Braille Red Lodge Shoe Review & Break in Test

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 153

  • @drillofthedeath879
    @drillofthedeath879 2 года назад +13

    I think I’m gonna like this more, breaking in, impact and full review than just the reviews
    That just means more videos!

  • @tonyvolume666
    @tonyvolume666 2 года назад +14

    You should review the Li Ning Ellington! Plus those Braille shoes look decent. I personally wouldn’t wear them.

  • @matthewpelzek8473
    @matthewpelzek8473 2 года назад +16

    Dude u gotta skate a blind board with the braille shoes😂

    • @christianflores
      @christianflores  2 года назад +3

      Blahahah that is a good one.

    • @BrailleShorts
      @BrailleShorts 2 года назад +1

      That’s the best pun 👏

    • @harryworkhard1470
      @harryworkhard1470 2 года назад

      If you don’t mind me asking why did you change the channel name but love the name best shoe reviews ever

    • @christianflores
      @christianflores  2 года назад

      Channel has nothing to do with me really.

    • @harryworkhard1470
      @harryworkhard1470 2 года назад +1

      @@christianflores thanks for replying

  • @Jesticles85
    @Jesticles85 2 года назад +4

    i like this format.

  • @Shay-dn7cz
    @Shay-dn7cz 2 года назад +11

    Nothing has gotten me off of Es lately with their sales you can cop a good pair of shoes for 45$ or less and that is total worth the price to me.

    • @blockbuster9610
      @blockbuster9610 2 года назад +2

      DC has mega sales, i've gotten solid shoes for 25 dollars.

    • @mohammadridzuan2227
      @mohammadridzuan2227 2 года назад +2

      me too. never skate es before and just wanna give it a try because of 60% sale. and damn i love it so much.

    • @helmutdschulnigg5798
      @helmutdschulnigg5798 2 года назад +1

      @@mohammadridzuan2227 és is the real shit! The Accel Slim seems like the best shoe out of their lineup. I skate SB Dunks for the last 18 years and like this shoe very much. But the accel looks so similar. On the most iconic skateshoes of all time.

    • @hou5eheadjason
      @hou5eheadjason 2 года назад +1

      same here , i have 3 pairs of the og accel in white red leather , ive also ordered some slims as well but prefer the og accels just so durable and comfy

    • @tapulo-lo857
      @tapulo-lo857 2 года назад +2

      I've been skating only e'S for 10 years now they are truly the be'St

  • @kenthomson8598
    @kenthomson8598 2 года назад +1

    Some DC Kalis Vulcs would be a dope review!! Great price point and look dope.

  • @benjaminliu505
    @benjaminliu505 2 года назад +2

    Be awesome if you made a review of the Etnies Maranas, or a Marana VS Joslin comparison video

    • @christianflores
      @christianflores  2 года назад

      I think I did already they were super good.

    • @benjaminliu505
      @benjaminliu505 2 года назад

      @@christianflores Cant seem to find it, youtube search might just be bugging though

  • @razz2135
    @razz2135 Год назад

    for the heel part you should use a show horn

  • @random-rh3oj
    @random-rh3oj 2 года назад

    you should try the portray shoes from the Philippines

  • @Noastamper
    @Noastamper 2 года назад +2

    I know you reviewed those forum 84s but you should try the skate version. I just got some and they’re so comfortable

    • @christianflores
      @christianflores  2 года назад

      I might have too I though I did. I got them in the skateboarding section of the website

    • @Noastamper
      @Noastamper 2 года назад

      Landed my first 10 or so varial heels today thanks mostly to seeing you do them so often. Dream fundamental trick of mine.

  • @bigcheese1964
    @bigcheese1964 2 года назад +1

    You should try the adidas forum adv, very different to the regular forum 84s

  • @peeweeman543
    @peeweeman543 2 года назад

    Hey Christian! What do you think about Emerica shoes, especially the Dickson model? I also seen you say you wouldn't take a lot of the shoes you skate down bigger gaps. What shoes would you use to send down something bigger?

  • @danbartlett2509
    @danbartlett2509 2 года назад +9

    As someone who’s now getting into skating later in life, what would you recommend? Shoes like this or more of a high top with added ankle support? And would you say I need proper skate shoes starting out or would generic converses for example do whilst I learn the basics?
    Thank you love your videos dude!

