The manual says you can switch the D-pad to act as a left thumbstick by pressing minus and home together, but this doesn't seem to work on mine, which keeps it from working as I need it on my emulators.
Hi, thanks for commenting. Have you got it to work? I just looked at the manual again and saw that on the bottom of the page; to be honest I didn’t know what it meant. I was wondering, if it worked, how could it be reverted back? There’s no other info on this. (A bit lost in translation.)
@TossSong Yes, I did get it to work at last! The key is to hold the minus and then just tap the home button; you should see a purple light. Otherwise, it'll switch to device control mode (a green light). You revert it back the same way. And, for anyone wondering, Citra MMJ needs the d-pad mapped as the C-stick, not the main stick, in order to do movement.
Hi, thanks for reaching out. Unless you have the blue one, unfortunately from the seller’s description, the Blue one is the only one that is compatible with Nintendo. I really don’t know why.
Hey, I have the blue one and it connects to the Switch via USB-C cable only. (The other colours are apparently different so it might not work for those?) It can’t connect to the Switch wirelessly at all.
The main difference of the 8bit do must be the inability to key bind. I wanted to use the controller for studies by using it with anki flashcards. Is it possible by any chance to bind keys with an external program?
Hi, thanks for reaching out. There is one reviewer on AliExpress that uses “Miditrol” app to control their midi instruments. And in the app description (way on the bottom), it states that “To control other apps you need to have the MIDITROL open”, so it seems possible using this app to control external devices. However, I have not tested this with anti flashcards.
I always use Xpadder for that, but a great (and free) alternative to it is AntimicroX. Both will allow you to bind any keyboard keys and/or combinations of those, as well as mouse strokes to the gamepad buttons
Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately I wouldn’t know what to do for something this small, or could do a better job than you, for sure. Besides I don’t have to tools to do so. It’ll be interesting though, I maybe consider.
Thanks for commenting and reaching out. Unfortunately this controller doesn’t seem to be configured at all. I will test it with Gamepad Space app and see. If anything, I will let you know.
Thanks for your comment. Fortunately not this little one. No key binding. I’ve read that the comparable size 8bitDo controller can. There’s another ShanWan (Q37) controller that can. I made a video on this one if you’re interested. Thanks again.
Thank you for your comment. It’s the WolfHead FPad3 Android 14 tablet. It’s a fast budget tablet, I like it a lot. I also have a video on it: HeadWolf FPad 3 Android 14 Tablet (2024), Long In-Depth Lookвидео.html
Hi, thanks for reaching out. As long as the Xbox app support Bluetooth (controller), it should work. My guess is it should work. Unfortunately I’m not familiar with Xbox remote play, so I can’t confirm it.
Hi, thanks for commenting. Donkey Kong on Retro Arch Emulator from App Store (iPad), Revenge of Shinobi from App Store (iPad, *may not be available anymore), Galaxy on Fire 2 from App Store (iPad), Magic Rampage from Google Play Store (Android), Real Racing 3 from Google Play Store(Android), Shovel Knight from Steam (PC), and Elden Ring from Steam (PC).
Thanks for commenting. Yes, however, according to ShanWan (on AliExpress), the “Blue” color one is the only one that is compatible with Switch & PlayStation. Hope the color is of your choice.
Thank you for sharing. I wouldn’t know since I don’t have the blue one. Assuming the manual has the proper instructions. Have you tried to contact the seller? Hopefully they can help. Let me know.
Hi, thanks for reach out. Yes, but according to the seller, the BLUE on is the only one that is fully compatible with Nintendo Switch. I don’t know the reason why.
Thank you for reaching out. The ShanWan mini controller is primarily designed for gaming, and it's not specifically designed to control e-book reading apps. However, it might work with some e-book apps that support external controllers. You might have to test it out to see on ebook apps.
Thanks for commenting. Got it, I’m not saying this is better, it’s just an alternative that I found. I also own and enjoy a controller by 8Bitdo and made a video on it as well, so I know what you mean.
I see, that’s unfortunate. For me this one seems to have none or less noticeable lag. Not saying this one doesn’t have it at all, just that I haven’t noticed it. I’m glad.
