Rupert is the absolute master of teaching us how to look and find our true nature. Time and time again his talks shine a spotlight directly on our everyday experiences, making the road home so clear, practical, and available to all. So much gratitude 🙏🙏
I have listened to many videos of Rupert speaking and I really, really feel in tune with this one in particular. I got a glimpse of what it means to be truly One Self and in what instances that is so. Thank you, Mr. Spira for your continued attempts to open the door(s) of perception so that we may really know ourselves in the deepest sense.
This is perhaps the most important of his videos to me. It explains how the non dual concept must be separated into two in order to be understood, then collapsed back down to one, thus forming non-duality.
For 1 month, I have been listening to the youtube video of Rupert Spira. Those videos can make me to percept the truth clearly. I think that language study also improved as a Japanese listener. Thank you.
Could sense the essence of all the satsangs in this one! Somewhere I was feeling this doubt that awareness is aware of itself through the body mind.. now, it's clear!! Thank you Rupert!
Hi Farski. This is experiential. Thinking, perceiving, sensing are names for functions of awareness. Take each one of those functions at a time. Start with sensing. Close your eyes and rub your finger over the top of your hand. Now, lets imagine before we developed a language and came up with the word 'sensation' or something else in a different language, we just simply know the experience. The knowing is prior to all words and concepts we use to describe and isolate 'things'.
Dearest Rupert, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for lighting up the path less path. Tests are coming fast and furious. At times sweeping me away. At times making me feel I am being hugged by beingness, where there is no 'I' and That. There is only this benevolent, loving peaceful, ever present expansiveness. I cannot seem to stem the tears of gratitude. I have one question to ask. 'Why do tears flow (not of grief), when I feel extreme gratitude, love or devotion? With love and prayers 🙏🙏🙏
The last comments about, when you act in accordance with your true self rings so true. And I still have to come back and remind (or get Rupert to remind me) that this is true. The universe does seem to work with you, and less so when I forget this wisdom
Wow, I needed to hear this. I was really struggling with going to work at a busy primary school each day and just contracting and feeling separate in that environment of; teachers, rules, egos, insecurity, signs, managers. The whole place just makes me shrink back into a separate self, and I've been asking, how do I do this everyday? how do I go to work in this chaotic place and still feel not separate. Well this post has helped. I have felt like I'm drowning in this kind of environment, very hard to focus and to feel that seamless-ness. So it was good to find this post. Thank you and if you can direct me to anything else that might help me to manage working in a school (and it's not the kids that are the problem, they are wonderful in all their so called behavioral issues, they are honest even when they are not being honest) it's the grown ups I struggle with. I don't know how to communicate with them anymore without entering into this kind of shallow, small talk, making conversation and laughing to be polite or responding with agreement when I don't really agree but my response would either be silence or honesty, complete honesty.which to be honest seems like that could be a breath of fresh air, a relief. But I guess I find myself joining in, so as not to feel left out, or alone or weird. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to feel part of a group, but at times it just gets very two dimensional and I run out of things to say or I know what to say,I could say the truth, but I get scared that it will isolate me. I feel like I'm on the edge of making a decision after having this understanding and experience of non duality, of seamless-ness. I don't know how to be when I step back into the world of work and everyday stuff. Is is better to remember that even in that space there is no separation or should I just go back to satsang, to the woods?
Alison Martin For me, I happen to naturally be very easy going and nonjudgemental but it seems that to find real peace we have to and can either immediately or gradually come to love something about everyone and everything. If I can open to it once it builds faith that it can be real. By as much as possible, observing and questioning myself, I can avoid believing what I think I know about others and myself. This helps to keep me open. Concerning everything and everything (events, objects, people) I find it's my tendency to believe I 'know' ( by 'know' here I refer to relative and limited based knowing that is based on limited information or some limiting conclusion as opposed to absolute type knowing such as that this moment is always based on being a shared moment [shared with events, objects, people] or that NO perceived thing is ONLY as I presently perceive it or think about it) that covers up openness and love. Also I try to see that what I see in others is to some degree also present in me or at least possibly so. Sometimes I even see that they and everything ARE me and in this there's an element of bliss, positivity or oneness involved. Also it's possible for me to see there is "something" unknowable about now that is beyond me and everything. Oh, and also it seems that when I'm open to others they may pick up on that a little and who knows, it might be contagious. Oh, and sure sometimes I end up mechanically agreeing with others. No big deal. Sometimes I make what I think are mistakes but I don't have to identify with them. They just happen. Sometimes they are worth correcting.
Hope you managed to stay afloat :-) Rupert has another video "how to relate to other egos" that might help. Basically don't react to all that conditioned behaviour. Whatever reaction you have is part of the problem, and will continue it rather than end it. If you can just watch reactions as they happen then awareness will shine through and you can let go..
