Thanks LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 sweetlyChats in bits&Bits till firmSure Love!..😘😘😘😘😘😘 sinceWas running trueBlue then, it was there ya!.. placing the following here&Few others(see how theBattery goes!..😅😅). True love is theTruth really!.. howActually humansMigrate toLove while thereIs(durationDependency) ya!.. loveToo(perfectTrueness) of noBirth norDeath cheers!.. 😀😀 #note on perfectTrueness: meaning 'Known' &It'sThere since theBeginning ofTime!.. our heartsPurity didn'tReach trueAwareness thatWe choosesBy changeableFactors believingBest of theMoments really!.. 😀😀
FrmJun19'22- Fun foodsFamilies friendships ya!.. ascendedGoodnesses loveToo it'sSource &Powerfulness, 2Always love isEverything!.., whenWe love &Wants to be loved orDemands loveFrom areSomething debaseLove fromIt's levelSpectrum which supposedly excellenceMoralism towards joyGrace ofLoving cheers!.. 😀😀
안녕하세요 선배님, 저는 단국대학교 1학년 재학중인 학생입니다. 올해입학식때 공연하시는 모습을보고 정말 예쁘고 연예인이라는 생각만 들었는데 체전에 참여하시는 모습을 보고 용기내어 연락드려봅니다 저희 멘토인터뷰 대상으로 선배님을 인터뷰허고 싶어 연락을 드렸습니다 선배님의 전공을 선택하게 된 계기와 국악에 대한 생각등의 내용을 인터뷰하고 싶어 용기내어 연락드립니다..!! 선배님 고려해보시고 가능하시면 제가 보낸 디엠에 연락주시면 감사하겠습니다😊
Hehehehehehe!..😅😅 after movingEyebrow mentionedChange to manjaPinch meh LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 LOTTE's luncheonMeat just fine 4Dinner, theSoju weEnjoys itChilled cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 #note: Peranakkan Baba calls that pinchAs 'gerubisTersayang!..'
Apr6,22(entered apr8th)- allForms of sincerityGiving(withoutFires of descendingNature) are great, greater stillMagnanimously: 1phrase of ascendedGoodnesses which theReceiver becomesSeparately ofEmos &realizesVirtues ya!.. wonderful midWeek in happiness cheers!.. 😀😀
Live withOnly words ofVirtues!.. inKindliness kindness points outVirtues evenIf kinder1st endsUp being taken advantageOf!..1knows rightFrm wrongAre greatlyOk!.., noNeed to be keepTeach!.. aStudent even theMaster whomLost in selfEmos areReal childrensNeeds guidances!.. interestingly, whoDares claimsSifu cheers!.. 😀😀
Love actually playWriting onHal's waist&Stomach insteadOf fingerPoking LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 Hahahahahahahaha!..😅😅 illiterateOn thoseWords even Love fingerWrites onHal's hand while Hal amDriving stillJoyously laughter bCoz it's always "Love's spell!.. Love's spell!.. Love's spell!.." in Hal's mind cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 Comment of Jul19'22- Seeks &persuesJustice over personalGains plusGains friends(supports) throughTruthfulness, trustworthiness &Loyalty ya!.. Righteousness is ofEssence to universalGoodness, always willinglyReady toIt &all others inline virtuesVirtuously as ascendedGoodnesses be ourDefense &Prevails sureness cheers!.. 😀😀
Happiest Chap Goh Mei CNY22 following century's mostWonderfully Valentine's ever cheers!.. 😀😀
GrandeurBravo actionSet vLog UniverseTraDiva Ms. Song So Hee!.. 😀😀
Wonderful Wesak Blessedness toAll &families cheers!.. 😀😀
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhassa!.. 😀😀
FrmMay14th,22- 1stDuty inServicing othersAlways in aForm ofLove ya!.. withIt ourCompassion, kindness, sincerityGoodness hearts &Happiness shared.., howeverImperfectly areMiracles than performedPerfectly by othersIn seeing &Saying cheers!.. 😀😀
Happy indeed weLive, friendlyFree inLoving ya!.., happyIndeed weDwell, freeWellness inBlessings & happyIndeed weJoyously purifyOur heartsTill minds foundBack our trueSelf(grace) ofOurselves @pointWe agreeEnters ourExistence cheers!.. 😀😀
미쳤다 언니 유튜브해요 ?? 💗💗 스타킹에서 봤던게 엊그제같은데,, 짱이뽀자나
Feels theGoodness of othersAlways!.. maintainingUnity inHarmonies are inUnison of tranquillityPeace ourHearts dwellsB4 abilityMastering ourMinds towardsWonders ya!.. w/oSuch, wePromotes descendingsUnknowingly andCrowds stillCheering usOf cleverness smartAppearances cheers!.. 😀😀
LoveDarlingHoney😘 always makeJokes withSpontaneous face ya!..😘😘😘 didLove timedHow longOur laughter afterLove saying"Call meBetty bCoz ofBaattuiwoera asHal literallyAl!..😅😅", when Divo Paul Simon wasOn interRun_Tuesday cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘
Lovely joyousnessPose update onFrosty poolConcert LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 toldYa it'sGonna beWonderfully great cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘 *Hahahahahaha!..😅😅 saturdayMorning Hal said 'evenIf itRains' concernsTowards thoseHave 2standingSquatting myManja_LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘😘😘😘
FromJun23rd'22- All ourKnowledges, strengths, powers &Wealths areServants to kindlinessWisdoms, goodnessCompassions &pervadingTruthfulness cheers!.. 😀😀
Purity ofBody, clarity ofMind, nonViolence &Selflessness areLife's essentials forSurvival as anIntelligent excellentlySpiritual entity!.. Be onTruth sideEven asSingle of theHerd cheeringTruth, weCan liveIn truthfulness asUniverse's centerIs highestTruth ya!!.. *act of truth* naturallyAs ourBreathing nature cheers!.. 😀😀
Hahahahahaha!..😅😅 feelingProud ofHaving markedOn Hal &Hal can'tSee itIs stingyOf sharingOur lovinglyPride togetherness 😘LoveDarlingHoney cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘 *bahagiaBahagia!.., bahagiaNyer hidupBersama berbulanMadu selamanya cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Ascended goodnessesMagnanimity, magnificence &Majestic!.. vitalsBy ascendedGoodnesses concentration, fullConfidence& PureWill ya!.. thatHow ascendedGoodnesses truthfulness, goodness, usefulness, kindness &Necessariness ofTruth beingDiscerns, declares &Won in theWorld cheers!.. 😀😀
넘 예쁘고 귀여워요
FrmJun5'22- All commsWith truth, love& wonderfulSweetness ofLife!.. wholesomeCharacters overReputation, chaos&despair: i.e. nvrFear what'sRight ya!.. asAll goodnesses &Sustainability whenIt's rightly& nothingContrary toVirtues cheers!.. 😀😀
Thanks LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 sweetlyChats in bits&Bits till firmSure Love!..😘😘😘😘😘😘 sinceWas running trueBlue then, it was there ya!.. placing the following here&Few others(see how theBattery goes!..😅😅).
True love is theTruth really!.. howActually humansMigrate toLove while thereIs(durationDependency) ya!.. loveToo(perfectTrueness) of noBirth norDeath cheers!.. 😀😀
#note on perfectTrueness: meaning 'Known' &It'sThere since theBeginning ofTime!.. our heartsPurity didn'tReach trueAwareness thatWe choosesBy changeableFactors believingBest of theMoments really!.. 😀😀
FrmJun19'22- Fun foodsFamilies friendships ya!.. ascendedGoodnesses loveToo it'sSource &Powerfulness, 2Always love isEverything!.., whenWe love &Wants to be loved orDemands loveFrom areSomething debaseLove fromIt's levelSpectrum which supposedly excellenceMoralism towards joyGrace ofLoving cheers!.. 😀😀
Motives ofLove, Truth&Life: goodness isRiding theTiger(conqueror allDescendings) &kindliness isDancing with theLion(prosperor ofFate favourableness) ya!.. purifiedInsights correctness ofThe soCalled pureGood-hearted cheers!.. 😀😀
Watching theMemoir ofColors backIn 2018/19orSo.., reallyAdmires(evenIt's by creativityOf dramaTeam) onHow the greatLady motherShin Saimdang groomsHer children ya!.. skills&Talents: usesFor right reasonsOnly, ifUse toLook down onOthers, betterOnes areWithout thatTalent atAll!.., weMust develop ascendedGoodnesses characters1st b4Our skills&Talents shiningTrue mastery cheers!.. 😀😀
Apr30till earlyMAY- Residing alwaysIn ascendedGoodnesses guarantees goodBeing storedUp inHearts!.. allThat firesOur emos in irksAre provenWe been storingDescendings ya!.. letOur hearts cameBeing wonderful evenB4 ourThoughts coming to thinkGood cheers!.. 😀😀
@57:25(DongYi)- gracefulnessOf throwingsTied humbleHopefulness @memorialsFor thoseWho believesBunches ourAncestors observingWhich descendantsTrueness hatiMulia truthfulness ragaHomia cheers!.. 😀😀
023jun30(Sunday byAndreas_V): 😅😅see!.. it's Friday again ya!..😅😅 overLunch 😘LoveDarlingHoney said, SeobangNim!..😘😘 there's sirRobert, siLucy &daraJelitaan!.. Halby tooKeeps mentioning 🐿️squirrelKeeps peepingActually wannaGlimpse ofThis yeoboOppa's ManjaSweetheart ya!..😘😘😘 that1 noName?!.. there's1Deserving 😘LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 dareSmart knowerOf canTrust acceptingShared brokenCashews &thisWanna glimpseWho SeobangNim hadShall beCalled tupaiCoklat_Tompok asBoth seems2Have tompokMarkings exceptionally cheers!.. 😀😀
@36:49(Zen)- praiseTo theActress ya!.. sheCan reallyGive theLook of aWoman thatKnows theOnly manShe wantedHusband thusStill restrainsFully asShe's virtuouslyDignified ofHerself being inWomanly honours@That time cheers!.. 😀😀
29th's reply@Zen: My sirRobert previousOwners were Egyptian Pharaohs friend!.. likeWe humansToo, whenWe're theBest whoWe are ya!.. sirRobert saysHis preferenceCat stillSo that I hunts4 myMaster, fightsCobras &Survives 4Missus &Kittens finallyStill eatsOffsprings notMine cheers!.. 😀😀
023jun29(Ascent theCircle_AndreasV): @2:54- nicelyLying inThe fieldWith thoseGoats around ya!.. cuacaRedup mendungSo there'sA typeOf bugs(black &In_group
송소희 님
귀요미 소희뉨 ☺️
FrmApr23,22- Guidance, wisdom, love, praise & encouragements.., clear orUnclear attachmentsAre allWonderfulness blessednessBy heaven ya!.. womb2Tomb we're boundBy othersRegardless awareUnawareness, interconnectedness designsFuture &makeGood ofOur karmicHindrance!.. with all×It our fateFavorableness cheers!.. 😀😀
>Than aMaid reply: Aren't urselfAn easilyBored typeOf person friend!.. mumNyanya saysFocusness knocksAll boringsEasily cheers!.. 😀😀
@3:43:13(HongGilDong)- 😅😅howLong she'sAlready in thePalace!.. Lady Jang Noksu doNot knowWho herHusband is ya!.. 🤣🤣whenAnyone's wifeBecoming own's potentialRivalry, weJust forgotShe's married cheers!.. 😀😀
DongYi (vid4+Hrs)Replied: @55:53 friend!.. 😅😅 actress Ms. Han Hyo Joo wasMore inHer childhood'Ness' thanThen childActress Ms. Kim Yoo Jung cheers!.. 😀😀
Subsequently repliedDongYi (video1): urComment goesTo theTime Queen Inwon alreadyInstalled asSuccessor to Queen Inhyeon friend!.. it'sThe collaborationBetween Lady Choe Suk Bin(DongYi) & Queen Inwon beneficialsAll speciallyThe youngPrince Yi Geum ya!.. there'sGreat differenceArranges leavingThe palaceEnjoying retirementThan madeTo leaveRight cheers!.. 😀😀
023jul17(fB, brightRed apr21st postUpdate): sayingWonderfully niceBefitting likeWe justGot marriedOr noOne stops SoHee's voice frmRunning allowsMy SeobangNim sleepsBetter thanBabies Halby!..😘😘😘 😅😅whateverIt is,It's myManjaSweetheart isn't_It cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Rank85(video i)Replied: Reads throughHer SeobangNim's commentsProperly friend!.. thoughCommemorating, it's thePeacefulness that UniverseTraDiva projectedTo beAbsorbs ya!.. 😅😅diplomacyEssentials allGovernance evenIn individuals,Remembers noExtremism whenProvocations soFiery topOr bottomMountain cheers!.. 😀😀
023jul16(9:55pm, Rank77): Loving ourMarriage Halby!..😘😘 ya!.. SeobangNim tooGreatly experiences ManjaSweetheart's blessednessSo blessfulBlissness allBountifully 😘LoveDarlingHoney, SoHee_ya cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
The Pirates(2012):- @2:22(part11), 🤣🤣🤣doDodo reallyReally soundsLike thatThrough aChimney cheers!.. 😀😀 Part12 i. @0:06- notHis callTo abandon ya!.. 😅😅ayeAye!.. atThat momentHe wakesTo beCaptain cheers!.. 😀😀 ii. @2:13- Pirate of theYear, Scientist of theYear!.. any HenchMonkey of theYear cheers!.. 😀😀
023jul16(finishingComment_Zen), simpler Master Dogen's wordsFor usReflections asFollows: i. asReal goldenFishes, neverHooked!.. sawThe rightlyBoats, jumpsItself into_It!.. ii. practicesWhich seemsCannot easilyPracticed!.. speakWhat's truthSeems cannotBe spokenToo cheers!.. 😀😀
@32:25(DarmaWulan)- beratMana punPekerjaan diSuruh!.. ringanRingan ajaBahkan bisaBoleh diTambah lagiYa!.. 😅😅bayaranPenuh 5lipatGanda dariSatu_Senyuman, bukanDirectly dariMajikan nya cheers!.. 😀😀
@3:36:55(HongGilDong)- right!!.. thisActress Ms. Jung Da Bin hasEyes lowerDown lookThat's majesticallyOf what'sNormally describesThe mostAppropriate correctnessEyes whenWe're procuringThe goddessOf_Mercy(Kuan Yin) ya!.. 😅😅knowsQuite aNumber decidedTo opsFor otherDeities forTheirs homesBcoz scaredOf bestEyes mistakesReally and 🤣🤣someEven jokesEnded upChristian orMuslim cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank49 replied: 😅😅dunThinks it'sGhostly friend!.. moonEmbraces theSun dramaIsn't Infodemics themedEither right ya!.. resentfulnessAre withinIndividuals & UniverseTraDiva sungIt whileFreedom ofIt cheers!.. 😀😀
DongYi (vid1) repliedTo @wyuu8494:- Koreans (Joseon period) areAncestors of Peranakkan NyoyaBaba originates 14thCentury in Malacca ya!.. since China can'tConfirms in theirAnnals, the Princess Hang Li Po was aWoman of lessAcknowledgments byBirth yetSuperiorly astoundinglyBetter in wonderGracefulness thanOriginal theirsPrincesses atThat timeReally!.. soTrue too!.. China looksUp to Joseon 4Best pools ofTalents soShe firstTributed toChina then China withExpanding ideasYet notUndermining someoneWith ancestralProclaims Alexander theGreat, haveTo sentSome1 mostSuperb Princessly Stature to Malacca mostDefinitely!.. amongVariously similarities& tendenciesAppreciativeness ofFinest qualities, weSays KAMSIA for Thanks!.. soSo soClosely with Koreans cheers!.. 😀😀
023jul16(FB, may4th postMelentik!!.): it'sLovely Sunday SeobangNim!..😘😘 attendsTo this ManjaSweetheart insteadPutting commentsEverywhere in 😘LoveDarlingHoney's fB cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘
Mandragora replied: Meaning ancientMethod ofCleaning theBlood friend!.. 😅😅ofCoz theyUse it asExecution too ya!.. didn'tRealizes the blueViolet flowersFound inThe forestLast timeWas called mandrakeMandragoras cheers!.. 😀😀
DongYi(1stVideo) replied: Believes in realLife, Lady Jang hasMost scariestCharacter ya!.. notTo theMen whoSees her, mostlyWomen willFeels hairRaising chillsFrom her cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank36 replied: Just beHappy that timeGenerously gotU hearsIt cheers!.. 😀😀
023jul15(8:58pm, Rank34): ohh!.. SeobangNim haven'tTell ya!.. 😅😅endingKat sini, nihBini_Nih tinggalkanStage lariAnak macamNak ketetel 😘LoveDarlingHoney guaCheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
023jul15(pm,may24thInfodemics@fB,postUpdate_selubung!!..): bestRight 😘LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 Rank1 fullScreen on17.3" myManjaSweetheart asIf floating cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
@48:45(>Than aMaid)- evenUnconsummated, conjugalValidity existedWith heaven'sAcknowledges bothMind's agreeablenessTo itWith ourBows beforeIT (Heaven) cheers!.. 😀😀
@3:33:28(HongGilDong)- 😋😋yummy!!..😘😘 twoVanilla iceCreams, 1With strawberryBlend &1Exceptionally decorOf twoDark chocolates cheers!.. 😀😀
Cranberries'sDreams replied: 😅😅justLike aComment me placedSomewhere of aFriend (Samsul Arieya) whomExpresses it: wantedIt soHard badlyThat whenIt happensDunno whatTo doWith itOr noLonger wantingIt anymore toRealizes itActually cameTrue cheers!.. 😀😀
023jul15(DongYi, vid4+Hrs): sharingReply from 1stVideo hereAs it's notCorrectness toPerceives historicalDramas wonderfulnessAs examplesOur countriesBeing inOppression norVictimization byAny sides ya!.. :- 😅😅 whatU'll talking about!.. sinceAncient timeWe allBeen allies ya!.. onlyThe mannersWhen alternatelyPlaced inWife positionsShe suddenlyUndiplomatic noSo theHusband climbsUp still cheers!.. 😀😀
023jul15(fB, randomlyStarts 2018Nov): WOW!!.. 😅😅whyIt's soMuch grandlyHappiness wakingsUp withLeft lowerArm embossedBy 😘LoveDarlingHoney's hair!!..😘😘😘 howMany hoursWill goesOff myManjaSweetheart ya!.. see, theHair_bun wasSo soSo artisticThat Halby takingPicture ofIt cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 *9:39am: notSengal numbnessThis round SeobangNim!..😘😘 gotYet theJoys much greaterGreatness fluttersFlowering everReally reallyEthereally endless4 Yeobo Oppa cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
St Catherine of Alexandria told herCaptor: go2 urWife firstB4 weCan talkTerms!.. u're greatlyDeceived byUr thoughts&Looking upon!.. I doNot haveWhat uSeek norBe helpsPleasing, forcingIt allVains powerlessBe!.. Commentaries: i. it'sRaising unattachedActions neverThe voiceWithout powerfulness!.. ii. doActs that fearsCan't i.e fearJust wouldSurrender ya!.. iii. allAskings areOf greaterGoodness, if withinUs(i.e gotIT_Heavenly) alreadyGreater frmThe other,It's empoweredTelling cheers!.. 😀😀
Tampopo: 🤣🤣gosh!.. makingRamen soLike thatKaa!..🤣🤣 anyway,Me alreadyOk with MarukoChan's ramen cheers!.. 😀😀
BawangMerah_BawangPutih, @1:21:09- 🤣🤣berHari simpanNak tengokKan patungMenyengeh tuh!!.. 😅😅if McDonald's dahSampai siniTime tuhRuns katHappy_Meal toysSepanjang tahunAgak nyerInstead byWeekly cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#84 of180, @8:15- 🤣🤣nothing_Is leftBut ourLives heSaid ya!.. 😅😅that'sTelling theTreasures worthMore than hisLife!.. theDiamonds treasuresOf Buddhism isWithin cannotBe lostNor wrestledBy othersOr conqueredInto happenings cheers!.. 😀😀
Ascent theCircle reply: 😅😅uTalking theHands crossSectioning theHarp friend!.. inLaboratory weDo crossSections of unEven parts_In epoxyMoulded cups ya!.. thenPrecisionly crossSection cuts_It withDiamond wheelCutter immersed_In milkyCoolant fluidsOhh!.. 🤣🤣it'sReally wowBeauties whenConnectors heads&Tiny cablesAre beingSectioned!.. seeingThe goldPins &tinLead orCopper strandsUnder profileProjectors awesomelyLike galaxiesToo cheers!.. 😀
Happy Prince replies: i.😅😅theWay swallowSays (Tonight iGo toEgypt!.) itSame exactly sirRobert ya!.. differenceOnly, sirRobert of oldAge &livesOwned byPharaohs visionariesStays persistEndearingly cheers!.. 😀😀 ii.😅😅decidedIt's genderBy impression friend!.. Animals frmHigher reincarnationToo showsSigns ofGenderlessness cheers!.. 😀😀 *&One almostInstant subsequentlyReply: Thanks for theLike (whomever) ya!.. 😅😅laughinglyFor the gutWrenching as_If heardThe 🤣fartVery crispy🤣 cheers!.. 😀😀
Reply 🐿️Squirrel sceneOf Sword inStone: 🤣🤣weGuys shouldBe magnanimouslyOf lovings&Romanticism_Styles towardsWoman ya!.. supplementingThis replyWith previouslyComment as there'sWomen's reminderAt theEnding plusObserving squirrels🐿️ tooAren't perScene!.. it's theMale responsibleness cheers!.. 😀😀 :- 024may14(BatuBelah, finishingComment): 😅😅kejapSekelipan jer_Insafnya ya!.. once aFather it'sSurprising some stillChoices anotherWoman overZuriat ohh!.. Throughout placesWith theLegendary_Stone, Batu_Belah it'sSumpahan (curse)Swallowing shallOf thoseWholeheartedly saysDeath isBetter thanLiving!.. 🤣🤣womenWith beautyPower overMen, unless byProfession prostituteNever casuallyFlirts cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#65 of180: 😅😅sinceIt's aSnake onlyThe greenMamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps) veryDangerously amongThe greens ya!.. Sharing mainComment of024mar23 tooAs meeting fearsomeAnimals in theJungle, theMoment ofLocking_Eyes empowerIt naturallyObtains wisdomBeen stated asFollows:- Nurturing aDragon(fatherly)🐉!.. Dance with aLion(kindness)🦁!.. Riding theTiger(selfMaster, allCircumstances kittyGentleness)🐅!.. Lock eyesWith aSnake(trustingly,We wouldn'tHarms eachOther)🐍!.. Motives inspiredOf love,Truth, life&Goodnesses henceAll_Wonderfulness cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank6 vid(i) subsequentlyReply:- 😅😅beUnderstanding friend!.. reallyThinks weAll dunLives lightly ya!.. simplenessMaybe!..🤣🤣 &To urQuestions: dwellsWith SoHee_Honey, never fightsType thisFella plus this_Is herNampyeon speaking cheers!.. 😀😀 *by8:50pm: 😅😅 howCome uEdit &Edits urComment after i'veAnswered friend cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank8 inRef_024jun5(pm) FB postUpdate(this1 ya!., clumsiness YeoboOppa fieldDating😁, ituPasal 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest holdsPisang adaRama🦋): SoHee_ya!..😘 😅😅quicklyTells lahThe_T isInside out!.. justNow tooThe_Jean's flyNot zippedUp ya Halby!.. 🤣🤣thoseMatters noNeed to SeobangNim!. SeobangNim!.. ManjaSweetheart's totalnessRights cheers!..😘
😅😅withUnattachment viewsSolely wholeWe areWith whomeverCloseness ya!.. (i.e ideaOf detachmentFrm_Body, 🤣likeSome Masters saidPut itAside howTo understandRight!.🤣) so, theUnattachment isSomething holistic&Humbling thenIt generouslyGentle to beGifted towardsThe solelyWhole allGivings, Graciousness, Gratefulness, harmoniesIt naturallySeeks usBoth plusNot forgettingAs_If powerfulnessJust existsTo Heal, Help, honestlyHonour weAre!!.. joyousnessGood_Humor tooLively we'reGood naturePeople cheers!.. 😀😀 *theEnding laughMentioned wasOf what'sTAO chap41 ya!.. notThose laughtersSuccumb by dementedBehaviors.
