at the hotel i was staying in Nara, BBC was the only channel. Actually the night before BBC had Japanese voice over on the BBC channel that I couldn't turn off.. so distracting =P
There is a button to switch language, but it was not working that night. However, that button work the next day in another hotel. So I was watching an old (romantic love story) movie from Micheal J. Fox!
RYAN157SERVER yep, because some anime shows on national channels do some contain nudity, violence, everything you won't see on tv. While on Animax, since it's the only children's channel (until when Nickelodeon relaunched in early 2018), aside from airing animes, it does the unusual thing for an japanese anime channel, airing cartoon shows, even airing Nick shows under NickTime block.
Whatever that Kangaroo show is looks like a trip!
Next time I go I've got to set up my DVD recorder so I can actually capture continuity from around toku shows.
you don't have a wowow tv premium?
at the hotel i was staying in Nara, BBC was the only channel. Actually the night before BBC had Japanese voice over on the BBC channel that I couldn't turn off.. so distracting =P
So much delicious food!!
5:35 is squid placenta I'm pretty sure, with a still born baby squid fetus inside.
There is a button to switch language, but it was not working that night. However, that button work the next day in another hotel. So I was watching an old (romantic love story) movie from Micheal J. Fox!
Exercise for Everyone
what about the anime channels..
That shit airs at 1:00 am.
...Unless you're talking about Animax, which would be airing kiddie shows at 6am.
WHAT!! 1AM!!!
RYAN157SERVER yep, because some anime shows on national channels do some contain nudity, violence, everything you won't see on tv. While on Animax, since it's the only children's channel (until when Nickelodeon relaunched in early 2018), aside from airing animes, it does the unusual thing for an japanese anime channel, airing cartoon shows, even airing Nick shows under NickTime block.
lol so almost every channel is ad channel ?
One time I watch Apna Channel (Pakistan channel on LiveNetTV) And basically it was fully an ad channel
No anime.
So I see Japanese tv is as bland as in all the other countries nowadays 😅
O! Japan have television!!!???