Helen Ormes : yes, I experience it too. But I ask you in all earnest : can you prove with absolute certainty that awareness survives the death of the physical form? Please read my response. That is my challenge to you. All love, Al
I thought about Jesus today as I sometimes do and within moments of this arising thought. There was a small wooden crucifix type necklace hanging out of place as though placed there. On purpose. These synchronicities make me feel like not only is everything connected by one but that one I am. Another Great video thank you.
Eudaimonia cat : a crystal is clear. But prove to me beyond a doubt that awareness survives the death of the body-form. Please read my response / challenge
The dance of life with universe - I’m the paint and the stroke of an artist’s paint brush- all at once being the canvas on which- the universe draws upon, from and on itself- a manifestation of life out of nothing- modulating and creating from itself.
Thank you Rupert! That was so clear and it's resonating for me, yes awareness is here now regardless of objects, always present and watching this video is helping me to trust it, trust what I am and rest in that not the fleeting experiences.
Inez Patino : yes, I totally agree. But to say that awareness exists when you die cannot be proven --UNLESS you are God-Realized ( Fully AWAKE in Deep sleep or death. Otherwise , it's just another belief system---which can be true or false. No certainty.
Deepak Patkar Brilliant yes, but it doesn't prove beyond a doubt that awareness survives the death of the body-form. Please read my response / challenge Thanks Al
The knowing that we are is not divided by objects. The mind labels separate objects and different functions of knowing, but this field of knowing remains undivided by thinking, sensing and perceiving. Ask yourself some more questions to discover this reality for yourself...Can you find sensing separate from the knowing? Can you find perceiving separate from knowing? Can you find thinking separate from knowing? Really look to your direct felt experience and not what the mind may come up with.
awareness is inseparable from the appearance. Try and separate awareness from the appearance of the computer screen. You cannot. try and separate awareness from the sound of the birds, or the sensation pressure as you sit in your chair. Awareness is every appearance. This is the felt realisation of non duality. It requires no argument for itself as it is the only reality. Although it might not be a reality for the mind.
Oh man, how easy is to loose this experience. Thoughts guide us in unconsciousness extremely quick and almost unnoticeable if we don't practice staying present.
As 'ONE' experiences 'ONE', 'ONE' seems to become 'TWO'. These 'TWO' are 'the seer' (infinite, ever-changeless emptiness) and 'the seen' (finite, ever-changing form). 'From' the eternal interaction between this apparent 'pair', 'Everything' happens.
Assuming for a moment what I say is accurate, do you recall providing yourself with illusions? I have found many answers by looking at parallel experiences I "can" consciously relate to. Eg, why would we need to experience adolescence on the way to adulthood (did you create "that" process?).The "way it is" means one is required to discover non self first, to be able to realize self. Another "group" parallel eg. If it wasnt for gravity we wouldnt have been motivated to discover flight.
Existence itself can have no real ultimate 'edge', in expanse or duration. The presence of such an edge is a fundamental impossibility, as beyond it would necessarily exist an unencompassed 'state' of 'Non-Existence'. The very presence of such a state would forever ensure that its own necessary criteria of 'absolute absence' could never truely be met, and so, is a state of absolute incoherence, as such remaining eternally 'self-cancelled' as the fundamental contradiction that it is.
Re: 12:36sec Yes! The reason why the world 'meets you at your new understanding' is because once you've awakened, there's a massive 'update' that happens. The separate self 'operating system' is 'updated'! In a big way! This 'update', brings the separate self's behaviour more in line with its new conditioning, (acquiring the knowledge of BEING KNOWING = new conditioning for the separate self) thereby 'redirecting' if you will, the separate self's behavior... slowly but directly towards that of our true nature. Peaceful. Calm. Understanding. Patient. Happy. Loving. etc. Most importantly, our relationships with others improve because we no longer see them as separate, we see our shared being, and the world and everything in it is known for what it is... 'I'. The same 'I' that is aware of the separate self that is reading this comment right now! YOU 🤗
Non-Existence does not exist, anywhere, ever. Existence itself, remaining as it does forever unencompassed and devoid of any actual limitation, is not a 'thing'. Therefore, Existence itself equals 'ZERO'. Yet, the very 'ISness' of this 'ZERO' equals 'ONE'. Being intrinsically infinite and eternal, 'ONE' is forever choicelessly aware of (and as such, effortlessly experiencing) the absolute causelessness that it is.
