سلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته اذكروا الله وصلوا على سيدنا الحبيب المصطفى محمد اللهم صلِ على سيدنا محمد و على آله وصحبه كما صليت على سيدنا ابراهيم وعلى آل سيدنا ابراهيم في العالمين انك حميد مجيد❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ياحي ياقيوم برحمتك استغيث اصلح لي شأني كله ولا تكلني الى نفسي طرفة عين❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ اللهم اغفر للمؤمنين و المؤمنات و المسلمين و المسلمات الاحياء منهم و الاموات🌹❤️ في حديث رواه مسلم في الصحيح: ثلاثة لا يكلمهم الله ولا ينظر إليهم يوم القيامة ولا يزكيهم ولهم عذاب أليم: المسبل إزاره، والمنان فيما أعطى، والمنفق سلعته بالحلف الكاذب، هذا من باب الوعيد عند أهل السنة والجماعة ليسوا كفاراً بل من باب الوعيد والتحذير والترهيب، المسبل يدل على أنه كبيرة من الكبائر، والمنان في العطية الله جل وعلا قال: لا تُبْطِلُوا صَدَقَاتِكُمْ بِالْمَنِّ وَالأَذَى [البقرة:264]، والمنفق سلعته بالحلف الكاذب، اللي يقول: والله إنها علي بكذا، والله إني شريتها بكذا، والله إنها ...... بكذا وهو يكذب حتى ينفقها يمشيها ويأكل أموال الناس بالباطل هذا وعيد شديد يدل على أن هذا من الكبائر من كبائر الذنوب مثل الحديث الآخر: ثلاث لا يكلمهم الله ولا يزكيهم ولهم عذاب أليم: شيخ زاني -شيخ شايب- وملك كذاب، وعائل مستكبر، هذا يدل على أن الزنا مع الشيخوخة مع كبر السن يكون أعظم من الزنا في الشباب أكبر إثماً، وهكذا الملك الكذاب إثمه أكثر؛ لأنه قد أعطاه الله الملك وأغناه الله عن الكذب فما الحاجة للكذب، وعائل مستكبر مع فقره يستكبر، الغني قد يحمله الغنى لكن هذا مع كونه فقير يستكبر هذا يدل على أن الكبر طبيعة له وسجية له نعوذ بالله فاشتد بهذا إثمه نسأل الله العافية لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله. نعم. المقدم: جزاكم الله خيراً سماحة الشيخ. ز
He never ask keep him alive.am sorry Ragnar was a good guy.if it was me he'll be died already.betray today betray tomorrow is in her blood to be a traitor.
@@sylvamoise5788 Ragnar a good guy? You know that they would sack Paris, to kill, rape and slave the people right? There are no good guys in Vikings. Just everyone doing was the best for themselves. Included Rolo.
For those who think Rollo is a traitor, you need to judge the facts since the beginning of the show. Rollo was promised to be Ragnar’s equal, Ragnar never kept his promise to Rollo. Rollo’s intentions and dreams were open to Ragnar since the beginning, it was Ragnar who cheated Rollo first, using his help to win battles with no intentions in giving him what he deserved. They didn’t have fairness in their brotherhood even from the beginning. So you cannot blame him that eventually he left Ragnar and forged his own future. It was the most satisfying thing to see in the show.
Ragnor said we will always Equal but after becoming King His behaviour changed which Rollo whisper that now we are not Equal! Rollo also saves Rangnor's Children life when he was out of Kattegat for raid
Ragnar changed because rolo fkn betrayed him🤷🤷🤷 what do you expect from him... treat him the same...he also saved Rollo life even though he betrayed Ragnar..deep down he knows that Rollo isn't his brother from heart after the first betrayal
Rollo was always the superior warrior in my opinion, I think Rollo knowing that fact and still being the lesser of the two brothers is what drove most of his decisions. He felt as he was a superior fighter, he naturally should have been the superior brother.
