@@MDcustomRx I'm interested in leuko ....? effect you mentioned as I make my own skin care cream. How do I get this result that removes the blueness of the MB of you could help with this info is absolutely appreciate it. I've been taking M B for the past 3 months or so and it has really helped my brain fog
Yes, he's amazing at letting millions of children be slaves (sexual worldwide and working until death in India, China and Africa) and letting so much evil in the world to happen. Especially love his work of people dying horribly daily with horrid pain and that everyone shits themselves after death. Really gave us that dignity there.
I remembered my Grandpa, 62 years ago, who was a farmer, everytime his hogs and chicken get sick (epidemic) or his neighbors' hogs and chicken get sick, he adds drops of methylene blue to their water, to prevent the rest of the hogs and chicken from getting sick.
We used to use methylene blue successfully back in the day to address severe metabolic acidosis on septic/post-op patients in the ICU when nothing else worked. I haven't seen it being used in that fashion anymore these days. Of course we're going backwards in so many aspects nowadays
Ok but what is the solution we are being offered? Most of us left alone to live with life with full of symptoms as the health system is not competent to serve us all especially if you’re not rich 💰. If people searching for their own cure it means because there is a big gap in medical help. Being honest this and similar alternative substance makes me suspicious that I can’t say i can thrust but in the other hand I need a solution like many of us. So what do you suggest then? I just had to ask this to the GP as was on venaflaxine 37mg and trying to come off it so im even worse now ( by the way methylene blue is never must take with anti depressants can cause serotonin syndrome which can be fatal or can leave permanent damage) as I said to my gp that I m suffering sine 5 years was there any solution at all and the answer is am I expected to live like this for rest of my life? Im sick and tired of hundreds of opinions in hundreds of RUclips videos besides i can only assume that they are real doctors (!) I can write so long but I don’t think it’s necessary just basically we are a lost in medical help too as well as many aspects nowadays.
In the coming days we will have a video about nitric oxide and methylene blue, we will clear some of the air and controversy. They maintain a beautiful relationship and it will be exciting to show the dynamics!
According to Dr. Br yan Ar dis nicotine is the answer. Watch videos where he talks about this. You might have to go to a place other than Y T to find that answer.
(first: sorry for my bad english! I'm from Germany) I got the book from Mark Sloan: "The Ultimate Guide to Methylene Blue". He prefers taking 1% solution. Take according to the following protocol: Week 1: 10 drops (5mg) in the morning and evening, Week 2: 20 drops each, Week 3: 30 drops each. Then by weight. I suffered from ME/CFS since 20 years. I hope that MB will now help my mitochondria! I am also a breast cancer patient. I currently have a local recurrence and would like to start taking methylene blue. But also because I have additional “construction sites”... For the cancer I was given Tamoxifen as an estrogen blocker. The drug caused a fatty liver and now the onset of diabetes has been diagnosed... I would be interested to know whether MB also has a positive effect on the liver. Currently only diet and bitter substances such as grapefruit apply.
Hi ebenfalls aus Deutschland. 😊 Ich habe viel Gutes über die Jodeinnahme, gerade in Zusammenhang mit Brustkrebs gehört. Vielleicht ist es interessant für dich. Viel Heilungskraft für dich.
@@mariposa3378 Jod hat mir wahrscheinlich das Leben gerettet! Hab die Brust mit Lugolscher Lösung eingepinselt, weil ich an den Tagen vor den Tagen immer Schmerzen hatte. Hat super geholfen! Nach einiger Zeit veränderte sich aber auf einer Seite die Haut (wie ich heute weiß, ein Frühzeichen von Krebs). Als er dann diagnostiziert wurde, war der Tumor schon 4cm groß und hatte angeblich Anschluss ans Lymphsystem... Er wurde entfernt, aber auf Chemo und Bestrahlung hab ich dankend verzichtet. Tatsächlich sind die Lymphknoten nicht betroffen! Ich gehe davon aus, daß das Jod geheilt hat, was möglich , geschützt, was gesund war und so dafür sorgte, daß der Tumor tatsächlich wunderbar abgegrenzt war. Ist jetzt 5 Jahre her. Ich hatte zwar schon zwei Rezidiv OPs, aber die "Knubbel" waren ganz klein. ich denke, mit Jod und Bengalrosa bekomme ich das in den Griff. Und so lange das Geschehen nur auf die eine Brust begrenzt ist, ist alles chic.
My doctor also tested me for G6PD deficiency before he would allow me to start MB. After just 1 dose of 25 mg the pain in my left foot went from a 7 to a 2. With the second dose I noticed even more relief throughout my entire body. Nothing short of miraculous!I’m looking forward to seeing if I get any cognitive improvements! As a reference, I weigh 128 lbs and I’m on 25 mg once per day. The bottle says to take with food and a full glass of water.