Stephen Scerri ; yes, you are correct in your reasoning. But as far as knowing for certain that awareness exists--that it can be known EVEN WHEN YOU DIe???? Prove it. Please read my response and challenge. Thanks, Al
Mind, of itself in universal, and therefor alien to "self". Do you subdue your body also to bring enlightenment? Time is a "slow process". Enlightenment is "now".
the question he asked where do you go to know that you are awere. The guy said yes beacause he was experiencing awareness in the moment he didnt have to go anywhere else to find out.
spirituality is empty in and of itself, because it goes nowhere else than in you. You will find an empty space there, a cold empty space. We are nothing without love. God is love, and we need to get reconnected to Love. That goes by accepting The gift of love. That is fulfillment: Yeshua Ha Mashiach ( the name means :YHWH Savior, chosen and annointed) We must accept the gift God Chose and annointed :Himself YHWH that came to save us because of his love. YHWH means "i am who i am. " The definition of consciousness.
TheMrSpam why does spirituality need to go anywhere else other than in you?! how do you know about the empty space and how do you know is cold- have you experienced it so you can talk about that experience or you read about it somewhere? and how do you propose accomplishing those 'needs and musts' in your message? what muscles are to be put to use?
I am not convinced awareness is self-aware. When being asked "are you aware?", my answer "yes, I am aware" is based on the awareness of the question, so it is a response to the question. It feels like awareness infers the existence of itself from object / question known. Also, in deep sleep state, I am not aware of myself.
You awake from deep sleep when the alarm clock goes off, so there is awareness to hear it. Regarding your first point, do you deny your own existence moment to moment? No, because there is awareness.
Your example of alarm clock doesn't prove awareness is self-aware, what happens is that, in deep sleep state nothing is self-aware, then awareness and the sound manifest at the same time. how do you know there is a awareness prior to the sound?
Ok, I agree awareness is not self aware most of the time. But it is capable of being so, and more so with practice. It has to be experienced by you, it is totally subjective. Try out Mooji's The Invitation videos, it will probably give you a taste. Need some peace and quiet to try it out.
Your answer “Yes, I am aware’ is based on the awareness of the question, so it is a response to the question. What do you mean by the awareness of the question? It is awareness all the same, it really does infer its existence of itself from the object. How can your response to the question just happens out of the blue without being aware of the question, its words therein and its meaning, etc. In deep sleep you are not aware of yourself? In deep sleep your senses eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind..are not stimulated by the external stimuiieband different kinds of consciousnesses like visual, audio, oldfactry, tactile...consciousnesses are not produced which reduce experiences of the outside world which means your awareness is at a very low level but that doesnt mean your awareness has disappeared, your awareness is still there. Theres not much to be aware of when you are in deep sleep, so why does awareness have to work to produce awareness of what? So you are practically not aware when you are in deep sleep, but awareness is there at a very low level to keep you alive without you being aware otherwise you would not wake up at all.
Dear Kreneeperk, where "your" Knowing, Consciousness and Awareness appear to be? Can you find them? Right and wrong are only opinions appearing in the same dreaming "space" - Awareness. Would like to say "This is my Awareness?
When you think, ie when there is a thought in your mind means you are aware of the thought. When you sense something means you have a sensory experience of it. When you perceive something means you are aware of the perception of it. Thats it, all you know is the knowing or the awareness of the thought, the sensory experience, the perception...thats all, just the knowing of them and nothing else. You are that knowing or awareness which means the experiencer, not the experience.
This knowing is the substance of all experience is it not? Otherwise there would be no such thing as experience.The mind has created a separate independent world but when we look at our direct experience we cannot verify a separate independent world. There is only the knowing that we are. We cannot step outside of this knowing.
I have watched many of Rupert Spira and although excellent to listen to he is very good at theorising but never speaks about practice - sure I get it but how do you practice this in real life
Once the awareness is invoked, or once I become aware, there is a natural tendency to look for something to be aware of. How to resist this temptation or habitual deployment of my 5 senses? It takes strong lucid state of being to be aware of awareness itself only, without digressing to other objects or without projecting to objects of awareness. Much like saying I see my own seeing, all or seeing nothing.
A question that came up for me is how do you respond to your partner's infidelity with these understandings? Many times I've heard awareness is open and accepting of every situation. Does this imply that we should just accept and stay in mistreatment?? Would love to hear some thoughts. Thank you!
Its strange , my body i can watch start to fade away when i let it ..... some very strange things begin to happen when i believe ....or when , i dont know its too hard to explain
Of course, there must be something that produced that sound. But thats irrelevant. Why do you have to find out who or what oroduced the sound? Ony your experience of the sound matters to you, how you interpret the sound as the barking of a dog, the bang of a gunshot etc which might cause you fear, concern, panic, worry, desire ie: an emotional reaction which can be pleasant unpleasant or neutral. If it is pleasant you like it, you want more of it, if not you dont like it, you hate it and want to get rid of it, resist ...all these emotional reactions either pleasant or unpleasant are disturbances of the mind causing stress as explained by modern psychologists.
you say tomato I say tomayto. ha ha. Awareness, knowing, seeing, being....All synonymous. being right making wrong, that is for mind. I speka from my heart and not my mind. Nothing to prove. :-)
You are aware all the time 24/7. Awareness is always there, non stop. It must be otherwise you cant experience anything at all of the outside world. How can you experience the outside world? How can you see a tree, taste food, smell smells eyc? Because you have something, some device, mechanism called awareness, But you dont know. So you have to ve aware the you have this device or mechanism called awareness in you operating to allow you to be aware of the outside world. That means you have to recognise your awareness. How to recognise awareness? You have to be aware that you have awareness. So there are two awarenesses here. One is natural, involuntary, at work at all times, unconscious.. and one is deliberate, conscious, directed at the first awareness and recignise it. And you have to maintain this recognition, or make it abiding, or to know that you are awareness that is aware of all experiences, thats all.