More than aMaid replied: 😅😅howCan surnamesRepresents class friend!.. 🤣🤣thenIt willBe likeThe surnameWith majorityBe influencedBy tracesOf DNA frmAlexander & Genghis Khan to theWorld cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank5: 😁😁usuallyAfter we'reDone SeobangNim wouldLie to ManjaSweetheart's left ya!..😘😘😘 opportunitiesWith herDimple comes, kisses&Kisses &Kisses cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 *(11:45pm): allOther time Halby usuallyOn SoHee's right cheers!.. 😀😀 **byJul25(22:44pm): SeobangNim frmRight tooStill kisses SoHee onLeft mostly!!. ManjaSweetheart tellingSo that Halby notices cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
024jul24(pm, fB'sAt Jul19'18 postUpdate): 🤣🤣nuunaJapchae withPeria_katak🐸 still SeobangNim!..😘😘 🤣muahMuah🤣 healthWellness lahCrunchy theSeeds all 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest tau!..😘😘😘 weEnds 😋dinner😋 withApricots too cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank15 vid(ii)Reply: 😅😅peacefullyUnified great friend!.. total inBig notNecessarily strongest ya!.. Taegeuk says smallAppears bigEven meakAppears exceptionallyStrongest cheers!.. 😀😀
024jul24(FB's at19Jul018): 😁😁Nih_BiniNih!..😘😘😘 muahMuah muahMorning!!.😘😘😘 SeobangNim loves SoHee_ya!..😘😘😘 Halby's loveAll sufficientGreatly moreOf livingGreatestly usDear nampyeonShe assures cheers!..😘😘
Arjun subsequentlyReply: 😅😅at#2 uMissed listingWeapon for Nakula & Sahadeva friend!.. on#3, yesAll wereThere ya!.. 🤣🤣weJust can'tIdentifying everySingle1 bcozOf weWeren't trainedSpotting outWho's whomFrm largest crowdCartooning cheers!.. 😀😀
TheEagle @47:55- that's theStep ofHonouring ya!.. oldenTimes regardlessWhere same!.. if theDefender(husband) diedFirst, that'sHow theSati cameInto practice!.. 😅😅ofCoz womenThat neverSeen themselves1With (i.e. truenessTruth ofLove thatExists asSingular whenPersons isTwo) wouldn't!.. Fates usuallyMade it inWillingness savesUnwillingness tested cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#29 if184: 🤣🤣gosh!.. any1Just can'tHelp but toLaugh of theCultivator right!.. karmicExplained hereWas onlyOf himself(Buddha), Yashodhara &Rahula ya!.. theCultivator himselfDefinitely haveKarmic too forBeing criticalMaking whatHe drankUncleanse thusImposing theKing responsibleWith unintendedPunishment creatingClumsiness respondsWeighted against theOdds ofHis spiritualDignity cheers!.. 😀😀
Babel reply: 🤣🤣weDefinitely notIn categoryRight friend cheers!.. 😀😀
024jul23(pm, fB'sAt 18jul18 postUpdate): 😅😅Tuesday& SeobangNim playsCandy crushFriends!..😘😘 🤣🤣SoHee playsFinger lining Halby's head'sVeins whileStill visible sheSays cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Rank11: 😅😅myHalby notBotaklah!..😘😘 veryShort butNot_Botak nampyeonGua SeobangNim nih!.. 🤣🤣magpieRobin saidThat bcoz YeoboOppa notIt's mate cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank8 reply: SeobangNim's anugerahKebahagiaan friend cheers!.. 😀😀
How's thisOriental magpieRobins!!.. 😅😅if_I couldTell &uUnderstands, howAre uBotak man!..🤣🤣 Opposite ofDepending, Connections &Bonding withOthers!.. How weRelease tiesWith others isHow it'sMade inThe firstPlace &Breaking anyBonds noMatter weNo longerNotices theRobins asWell thisInteraction happensRobins uWere importantKarmic pleaseDone takenUs otherwise whom'sGreater ascendedGoodnesses pleaseEnergizes cheers!.. 😀😀
안녕하세요 선배님, 저는 단국대학교 1학년 재학중인 학생입니다.
올해입학식때 공연하시는 모습을보고 정말 예쁘고 연예인이라는 생각만 들었는데
체전에 참여하시는 모습을 보고 용기내어 연락드려봅니다
저희 멘토인터뷰 대상으로 선배님을 인터뷰허고 싶어 연락을 드렸습니다
선배님의 전공을 선택하게 된 계기와 국악에 대한 생각등의 내용을 인터뷰하고 싶어 용기내어 연락드립니다..!!
선배님 고려해보시고 가능하시면 제가 보낸 디엠에 연락주시면 감사하겠습니다😊
Frosty Pool Concert @Seocho-gu on Sep24th!.. Do buyTickets ya!.. if noMore tickets, plsCome stillEnjoys UniverseTraDiva's performance standingSquatting cheers!.. 😀😀 *Hahahahahaha!..😅😅 surelyAll understoodFrm theSentence it'sThe audiences right!.. as minutesAgo myLoveDalingHoney😘 says "myPerformance standingSquatting?" cheers!.. 😀😀
Latest fB update(pmOf Jun11th): FullaaMaakSayang!..😘😘 LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 veryShy, extraShyness stillFrm shynessAfter loosingShyness LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘😘😘 Gratefulness appreciationsIn harmonyTo KBSCheongju 4theGrand invitationPerformance towards theUniverseTraDiva cheers!.. 😀😀
023aug29(siapaDia): 😅😅nyariBaru teringat Diva Haslina Kamsan ya!.. diaTop kitaSekolah rendahTau, soTak kenal ya!.. 🤣🤣entahAkak memberMana kerMengkotok kataMata besarMake_up xKena, mcmLotong!!.. terusGua pelanPelan cariDengar!.. okSedap suaraNyer!.. rupaParas punManis, cakapKat akakKau tuh xDa lotongPun cheers!.. 😀😀
023aug29(bilaHati dahBerkenan): tekadHidup periBahasa lidahTak bercabangDari laguNih cheers!.. 😀😀
Putri Ledang replied: Bukan soalLirik sangat friend!.. nyanyianUntuk imejImej lagendaNih bergantungKepada peratusanAmbiance penyanyiBoleh menyerapBayangan naluriWatak tersebut ya!.. contohPaling nyata Korea nyer Diva Jea nyanyiAsanga songUntuk ibuKepada Raja Yeonsangun cheers!.. 😀😀
Subsequently reply(dikirPuteri): Ha_ah!.. cubaClicks translateBaca!.. 😅😅Hang Tuah blmMelayu sejatiKut masaLafaz tuh!.. mcmKita orgPeranakkan, Moyang cakapLepas 3,4Keturunan baruTulenan (i.e Ketulinan) datangIf kahwinKacuk orgPeranakkan Indonesia cheers!.. 😀😀
@1:16:20(SelendangDelima):- 🤣🤣dahTerdengar dah (nenek)Makmak_BikChwee nyerInput: terampunRame makTiri dia cheers!.. 😀😀
@1:24:45(DongYi vid5+Hrs): speechWide openMouthed!.. urVoice Ms. Jeong, heardWas thereWhen originator'sEureka thePhrase cheers!.. 😀😀
023aug28(CiungWanara,finishingComment): Ciung & Tiong bisaBerkawan makanBersama!.. 😅😅imejDancing girlMohenjodaro diKerajaan Galuh_Sunda bersela3000 tahunMasa cheers!.. 😀😀
023aug28(chantingBy_Abhayagiri): fearlessMountain!.. come!.. letUs ridesOn u cheers!.. 😀😀
023aug28(fB's, behindCut postOf Gangwon2024): 😅😅SeobangNim keepsPerasan Gwangju asGangwon 😘LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 🤣🤣harituTunjukkan stylePose homeLepak Yeobo Oppa toLivingsense, yesterdayOf 4/10 picturesAkan jadiGitu if siNampyeon diaSnap photos cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Rank25 subsequentlyReplyto biniSujeongi:- @user-dp6ph7wy5e : I'm theHusband!.. uMissed theComment aroundFathers dayThat Appa withTANSeobang enjoysHotbath &specialBingsu isIt cheers!.. 😀😀
FB's latestPost update@Gwangju's Festival: 😘😘nihBini_Nih!..😘😘 terusJawab sarangGoya SeobangNim denganWajah manjaNyer myManjaSweetheart cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 *😁 1moreThing 😘LoveDarlingHoney isHappy aboutToday isThat sheGets toTickles yeoboOppa's backHead mole people cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
@1:45:18(Sogni_1990)- 😅😅menDirties theirsHearts themselvesBy notResiding ascendedGoodnesses alwaysYet madeChoices byWhat firesThem inspirations cheers!.. 😀😀
Ost4 byKei, rulerOwner of theMask replied: 😅😅thisSong greatlyJoyousness 4me friend!.. bCoz ofThe pumpPump pumpPump pump cheers!.. 😀😀
@1:18:24(DongYi vid5+Hrs): 😅😅did_I commentedHere inOther videosYet!.. thatLook ofJungjeong withGentleness headMovement ya!.. reallyReally thatTime duringJoseon, 🤣🤣Chona kingSukjong alreadyGotten up&Goes embracesKisses her cheers!.. 😀😀
@27:42(CiungWanara): pujianUntuk penariDari_Kiri!.. i.e jikaSaya diBelakang stage,She's fromKanan. 🥳🥳langkahEntrance nyaBeraura jaguhTari sohorNih cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank2(videoIn_Likes, notIn rankRuns): Replied thisDunno whichYear already friend!.. it'sHigher arrangementsFor targetedStrategy ya!.. she'sWithin Korea typedMy 😘LoveDarlingHoney is!.. 😅😅winningAt thatPoint, she'sJust Korean enclosed,How toFind herNow_SeobangNim cheers!!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Diva Betharia Sonatha's:- xMungkin_lagi ygDinyatakan setulusNya adalahKenyataan cintaBenar hanyaSeorang ituDidalam_Hidup ini cheers!.. 😀😀
023aug27(FB's atRecent postUpdate ofDaejeon's totalityUs_Absorbedness): everyDay 😘LoveDarlingHoney's sweetestSweetness makes yeoboOppa ear2Ear joyousnessSmile ya!..😘😘😘 😅😅isNumbness gone ManjaSweetheart!.. ifB4 breakfastSunday meaningStraight awayBrunch usWhole lifeHoneymooners people cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Rank25, subsequentReply asFresh commentTo biniSujeongi: thoseDisorders uListed inReply friend!.. wasIt hospitalMedics realOr 😅😅 u selfDiagnosed cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank41 repliedAs freshComment to biniSujeongi: closerTo mumOr dadAre u friend!.. sayingUr mum'sMemorial was5-6dys agoRight!.. herWellness thereDependence urPeacefulness here cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank33 replied: 😅😅dunTell herTo f__h_ friend!.. punyaLah sayangMenyayang plusDefiniteness diSayangi SeobangNim nih cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank25 replied: 😅😅ifTo Sujeongi Oppa i.e urHusband isGood friend!.. ifRefers toUniverseTraDiva's husband no,no,noPlease ya!.. 🤣🤣😘LoveDarlingHoney said inKorea, SeobangNim couldBe morePopular than SoHee d cheers!.. 😀😀
@1:04:25(After theRain): 😅😅byFeeling higherThan some1, urApologies wasSlapping me ya!.. 🤣🤣meNow, hardlyEven toThe seemsLowest as I dunnoWhere uActually isTowards me cheers!.. 😀😀
SuperWoman reply: 😅😅urWoman unfaithful friend!.. orU wereUnfaithful 1stBelieving she'sThe reason 4Unfaithfulness ya!.. withoutResiding ascendedGoodnesses alwaysOur gutsFeeling canBe stillNever trustAnyone cheers!.. 😀😀
@1:10:22(SelendangDelima)- 🤣🤣kakiMas!!.. bukanMain diTekan_MAS dalamHarapan pesanPermintaan nyerYa!.. bunyiHati turutDakulah isteriUtama mu cheers!.. 😀😀
023aug26(aroundNoon entry, FB's postUpdate berciumSedut pedas,Suwon Convention Center): wakeUp morningKalu kena ManjaSweetheart's smoochingGini mmgLupakan sajaRandomly katFB tau 😘LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 🤣🤣nakNak weekendDitambah hujanRenyai lagiLak!.. 😅😅SeobangNim justIncludes progressiveComments asFollows..
