I fucking love sokol and it kinda annoys me when everyones like "aww fucking lame ass hockey player" when he's such a badass, literally uses his Russian stereotype to intimidate civilians and answer pagers all while running around in a ballistic vest killing people left right and centre without taking a break, and people are complaining he's a hockey player, most underrated character in my opinion
Given Bain: Alright crew meet Sokol, He used to play hockey. and that's pretty much it. I mean who needs military training when you can beat up enemy hockey players AMIRITE?
King Dispenser He is a captain so he has ability to lead, he shows completely no fear when its about to get rough, his breakaway made it obvious that he is great athlete. Think whatever you want he earned that place more than Dragan, Bonnie and other completely random characters.
I like 2 more things about this trailer 1. The companies on the boards of the rink are actually Payday universe companies like Gensec, but translated to Russian with 0 mistakes 2. Soundtrack in the trailer of heister from my country is my most favorite Payday 2 song
SuperLordGaming Considering Jacket is a sociopath and was part of the "hate all Russians" movement (not to mention they killed his buddy), I don't think he'd really make much of a distinction. Logically he'd have some ill feelings toward simply hearing the accent.
Tyrope Games every heister, as far as the lore goes, stays just for certain heists (Dragan for the Butcher's jobs, Clover for the diamond, jacket for the HM Job) so I think its okay
Dallas: Used to be in the mafia, yet he was a genius-tried to trick two mafia leaders into killing eachother-they found out and he went in hiding-came back into a criminal life to become a career criminal and rob banks/corporations he considers to be robbing america, like modern robin hood Chains : Was an orphan-became a soldier in the military after going to prison multiple times-quit to become a mercenary now having a lot of combat knowledge Wolf: Ran a software company-the company went bankrupt after the economy crashed-became homeless and went insane over the stress and misery-left sweden to become a hollywood style criminal Hoxton: Was a juvenile delinquent-went to prison in a British town called Hoxton and went by that alias after he broke out-became a conman in his 20s-went to america in his 30s to work for the payday gang-got arrested again after Dallas abandoned him,leaving him bitter-got broken out and killed the man who ratted him out Clover: Irish Heritage-Became a conman with hoxton when he was in his 20s-betrayed hoxton by stealing from him-joined the crew and broke out hoxton[apparently she was involved according to a piece of 'evidence' in hoxton revenge] Dragan: Corrupt Croatin Cop-Betrayed his partner to a female butcher who was selling bombs and other illegal weapons across europe-sent to america to join the payday gang Sokol: Russian Hockey Player.... Really overkill? really?
crau1er You do have a point, although be honest, are you more interested towards a guy that as hoxton would say "plays a little girl's game" or a game dev? Well, unless your a sport fanatic, your probably going to pick the latter considering this is the internet
Joe Olson Agreed, but what's important for the game is him having good voicelines. And we already went full ridiculous, not much point in fretting over it.
Joe Olson Jacket: Former member of an elite military division, survived a wound and started killing russians to avenge his partner-in-arms Bonnie: Happens to have some intel about hoxton Houston: Dallas' brother, was a criminal too.
i actually liked this character, from what i understood he used to be a criminal but changed his life to be an athlete and didn't like it, had a burst of rage and now needs a new job, not very different from wolf if you think about it
This dude's tight and all, but what about some asian mobster. Like some former Yakuza dude, would be a pretty interesting character. And maybe adding in a heist in an asian "area".
FXMaster Oh, you went that direction, well I assumed you weren't a huge fan of the voice-acting. And also, quick counter, Wei was still very loyal to those close to him, so he would possibly go through with all the stuff. c:
***** The icon at the Croatian stop was a butcher kinfe though, representing the Butcher. I'm assuming that is where he picked up his weapons. The stop in Germany was Frankfurt and had no icon, so it was likely just because of the international airport
He was hired because it's implied that he killed a person on the ice. It's also implied that he's known for beating other players badly, due to it saying the real shocker is that he hasn't had a penalty in five years. Basically, angry Russian guy gets approached by Bain to be some extra muscle.