      @SUB0SCORION 2 года назад +2

      I skate for 3 years now and can do a couple of flipstricks almost all shuvit (excluding switch fs shuv) and im a fine transition skater. I just skate the cheapest flat soles shoes i can buy. Fast fashion, used vans etc. I just shoegoo the hell of of them if I blow out the upper of the shoe. But when I blow out the bottom of the shoe there is nothing to be done to salvage the shoe, no matter if it costed €100 or €10. Even the most expensive shoes go out in a month and I can use cheap shoes for almost the same time. Yeah if you have the money to support skate brand do so, but if not: save you money

    • @PHeMoX
      @PHeMoX 2 года назад +1

      Definitely don't get high top skate shoes. Yes, they will have some support, however it won't be thick enough to provide protection and it will get in the way of learning how to flick. It's better to go with some Etnies Joslin 2 or eS OG Accel shoes (get the eS OG Accel Plus if you can, the strap is worth it). They will provide some impact protection and for an older skater there's nothing worse than getting your toes purple from a weird board impact. I would also suggest shin protectors. Don't go for the socks unless you can get the TSG with foam protection. Or just go with some wider soccer shin protectors. No one will know you're wearing them under normal pants, but it really changes learning for an older person. Shinner are more of a non-issue then. As for rolling your ankle, basically just make sure you stay more lightfooted in what you do. It's best to roll out of a fall and accept you're going down, then to shift weight onto a bend ankle. Last but not least, I'd wear a helmet. Just for the sake of making sure you don't jeopardise your job. Generic converses to skate with are a triple no no. They had no impact protection. They do not last. And they definitely do not skate 'better' than a proper skate shoe, like the Etnies Joslin 2 skate shoes. I'd even say the same applies to Vans as does for Converse. I'd probably stay away from those, except _maybe_ the Vans Half Cab Skate shoes. Don't expect amazing impact protection from the insole though. Benefit of the Es Accel OG Plus and Etnies Joslin 2 shoes is also how they are some of the absolute most durable skate shoes you can get.

    • @AlexNiedt
      @AlexNiedt 2 года назад +3

      @@PHeMoX Depends on the high top. Some are absolutely thick enough to make any board hits around the feel/ankles/achilles a complete non-issue. As for flick, you'll only feel restricted if you're used to thin low tops. Otherwise, like with anything else in skating, you'll compensate to make things work however you need.

    • @benjaminliu505
      @benjaminliu505 2 года назад +1

      @@PHeMoX don't think they sell Josl1n 2's anymore. I know the Marana is a great alternative though

    • @llrated1238
      @llrated1238 2 года назад +2

      All up to your preferences I get wider shoes Bc I have wider feet and I like the Nike force 58s and the Jamie foy 306 new balances

  • @iMoreno
    @iMoreno 2 года назад +65

    Still looks like an Ali Baba shoe but expensive

    • @christianflores
      @christianflores  2 года назад +6


    • @IrisBlackCaat
      @IrisBlackCaat 2 года назад


    • @PHeMoX
      @PHeMoX 2 года назад +5

      From what I see on their site, these shoes aren't expensive though? How's a $60 shoe expensive?

    • @benjaminliu505
      @benjaminliu505 2 года назад +8

      @@PHeMoX 60 dollars is fairly expensive. Most skaters cop shoes from the clearance section and just take what they can get.

    • @bitmammothOG
      @bitmammothOG 2 года назад +2

      @@benjaminliu505 which were all at one point … expensive lol

  • @ericfreeman5394
    @ericfreeman5394 2 года назад +3

    They look like every other generic basketball style skate shoe. Do they sell these at walmart?

    • @BrailleShorts
      @BrailleShorts 2 года назад +1

      Sorry. Only on our website at the moment.

  • @gabedanko9784
    @gabedanko9784 2 года назад

    I would like you to review the Vans half cab shoe

  • @KJmadKing
    @KJmadKing 2 года назад

    Hey Christian. Can you review the Li-Ning erik ellington shoes please?

  • @3clubforever
    @3clubforever 2 года назад +1

    It’s like the dc Manteca, which was a great shoe back in the day

  • @dylfcilf
    @dylfcilf 2 года назад +1

    Is that the highlands ranch park?

  • @AlexNiedt
    @AlexNiedt 2 года назад +4

    These look better than the first ones, but still very generic/knock-off-ish. And that upper looks like it'll get soggy-feeling pretty quickly.

  • @igorproshunin5974
    @igorproshunin5974 2 года назад

    That subscribe trick almost got me, G

  • @tommythedinosaur6814
    @tommythedinosaur6814 2 года назад

    Can you get the laces in the UK?