panjiTengkorak reply: 😅😅Gua tauKomik jer!.. 🤣🤣harini 023aug26 baruTau adaFilm sebelumGua lahirLagi pulakTuh cheers!.. 😀😀
Raden Galuh Cendana Kirana famouslySuri Kerajaan Melaka!.. Pakar sejarah Indonesia silaPunya Wikipedia tentangNya cheers!.. 😀😀
Aku xBiasa reply: 😅😅yeaKer!.. jgnPilih rupaSahaja Teman ya!.. mumNyanya says tiadaTandingan terletakPada sentiasaKemuliaan perempuanItu menjagaKewanitaan nya cheers!.. 😀😀
Have uEver replies: i. 😅😅nah!.. uSee himAs takingSides friend!.. heJust sayinBe moreLike myFamily sidePlease cheers!.. 😀😀 ii. Pride showsHe's notHurt too friend!.. it'sJust men dunWanna beAs ifWoman ownsHim ya!.. ideaRightly toHim wasOwning myWoman more!.. urPride (whoWants toBe togetherAgain) also wouldn'tTell cheers!.. 😀😀
Valley ofFlower(😅😅rePhrase replySince didn'tTook screenshot): Replied uEarlier friend!.. sayingSomething likeIf our involvementsNot asMain celebritiesGave joyousnessExperience regardlessHow longInto futureIt's freshnessAlways seemsLast weekWe justGot backFrom Ladakh cheers!.. 😀😀
DongYi vid4+Hrs repliesWith (i)isSubsequent reply: ii. Friend, I'm inHurry today ya!.. sinceAlready repliedOn someoneNeeds uTo notiMe againNext weekAs veryInteresting meteorReply 4urComment cheers!.. 😀😀 i. As noticedFrom history friend!.. Kings thatHave authorizesDeath onWife neverDoes itEasily right!.. that'sAll sumsTo theStrengths ofManipulative ministersReally ya!.. doNote tooSince Lady Jang willingTo swallowPoison implicatingOther, noDoubt suchMother willingTo harmOffspring forPerceptively gainFavours right!.. King Sukjong loveHis sonsBoth survivingPrinces thatBecame Kings tau!.. theShort termKing (sonBy Lady Jang) hadHis manhoodManipulated byHis ownMother asHis weakness,So howIs King Sukjong or Lady Choe Suk Bin atFault atAll cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank14 vid(i): 😅😅really SeobangNim!..😘😘 theNew bearWith chainsawTablet cover Yeobo Oppa putsWith extraLeather frmHis AD_belt: Don't Touch HALBY (back) & Don't Touch mySoHee_Honey (front) cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank6 vid(i), repliedTo biniSujeongi: 🤣🤣mintakMakan, mintakBilik, mintakDuit, nyari mintakKereta (car) lu!.. luMia husband Sujeongi Oppa harituGua tanyaKerja apaJawab lerTill luKena tanggungLaki pulak ya!..😅😅 😘LoveDarlingHoney saysEarlier sheDunno howTo describe SeobangNim tau!..😘😘 thenEarly augustShe said: aa!!.Easy!..😘😘 myHalby anEngineer!.. definitelyRare combiOf_Us cheers!.. 😘😘😀😀
When love isTrue, there'sRealness, 😅😅noneWickedness feels ya!.. Subconsciousness mayKeeps recordOf wrongsOnly 🤣🤣availabilityWhen whicheverWithdraws frmRealness, the1Stillness inReal gains!.. realReal loveFinds it's allWay_All!.. asHappiness equals toFunction_LIFE &trueTruthfulness loversAre givenBoth cheers!.. 😀😀 *11:35pm, madeMention ofTogetherness ideaMust presence inRealness (@togetherAgain) cheers!.. 😀😀
Frm May17'22- Worldly wrongRight only1Who remembers ownFace b4Being bornKnows ya!.. gracesAttachment bySpirits, othersSmile when weCry @Born!.., justBe sure2Smile whenOthers cryingSeeing usLeaving theBody cheers!.. 😀😁😀
Start ofNon_Singing videos: Great joyOf our marriedMarriage SoHee_ya!..😘😘😘 🤣🤣mumNyanya teaches ManjaSweetheart toAnswers SeobangNim: baruCukur head closeBotak girangHappy begituLah Halby cheers!..😘😘
Master ChengYen story#88 of180: 😅😅theChild monkWasn't named ya!.. wasIt bCoz afterHe grewsWhat's duringHis youngStill greatestThan hisAdulthood encounters!.. 🤣🤣socialDistancing observedSince Emperor Asoka's timePeople!.. constantlyRemembers onlySpouses &ourToddlers only cheers!.. 😀😀
BamBam replied: Varieties friend!.. UniverseTraDiva's capablenessIn abilitiesPowerfulness whenAudiences all_Individually verySmall typeRange usAll cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank1: Nyari 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest adaPerformance so SeobangNim preparesDinner ya!.. specialRice 😋11fullGrains_mix😋 cheers!.. 😀😀
[Rank86 vid(ii) subsequentlyReply thenEnhanced atLena diUlit_Intan] 024may4, 😅😅ideaReply commentYg instantlyDatang frmLagu nih asFollows:- Rank86 vid(ii) subsequentlyReply: 🤣🤣atThe endLu takBoleh tido biniSujeongi commentSini time intanLena sambilUlit SeobangNim punLena diUlit intanSoHee cheers!.. 😀😀
Reply moreThan aMaid: 😅😅seemsThe beginningWas tooWonderful thatThe endingTeam's momentumStill comethBeginning cheers!.. 😀😀
024may4(FB's backBrowsing toAug19'16): 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest expressesHow lovelyHer weekendsWaking to Halby's kissesEmbrace ya!..😘😘😘 😅😅ohYa!.. todayThere's showAt Kunjiamdoja_Park allDun missTau!..🥳🥳 😁ManjaSweetheart says mySeobangNim soMuch very_veryPleasurables😁 toSoHee, there'sNone reasonAt_All having YeoboOppa awayExcept with Nih_BiniNih always cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Rank88: Niceness usWhen itRains wholeNight ya!.. 🤣🤣mosquitoesLoves SeobangNim's 'o'Blood tooThat ManjaSweetheart dunReally likeSeeing Halby squashesThem cheers!.. 😀😀
Replies atBigFish_Begonia(incestMatter whichWas none inThe_Movie): i.🤣🤣sameAs myEarlier replyThat frogTurns toHuman tooRight!.. soLong weKnew theHousehold some1Came frmWithout lieThere noReason forUr pointTo happen ya!.. it'sUnfortunateness suchLove clearlyThey've becomeSo isolatedTo themselvesReally whatever theReason!.. 😅😅steerClear ofThought like disposelyBeheaded queenOf_England friend cheers!.. 😀😀 ii.😅😅reuniteAs siblingsFamilies differentFrm lovers friend ya!.. tendencyOf thoughtShould beClarified atThe beginningThat's whyTraditions soughtElderly approvals cheers!.. 😀😀
024may3(10:55pm, fB'sAt Aug25'16 postUpdate): 🤣🤣ManjaSweetheart laughsMengekek when SeobangNim saysMain deviceSuffers battery ShrinkFlation too!.. powerWon't fulltage &Longer charging ya!.. so,Runnings haveTo beOn loopsWhen atCharge& Halby 😁haveReason smoochesSmooching😁 Nih_BiniNih cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
BatuBelah @16:12- 😅😅style Sumatra toreh pokokGetah takSama Malaysia lah!.. 🤣🤣tambahPulak adaSuka_suka takekGeram penorehNyer ya!.. lebamPokok tandaSusu gradingSusut cheers!.. 😀😀
🤣🤣hariMaitri (pm) SeobangNim takBack_Browsing FB 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
BawangMerah,BawangPutih(repliedTo twoYrsAgo comment): 😅😅partGaduh kerOveracting friend!.. 🤣🤣teringatLah pulak dadChekChek cakapWrestling gini_If buatKan dlmRing kalah USA's womenWrestling ya!.. publicityBagus silapSilap biggerBusiness bilaWrestlers 🤣mustRambut panjangKembang closeTo_Pinggang🤣 sopananPakai kainSarung& kurungKedah cheers!.. 😀😀
Sword inStone(back toCastle scene): The centuryGot usMoved toPositively by sayingChallenges cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#89 of180: Venerable Ananda alwaysBeen wonderfulnessOf anAttendant ya!.. repayingKindness consideredVery difficultTo doAs 😅weThinks😅 onceTwice maxTrice alreadyEnough!.. constantlyServing incessantlyOnly thoseValues ourSpecialness canPersistently continues cheers!.. 😀😀
Kundun subsequentlyReply to aReply: U said searchedFor &Received departedSouls friend ya!.. soMe said beSure don'tFor likesOf Devadatta ok!.. onUr subsequentReply ifShe's happy areU referringTo hisHoliness's mother cheers!.. 😀😀 *thisConV beenDeleted atThe_Video itSeems.
DharmaWulan replied: 😅😅ohh!.. boleh diPinjam ya friend!.. bagaimanaGua bolehPinjamin cakraSudarshana nya cheers!.. 😀😀
TimangBurung @4:53- 🤣🤣hahMari mariNih!.. siniLah bunyiNyer perigiKe_Timba cheers!.. 😀😀
024may3(FB's atDec30'16 postUpdate): 🤣🤣mayThree todaySound likeMaitri 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest!..😘😘😘 so,Cultivation shallWe sayMaitri grandnessTisarana &Sangha naturallyFollows cheers!.. 😀😀
Have uEver subsequentlyReply: It requiresFirmness of theMind whenSaying thingsOf loveWholeheartedness ya friend!.. weShould beAble toGauge herTrueness or 😅Strategy_Tackling😅 us cheers!.. 😀😀
BatuBelah @12:22- memangNya urusanIsteri ya!.. 😅😅Nih_BiniNih, jikaApasat sekali (amatJarang) sebelumNya pergiSudah diKetahui duluTulus diMana SeobangNim bakalTidur cheers!.. 😀😀
BawangMerah,BawangPutih @21:00- 😯ohh!.. duluDulu dipanggilMengandung mengiriKer kandunganSilih tandangBeradik ya!.. 😅😅begituLah lebihKurang cheers!.. 😀😀
024may2(pm, fB'sAt Sep5'16 postUpdate): 😅😅howTo describeWhen husbandWife soOverwhelmed ofLoving ya!.. SeobangNim assures SoHee_ya!..😘😘😘 🤣🤣Halby's dripPhenomenon recognizes Nih_BiniNih only cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
024may2(FB's backAt Oct15'16 postUpdate): 😁😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest!..😘😘😘 SeobangNim terampunSayang tau Nih_BiniNih cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 *ManjaSweetheart's responseAt 11:11am- YeoboOppa talksAbout moleTapak tangan,It's the1 onLeft frontShoulder SoHee lovesTo kissMost Halby knowWhen cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Love ofWhite_Snake(1978): 😅😅sawNews Russia gaveSnakes eagles&Others toNorthernK zoo ya!.. 🤣🤣May2nd todayMay theAnimals tooTogetherness joyfullyUnified unifiedUnified cheers!.. 😀😀
BawangMerah,BawangPutih: 🤣🤣minatCik_Labu, Cik_Kundur ygDatang bawakLauk ya!.. 😅😅beraniPerigi cariTimba, nah ambikLauk nihBalik cheers!.. 😀😀
Sword inStone(tutorMerlin scene): 😅😅theWay heRaises theCup serving Archimedes theOwl!.. 🤣🤣that'sThe_Headmaster &tutorMerlin only aTeacher cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#91 of180: 😅😅Katyayana was aVery frequentName lastTime ya!.. so, Katyayana theMathematician_Grammarian wasMore famouslyAs explainingCowhood universalnessCompared to Venerable Katyayana praisedBy Lord Buddha himselfStill asUnderstandings whilstOrigin remainsBuddhahood ofGautama's cheers!.. 😀😀
024May1(FB's backBrowse toPost Jan3'17): 🤣🤣forgottenHow funnyIt wasWhen she'sIn theGiant pot(splashSplash loveOpening) ya!.. 🤣🤣evenFunnier it'sOnly twoEpisodes &All theWhile thoughtIt's likeSixteen orSomething cheers!.. 😀😀
Replies atSimilar toRank2 videoIn_Likes(few ofMany): i.Revs commentsPreviously forExplanations friend!.. includingRank2 videoToo ya!.. whyLimits toSuch onlyWhen UniverseTraDiva's achievementClearly beyondGrace cheers!.. 😀😀 ii.Check herFB friend!.. quite aSchedule beingUpdated there ya!.. 😅😅whenThose with1-2pcs Saimdang moneyU spendOr not cheers!.. 😀😀
theOnly ACC2023 videoIn_Likes: 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest inShyness nyari!..😘😘😘 sheStill belekKuis_kuis moleTapak tangan SeobangNim cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
BatuBelah replied: 😅😅ygTetap sama, motifMenderhaka ya!.. pada_Ibu orIsteri ygMulia virtues cheers!.. 😀😀
BawangMerah,BawangPutih @7:07- 🤣🤣sajaNak tunjukKena sengatKan!.. 😅😅orgDulu duluLah proNyer kembangTiga jariDari belakangTekan kepalaSembilang& duaJari tuhSengkak kanBisa lepasTuh patahBuang cheers!.. 😀😀 *orangDapur terima_Ikan ygTak berBisa dah cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#92 of180: 🤣🤣see!.Deities tooWorry ifWe prayWithout doingAnything ya!.. 😅😅 anyway,Stories ofBrothers theBest isThe 1withFamily anotherWithout &Both fillingEach other'sGranary atNight!.. lastYr evenShares itAcross RUclips pertainingDMZ ofKorea cheers!.. 😀😀
Nang_Nak replied: 😅😅apaPun perluDi pastikanDi dimensiMana jasadKita tikaItu friend cheers!.. 😀😀
From aDistance replied: Heard itBig voice friend cheers!.. 😀😀
KBSJeonju's(afterMN runsVideo #14); To biniSujeongi: 😅😅hey!.. pasalLumia Sujeong Oppa kerjaApa tuh, cobakLu answersKat siniBoleh tak!.. 🤣🤣UniverseTraDiva's SeobangNim xMo kacoRank8 tuhJust toSee translationApa luTulis cheers!.. 😀😀
untoHeart!.. 😅😅beStill_U!.. instructs theMind beSilent &At peaceEase!.. peopleIgnores, it'sTelling u'reAlone!.. 🤣🤣whatAloneness!.. u'reMy_Wife theHeart answers ya!.. Meditation @workMind!.. then peacefulnessHeart(thisHusband)!.. multitudesOf lovingKindness outwards!.. set thingsRight asUs bothBalanced_Wonderfulness are theGood, theTruth, theBeautiful, theSincere, theAppreciator_Grateful inHarmoniously trueNature cheers!.. 😀😀
Frm Jun14'22- Highest orLow is notUs norStatus, thoughtsIn mind(+ve ascendedGoodnesses) determines1'sDivine cheers!.. 😀😀
Frm Jul4th'22- Bulls& lions areWonderful friends really soLong noneWith jackals's heart2 tastesOn familiesFriends(everything) ya!.. only byJackals's heartWe askUses trusting ofOthers trustOf usIn tricksBeing ables2Eats lions&Bulls!.. silenceIn guardsOf our(thoughtIntends+perceivingBy) othersOn usIs 1stMark we'reRearing jackals ohh😯 cheers!.. 😀😀
Hehehehehehe!..😅😅 after movingEyebrow mentionedChange to manjaPinch meh LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 LOTTE's luncheonMeat just fine 4Dinner, theSoju weEnjoys itChilled cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
#note: Peranakkan Baba calls that pinchAs 'gerubisTersayang!..'
FrmApr1'22(entered apr3)- manyCan doKind deeds, rareAre theOnes with wonderfulKindliness &Loving thoughtsAlways ya!.. holds @least theseTwo in anyCircumstances, descendingsWouldn't dare cheers!.. 😀😀
Hahahahahaha!..😅😅 anotherChange LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 nowSlowly rubs@the greyBelt &gives a fingerPoke ya!..😘😘 reallyLoves it LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘😘😘 *Btw Love, the1 &Only commentOn thatCNYLeather-belt still availableOr alreadyTaken out cheers!.. 😀😀
Apr8,22(entered Apr9th)- dexterity, valour &Resourcefulness makesPeace even suchLion claws onA tree& theTree beaten theLion withIt's brokenBranches reconciles ya!.. opennessQualities inStrength ofSincerity alwaysLoved byOthers cheers!.. 😀😀
Jun28th'22- We always saysThanks even4 courtesySake orIntrigues inMind @times right ya!.., inSuch, betterKeeps ourThanks really!.. soThat theOther whomBeing givers, theirSelves be thankful in ascendedGoodnesses gratitudes ofThankfulness 4theOpportunities areMuch moreWorthy!.. Truest thanksOf heartsAre brillianceLuminary cheers!.. 😀😀
TamraOST replies: i.😅😅kaluJiwai semangatYg telahPergi sayu friend ya!.. selami_Indahnya Tamra sertaPenerusan jiwaAncestral ygMenjaga preservationSebaiknya there'sJoyousness_Wonders cheers!.. 😀😀 ii.Both koreanMothers areSuper superSuperly awesomeMaking this dramaBelievable Tamra let'sCalls itTamra_Jeju cheers!.. 😀😀
024jul29(fB'sAt Sep27'18): with morningRain SoHee justWants toManja Halby!..😘😘 🤣🤣ya!.Kan!.. 😅😅SeobangNim runs theTamra suddenlyHujan terus cheers!.. 😀😀
TheJudgement reply: 😅😅peoplesWith specialnessAre easilyMisunderstood friend!.. 🤣🤣theWay meLook at_It, it'sMore damagingFor thoseWho keepsMisunderstood asRight ya!.. soLong the1With_Specialness doesn'tDo anythingUnderstood trueNo longer'Mis', karmicDefinitely freerTo usSpecials cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank88(includedAfter asteriskEdit): SeobangNim!..😘😘 SeobangNim!..😘😘 SeobangNim!..😘😘 SoHee stickTo calling SeobangNim tau Halby cheers!..😘😘 *yes😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest!..😘😘😘 We nicelyConnectedness feelsToo!..😘😘😘 😅😅notLike SkyCastle mia, 🤣🤣sheCalls SeobangNim totallyHeard notHis wife cheers!.. 😀😀
Penghuni Rumah Tua: 😅😅manusiaBernama Mardian!.. 🤣🤣kukKetemunya Mardiana bisaLebih kecundangan cheers!.. 😀😀
Nyi Ronggeng, @28:10- fatherlyDefense!.. 😅😅always theOutside canTransparently seeWho ourOpponent is cheers!.. 😀😀
The Last Heroes, @36:36- 🤣🤣admiresThis mdm.Hon lah!.. 😅😅realMia mukaMasuk hutan ohh!.. plus,Maintaining thatStillness expressionFor quiteSometime cheers!.. 😀😀 *@39:06- 🤣🤣1st1To minumTuh Okay asBelum sampaiLagi ya!.. 😅😅anywayUrine almostImmediately diluteDah, 🤣🤣berakMia ikanFishes kenaTolong pecahPecah kan cheers!.. 😀😀
024jul28(pm, fB'sAt Sep24'18): SeobangNim!..😘😘 😅😅that'sThe realStory whyA_Few of Halby's usernameIs Allen is_It YeoboOppa cheers!..😘😘
NewMoon, @1:01:22- 😅😅mostHonourable answerIn theChild's presencesEven weNever touchesThe motherIs niceTo finallyMeet uSon cheers!.. 😀😀
024jul28(Labyrinth): 🤣🤣finally, nameAmbrocius🐕 broughtVividness notFearing theJungle byBeing Abrosius AureLIANus Allen ya!.. 😅😅junglesConnecting hereTo Thailand!.. longLong ago Rome to Brittonum likePiece ofCake ifWe bake1At stopsWhen meetingPeople celebrating cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#24 of184: 😅😅ya!.Right!.. theElephant wasTamed!.. whatUnfortunates toThose banditGroup wentSuccessful really!.. 🤣🤣buddhaMaitreya's storyWould goes theElephant becomes madViolent rushingOut barnCrushing bandits inMeeting cheers!.. 😀😀
True replied: 🤣🤣oursWas spandauAs theSpenders(men'sBriefs🩲) friend ya!.. 🤣🤣so, spandauBerballet sinceNone canSee, weOnly knowsIf it'sDancing cheers!.. 😀😀
BegawanSolo, @1:08- meluahSampai dapur!.. 😅😅Makmak!.. siniApasal namaBatu_Berendam!.. AirPanas yaLah adaKolam airPanas kan!.. 🤣🤣luTak nampakIf hujanBerhari batuSemua kenaRendam!.. 😅😅nasibBaiklah kelilingBanjir rumahNih selamatBecak sampeDapur aja cheers!.. 😀😀
024jul28(FB's backFeb29'16 post): wonderful Sunday all!.. enjoys itWonderfully asFamilies togethernessVery veryPrecious ya!.. 🤣🤣it'sCommon theRegularly feelsAs ifLess harum& theFar onceBack asIf jambanganFlowers too!.. 😅😅inTruth theElders naturallyAppreciates theOnes alreadyWith it's theRarely howTo makesThem comfortablyMore oftenToo cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank73 reply: 😅😅privacy friend!.. 🤣🤣tunjuk SeobangNim manyakManyak diaYg takDapat tido cheers!.. 😀😀 *024jul28(2:30am): 😁😁SoHee saidOverly fresh inBed husbandMy nampyeon Halby cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Legend(1985), @1:43:58- 😅😅bringingLight toDarkness!.. within theSelves ascendedGoodnesses areLight & allOthers sensoryDiscomforts, emosInspired areDarkness ya!.. pureLight theHeart soThat mindFlashes good,Wonderfulness, blessingsWell ofSelves untoOthers cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#25 of184: 😅😅selfCultivation greaterGivings really!.. Given byCultivations whoDoesn't benefitsWhen whatExpounded areTruth modeOf rightnessCalibrated toHighly mindPure heartednessInsights ya!.. Upatisya i.e Sariputra becomesHis name(sonOf Sari) bcozOf beautifulEyes hisMum famouslyKnown cheers!.. 😀😀
024jul27(pm, fB'sAt Sep17'18 postUpdate): 🤣🤣longAgo (fewMths afterOur marriedMarriage) Halby alreadyTold thatTo theRest of theWorld Korea noDifference ya!.. 😅😅At theParis_Opening, thoughApologies welcomingThe fact Korea's beenSince like300BCE howTo differentiatesRight!.. reallyCannot, let'sHave totallyDifferent names cheers!.. 😀😀
024jul26(Namo Kuan Yin): theGoddess usuallyWhite inRobes, theRed Kuan Yin isTea!.. home_Is whiteMagnificently on lotusBloom holdingVase withRarely combiRice sheaths&Willow plus theVase isJust about toPouring cheers!.. 😀😀
024jul26(pm, fB'sAt Aug25'18): SeobangNim!..😘😘 🤣🤣Halby knows hantuKopek bCoz mumNyanya breastfeedsVery long is_It!.. 😅😅nah!.Kids onBreastfeeding hantuSorok senjaWon't picks ya!.. 🤣🤣thosePlaying tooMuch hide&Seeks hantuKopek wouldOffers her superLong breastsFor hiding cheers!.. 😀😀
The Last Heroes: 😅😅hantuSorok senja(aka Hantu_Kopek) atTimes adultsToo possibleKena teguran ya!.. Ms. Kamlai's symptom seemsSuch!.. theHantu Kopek's spiritMust beMade boredBreastfeeding theVictims cheers!.. 😀😀
Legend(1985) withInclusive ofNewMoon, @1:40:16- 😅😅admittingAs perSe will_Intrinsically unconcernedOf goodnessOr viceV ya!.. soSharing hereToo ofReply atNewMoon asFollow:- NewMoon @44:26- 🤣🤣Beware usMen!.. likeNew day'sWake ya!.. neverLet theSight of newBeauty weForgot listTo_dos weResolves lastNight mustRemember!.. trainsIt, firstThing where'sWhat's why'sWhen's &How's myWife isGreatly_Magnanimous thanThis woman cheers!.. 😀😀 ;1reply: that'sY in thePast womenGot greaterBlame!.. thoseBy forceSome strugglesTill death punAda right!.. truthOriginality human'sDiscovered good (segregatesFrm justAnimals) isKnowing notTo simplyFucks ya!.. myYesterday's(refBelow) commentExplains theDefense weMust providesTo womenThus usMen ofProvisions cheers!.. 😀😀
NewMoon:- 😅😅women'sFirst moral: anakDara, siapaSiapa ajakJumpa lepasSenja jgnPergi dah!.. 🤣🤣iniKan pulak tengahMalam(midNight) ya!.. virginityItself (Virtues ofTreasuring) wouldn'tDefense if_It's notDefended firstThus menOf excellentSincerity honoursThe womanHe lovesBy beingDefender of_It tillHonorably obtained cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#26 of184 withKundun replyBrought upward: Moral scaleOf virtues!.. ascendedGoodnesses 4Virtues scaleIs acrossReligions ya!.. withThat sharingThe reply atKundun asFollowing sinceRefs alwaysMade onThose greats livingBefore!.. onlyThose canWithin this mukjizatAlam isTrue mukjizatMiraculousness everKnown embracingUniverses &Universe withinAll knowingsKnows cheers!.. 😀😀 ;Kundun replied: 😅😅Shall weSay allOthers tooImpossible friend!.. allGiven soCalled mukjizatMiraculousness atTheirs timeSo thatConvincingly withFollowers ya!.. withoutRealizing theTrueness accuratelyOn theDiamond (theVajracchedika), it'sThe mukjizatAlam!.. wholeUniverse's purenessThus ascendedGoodnesses whoCan teachesUnless humanityEmbraces trustsBeing bornHere nowSelf maliceFree soToo untoAll others cheers!.. 😀😀
024jul26(FB's back at18Aug18 postUpdate): 😅😅alwaysTunjuk veryHappy nampyeon SeobangNim nih!..😘😘 🤣🤣whoseMaking happiest Nih_BiniNih SoHee_ya pulak!..😘😘😘 😁😁shallWe saysThe puscyPuscy didUs inAll cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
The Last Heroes @27:33- 🤣🤣whoaa!.madamHon!!..🤣🤣 theAtuk pulakHow_come atBalik pokokPurposely sajaUmpan minyakTuh cheers!.. 😀😀
024jul25(pm, fB'sAt Jul24'18): 😅😅MamiMoni saysIt's 25th& AppaChek watchingKids moviesInstead kaa cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#27 of184: 😅😅though_If itIsn't 🐕Dog canBe anyCountless animals ya!.. noWorries, 🤣🤣theyHave lesserChance ofRemembrance asWe tooHardly rememberAnything untilCertain (levelBuilds) ascendedGoodnesses residingBirth afterBirths!.. 😅😅soLivings noMatter howExceptionally orDestitutely &justGoes onWith whateverKeeps onChanging& embracesChanges isReally reallyVery farTo_Go!.. ascendedGoodnesses trulyVaulted byTruth_Good ofHuman's spirits areUnchanging cheers!.. 😀😀
Father_Daughter replies: i.He reallyDoes friend!.. it'sJust daddyFeels like stageFrights too!.. 😅😅thoseKind thatMakes usSick weeksEven after aSession ya!.. that'sHow preciouslyThe daughter(s)Means evenBy knowingShe existed cheers!.. 😀😀 ii.That's howGreat greatGrandpa TAN Kim Hye mustHave felt friend ya!.. heEven buriedHer withinThe rubberEstate feelingClose thoughUnmarked, 😅😅thinkingMight offendedThe Sime Darby cheers!.. 😀😀
Heart of theSea whiteWhale🐳 Chant reply: 😅😅inclusiveOf thoseAshes purposely(antiShrine reasoning) thrownTo theSea too friend cheers!.. 😀😀
From apr26'22- 8ascendedGoodnesses borneDictate ourSincerity elseWe're intriguers; inShowing our: Love, Benevolence, Compassion, Kindness, Joys/Rejoice, Honesty, Innocence &Accordingness ofOur actions ya!.. justJustify autoWitnesses those8 whenSincerity inPresence cheers!.. 😀😀
FrmJul9th'22(am)- Quickly seesToday's fB update!.. it'sThe sameFine daysLook whenThinking herHalvie understands &Remembers ya!..😘😘😘 allThanks 4yesterday's(concert) great support!.. &enjoys mostWonderful weekend inHappiness cheers!.. 😀😀
Comment of7.9th'22- Clearly frmThe diamondSutra: True natureOf selvesAre w/oBirth norDeath, purity ofOur heartsAchieves toMinds mastery'birthsBe destroyed'(selfBirth) ya!.. thenOnly livesLiving veryEasefully unbinding(ontoConsciousness only), rightly(self-awakened), rejoicefulBliss(taintless &Secure) plus mostWonderfully: worryFree &beyondSuffering cheers!.. 😀😀
Apr6,22(entered apr8th)- allForms of sincerityGiving(withoutFires of descendingNature) are great, greater stillMagnanimously: 1phrase of ascendedGoodnesses which theReceiver becomesSeparately ofEmos &realizesVirtues ya!.. wonderful midWeek in happiness cheers!.. 😀😀
FrmJun7'22- Miraculousness inUs areWhen ascendedGoodnesses Love, Kindness, Benevolence, Compassions &Joyousness always presenceEqually inTogetherness ya!.. greatMinds: wonderfulIdeas managingSelf fears; averageMinds: eventsOccurrence triggersEmos, (selfThinking)Minds: peoplesJust easilyMade me hateThem cheers!.. 😀😀
Tampopo, @1:00:11- wonderfulSkills it_Is ya!.. 😅😅since kuraKura🐢 tortoisesTurtles can livesLonger thanHumans, respectingThat greatGreat grandpa TAN Kim Hye toldUs never toEat them cheers!.. 😀😀 *howeverAs weLives closeTo theJungle, hunts&Trading allWilds arePermissable byHim thatTime.