Cette série est absolument géniale et superbement réalisée quand à la musique,elle est somptueuse. Je suis ultra-fan!!. Thank you Natalie,i'm sorry,i don't speak english. Happy new year!. Pascal , Toulouse , France.
@Ibrahim Sangaré la droga o hachís es precisamente para estar más violento. Aun así ninguno hizo nada por matarse. Rollo hizo lo que todos hicieron por poder. Además, Rollo impidió que los siguieran atacando. Pienso que nunca quiso matar a su hermano pero si detener.
Ragnar knew his brother had the capacity to betray him. He never had thr sane relationship after the Jarl Borg saga. Keep your enemies close is something Ragnar did: King Ecbert, Rollo, King Orric, even Athelstan at the start. This is clear when after regaining strength / awareness after the successful Paris 'trojan horse' he was pissed at Bjorn in allowing Rollo to stay at Paris to winter. He knew that was a huge mistake. I found Rollo quite a despicable / pitiful man throughout the series. Practically the miment we meet Rollo he was trying to force Lagertha to love him.
سلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته اذكروا الله وصلوا على سيدنا الحبيب المصطفى محمد اللهم صلِ على سيدنا محمد و على آله وصحبه كما صليت على سيدنا ابراهيم وعلى آل سيدنا ابراهيم في العالمين انك حميد مجيد❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ياحي ياقيوم برحمتك استغيث اصلح لي شأني كله ولا تكلني الى نفسي طرفة عين❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ اللهم اغفر للمؤمنين و المؤمنات و المسلمين و المسلمات الاحياء منهم و الاموات🌹❤️ في حديث رواه مسلم في الصحيح: ثلاثة لا يكلمهم الله ولا ينظر إليهم يوم القيامة ولا يزكيهم ولهم عذاب أليم: المسبل إزاره، والمنان فيما أعطى، والمنفق سلعته بالحلف الكاذب، هذا من باب الوعيد عند أهل السنة والجماعة ليسوا كفاراً بل من باب الوعيد والتحذير والترهيب، المسبل يدل على أنه كبيرة من الكبائر، والمنان في العطية الله جل وعلا قال: لا تُبْطِلُوا صَدَقَاتِكُمْ بِالْمَنِّ وَالأَذَى [البقرة:264]، والمنفق سلعته بالحلف الكاذب، اللي يقول: والله إنها علي بكذا، والله إني شريتها بكذا، والله إنها ...... بكذا وهو يكذب حتى ينفقها يمشيها ويأكل أموال الناس بالباطل هذا وعيد شديد يدل على أن هذا من الكبائر من كبائر الذنوب مثل الحديث الآخر: ثلاث لا يكلمهم الله ولا يزكيهم ولهم عذاب أليم: شيخ زاني -شيخ شايب- وملك كذاب، وعائل مستكبر، هذا يدل على أن الزنا مع الشيخوخة مع كبر السن يكون أعظم من الزنا في الشباب أكبر إثماً، وهكذا الملك الكذاب إثمه أكثر؛ لأنه قد أعطاه الله الملك وأغناه الله عن الكذب فما الحاجة للكذب، وعائل مستكبر مع فقره يستكبر، الغني قد يحمله الغنى لكن هذا مع كونه فقير يستكبر هذا يدل على أن الكبر طبيعة له وسجية له نعوذ بالله فاشتد بهذا إثمه نسأل الله العافية لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله. نعم. المقدم: جزاكم الله خيراً سماحة الشيخ. ز
Rollo wanted to make a name for himself he wanted more. He got out of his brother shawdow. I respect that. I also respect Ragnar as well. I don't blame Rollo he wanted more and got it. He no longer live in his brothers shadow
Why will you wanted more?Whay will anyone wanted something more,especially because they are brothers,same blood,same mother,only different soul?!I will understand if someone else was on Ragnars place,but too hate your own blood because of success...it's fuc*ING sick !
