보충설명 : "You know, something that's big enough that it's comfortable to look at for long periods of time but not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around." 문맥에서 뒤에 나오는 '.... that it feels like a hassle to carry around."부분을 부정형으로 말해야 되지 않느냐고 질문하시는 분들이 계시는데 충분히 헷갈릴 수 있을 것 같습니다. 보충 설명 해보겠습니다. 1. 우선, 수학적으로 설명을 먼저 시도하자면 대충 이렇습니다 : "A만큼 크면서 B만큼 크진 않은 것" - B부분이 부정이죠? 영어 문장에서도 보면 'but not so big'에서 부정을 확립했습니다. 이후에 또 부정이 온다면 부정에 부정이 합쳐져서 긍정으로 바뀌어버리겠죠. 그러면 결론적으로 우리가 하려는 말과 달라집니다. 2. 의미적으로 접근하면 대충 이렇습니다 : "You know, something that's big enough that it's comfortable to look at for long periods of time but not so big, so (that) it doesn't feel like a hassle to carry around." 라고 말할 수는 있습니다. 하지만 이렇게 말하면 의미도 좀 바뀝니다. -- "오래 보고 있어도 편할 정도로 크면서 너무 크진 않은 것, 그래야 들고 다니기가 번거롭지 않으니까."(영어에서도 .. but not so big, 에서 문맥이 한번 끊기고 이어서 나오는 말은 왜 너무 크지 않기를 바라는지에 대한 이유를 설명하는 내용이 됩니다) -- 즉, 말을 다르게 하는 것입니다. 영상에서 말하고 있는데 "but not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around"는 < 어느 정도로 크지 않은 것 >을 묘사하는 것이고 바로 앞에서 말한 "so (that) it doesn't feel like a hassle to carry"는 < 왜 크지 않기를 바라는지, 크지 않음으로써 얻는 결과 >에 대한 묘사입니다. 물론 최종적인 의미는 비슷합니다. 하지만 영상에서 활용하는 문맥은 마치 거대한 하나의 숙어처럼 많이 사용되는 패턴입니다.
but not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around에서 not가 결국 뒤에 오는 so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around 전체를 부정하는 거군요(so big에만 걸리는 것이 아니라요) 그럼 만약에 'A만큼 크면서 B만큼 크진 않은 것' 이러한 구조가 아니라 'A만큼 크면서' 이 부분이 없는 문장이라면 something that is not so big that it doesn't feel like~ 이렇게 되는 것이 맞나요? 단순히 '너무 크지 않아서 들고다니기 불편하지 않은 것'이라고 말할 때요.
im4ubabe 그러려면 that로만 이어줄 수 없습니다. that 로만 하면 앞의 내용에 대한 부연설명이 되기 때문. 이어지는 내용이 부연설명이 아니라 내가 바라는 결과에 대한 얘기라면 so (that) 로 이어줘야 합니다 -- "...something that is not so big so (that) it doesn't feel like a hassle to carry around." 혹은 that 관계절을 이중으로 쓰는 방법도 있습니다. 뒤에 나오는 it를 빼고 -- something thats not so big and doesnt feel like a hassle to carry around
Jay-Rebecca 그러려면 that로만 이어줄 수 없습니다. that 로만 하면 앞의 내용에 대한 부연설명이 되기 때문. 이어지는 내용이 부연설명이 아니라 내가 바라는 결과에 대한 얘기라면 so (that) 로 이어줘야 합니다 -- "...something that is not so big so (that) it doesn't feel like a hassle to carry around." 혹은 that 관계절을 이중으로 쓰는 방법도 있습니다. 뒤에 나오는 it를 빼고 -- something thats not so big and doesnt feel like a hassle to carry around
진짜 영상을 보면서 느끼는 건데 `라이브 아카데미`만 보고 공부만해도 충분히 영어독학 할 수 있을 정도로 적절한 예문이나 풍부한 설명을 갖췄다는 생각이 드네요. 이건 정말 엄청난 영상 편집 능력과 정성 아니면 불가능하다고 생각합니다. 정말 감사합니다. 많은 도움이 됩니다.
Thank you for the video! I'm in Australia now. I live with house mates. Many of them already knew this channel. and we always wake up at 5:30am and study with your videos.
토들러 - 일반과정 애매하게 걸쳐있는 상태에서 들었는데 나름대로 이해할 수 있을 정도로 설명을 해주셔서 대단하다는 생각이 듭니다. 모르는 단어들이 중간중간 있었는데 해석듣고 자연스럽게 습득했어요. 보충설명도 엄청 잘해주셔서 제가 듣는 난이도의 보충설명은 다 읽어보는데, 이 난이도의 문장들은 잘 모르는 상태라 의심없이 당연히 그렇게 느껴져서 보충설명이 더 어렵단 생각이 든 적은 처음이네요. 예문1) I want to a delicious icecream but not so sweet that it feels bad. Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist. 예문2) I want to a great car but not so expensive that it makes me poor. 예문3) I want to play outside but not so hard that it makes me tired.
8:34 I've used several different pillows and while I've never really had any serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find a pillow that is just the right height. You know, something that is high enough that it's comfortable to sleep at for long periods of time but not so high that it feels like a pain to shoulder or neck. I don't know. Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist.
long periods of time 은 많이 보아온 표현인데 정말로! "긴 시간"이 아니라 "긴 시간씩" 이라는 뜻인 줄은 오늘 알았어요!!! 선생님의 perfect English 와 perfect Korean 에 정말 감탄하면서 오늘도 영어공부를 정말 열심히 해야겠다고 생각했습니다! 영상 보면서 오늘 구문은 다 이해했는데 제가 그 문장을 응용해서 말할 수 있을지는 선생님 말씀대로 연습을 많이 하는지에 달렸겠지요. 앞으로도 더 좋은 영상 부탁드려요!!!
I've worn several different sweat pants, while I've never had any serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find pants that is just the right size. You know, something that is big enough that it's comfortable to wear for long periods of time but not so baggy that they are nearly falling off. I don't know. Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist.