Thanks for your input. Indeed, it seems like it. There will always will be one, a direct competitor. This happens to be a more affordable one. I also mentioned the 8bitDo at 2:14 in this video for the comparison.
psst. 8bitdo parts are from Shenzen ( China). Same as Shanwan. I can guarantee you the chip they used are probably from the same manufacturer. only difference is the amt of money spend in R&D and the QC of such devices
Thanks for sharing. I could see that and agree. By the look and feel of it, it seems like the plastic or quality can’t be any better on the 8bitdo one.
@mr.werebor8177 Да, этот геймпад должен работать с PS1 эмуляторами на вашем телефоне, если ваш телефон поддерживает Bluetooth и эмулятор распознает контроллер. Убедитесь, что геймпад подключён к телефону через Bluetooth, и настройте кнопки в настройках эмулятора. Если нужна дополнительная помощь, дайте знать! Yes, this gamepad should work with PS1 emulators on your phone, as long as your phone supports Bluetooth and the emulator you’re using recognizes the controller. Make sure to pair the gamepad with your phone via Bluetooth, and check the emulator’s controller settings to map the buttons correctly. Let me know if you need more help!
thank you for making this video, just purchased one for emulation on my mac
Thank you for your comment. I’m happy to know that this was useful.
Does it work well enough of 3ds, GameCube and ds Roms on android emulators
Hi, this mini controller also works on RetroArch and Delta. Haven’t tried on any other emulators.
Great video sir. I have one question before buying one How long battery last ?
Hi, thanks for reaching out. According to their description, it can go about 5 hours.
The manual says you can switch the D-pad to act as a left thumbstick by pressing minus and home together, but this doesn't seem to work on mine, which keeps it from working as I need it on my emulators.
Hi, thanks for commenting. Have you got it to work? I just looked at the manual again and saw that on the bottom of the page; to be honest I didn’t know what it meant. I was wondering, if it worked, how could it be reverted back? There’s no other info on this. (A bit lost in translation.)
@TossSong Yes, I did get it to work at last! The key is to hold the minus and then just tap the home button; you should see a purple light. Otherwise, it'll switch to device control mode (a green light). You revert it back the same way. And, for anyone wondering, Citra MMJ needs the d-pad mapped as the C-stick, not the main stick, in order to do movement.
That is great! Thanks for sharing. Happiness to know how it can be done. And I’m sure this can be helpful for others.
@@grantschatzman7077thanks for this! Brotato was not working and this fixed it! It needed a “joy stick”
I got it working for brotato, that was my issue. Thanks!
i think i have the same exact control, but i does not connect to the nintendo switch. any ideas to make it work?
Hi, thanks for reaching out. Unless you have the blue one, unfortunately from the seller’s description, the Blue one is the only one that is compatible with Nintendo. I really don’t know why.
Hey, I have the blue one and it connects to the Switch via USB-C cable only. (The other colours are apparently different so it might not work for those?) It can’t connect to the Switch wirelessly at all.
The main difference of the 8bit do must be the inability to key bind. I wanted to use the controller for studies by using it with anki flashcards. Is it possible by any chance to bind keys with an external program?
Hi, thanks for reaching out. There is one reviewer on AliExpress that uses “Miditrol” app to control their midi instruments. And in the app description (way on the bottom), it states that “To control other apps you need to have the MIDITROL open”, so it seems possible using this app to control external devices. However, I have not tested this with anti flashcards.
I always use Xpadder for that, but a great (and free) alternative to it is AntimicroX. Both will allow you to bind any keyboard keys and/or combinations of those, as well as mouse strokes to the gamepad buttons
Thank you for your comment and sharing.
can you do disassembly video of it?
my X button keeps getting stuck after some time, and i cant get it open safely
you could probably do a better job
Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately I wouldn’t know what to do for something this small, or could do a better job than you, for sure. Besides I don’t have to tools to do so. It’ll be interesting though, I maybe consider.
Do you know if it is possible to configure this control to use in Anki?
Thanks for commenting and reaching out. Unfortunately this controller doesn’t seem to be configured at all. I will test it with Gamepad Space app and see. If anything, I will let you know.