You are under a common illusion that there is "somewhere else" which is an integral aspect of beliefs, religious or otherwise always including references to "we" or "they".
The only way to truly know the certainty of awareness is if you die and come back to life with some recognition of the life you previously lived. That's the only way to know for certain. Even in deep sleep ( which is the closest to death) if you wake up, then you are aware that you were experiencing the deep sleep state. . But if you go into deep sleep and your body-mind dies, is it possible that awareness also dies? Can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it doesn't die. Can anyone who reads this prove to me beyond a doubt. I'm waiting... Al
By the way, I do believe that awareness survives the death of the bodyform --but I can't prove it. Until one Experiences being Awake in Deep Sleep or Death, then it will remain an intellectual belief ( which is far better than disbelief but not as efficacious as Awake in Death. ) Al
If you go into deep sleep and your body-mind dies, is it possible that awareness also dies? No it doesn’t die. If awaness died, you would not wake up at all. Consciousness is the continuum of life, when it leaves the body, the body experience a phisical death, the body is a lifeless mass of tissues, no animation is possible. Furthermore in deep sleep neuroscience can detect waves from the brain proving that consciousness or awareness is still there although at a very quiet state. Beyond reasonable doubt.
no mind: full awareness full awareness means mind subsiding. It may be there, but is no more than a mosquito buzzing. your statement lacks experience of awareness. Awareness is not our usual experience of perception. It's clearly another indescribable view. No doubt about it, provided that you recognize it when it "comes" (quote/unquote because it doesn't come, it's mind that goes...). Stop speculating and just investigate.
My appearance is a reflection from your pov. Do you see the difference between knowing and knowledge? If you did, your comment re meaning would be meaningless.
He probably doesn't use antiperspirants, which are controversial medically,health wise, according to some. Knowing his teachings, I would surmise he also probably doesn't care what a Jane or King Lear s opinion of his shirt is. 🙃 If it bothers one, that probably means they would be insecure to have that situation. I would be surprised if Rupert was worried about what others thought about King Lear"s shirt.🙂
Rupert is the absolute master of teaching us how to look and find our true nature.
Time and time again his talks shine a spotlight directly on our everyday experiences,
making the road home so clear, practical, and available to all.
So much gratitude 🙏🙏
I have listened to many videos of Rupert speaking and I really, really feel in tune with this one in particular. I got a glimpse of what it means to be truly One Self and in what instances that is so. Thank you, Mr. Spira for your continued attempts to open the door(s) of perception so that we may really know ourselves in the deepest sense.
Indra Bhaskara You lucky soul. Crystal clear is the best state of all.
Minahh You can never know what you are. No matter who says what.
Minahh : please read my response / challenge
kekfuszal : probably true. Altho perhaps a few God-Realized Perfect Masters know.
@Minahh : Same here.. This video just opened something within.. :-)
This is perhaps the most important of his videos to me. It explains how the non dual concept must be separated into two in order to be understood, then collapsed back down to one, thus forming non-duality.
For 1 month, I have been listening to the youtube video of Rupert Spira. Those videos can make me to percept the truth clearly. I think that language study also improved as a Japanese listener. Thank you.
Gambare ;)
Katsumi Chandra How is japan doing.
It is the same for me ¡¡¡ i am spanish and i understand almost everything even there are concepts no easy to grasp !!!! Namaste Rupert ¡¡¡
Could sense the essence of all the satsangs in this one! Somewhere I was feeling this doubt that awareness is aware of itself through the body mind.. now, it's clear!! Thank you Rupert!
'You are that Knowing' ... how simple, yes, it takes practicing but it really creates space...thank you Rupert!
Hi Farski. This is experiential. Thinking, perceiving, sensing are names for functions of awareness. Take each one of those functions at a time. Start with sensing. Close your eyes and rub your finger over the top of your hand. Now, lets imagine before we developed a language and came up with the word 'sensation' or something else in a different language, we just simply know the experience. The knowing is prior to all words and concepts we use to describe and isolate 'things'.
David Wright spot on.
You stop taking life personally when you realize there is no person.
Love 💕 it 😂
The solution to any problem is to find out “who“ has the problem.