Wtf is this video, seriously. "ayy He's a hockey player but he's also Russian and Russians are drunk so he's Russians and he fights and because he fights he's a heister." *Cyka Blyad on the ground !* _I don't hate russians, I just don't understand how can this guy become a heister_
El Wolfey Jacket is a true criminal, an ex-military and a guy who uses weapons. I forgot about Bonnie but she had relations with Hoxton. This guy is just a Hockey player
Everyone in the crew is a professional killer. Jacket is one, too. But he does not follow the suit layout, he is from a completely different game and there is no real reason for Jacket to become a bank robber and if you follow the time line Jacket should be around at least 50 years old and he looks like 20-30 And in my opinion Payday was dynamic and a bit realistic once. How the crew screamed around to spot a special unit or to civilians to get on the ground, but if your hear Jackets lines during a police assault...well...its weird,
Nauotit If you have played the Alesso Heist you know that there is a room dedicated to his hockey team so it's not totally irrelevant to implement him to the game.
Рашн Иваны смотреть сюды!!!: Описание персонажа: Представляем Сокола, грабителя из России. Не смотря на то, что он еще молод, у Сокола есть все данные, чтобы стать легендарным грабителем. Одарённый атлет, Сокол так-же имеет острый ум и чётко понимает своё место в команде. Бесстрашно и стойко держится среди врагов, будь то команда хоккеистов или отряд SWAT. Кроме того, с ним в комплекте идёт еще и два оружия: винтовка АС "Вал", в игре носит название "Валькирия"(VALKYRIE RIFLE) и хоккейная клюшка (Hockey Stick). Описание оружия: VALKYRIE RIFLE Мифологические Валькирии забирали падших воинов на вечную битву в Вальгалле. Эта Валькирия советской эры, скорее всего, предпочтёт просто делать падших воинов. Hockey Stick Прекрасно сделанная длинная деревянная палка. Прекрасно подходит как для того, чтобы забить шайбу в ворота, так и для того, чтобы выбить пару зубов. Плюс ко всему, будет добавлено новое древо перков: "Станок" (The Grinder. Станок, наверное. Возможно - "нападающий" на сленге). (в очень грубом переводе) Древо "Станок" вдохновлено хоккеем, где он отражает сильный боевой дух, командную игру и готовность измельчить противника в мелкие кровавые ошмётки Описание маски Сокола: Если что и понял Сокол, играя за "Петербургских Бомбардировщиков", так это то, насколько важна ужасающая маска, защищающая его статное русское лицо. Ну и примечание от меня: персонажа, в принципе, подали довольно не плохо. Не смотря на то, что Overkill любят навешивать ярлыки персонажам разных национальностей(например, англичанин у них безумен и болтлив, а шотландка - алкоголичка и дебошир), они всё-таки умеют обратить это в пользу харизме персонажа, если это необходимо. Будем надеяться, что Сокол - не единственный член этой многонациональной команды грабителей. Не смотря на то, что ждал я его с самого момента анонса - 12 июня, лично я его оценить не смогу, так как я еще и Payday 2 не купил(пока-что), но как только доберусь - обязательно сделаю.
Figured it out: Rashn Ivana watch the syudy !!!: Character description: We represent Falcon, a robber from Russia. Despite the fact that he is still young, Sokol has all the data to become a legendary robber. A gifted athlete, Sokol also has a keen mind and clearly understands his place in the team. Fearlessly and staunchly holds among the enemies, whether it's a hockey team or a SWAT squad. In addition, it also comes with two more weapons: the rifle "Val", in the game is called "Valkyrie" (VALKYRIE RIFLE) and hockey stick (Hockey Stick). Weapon Description: VALKYRIE RIFLE Mythological Valkyrie took the fallen warriors to the eternal battle in Valhalla. This Valkyrie of the Soviet era, most likely, prefers just to make fallen warriors. Hockey Stick A beautifully made long wooden stick. Perfectly suited both for hammering the puck into the goal, and for knocking out a pair of teeth. Plus, a new tree of perks will be added: "The Machine" (The Grinder, probably, probably - "attacker" in the slang). (in a very rough translation) The tree "Machine" is inspired by hockey, where it reflects a strong fighting spirit, team play and willingness to crush the enemy into small bloody scrapes Description of Falcon's mask: If what Sokol understood, playing for the "Petersburg Bombers", so this is how important is the horrific mask protecting his stout Russian face. Well, a note from me: the character, in principle, filed pretty not bad. Despite the fact that Overkill like to label characters of different nationalities (for example, the Englishman is insane and talkative, and is necessary. Let's hope that Falcon is not the only member of this multinational team of robbers. Despite the fact that I've been waiting for it since the moment of the announcement - June 12th, personally I can not evaluate it, since I also have not bought Payday 2 (yet), but as soon as I get there I will definitely do it.
