List of effects: 1. Normal 2. I Killed 3. G-Major 4 4. Low Voice 5. Slow Voice 6. Luigi Group 7. G-Major 7 8. G-Major 16 9. Crying 10. Sad 11. Not Scary 12. X is Going to Weirdness Every 13. X is Diet 14. I Sused X 15. Even X Discontinues 16. X is Cute 17. Lost Effect 18. I Broke 19. Wipe Effect 20. Meat Aid 21. You Wiggled 22. Mirror and Other
1. Normal 2. I killed X 3. G-Major 4 4. Low voice 5. Slow voice 6. Luig group 7. G-Major 7 8. G-Major 16 9. X is crying 10. X is sad 11. X isn't scary 12. X is going weirdness every 13. X has a diet 14. I sused X 15. Even X discontinues 16. X is cute 17. X is lost 18. I broke X 19. Wipe effect 20. Meat aid 21. You wiggled X 22. Mirror and other
Normal I Killed G Major 4 Low Voice Slow Voice Luigi Group G Major 7 G Major 16 Crying Sad Not Scary The Weird Is Diet I Sused Even x Discutions I Cute Lost Effect I Broke Zoopals Effect V3 Meat Aid I Wiggled Mirroded Other
List of effects:
1. Normal
2. I Killed
3. G-Major 4
4. Low Voice
5. Slow Voice
6. Luigi Group
7. G-Major 7
8. G-Major 16
9. Crying
10. Sad
11. Not Scary
12. X is Going to Weirdness Every
13. X is Diet
14. I Sused X
15. Even X Discontinues
16. X is Cute
17. Lost Effect
18. I Broke
19. Wipe Effect
20. Meat Aid
21. You Wiggled
22. Mirror and Other
1. Normal
2. I killed X
3. G-Major 4
4. Low voice
5. Slow voice
6. Luig group
7. G-Major 7
8. G-Major 16
9. X is crying
10. X is sad
11. X isn't scary
12. X is going weirdness every
13. X has a diet
14. I sused X
15. Even X discontinues
16. X is cute
17. X is lost
18. I broke X
19. Wipe effect
20. Meat aid
21. You wiggled X
22. Mirror and other
I Killed
G Major 4
Low Voice
Slow Voice
Luigi Group
G Major 7
G Major 16
Not Scary
The Weird
Is Diet
I Sused
Even x Discutions
I Cute
Lost Effect
I Broke
Zoopals Effect V3
Meat Aid
I Wiggled
Mirroded Other