You know, someone who's kind enough that it's comfortable to be with for long periods of time but not too much that it feels like a nuisance to hang out with.
감사합니다! Something that is challenging enought that it’s always exciting to give it a try but not so challenging that it feels overwhelming. I don’t know. Maybe i’m asking for something that can’t exist.
Let me bring an example the 'Some' that is one of the relationships between man and woman in Korea. So to speak, the 'Some' is the relationship that is closer than that they're called just friends, but not close that they're called lovers. We might be able to call that 'push and pull' in English.
While I really like my chair and I never really had any serious compaints about it , One small gripe that I've condstantly had is not being able to adjusts its height.
You know, someone who is tall enough that it's good to look but not so tall that it feels like a giant or makes me a dwarf. You know, something that is fun enough that it's not boring to watch for long periods time but not so fun that it feels like a comedy. You know, something that is tasty enough that it's comfortable to eat but not so tasty that make me a kind of addicted. You know, the times when the kids are grown up big enough that it's easy to take care but not so big that make me getting lonely. You know, something that is big enough that is comfortable to wear for long periods time but not so big that is feels like a pajama.
you know, something that is delicious enough that it's not too spicy for all my freinds but not so delicious that it makes us to reveal our secret recipe.
The design of the campaign poster is fancy enough that it could fully bring people's attention, but not too fancy that it would confuse people about our message to be delivered in that campaign.
I've used several different frying pans and while I've never really had any serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that i constantly had is not being able to find a frying pan which just has the moderate weight. You know, something that is heavy enough that it's strong to use for long periods of time but not too heavy that it feels like holding a stone. I don't know. Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist
Something that is easy enough that it's useful to give it a try for good, but not so easy that it feels like boring to keep up with. Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist.
I'm looking for some recipes delicious enough to serve my guests but not so complicated that it feels like a hassle to cook by myself. I've worn these sweat pants for about two years so their knees bumped. I'd like to get new ones that are strong enough that their knees won't bump for long periods of time but not so strong that it feels uncomfortable to wear. I don't know. Maybe l'm asking for something that can't exist.
It's pretty difficult for me to find the right caffein amount at Starbucks. You know, something that is little enough that I can fully awake and focus on work but not so much that I have a palpitation or headache from caffeine overdose.
1. 연습 - I'm searching the game that has great AI that I feel excited in playing, not having high specification request that my computer can't work. 2. 개인정리 - while : although의 의미도 가짐 - constantly : 꾸준히 - not being able to : ~할 수 없다는 것 - it's big enough to look comfortable -> It's big enough that it's comfortable to look - It's not so big to feel like hassle in carry -> it's not so big that it's feel like hassle to carry - for long periods of time : 오래씩 사용할 때
"I've used several different laptops and while I've never really had any serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find a laptop that is just the right size. You know, something that's big enough that it's guaranteed to code something with productivity and comfortable to watch online courses for a long time but not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around on my backpack. A size of 14 inch is too small to use at the former case, but a size of 17 inch is too heavy to carry at the latter cases. I don't know. Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist."
She has feeded street cats and while she has already 3 cats now, she is constantly taking care of those abandoned. I think she is an angel. You know, someone who never turns away from any poor things. while 설명하실때 although 즉 even if, even though 와도 바꿔쓰실수있다고하셨는데 이문장에서는 even if/though 둘중 아무거나써도 의미는비슷하고 뉘앙스만 약간 다르기땜에 모두 쓸수있는거죠?
질문있어요. 보통 so~that 구문을 보면 so에 원인이 that 이하에 결과가 와서 ~해서~하다. 이렇게 사용되지않나요. 그래서 not so big that it doesn’t feel like a hassle to carry around로 해야되는게 아닌지...그렇게 크지않아서 가지고 다니기로 별로 불편하지 않은...궁금해요 엄청. 학교에서 배운거랑 달라서 너무 혼동되요 앞 문장은 앞에서 해석해나가면 자연스러운데...
어렵네요. 글로 말을 배우는게 40분을 고민했습니다.ㅎㅎ Not so big that ~ Not as big as ~ 로 사용해도 괜찮은지요? Not < >이 부분을 부정하면 되는거 맞죠? So 형용사 that 절은 결과 라고 배워서.. 설명 공들여 해주셨는데 이해가 어려웠습니다. 자주 연습하면 느낌 오겠죠. 잘 보고 있습니다.
I usually buy the ingredients of the food and cook by myself and while I've never really had any serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find a ingredient that is just the right condition. You now, something that is cheap enough that it can be affordable to buy but not so cheap that it feels like unsanitary to eat.
The car is spacious enough to accommodate your family comfortably, but not so massive that parking becomes a problem. 이 차는 가족을 편안하게 수용할 만큼 넓지만, 주차하는 데 문제가 되지 않을 정도로 너무 거대하지는 않습니다. The screen size of the laptop is generous enough for multitasking, but not so big that it's cumbersome to carry in a backpack. 노트북의 화면 크기는 멀티태스킹에 충분히 크지만, 배낭에 휴대하기 불편한 정도로 너무 크지는 않습니다.
I've had several different smartphones and I've never had any serious complaints about any of them but one gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find a phone that is just the right size. You know, something that is big enough that it's not comfortable to look at long periods of time but not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around. I don't know. Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist.
I’ve used several different smartphones and while I’ve never really had any serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that I’ve constantly had is not being able to find a phone that is just the right size. You know, something that is big enough that it’s comfortable to look at for long periods of time but not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around. I don’t know. Maybe I’m asking for something that can’t exist.
you know, some cafes that is noisy enough that I can make sound like practicing an English but, not so loud that It distract me and I can't do anything. I'm very eager to find that place though.
I want to buy a winter coat that is warm enough that it’s perfect for harsh weather of Korea but not so warm that it seems like a cloth for the polar regions.