You know what we need? An Arabian heister. His name can be Amir. That's a good name. His primary weapon can be a PKM machine gun and his secondary can be a Caracal CP660 pistol and for a melee weapon he uses a scimitar.
Bluezorr2912 no I'm with you on this one more content is better however it does need quality as well to be a good idea and for the most part overkill has been pretty good with quality for a few exceptions *cough* The Diamond *cough*.
Bluezorr2912 I'm cool with it, but the thing I don't like is how all these new heists and such are priced at $7 and free default heists have more replayability than the DLC's and are ultimately free. It gets annoying after a while, but i'm glad they also release free stuff on the side.
darkmanbors That's just the heists though. At this point there's as much DLC weapons as weapons that come with the game locked back by around almost $100 of DLC so I mean-.. It's pretty ridiculous now.
I only wish PayDay wasn't so 'basic' in terms of gameplay. I mean, was it really that hard to create a lock picking animation, or and animation for building the drill ? Was it real;ly that hard to make a mini-game of some sorts to go with it ? Despite the hoards of enemies the game throws at you, it still feels kinda casual with no depth, or even tools to create depth.
Joe Olson Yes, but it really breaks the immersion when instead of actually picking a lock (like in original Splinter Cell games for example) you just stare at a door handle for 50 seconds...
With the roster of characters. I hope Overkill will make a woman character from the Chinese Triad or Japanese Yukuza. I think that'll be awesome to have a character from an established background than a drifter like Clover and Bonnie.
@@borodathc кровные узы и государственные границы связаны примерно никак. У каждого русского есть родственники на Украине, равно как и у любого украинца найдутся русские ветки родового древа. И чувствую я - эти двое на соседних ветках, если вовсе не на одной и той же. Иначе что за нелепое совпадение?
I think Sokol won't be friends with Jacket and Wick.
This needs more likes.
Robertbert BertBert Who's Dug?
His Dog
Robertbert BertBert I know, I was just joking around. Enjoy your.... food. That is all. Goodbyyyyeeee!!
I know. It's just a joke. :D
"I come america, job easy, sit very much hour's, Is nice!"~Sokol
Yeah that checks out
Ты Русский?
"All clear, or, as we say in Russia, придурок ты" ~Sokol ("придурок ты" means "you dumbass")
Man, I've always wanted a russian heister as a part of a crew!
Thank you Overkill
Пииис :3
Пис ты крутой
+PeaseMaker привет, я=
And hockey player!
Plan B.... Rush B?
cyka cyka cyka cyka blyat
и в дамки
Rush b cyka rush b
I fucking love sokol and it kinda annoys me when everyones like "aww fucking lame ass hockey player" when he's such a badass, literally uses his Russian stereotype to intimidate civilians and answer pagers all while running around in a ballistic vest killing people left right and centre without taking a break, and people are complaining he's a hockey player, most underrated character in my opinion
TRUE !!!
Бляять воняет - Sokol
People just don’t know how awesome hockey actually is
I love him because of his cool suit
nah its not because hes a hockey player its because hes the biggest bottom i have ever seen and he tries to act like hes not
I want him to say something like "Cyka Blyat, Bulldozer!"
No. "Bl'ya, bulldozer"
Sobbing Bread Its a yobanii bulldozer!!!
Portalowy In Assault: "MENYA ZAEBALO. * got a hockey stick * LETS BEGIN FUN!!!"
Cloacker:OH SHIET
Dozer: im scared
Tazer: I crapped my pants
Portalowy Aaay, cheeki breeki! Follow me!
*spots cloaker* GET OUT OF HERE, STALKER!
"Plan A was a load of bollocks anyway." -Bonnie
"Plan A rush B cyka blyat." -Sokol
"Rush B don't stop"
now we go the hard way -Bain
It was bollocks, but can we hav sauce. This may be old, but we need it.
@@guromarv Tionishia from Daily Life with a Monster Girl
I think I can guess what melee weapon will be coming with this character.
CapnTates Obviously a lacrosse stick of course, throw everyone off.
commander144 lacrosse? lacrosse...........you know he was playing hockey in the trailer...........right?