@@alexisrondeau9945 t'es a la ramasse vieux... tu mélange deux personnages qui n'ont absolument rien a voir. Rollon et Roland sont deux personnages totalement différents.
@@momolafripouille4716 bah oui c'est ce que je dis justement, la légende de Rolland a eu lieu bien avant que les vikings arrivent en France (Francie à l'époque) donc le nom Rollo n'a pas pu inspiré la chanson de Rolland
I still remember some of the dialogues and emotions in these scenes😢: Ragnar:Look at you; you look like a bitch. You are NOT my BROTHER and You never have been. One of us will die today. Rollo: That won't be me BROTHER k.Harald: Odin where are you Ragnar: Bjorn, get her(Lagertha) into boat. Rollo: Enough, let them go. Gisla: father, I am showing you the hero of Paris.
the whole fight with the franks is extremely unfair, a crossbow that has such an accuracy, range and armor piercing capability must be a heavy crossbow, thus it requires some sort of a leaver and a long reload time, those mf franks just pull the string and shoot...very unfair.
Me parece extraño que los fanáticos no se detengan a analizar el carácter de Rollo. El quería lo mismo que todos los vikingos. Conquistar! El problema era que debía ir contra su hermano. Ahora bien, el nunca dejó de amarlo. Se lo confesó al sabio. (Lo amo pero estoy enojado) (frustración) cuando vence a Ragnar los deja irse y llora arrojando su espada. Le duele lo que hace, pero entiende que lucha por ese destino que los dioses le dieron. Porque nunca los dioses lo abandonaron. El sabio le dijo (Lo que los dioses te tienen preparado) por lo tanto se apresuran en acusarlo por hacer lo mismo que todos. Rollo nunca hubiera matado a su hermano. Ivar es otra cosa.
For a people that believed in the will of the GODS then the GODS WILLED this GREATNESS on Rollo everyone just want to be on team Ragnar and side with him when in fact the GOD$ willed this on Rollo and they should have taken advantage of it and worked out a trading deal and alliance for military help and set up a strong hold in francia
Rollo was by far the stronger and more skilled warrior than ragnar. Ragnar is remembered because it was he who started traveling and invading other countries. His sons were much better warriors too.
@@TSAVVVV I think this scene is about purpose. For most of Rollo's life he didn't really have a purpose of his own. Ragnar had purpose, to explore and better himself was a passion for him...but in this season of the show his disillusionment with his life was a central theme while Rollo found a home and purpose bigger than himself. Like their stories flipped which was pretty cool. So Rollo won because he found a purpose to fight for and Ragnar lost his.
The Picts, Britons...many were able to fight off the Vikings. With initial defeats though even my homeland Galicia had its moments! Yet is a shame they would call to Christianity at the end... Such a different culture should have prevail against the Roman Ways.
Rollo is only a traitor. If he became with ragnar instead of taking place near the Franks, everyting was different. If they became in the same side, they were destroying most of the Europe.I think this is the most big problem of vikings. If they stopping fighting with each other, they can look at the out more relax. Just like Ragnar's talk in the 2nd season's first episode...
@Francisco Leyva Martin actually young ragnar in there prime was the best warrior they hint at it and the writer hirst says this, rollo is bigger and stronger but ragnar is much more agile and athletic
@@johnnybatinich7260 I agree Rollo was a force of nature and a true beserker which vikings feared and admired. He was always revered and famous for his fighting skill and prowess on the battlefield. He certainly didn't have what it takes to be a ruler his talents were warfare. That being said Ragnar was also clearly adept at fighting amongst many other things too so his fighting skills got less attention compared to his other talents. Ragnar was more a sort of a swashbuckling rogueish fighter, dual wielding and as you said fast and agile. Rollo was depicted as a 2-handed axe / long sword barbarian, your traditional brute. Bjorn was a mix of the two.