-one small gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find ~~ - something that's big enough that it's comfortable to look at for long periods of time - not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around. - I'm asking for/ something that can't exist."
연습 I've used several different shoulder bags and while I've never really serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find a shoulder bag that is just right size. You know, something that is big enough that it is comfortable to put anything like a water bottle, a makeup bag, a cardigan, a scarf and all that suff but not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around. Maybe I am asking for something that cannot exist.
신발하나를 사려고 하는데요 그게 굽이 높긴 높은데 오래신어도 편안하고 그러나 그렇게 높지는 않은거 무릎에 무리가 갈만큼 I would like to buy shoes that is high that are comfortable to wear for long periods of time but not so high that it feels like getting stress on the knees.
You know, something that is a satisfactory food that I eat as much as I want but it's not getting weight and it feels like comfortable. I know I'm asking for something that can't exist... Please correct the wrong sentence. Thanks ~~
I have used several different smartphones and while I have never really had any serious complaints about any of them ,one small gripe that I have constantly had is not being able to find a phone that is the right size You know, something that is big enough it's comfortable to look at for a long periods of time but not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around I don't know. Maybe I am asking for something that can't exist 여러 스마트폰을 사용해봤다 비록 그것들 중에서 크게 불만을 가져본 적이 없지만 꾸준히 가지고 있는 작은 불평 하나는 그 크기가 딱 좋은 폰을 찾을 수가 없다는 것이다 왜 그런 거 있잖아, 오래 보고 있어도 편할 정도로 크면서 들고 다닐 때 번거롭게 느껴질 정도로는 크지 않은 것 어쩌면 내가 존재하지 않는 것을 원하는 것일 수도있다 while = although one small gripe 작은 불평 not being able to ~을 할 수 없다는 것 but not so 형용사 that~ ~하기엔 that 하지 않은 것 ex) I don't think you know 너가 안다고 생각하지 않아
I've used several different foundations and while I've never really had any serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find a foundation just the right type. You know, something that is thick enough to cover my blemishes but not so thick that it feels like my face is cakey. Idk. Maybe I'm asking for something can't exist.
I've dated several different girls and while I've never really had any serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find boobs that are just the right size on my hands. You know, something that is big enough that it's comfortable to look at for long periods of time but not too big to grab. I don't know. Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist. Love ya teacher! If there were no channel you made, I would never have had any friends in the states.
그동안 여러 개의 시리얼을 먹어보연서 어느 것에 대해서도 큰 불만은 없었지만 꾸준히 생기는 작은 불평 하나가 딱 적당하게 달달한 시리얼을 찾을 수 없다는거야. 왜 그런거있잖아 오래 먹어도 질리지는 않을 정도로 달면서 너무 달아서 살찔 것 같지는 않은거. 글쎄, 어쩌면 내가 존재할 수 없는걸 요구하는거일 수도 있겠지. I've eaten several different kinds of cereals and while I've never really had any serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find a cereal that is just the right sweetened. You know, something that's sweet enough that it's delicious to keep eat for long periods of time but not so sweet that it feels like a heavy food to eat everyday. I don't know. Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist.
선생님.. 좋은 강의 잘 보고 있습니다. 항상 감사해욤.. 핸드폰 하니까 생각이 났는데 제가 예전에 한국에 처음온 외국인 친구를 데리고 핸드폰을 사러 같이 갔었거든요... 근데.. '핸드폰 개통' 부터 시작해서 '요금제', '2년 약정', '단말기 할부' '통신사 할인' 등등.. 영어로 어떻게 해야 할지 몰라서 엄청 난감했던 적이 있었어요. 한국에서 핸드폰 개통하는 과정을 영어로 할려주실 수 있을까요? 대충 단어로는 설명하겠지만 자연스럽게 어떻게 사용하는지 원어민 느낌은 아무리 봐도 모르겠어요..ㅠㅠ
본 강의내용과는 좀 다른 내용입니다만... 제일 마지막 부분에서, can't 말고 couldn't를 쓰면 의미가 좀 더 정확해지지 않을까 궁금합니다. Grammar in use 나 collins cobuild 사전을 보면 couldn't가 would not be possible to의 의미로 쓰인다고 나오는데요.. can't와 couldn't가 나오면 상항 헷갈리는 부분입니다.
이런 usage는 원어민들도 대게는 맞게 쓰지만, 설명 하라면 모를 수가 대다수 입니다. "Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist." 이 문장 에서는 현재에 100% impossible 하다 라는 뜻으로 사용되기 때문에 couldn't 보단 can't 이 적합합니다. 더 자세한것은 learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/english-grammar-reference/can-and-could 참고 하세요.
선생님! 저 정말 알고 싶은 영어가 있어요! 카페에서 요즘 핸드폰 노트북 충전하는 사람들 많잖아요. 그런데 코드는 몇개없을 때. 서로 눈치 싸움하는데.. 그 때 쓰는 영어가 궁금해요! ex) 충전 다 하셨나요? 혹시 지금 충전중이신가요? 다 충전되면 말씀해주세요. / 아직 더 충전해야 되서요. 저 충전 다되면 말씀드릴게요. 저 아직 충전 다 안되긴 했는데 먼저 쓰세요. / 네 쓰세요! / 제가 지금 연락할 때가 있는데 핸드폰 배터리가 없어서요. 잠깐만 먼저 충전할 수 있을까요? ...... 카페에 외국인들이 많아서 이런 질문이 종종 오고가는데 제가 질문도 대답도 못해서 너무 답답해서요! 이 댓글 꼭 보셨으면 좋겠습니다!! 구글에 아무리 검색해봐도 제가 못찾는건지 정보가 없네요 ㅎㅎㅎ
이런식으로 하면 됩니다. 👍 충전 다 하셨나요? Are you finished with (your) charging? 혹시 지금 충전중이신가요? Excuse me, are you using the charger? (charging station?) 다 충전되면 말씀해주세요. Could you let me know when you are done (with charging)? 아직 더 충전해야 되서요. I have a little more to go. It’s (My phone is) not fully charged yet. 저 충전 다되면 말씀드릴게요. I will let you know when I’m done (with charging). 저 아직 충전 다 안되긴 했는데 먼저 쓰세요. I’m not done yet but I can let you use it now. 네 쓰세요! Sure, go (right) ahead! 제가 지금 연락할 때가 있는데 핸드폰 배터리가 없어서요. 잠깐만 먼저 충전할 수 있을까요? I need to make a call now but my cell phone is dead (out of battery). Would you mind if I charged my phone just for a little while?