Yessir 😂❤
Dziękuję !
Dearest Rupert,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for lighting up the path less path. Tests are coming fast and furious. At times sweeping me away. At times making me feel I am being hugged by beingness, where there is no 'I' and That. There is only this benevolent, loving peaceful, ever present expansiveness.
I cannot seem to stem the tears of gratitude.
I have one question to ask. 'Why do tears flow (not of grief), when I feel extreme gratitude, love or devotion?
With love and prayers
Geez, Rupert knows how to talk this stuff 'down' to me to where I can really understand it.
Kevy : please read my challenge
The last comments about, when you act in accordance with your true self rings so true. And I still have to come back and remind (or get Rupert to remind me) that this is true. The universe does seem to work with you, and less so when I forget this wisdom
Are you aware? How do you know? Because you are aware that you are aware - awareness aware of itself.
This is so wonderful, thank you Rupert. Perfect timing..
..".that's not the path, this is..that's all" Abraham Hicks🤗 Blessings, The Best.... much appreciated Rupert!
The magic of Rupert - love it!
Wow, I needed to hear this. I was really struggling with going to work at a busy primary school each day and just contracting and feeling separate in that environment of; teachers, rules, egos, insecurity, signs, managers. The whole place just makes me shrink back into a separate self, and I've been asking, how do I do this everyday? how do I go to work in this chaotic place and still feel not separate. Well this post has helped. I have felt like I'm drowning in this kind of environment, very hard to focus and to feel that seamless-ness. So it was good to find this post. Thank you and if you can direct me to anything else that might help me to manage working in a school (and it's not the kids that are the problem, they are wonderful in all their so called behavioral issues, they are honest even when they are not being honest) it's the grown ups I struggle with. I don't know how to communicate with them anymore without entering into this kind of shallow, small talk, making conversation and laughing to be polite or responding with agreement when I don't really agree but my response would either be silence or honesty, complete honesty.which to be honest seems like that could be a breath of fresh air, a relief. But I guess I find myself joining in, so as not to feel left out, or alone or weird. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to feel part of a group, but at times it just gets very two dimensional and I run out of things to say or I know what to say,I could say the truth, but I get scared that it will isolate me. I feel like I'm on the edge of making a decision after having this understanding and experience of non duality, of seamless-ness. I don't know how to be when I step back into the world of work and everyday stuff. Is is better to remember that even in that space there is no separation or should I just go back to satsang, to the woods?
Alison Martin For me, I happen to naturally be very easy going and nonjudgemental but it seems that to find real peace we have to and can either immediately or gradually come to love something about everyone and everything. If I can open to it once it builds faith that it can be real. By as much as possible, observing and questioning myself, I can avoid believing what I think I know about others and myself. This helps to keep me open. Concerning everything and everything (events, objects, people) I find it's my tendency to believe I 'know' ( by 'know' here I refer to relative and limited based knowing that is based on limited information or some limiting conclusion as opposed to absolute type knowing such as that this moment is always based on being a shared moment [shared with events, objects, people] or that NO perceived thing is ONLY as I presently perceive it or think about it) that covers up openness and love. Also I try to see that what I see in others is to some degree also present in me or at least possibly so. Sometimes I even see that they and everything ARE me and in this there's an element of bliss, positivity or oneness involved. Also it's possible for me to see there is "something" unknowable about now that is beyond me and everything. Oh, and also it seems that when I'm open to others they may pick up on that a little and who knows, it might be contagious. Oh, and sure sometimes I end up mechanically agreeing with others. No big deal. Sometimes I make what I think are mistakes but I don't have to identify with them. They just happen. Sometimes they are worth correcting.
Hope you managed to stay afloat :-) Rupert has another video "how to relate to other egos" that might help. Basically don't react to all that conditioned behaviour. Whatever reaction you have is part of the problem, and will continue it rather than end it. If you can just watch reactions as they happen then awareness will shine through and you can let go..
A sense of humor often helps in disarming seriously deluded people.
dear, luminous Rupert
So beautiful to experience the collapsing of the separate self, thankyou thankyou thankyou
Helen Ormes : yes, I experience it too. But I ask you in all earnest : can you prove with absolute certainty that awareness survives the death of the physical form? Please read my response. That is my challenge to you.
All love,
al fogel because 'experience' flows through Awareness. 'Awareness' doesn't flow through experience. ☺
so THAT'S why all these things keep appearing to me...the Universe is showing (telling) me I am on the right track...thank you Rupert Spira.
This is explanation is so important. Thank you Rupert
This is great. Thanks Mr Spira. Blessings to you and all.
I thought about Jesus today as I sometimes do and within moments of this arising thought. There was a small wooden crucifix type necklace hanging out of place as though placed there. On purpose. These synchronicities make me feel like not only is everything connected by one but that one I am. Another Great video thank you.