  • @vteli1497
    @vteli1497 2 года назад

    You should review the Nike sb blazer

  • @87morse
    @87morse 2 года назад

    review the new estrella !

  • @spectrumsound675
    @spectrumsound675 2 года назад

    You should try the Adidas Busenitz!!!!!!

  • @bakedbeings
    @bakedbeings 2 года назад

    Can't lie, it was already touch and go if I needed a Braille shoe review; I can't watch a full season of it 😂 Lakai review time!

  • @firtythive
    @firtythive 2 года назад +3

    The fisheye gave me sunstroke

    • @dannygfilms6554
      @dannygfilms6554 2 года назад

      That will be fixed for the next review 😂

  • @trueknotts8519
    @trueknotts8519 2 года назад +1

    Me likey new shoe review style

  • @Rickaytan
    @Rickaytan 2 года назад

    What park is this?

    • @christianflores
      @christianflores  2 года назад +1

      It’s next to breakfast republic in Carmel valley

  • @sirnelsor6033
    @sirnelsor6033 2 года назад +2

    Why did you change the channel name? I think Christian Flores is better than just skatebaording shoe reviews

  • @stucklock7514
    @stucklock7514 2 года назад +1

    a sponsored skater from the san fransisco bay area

  • @JaySkateDay
    @JaySkateDay 2 года назад +1

    I may have to check these out!

  • @kp_adamo
    @kp_adamo 2 года назад +1

    I did not expect to laugh with a skate video

  • @crazycarlsadventures5983
    @crazycarlsadventures5983 2 года назад

    So it’s basically a DC Manteca

  • @ryanrowe1975
    @ryanrowe1975 2 года назад +1

    Really cool

  • @pointlessfailure
    @pointlessfailure 2 года назад

    I saw you on Dan's channel

  • @Perryprime1999
    @Perryprime1999 2 года назад +5

    They look suspiciously like the joslin 2s 🤨🤨🤨

    • @PHeMoX
      @PHeMoX 2 года назад

      Probably a good thing :)

  • @1776AxlePowerDM
    @1776AxlePowerDM Год назад

    I'm getting back into skating. IM 35 and haven't skated since I was 13. The skate culture is pathetic these days. Almost every comment is a brat kid talking trash. Respect what others want to do on their free time. I don't see the problem with Christian talking in the video or with Braille. They bring kids into skating, teach how to skate and encourage people. I guess that's the cool thing to hate on right now. Bunch of followers. Sad to see and disgusting.

  • @williamaguilar1907
    @williamaguilar1907 2 года назад +2


  • @MARS041
    @MARS041 2 года назад

    collab with them to make a shoe

  • @llrated1238
    @llrated1238 2 года назад

    Wait why’d you change your name there wasn’t anything wrong with it and I haven’t heard anything from you

    • @AaronFelizmenio
      @AaronFelizmenio 2 года назад

      He explained it in his previous video.

    • @llrated1238
      @llrated1238 2 года назад

      @@AaronFelizmenio das why I hate it Bc I didn’t see his other video Bc I didn’t know it was him 😂

  • @emussy6675
    @emussy6675 2 года назад

    gives me joslin 2 vibes

  • @trae2x
    @trae2x 2 года назад

    The copied the toe box and eyestays of the dunk so hard lmao

  • @lykos27
    @lykos27 2 года назад +6

    Can’t believe braille is still around, corniest brand alive

    • @christianflores
      @christianflores  2 года назад +4

      Yeah they still kill it with views and getting kids into skateboarding

    • @BrailleShorts
      @BrailleShorts 2 года назад +2

      And there’s more to come! Stay tuned🤙

  • @1920s
    @1920s 2 года назад

    Say something bad ‘bout my boy Ali Baba one mo’ time, ninja….

  • @MatheusZumbi
    @MatheusZumbi 2 года назад +3

    The first was the ugliest shit I’ve ever seen, but this one looks awful too. Dunk rip off from Walmart

    • @PHeMoX
      @PHeMoX 2 года назад +2

      I agree. But so are many Converse and Vans shoes. Quite a lot of pretty ugly looking skate shoes out there. I don't know if the newer one looks awful. To me it looks a lot better, so at least they're moving in the right direction.