Master ChengYen story#58 of180: 😅😅living_In thePalace thePrincess missed theBubbles ofBeautiful fishes ikanPelaga (Siamese fightingFish, scientificName Betta_Splendens) ya!.. 🤣🤣ifShe comesOut also, she'llMistaken 🐸 frogBubbles for_It cheers!.. 😀😀
024jun15(pm, fB'sAt alsoAt anotherPost onJan3'17): 🤣🤣what'sThat reply(biniGua gituJugak!.) atApa ygKu_Cari (Diva Endang S.) SeobangNim!..😘😘 😁weBoth thoughtSo tooRight ya!.. 😅😅kan Halby alwaysTeruna performance ManjaSweetheart says cheers!..😘😘😘
Rank21 vid(ii): 🤣🤣hayoo!.,Ha_Yoon inMelo, mangkukHayun miaPompuan ohh!.. 😅😅noCheers suchBeauty veryUgly that'sWhy weGuys retainsHigher respectfulness cheers!.. 😀😀
Replies atDiva Faye Wong's: iii.😅😅theSon robohKan father'sArch friend!.. Ancestors kaluKasi luan,Teringat bayanganBapak mainBalloons samaSama kitaSo diaMia hatiBangsa sebenarnyaKesusahan putSampah lah cheers!.. 😀😀 ii.😅😅Squirrel onThe highestTippy_top!.. it'sWarmth for joyousLaughter coolerThan coolCats cheers!.. 😀😀 i.😅😅goingPicnic walkingSo slowIf roadrunnerComes, dunTerbogel cheers!.. 😀😀
024jun15(FB's postOfJan3'17): 😅😅it'sWeekend agentSoHee_Honey!..😘😘😘 SeobangNim veryMuch hookedToo onNih_BiniNih cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘
Rank15 vid(i): 🤣🤣myMy thisMelo!.. Koreans dunDate &marriageBy survivalSelections ofStatus_Conveniences is_It!.. 😅😅dramasAre soHigh rankings inCreativity bcozViewers receivesSatisfaction byProxy toAll loveLacks cheers!.. 😀😀
HappyPrince replies: iii.😅😅regardlessOf agesOr whatKind ofPerson weAre norRiches weWant bestWealth isWonderfulness within inGrace ya!.. forSuch1 were_Important in theLives of theOlds, theYoungs, theChildren, theInfants plusWhomever cheers!.. 😀😀 ii.😅😅byBirth swallowBy contentOf thisBirth howMany millionsOr is itBillion honeyBees🐝 accumulatedEquivalency cheers!.. 😀😀 i.😅😅howTo judgeHow muchFor ownSelf friend ya!.. 🤣🤣there'sMany tooThinking savingFor theSelves &can'tEnjoys spendingWhat theyHave on theirLives cheers!.. 😀😀 *1subsequentlyReply: 😅😅thatTime he's inEarly thirties friend!.. Amazingly uCan alreadySees his50yrs laterHim cheers!.. 😀😀
Sword inStone, femSquirrel savesScene @2:42- frmTop viewAlways the mostWonderful heart'sSending goodByes ya!.. 🤣🤣chineseGraves alwaysWith suchFacing evenSoil movementsAfter 100yrs seemsSunk cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#59 of180: 😅😅slipOf mindHappens whenThe otherSaid itWholeheartedly makesSense forThe moment ya!.. 🤣🤣otherwiseHow's theMost beautifulMusic sounds& heartLiver leftBehind cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank12 replied: 😅😅getOn channels friend!.. buysHer latestCD too ya!.. that'sAppearings cheers!.. 😀😀
024jun14(FB's atDec29'16 postUpdate): 😅😅gentlePinch& garukManja SeobangNim's nakedButt, theFront soFast hardens SoHee_ya!..😘😘😘 😁justLoves😁 theWay myYeoboOppa adoresHis wifeNih_BiniNih cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘 *🤣🤣soShy, someVideos justPut awayThis commentIt_Seems.
When heartsOf_Sincerity isDetected, veryFine towardsLess asSuperior, theSuperior 😅asAverage😅 ya!.. superiorsAlready (byRightly) heart'sFullest withinFeeds ofUniverse's greatMother's breast!.. burstingDiscontents showsUnmanageable harmoniesStill!.. theLess still inMeekness befittinglySuch kindness asIncentive soLong meekFellow aren't 🤣fakingPretense🤣 beggarIn thisCity, coachesHome livesLuxury anotherCity cheers!.. 😀😀
FrmJun11th'22- Holds theSpirit ofMother universe, meritoriousVirtues of theFathers &Privileges ofChildrens w/oSay, all areBeautiful &True inGrace ya!.. autodidacticismIn originalSouls areGenderless, welcomes ascendedGoodnesses asIf a'BunianTanah' comesClaiming myMother too cheers!.. 😀😀
FullaMaakNice!..😋😋 LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 Love beenFeeding allThose nicelyWonderful banchans!.. Hahahahahahahaha!..😅😅 Hal asks &Love answered lovingly!.., stillDunno whatIt isMade of ya!.. knowsOnly greatLoving Hal beenSwallowing cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘
CommentOf 7.7th'22- Greatness in virtuesVirtuously will(thinkOf services)Do thoseThings whichAre difficultBe done ya!.., unkindnessWould notAble toDo them.. our smallDeeds greatlyMake-up toIt cheers!.. 😀😀
In company @Companies, cities, forests, seas orShores!..; friendliness statesWhatever b4 or after doesn't matter asHarshness(none violence) isWhat peacefulness listenersDidn't findBecomes selfFelt violation friends ya!.. just beSure whatWe stateAre ascendedGoodnesses 'truthfulness+Sincerity', nvrDescending intends cheers!.. 😀😀
FrmJuly13th'22- Embrace ascendedGoodnesses as 'theFittest' of theConcept 'survivalOf theFittest' ya!.. Moralism towards spiritualGreatness onlyPossible byThose beyondThinking ofHow to beingCompetitive or existencesInfluenced byCompetitions[theHeart's purityAlways sameThroughout!..(evenIf it's aPlay!)]. Free&Creative thoughtsRichly lovingKindness ofOthers areMost excellenceLiving conducts ofMorals cheers!.. 😀😀
FrmJul12th'22- AscendedGoodnesses 'truthAffections': doNot beConcerns ofReaction b4Utterances asSame counsel gets respectsFrm theGreat, toThose ofBaseness, weGivers got knocksEven ya!.. thoughSuitability must beMeasured, rampingUp truthfulness chancesLifts theBane inBasenesses really!.. henceAlways focus onHarmonies cheers!.. 😀😀
From may19th'22- Can we remainsUnswayed byRiches & areWe beChanging bCoz ofHardships/poverty?.. alwaysBows beforePowers of ascendedGoodnesses notMights of descendingImposes onUs ya!.. principles ofGreatness careConcerns in lovingKindness mattersOn othersBliss notDirectly concernsUs cheers!.. 😀😀
FrmMay5th, 22- Every singleLife onEarth findsNothing moreDearest thanSelf right ya!.. nextLevel up: weConsummate self isSelflessly towards everySingle lifeOn earth cheers!.. 😀😀
Live withOnly words ofVirtues!.. inKindliness kindness points outVirtues evenIf kinder1st endsUp being taken advantageOf!..1knows rightFrm wrongAre greatlyOk!.., noNeed to be keepTeach!.. aStudent even theMaster whomLost in selfEmos areReal childrensNeeds guidances!.. interestingly, whoDares claimsSifu cheers!.. 😀😀
Frm jun30th'22- Mango tree, Helpless allPowerfulness Love, Put glassDown, shakeIt offBull!.., 3Dolls &4Candles..; 1st isDefense duty regardlessWhatever, 2nd are allSeemingly, uncertaintyOnly whenWithout, 3rd alwaysPicks back&Wash ya!.., 4th onlyReal heartedBulls do!.., 5th takeUnanimously sharingUniversally inTogetherness instead ofSecrets orIntelligence withholdings, plusFinally candle ofHope isStrong yetHollow like fearsWhich nonExistence in thePresent cheers!.. 😀😀
From apr18'22- Trains educatesUse ourPowers in ascendedGoodnesses elseBecomes selfCloudiest impediments ya!.. shepherdingBack world'sPopulace towards goodClass virtuousGauging, pureHeartedness isFinest lovingKindness index cheers!.. 😀😀
Apr14'22(entered apr15th)- Joys ofThe world abidesIn ourGreatness(goodNatured ppls) behaves inBeneficence, Benevolence, Rectitude &Sincerity ofOthers soAre asFriendly cares as toOurselves cheers!.. 😀😀
Consciousness amBliss!.. Blissness is theHost ofInfinite &allWorthiness ofIt!.. Infinite's powersForever withHost, itProtects inPeacefulness it'sDwells ya!..; noLittleness toSuch holinessWhich risesAbove reachesGiven highest ofSpirits really!..(includes allLoving,allAtonements corrects toSufferlessness!..). Humbleness onlyBefore &Within thatInnocence ofGreatness graceState!.. none attackPerceives, nothing againstTruth &all_Heals alongBlessedness cheers!.. 😀😀
Starting leisurelyMode afterThese nonSinging videoIn conjunctionOf 😘LoveDarlingHoney's 🎈Birthday🎂 ya!..😘😘😘 expectInconsistent numbersOf likesVideos runToo cheers!.. 😀😀
Love actually playWriting onHal's waist&Stomach insteadOf fingerPoking LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 Hahahahahahahaha!..😅😅 illiterateOn thoseWords even Love fingerWrites onHal's hand while Hal amDriving stillJoyously laughter bCoz it's always "Love's spell!.. Love's spell!.. Love's spell!.." in Hal's mind cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Comment of Jul19'22- Seeks &persuesJustice over personalGains plusGains friends(supports) throughTruthfulness, trustworthiness &Loyalty ya!.. Righteousness is ofEssence to universalGoodness, always willinglyReady toIt &all others inline virtuesVirtuously as ascendedGoodnesses be ourDefense &Prevails sureness cheers!.. 😀😀
Frm may2'22- Our gifts@Births areAll ascendedGoodnesses ya!.. it's theStoring explained(Apr30) thatMade fading of12Basic ascendedGoodnesses criterions!.. being aPerson contributorTo theWorld, thatTwelve supposedlyGrows withUs being84 thousandsWonderfulness cheers!.. 😀😀
FrmJul26'22- Interconnectedness areLike bondsOf fellowships inUnawareness spiritsTowards favourableness really!..; ascendedGoodnesses shallBe greatStocks ofWhat's favourableSo thatAdvantageous helps &Support availabilities uncounteredBy descendings ya!.. weHelps mostHelping allGood othersBenefiting all cheers!.. 😀😀
Entering deathlessnessIs notUs beTaken byDeath, it'sHow areWe toTake death ya!.. Limitlessness!!!.., consistMust ofHeart's purity2Mind fullOf ascendedGoodnesses reallyReally!!.., theLeast atLevel abilities ofBeing sincerelyImpartial, ingeniouslyInspires, intuitivelyWell_Good inIntentions, invitingInventively thoughts&Involvements, joyouslyJust inKindness plus genuinelyLeads liberatingThoughtfulness!.., thenOnly(meditation@Work), ourMeditation: meditators notIn paradise,Paradise isIn meditators cheers!.. 😀😀
From onMother'sDay(May8,22)- We're easilyGoes with forsake+disband+compensate thinking howFree itFeels ya!.. governance ofMother nature itself nvrForsaken(takesCare everything) inMaintaining unityMaintenance ofFreedoms inUniverse.., timeToo inExistence 4us inFreeness correctsOurselves inLine of ascendedGoodnesses cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank32 vid(i, 1:13pm): 😅😅we husbandWife discoveredSomething veryFreshly refreshing!.. 🤣🤣bitesTogether koreanSeaweed crackersWith Andes greenMint parfaitThins cheers!.. 😋😋
024aug1(fB'sAt Nov21'18): Archery dominanceAt Paris aGood thing ya!.. 😅😅King Sukjong (representingAll otherKings) praisesOur panahEven canTemu mataLintah!!.. 🤣🤣thenArjun said 😳fish&Bird's eyesReally can'tWin that cheers!.. 😀😀
repliesVideo 2:23mins byPaek Sok Kwon Channel: i.😅😅sameLike what SeobangNim entersIn nowRank33 friends!.. getarDara notAll detectsPleasant ya!.. sameToo sometimesGives terpantulKecemerlangan cheers!.. 😀😀 ii.🤣🤣gamutGamut daraGamit friend cheers!.. 😀😀 *(notIn thatVideo), additional Halby tells ManjaSweetheart: YeoboOppa ygDapat daraMia kemutAja tau iniPerkara cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 iii.1ToFan knownAs biniSujeongi: 😅😅berTuah Sujeong Oppa lu friend!.. 🤣🤣apasalMo goPulak, luKena kasiHusband lu berRago samaSuka_suka cheers!.. 😀😀
Aku takBiasa replies: i.😅😅bukanKedewasaan nyaBernilai diSini friend ya!.. 🤣🤣suaraNya bisa(kiranyaPara suamiMula minatiPerempuan lain), kembaliLah ke pangkuanKu cheers!.. 😀😀 ii.😅😅beSure whenAlone there'sNo loneliness friend!.. 🤣🤣thoseIn extremeDistress areSurrounding byMany howeverIn lonelyAloneness cheers!.. 😀😀 iii.😅😅mirisIrasan menghirisSyahdu orTak sangatTirisan hatiUntuk dia friend cheers!.. 😀😀
NewMoon @1:03:06- 😅😅there'sTwo here, i. she'sNot offeringHer sonPer_se ya!.. theMother isAsking himTo beRecognized whomSon he_Is!.. ii. theWife 🤣evenSaying impossible🤣, sheAlready byInstinct knew it'sTruth cheers!.. 😀😀
Babel subsequentlyReply: 🤣🤣reallyKorea's onesU shouldKnow better friend!.. 🤞SoHee's SeobangNim hereNo& veryGood controllingTo the twoFactors u'veMentioned cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank16 vid(i): 😅😅niceNice!.. longTime haven'tSeen tao'sWet_Cloth kungFu ya!.. it's_In Song ofPhoenix(ep3, RakutenViki)!.. 🤣🤣smallTime mumNyanya saidCepat koyakLah kainTokpoh tuhBudak_Nih cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank13 reply: 🤣🤣mumNyanya startsEarly alsoOnly 9ofUs friend ya!.. that'sWhy frmBeginning 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest saidWe're notCompeting atAll!..😘😘😘 😅😅luckyVery luckily ManjaSweetheart ok4Flip of9_Soon (youngest)babyDragon_Ei cheers!..🤞😀😀
When there'sTruth, deceiving becomesUnecessary!.. 😅😅overLunch SeobangNim happensTo setHpCromebook onSomething in theRain ya!.. there's aScene generallyDescribing what Korean womenThinks dunnoSince (maybeJoseon)whenThat YeoboOppa tells 🤣🤣SoHee_ya!.if Halby bornsHere, ManjaSweetheart stillCreates aPool is_It!..😅😅 itSays koreanMen wouldConsiders allWomen asAvailable toPursue oncePotentiality highThey're keptIn thePool readyTo usedAs needsBe!.. Honestly, it's theEnvironment of suchBelief madeFaithfulness unPrioritizes right!.. i.e notAscending_Good accepted asTruth(ok) soEven allThere_Is ofDeceivings, unnecessarinessSo marriagesUnnecessarily withoutStrength!.. Therefore!.. since1stTime learningNampyeon 🤣isMe🤣 beenEmphasizing fortressStrong unfailinglyFaithfulness cheers!.. 😀😀
Btw LoveDarlingHoney!!...😘😘😘 Love's tremendouslyBenevolence lovingSince areSomething deeplyHighest dearestEndearing inHeart's ofHal tillInexpressible noMatter howMagnanimously majesticMagnificently theExpressions ya!.. plusAll the sweetlySweetest wonderfulness ofLove starting 408hrsB4 inQuietly celebratingHal are reallyEpiphanies ofAWEs cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Frm may7th'22- Gentleness &Forcefulness: combination ofPowerful inThe sincerestWith sincerity'sPresence guardingAll other ascendedGoodnesses virtues ya!.. UniverseTraDiva's simplicity inPowerfulness wereOf suchNature within cheers!.. 😀😀
(pm): FullaMak-Waah!!... See see see!!...😘😘 theUniverseTraDiva Goddess fB's update today, knows her1st openArms poseIs 4who yaAll cheers!.. 😀😀
Believe replied: 😅😅frmYesterday's rainsIt drizzlesTill thisMorning ya friend!.. 🤣🤣theSquirrels🐿️ playsIn theRain here& 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest's amazementsAwesome cheers!.. 😀😀
SILK_Seda @1:10:49- 🤣🤣isn'tThe ideaOf how KungfuPanda looksCame frmThis1 cheers!.. 😅😅😀🥳🥳
024jan16(1:22am), KBS's videoRuns atSeq15th afterMN: 🤣🤣SeobangNim!..😘😘 xTido engineeredPadding for TeclastT30 looksLike tinyBaby_Cot!.. 😅😅haveTo lah 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest!..😘😘😘 bCoz theGlass beenTemporarily jeckOut frmBaseCasing ya!.. importantlySo that it'sUsable whileArranging the displayComponent cheers!.. 😀😀
Very relaxingRun skippingVideos, ceasingComments tooAs still aPublic_Holiday!.. 🥳🥳HappiestBirthday celebrationHonours toYamTuan Besar theKing ofNegeri_Sembilan cheers!.. 🥳🥳
024jan15(1:33pm) Rank82 vid(i): 🤣🤣Halby gotGreat laughsWith SoHee_Honey 😋duringLunch😋!.. 😅😅it'sCommon whenWe can'tTranslates whatever frmKorean, weJust putsWhat's everIt originallySaid ya!.. NongShim's nonFrying which SeobangNim boughtAlmost50's yesterdayHas English ingredientsTab thatIncludes Cheongyang pepperSeasoning & driedCheongsam!.. 🤣🤣weChinese onlyKnew 1Cheongsam 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest!..😘😘😘 bitsOf driedCloth reallyTastiest if frmKorea cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
024janMid(FB's atFox_Rock Festival postOf Jul24'18): 🤣🤣again4This_Year, firstDay of024 SeobangNim's handGot embossedBy 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest's hair whileSleeping!..😘😘😘 😅😅ManjaSeeetheart saysIt's forWaking closeTo_Noon cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Master ChengYen story#154: 😅😅previouslyHave enteredSomehere onEating meatThere's energiesOf connectednessAs weGrew up ya!.. i.e harmoniesOf lesserBeings asThey becomesUs(ourBones&Mass). whateverWe eatsThe spiritsBecomes humanIf byLaw ofNature, humanEaten by lesserBeings it'sSpirits tooStill becomesHumanly inReincarnations!.. Don't eatsLesser beingsThat bySenses weCan't handlesIt's spiritsAs if byCoincidence asIf 🤣it'sStarts talking🤣, reallyTroubling healthInstead!.. asFor medicinalRecipes, there'sLots speciesWe're dependingTo asWe're ordinary(aren'tMonks) howTo cureSelves bySpiritual aloneRight!.. mePersonally inGratefulness towards babyMice, driedFrogs, Bees(pulledOut Stings) &riceFed roastedCockroaches duringChildhood asthma cheers!.. 😀😀