' Bubbles ' You know I was joking...........right?
CapnTates A fuckin golf club. Easy. Sokol obviously plays basketball.
CoatHanger I know right? So obvious.
Hooray for backstory!
Given Bain: Alright crew meet Sokol, He used to play hockey. and that's pretty much it.
I mean who needs military training when you can beat up enemy hockey players AMIRITE?
King Dispenser Lel we serve 1,5 year in army when reach 18 years)
Every man can shoot and have basic military training )
King Dispenser He is a captain so he has ability to lead, he shows completely no fear when its about to get rough, his breakaway made it obvious that he is great athlete. Think whatever you want he earned that place more than Dragan, Bonnie and other completely random characters.
LosEagle Well, Dragan is an experienced corrupted officer which is also the right hand of the Butcher.
Bonnie on the other hand...
LosEagle Wouldn't the cops have way more experience in this shit?
The music is still the best!
They finally used the razormind remix material
Crusades Whats the song anyway
Jack Frisse it's a remix of razorblade
Albin Jonasson Thanks Buddy
Albin Jonasson razormind*
as a Canadian ... i approve of our #1 hockey rival joining the crew ... Russia: never stop playing hard! =]
I'm Russian and Maine Woody in Don't Starve together. Thank you
@@gogomap77 lol what does dst have to do with payday, but since u said it, i guess i have to aswell, i main warly
OK let's not bro
I like 2 more things about this trailer
1. The companies on the boards of the rink are actually Payday universe companies like Gensec, but translated to Russian with 0 mistakes
2. Soundtrack in the trailer of heister from my country is my most favorite Payday 2 song
Ну генсек можно было перевести , не как дженсек , а как генбнз
Use him to this day, love his stealth lines
So hyped for tomorrow :D
I know you
What are you doing here and 5 years back
@@michener1622 yeah
Why do i find iron everywhere
Didnt Hoxton say hockey was a game for "Little girls"?
Sir Meowmers Indeed he do.
Sir Meowmers Funny how he does, when Overkill played hockey themselves.
Sir Meowmers perfect then hoxton will be able to make fun of houston AND sokol now.
Sir Meowmers Hoxton vs Sokol?
TheWubOne Hoxton>Everyone>Houston
Так приятно знать, что в payday 2 есть наш человек. Спасибo overkill
Я ждал тебя в комментариях
Funny how Sokol plays for the “bombers” and his team color is red, when overkill’s logo is a red bomb.. hmm
bombers are just a parody of bruins, an actual team
Jacket and Sokol..... i got a bad feeling about this D;
Dont worry they fine after 5 years (jacket ded lol)
@@MistOrWar True
still love sokol even 7 years later "i come america, happy very! job easy! sit very much hours! is nice!" - the best pager answerer Sokol
How about "all clear,or how we say in Russia,придурок ты"?
"All clear...
Or as we say in Russian... придурок ты! "
Fun trailer to be a part of! :) Great production from start to finish!
I think he will see Jacket in nightmares
Noobian Princess Hahahaha.
Noobian Princess and you're a prankster...
Noobian Princess And John Wick
Noobian Princess Well...Jacket hated the mafia specifcally.
SuperLordGaming Considering Jacket is a sociopath and was part of the "hate all Russians" movement (not to mention they killed his buddy), I don't think he'd really make much of a distinction. Logically he'd have some ill feelings toward simply hearing the accent.
Sokol is the perfect example. ALWAYS go for Plan B.
Bain might be taking just about anyone at this point to join the crew, but goddamn if he doesn't pick coolest people.
DaKiller one day bain will hire a badass kid to heist XD
Raiderous Oh baby a triple!!!
*everyone in the gang*
Shut up!!!
DaKiller I kind of enjoy the fact they're adding more diverse characters.
Tyrope Games every heister, as far as the lore goes, stays just for certain heists (Dragan for the Butcher's jobs, Clover for the diamond, jacket for the HM Job) so I think its okay
Aubimed Nope, their in-game bio's say that they have entered into the Payday gang.