Can you map the keys on Android for custom functions?
Thanks for your comment. Fortunately not this little one. No key binding. I’ve read that the comparable size 8bitDo controller can. There’s another ShanWan (Q37) controller that can. I made a video on this one if you’re interested. Thanks again.
@@TossSong aww too bad. Thanks for your reply!
Great way to introduce my 3 year old niece to gaming.
Thank you for your comment. Such a great idea, she’d be thrilled about gaming with this!
Great video! What's your android tablet?
Thank you for your comment. It’s the WolfHead FPad3 Android 14 tablet. It’s a fast budget tablet, I like it a lot. I also have a video on it:
HeadWolf FPad 3 Android 14 Tablet (2024), Long In-Depth Lookвидео.html
Hey does it support xbox remote play via ipad?
Hi, thanks for reaching out. As long as the Xbox app support Bluetooth (controller), it should work. My guess is it should work. Unfortunately I’m not familiar with Xbox remote play, so I can’t confirm it.
what application are you playing the games on
Hi, thanks for commenting. Donkey Kong on Retro Arch Emulator from App Store (iPad), Revenge of Shinobi from App Store (iPad, *may not be available anymore), Galaxy on Fire 2 from App Store (iPad), Magic Rampage from Google Play Store (Android), Real Racing 3 from Google Play Store(Android), Shovel Knight from Steam (PC), and Elden Ring from Steam (PC).
Good video, is this compatibler with switch?
Thanks for commenting. Yes, however, according to ShanWan (on AliExpress), the “Blue” color one is the only one that is compatible with Switch & PlayStation. Hope the color is of your choice.
@@TossSongI have the blue one and can confirm it will connect to a Switch via a USB-C cable. It won’t connect wirelessly though, tried all 3 modes.
Thank you for sharing. I wouldn’t know since I don’t have the blue one. Assuming the manual has the proper instructions. Have you tried to contact the seller? Hopefully they can help. Let me know.
can be connected to Nintendo switch?
Hi, thanks for reach out. Yes, but according to the seller, the BLUE on is the only one that is fully compatible with Nintendo Switch. I don’t know the reason why.
Can i reading ebook by this device? 😢
Thank you for reaching out. The ShanWan mini controller is primarily designed for gaming, and it's not specifically designed to control e-book reading apps. However, it might work with some e-book apps that support external controllers. You might have to test it out to see on ebook apps.
Id rather buy the 8bitdo one just for the sake of building a branded ecosystem of devices
Thanks for commenting. Got it, I’m not saying this is better, it’s just an alternative that I found. I also own and enjoy a controller by 8Bitdo and made a video on it as well, so I know what you mean.
the 8bitdo has input delay for me.. its annoying
I see, that’s unfortunate. For me this one seems to have none or less noticeable lag. Not saying this one doesn’t have it at all, just that I haven’t noticed it. I’m glad.
An 8-bitdo controller rip off.
Thanks for your input. Indeed, it seems like it. There will always will be one, a direct competitor. This happens to be a more affordable one. I also mentioned the 8bitDo at 2:14 in this video for the comparison.
psst. 8bitdo parts are from Shenzen ( China). Same as Shanwan. I can guarantee you the chip they used are probably from the same manufacturer. only difference is the amt of money spend in R&D and the QC of such devices
Thanks for sharing. I could see that and agree. By the look and feel of it, it seems like the plastic or quality can’t be any better on the 8bitdo one.
Что на счёт настройки? Хочу на телефоне играть в ps1 смогу ли я это сделать с данным геймпадом?
@mr.werebor8177 Да, этот геймпад должен работать с PS1 эмуляторами на вашем телефоне, если ваш телефон поддерживает Bluetooth и эмулятор распознает контроллер. Убедитесь, что геймпад подключён к телефону через Bluetooth, и настройте кнопки в настройках эмулятора. Если нужна дополнительная помощь, дайте знать!
Yes, this gamepad should work with PS1 emulators on your phone, as long as your phone supports Bluetooth and the emulator you’re using recognizes the controller. Make sure to pair the gamepad with your phone via Bluetooth, and check the emulator’s controller settings to map the buttons correctly. Let me know if you need more help!