Rollo>Ragnar Who is the Ragnar in real world? This is unknown.But Rollo is a great leader of Normans. Also His grandson is I. William .I think Rollo is a best warrior of Northern
When everyone wanted you dead I kept you alive
سلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته اذكروا الله وصلوا على سيدنا الحبيب المصطفى محمد اللهم صلِ على سيدنا محمد و على آله وصحبه كما صليت على سيدنا ابراهيم وعلى آل سيدنا ابراهيم في العالمين انك حميد مجيد❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ياحي ياقيوم برحمتك استغيث اصلح لي شأني كله ولا تكلني الى نفسي طرفة عين❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ اللهم اغفر للمؤمنين و المؤمنات و المسلمين و المسلمات الاحياء منهم و الاموات🌹❤️ في حديث رواه مسلم في الصحيح: ثلاثة لا يكلمهم الله ولا ينظر إليهم يوم القيامة ولا يزكيهم ولهم عذاب أليم: المسبل إزاره، والمنان فيما أعطى، والمنفق سلعته بالحلف الكاذب، هذا من باب الوعيد عند أهل السنة والجماعة ليسوا كفاراً بل من باب الوعيد والتحذير والترهيب، المسبل يدل على أنه كبيرة من الكبائر، والمنان في العطية الله جل وعلا قال: لا تُبْطِلُوا صَدَقَاتِكُمْ بِالْمَنِّ وَالأَذَى [البقرة:264]، والمنفق سلعته بالحلف الكاذب، اللي يقول: والله إنها علي بكذا، والله إني شريتها بكذا، والله إنها ...... بكذا وهو يكذب حتى ينفقها يمشيها ويأكل أموال الناس بالباطل هذا وعيد شديد يدل على أن هذا من الكبائر من كبائر الذنوب مثل الحديث الآخر: ثلاث لا يكلمهم الله ولا يزكيهم ولهم عذاب أليم: شيخ زاني -شيخ شايب- وملك كذاب، وعائل مستكبر، هذا يدل على أن الزنا مع الشيخوخة مع كبر السن يكون أعظم من الزنا في الشباب أكبر إثماً، وهكذا الملك الكذاب إثمه أكثر؛ لأنه قد أعطاه الله الملك وأغناه الله عن الكذب فما الحاجة للكذب، وعائل مستكبر مع فقره يستكبر، الغني قد يحمله الغنى لكن هذا مع كونه فقير يستكبر هذا يدل على أن الكبر طبيعة له وسجية له نعوذ بالله فاشتد بهذا إثمه نسأل الله العافية لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله. نعم. المقدم: جزاكم الله خيراً سماحة الشيخ. ز
He never ask keep him alive.am sorry Ragnar was a good guy.if it was me he'll be died already.betray today betray tomorrow is in her blood to be a traitor.
I won't give him that chance periode he'll died just like the bastards frenki.
@@sylvamoise5788 who? Lagherta? Aslaug? Of what woman you're talking about
@@sylvamoise5788 Ragnar a good guy? You know that they would sack Paris, to kill, rape and slave the people right? There are no good guys in Vikings. Just everyone doing was the best for themselves. Included Rolo.
For those who think Rollo is a traitor, you need to judge the facts since the beginning of the show. Rollo was promised to be Ragnar’s equal, Ragnar never kept his promise to Rollo. Rollo’s intentions and dreams were open to Ragnar since the beginning, it was Ragnar who cheated Rollo first, using his help to win battles with no intentions in giving him what he deserved.
They didn’t have fairness in their brotherhood even from the beginning.
So you cannot blame him that eventually he left Ragnar and forged his own future. It was the most satisfying thing to see in the show.
*"when everybody wanted you death I kept you alive!!! And is this how you repay my love?!"*
"How we can be equal now brother?"
This episode was best among of all season..