Dallas: Used to be in the mafia, yet he was a genius-tried to trick two mafia leaders into killing eachother-they found out and he went in hiding-came back into a criminal life to become a career criminal and rob banks/corporations he considers to be robbing america, like modern robin hood
Chains : Was an orphan-became a soldier in the military after going to prison multiple times-quit to become a mercenary now having a lot of combat knowledge
Wolf: Ran a software company-the company went bankrupt after the economy crashed-became homeless and went insane over the stress and misery-left sweden to become a hollywood style criminal
Hoxton: Was a juvenile delinquent-went to prison in a British town called Hoxton and went by that alias after he broke out-became a conman in his 20s-went to america in his 30s to work for the payday gang-got arrested again after Dallas abandoned him,leaving him bitter-got broken out and killed the man who ratted him out
Clover: Irish Heritage-Became a conman with hoxton when he was in his 20s-betrayed hoxton by stealing from him-joined the crew and broke out hoxton[apparently she was involved according to a piece of 'evidence' in hoxton revenge]
Dragan: Corrupt Croatin Cop-Betrayed his partner to a female butcher who was selling bombs and other illegal weapons across europe-sent to america to join the payday gang
Sokol: Russian Hockey Player....
Really overkill? really?
Joe Olson New Char IdeaWater Polo HiesterHes in cuz he can really hit that ball.
Joe Olson To be honest, Sokol sounds okay, when you remember WOLF's backstory. An office worker that went nuts and decided to be criminal.
crau1er You do have a point, although be honest, are you more interested towards a guy that as hoxton would say "plays a little girl's game" or a game dev?
Well, unless your a sport fanatic, your probably going to pick the latter considering this is the internet
Joe Olson Agreed, but what's important for the game is him having good voicelines. And we already went full ridiculous, not much point in fretting over it.
Joe Olson
Jacket: Former member of an elite military division, survived a wound and started killing russians to avenge his partner-in-arms
Bonnie: Happens to have some intel about hoxton
Houston: Dallas' brother, was a criminal too.
00:34 I wish there was a track for this version, I love the guitar from Razormind
"Он ни разу не получил ни одного пенальти за три года." (THREE years)
"He'd never got penalty in five years." What? Why?
Это успех
i actually liked this character, from what i understood he used to be a criminal but changed his life to be an athlete and didn't like it, had a burst of rage and now needs a new job, not very different from wolf if you think about it
You can not even hear Sokol that well with the music playing so loud
Bought this. Heard "JACKET. HAELP ME!"
Worth. Every. Penny.
"Long live (Tape rewind) the king."
Sokol is in Custody!
Ironic. Jacket killed russians
This dude's tight and all, but what about some asian mobster. Like some former Yakuza dude, would be a pretty interesting character. And maybe adding in a heist in an asian "area".
***** Yeah I fully understand you and I fully agree aswell. But I'm pretty sure Overkill's capable of doing that! c:
icywind He might be Wei Shen, but then we'd all be fucked.
FXMaster Hey, don't talk shit about Wei mudda Shen. That dude was tight, the voice-acting was tight! And Sleeping Dogs was tight! c:
icywind I know. The joke is because he's a cop.
FXMaster Oh, you went that direction, well I assumed you weren't a huge fan of the voice-acting. And also, quick counter, Wei was still very loyal to those close to him, so he would possibly go through with all the stuff. c:
introducing the best perk deck in the entire game
Introducing the nerf hammer
ovk pls
Color Grinder was recently buffed tho
Grinder even today is one of the best if not the best perk decks in the game ;D
A maslenu poimal! A nu cheeki-breeki!
Хавай гранату фаер!!
Тихо щя враера припрутся
"волыной не свети!" (на стелсе), "сбоку заходи!" (на раше) xD
Get out of here, Stalker!
Вообще то он русский, а не украинец.
“The Grinder”
Me:So this is where I get my power from.
he made a stop in germany.. german character confirmed? (he also made a stop in croatia where dragan comes from)
***** The icon at the Croatian stop was a butcher kinfe though, representing the Butcher. I'm assuming that is where he picked up his weapons. The stop in Germany was Frankfurt and had no icon, so it was likely just because of the international airport
Cause Jacket's tape voice is german I guess
Dong Hyeok Kim He is reciting from language learning tapes.
***** i heard it's German
Ignition he had weapons how did he got in the plane it makes no sense
Why hockey? Why not a professional csgo player?
he breaks the rules by buying an auto sniper XD
Idk, I think being a hacker would have been better.
Do russian professional csgo players exist?