A great teacher.
crystal clear...
Eudaimonia cat : a crystal is clear. But prove to me beyond a doubt that awareness survives the death of the body-form. Please read my response / challenge
Bless you, Brother. Thank you so much for this. AMAZING.
The dance of life with universe - I’m the paint and the stroke of an artist’s paint brush- all at once being the canvas on which- the universe draws upon, from and on itself- a manifestation of life out of nothing- modulating and creating from itself.
Absolutely loved this video. Thank you so much for this valuable information Rupert. Lots of love from an Australian 🇦🇺❤
Thank you Rupert! That was so clear and it's resonating for me, yes awareness is here now regardless of objects, always present and watching this video is helping me to trust it, trust what I am and rest in that not the fleeting experiences.
Inez Patino : yes, I totally agree. But to say that awareness exists when you die cannot be proven --UNLESS you are God-Realized ( Fully AWAKE in Deep sleep or death. Otherwise , it's just another belief system---which can be true or false. No certainty.
My deepest thanks
Brilliant.....simply brilliant........
Deepak Patkar Brilliant yes, but it doesn't prove beyond a doubt that awareness survives the death of the body-form. Please read my response / challenge
Perfect! Namastê!
Wow ! He creates an experience in a listener.
Nicely explained
Excellent. Japa is what I use to bring me 'back' to Satsang.
The knowing that we are is not divided by objects. The mind labels separate objects and different functions of knowing, but this field of knowing remains undivided by thinking, sensing and perceiving. Ask yourself some more questions to discover this reality for yourself...Can you find sensing separate from the knowing? Can you find perceiving separate from knowing? Can you find thinking separate from knowing? Really look to your direct felt experience and not what the mind may come up with.
beautiful sir
awareness is inseparable from the appearance. Try and separate awareness from the appearance of the computer screen. You cannot. try and separate awareness from the sound of the birds, or the sensation pressure as you sit in your chair. Awareness is every appearance. This is the felt realisation of non duality. It requires no argument for itself as it is the only reality. Although it might not be a reality for the mind.
Oh man, how easy is to loose this experience. Thoughts guide us in unconsciousness extremely quick and almost unnoticeable if we don't practice staying present.
But all there is , is present moment , past and future is a illusion , they need the present to appear as future or past lol
As 'ONE' experiences 'ONE', 'ONE' seems to become 'TWO'. These 'TWO' are 'the seer' (infinite, ever-changeless emptiness) and 'the seen' (finite, ever-changing form).
'From' the eternal interaction between this apparent 'pair', 'Everything' happens.
Instead of being just itself awareness strayed within itself in a mind posture and ends up living an illusion within itself.
Lot many misconceptions got cleared by these words.
Vedant at its purest form.
Fantastic teacher. By the self, for the self :)
Just beautiful!
Absolutely brilliant explanation! 🙏🙏🙏❤️
Assuming for a moment what I say is accurate, do you recall providing yourself with illusions? I have found many answers by looking at parallel experiences I "can" consciously relate to. Eg, why would we need to experience adolescence on the way to adulthood (did you create "that" process?).The "way it is" means one is required to discover non self first, to be able to realize self. Another "group" parallel eg. If it wasnt for gravity we wouldnt have been motivated to discover flight.
The part about falling in love with someone, I felt that. It is actually I with whom I am falling in love. I get that.
Existence itself can have no real ultimate 'edge', in expanse or duration.
The presence of such an edge is a fundamental impossibility, as beyond it would necessarily exist an unencompassed 'state' of 'Non-Existence'. The very presence of such a state would forever ensure that its own necessary criteria of 'absolute absence' could never truely be met, and so, is a state of absolute incoherence, as such remaining eternally 'self-cancelled' as the fundamental contradiction that it is.
There only Awareness exist, the body mind world born from it.
Re: 12:36sec Yes! The reason why the world 'meets you at your new understanding' is because once you've awakened, there's a massive 'update' that happens. The separate self 'operating system' is 'updated'! In a big way!
This 'update', brings the separate self's behaviour more in line with its new conditioning, (acquiring the knowledge of BEING KNOWING = new conditioning for the separate self) thereby 'redirecting' if you will, the separate self's behavior... slowly but directly towards that of our true nature. Peaceful. Calm. Understanding. Patient. Happy. Loving. etc.
Most importantly, our relationships with others improve because we no longer see them as separate, we see our shared being, and the world and everything in it is known for what it is... 'I'.
The same 'I' that is aware of the separate self that is reading this comment right now! YOU 🤗
Thank you! 🙏💜
Non-Existence does not exist, anywhere, ever.
Existence itself, remaining as it does forever unencompassed and devoid of any actual limitation, is not a 'thing'.
Therefore, Existence itself equals 'ZERO'.
Yet, the very 'ISness' of this 'ZERO' equals 'ONE'.