@@g13tati94 episode 10
This was the saddest episode
Ragnor said we will always Equal but after becoming King His behaviour changed which Rollo whisper that now we are not Equal! Rollo also saves Rangnor's Children life when he was out of Kattegat for raid
Ragnar changed because rolo fkn betrayed him🤷🤷🤷 what do you expect from him... treat him the same...he also saved Rollo life even though he betrayed Ragnar..deep down he knows that Rollo isn't his brother from heart after the first betrayal
Ragnar was a total snake@@papajonespizza426
Rollo was always the superior warrior in my opinion, I think Rollo knowing that fact and still being the lesser of the two brothers is what drove most of his decisions. He felt as he was a superior fighter, he naturally should have been the superior brother.
For those who dont know Ragnar and rollo weren't brothers rollo was far different then the show made him seem still a bad ass show though
Soon to be banned it was good he betrayed them and joined the Normans tho.
They wasn't brother at all . according to the historical they maybe never meet.but Rollo was existing for real.
@@sylvamoise5788 yeah everyone knows that, We don’t need a pseudo intelligent here.
@@sylvamoise5788 everyone existed, history Channel just added all timelines together
@@sylvamoise5788 according to history, Rollo was born around Aelles death, where the great heathen army attacked England
Hey gidi Ragnar...Gitti dağ gibi adam. Yak aga yak yak yak
Kral ivar geldi
Türkler burayada sızmış😃
Hepsi walhalla da şölen yapıyor .Krallık Ragnardan sonra Bijorn 'ün hakkiydi
Rollo se deu bem, sacaneou todo mundo e não morreu, ainda herdou uma vida de luxo
History Remembers Rollo more. His lineage conquered England.
Because ragnar kept him alive
Ragnar also conquered it
Uhm Ragnar and Rollo weren't brothers in real life
@@844spyderAlso if Ragnar even was real he probably didn't even live during the same time as Rollo.
@@lukeskywalker2913 Don't mistake fiction to real life.
Once an enemy always an enemy
Edited by Natalie is the best. Our Natalie Probably the Best Editor in the world.
Big thanks you for uploading this video clip.
People take it wrong this is the most iconic scene
Rollo is underrated
U mean overrated ?
This comment section honestly really shows there are still good people in this world.....even when you feel so alone.
Really like all of your videos.
ragnar always in my heart 🤞 R.I.P son of the odin 🤦♂️🍻
Ragbar xDDD
Cette série est absolument géniale et superbement réalisée quand à la musique,elle est somptueuse. Je suis ultra-fan!!.
Thank you Natalie,i'm sorry,i don't speak english. Happy new year!.
Pascal , Toulouse , France.
vive la france et vil le roi pas ce truck
Siempre me ha encantado Rollo para mi el mejor,🛡️🗡️⚔️❤️⚒️👑🏹💜💋💙
rollo is stronger than ragnar, but ragnar has the bigger heart
and the bigger HEAD ❤️
He was drugged before the battle
@Ibrahim Sangaré la droga o hachís es precisamente para estar más violento. Aun así ninguno hizo nada por matarse. Rollo hizo lo que todos hicieron por poder. Además, Rollo impidió que los siguieran atacando. Pienso que nunca quiso matar a su hermano pero si detener.
@Ibrahim Sangaré Rollo always looked more stronger and was, the drug that Ragnar took was to get him more stronger dude
What kind of drug ...
Ragnar knew his brother had the capacity to betray him. He never had thr sane relationship after the Jarl Borg saga. Keep your enemies close is something Ragnar did: King Ecbert, Rollo, King Orric, even Athelstan at the start. This is clear when after regaining strength / awareness after the successful Paris 'trojan horse' he was pissed at Bjorn in allowing Rollo to stay at Paris to winter. He knew that was a huge mistake. I found Rollo quite a despicable / pitiful man throughout the series. Practically the miment we meet Rollo he was trying to force Lagertha to love him.