I'm looking for a handsome boy, you know someone that is handsome enough that it feels good to look at but not too handsome that everyone would look at when we walk together
이런식으로 해보세요. if possible, you should call or email them ahead of time, ie, before you make your trip. There is a mistake in our hotel reservation. You’ve added one child. But it’s supposed to be just me and my husband. Do you know what went wrong? Can you remove the child reservation and adjust our bill (accordingly)? I want to make sure the wrong charge is removed.
정말 기본적인 질문 하나 드릴게용..! the delivery that is fast enough that it keeps the food warm but not so fast to violate speed limits. 이렇게 'but not so fast to violate~ ' that 대신 to 부정사 써도 되나요?
이런 sentence construction 은 앞과 뒤가 같은 식으로 parallel construction 으로 꾸며져 합니다. 이런식으로: Delivery that is fast enough that it keeps the food warm but not so fast that it makes the drivers get speeding tickets.
보충설명 :
"You know, something that's big enough that it's comfortable to look at for long periods of time but not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around." 문맥에서 뒤에 나오는 '.... that it feels like a hassle to carry around."부분을 부정형으로 말해야 되지 않느냐고 질문하시는 분들이 계시는데 충분히 헷갈릴 수 있을 것 같습니다. 보충 설명 해보겠습니다.
1. 우선, 수학적으로 설명을 먼저 시도하자면 대충 이렇습니다 : "A만큼 크면서 B만큼 크진 않은 것" - B부분이 부정이죠? 영어 문장에서도 보면 'but not so big'에서 부정을 확립했습니다. 이후에 또 부정이 온다면 부정에 부정이 합쳐져서 긍정으로 바뀌어버리겠죠. 그러면 결론적으로 우리가 하려는 말과 달라집니다.
2. 의미적으로 접근하면 대충 이렇습니다 : "You know, something that's big enough that it's comfortable to look at for long periods of time but not so big, so (that) it doesn't feel like a hassle to carry around." 라고 말할 수는 있습니다. 하지만 이렇게 말하면 의미도 좀 바뀝니다. -- "오래 보고 있어도 편할 정도로 크면서 너무 크진 않은 것, 그래야 들고 다니기가 번거롭지 않으니까."(영어에서도 .. but not so big, 에서 문맥이 한번 끊기고 이어서 나오는 말은 왜 너무 크지 않기를 바라는지에 대한 이유를 설명하는 내용이 됩니다) -- 즉, 말을 다르게 하는 것입니다. 영상에서 말하고 있는데 "but not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around"는 < 어느 정도로 크지 않은 것 >을 묘사하는 것이고 바로 앞에서 말한 "so (that) it doesn't feel like a hassle to carry"는 < 왜 크지 않기를 바라는지, 크지 않음으로써 얻는 결과 >에 대한 묘사입니다. 물론 최종적인 의미는 비슷합니다. 하지만 영상에서 활용하는 문맥은 마치 거대한 하나의 숙어처럼 많이 사용되는 패턴입니다.
처음 봤을때는 이해를 못했는데 예문만들려고 breakdown 해주신 문장을 계속 보니까 이해가 되네요
이 패턴으로 많이 쓰이는군요
I appreciate it. ☺👍
선생님, something that is NOT SO BIG 으로 하면
뒤가 that it DOESN"T feel like hassle to carry around 와같이 뒤에도 부정문이 돼야 되는거 아닌가요??
but not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around에서 not가 결국 뒤에 오는 so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around 전체를 부정하는 거군요(so big에만 걸리는 것이 아니라요)
그럼 만약에 'A만큼 크면서 B만큼 크진 않은 것' 이러한 구조가 아니라 'A만큼 크면서' 이 부분이 없는 문장이라면 something that is not so big that it doesn't feel like~ 이렇게 되는 것이 맞나요? 단순히 '너무 크지 않아서 들고다니기 불편하지 않은 것'이라고 말할 때요.
그러려면 that로만 이어줄 수 없습니다. that 로만 하면 앞의 내용에 대한 부연설명이 되기 때문. 이어지는 내용이 부연설명이 아니라 내가 바라는 결과에 대한 얘기라면 so (that) 로 이어줘야 합니다 -- "...something that is not so big so (that) it doesn't feel like a hassle to carry around." 혹은 that 관계절을 이중으로 쓰는 방법도 있습니다. 뒤에 나오는 it를 빼고 -- something thats not so big and doesnt feel like a hassle to carry around
그러려면 that로만 이어줄 수 없습니다. that 로만 하면 앞의 내용에 대한 부연설명이 되기 때문. 이어지는 내용이 부연설명이 아니라 내가 바라는 결과에 대한 얘기라면 so (that) 로 이어줘야 합니다 -- "...something that is not so big so (that) it doesn't feel like a hassle to carry around." 혹은 that 관계절을 이중으로 쓰는 방법도 있습니다. 뒤에 나오는 it를 빼고 -- something thats not so big and doesnt feel like a hassle to carry around
진짜 영상을 보면서 느끼는 건데 `라이브 아카데미`만 보고 공부만해도 충분히 영어독학 할 수 있을 정도로 적절한 예문이나 풍부한 설명을 갖췄다는 생각이 드네요. 이건 정말 엄청난 영상 편집 능력과 정성 아니면 불가능하다고 생각합니다. 정말 감사합니다. 많은 도움이 됩니다.
여기서 배운것들과 함께 쉐도잉이나 영어컨텐츠보면 완벽..