024jan14, finishingComment(Hei Bai Ren Jian_1992) frmReply asThe richAre poorToo inDisguise really!.. :- 😅😅goodness friend!.. didn'tNotices thisComment when replyingTo ryanli6666 ya!.. 🤣🤣everThought ofThe richThat withinAll theirRichness suddenlyDun haveEven 50¢ toFills theStomach with aBun!.. poornessIs somethingRelating toCirculation energiesJust likeBlood withinBody!.. governanceOf whateverEra&Places justTo beGreat inAwareness to ensuresSufficientness thanAccumulating orCut_offs byMaking sufferReasons cheers!.. 😀😀
024jan14(3:33pm, fB’sAt Gwangju_MBC postBack Sep17’18): NongShim madeSkinnier ramyeonLooks like wantanMee ya!.. theNicest thingIs it'sIn 😋beefBroth😋!.. 🤣🤣SeobangNim borongTill individuallyPacks totalingAlmost50 cheers!.. 😀😀
PillowTalk subsequentlyReplied: 😅😅theSpeed inOur maritalGrowth notSame friend!.. evenWe verballySays let'sGrow oldTogether ya!.. importantlyLoving inUnfailingly_Faithfulness asFaithfulness willPhases usBoth accordinglyWithout needingWhatever agreementReasons toStay married cheers!.. 😀😀
JumboGajahBiru replied: 😅😅tryMy approach friend, mePeranakkan_Chinese can'tSpeaks Chinese atAll ya!.. 🤣🤣thenMarried Korean& can'tSpeaks Korean too!.. can'tSpeak Thais soTakes whateverLanguages inThe worldLet's hearsIt in kindnessSincerity sounds!.. evenIt mayBe wrongThe goodnessesEnergies ofIt wereAll that'sOnly receivesBy cheers!.. 😀😀 i.e descendingEnergies wereFiltered outFrm_Us cheers!.. 😀😀
Queen; Love &warReplied: 🤣🤣theWay theKing fellDown afterBeing shotWas likeSeriously budakKecik mainBuat_buat cheers!.. 😀😀
HongGilDong: @17:48- whatBlessings toBe grantedBy wife'sSmile such asThat cheers!.. 😀😀
Babel replied: 😅😅aBit not Ms. Jang Hee Jin friend ya!.. tooMuch ofHer forcedFaces & tooLittle ofHer wonderfulnessManis manisSedap mataMemandang cheers!.. 😀😀
DongYi(vid7+Hrs) replies: i. 🤣🤣oldenTimes isLike that friend!.. moreOver with thePrince's childhoodOut frmThe_Palace ya!.. personallyFather&Son wouldKnow, thatWhy commentPlaced onWhat's saidBy LadyHoelun (Genghis Khan's mother) holdsTrue ya!.. resident ascendedGoodnesses, weAs offspringsCan tellsProven whoOur parentsAre cheers!.. 😀😀 i.e Availability ofTrueness visionsUp toLevels whereNames unavailableTill really!.. 😅😅 ii. Women shouldn'tHolds toRage friend!.. kindnessIn purelyGentleness howWhat theyHandles mostArduous natureOf men cheers!.. 😀😀 iii(f). aSubsequently replyEntered jan14th: 🤣🤣theActress inTruth thoughEasier trickedLady hasMuch muchGreater kindnessGently womanOf respectfulnessThan ladyHistoric friend cheers!.. 😀😀 iii(g). Followingly inDefense ofTaint attemptOn honourable Lady Suk Bin(DongYi): Nah!.. uBelieves wrongly friend!.. sameAs presentlyDay, there's rumorsBy fireOf jealousyHatred ya!.. onlyBy thatWoman's trueFaithfulness& theSelf faithfulnessScale ofThe1 perceivingTo evaluatesWhere herReal virtuesManifested cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#155: Only ourPurest trueNature isPermanent!.. 😅😅plus,This purestTrueness justLike theHeavenly being theMaster describes ya!.. it'll notBe ableTo comprehendsImpermanence!.. 🤣🤣soWhy didAll beingsOf otherRealms enviesHumans!.. bCozOnly byTruth_Buddhahood one's impermanencePermanently prevails ya!.. eternalTAO tooCan leadsUs, onPersonally gaugeBuddha's methodology is1/5Higher cheers!.. 😀😀
@1:01:58(SILK_Seda): 🤣🤣comeBack or I shallDie!.. 😅😅theOther allThe whileFeels iDunno I shallDie!.. 🤣🤣theMadame b4That pulakWhat makesU thinksU're richEnough toSleep withMe cheers!.. 😀😀
024jan13(pm, fB'sAt KBS Gugak Hanmadang& Immortal Song Programs postUpdate ofAug18’18): it's SoHee_ya!..😘😘😘 there'sNothing beyond 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest!..😘😘😘 onlyAlways firstIn SeobangNim's thoughtsMind's heart's&Joys life'sBlessings nihBini_Nih cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
BadaiSemalam replies: i. xSemudah ya friend!.. pengarahBoleh kerSelami completenessAmbiances Madame_Pengarang betapaPerkaya detailsNaluri wahanaMulia dlmBerbabak adversities cheers!.. 🥳🥳 ii. memang Tanjung Puteri lah friend!.. masaTeks Madame_Pengarang possibleTanjung tuhHowever tikaDi cetakTelah mengikutNegeri_Johor nyerPenamaan baru ya!.. 😅😅sekiranyaTerdapat edisiTerawal berTanjung_Katung, sayaTidak pasti cheers!.. 😀😀
CommunityTab repliesAs finishesRank42(approx1:50pm): i. 🤣🤣SeobangNim's grapeBalls alaSangju alreadyGreat lagiPenat siapSengal badanShe says cheers!.. 🥳🥳🎊 ii. 🤣🤣SeobangNim alwaysLet onThat, whyLu mengadaSongel friend cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank42 AsurajangDhammaprabahasa reply: 😅😅wordsVariously friend!.. More gelekGelek, enjutEnjut, ayakAyak 🤣🤣shall I some More cheers!.. 😀😀
024jan13(FB's atGwangju_MBC broadcastsUpdate postOnAug31'18): 🤣🤣whoaMy_Nampyeon!..😘😘 allHalby's loveWritten, SoHee like SeobangNim toKnow ManjaSweetheart cherishes&Loves YeoboOppa billions timesMore😘 cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Community tabReplied(024jan13 pertainingThe magniGlass): 🤣🤣it'sBcoz of SeobangNim friend!.. 😅😅 Halby boughtFirst 2.5inchesThen 4" withMinnie (Mickey's wife) strapTo it ya!.. 🤓theBig1 inYeoboOppa's notebook'sBackpack &whenShe's floatedOn 18" that'sHow weJoyously addsIt frontPlayfully cuddlesLaughs &Kisses cheers!.. 🥳🥳
Master ChengYen story#156: Benevolence isHeart ofBeings!.. 😅😅allBeings withHigher orBaseness nature ya!.. polishes mindBright notNecessarily higher beingNature, it'sPurification ofInsights truenessNature revealsSelf mirrorBright cheers!.. 😀😀
Subsequently repliedAt Wish thatU wereHere: 😅😅Nah friend!.. that'sTruthfulness ofAdmitting friends ya!.. sincerityIn sincerenessShines inWhatever natureOf friendshipsReally!.. trueBlessedness areThose wonderfulnessOf thePerson becomingFriends evenThere's alreadyRelations byBlood orMarriage cheers!.. 😀😀
024jan12(pm, fB'sAt Korean Music Festival broadcasts96.7MHz&KBS1 postOfSep24'18): 🤣🤣talkingAbout dragonWood atUsnisa_Vijaya, this waterBuffalo SeobangNim gonnaTells fireBuffalo mateLet's have woodDragon youngestThe flipOf9 ManjaSweetheart okRight!..😘😘😘 halloHalby!!..😘😘 it'sSoHee thatSaid lastYr 'nextYr_Onwards' alright cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Subsequently replyAt Community_Tab: 😅😅sinceSome1 places aLike, tellingWhy we'reLaughing hardYa!.. 🤣🤣burningRose_Altar!.. 😅😅startingShe 🥵burns🥵 SeobangNim belumNaik altarPun cheers!.. 😀😀
023aug4(pm, FB atMangwoo Historical Concert postUpdate): nihBini_Nih!..😘😘😘 😅😅nyariDia SongTan kanGua ya!.. 🤣🤣nihDah moMalam(night) nih, SeobangNim kasi1Pulak: reversePulau_Keti apaDia cheers!.. 😀😀
023aug4(bulanJatuh keRiba): 😅😅bulanJatuh keRiba guaNyari dahTau cakapAla marahManja: SongTan betul Halby cheers!.. 😀😀
Kubo(part4) reply: And!.. @9:49, 😅😅 theirOblivious stateReally hubbyWifey talking cheers!.. 😀😀
DongYi video4+Hrs, @2:52:32- 😅😅whoaOmoni!.. 🤣🤣pakaianCantik nyariSusah hatiPulak cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank22, replyAs freshComment:- Leather handbagCreator: whoCan seeKindness asGreatest treasure!!.. thatPerson livesWell& whomeverLivings withBy it'sBonds of sincerestLoves tooWellness inGreatness blessings cheers!.. 😀😀
023aug4(FB atLatest postUpdate): 😅😅nowadays candyCrush_friends with2hrs continuousLives 😘LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 SeobangNim justWanna chkDaily task& itActivates ya!..😘😘😘 okRight myManjaSweetheart cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 *11:02am, herImmediate response: 🤣🤣SongTan betul Halby cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
023aug3(pm, FB, at lastYr_jul16th's postUpdate wherebyHer naturalnessSmile beingTold asWe're togetherToo!..): SeobangNim!..😘😘 😅😅SoHee dunWanna pullsBulu_kaki!.. butYellowish going downAnkle isIt frmThe iodineOr what!!.. it'sBruise markFlows lah 😘LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 🤣🤣sameLike ManjaSweetheart madeLove bitesB4!.. allVisible closeTo aWeek right ya!..😘😘😘 it'sSpecialness occursTo Yeobo Oppa sinceSurvived multipleStungs ofPenyengat swampingWhen Halby pullsMesh_wires(notKnowing theyAlready madeHome) toRepairs the chickenCoop tau!.. 😅😅imagineHow meRuns dunnoHow manyRounds theHouse b4Falling tersangkutAkar pokokLangsat cheers!.. 😀😀
🥳🥳20th Anniversary ofJeongpyeongGun thisAug26th!.. setOur 3pmAppointment seeing UniverseTraDiva's performanceAt Jeongpyeong Cultural Center cheers!.. 😀😀🥳🥳🎉🎊
023aug3(DarmaWulan finishingComment): i. @1:59:35- putraPutra Begawan Tunggul Manik satuDarma duaKuda cheers!.. 😀😀 ii. @13:03- filmIni bermulanyaTeknologi percetakanDari filmLayar ya!.. danPerlindungan Hakcipta_Terpelihara!.. 😅😅 guaPunya coloringBooklet imageIni sertaTurut mewarnaiPerutku sendiriSebelum menontonFilm nya42thn kemudian cheers!.. 😀😀
DongYi video4+Hrs: ii. @2:44:46- 🤣🤣theTruth ya!.. yearsBack her palliPalli!.. madeMe orders allPalli mealsLunch set@Dubuyo tau!..😅😅 tillExtend likeAlternate daysMakan menuKorea cheers!.. 😀😀 i. @2:40:36- ohh!.. pluckThe leaves!.. notThe wholeShrubs!.. 😅😅 notRe_Planting frequentlyOur jungjeonMama cheers!.. 😀😀
023aug3(FB, Lotte's Concert Hall behindCut with SeoulNewspaper, randomly): SeobangNim alwaysSmiling whenBrowsing 😘LoveDarlingHoney's FB, makesWonder if Yeobo Oppa findsThose otherFeatured funnyComicals laughingAt ya!..😘😘😘 no, ManjaSweetheart!..😘😘😘 Halby smileFlutters floweringlyAdjusting &Sees howThis SeobangNim's faceSilhouette matchingMy SoHee_ya's there cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
@0:22(Kubo part2): 😅😅he'sTwo stringsBcoz heOnly playsTwo outOf3 Shamisen strings cheers!.. 😀😀
023aug2(10:48pm, fB, MusicBank behindCut postUpdate): guessThe heatToo effectsInternet tau 😘LoveDarlingHoney!.. SeobangNim dunnoHow toManage inPattern runs ya!.. 😅😅enteringLikes &watchLater, theInternet justDropped noConnection plusData speedJust dropsProbably surgesToo makingComments entriesIrretrievably seenUnseen cheers!.. 😀😀
@3:21(Kubo part3): thisIs her2nd shamisenShot!.. her1st_Stopped theTsunami cheers!.. 😀😀
023aug2nd(6:55pm, Rank42): what'sThat bigLaugh with cousinSam onWhat'sApp SeobangNim!.. 😅😅Malacca gotSo manyHills 😘LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 😅😅1areaIs called (hill)Bukit Katil(bed) &justKnew withinThat area theHilly spotWhere state'sRoad Transport officels locatedIs called (hill)Bukit Sama_Tahu(bothKnows) ya!.. 🤣🤣so,theJoke: ofCoz alreadyIn bedTogether, weBoth knows cheers!.. 😀😀
023aug2(12nn, FB, dec1'sLast_yr callingSeobangNim Taryung postUpdate): SeobangNim!..😘😘 whyThere's otherName than SoHee with ya!.. 😅😅oohhh!.. cannot isIt 😘LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 notedWith thankfulness myManjaSweetheart cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
023aug2(rareMs. Han Hyo Joo videoBy channel Lakshmi Prasanna Bandi): 😅😅whoa!.. todayHearing Hyo Joo yaSings makesWanna eatsSomething soupy4Lunch cheers!.. 😀😀
Aug1st[11:25pm, Rank18 vid(i)]: 🤣🤣goodAlso googleChrome stillWorks onOld Lenovo_phab SeobangNim!..😘😘 😅😅weLaugh joyouslySeeing theSun_Bear @Chinese zooThat theyHave deniedPeople inCostume ya!.. Halby saysIt's even nonPrimates, speciesWhich readilyMimicking humans areNumerous cheers!.. 😀😀
Kubo_2strings (part2)Reply: Definitely there'sSynonyms 4it inJapan friend!.. 😅😅weOnly knowsOrigami ya!.. masterLinguists ofTheirs ownLinguistics, describesIt seeAudiences awaresOr picksOwn nativeWords 4it cheers!.. 😀😀 *subsequentlyReply(aug2): thanks friend!.. 😅😅 guessTraditional artsOf paperCuttings goesTo Chinese &paperFoldings toJapanese right!.. let'sCreate artsOf RUclips commenting cheers!.. 😀😀
023aug1(pm, fB, Infodemics interviewVideo postUpdate may22nd): SeobangNim!..😘😘 shouldn't SoHee beConcerns seeingThat iodineSaline!.. nah, 😘LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 toldManjaSweetheart that dadChekchek gotHis tulangKering skinScrape offToo @rubberEstate right!.. it'sJust slowestHeals spot& it'llBe permanentMark!.. 😅😅SoHee_ya notSaying concernedOf markedNampyeon right cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
@0:39(Atlantis, videoThe_Exploring): Milo criedIn awe!.. 😅😅&Told Kida it'sSomething in myEyes cheers!.. 😀😀
023aug1(sevenDays): didn'tPut likeOn comments&This entryAs finishing ya!.. thoughIt combinesSome elementsOf truthLots areCreativity ofImaginations really!.. goodPluses forCinematography& stuntActings!.. allTo rememberThat evenIdea toAbuse childrenIs anInsecureness startingTau!.. &😅😅 What aLife of anxiouslyAnxiety whenWe shouldBe importantlyGood inLives of anyChildren regardlessWhat's children'sLife's ofOurs cheers!.. 😀😀
@1:05:53(DongYi video4+Hrs): 😅😅fuyohLady Jang!.. 🤣🤣adaSangkung, adaMaria lagi cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank8 reply:- Leather handbagCreator: 😅😅minumKa takMinum, itu Sujeongi Oppa miaWith uThe yoyinCibam takesCare baikBaik elokElok muliaSentiasa cheers!.. 😀😀 *8:42pm(clarifiesOn minum, notYet inRank8, editEntered Rank8 at11:55pm): drinkingSoju(alcoholicDrinks inGeneral) ya!.. 😅😅kang siLeather handbagCreator tuhFaham yoyinCibam diaBoleh sukaSuka minumNAYA!!.. cheers!.. 😀😀 **aug2(11:44pm): kindlyNoted onceAny userDeleted theirOriginal commentIn discussion,What's capturedScripts in UniverseTraDiva's commentsOf theDay shallRemains &holdsTruth cheers!.. 😀😀
Pureness lovinglyUs, theFeeling awesomelyAlways_Like: 😅😅FullaMaak!!..Nice ya!..😘
@hereFor 1'sIdea (anything) thoughtHard tillGiving_up soSpeedily easyEase!.. thenStudy where thePower influence (>Gaining orDevasti stillWellness goodEarns!..), engagesIn fullnessPotentials ofOur ascendedGoodnesses nature!.. againOf freedom, freenessSpiritedly soaringnessOf_Good areCompassionate natureMotivations &Thoughtfulness onAll asEveryall areFriends, friend's friendFriendships that'sMandatory!.. so, respectfulnessLove &careCarefulness areVery veryNecessary asPurely goodnessHeart's sincerity cheers!.. 😀😀
Hollywood's The Rebels replied: 😅😅noReligion acceptableTo himExcept friend!.. ifU've knownThe godBy99 doU thinkHe wouldSay that cheers!.. 😀😀
The newMoon replied: 🤣🤣weGuys noNeed toBe cleanKaa friend!.. byBody sizeNature, we'reReleasing moreSebum right ya!.. 😅😅cleanlinessMust inLiving, overSeverely tooDoesn't makesSense tillSome selfIsolates asIf there's characterImpairment cheers!.. 😀😀
024jul20(FB's atAnother postOf Jun1'18 wearing blueHanbok): SeobangNim!..😘😘 🤔whyGive 15-20tacksComparison when YeoboOppa @22!.. 😅😅wellSince 1stEver mustExposes (secondarySchool) thisNampyeon thinksMust be inUpper thanAvg really ya!.. B4 procedureSurprise big theDoctor pullingOut ractumFor blisteringObservation!.. theOlder doctorExplains he'sYoung &Fit that'sWhy mengkalSturdy whileAt restIt's normal!.. 😅😅Halby was thinkingWhom canResting evenIn theseSituations cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank2 similarVideo inLikes reply: 🤔uNo longerCalls urWife aFew timesDaily friend!.. myselfSeobangNim willBe allConstantly regardless1001Yrs ofThis solelyOnce marriedMarriage cheers!.. 😀😀
024jul19(pm, FB with3:33am specialAdd_in): 🎊🥳🥳Latest FB updateOn yesterday'sUploaded(18th) videos ya!.. doEnjoys atButterfly🦋Icon channel cheers!.. 😀😀🎉 *emoTicons changesOr discardedBcoz lightestInfinix doesn'tHave ya!..