Legretha and rollo were in love before lagretha had relation with Ragnar
@@sameerupreti4988 they used to sleep together doesnt mean she loved him
I love this scene...
سلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته اذكروا الله وصلوا على سيدنا الحبيب المصطفى محمد اللهم صلِ على سيدنا محمد و على آله وصحبه كما صليت على سيدنا ابراهيم وعلى آل سيدنا ابراهيم في العالمين انك حميد مجيد❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ياحي ياقيوم برحمتك استغيث اصلح لي شأني كله ولا تكلني الى نفسي طرفة عين❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ اللهم اغفر للمؤمنين و المؤمنات و المسلمين و المسلمات الاحياء منهم و الاموات🌹❤️ في حديث رواه مسلم في الصحيح: ثلاثة لا يكلمهم الله ولا ينظر إليهم يوم القيامة ولا يزكيهم ولهم عذاب أليم: المسبل إزاره، والمنان فيما أعطى، والمنفق سلعته بالحلف الكاذب، هذا من باب الوعيد عند أهل السنة والجماعة ليسوا كفاراً بل من باب الوعيد والتحذير والترهيب، المسبل يدل على أنه كبيرة من الكبائر، والمنان في العطية الله جل وعلا قال: لا تُبْطِلُوا صَدَقَاتِكُمْ بِالْمَنِّ وَالأَذَى [البقرة:264]، والمنفق سلعته بالحلف الكاذب، اللي يقول: والله إنها علي بكذا، والله إني شريتها بكذا، والله إنها ...... بكذا وهو يكذب حتى ينفقها يمشيها ويأكل أموال الناس بالباطل هذا وعيد شديد يدل على أن هذا من الكبائر من كبائر الذنوب مثل الحديث الآخر: ثلاث لا يكلمهم الله ولا يزكيهم ولهم عذاب أليم: شيخ زاني -شيخ شايب- وملك كذاب، وعائل مستكبر، هذا يدل على أن الزنا مع الشيخوخة مع كبر السن يكون أعظم من الزنا في الشباب أكبر إثماً، وهكذا الملك الكذاب إثمه أكثر؛ لأنه قد أعطاه الله الملك وأغناه الله عن الكذب فما الحاجة للكذب، وعائل مستكبر مع فقره يستكبر، الغني قد يحمله الغنى لكن هذا مع كونه فقير يستكبر هذا يدل على أن الكبر طبيعة له وسجية له نعوذ بالله فاشتد بهذا إثمه نسأل الله العافية لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله. نعم. المقدم: جزاكم الله خيراً سماحة الشيخ. ز
@@king.1706 I don’t speak noodles :(
"Edited by Natalie" is always a guarantee for a good vid! :-)
Viking saison 1 episode 3
Because of young Bjorn's wrong decision, Rollo defeated his brother for the first time
Rollo wanted to make a name for himself he wanted more. He got out of his brother shawdow. I respect that. I also respect Ragnar as well. I don't blame Rollo he wanted more and got it. He no longer live in his brothers shadow
Why will you wanted more?Whay will anyone wanted something more,especially because they are brothers,same blood,same mother,only different soul?!I will understand if someone else was on Ragnars place,but too hate your own blood because of success...it's fuc*ING sick !
Biggest horse shit I ever heard
Hes a damn traitor to betray his brother for fame and glory especially when his brother was there for him. It was just jealousy plain and simple.
I wonder if the Rollo's name originated the wellknown "Rollon sword's legend" in France.
Rollo in french is rollon
The Sword's legend of rollon (Roland in french) take place before the vikings came to France
@@alexisrondeau9945 t'es a la ramasse vieux... tu mélange deux personnages qui n'ont absolument rien a voir. Rollon et Roland sont deux personnages totalement différents.