Being intrinsically infinite and eternal, 'ONE' is forever choicelessly aware of (and as such, effortlessly experiencing) the absolute causelessness that it is.
Stephen Scerri ; yes, you are correct in your reasoning. But as far as knowing for certain that awareness exists--that it can be known EVEN WHEN YOU DIe???? Prove it. Please read my response and challenge.
Mind, of itself in universal, and therefor alien to "self". Do you subdue your body also to bring enlightenment? Time is a "slow process". Enlightenment is "now".
the question he asked where do you go to know that you are awere. The guy said yes beacause he was experiencing awareness in the moment he didnt have to go anywhere else to find out.
spirituality is empty in and of itself, because it goes nowhere else than in you. You will find an empty space there, a cold empty space.
We are nothing without love. God is love, and we need to get reconnected to Love. That goes by accepting The gift of love. That is fulfillment: Yeshua Ha Mashiach ( the name means :YHWH Savior, chosen and annointed) We must accept the gift God Chose and annointed :Himself YHWH that came to save us because of his love.
YHWH means "i am who i am. " The definition of consciousness.
why does spirituality need to go anywhere else other than in you?! how do you know about the empty space and how do you know is cold- have you experienced it so you can talk about that experience or you read about it somewhere?
and how do you propose accomplishing those 'needs and musts' in your message? what muscles are to be put to use?
I am not convinced awareness is self-aware. When being asked "are you aware?", my answer "yes, I am aware" is based on the awareness of the question, so it is a response to the question. It feels like awareness infers the existence of itself from object / question known. Also, in deep sleep state, I am not aware of myself.
You awake from deep sleep when the alarm clock goes off, so there is awareness to hear it. Regarding your first point, do you deny your own existence moment to moment? No, because there is awareness.
Your example of alarm clock doesn't prove awareness is self-aware, what happens is that, in deep sleep state nothing is self-aware, then awareness and the sound manifest at the same time. how do you know there is a awareness prior to the sound?
Ok, I agree awareness is not self aware most of the time. But it is capable of being so, and more so with practice. It has to be experienced by you, it is totally subjective. Try out Mooji's The Invitation videos, it will probably give you a taste. Need some peace and quiet to try it out.
Your answer “Yes, I am aware’ is based on the awareness of the question, so it is a response to the question. What do you mean by the awareness of the question? It is awareness all the same, it really does infer its existence of itself from the object. How can your response to the question just happens out of the blue without being aware of the question, its words therein and its meaning, etc. In deep sleep you are not aware of yourself? In deep sleep your senses eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind..are not stimulated by the external stimuiieband different kinds of consciousnesses like visual, audio, oldfactry, tactile...consciousnesses are not produced which reduce experiences of the outside world which means your awareness is at a very low level but that doesnt mean your awareness has disappeared, your awareness is still there. Theres not much to be aware of when you are in deep sleep, so why does awareness have to work to produce awareness of what? So you are practically not aware when you are in deep sleep, but awareness is there at a very low level to keep you alive without you being aware otherwise you would not wake up at all.
best ever... thx
Remember to always be aware of ego
"Feeling is the Secret." - Neville
Dear Kreneeperk,
where "your" Knowing, Consciousness and Awareness appear to be? Can you find them?
Right and wrong are only opinions appearing in the same dreaming "space" - Awareness. Would like to say "This is my Awareness?
You forgot that you put Rupert here, to remind yourself that you have nothing to worry or be afraid of.
"All we know of thinking, sensing, and perceiving is the knowing of them" at 06:34. What does this mean?
When you think, ie when there is a thought in your mind means you are aware of the thought. When you sense something means you have a sensory experience of it. When you perceive something means you are aware of the perception of it. Thats it, all you know is the knowing or the awareness of the thought, the sensory experience, the perception...thats all, just the knowing of them and nothing else. You are that knowing or awareness which means the experiencer, not the experience.
This knowing is the substance of all experience is it not? Otherwise there would be no such thing as experience.The mind has created a separate independent world but when we look at our direct experience we cannot verify a separate independent world. There is only the knowing that we are. We cannot step outside of this knowing.
Is it appropriate to say it is being conscious of the presence of awareness?
I am
I have watched many of Rupert Spira and although excellent to listen to he is very good at theorising but never speaks about practice - sure I get it but how do you practice this in real life
Once the awareness is invoked, or once I become aware, there is a natural tendency to look for something to be aware of. How to resist this temptation or habitual deployment of my 5 senses? It takes strong lucid state of being to be aware of awareness itself only, without digressing to other objects or without projecting to objects of awareness. Much like saying I see my own seeing, all or seeing nothing.
A question that came up for me is how do you respond to your partner's infidelity with these understandings? Many times I've heard awareness is open and accepting of every situation. Does this imply that we should just accept and stay in mistreatment?? Would love to hear some thoughts. Thank you!