LastHeroes: 😅😅sleepingHon volunteerMore funnierIs apiObor ya!.. 🤣🤣guaranteesWhen sheTouches herKening (eyebrow) allArang_D cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#33 of184: Quickest learningDhamma is allDhamma everywhere ya!.. 😅😅achievingDhamma_Body isWhat bodyWe is_It🤔!.. Dhammakaya meaningVery veryKaya dhammaTruth enlightenmentKaya transientlyWherever dhammaRealms tooBody withDhamma canGo teachesExperiences theDhamma cheers!.. 😀😀
024jul19(fB'sAt postJun1'18): SeobangNim!..😘😘 😅😅baby🍼🐿️Squirrel soCutely adorable ya!.. 🤣🤣flyingKisses withThem ManjaSweetheart!..😘😘😘 that'sHow they'dRemembers &playsSprinting hideSeeks withUs onceGrown cheers!.. 😀😀
Subsequently repliesNo ordinaryLove: *furtherTo the immediateBelow batch(9:09pm):- 😅😅differentDoesn't meanIncorrect friend!.. it'sWithin positiveInterchanges of thoseDifferences sparksInnovations ya!.. withThat sharing theMain commentOf 024jun23 whereBy howOur livesAre justLeft justLive toBe understood asFollows:- Mountain of virtuesCombined!.. complacencyAre ofOthers toDigest really!.. 😅😅weLoving theSelf mostKaa!.. 🤣🤣canAll others theMore pleaseWe giveThan whatThem sees_Itself!.. gratitude&Fearlessness, joy&Peace; the twoPairs containsWonderful areTinies&Greats, gratefulnessOf ableBeing inThankfulness toAll happenings&Storms as bothGood asMountain unconcernedStill survivesBy it'sVirtues cheers!.. 😀😀
i.needTo knowWhom assignedAt beginningOf time friend, notTime ya!.. ii.Heart mustResident ascendedGoodnesses toCorrectness ofDecisions!.. iii.🤣🤣letBehaviors forDecisions, crapsOf habitsWomen dunTolerate us cheers!.. 😀😀
By urSide(Sade) reply: 😅Love😅her'sCould beGreater thenHow friend cheers!.. 😀😀
{024jul18, sharing twoComments ofWe Americans, Koreans &theWorld too likelyNotices asFollows:-
024jul18(fB'sAt postMay20'18): 😅😅veryHot inNews todayIs Ms. Sue Mi Terry!.. well,Governance shouldn'tFind herObligatory toRegister agentWhen in2008 sheWillingly resignsAcknowledges conflictOf interest ya!.. Government isAuto_Notified!.. 😅😅then,
We use toThink justLeave(cutOff relations) thatWe perceives unhealthy. Hehehehehe!..😅 inTruthfulness: noCut norShut necessary whenWe're allWonderfulness kind ofPerson right!.. doingIt only exposesImaginary insecurities of selfMind ya!.. enjoyGreat weekAhead cheers!.. 😀😀
FrmApr21'22- Our nature wants toPleases every1 thinking itMaintains goodWill, helps restoreFriendships &offersSelf assuringComfortable feels right!.. bewareOf+immediatelyChange(accordingly) when alongThose weViolates ascendedGoodnesses ya!.. plus, evenWe in those whoShelters &beingIn populaceWhom supportsAre justAs guiltyToo cheers!.. 😀😀
@4:47(Mahsuri): 😅😅sudahBertunangan dgnKelana nihSesama gengGeng they'll jerYa!.. ingatKan Pak Andak Maya dahLafaz janjiMasa Mahsuri kecil cheers!.. 😀😀
@30:15(loveLadder, videoTitled asNoble_Love)- 🤣🤣ya!.. it'sReally whatWe're scaredOf!!.. ourOwn stillNo guaranteesGood raising cheers!.. 😀😀
023sep5(After theRain, finishingComment): whomeverWith thatSort ofWife lives inWellness ya!.. 😅😅sheAbandons orBe abandonedFate favourablenessWouldn't smile cheers!.. 😀😀
023sep5(FB's singleEntry atBecome theWind postUpdate): 🤣🤣semalamNyer noonComment, empunyaDiri xTercakaplah!.. terBest diaMia gelojakHati berbungaBunga girang 😘LoveDarlingHoney cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
023sep5(12mn, videoDated 190816 bySansachoon channel): toRank86 movementOf thisVideo as SeobangNim pleasesOn somethingOnly 😅😅ManjaSweetheart knows cheers!.. 😀😀
Reply onMy_Own: Are uTrying toSay uLove himMore thanThe 1st friend!.. 😅😅ifThat isSo meaningHe lovesU yetShadow of theFirst shinesThrough uUpon himShys himAway cheers!.. 😀😀
023sep4(pm, fB's atAbove theClouds signedPhoto contestAnnouncement postUpdate): SeobangNim mood oldMovies 😘LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 interRun pushBack aFew daysYa myManjaSweetheart cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Replies at Mahsuri: iii. Fitnah mcmMana guaBelum tengokLagi ceritaNya friend!.. tapiNyer terdapat 1Teori ygMahsuri nihSedang bersusuDibadan ya!.. waktuDilembing tuhKena buahDada tuhYang berdarahPutih dia cheers!.. 😀😀 ii. Mahsuri nihKesahihan nyerPasal darahPutih right ya friend!.. soApa kekuatanUtk meRealisasikan baikBetul benarNya supayaKukuh setujuTop worthIt diBuat filmZaman nih!.. bolehExplains diaSebenarnya adaLeukemia ygTidak mudaratKer mcmMana cheers!.. 😀😀 i. 😅😅 lumTengok, guaKetawa dulu cheers!.. 😀😀
023sep4(12:20nn, FB's highestLikes postUpdate): sekejapTadi SeobangNim dptWonderfully kissing 😘LoveDarlingHoney ya!..😘😘😘 dunRef recentlyPedas smoochingPic tauAll!.. seesThe fBjul10'18 nyaPost(pic#1), timeBibir (lips) ManjaSweetheart gituHalby ciumKan deeply!.. sedapNyer balasanCiuman SoHee_ya guaMia nihBini_Nih cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Rank49 replies(note: Only inKorean noTranslation,WHY!!..):- i. Can't revUr comment friend!.. translateTo English missing ya!.. knowHow toActivate itPls enlightens, expertsDo assist cheers!.. 😀😀 ii. Wonderful friend!.. soIn whatAreas u feelsSanctified doShare cheers!.. 😀😀
@20:07(loveLadder, videoTitled asNoble_Love): 🤣🤣mandiDalam gelapTak hilangDaki myMother_inLaw cheers!.. 😀😀
@43:11(Panji_Tengkorak)- 😅😅lengkapSabungan nyerStep ya!.. adaLaga rehearseB4 sarungTaji logam cheers!.. 😀😀
023sep4(finishingComment, Sogni_1990): 😅😅comeStay leaveRetains who,Enters whomWhatever form1Be unitesBeings beenUs too!.. it's aFunfair cheers!.. 😀😀 *🤣🤣entersWhom notIn matingSense plsYa cheers!.. 😀😀
023sep4(FB's, atInfodemics toBe releaseSample postUpdate): wonderfulMorning to1stMonday ofChuseok monthPeople!.. 🤣🤣SeobangNim hardlyUses alarmWoke yetToday there's shriekingBuzz thatBeats 😘LoveDarlingHoney's time cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank41, replyTo biniSujeongi: Again!.. there's noTranslation friend!.. won'tBe reRuns itSoon ya!.. alternativelyU can typeAlphabets inEnglish please cheers!.. 😀😀 *subsequentlyReply(inMinutes): 😅😅janganLah buat xFaham bahasa friend cheers!.. 😀😀 **Further subsequentReply(sep4): 😅😅noTranslation babe!.. 🤣🤣monyetCakap nganLembu nih cheers!.. 😀😀
023sep3(pm, FB's, Infodemics postUpdate with sanagoMention): ManjaSweetheart inHappiness happiestNyari tau SeobangNim!..😘😘 🤣🤣lebihNot tellingNanti Yeobo Oppa postComment xDa maluanPeringat cheers!.. 😀😀 *023sep3(22:52pm, wizardChoir postUpdate): 😅😅hint!.., sheMade it veryMilky cheers!.. 😀😀
Puteri Gunung Ledang(1961): ii. @1:15:05- 🤣🤣🤣geliNyer hati tengokScene nih!.. 😅😅bolehPulak sepahitPahit menjadiMasin cheers!.. 😀😀 i. @1:12:21- seTempurung!.. modernDah jadiSebatil ya!.. rasaNya percakapanSetempurung accurateTepat!.. 😅😅tapiNyer sekarangKelapa pasaranDah kelapaKahwin jadiNya sukatanTempurung dahLari cheers!.. 😀😀
@1:18:54(After theRain): reallyGrateful suchRemedy beingSpoke ofYa!.. itWorks for leechBites cheers!.. 😀😀
023sep3(SelendangDelima, finishingComment): at 1:38:43 ya!.. 😅😅style rataRata pemakaiCincin ala batuHikmat would joyKiss itUpon whateverSucceeds cheers!.. 😀😀 *editAdds(11:18am): ohh!.. iniActress nyerYg xBoleh disebutNamanya sembaranganYa!.. daulatKebesaran Permaisuri_Sultan cheers!.. 😀😀
023sep3(10:35a atSepatu kulitRusa): kembali& simpanDi watchLater ekoranFB_post ini:- 023sep3(singleEntry, fB's Livingsense postUpdate): 😅😅naikGunung dapatKulit rusa 😘LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 moBuat sepatuKaa lainLain cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
023sep2(11:19pm), Rank14 vid(i): 😅😅Wonderful!!..😘😘😘 rareOccasion twoDevices startsThis songTogether ya 😘LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 so,SeobangNim letIt runsFor aWhile myManjaSweetheart cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Births areLearnings supposedlyOnly loveBlissness &Growings areElations teachingsOf it ya!.. for ascendedGoodnesses that'sWhat weAre!.. taking theOpposites (i.e luciferLilith) areEmos firesWhereby flamesOnly asLong wrathRegretly follows,So whatFor beUs there!!.. notAlways tells ofWhat toDo, wonderfullyShows whatBeen doinGood wellnessRightly!.. repressAttitudes littleProgress plusInvites discontent, greatnessUs all inDeveloping what'sGood willAll ascendedGoodnesses beBlossoming prospersGoodness cheers!.. 😀😀
Frm may4'22- Residers of ascendedGoodnesses createsIn lineOf lovingWisdom &knowledgeOf surmountfulVirtues concurrence honestyHonour plus harmonizingCreations ya!.. resultsAre always inHarmonies, happiness &Peacefulness good4all!..(notOnly me&U). @times, thoseFree acts onIt!.., seemsHeroic attentionSeekers right!.., suchConsequences greatlyDepends on societies(populace'sConventionLvl).. it's fantasticallyFabulous residing in ascendedGoodnesses &those able toComprehends regardlessly2those with ascendedGoodnesses provenRealness &Trueness apprehensions cheers!.. 😀😀
Mar31/22(entered on aprilFools')- asks&answers!.., we'reAll inaccurate silentReaders ya!..😅😅 plus, thoughtOf something awesomelyWell(ascendedGoodnesses) everyday!.. giving 2average/descending, we're noDifference ofOthers!.. we're allNicest &noneCan resistOur nicelyCharms cheers!.. 😀😀
#note: reading theMind when we/ppls give silence asAnswers ya!..😁😁
4.4.22(entered onApr6th)- ascendsIn purelyGood onlyPossible 2aLife of noBirth nor death ya!.. 4those whoStays, lifeIs(till bodyDie) cheers!.. 😀😀
😅😅atFerdinand can'tComment however_If wannaSee aReal lifeBuffalo withLongest hornWould beAt BangRajan(2000) cheers!.. 😀😀
SumpahPontianak, @2:07- 🤣🤣darahPontianak mengalirDalam tubuh!.. zamanDerma darahLum popular ya!.. 😅😅ifGuarantee cantikTak terciptalahBotox cheers!.. 😀😀 onReplies: i.🤣🤣sebenarNyer cantikTuh auraHati ya!.. 😅😅bungkus mcmMana punIf sekongkolSyaitan takNyer damaiSuami right!.. jenisPakai blouseSkirts ifSenonoh menNaturally honoursHer respectfulness cheers!.. 😀😀 ii.😅😅zamanDulu belumClear cutHantu_Raya, Pontianak &bunianAll lah friend!.. Ideas combiCombination categoryMenyeramkan diambilPakai cheers!.. 😀😀 iii.😅😅ygDaerah Kalimantan tuh memangDapat namaDari peristiwaBenar cheers!.. 😀😀 replyEntries_Jun30: i.😅😅lebihKurang lineUtk Begawan Tunggul Manik fatherOf DharmaWulan cheers!.. 😀😀 ii.😅😅beradikSenegara jadi Abang diLuar negara cheers!.. 😀😀 iii.😅😅xLah!.. ygSama samaKat dalamHutan tuh berdarah'O' (bloodGroup) cheers!.. 😀😀 &1Comment entered: 😅😅Oklah makPontianak pun diaDapat berJumpa ya!.. biasaNyer kanPontianak anakNyer masihDalam perut cheers!.. 😀😀
Trust &Faith toLife!!.. 😅😅Mingles withinFamily &Friends knows theSelf there'sAloneness beSure that thePerson noLoneliness ya!.. Be inherentlyHonest &Upright fellowSo wellnessNo illusionsTo theMind whatTerror whenGood 🤣tooFear isIt!. orU mockingMe!.🤣 cheers!.. 😀😀
aug6'22- Meditatively, mindsAre likeStepping thePillar of aMountain ya!.. ascendedGoodnesses of theHearts are perceivingViews alongCourse, virtuously ofVirtues seenFlowers intoLight(as theBuddha), ifWe amongstThose collects pebbles&Sparks fire intoPillar's light, ascendedGoodnesses 'sincerelyAdmits', surrendersFor correctness as theWorld's nirvanaSustaining withinGalaxies(in universe) isFlawless cheers!.. 😀😀
Aug5(pm) fB update: Great!..🥳🎉 aug12(6pm)@Mangwoo Cultural Park everyone!.. 77th Gwangbok Festival Celebrations!.. tooPack, enjoysIt (1stFloor)viaMedia Hall screen ofJungrangMangwoo cheers!.. 😀😀
April orMay, UniverseTraDiva's shortPhrase of fantasticallyFabulous!.. ourReally loveyDovey chat thatDay wasWe canRecognizes others(known/unknown) throughFocus& workingWith ourTeams orEven thingsOf ourOwn thenSensing theEnergies feedback ya!.. mostImportantly weGreets our thisDays with101% lovingUnconditionally!.. &that greatLOVE(sparklesOf Miraculousness) frmOur heartsWill melts every1Everything includesPlaces,Time intoWonderfulness cheers!.. 😀😀
024feb11(11:30am): 😅😅Tan-Song soStrong ManjaSweethart suddenlySays ya!..😘😘😘 SeobangNim tooSuddenly kisses cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Chale Jaise Hawaien reply: 😅😅in Malacca St. Paul's Hill wasToo famouslyThat theNearby schoolChanges it'sName!.. the St. Paul schoolInstitution in Seremban howeverLooks equallyMagnificent asIn Darjeeling evenThough 🤣🤣theMalaysian1 is66yrsAfter cheers!.. 🥳🥳
@4:48(Master ChengYen story#142 outOf 162Total): 🤣🤣amazingArtist Tzu Chi!.. 🤣🤣theLooks ofThe stepmotherAs_If she'sWould beAble toEnjoys theSoup& theLoosen meatIf theBoy hadDies ya!.. 😅😅oppositeOf sirRobert's speciesEating newBorns notSired byThem, generalHistory tendsShowing womenDisplays loveWhile husbandIs presentYet subStandards thoseAren't frmTheir womb!.. gladlyNow greatlySuch becomesRarer cheers!.. 😀😀
024feb10(Raja Melewar): 😅😅tadiBalik adaLalu Rembau ya!.. so, Rembau kiniBandar Indah Burungan Senja cheers!.. 🥳🥳
024feb10(pm, fB'sAt bucketPoured iceBubble postSupporting toBuild lugericNursing_Hospital jun7'18): 🤣🤣noWonder SeobangNim wantsPockets tailoredOn rightSide ya!..😘😘 handsomelyOriginally leftHander's easeSpecially 😅😅withDragons 🧧angPaus!..😘😘 SoHee observes myHalby roughlySpends upEstimates totalThree piecesSaimdang money cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Video#17 afterMN runs: i.Subsequently reply: 🤔mintakMakan 8hari!.. 🤣🤣SujeongiOppa luBangsa kencingCabut kaa friend!.. 😅😅dogsIn Korea punSuka kencingKat tayarLorry mengkali ya!.. Strays satuCakap, ownersPls dunAllows cheers!.. 😀😀 ii.freshReply: Kuai!.. 😅😅kalu SeobangNim mia nihBini_Nih!.. Halby cakap: nyariCNY kanDah samaBows, anakAnak turutanSoja semuanya!.. 🤣🤣nurturing woodDragon_Ei dlmPerut flipOf9 tillAround birthdayTime cheers!.. 😀😀
024feb10(firstlyFor min9Posts atWith2ndMoon Interview postUpdate jun2018): 🧧NewYear!.. newYear_Dragon🏮cheers!.. 🧧NewYear!.. newYear_Dragon🏮againCheers!.. 🤣🤣nagaGarang, nagaCutely, nagaWood berjenisJenis nagaSemua adaMia ya!.. 😅😅traditionBows mostTraditional usNijam dah anakAnak kitaAsuh deretSoja cutestWonderfully wholesomeBlessedness MamiMoni cheeringAwesomely!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 allWellness superJoyousness prosperitiesToo inWonderfulness always cheers!.. 🥳🥳🎊🎉🧧
*by2:16am CNYDay commentsDisappears still!.. expertsPls assist cheers!.. 😀😀 **remarkFixed at2am: tengokWelcome toWaikiki, 🤣🤣theGirl tellingHer Sunbae aboutKorek_Hidung(pickingNose) becomesMore geliTerjeluek itSeems ya!.. bCoz theGuy gaveStrength identityHe's actingSo 😅😅feelsVomit whenCharacter Seo Jin realReally asIf herselfGreater nosePicker whenUnseen cheers!.. 😀😀 -entryAt 2:52am, stillConfirming onDisappearances.