@@momolafripouille4716 bah oui c'est ce que je dis justement, la légende de Rolland a eu lieu bien avant que les vikings arrivent en France (Francie à l'époque) donc le nom Rollo n'a pas pu inspiré la chanson de Rolland
@@alexisrondeau9945 autant pour moi. J'ai pas compris la chose comme ca. 👍
You hurt me, brother; you hurt me, Brother! When everyone wanted you dead, I KEPT YOU ALIVE!! And this is how you repay my LOVE?
Why History Channel hates this show i will never understand
“I came for Rollo”
Me too
Rollo deserved that win.
If you want to stop the Vikings, do not let them get on land
Hey Natalie I want to say that I love your videos keep it up! The gods will protect you!
Пришел рус🙄
Или защита
Legendär..legendary.....legend forever
Rollo and floki ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Amo esta serie igualmente que Last Kindow!!! Amo sus personajes!!!! Respeto enorme desde Argentina gran trabajo
Good job!
I still remember some of the dialogues and emotions in these scenes😢:
Ragnar:Look at you; you look like a bitch. You are NOT my BROTHER and You never have been.
One of us will die today.
Rollo: That won't be me BROTHER
k.Harald: Odin where are you
Ragnar: Bjorn, get her(Lagertha) into boat.
Rollo: Enough, let them go.
Gisla: father, I am showing you the hero of Paris.
ragnar reise kalkan eller kırılsın
yasin cemre ooo türk alırım bir dal
When will session 6 part B be released?
Still waiting.
December but which day idk
@@AhmedHamed-uz5vo This is christmas already :D
@@bachtiarmuhammad8716 should come out december 30
Brothers for always
the whole fight with the franks is extremely unfair, a crossbow that has such an accuracy, range and armor piercing capability must be a heavy crossbow, thus it requires some sort of a leaver and a long reload time, those mf franks just pull the string and shoot...very unfair.
Well war isn’t fair
Yo do magic is this fair? Haha
@@capillarypressure6775 LOL
It is fair who better is win
For me Rollo was the most ferocious Viking 💪
The most bitter wars a fought between kin.
Очередная превосходная работа!
Am here for Ragnar.
Nice video :)
What is the name of series
"Look at you, you look lke bitch .
Cant believe youre my broher"
King ragnar
Bravo to the editor of this video is dope💯
So Vikings didn't lost even one man, but somehow lost this battle? Wtf
What battle? They wanted to sail past
Ivar the Boneless? No they were attacking paris.
if only Ivar was old enough to join this battle, they would've taken Paris.
waht kind of heresy is this
deus wult
Me parece extraño que los fanáticos no se detengan a analizar el carácter de Rollo. El quería lo mismo que todos los vikingos. Conquistar! El problema era que debía ir contra su hermano. Ahora bien, el nunca dejó de amarlo. Se lo confesó al sabio. (Lo amo pero estoy enojado) (frustración) cuando vence a Ragnar los deja irse y llora arrojando su espada. Le duele lo que hace, pero entiende que lucha por ese destino que los dioses le dieron. Porque nunca los dioses lo abandonaron. El sabio le dijo (Lo que los dioses te tienen preparado) por lo tanto se apresuran en acusarlo por hacer lo mismo que todos. Rollo nunca hubiera matado a su hermano. Ivar es otra cosa.
For a people that believed in the will of the GODS then the GODS WILLED this GREATNESS on Rollo everyone just want to be on team Ragnar and side with him when in fact the GOD$ willed this on Rollo and they should have taken advantage of it and worked out a trading deal and alliance for military help and set up a strong hold in francia
Que Odín te bendiga por este video !!! Genial
Ainda tem cara que fala que the last kingdom e melhor que vinkings, pqp
que quieres decir
Melhor do que as novas temporads de Vikings sim
@@gaiusx287 a que es en portugues perdon
O The Last Kindong não fica para trás não, tem mais batalhas e epicas, se comparar as novas temporadas com Vikings, vikings fica no chinelo
Vikings dps da 4°temporada caiu pra krlh de qualidade
C est quel saison svp
Rollo 🤴🤴🤴
very cool
Rollo forever !!!!