Thank you for the video! I'm in Australia now. I live with house mates. Many of them already knew this channel. and we always wake up at 5:30am and study with your videos.
토들러 - 일반과정 애매하게 걸쳐있는 상태에서 들었는데 나름대로 이해할 수 있을 정도로 설명을 해주셔서 대단하다는 생각이 듭니다.
모르는 단어들이 중간중간 있었는데 해석듣고 자연스럽게 습득했어요.
보충설명도 엄청 잘해주셔서 제가 듣는 난이도의 보충설명은 다 읽어보는데, 이 난이도의 문장들은 잘 모르는 상태라 의심없이 당연히 그렇게 느껴져서 보충설명이 더 어렵단 생각이 든 적은 처음이네요.
예문1) I want to a delicious icecream but not so sweet that it feels bad. Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist.
예문2) I want to a great car but not so expensive that it makes me poor.
예문3) I want to play outside but not so hard that it makes me tired.
This is the best English lesson I've ever had in my whole life. 이 문장 맞나요? ㅋ 진심이에요
알람 설정 해서, 꾸준하고 일관성 있는 라이브 아카데미의 영상들 보면서 영어 공부에 대한 의욕을 잃지 않고 오랜기간 유지해나가고 있어요. 올해는 좀 더 능동적인 학습자가 되고자 합니다.
막연히 꿈꾸던 영어학습법을 여기서 찾았어요! 어떻게 감사의 인사를 드려야할지 모르겠어요. 선생님을 통해서 분명히 저는 발전할거고 향상된 영어실력으로 새로운 세상에서 살 수 있을 것 같아요! 진심으로 진심으로 감사합니다~~ 부디 행복하고 건강하시길 바라요!
8:34 쉐도잉 그리고 모델링연습 시작 (시간대 체크하고 공부하려고 댓글달아요😅)
I've used several different pillows and while I've never really had any serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find a pillow that is just the right height.
You know, something that is high enough that it's comfortable to sleep at for long periods of time but not so high that it feels like a pain to shoulder or neck. I don't know. Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist.
항상 좋은 강좌 올려 주셔서 감사합니다. 잘 보겠습니다.
Thank you sir. I wish you were my son ‘s English school teacher.
선생님의 열정이 화면을 뚫고 나오네요. 감사합니다! !
감동할 정도로 잘 가르치신다~ 😭 최고! 👍👍👍
long periods of time 은 많이 보아온 표현인데 정말로! "긴 시간"이 아니라 "긴 시간씩" 이라는 뜻인 줄은 오늘 알았어요!!! 선생님의 perfect English 와 perfect Korean 에 정말 감탄하면서 오늘도 영어공부를 정말 열심히 해야겠다고 생각했습니다! 영상 보면서 오늘 구문은 다 이해했는데 제가 그 문장을 응용해서 말할 수 있을지는 선생님 말씀대로 연습을 많이 하는지에 달렸겠지요. 앞으로도 더 좋은 영상 부탁드려요!!!
Some class that's hard enough that it's helpful to follow but not so hard that it makes me give up.
That is this class!
최고이십니다 👍👍
좋아요 따따봉!!
강조하신 부분 말씀하신대로 제 문장으로 많이 연습해볼게용
아침부터 좋은 자료 감사합니다!
좋은 강의 너무 감사합니다.
아 시간두고 반복해서 듣다보니 이제 잘 이해가 되네요. 감사합니다 빨모쌤!
★something that is adj enough that it ~ but not so adj that it~★ 오늘도 빨모쌤 덕분에 좋은 문장 획!득!
그냥 고마울 뿐입니다!!!
I've worn several different sweat pants, while I've never had any serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find pants that is just the right size. You know, something that is big enough that it's comfortable to wear for long periods of time but not so baggy that they are nearly falling off. I don't know. Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist.
항상 감사합니다 🙇
아침에 눈 뜨면 라이브아카데미 영상봐요ㅎㅎ 좋은 강의 감사합니다
언제나 유익한 강의 감사합니다!!👍
You know, someone who's kind enough that it's comfortable to be with for long periods of time but not too much that it feels like a nuisance to hang out with.
쌤 진짜 감사드립니다!
1등 이닷!! 선생님 늘 감사합니다~ ^^
I've never really any serious complaints about your lesson. ^^*
감사합니다! Something that is challenging enought that it’s always exciting to give it a try but not so challenging that it feels overwhelming. I don’t know. Maybe i’m asking for something that can’t exist.
Let me bring an example the 'Some' that is one of the relationships between man and woman in Korea.
So to speak, the 'Some' is the relationship that is closer than that they're called just friends, but not close that they're called lovers.
We might be able to call that 'push and pull' in English.
It looks like you got a new camera or something man, the picture looks great! 👍👍👍. Solid lesson as always ✊
While I really like my chair and I never really had any serious compaints about it , One small gripe that I've condstantly had is not being able to adjusts its height.
You know, someone who is tall enough that it's good to look but not so tall that it feels like a giant or makes me a dwarf.
You know, something that is fun enough that it's not boring to watch for long periods time but not so fun that it feels like a comedy.
You know, something that is tasty enough that it's comfortable to eat but not so tasty that make me a kind of addicted.
You know, the times when the kids are grown up big enough that it's easy to take care but not so big that make me getting lonely.
You know, something that is big enough that is comfortable to wear for long periods time but not so big that is feels like a pajama.
you know, something that is delicious enough that it's not too spicy for all my freinds but not so delicious that it makes us to reveal our secret recipe.
언제 영어 잘 하려나 ㅠㅜ 이제 토들러 다 외워가는데,,,
화이팅입니다..! 같이 힘내요 ㅎㅎ
같이 회이팅 해용 ㅠ
The design of the campaign poster is fancy enough that it could fully bring people's attention, but not too fancy that it would confuse people about our message to be delivered in that campaign.
