics would be a more beneficial activity to do with your time rather than criticize a bestselling author who has clearly done extensive research regarding Luther's life. If you'd like to buy the book, it's worth your time! :) ericmetaxas.com/books/martinluther/
@@jacemackera700 Hear, Hear! That was an excellent response😊. I find I am not so eloquent and not as informed as I should be, ( trying to rectify that ) so it takes me a long time to refute people's insults with facts- but that was amazing AND informational. Thank you!
@@taramckinley7585 so you basically admit that you don't know enough.
@@taramckinley7585 no, Luther wasnt responsible entirely for WW2. He didn't have to be. What happened which he sparkled however, is largely responsible for it.
His legacy, freemasonry, the French revolution, the American revolution, the Irish rebellion, Karl Marx, the Russian revolution, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot and the current CCP... To mention a few, are the legacy of Luther.
As for Luther himself, he encouraged enough war in his own time.
anti semitism preceeded him but someone of that type picking up any cause makes it seem " virulent" but it really wasnt.
Chuck Swindol believes repentance is not necessary for salvation. And Mataxas will go anywhere he can promote his book.
All negatives against Luther comes from the Catholic Church. His father was upset that he wanted to go into monastery
How do you know that?
"Trendy senseless" psycho analythics from the middle of the 20th century?
Carl Jung would not agree.
Eric; esse off on humour. Content is sacrificed for laughs.
Luther was a heretic
He has plenty of evidence for existence of religion.
He has no evidence for existence of gods.
there is only God
The heavens declare the glory of God