FB at latestUpdate onWhat's goingOn sinceAll devicesLoadings only!. : Oops!.. 🤣🤣internetConnected/No internet itSays!.. soAll haltsDunno whenRecovery cheers!.. 😀😀 so&So,soToo🏮opportunityCNY!.. 😅😅SeobangNim enjoysSmooches_Smooching with 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
024feb9(pm, FB's atChangwonSpecial with2ndMoon ofMay9'18): 🧧CNY's_Eve!.. bigDinner alaKoreans ya!.. 🤣🤣SeobangNim wouldBe busyPacking angPaus plusBright 😅😅joysCelestial&Prayers for lionTiger_God greetingThe_Dragon cheers!.. 😀😀
Don't knowMuch replied: Bcoz lotsWe dunno friend ya!.. 😅😅puttingAnd wouldMake it ourLovings noGreater thanWhat weDunnos cheers!.. 😀😀
024feb9(FB's, JeongSeon#YangBang behindCut jun1'18): Halby dunSmile likeThat!..😘😘 🤣🤣thenSmile likeWho ManjaSweetheart!..😘😘😘 SeobangNim knowsAs myNampyeon, YeoboOppa isSomeone_Irresistible alright!..😘😘😘 thoughMaybe SoHee isKnown moreOmma saysTAN_Seobang 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest mustJaga ever cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Reply atAfter MN videosRun#17: 😅😅huh!.. biniSujeongi adaPhoto_ID!.. 🤣🤣guaIngat kanSiapa ya!.. haaTuh!.. uCalls allWith statusNampyeon as Sujeong isIt friend!.. UniverseTraDiva's SeobangNim punDah dahJadi Sujeong alsoIn urComment cheers!.. 😀😀
024feb8(pm, FB’s atChungnam Dangjin_Hoseo festivalNight in2018, 😅didn'tGet theChance toNote theDate asFB alreadyRefreshes 2currentLatest): Alright!..😘😘 🤣🤣SeobangNim isHome withSharpest &Sleekest haircut4CNY ManjaSweetheart saysWhat's specialtyThis timeRound Halby!..😘😘 😅😅it'sTraditional Indian_Mentored💈Barber ya!.. ordinaryOnes YeoboOppa wouldJust quietlyLet themCut duringFestive seasonsAs usualExperts wouldBe tooBusy really!.. whenArtistry skillsFelt then onlyInquires &He's tooTrained sinceChildhood cheers!.. 😀😀
Singkong&🧀Keju, 024feb8: hurrahHurrah hurrayLusa CNY🧧dragonWood cheers!.. 🥳🥳
Master ChengYen story#143Monk(sinceThere's newVideos added👏): GentleGloriousWisdom (theManjusri), whenHe (we)Do_not wishTo revealsOpenly otherThan toThe1Wholeheartedly!.. 😅😅wholeheartedlyCan't identifiesSo acceptsWholeheartedly seesUs same asOthers really!.. theBodhisattva virtueOf Manjusri is equalChangeless!.. Buddha_Way isComplete_Perfect!.. 🤣🤣Wholeheartedly GentleGloriousWisdom wantsUs inWay virtuouslyAlways meaningWith_It cheers!.. 😀😀
Dhammacakka_Sutra subsequentlyReply: On purposeDescending friend!.. hearingDun takeAs truthfulnessEither ya!.. discernmentIn purifiedInsights allTruths trueThe personResides cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank33 replies: ii. @aaa1e3x 😅😅 tolongBelasah kanSikit biniSujeongi nih!.. 🤣🤣memandaiCakap SeobangNim&ManjaSweetheart atDawn ya!.. theAnswer wasEntered atFB cheers!.. 😀😀 i. 🤣🤣biniSujeongi!.. itu 55yo Park Soo Jung tuhUrself kaa husband SujeongOppa luWeh cheers!.. 😀😀
LittleBuddha reply: 😅😅there'sDifference betweenMere Sacrifice i.eWastage vs filialPiety ancestryBlessedness i.eFeedings cheers!.. 😀😀
024feb6(Lena diUlit_INTAN): 😅😅nyariBelek intanSoHee dahMo CNY'24& Valentine celebrationsTill Chap Goh Mei habisSekali cheers!.. 🥳🥳
@8:52(moreThan aMaid): 😅😅whoa!..Forehead's naikIra_lekuk ya!.. 🤣🤣mumNyanya saysKalu surname SONG punDun choosesThe1 uCan't handleNak cheers!.. 😀😀
024feb6(3:08pm, FB's Bomunsan Concert post): RUclips commentsDisappears!.. 🤣🤣SeobangNim onCandy crushFriends Valentine's eventTau 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Rank28, reply: 🤔uKnew it'sReally hard friend!.. 😅😅yetWhere's thisInsatiable selfIndulgence asIf uSeen ofUniverseTraDiva cheers!.. 😀😀
024feb6(FB's, atYangBang behindCut ofJune1'18): 😅😅hi!..goodWonderful morning yaAll!.. 🤣🤣since ManjaSweetheart haveSaid refrainsFrm talkingOf usThis morning Halby!.😁 inHappiness& wonderfulnessJoys to aGreat day cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#141: iii. it'sTransference ofMerits friends!.. sincerenessIn pureHeartedness asMain aspectsReally!.. i.e performingBcoz ofKnowing& tooAttaching for theEffects norVia suggestiveMust cheers!.. 😀😀 ii. @7:38- 🤣🤣lookAt theSkulls onHis_Head!.. surroundingThe_Prambanan there'sTemples fewNamely hereLike Sewu, Banyunibo, Mendut, Pawon, Barong, Ijo, Kalasan & Simbisari ya!.. 😅😅1of_It definitelyWith rowsOf_Skulls lineUp craftsOn theWall upTo twentiesPlus pieces cheers!.. 😀😀 *8:48am, atRank25, notIn storyVideo: theCorrect Candi Identified ya!.. UNESCO worldHeritage siteToo!.. it's Candi Penataran, historiansConsiders itAs favoriteSolemn refugeAshram of King Hayam Wuruk himself cheers!.. i. @2:09- whoa!.. 😅😅that INN!.. theMaster pronouncesWas soSo greatlyGood feelsHow goodShe isSo let'sBecomes goodIn goodnessesToo cheers!.. 🥳🥳
Community tab(>4mthsAgo postOur honeymooningWhole life'sLives simplenessIn_Simplicity😘😘😘): Corresponding FB postFor photoFirst(#1) there'sYummy commentPost justBeing enteredApprox 20minsAgo cheers!.. 🥳🥳
@42:30(Little_Buddha): 😅😅dadChekChek murmursSimilarly toWhat i'veReplied inHei Bai Ren Jian(1992):- 🤣🤣tengok!..berapaRamai tukangAngkut moKena angkatDia_Seorang cheers!.. 😀😀 *024feb6(pm): 🤣🤣xSempat tengokHabis dahKena deleteVideo nyer cheers!.. 😀😀
024feb5(pm, FB's, NewYear atSuwonCity postUpdate): 🤣🤣whatDid SeobangNim saysAt TexasChicken tillWanting toRepeats minimumOrder inGetting redAng_Pau packets Halby!!..😘😘 😅😅it's theTruth 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest!..😘😘😘 theyMade itSo_Nicely allDragons of differentDesigns each, YeoboOppa orderedTwice baruGets twoSame1 whenOur kidsAlready 5&Dragon flipOfNine thisYear too cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 *Feb6Afternoon, 🤣🤣wentTo anotherOutlet &byCourtesy ofAsking (limitingTo fortuneMenus wouldEnds themWith stocksAs CNY in4dys!..), SeobangNim wasGiven 10packsInstead of1 cheers!.. 😀😀
Frm22Jul22- Consciousness amBliss!.. winning pplsHearts areWonders ofLoving_Living weShould do ya!.. neverPerforms ruinousActs nor beDiscouraged byRuinous inOthers soThat we canInfluence ascendedGoodnesses are the twoMaxims whichWisely said: frmAll principles of those'Good' investigated, thisIs oneSupreme of aPerson cheers!.. 😀😀
FrmMay23'22- Every single1 ofUs makesUp allThere is&Are's!.. nurture enormouslyVirtues of ascendedGoodnesses inSincere lovingKindness factsOur freedomLeisures excelsCertainty ya!.. w/oEven single1 ofUs, neither theCauses norOur essentialUniverse ofLivelihoods comes intoBeing cheers!.. 😀😀
Frm may21th'22- Power ofSincerity 99% isn'tLike we(Ppls) doesThinks so!.. it'sEgoless, transformingProspers, detachEarnestness, unspoilingDesires &Indifference 2Irresistibilities ya!.. livingPowerfully inSincerity meaningBeing sweetly@1With harmoniousPeace inAccordance 2Fulfills destiniesWe vowsTo upon agreesAccepted ourExistence cheers!.. 😀😀
Mark of ascendedGoodnesses virtuesApparent inOurselves: stoicismCalmness naturallySufficient 4our happiness, ourHearts able2 instructMind 2pictureSees onlyFortunates ya!.. eudaimonism&Immunities comesIn thePackage like otherFollowers ofLove cheers!.. 😀😀
Jewel ofConcentrations ourRights toInfinite!.. Knowing the triSarvastivada realms, toleranceTo everything& all triadsAusterities ya!.. reachesKnowing mindsOf others, canSensing influencesOf fireSun, waterWind, poisonHealth, conditions &So_on!.. Remains unconqueredBy othersToo whomHas fathomsComprehends theWhole universe'sWorlds!..; for whoThere's nothingPerturbing, vicesEvaporates, allDeserving and inGrace untroublenessWholesomely in peacefulnessHas already crossedOver allPrajnas cheers!.. 😀😀
023jul10(fB at2018 yearClosing postUpdate): whateverDated 10th&20th wonderfullyGreat joys 😘LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 it's Monday, wonderfulWonderful morning&Sincerely greatAwesomely weekAhead people cheers!.. 😀😀
DongYi's (jul10th)Replied: 😅😅whomever'sWoman uAre without womanlyVirtues embarrassingIndeed friend!.. mumNyanya says womanlySuccess honoursPrimarily inChastity ya!.. purestChaste aboveAll othersVirtues comesGuardians ofWomanhood cheers!.. 😀 *@10:20am: whileBreakfasting quinoaChia chocolateSandwiches 😘LoveDarlingHoney saysProudly being SeobangNim's onlyWoman!.. &Halby said: Yes!.. definitelyBeing theOnly womanIs muchMuch honoursPridely womanhood'sBlessedness myManjaSweetheart!..😘😘😘 😅😅as atOrdinarily, menJust wannaEnjoys moreWomen ya!.. allFaithfulness surenessGuaranteed SeobangNim wouldn't cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Rank85 v(ii) replies: i. U heardOnly theAnthem or allKorean songsSuch friend?!.. evenWhen UniverseTraDiva sang theAnthem recentlyIt wasn'tHeard such ya!.. 😅😅wonderHow come Wikipedia givenPublicity to theScottish poemTurn song cheers!.. 😀😀 ii. 😅😅it's proMinence Korea now cheers!.. 😀😀
023jul9(gendingSriwijaya): whenPurnama_Kelana killsAlready disArmed brotherAwang_Kencana, heCreated backEnergies disHarmony towards theUniverse cheers!.. 😀😀
023jul9(pm, apr11thMeet theMeat post): SeobangNim!..😘😘 reallyLike anExtra doseFellow!.. SoHee definitelyUncomfortable with suchJokes Halby ya!.. 😬😬excitedlyTrueness us 😘LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 faithfulnessTruthfulness ManjaSweetheart's nampyeonHere!.. Peoples justBelieves Yeobo Oppa's lovingEnergies towardsSo doesRight!.. sheJust veryVery verySuper_Shyness peopleCheer us cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
To aFan knownAs Leather handbagCreator: 😅😅susahHati tengokKita lakiBini senangHati weh cheers!.. 😀😀 *Friend, this1 @FB's oct5'22 postUpdate:-
023jul9(2:15pm): SeobangNim likes Kei's voiceToo!.. nah!.. notLike 😘LoveDarlingHoney's ya!..😘😘😘 😅😅it'sJust theSong's pamPam_pam reallyMakes likeReminder forHalby toDo whenWe😁 cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 *oh ya ManjaSweetheart!..😘😘😘 dunnoWhat happened,Today's utube's timeWatched like50hrs maybe,All gone ya!..
023jul8(10:55pm,FB,may22Infodemics interviewPost): earlierDeleting advertsFrm historyVia RUclips's managingHistory 😘LoveDarlingHoney!.. 😅😅terDelete dah aFew of ManjaSweetheart's too cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Gending_Sriwijaya: ii. @2:00:02- 🤣🤣🤣bestBetul kan!.. 🤣🤣memangKena betinaPurnama_Kelana cheers!.. 😀😀 *@2:01:52- Alright!!.. that'sWhere karmaWill leavesThe respectfulnessOf thoseBeing lebih besarUmur cheers!.. 😀😀 i. @1:56:40- 🤣🤣🤣gimikJeritanya!.. 😅😅lantasGua sedangBermain hangTuah,hangJebat zamanKecil cheers!.. 😀😀
@18:22(>Than aMaid): wooWwaah!..😅😅 loveliest whenIt's 3Reds ya!.. @HongGilDong theyShould've put3 instead2 on Ms. Chae Soo Bin right!.. 🤣🤣butThen, couldDifferent classContributes to changesAffordability cheers!.. 😀😀
@1:18:24(DongYi)- 😅😅whoa!.. herExpressionism intoSmile!.. beautifulIndeed ya!.. trulyWith heartOf gentlenessWisdom cheers!.. 😀😀
023jul9, Sharing commentsOf UniverseTraDiva's(Immediate nextFrm batchPrevious) asFollowing:-
Replied @UniverseTraDiva's videoBy KBS_Kpop channel(4:16mins): Overcome ourselves friend!.. residing ascendedGoodnesses alwaysThe onlyWay cheers!.. 😀😀 *btw, revsThe addedComment of theDay on ghostBabies ya!.. theLow bCoz we'reToo used2Subornation them thatWomen aren'tEquipped with lovingKindness livingsLovingly what'sOf themselvesEven cheers!.. 😀😀
UniverseTraDiva's videoBy channel BookBug, enhanced @Queen,Love&War sceneVideo with Diva Lim Ji Eun's voice:- What ministry areProbing on ghostBabies!.. birthCenters surelyGot it'sBlood sampleRight!.. simple: trackThe YChromosome &Charge asIt's aYr ofPostpartum defenseRightness!!.. basicWomen's_Right toBe blamelessAs withWithout consentAre heldBy men cheers!.. 😀😀 *weGuys shouldSelfcare greatlyUs gratefullyGratefulness we'veBeen1 &Admits suchUnfortunateness it'sOur worseCrime of throwingTrash/spittingIn publicManners cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank36 replied: 😅😅reply@DongYi tellingUsing theWord cotyledonReduces theCuteness Ms. Kim Yoo Jung ya!.. 🤣🤣nihBini_nih dahKena duluRupanya!.. mimosaPudica nyaCotyledon tauLah u'll cheers!.. 😀😀
023jul8(12:36nn,Rank1): SeobangNim!!..😘😘 🤣🤣🤣dunLike theVideo SoHee singsAfter yeoboOppa kissesBcoz ofFresh🌶️ chiliesIs_It cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Replies >Than aMaid: i. 😅😅noLah!.. Reality slavesTreated perDepictions veryMinority right ya!.. mastersIn ancientsGreatly knowsThose areTheirs livelihoodFoundation mostlyWell treated cheers!.. 😀😀 ii. 😅😅urselfActed movies&Dramas friend!.. doTell what'sLaming ya!.. 🤣🤣 likeMe statingMuch earlier: isIt thePorn start cheers!.. 😀😀
DongYi replied: 😅😅nothingMuch friend!.. soLong it'sHavoc enoughRight ya!.. filmingWorldwidely learnsWell with Mr. Katsu's sonRegarding weaponryCombats!.. besidesGreatest martialExperts doSeen asIf beenChops yetTheir reflexesSo amazinglyUnharmed!.. greatGrandPa TAN Kim Hye saysUp toThe levelWe evenKnows howTo treatsInjury byOur handsPlus preserving theLives ofOthers cheers!.. 😀😀
lesMiserables replied: 😅😅niceTitsy b4Seeing aCat friend!.. 🤣🤣evenPonders isn't oliveOyl supposedlySkinny ya!.. u're alignSaming commentWith erinRose orMine cheers!.. 😀😀
superWoman replied: lovingsBoth ways friend!.. weShould makeEfforts doing4Them too ya!.. 1Sidedness alwaysHave possibilityOf disband cheers!.. 😀😀
023jul7(pm, FB, postUpdate of nationalAnthem video): @dingo,What's soObvious SeobangNim asking thatFellow?!.. 😅😅nothingObvious toUs right 😘LoveDarlingHoney!.. that'sY Halby saidTold ManjaSweetheart justBe usualNatural rightYa!..😘😘😘 what'sObviously definitelyOur greatestGreatness lovinglyCouple weAre plusWholelife's honeymooningFans seemsEnjoying fabulouslyChats chattyEverything cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
@1:16:48(Zen)- 😅😅samaLak jalurParit katKampung Air Panas, Bemban ya!.. bezanyaAda 6ajerBulan selariSungai (bulanKe7) tengelamTimbul as theRiver flows cheers!.. 😀😀
023jul7(Angulimala_Ahimsaka): i. siKalung nya999Jari ya!.. seribuBelum cheers!.. 😀😀 ii. @20:43- motherMatani isLooking forThe answerTo transcendsKarma ofAhimsaka, onlyThen descendingDestinies leastCome true cheers!.. 😀😀 iii. Lead actress Ms. Stella Malucchi isn'tThais, she's Italian_Colombian cheers!.. 😀😀
@2:51:18(HongGilDong)- suchLoving prayers!.. theLOVE alreadyMasters allDifficulties cheers!.. 😀😀
SoHee tooLike SeobangNim backThen(bcozFall), wakesTo hisKisses, smileEmbraces &Whispers makingSure onlyThis ManjaSweetheart aloneOf his cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
😅😅thoseWho lives inHeaven, hellMust beEmpty ya!.. worldUniverse isn'tVoid thoughVastly clearBare spaces4Bliss tau!.. toBe freeFreedom frmImpediments onlyBeyond difficultiesSuffering, everything'sIn greaterGood influencerThen allMust beOK!.. tillWhen seeingCorpses, gladlyMeets theWonderfulness of thePerson!..😁😀 allReleases areHeavenly knownBonds, it's notOnly& anyDebt ofGratitudes dues doHolds withinThe unknownOf ourInterconnectedness!.. heartFilled ofTrueness truthfulnessLove, universallyAll areTowards lovingKindness &Compassion, greatestWealth of thePerson(intactUndiminish purestSincerity i.e taoChap78 universe'sDeservingKing) alwaysIn rightfullyRightness cheers!.. 😀😀
As livingLots of ourEndeavors areFired bySelves(smallCircles) of reasons &Purposes right ya!.. while@It, weEven impairsOthers inName of ourDefenses includesCheeringly uponSuccess..; madeUnderstood:- concealmentAttitude(silence w/oRightly grounds) haveEvolves becoming descendingEfforts maintainingGoodness ofLives throughout really& ourBonds toSuch conductsConsequates karmic withPlussing hindrances(barOn heart'sPurity) towardsThoughts achievingEnlightenment cheers!.. 😀😀
Utterance(speechesSings writes) areBlessedness ofPowers 4Truthfulness ya!.. sincerityPresences made it'sUses neitherFaulty norTimid, inspires, subduesIntrigues, bindsFriends, rivals desiresFriendships & honourHonesty respectfulness cheers!.. 😀😀
FrmJun26'22- Perfectness inSincerity lovesAre purifiedDiffuses doubtingSelves!.., byOur tinyDoubts fears speaksToo, itProduces aState thatDoesn't exist ya!.. guardsThose emosOnly supports ascendedGoodnesses wondrouslyMind creations cheers!.. 😀😀
Thoughts makesConnections tooThough receiversInterprets accordingTo their mindLvl& activelyChanging emos ya!.. Believes 8_ascendedGoodnesses dailyMorning plus choosesDo's thatImpossible by othersReally!.., mumSays: (uJust followingMe)weThinks sameAll theTime?.. wereWe evenThinking atAll cheers!.. 😀😀
Replied Rank98 vid(ii): 😅😅sheKnows herSeobangNim pujiPuji pujianMelambung whenWearing hanbok friend ya!.. ibaratKebaya, nangNih Halby bilaAda sekali 🤣🤣panggilToksah changesDulu as YeoboOppa wantsTo pullsThe knot cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