I've used several different frying pans and while I've never really had any serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that i constantly had is not being able to find a frying pan which just has the moderate weight. You know, something that is heavy enough that it's strong to use for long periods of time but not too heavy that it feels like holding a stone. I don't know. Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist
이 강의는 그냥 통째로 외워놓고 킵해야겠다.. 이번건 외우는것도 너무 어렵네ㅠ
I wanted a laptop that is thin and light enough that it is comfortable to carry around, but not so thin that it feels fragile.
글 쓸 때 자주 "a" 를 빼먹고 씁니다.
그러나 입에서 중얼거려 보면 for a short period time, for a long period time 이렇게 나와요.
관사는 쉬운 것 같아도 정말 어렵군요.^^
설명은 잘 들었습니다^^
Something that is easy enough that it's useful to give it a try for good, but not so easy that it feels like boring to keep up with.
Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist.
~~~that it feels boring~~~~.이렇게 해야되는듯 해요.. like 뒤에 명사가 와야되서요...boring은 형용사...
I'm looking for some recipes delicious enough to serve my guests but not so complicated that it feels like a hassle to cook by myself.
I've worn these sweat pants for about two years so their knees bumped. I'd like to get new ones that are strong enough that their knees won't bump for long periods of time but not so strong that it feels uncomfortable to wear. I don't know. Maybe l'm asking for something that can't exist.
Now that I look at this, l want to say "in a matter of years"
덕분에 아침에 영어 공부합니다^^ 감사해요!!
It's pretty difficult for me to find the right caffein amount at Starbucks. You know, something that is little enough that I can fully awake and focus on work but not so much that I have a palpitation or headache from caffeine overdose.
듣기연습하고 쉐도잉하기 좋은 영상인것 같아요~감사합니다!
저도 언제 이렇게 잘 할 수 있을까요?ㅜ
세바시 강연 잘봤어요☺️
1. 연습
- I'm searching the game that has great AI that I feel excited in playing, not having high specification request that my computer can't work.
2. 개인정리
- while : although의 의미도 가짐
- constantly : 꾸준히
- not being able to : ~할 수 없다는 것
- it's big enough to look comfortable -> It's big enough that it's comfortable to look
- It's not so big to feel like hassle in carry -> it's not so big that it's feel like hassle to carry
- for long periods of time : 오래씩 사용할 때
그나저나 쌤 3년전인데 꽤 younger한 느낌이네요😊
가끔이 아니지만 어려운 문장 구성도 익혀야 언젠가는 영어를 잘 구사할수 있겠죠? 영어가 조금이라도 늘수 있게 연습 연습 또 연습 해야 되겠네요. 선생님 께서도 건강조심하시면서 영상 올려 주세요.늘 감사 합니다.
"I've used several different laptops and while I've never really had any serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find a laptop that is just the right size. You know, something that's big enough that it's guaranteed to code something with productivity and comfortable to watch online courses for a long time but not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around on my backpack. A size of 14 inch is too small to use at the former case, but a size of 17 inch is too heavy to carry at the latter cases. I don't know. Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist."
You know, something that is powerful enough that it can excite people but not so powerful that it intimidates people.
검정색과 빨간모자 간간히 띄어주시는 미소와 건강미 ^^ 훌륭한 강의는 최고의 (combination)입니다. 좋은 아침 선생님! 어지러워 영상앞에 의~악 😂열심히 도전해 보겠습니다.열정을 다하시는 우리선생님 고맙습니다.오늘 하루도 우리모두 열공 하겠습니다. 행복하세요 ♡~😂
She has feeded street cats and while she has already 3 cats now, she is constantly taking care of those abandoned. I think she is an angel. You know, someone who never turns away from any poor things.
while 설명하실때 although 즉 even if, even though 와도 바꿔쓰실수있다고하셨는데
이문장에서는 even if/though 둘중 아무거나써도 의미는비슷하고 뉘앙스만 약간 다르기땜에 모두 쓸수있는거죠?
선생님ㅎㅎ 오늘도 잘봤음다 감사해요⚘
썸네일이 아주조금 무섭군요..
I appreciate it
It's just the right channel I've been looking for.^^
This song is catchy enough that it is easy to sing along but not so catchy that it feels like a song for kids
질문있어요. 보통 so~that 구문을 보면 so에 원인이 that 이하에 결과가 와서 ~해서~하다. 이렇게 사용되지않나요. 그래서 not so big that it doesn’t feel like a hassle to carry around로 해야되는게 아닌지...그렇게 크지않아서 가지고 다니기로 별로 불편하지 않은...궁금해요 엄청. 학교에서 배운거랑 달라서 너무 혼동되요 앞 문장은 앞에서 해석해나가면 자연스러운데...
저도 첨에 헷갈렷어욛 not so big (너무크지않은것) 뒤에 that 부연설명~ 인거같아요 "너무크지않은건데 그것이 불편하게느껴지는 큰거는 말고 " 이런느낌인거같아요 앞에부정이있는데 또오면안되는느낌 영어식 표현은 참어려운듯..
어렵네요. 글로 말을 배우는게
40분을 고민했습니다.ㅎㅎ
Not so big that ~
Not as big as ~ 로 사용해도 괜찮은지요?
< >이 부분을 부정하면 되는거 맞죠?
So 형용사 that 절은 결과 라고
설명 공들여 해주셨는데
이해가 어려웠습니다.
자주 연습하면 느낌 오겠죠.
잘 보고 있습니다.
I usually buy the ingredients of the food and cook by myself and while I've never really had any serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find a ingredient that is just the right condition.
You now, something that is cheap enough that it can be affordable to buy but not so cheap that it feels like unsanitary to eat.
you know, sth that is slim enough that it's comfortable to put it in my pocket but not so slim that it feels like uncomfortable to grip while carrying
The car is spacious enough to accommodate your family comfortably, but not so massive that parking becomes a problem.
이 차는 가족을 편안하게 수용할 만큼 넓지만, 주차하는 데 문제가 되지 않을 정도로 너무 거대하지는 않습니다.
