Dr. Nicolosi at "Love Won Out" Phoenix

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 33

  • @eternity828
    @eternity828 8 лет назад +1

    totally true .Nicolosi is right .

  • @iamglory
    @iamglory 16 лет назад

    See...I love this. I trust my husband and a lot of other men a lot. My homosexuality is still very intact and not disappearing at all.

  • @angelscorpio13
    @angelscorpio13 14 лет назад +1

    electronicoffee, try to review what kind of relationship did u have with ur father. Did he teach take you into men world or far from it , was he cold and distant? Homosexual attraction is about connecting emotionally with other men and repairing unknown damaged relationship from the past. Most gays are unaware of this and they feel like they have a normal relationship but certainly not.

  • @studioorlando
    @studioorlando 15 лет назад

    Nicholosi has actually been dismissed by the Los Angeles Diocese. Cardinal Mahony has forbidden him from attending panel discussions as he will interrupt them and prevent them for continuing. That's why he practices elsewhere.

  • @bigbearlilbear
    @bigbearlilbear 17 лет назад

    Here, he was preaching to his choir of sheep.

  • @diamondk1
    @diamondk1 17 лет назад

    "You can find true love but not with someone of the same sex." That makes no sense. I know gay couples that have been together longer than married straight couples. I would say that was true love. I have read the Bible. Though very helpful, it can also be rather contradicting to itself.

  • @bigbearlilbear
    @bigbearlilbear 17 лет назад

    I claim that Dr. Nicolosi's opinion is, as stated here, is laughably false.

  • @cupofjoe4me2
    @cupofjoe4me2 17 лет назад

    You can find true love but not with someone of the same sex. If you are unwilling to grasp the concept that homosexuality is a sin then this debate will just continue to go in circles. I suggest you read your Bible and truly pray and ask God what He wants for you and your life. Change is possible.

  • @diamondk1
    @diamondk1 17 лет назад

    "It is pretty clear." Not really.

  • @diamondk1
    @diamondk1 17 лет назад

    It sounds more like bi-sexuality not homosexuality in those verses.

  • @diamondk1
    @diamondk1 17 лет назад

    Okay, okay. Look, I heard all of the verses used against homosexuality, but I find them utterly upsurd. The Bible was given to benefit and enrich the lives of God's children and create a deeper understanding and relationship with the Lord. Unfortunately, it has been perverted into a divisive tool. I like to use it as a pathway to unity and understanding.

  • @cupofjoe4me2
    @cupofjoe4me2 17 лет назад

    It says: "men also abondoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed INDECENT acts with other men" (that's not clear? My friend I am sorry you don't agree with what this says. Take time and pray about it. God will lead you in the right direction.)

  • @diamondk1
    @diamondk1 17 лет назад

    So, the Lord wants a gay person to be happy, but to not find true love?

  • @LauraTeAhoWhite
    @LauraTeAhoWhite 13 лет назад

    Dr. Nicolosi's theory doesn't make sense what so ever.
    I wonder what college or university he attended? -_-

  • @Chaia17
    @Chaia17 17 лет назад

    Even many Jews (myself included), who follow the Hebrew Scriptures, dont condemn homosexuality.
    People like this "doctor" piss me off.

  • @angelscorpio13
    @angelscorpio13 14 лет назад

    Narth+com know the hidden truth

  • @cupofjoe4me2
    @cupofjoe4me2 17 лет назад

    Romans 1:26-27 26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
    (Does not sound like bisexuality to me, it is pretty clear)

  • @surfindano
    @surfindano 17 лет назад

    NARTH, huh? I am starting a group as well: it is called CRAP.

  • @cupofjoe4me2
    @cupofjoe4me2 17 лет назад

    This is not true at all. The Lord wants you to be happy. We must understand that society has "forced" us into believing that homosexuality is okay. If you truly read your Bible and are a christian you will see that it is not. God will accept you if you ARE a homosexual but for you to truly give your life to God you must stop commiting sins.

  • @mreunome
    @mreunome 13 лет назад

    He's delusional.

  • @frogger79
    @frogger79 16 лет назад

    silly silly man. Must be tough being in the closet!