Sokol is savage
*gets bored of Hockey, decides to get a job murdering police officers and robbing people*
adeadfreelancer Sounds about right
Plan B is just as entertaining.
мне нравится когда он говорит :
" маскировка "
" сука, блять ,бульдозер "
This heister will be part of Overkill's Hockey Team.
I just feel it.
He was hired because it's implied that he killed a person on the ice. It's also implied that he's known for beating other players badly, due to it saying the real shocker is that he hasn't had a penalty in five years. Basically, angry Russian guy gets approached by Bain to be some extra muscle.
I just love how did SOKOL shooted a goal
Overkill hear me out, PLEASE add a Finnish character who just drinks beer and curses at enemies and has a rye bread deployable that heals him.
so a better rust?
По моему это один из лучших трейлеров в payday 2
у раста вообще
Sokol... Has landed.
Accidently pressed tiny american button with big russian muscle
favourite character pack trailer tbh
1.4 million per heist, but youre spending about 50% of that on bullet wound treatment
Wtf is this video, seriously.
"ayy He's a hockey player but he's also Russian
and Russians are drunk
so he's Russians and he fights
and because he fights he's a heister."
*Cyka Blyad on the ground !*
_I don't hate russians, I just don't understand how can this guy become a heister_
Nauotit Same with Bonnie and Jacket.
El Wolfey
Jacket is a true criminal, an ex-military and a guy who uses weapons.
I forgot about Bonnie but she had relations with Hoxton.
This guy is just a Hockey player
Nauotit Could be, but je just does not fit in the game.
Everyone in the crew is a professional killer.
Jacket is one, too. But he does not follow the suit layout, he is from a completely different game and there is no real reason for Jacket to become a bank robber and if you follow the time line Jacket should be around at least 50 years old and he looks like 20-30
And in my opinion Payday was dynamic and a bit realistic once. How the crew screamed around to spot a special unit or to civilians to get on the ground, but if your hear Jackets lines during a police assault...well...its weird,
Nauotit If you have played the Alesso Heist you know that there is a room dedicated to his hockey team so it's not totally irrelevant to implement him to the game.
То чувство когда ты русский и понял что происходило на матче
0:45 Брызгалов на воротах лол
Bryzgalov as the goalkeaper
Рашн Иваны смотреть сюды!!!:
Описание персонажа:
Представляем Сокола, грабителя из России.
Не смотря на то, что он еще молод, у Сокола есть все данные, чтобы стать легендарным грабителем.
Одарённый атлет, Сокол так-же имеет острый ум и чётко понимает своё место в команде. Бесстрашно и стойко держится среди врагов, будь то команда хоккеистов или отряд SWAT.
Кроме того, с ним в комплекте идёт еще и два оружия: винтовка АС "Вал", в игре носит название "Валькирия"(VALKYRIE RIFLE) и хоккейная клюшка (Hockey Stick).
Описание оружия:
Мифологические Валькирии забирали падших воинов на вечную битву в Вальгалле. Эта Валькирия советской эры, скорее всего, предпочтёт просто делать падших воинов.
Hockey Stick
Прекрасно сделанная длинная деревянная палка. Прекрасно подходит как для того, чтобы забить шайбу в ворота, так и для того, чтобы выбить пару зубов.
Плюс ко всему, будет добавлено новое древо перков: "Станок" (The Grinder. Станок, наверное. Возможно - "нападающий" на сленге).
(в очень грубом переводе)
Древо "Станок" вдохновлено хоккеем, где он отражает сильный боевой дух, командную игру и готовность измельчить противника в мелкие кровавые ошмётки
Описание маски Сокола:
Если что и понял Сокол, играя за "Петербургских Бомбардировщиков", так это то, насколько важна ужасающая маска, защищающая его статное русское лицо.
Ну и примечание от меня: персонажа, в принципе, подали довольно не плохо. Не смотря на то, что Overkill любят навешивать ярлыки персонажам разных национальностей(например, англичанин у них безумен и болтлив, а шотландка - алкоголичка и дебошир), они всё-таки умеют обратить это в пользу харизме персонажа, если это необходимо. Будем надеяться, что Сокол - не единственный член этой многонациональной команды грабителей.
Не смотря на то, что ждал я его с самого момента анонса - 12 июня, лично я его оценить не смогу, так как я еще и Payday 2 не купил(пока-что), но как только доберусь - обязательно сделаю.