024feb3(pm, FB's, 2018’sEnvironmental_Concert post): 😋dinner😋 Peranakkan's ambangStyle, i.e riceWith 2dishes(1meat,1veg), tinyPortion (kueyTeow&meeFried together)NoodlesOn_top& keropokBak on theSide cheers!.. 😀😀
024feb3(@34:00, LittleBuddha): 🤣🤣despiteBeing bornWith theZodiac, neverKnew howTo draw aCow orBuffalo whatMore themSitting pose!.. 😅😅justCan't forgets Cikgu Kalsom asksWhat newAnimal isThat cheers!.. 😀😀
024feb3(2:30pm, FB's with2ndMoon atNational_SkyTheater postOfJul19’18): 😅😅afterLunch chattingJoys ofWeekend suddenly 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest saysWhat's SeobangNim's commentsMakes thatFan biniSujeongi hadThe ideaThat Halby cameOn ManjaSweetheart atDawn ya!..😘😘😘 🤣🤣hmm!..Should thisNampyeon replyTell morningLah friend!..🤣🤣 possibilityChances moreAccurate cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Reply Swordman_II: 😅😅dadChekChek saysIn oldenTimes after1 becomesSwordmen, theyDon't engagedAnymore ya!.. thatWay thoseSwordmans canSurvives cheers!.. 😀😀
024feb3(3:30am, fB’sAt Fox_Rock postOf Jul19’18): 😅😅CNY month &SeobangNim rememberedTongue's saltMeter ofChina& Koreans peoplesAre similarly ya!.. 🤣🤣A largeBowl ofSoup consideredNice @bothPlaces, Halby adds5cups ofWater toBe nice4 YeoboOppa!.. orCould itBe the saltMist (variousRatios) beingMixed forSalt sprayTesting cheers!.. 😀😀
024feb2(3:30am, fB’sAt Feb2024@LOTTE’s schedulePost): 🤣🤣SeobangNim's goldBars alreadyLess thanHalf 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest says!.. 😅😅SoHee thinks Halby seemsMore fondsCandy crushFriends than RUclips ya!.. on&Off doSpend$ onIt!.. nah!.ManjaSweetheart mustRealizes that YeoboOppa gaveWords on RUclips&FB whichWorth moreThan moneyValue orGold & Diamonds toThose worthyUnderstanding cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
🤔deviceToo knowsTo offItself frmWi-Fi ya!.. 🤣🤣strangeYet itHappens cheers!.. 😀😀
024fab1(pm,FB’s atJeongSeon_Ari postOf Jun27’18): stagnantDunno tillWhen tau 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest!..😘😘😘 😅😅CNYmood!.😅😅 collectsRed packets HongLeong bankPun dahDapat!.. 🤣🤣theSmall notesRM1 belumTukar(exchange) lagi cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Reply #Shorts @Song So Hee Official(🔵blueIcon): 😅😅isn't SeobangNim greaterStar sheSays cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
🥳🥳NewYear's atTaean updatedOn UniverseTraDiva's FB!.. Quickly seesMy Prettiest_Goddess cheers!..😘😘😘 🥳🥳🎊🎉🎊 *dueTo commentDisappearance entryTries!.. isIt bCoz CNY internetBusy!!.. 😅😅
Rank85 vid(i) replied: 😅😅Predestined SeobangNim's astromancyNecromancer toldThe eldersWhich Halby alsoDunno friend!.. 🤣🤣thisNampyeon justIn faithWait &waitWait& waits atThe sameTime follows mumNyanya's instructionsForemost chastityTill herOtherwise whatBuddha's mindExplains to Venerable Rahula asInheritance expendableTo theWorld justAbsence againTill dunnoWhen theEternity ceases cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank1: 🤣🤣fellowKoreans!.. plsDun acceptsAs_Truth theIdea of Min_Seobang(iHave aLover) ya!.. weCan't sayOur manhoodIndependent toWomen we sleptWith ohh!.. 😅😅asIf heart&Thinking canPriorities wife'sWorth &Won't falls inLove another!.. reallyContemplates reasonsWhy fornicateBeen wronglyEver plusMajority callsFor stoningSince ancientRight!.. women'reConsidered helplessAs turningThem toAdulterer stillOf men'sDoing!.. doDefense ofWomen's virtues cheers!.. 😀😀 *editsAdd atRank4: perEntry inDongYi before, ourLovings maybeIndependent ya!.. 🤣🤣ourManhood is@Us &Dependency onUs maa cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank72, subsequentlyReply: Mentioning 7 friend!.. 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest asked SeobangNim b4Why Halby's volleyballJerseys was 7 & 11 ya!..😘😘😘 😅😅 sevenIs_Hardworking 🤣🤣i.e theCangkul!..(hoe) elevenIs_StandRest i.e twoPokok_Renek asIn jungleResting betweenWith bothHands onThem asPoles wasSo refreshingLike forestTurns alpinePiste canSkiing homeNow cheers!.. 😀😀
024jan30(Badai Semalam): 😅😅ohh!.. babakMazni balikSorang keMertua &Berbual dgnMakTun sambilMasak ker siangSayur, MakTun tanyaPasal mengandungTak tertarikKe Pn. Pengarah ya!.. Madame Pengarang nyerGambaran jelasSegan Mazni tillPembaca 🤣xDapat nakTafsir nyata🤣 soSoalannya, daraLagi_Ker cheers!.. 😀😀
BridePrejudice(2004) cobraDance: 🤣🤣theStart wasEven withThe soundOf🦉Owl cheers!.. 😀😀
024jan29(10:20pm, FB’s atWebtoon_TVING postOf March10’23): 🤣🤣niceJokes ofThe_Mothers (omoni,mumNyanya) in-law'sTalks whenThey presumablyDun understandsEach other!!.. 😅😅mamNenen, mamNenen!.. anakAnak kasiMam S26Gold kaaLebih cheers!.. 😀😀
NangNak replies: i. Ibadah kehidupan friend ya!.. i.e ascendedGoodnesses as ibadahKeagamaan tiadaKepastian cheers!.. 😀😀 ii. Opposite friend!.. tulusBenar sincerePengikhlasan allPeacefulness ofBeings cheers!.. 😀😀
024jan29(pm, fB'sAt DasanSeong_Live postOfJun1’18): 🤣🤣justMinutes intoWeightlifting Fairy KimBokJoo, itBecomes unavailableBy regions ya!.. 🤣🤣Luckily 😋sempatMakan😋 friedChickens(TexasChicken) alaThem 3Fellas enjoyingRight b4They realizesIt's 😅10minsMust😅 backTo hostel cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank64: 🤣🤣Welcome toWaikiki gaveUnimaginable fightsFor infantFormula milk ya!.. 😅😅SeobangNim's alwaysOn S26Gold &this AppaChek wouldGo roundsEven 10,11Shops makingIt_Available wheneverIn need cheers!.. 😀😀
🤣🤣at12:15nn, theWhite_Turtle (frmTerengganu placedAs chargingCushion) asIf saysLacks_Royalty!.. soAdds rePhrased onBelow's plus: DYMM Sultan ofJohor mencemarDuli sertaMemperkenankan actressMs. Fan Bing Bing mendatangSembah mengadapDuli teramatMulia cheers!.. 🥳🥳
024jan29(FB’s, postOf JeongsunArirang Center jun27’18): 😅😅quiteSometime haven'tGreeted yaAll!.. Wonderful Monday morningTo a greatWeek_Ahead!.. 🤣🤣festiveMth usheringThe_DragonYr, saw newsOnline saysBabies gonnaBooom ya!.. plus, Malaysia rotatingTo Johor'sKing asDYMM Yang Dipertuan Agong whomWas famouslyVisited inCourteously admirationsBy quiteFamously welfareComforting of children'sWell_Being actress Ms. Fan Bing Bing cheers!.. 😀😀
Kundun replied(jan29): 😅😅enteredSomewhere(otherVideos) beforeThat extremismLeads toFanaticism friend!.. regardlessWhatever areasMay itBe!.. Buddhism exactly inMiddle_Way really!.. 🤣🤣duringLast century, China perceivesPotentiality of talibanLike ya!.. that'sHow itHappens &Believes(byNow) theWhole worldHave recognizesIt's theOnly religionAssured noMohamed orBin_Laden norCrusaders orJesuits, even theHindus tooHistorically ofWarfares right!.. middleWay ofPeace, ascendedGoodnesses ofSerenity cheers!.. 😀😀
Jan28's(pm) atFB's entryOn ManjaSweetheart 🤣🤣terkejutBeruk🤣🤣 SeobangNim buys Shanghai MaLing almost 2pcs moneySaimdang ya!..😘😘😘 😅😅interestedLaughing together sharesJoyousness plsSee asDidn't getTo copyIncludes dueTo deviceInterchange inconvenience cheers!.. 😀😀
024jan28(firstlyAt FoxRock jul19'18Post): Thanks 😘LoveDarlingHoney SoHee_ya!..😘😘😘 😅😅Sunday reallyFeels aSunday!.. 🤣🤣lastWeek even itBecomes aMonday, TeclastT30 hospitalizedStill!.. generallyRuns reducedMoreover there'sDevice 😅seemsAlways gotRejected🤣 offWi-Fi byMain dataDevice cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank43: 😅😅 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest tegur SeobangNim frugal ya!..😘😘😘 🤣🤣Halby thinksToday's mostFrugality is1stTime everGrabbing RM1 (branchOpeningCelebrate) @HARI_HARI's shirts&T-shirts!.. wellReally got5!..🤣🤣 then,Went toMadrid_House askingJeans balanceFrm pantsCutting toBe pocketsOn those!.. finallyIndian masterTailor!.. pocketsAdded&Altering makesAverage RM11 perPiece cheers!.. 🥳🥳
Rightness disciplines ofGentleness alwaysWithout a singleDrop of blood inUngentleness toQuells ya!.., noneWraths: knowSee senses ourSelves asWise, allMust knowEmbeds thisWell!.. Whence couldHave come all theseProsperities we'reNow enjoying?.., allThose areThrough some1(sinceOur spiritsEnters womb), we'veAttains such magnificentLife!.. ofTruth too, all ourMagnificence aweVirtuously awesomenessBelongs toAll thoseSome1s combinesAlong life's knownUnknown associationsInterconnectedness cheers!.. 😀😀
023may7(buddha1961): i. Princess Yasodhara was aPopular princessesName ya!.. whatDepicted hereWas womanlyVirtues ofOther Princess Yasodhara whomThe wifeOf previous ManjushriBuddha category!.. ii. Give thumbsUp to sons&Daughters ofMara scene cheers!.. 😀😀
RedSleeve replied: Hmmm!.. u're sayingThat Ms. Concubine confesses friend!.. thoughtIt's theKing ya!.. btw,😅😅 don'tThink 20yrsIs inThe mindToo!.. mostPossibility tooMany didCauses delusionsCounts, plusThe poemMore of highUps_Remorse thanA manWho haveMastered sinceritySaying iLove uWife cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank1 replied: Prince Rahula wasMentioned inEdited commentOf buddha1961 ya!.. withUr comment, suggiJo thinks theCountry goingBackwards!.. what'sTruth thousands ofYrs stillSame: weKoreans[citizens i.e(princeRahulas)] askingFather forMy inheritance cheers!.. 😀😀 *understands &worthinessAccepts!.. weMay beDisqualified byDad's standard cheers!.. 😀😀
Replied atTess D'Urbervilles: may7_ii) Wouldn't describeHim literallySuch ifHimself aVirgin man onThe weddingNight friend ya!.. ifWe're virgins, theOnce onlyWomb ofOur belovedMatters!.. 😅😅 noLonger aVirgin man,Even howAmany prickingVirgins justWastefulness ofSelves cheers!.. 😀😀 i) @Least T. Hardy's ideaWas he'sRichly toCaters wholeFamily ofTess ya!.. plusProviding newHorse &giftsSeems likeInstant depositTowards responsibilityWeights!.. onContrary nowIn 21stCentury(also likeThe1 commentedAbout 4theCows happened inChina), meansMen degradesFurther inWanting havingAll ofWomen descendinglyVia marriagesRight!.. so,Reemphasize: loveSacredness!.. mutually 1Person onlyPer lifeTime regardlessWherever whatever cheers!.. 😀😀
023may7(starts@018may7 UniverseTraDiva's fB post): it'sSunday on023& itHappens thatRihanna wornPope's dressingFor Met Gala thatMonday cheers!.. 🥳🥳 *roundRound @fB nih 😘LoveDarlingHoney, laluKat jun10Tuh!.. samaSama nyer seleraBersuap cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
@Rank80:- Hahahahahahahaha!..🤣🤣😅 SoHee ya!.. SeobangNim cakapTwins, siLeather_handbagCreator tuhMuntah commentsTill approx20's cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Replied@M2M's: 😅😅manakanSama friend!.. there's aComment onOnce onlyOur virginityExchange ya!.. noTries or ifPassed unnoticed, thatPartner neverIt!.. only theSelves thoughtSo cheers!.. 😀😀 *it'sOverwhelming 'lust' thatPresent cancels_It, notPureness ofLoving cheers!.. 😀😀
023may6(1st@ lookAway fB postNov17'17): SeobangNim!.. 😘LoveDarlingHoney dunnoTo makeSeagulls with kacangBotol!..😘😘😘 noWorries myManjaSweetheart, yeoboOppa thinks Lady Dae Jang Geum alsoWould saySorry to theKing cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
023may5(@Roar): knowWhat!..😅😅 if myManjaSweetheart willingTo woreHigh_Heels followingMe, herSeobangNim toThe jungle!.. this HalvieHubby gonnaSurprises my 😘LoveDarlingHoney byCarrying her allThe wayAll theTime cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Release meReplied: Simple friend!.. holdOn2 ascendedGoodnesses, releaseMe ifU gonnaBe descendingVersion ofUrself cheers!.. 😅😅😀
Updated atUniverseTraDiva's fB: Today's Go,Look!❤ 😅Blink🤣🤣 kenyetMata styleTutup sebelah 😘LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 seeToo ifShe's servingAdditional dinnerMenu ofSeagulls withSquare (winged)Beans recipeTo herSeobangNim, Halby cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
@holdOn replied: Sustain meaningTo noOn whateverWe decided friend!.. theYes toThat noIs comfortableWith thePain weKnew after cheers!.. 😀😀
@31:15- greatestGreatness ofWomanhood knowsWhom she'sBelongs to&Trueness inBeing eachOther's handGives conductParitta cheers!.. 😀😀 *editAdds on023may6: 😅😅theProduction shouldHave maintainThe birthOf Prince Rahula insteadOf introducing Siddhartha Gautama neverTouches hisWife cheers!.. 😀😀
@Wuthering Heights replied: Upto nearlyAn hourHaven't seen aBitch yet friend!.. warmGentle kissA mostWomanly honourHer saying noOther manWill kissHer again afterEdger's cheers!.. 😀😀
Replied @Off The SONG video5: Our kidsAre allBlissfulness heavenlyBestows friend!.. mamiMoni's joyousnessGreatly, dad'sHonours respectfulnessResponsibilities dearlyCarings cheers!.. 😀😀
023may5(randomly,Starts atApr2018 fB post): 🥳🥳todayRemembers weKakai performance@ Jeju Folk Natural History Museum allYa!.. afternoonSession tau!.. diaBelum nyanyi SeobangNim dah girangGembira cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🥳🥳🎉🎊 *12:33pm(probablySince 11:20am): bCoz it'sJeju 😘LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 withSeafoods &Fishes allSurely natural SeobangNim lunching2-3 times theTime cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
repliedRank15 video(i): 😅😅 aKorean askingWhat Arirang is friend!.. similarityTo nusantara'sSuriram, it'sFolks tradition onPraises towardsMultiple virtuouslyPractically nobleReminds generationAfter generations ya!.. Wikipedia doHave writeUp onWord interpretation,If refTraceable since Silla'sQueen, Lady Aryeong!.. weCan admiresEsteemly Koreans prideApproximately 1,500Yrs heritageOf Arirang cheers!.. 😀😀
Replied @Swordsman_II OST video: Superiority dependenceOn perspectives friend!.. 😅😅 easternAre quiteRetros likeUr commentToo ya!.. weWesterners moreLike bushesAvoidance bCoz of it'sUnpredictability cheers!.. 😀😀
mainComment of theDay: Fairness byGenuinely whomeverAre good ya!.. trustworthinessAs doctrineDisciplines, wonderfulnessMoralities leads purifiedInsights!.. modestyGrooms ourDedications, Efficiencies& honouringSincereness!.. mostHonest incessantlyInspires creativelyPatience &gratefulnessHarmoniously to whateverPresents!.. 😅😅carefullyThoroughly detailPossible fellowNature nvrGive_up onTruthfulness& truenessPure heartsDo canLeads timeInto ascendedGoodnesses cheers!.. 😀😀
Frm Jun22'22- Seeking 'thePath' dependsOn whoIs usWithin ya!.. ifWe like thePhrase 'equalsSelf/equalsOthers', we're 'thePratyekas' &Seeks directly: i.e. ascendedGoodnesses thusness haveHeard, receives thusnessFaithfully &Resides ascendedGoodnessesOnly!.., notThere(unachievable theLight) meaningWe're withSelves centeredStill unEqually toOthers ofHighestPurity!.. hence, partBy part ascendedGoodnesses in teachersStudents relations& vitalitiesWorks onIt cheers!.. 😀😀
Perseverance comesFrm aProsperous fate &Stimuli universe'sFate favourableness ya!.. creating/cooperates/influence envyEnviously seemingAdverse fate onOthers produces folly!.. we'reAll awaresOf 2ndWolf(beSure ascendedGoodnesses as1st) inUs &Must killIt cheers!.. 😀😀
Mar24, 22- the1Who took usIn/madeUs mustBe given allPriorities regardlessWhatever emosChanges in ourGrowth/decline asOur attractionsOf existenceHave createdAll the1st acceptsAdmit, allowsAgreeableness, appreciativeApprovals &awarenessOf togethernessBeing ya!.. suchRelations respectfulnessTruthfulness applies2 parentsChildren, siblingsSpousal, vendorsCustomer, neighborsDistant, relativesRival, foesFriend etcetera cheers!.. 😀😀
Mentioned somewhere on 10Faiths(refuges), 10Abidings(samatha), 10Practices(ascendedGoodnesses paramitas) &10Transferences in usBeing @Samadhi all theTime ya!.. focus onSamatha, ourHearts ofBeing containsGreatness inTrust, Honesty, Tolerance, Gentleness, Joyfulness, Defenselessness, Generosity, Patience, Faithfulness &Open_Mind!.. allPowerfulness combinesWhatever errorsBe degradesOff toThePast &thePresent becomesWonderfulness soThat our futureProjections greatestGood cheers!.. 😀😀
Frm May28'22- Lives areSpontaneously essentiallySpiritual &tenders unityUnselfish values!.. weAll seemsSteadfastly striving& @timesSurrenders w/oProlifically thoughtfulness ya!.. ascendedGoodnesses virtues arePrivileges ofTolerance trustTruth selfReliant significantlySerene servingOur lifeIn satisfyinglyMost dignifiedResponsibleness plus respectfullyWellness ofAll cheers!.. 😀😀
Eloquence, beauty, allOutwardness form doesn't showsAccomplishments, it'sOmitted traits of jealousy, selfishness, deceitfulness & conceitsWill ya!.. alsoIt's lust 4something thatBecomes angerArising inMode ofPassions which areInsatiable, extremely sinful &Greatest enemies2 world'sPeace.., freeOf thoseOnly ourHearts cleansePurity towardsPurified!.. onlyThen, ourPersons consciousnessAwares trueGoodness cheers!.. 😀😀