The screen size of the laptop is generous enough for multitasking, but not so big that it's cumbersome to carry in a backpack.
노트북의 화면 크기는 멀티태스킹에 충분히 크지만, 배낭에 휴대하기 불편한 정도로 너무 크지는 않습니다.
I've had several different smartphones and I've never had any serious complaints about any of them but one gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find a phone that is just the right size. You know, something that is big enough that it's not comfortable to look at long periods of time but not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around. I don't know. Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist.
I am looking for an outer that is thick enough that it keeps me warm in cold weather but not so thick that it feels uncomfortable to move my arms.
샘 항상 감사합니다~ 한글 스크립트도 같이 올려주시면 좋을거 같아요~
This house is big enough that it’s comfortable to stay.
My current job is not satisfied to spend my own time.
안녕하세요. 전 농인(Deaf)입니다.
저도 마찬가지로 제대로 배우고 싶은데 이에 대한 캡션이 없어서 아쉽네요.
I’ve used several different smartphones and while I’ve never really had any serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that I’ve constantly had is not being able to find a phone that is just the right size. You know, something that is big enough that it’s comfortable to look at for long periods of time but not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around. I don’t know. Maybe I’m asking for something that can’t exist.
선생님, this smartphone is big enough to the point where it is comfortable to look at for long periods of time. 으로 해도 되죠?
you know, some cafes that is noisy enough that I can make sound like practicing an English but, not so loud that It distract me and I can't do anything. I'm very eager to find that place though.
수준은 안되지만 감잡기 위해 하드코어도 봅니다.^^ 완전 동감이예요. 넘 크죠 폰이^
I want to buy a winter coat that is warm enough that it’s perfect for harsh weather of Korea but not so warm that it seems like a cloth for the polar regions.
-one small gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find ~~
- something that's big enough that it's comfortable to look at for long periods of time
- not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around.
- I'm asking for/ something that can't exist."
I've used several different shoulder bags and while I've never really serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find a shoulder bag that is just right size. You know, something that is big enough that it is comfortable to put anything like a water bottle, a makeup bag, a cardigan, a scarf and all that suff but not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around. Maybe I am asking for something that cannot exist.
오늘은 조금 늦게 나왔네요 기다리고 있었습니다! 감사히 들을게요 선생님👍👍
신발하나를 사려고 하는데요 그게 굽이 높긴 높은데 오래신어도 편안하고 그러나 그렇게 높지는 않은거 무릎에 무리가 갈만큼
I would like to buy shoes that is high that are comfortable to wear for long periods of time but not so high that it feels like getting stress on the knees.
오늘부터 1일 1 영상 갑니다
You know, something that is a satisfactory food that I eat as much as I want but it's not getting weight and it feels like comfortable.
I know I'm asking for something that can't exist...
Please correct the wrong sentence.
Thanks ~~
something that tastes good enough that is loved by everyone, but hasn't too much fat that makes you gain weight.
One small gripe that I've constantly had is ...와우! 요런 표현이 있었네요! 감사합니다 선생님^^
Something that is cold enough that can blow away the heat but not so cold that my teeth feels like freezing
I have used several different smartphones
and while I have never really had any serious complaints about any of them
,one small gripe that I have constantly had is not being able to find a phone that is the right size
You know, something that is big enough it's comfortable to look at for a long periods of time
but not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around
I don't know. Maybe I am asking for something that can't exist
여러 스마트폰을 사용해봤다
비록 그것들 중에서 크게 불만을 가져본 적이 없지만
꾸준히 가지고 있는 작은 불평 하나는 그 크기가 딱 좋은 폰을 찾을 수가 없다는 것이다
왜 그런 거 있잖아, 오래 보고 있어도 편할 정도로 크면서
들고 다닐 때 번거롭게 느껴질 정도로는 크지 않은 것
어쩌면 내가 존재하지 않는 것을 원하는 것일 수도있다
while = although
one small gripe 작은 불평
not being able to ~을 할 수 없다는 것
but not so 형용사 that~ ~하기엔 that 하지 않은 것
ex) I don't think you know 너가 안다고 생각하지 않아
토들러로 공부하다가 하드코어 보니깐 숨이 턱 막힙니다 ㅜㅜ
I've used several different foundations and while I've never really had any serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find a foundation just the right type. You know, something that is thick enough to cover my blemishes but not so thick that it feels like my face is cakey. Idk. Maybe I'm asking for something can't exist.
5:26 for a long time vs. for long periods of time
I've dated several different girls and while I've never really had any serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find boobs that are just the right size on my hands. You know, something that is big enough that it's comfortable to look at for long periods of time but not too big to grab. I don't know. Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist. Love ya teacher! If there were no channel you made, I would never have had any friends in the states.
그동안 여러 개의 시리얼을 먹어보연서 어느 것에 대해서도 큰 불만은 없었지만 꾸준히 생기는 작은 불평 하나가 딱 적당하게 달달한 시리얼을 찾을 수 없다는거야. 왜 그런거있잖아 오래 먹어도 질리지는 않을 정도로 달면서 너무 달아서 살찔 것 같지는 않은거. 글쎄, 어쩌면 내가 존재할 수 없는걸 요구하는거일 수도 있겠지.
I've eaten several different kinds of cereals and while I've never really had any serious complaints about any of them, one small gripe that I've constantly had is not being able to find a cereal that is just the right sweetened. You know, something that's sweet enough that it's delicious to keep eat for long periods of time but not so sweet that it feels like a heavy food to eat everyday. I don't know. Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist.