Bloodhaund покупай, хорошая игра
Интересно, будет ли известно имя героя?
голубь игорь ну фамилию то уж точно знаем
Figured it out:
Rashn Ivana watch the syudy !!!:
Character description:
We represent Falcon, a robber from Russia.
Despite the fact that he is still young, Sokol has all the data to become a legendary robber.
A gifted athlete, Sokol also has a keen mind and clearly understands his place in the team. Fearlessly and staunchly holds among the enemies, whether it's a hockey team or a SWAT squad. In addition, it also comes with two more weapons: the rifle "Val", in the game is called "Valkyrie" (VALKYRIE RIFLE) and hockey stick (Hockey Stick).
Weapon Description:
Mythological Valkyrie took the fallen warriors to the eternal battle in Valhalla. This Valkyrie of the Soviet era, most likely, prefers just to make fallen warriors.
Hockey Stick
A beautifully made long wooden stick. Perfectly suited both for hammering the puck into the goal, and for knocking out a pair of teeth.
Plus, a new tree of perks will be added: "The Machine" (The Grinder, probably, probably - "attacker" in the slang).
(in a very rough translation)
The tree "Machine" is inspired by hockey, where it reflects a strong fighting spirit, team play and willingness to crush the enemy into small bloody scrapes
Description of Falcon's mask:
If what Sokol understood, playing for the "Petersburg Bombers", so this is how important is the horrific mask protecting his stout Russian face.
Well, a note from me: the character, in principle, filed pretty not bad. Despite the fact that Overkill like to label characters of different nationalities (for example, the Englishman is insane and talkative, and is necessary. Let's hope that Falcon is not the only member of this multinational team of robbers.
Despite the fact that I've been waiting for it since the moment of the announcement - June 12th, personally I can not evaluate it, since I also have not bought Payday 2 (yet), but as soon as I get there I will definitely do it.
You know what we need? An Arabian heister.
His name can be Amir. That's a good name. His primary weapon can be a PKM machine gun and his secondary can be a Caracal CP660 pistol and for a melee weapon he uses a scimitar.
We still need a welsh heister to complete the UK team
97superior What about North Ireland?
Jason Kerrigan But it's a part of the UK right?
I thought the IRA stopped killing people?
The funny thing is the North of Ireland is no longer wanted by the Republic OR the UK, so they can go have their own little country at this stage
What about the rest of the world there are more places then just America and Europe *cough* Australia, Asia, Africa, South America *cough*
Неожиданно но приятно, они реально запилил русскую озвучку. Вот что значит любовь к комьюнити
I want that razormind remix that is playing the background it's so awesome
Overkill will you make heister from Czech? or some asian guy?
***** No there is a croatian one :D
Karioza Maybe it would be better if they added heister from Poland?
hellmastah1 He wouldn't know how to change a light bulb; robbing a bank would mentally fry him.
Karioza make the next dude african, chains is getting lonely lol
Xenibalt ofc... we have lots of Gipsy imigrants waiting for prison xD
Tachanka is my lord, Sokol is my queen, Russia is my city, Vodka is my soul
A Day before my Birthday! Overkill you the best
Надо было Козловского на роль позвать.
Кстати да
Лучше не надо, а то ни одного слова не расслышали бы
"In mother Russia Bank rob You!"
oh wait that shit happens here too.. :L
As Russian i can confirm that sokol is second best character in payday2
А кто первый , по-твоему мнению?
@@gogomap77 первое место джекет, по моему мнению самый крутой и даже чем то особенный перс
Записи классные
@@gogomap77 бывает
@0_0r98 нет
5 years later i still hype about him
Am i really only one here who thinks that its cool to have more new characters and heists?
Bluezorr2912 Yes
Bluezorr2912 no I'm with you on this one more content is better however it does need quality as well to be a good idea and for the most part overkill has been pretty good with quality for a few exceptions *cough* The Diamond *cough*.
Bluezorr2912 I'm cool with it, but the thing I don't like is how all these new heists and such are priced at $7 and free default heists have more replayability than the DLC's and are ultimately free. It gets annoying after a while, but i'm glad they also release free stuff on the side.
xweert711 You don't really need the heist dlc to play the heist.
darkmanbors That's just the heists though. At this point there's as much DLC weapons as weapons that come with the game locked back by around almost $100 of DLC so I mean-.. It's pretty ridiculous now.