Todos com medo de Rollo
rollo and ragnar is like bjorn and ivar...
ما اسم هذه الموسيقى
بيت طين
can you give me full movie link
It is not a movie but a série kalled viking
Rollo seems more equip, just saying
Rollo was by far the stronger and more skilled warrior than ragnar. Ragnar is remembered because it was he who started traveling and invading other countries. His sons were much better warriors too.
@@TSAVVVV I think this scene is about purpose. For most of Rollo's life he didn't really have a purpose of his own. Ragnar had purpose, to explore and better himself was a passion for him...but in this season of the show his disillusionment with his life was a central theme while Rollo found a home and purpose bigger than himself. Like their stories flipped which was pretty cool. So Rollo won because he found a purpose to fight for and Ragnar lost his.
Привет ето какая сезон кто знаете
Ragnar is my hero👊
Vikings agaisnt Vikings
As fighter:
Tanto los francos como los sajones fueron guerreros geniales y valientes, que muchas veces derrotaron a los vikingos.
The Picts, Britons...many were able to fight off the Vikings.
With initial defeats though even my homeland Galicia had its moments!
Yet is a shame they would call to Christianity at the end...
Such a different culture should have prevail against the Roman Ways.
natalie you are amazing
What happened to LOL?
как можна найти етот филм
Rolo is a god deme trietor
السلام عليكم شباب فيه جز سادس
حاتم الطاىي اي ونزله عرض تشويقي
شباب وين الكاء كامل المسلسل
Brotherhood dancing...
Like👍, if you hate betrayer..
Dislike👎 and leave a comment💭, if you love betrayer..
greetings from st.pauli. go on your job,
Rollo is only a traitor. If he became with ragnar instead of taking place near the Franks, everyting was different. If they became in the same side, they were destroying most of the Europe.I think this is the most big problem of vikings. If they stopping fighting with each other, they can look at the out more relax. Just like Ragnar's talk in the 2nd season's first episode...
قناة Alamat antika. شارك معنا في القناة Alamat antika ترحب بالجميع وشكرا على التشجيع لقناتي الجديدة وشكرا للجميع.
He s sick
Rollo duque de Normandía y padre de Guillermo el conquistador... hizo más que Ragnar y sus hijos 🥺
Okk so what happened to rollo in season 8, i dont recall him being dead
Dipen Ganguly season 8 😳 are u from the future?
Ĺove Rollo's character
Am i the only one who keeps wanting Rollo to win? e.e
thomasmini100 yes sir, because my father family came from Normandy
Yes, just you.
Yes....I want Ragnar!to win
I want Rollo to win
Rollo the warrior 🔥🔥🔥
Rollo was stronger!!
Well of course because ragnar was sick at the time
@Francisco Leyva Martin actually young ragnar in there prime was the best warrior they hint at it and the writer hirst says this, rollo is bigger and stronger but ragnar is much more agile and athletic
@@johnnybatinich7260 I agree Rollo was a force of nature and a true beserker which vikings feared and admired. He was always revered and famous for his fighting skill and prowess on the battlefield. He certainly didn't have what it takes to be a ruler his talents were warfare. That being said Ragnar was also clearly adept at fighting amongst many other things too so his fighting skills got less attention compared to his other talents. Ragnar was more a sort of a swashbuckling rogueish fighter, dual wielding and as you said fast and agile. Rollo was depicted as a 2-handed axe / long sword barbarian, your traditional brute. Bjorn was a mix of the two.
Who is the Ragnar in real world? This is unknown.But Rollo is a great leader of Normans. Also His grandson is I. William .I think Rollo is a best warrior of Northern
Alperen GENÇ 07
No way
Siktr lan
Yes Rollone
Alperen GENÇ 07 that’s his son not grandson.
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