선생님.. 좋은 강의 잘 보고 있습니다. 항상 감사해욤.. 핸드폰 하니까 생각이 났는데 제가 예전에 한국에 처음온 외국인 친구를 데리고 핸드폰을 사러 같이 갔었거든요... 근데.. '핸드폰 개통' 부터 시작해서 '요금제', '2년 약정', '단말기 할부' '통신사 할인' 등등.. 영어로 어떻게 해야 할지 몰라서 엄청 난감했던 적이 있었어요. 한국에서 핸드폰 개통하는 과정을 영어로 할려주실 수 있을까요? 대충 단어로는 설명하겠지만 자연스럽게 어떻게 사용하는지 원어민 느낌은 아무리 봐도 모르겠어요..ㅠㅠ
something that's big enough that it's comfortable to look at for long periods of time, and not so big that it feels like a hassle to carry around.
something that is big enough that it's....BUT not so big that it's....
여기선 and 가 아니고 but 입니다.
머머하기 쉽게 좀 큰것, 하지만 (but) 머머하기 불편 할정도로 너무 크진 않은것.
you can just buy bedding sheet that's not expensive but thick enough that you could feel comfortable to be able to lie for long periods of time.
와씨 너무 어려워요 이번꺼..
본 강의내용과는 좀 다른 내용입니다만...
제일 마지막 부분에서, can't 말고 couldn't를 쓰면 의미가 좀 더 정확해지지 않을까 궁금합니다.
Grammar in use 나 collins cobuild 사전을 보면 couldn't가 would not be possible to의 의미로 쓰인다고 나오는데요.. can't와 couldn't가 나오면 상항 헷갈리는 부분입니다.
이런 usage는 원어민들도 대게는 맞게 쓰지만, 설명 하라면 모를 수가 대다수 입니다.
"Maybe I'm asking for something that can't exist."
이 문장 에서는 현재에 100% impossible 하다 라는 뜻으로 사용되기 때문에 couldn't 보단 can't 이 적합합니다. 더 자세한것은 learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/english-grammar-reference/can-and-could
참고 하세요.
항;상 감사합니다. constantly 발음만 백번째 듣고있는데. 컨스턴틀리, 컨스틀리(?) 뭘까요,,, 컨스턴틀리로 하면 죽어도 발음이 꼬이고.. 컨스틀리로 지나가니 되는거는 같은데... 맞는듯 아닌듯 하고.... 답변좀 부탁드립니다 ㅠㅠ
중간에 잠깐 소리를 막는다는 느낌으로 컨스턴ㄴ리 정도로 발음하시면 편하실 거 같아요. absolutely, completely, importantly, confidently
선생님! 저 정말 알고 싶은 영어가 있어요! 카페에서 요즘 핸드폰 노트북 충전하는 사람들 많잖아요. 그런데 코드는 몇개없을 때. 서로 눈치 싸움하는데.. 그 때 쓰는 영어가 궁금해요! ex) 충전 다 하셨나요? 혹시 지금 충전중이신가요? 다 충전되면 말씀해주세요. / 아직 더 충전해야 되서요. 저 충전 다되면 말씀드릴게요. 저 아직 충전 다 안되긴 했는데 먼저 쓰세요. / 네 쓰세요! / 제가 지금 연락할 때가 있는데 핸드폰 배터리가 없어서요. 잠깐만 먼저 충전할 수 있을까요? ...... 카페에 외국인들이 많아서 이런 질문이 종종 오고가는데 제가 질문도 대답도 못해서 너무 답답해서요! 이 댓글 꼭 보셨으면 좋겠습니다!! 구글에 아무리 검색해봐도 제가 못찾는건지 정보가 없네요 ㅎㅎㅎ
이런식으로 하면 됩니다. 👍
충전 다 하셨나요? Are you finished with (your) charging?
혹시 지금 충전중이신가요? Excuse me, are you using the charger? (charging station?)
다 충전되면 말씀해주세요. Could you let me know when you are done (with charging)?
아직 더 충전해야 되서요. I have a little more to go. It’s (My phone is) not fully charged yet.
저 충전 다되면 말씀드릴게요. I will let you know when I’m done (with charging).
저 아직 충전 다 안되긴 했는데 먼저 쓰세요. I’m not done yet but I can let you use it now.
네 쓰세요! Sure, go (right) ahead!
제가 지금 연락할 때가 있는데 핸드폰 배터리가 없어서요. 잠깐만 먼저 충전할 수 있을까요? I need to make a call now but my cell phone is dead (out of battery). Would you mind if I charged my phone just for a little while?
다통하는 치트키있어요
are you done with something ? something 에 this 넣어도되고 charging 상황에따라 다넣으면 좋아요 대부분 상황에서 잘쓰임
1등인줄 ㅠㅠ ㅋㅋ 선생님 강의 올려주셔 감사합니당 ~^^~♡
I'm looking for a handsome boy, you know someone that is handsome enough that it feels good to look at but not too handsome that everyone would look at when we walk together
선생님 하드코어 난이도는 어느정도 인가요 ?? 이정도면 실제 외국인과 허물없이 대화하는 수준인가요 ?
샘 실수인지 호텔예약햇는데 아동1명이 추가됬어요ㅜ 여행가서 이거왜이렇게됬고 아동1명 빼고 그돈도 제외할수있는지 묻고싶은데 너무답답합니다ㅜ 올려주실수있나요?
이런식으로 해보세요. if possible, you should call or email them ahead of time, ie, before you make your trip.
There is a mistake in our hotel reservation. You’ve added one child. But it’s supposed to be just me and my husband. Do you know what went wrong? Can you remove the child reservation and adjust our bill (accordingly)? I want to make sure the wrong charge is removed.
와 감사합니다^^ 말해봐야겠어요
정말 기본적인 질문 하나 드릴게용..! the delivery that is fast enough that it keeps the food warm but not so fast to violate speed limits. 이렇게 'but not so fast to violate~ '
that 대신 to 부정사 써도 되나요?
이런 sentence construction 은 앞과 뒤가 같은 식으로 parallel construction 으로 꾸며져 합니다. 이런식으로: Delivery that is fast enough that it keeps the food warm but not so fast that it makes the drivers get speeding tickets.
@@danyoo22 아이고 감사합니다!! ㅎㅎ
@@danyoo22 delivery that is fast enough to keep food warm but not that fast to violate speed limits.