    • @MatheusZumbi
      @MatheusZumbi 2 года назад

      @@PHeMoX Opinions. For me they're not trying to improve, thyre using cheap materials to make a low quality shoe that looks like a dunk but won't last, and charging 60 bucks for it. It looks like walmart or any other chain store cheap shoes

    • @BrailleShorts
      @BrailleShorts 2 года назад

      Thank you so much for your critique guys 🤝

  • @loudestthought
    @loudestthought 2 года назад

    heyyyy would love a hours is yours modelll they are 50 bucks and it would be nice if they suck ahhaahaha

  • @StandbyCymbalist
    @StandbyCymbalist 2 года назад

    they look likes shoes from Target

  • @DayJawn
    @DayJawn 2 года назад +1

    They look like steel toe work shoes 😂😂 the toe part is way to big and they look cheap af!

    • @BrailleShorts
      @BrailleShorts 2 года назад +1

      Hmmm ok. Thank you for your critique! 🙏

  • @benfredrickson5212
    @benfredrickson5212 2 года назад

    A terrible knock off of a dunk toe cap, let’s be honest all their shoes have been super budget.

    • @BrailleShorts
      @BrailleShorts 2 года назад

      Thank you for your critique! 🙏 It'll be useful for us in our future projects.

  • @joshuarichards2378
    @joshuarichards2378 2 года назад

    BROOOO fix your blown-out white balance! couldn't watch the full vid because it was the only thing i could focus on

  • @Ninpo_Nikku
    @Ninpo_Nikku 2 года назад

    These would look dope if they didn't have the stupid b on the side

    • @BrailleShorts
      @BrailleShorts 2 года назад

      So where do you think we need to put our logo?

    • @Ninpo_Nikku
      @Ninpo_Nikku 2 года назад

      @@BrailleShorts the tounge

    • @Ninpo_Nikku
      @Ninpo_Nikku 2 года назад

      @@BrailleShorts sry I called your logo stupid I like the RUclips channel though lol

    • @BrailleShorts
      @BrailleShorts 2 года назад +1

      @@Ninpo_Nikku got it. Thanks!

    • @Ninpo_Nikku
      @Ninpo_Nikku 2 года назад

      @@BrailleShorts or you guys can put it on the heel like vans

  • @theghostfacekza4549
    @theghostfacekza4549 2 года назад

    People saying these look like Ali-Baba shoes, I hope they never run into last resort ab. Those things are actual $10 shoes from Old Navy/Gap for $100 or more

  • @julesvox
    @julesvox Год назад

    Skating for years and sucking this bad, ain't the shoes

  • @TakeoversUSA
    @TakeoversUSA 2 года назад

    Look like Walmart shoes with their logo

  • @VenomOG
    @VenomOG Год назад

    Wdy mean bro there first shoe is 🔥 looks and feel

    @OGANGLER 2 года назад

    So obvious that this is sponsored 🤣🤣🤣 smh why everyone sell their souls to braille lol

    • @christianflores
      @christianflores  2 года назад +2

      So the parts about me calling them an Ali baba shoe sounds like a sponsored video to you? . . 🤦🏻‍♂️ still not sponsored

      @OGANGLER 2 года назад

      @@christianflores 🤔 just seemed to go a little easier on these lol

    • @BrailleShorts
      @BrailleShorts 2 года назад

      @@OGANGLER confirm. We see this man for the first time!

  • @emothug87
    @emothug87 2 года назад +2

    theyre jus wanna be dunks

    • @christianflores
      @christianflores  2 года назад +4

      I was thinking more like just a generic skate shoe.

  • @theowainwright7406
    @theowainwright7406 2 года назад

    Awful design

    @VERSIAL4L 2 года назад

    skate more talk less.

  • @davidoldskater5502
    @davidoldskater5502 2 года назад


  • @toast4975
    @toast4975 2 года назад +1

    Anything with Braille on it...I'd just toss in the trash lol joke channel, prob joke products

    • @christianflores
      @christianflores  2 года назад +1

      Lol. Ahhhhh come on

    • @BrailleShorts
      @BrailleShorts 2 года назад

      No jokes. These are real 😊 You should try them!

    • @toast4975
      @toast4975 2 года назад +1

      @@BrailleShorts no thanks. I don't want to sell my soul to scientology with the purchase.

    • @tracphonevirtualmagazine
      @tracphonevirtualmagazine 2 года назад

      @@toast4975 DAAAAAAMN

  • @sammpistols3378
    @sammpistols3378 2 года назад

    i like this format