How do we know if others are real or if we are dreaming them ?
Same "problem" like the guy in the video. What if this video took me shortly to my actual experience of my true nature and now I'm "back" ?
Its strange , my body i can watch start to fade away when i let it ..... some very strange things begin to happen when i believe ....or when , i dont know its too hard to explain
Ernest? İt's practically the work plus rupert spira 💕
If my experience say, i hear something, then, there must be something which produced sound, without the sound from outside how can i experience sound?
Of course, there must be something that produced that sound. But thats irrelevant. Why do you have to find out who or what oroduced the sound? Ony your experience of the sound matters to you, how you interpret the sound as the barking of a dog, the bang of a gunshot etc which might cause you fear, concern, panic, worry, desire ie: an emotional reaction which can be pleasant unpleasant or neutral. If it is pleasant you like it, you want more of it, if not you dont like it, you hate it and want to get rid of it, resist ...all these emotional reactions either pleasant or unpleasant are disturbances of the mind causing stress as explained by modern psychologists.
you say tomato I say tomayto. ha ha. Awareness, knowing, seeing, being....All synonymous. being right making wrong, that is for mind. I speka from my heart and not my mind. Nothing to prove. :-)
Can someone explain what it means that Awareness is aware of Itself?
You are aware all the time 24/7. Awareness is always there, non stop. It must be otherwise you cant experience anything at all of the outside world. How can you experience the outside world? How can you see a tree, taste food, smell smells eyc? Because you have something, some device, mechanism called awareness, But you dont know. So you have to ve aware the you have this device or mechanism called awareness in you operating to allow you to be aware of the outside world. That means you have to recognise your awareness. How to recognise awareness? You have to be aware that you have awareness. So there are two awarenesses here. One is natural, involuntary, at work at all times, unconscious.. and one is deliberate, conscious, directed at the first awareness and recignise it. And you have to maintain this recognition, or make it abiding, or to know that you are awareness that is aware of all experiences, thats all.
I superseded their games eons ago....
You are under a common illusion that there is "somewhere else" which is an integral aspect of beliefs, religious or otherwise always including references to "we" or "they".
If Rupert ask me : Are you aware?
My gut response will be : Of what? The noise outside? A bird in the sky? The smell of sea breeze?
The only way to truly know the certainty of awareness is if you die and come back to life with some recognition of the life you previously lived. That's the only way to know for certain. Even in deep sleep ( which is the closest to death) if you wake up, then you are aware that you were experiencing the deep sleep state. . But if you go into deep sleep and your body-mind dies, is it possible that awareness also dies? Can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it doesn't die. Can anyone who reads this prove to me beyond a doubt.
I'm waiting...
By the way, I do believe that awareness survives the death of the bodyform --but I can't prove it. Until one Experiences being Awake in Deep Sleep or Death, then it will remain an intellectual belief ( which is far better than disbelief but not as efficacious as Awake in Death. )
If you go into deep sleep and your body-mind dies, is it possible that awareness also dies? No it doesn’t die. If awaness died, you would not wake up at all. Consciousness is the continuum of life, when it leaves the body, the body experience a phisical death, the body is a lifeless mass of tissues, no animation is possible. Furthermore in deep sleep neuroscience can detect waves from the brain proving that consciousness or awareness is still there although at a very quiet state. Beyond reasonable doubt.
no mind, no awareness.
Whose mind?
no mind: full awareness
full awareness means mind subsiding. It may be there, but is no more than a mosquito buzzing.
your statement lacks experience of awareness. Awareness is not our usual experience of perception. It's clearly another indescribable view. No doubt about it, provided that you recognize it when it "comes" (quote/unquote because it doesn't come, it's mind that goes...).
Stop speculating and just investigate.
PhainHmoobLee 'no mind' = no awareness OF mind. Awareness is ever present.
Rogério Lupo 'mind' also = full awareness.
Awareness can never be aware of itself. As soon as you try to be aware of awareness, you loose it
Awareness is known by itself, only itself.
Where did your toes come from? Mind exists to facilitate your self realization, by providing illusions first.
My appearance is a reflection from your pov. Do you see the difference between knowing and knowledge? If you did, your comment re meaning would be meaningless.
Love Rupert, but that shirt is a mess! 4:12
crookedfinger13 Hahahaha! Awareness's way of shining 'through' Rupert 😂 😛
He probably doesn't use antiperspirants, which are controversial medically,health wise, according to some.
Knowing his teachings, I would surmise he also probably doesn't care what a Jane or King Lear s opinion of his shirt is. 🙃 If it bothers one, that probably means they would be insecure to have that situation. I would be surprised if Rupert was worried about what others thought about King Lear"s shirt.🙂
are you in the dream or are You THAT, which is dreaming ? Look at this. Does not matter how you call it.