The soon to be leader
Супер! Вы остались как всегда при своём мнении!
I felt bad for the guy 0:53 ( That music that time made me feel epic ). The soundtrack is Razormind if nobody knew
After this, you might as well add a Vlad character pack. Tiara mask and such.
Game Joker This would be stupid if he would making his own heists LEL
Clover sorta made a heist.
I know it's been 2 years since your comment but there's actually Tiara mask in the game )
@@alexkosic1832 3
Great Trailer) My favorite character :)
P.S Song - Simon Viklund - Razormind (TANgy Remix)
It'd be nice if when you hit someone with the hockey stick you see a tooth fly out every now and again
"hello i play hockey"
*you are accepted*
Ай каме Америка
Хепи вери
Джоб изи
Сит вери мач овар
Из найс
All clear,or how we say in Russia,придурок ты
In soviet washington, Sokol does not put down drill, Sokol IS DRILL!
Hockey player or not still seems BADASS!
Wow this character is so kol! ;)
Because we (Russians) is unstoppable)
Sokol would mop the floor with Jacket.
Hockey is an underrated sport in America:/
Think about this Sokol Voice actor we have never seen him speak English until this game
"Блять, воняет!" Sokol
Nice this trailer really showed me what does he look like ingame. :D
Лучший хайстер евер!!!!СОКОЛ РУЛИТ!"!!!!
Oh, greetings from St. Petersburg!
Мы тоже ведь играем в PAYDAY 2 !
I think he need phrases like: "Chikki-briki i v damki" and "Obhozhu atu shelupon"
Славянский удар клюшкой.
Славянский прострел шайбамами.
The funny thing is that adding a new character won't change gameplay very much or even at all! But you people will still buy it no matter what
payday 2 at 2080 bain is heister
I wish all of the new Heists and Characters were available on Console too.Hopefully they will have an update soon.
то чувство когда ты русский
Жиза :D
Саша Михайлов не ты один
Саша Михайлов +
anyone know the song at 1:00 ?
cheeki breeki
Свершилось чудо,мои любимые Рашн Ретарды!В кое-то веке нигде нету орфографической ошибки в русских словах.Даже больше,текст имеет смысл!!!
I only wish PayDay wasn't so 'basic' in terms of gameplay. I mean, was it really that hard to create a lock picking animation, or and animation for building the drill ? Was it real;ly that hard to make a mini-game of some sorts to go with it ?
Despite the hoards of enemies the game throws at you, it still feels kinda casual with no depth, or even tools to create depth.
BoilingJD More animations doesn't make a game more advanced
Gameplay mechanics do
Joe Olson Yes, but it really breaks the immersion when instead of actually picking a lock (like in original Splinter Cell games for example) you just stare at a door handle for 50 seconds...
BoilingJD that's a good point, but in that case, you should Have probably said instead "I only wish PayDay wasn't so basic in terms of immersion"
Joe Olson well the unrealistically basic gameplay is what breaks the immersion.
BoilingJD Ay it does bite that payday was made with an engine by the name of Diesel, made for racing.
THE GRINDER...How fitting of you
Заебись,ахуенно! =)
ZeroFoX sorry i don't speak vodka
fuck you, speak russia блять
fuck russian players PAYDAY for USA
@@Илья411 You too Suka)
@@spark8892 I dont speak hamburger
With the roster of characters. I hope Overkill will make a woman character from the Chinese Triad or Japanese Yukuza. I think that'll be awesome to have a character from an established background than a drifter like Clover and Bonnie.
Сокол зэ бэст
Grinder is love. Grinder is life.
Я очень рад, ОЧЕНЬ, это будет одно из лучших длс
Hold on... His second name is "Козак"? It can`t be a coincidence! He ain`t been found by Bane or Dentist, he is definately relative to Vlad family.
No, they're not even of the same nationality,
@@borodathc кровные узы и государственные границы связаны примерно никак. У каждого русского есть родственники на Украине, равно как и у любого украинца найдутся русские ветки родового древа. И чувствую я - эти двое на соседних ветках, если вовсе не на одной и той же. Иначе что за нелепое совпадение?
Ага, таки дела, что Сокол племяш Влада