This is a great video, I just recently found a VIC20 in the thrift store and it's interesting how some of the games it's clear how they used what they could where others it looks like some dark magic where you can't even tell the thing can't run bitmap framebuffers.
Some of these games give me instant nostalgia ,some of them I've never seen before and seem to be pushing the boundaries of what the machine can do whether ram expanded or not they are pretty impressive, I like the game and watch style game it's a different approach to the graphics on the system .Some of the games seem to bordering on spectrum style graphics but with the vic 20 the sound comes through the television.
*DOOM!* Ported to everything. I saw doom on a calculator once. a pregnancy test yes a pregnancy test with a digital display no joke. *Porsche.* yes the car. the steering wheel moved the character left and right and the gas moved you forward. it played on the touch screen.
There are a few others missing too. Really liked the Donkey Kong clone called Cannonball Blitz. Preferred it to the official port of DK to be honest. There was also a pretty decent clone of Asteroids called Satellites and Meteorites. Also Super Amok (pretty neat Berzerk inspired game) is also missing, as well as Jelly Monsters. Plus how you NOT make a VIC-20 video without including GORF? It's one of the best official arcade ports on the system, if not the best behind Omega Race.
I won't say shame, this is just an eclectic compilation of what I could get and run on my hardware. I grew up with the ZX81 and C64, just bought my first VIC a few years ago, but thanks for the suggestions for the second part :)
There is a game, where you have to robbery the bank. Only one screen with some houses and street, I think. Could someone tell me the name here, please?
the vic 20 was my first computer and the biggest dissapointment as i wanted a spectrum as thats what my friends and cousins had but my mom was no way are you getting that youll break it as i used to take stuff apart LOL i blew up a 14 inch bw tele trying to fix it tip dont put a screwdriver in the fuse slots and turn it on anyway the only games i remember is king tut or solomons mines and a plane bombs a city to land i had others but you could only buy a couple of 1.99 games as it was all spectrum cpc and c64 games at the paper shop yea thats how long ago it was thankfully i got a 128k +2a the next xmas but hated the vic 20 with a passion LOLOLOL add on i didnt even know most of these where available as most i had were type ins
This is a great video, I just recently found a VIC20 in the thrift store and it's interesting how some of the games it's clear how they used what they could where others it looks like some dark magic where you can't even tell the thing can't run bitmap framebuffers.
Some of these games give me instant nostalgia ,some of them I've never seen before and seem to be pushing the boundaries of what the machine can do whether ram expanded or not they are pretty impressive, I like the game and watch style game it's a different approach to the graphics on the system .Some of the games seem to bordering on spectrum style graphics but with the vic 20 the sound comes through the television.
@10:52 LOL you can see the computer grind, as it computes all the reflections...
I don't think Tom Griner ever made a bad game on the VIC. Dude knew that machine inside and out
I know it might be controversial to some, but I prefer Jeff Minter's stuff on the VIC-20 to his C64 stuff overall
Bu retro game watch türü oyunlar yeniden yeni versiyonlari yapılsa çok iyi olur
List of the game titles in the description would have been nice
Indeed. Without naming the games during the video and/or providing a list, this video is quite pointless.
I included the title screens where I could.
Ported to everything. I saw doom on a calculator once.
a pregnancy test yes a pregnancy test with a digital display no joke.
*Porsche.* yes the car. the steering wheel moved the character left and right and the gas moved you forward. it played on the touch screen.
Aaa yes i had this computer
TIL There was a VIC-20 version of Crypt of the Necrodancer. Kind of.
Shame I don’t see omega race, bongo, Perils of Willy, shamus and radar rat race on this list.
The perils of willy really pushed the vic 20s capabilities .
There are a few others missing too. Really liked the Donkey Kong clone called Cannonball Blitz. Preferred it to the official port of DK to be honest. There was also a pretty decent clone of Asteroids called Satellites and Meteorites. Also Super Amok (pretty neat Berzerk inspired game) is also missing, as well as Jelly Monsters. Plus how you NOT make a VIC-20 video without including GORF? It's one of the best official arcade ports on the system, if not the best behind Omega Race.
I won't say shame, this is just an eclectic compilation of what I could get and run on my hardware. I grew up with the ZX81 and C64, just bought my first VIC a few years ago, but thanks for the suggestions for the second part :)
There is a game, where you have to robbery the bank. Only one screen with some houses and street, I think. Could someone tell me the name here, please?
does anyone recognize the game after salmon run?
It is Saturn Caves.
Ugh you mean flappy birds was a rip off ??!...... @16:32
ViccyBird is a 2014 game.
Where's doom?
@@Mk482023 oh thx
Doom, huh.
Name of the game 16:30
Its Viccybird.
the vic 20 was my first computer and the biggest dissapointment as i wanted a spectrum as thats what my friends and cousins had but my mom was no way are you getting that youll break it as i used to take stuff apart LOL i blew up a 14 inch bw tele trying to fix it tip dont put a screwdriver in the fuse slots and turn it on anyway the only games i remember is king tut or solomons mines and a plane bombs a city to land i had others but you could only buy a couple of 1.99 games as it was all spectrum cpc and c64 games at the paper shop yea thats how long ago it was thankfully i got a 128k +2a the next xmas but hated the vic 20 with a passion LOLOLOL add on i didnt even know most of these where available as most i had were type ins