25mg daily...wow that's alot. My bottle of MB is .5mg per drop(thats 50 drops)...at that dose the bottle would only last 12 days...becomes very expensive
@@a.macdonald4877 Im just sorta wingin it...gulp some down (even though I measured it properly 100ml/gr.) and wait until I pee green...then when the green goes away repeat...pretty simple. My question is could anything negative come down the road from using this product, or is it all good? I guess I have to do more research, finding peeps who have been using this stuff long term. Just took my first dose today. Ordered it in the mail yesterday from the States, and by some kind of strange magic it arrived the next day up here in Canada, haha! Also listened to the DOSING section here, also poking holes in people without an actual requirement being essential is just a pure stupid way to do any medicine if these people know any better...with big pharmas synthetic vitamin C it CAN be useful to knock cancer on its asz. Yet of coarse LONG TERM artificial vitamin C IS what killed the first 3 main proponents of the idea WITH CANCER about 7-9 years after each of them started doing that daily (linus pauling, wife ava, and their GP doctor). Now of coarse the pauling institute has convinced many thousands, or perhaps even millions to jump over the cliffs in same way as those first three...taking about failing to connect any CASE HISTORY dots...pathetic lack of oversight, and I place THEIR GREED FOR MONEY as the main cause of their ignorance in these areas, etc. So with this stuff here basics are avoid taking too much, yeah, pretty easy to figure that out. I know what serotonin syndrome can feel like, also I noticed that you are like most white coats shillin hardcore for big pharma...my advice to you ...oops your a pharmacist...I was about to explain to you how SUCH an industry is currently about 25% for the people and 75% for the money (when most people would want its reciprocal) yet here is the deal EITHER of those imbalances amount to unsustainability... you can only travel / walk anywhere when you have balance, otherwise you will surely have a short trip...so enjoy your cash while it lasts I guess...or perhaps WORK more towards that balance, after all YOU and all your pals in this industry ARE at least partially responsible for the current situation of greed for cash in said fields.
I've been in treatment for both Lyme and 5 strains of Bartonella for 3 years . Since I've added MB I've finally been able to feel better and have my brain back. Naltrexone has also been a huge help.
My brain is the worst of my problems with Lyme, 15 years and counting. 24/7/365 horrible brain fog, heavy numb head, feeling as if I'm not really alive, like a dream state...a bad dream. Migraines, dizziness, blurred vision, high anxiety, etc. Tried MB for a while but the needle didn't move for me at all. I'm terrified I'll spend the rest of my life in this deep fog. Can you tell me your protocol, I'm willing to give it another chance. I'm running out of options after trying just about everything out there. Thanks, I hope you stay well.
@@Aetherfieldi assume that the original post was refering to LDN Briefly, what is the advantage of very low dose. What is a rough range. I'm happy around 0.5mg
@@johnrhodes3350 I’ve been on and off of LDN, a number of times over the last 4 years while doing other therapies for Lyme, POTS, EBV, Toxic metals…. When on 1.5 mg. or more, I would experience the benefit of LDN for maybe a week or 10-days before it started pooping out. I am currently experimenting with taking only a tiny pinch (maybe 1/15th of the capsule) from a 1.5 mg. capsule in water every 2-3 days and then taking 2 days off. It’s only been a couple of weeks, but it does seem to be working better this way for me. I don’t sleep as well on the off days, and have to take more sleep inducing agents on the off-days, but I have read elsewhere that this may prevent the tolerance.
Dr. Newville, I love your videos. I am a little confused by the roles of Nitric Oxide and Methylene Blue. Have you read the Methylene Blue book by Mark Sloan? I was trained to believe Nitric Oxide was very helpful. He says otherwise. I was hoping you might do a video on the relationship of Methylene Blue and NO and help set the record straight. TIA
Yes, but do not mention that it contains arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium and other heavy metals. It is also chloride. And the most basic thing for me is that : it blocks the entire solar light spectrum that mitochondria need to produce water and energy through the natural electron chain. If you block natural light, you create all these dysfunctions
the boost of mental clarity and sharp focus is amazing with MB. i sometimes dont want to go to sleep because its so much fun do do stuff. i also started dreaming, which didnt work for a long time. I do 2-2,5mg of a 1% solution.
Hi, I got to know MB when I got in to aquatics, My lovely fish got ill one day and nothing helped from the meds that they offered in the pet shops. I started doing my research into how to help in a different way and got on MB. I got it, put my fish in it and all started to happen. Fish cured in a week. Then I started doing more research if this maybe usefull to me and my family. At that point I was struggling to get rid of scalp cellulitis and thought to apply the solution for my fish onto my affected areas. And guess, I cued it, all gone. This was 3 years ago and I m free from the issue till today. I recommend this to people, deffinately. MB is amazing cure for many issues, I now know after my research that it can do a lot good. Thanks for bringing this up as there is not much info about it around. Cheers:)
You used mb for fishtank on yourself??😅 you’re not supposed to. Those type of mb are not for human consumption or to be put topically on human skin as they’re not the pure type and contain a lot of heavy metals and chemicals. Get a pure food grade one
Thank for your comment. Well, yes I do use the one for fish and I am still alive:) Well if the one for my fish had a lot of heavy metals and chemicals, the fish would not make it within minutes after being place in it, I am not sure if you are aware how it is used in aqutics? You neeed to put your fish in the solution for couple of days. The fish is very sensitive to any heavy metals and chemicals and this is why you need to treat their water for any metals and chemials, and change it regularly. So I am not sure where you got this but it does not make sense that mtb for fish is less pure than for people. Mtb is a natural dye and the high purity can be obtained by chloroform extraction of impurities from solutions of raw dye in borate buffer at pH 9.5-10, followed by acidification of the aqueous solution and isolation of the dye. This is the one I believe is used for fish tanks. So unless chemicals and heavy metals are added there, or it is not purified well this should not contain any . I m also not sure what do you mean by food grade? I believe you refer to its strenght of 1%, well the one I have is 2.44% solution but I know how to mix it with the water to get what I need. I do not use it internally so for what I need it, the one for fish is absolutelly fine and I will stick to what I have . In fact the one for fish treatment may be more safe and clean that the food grade available for human use:) especially the ones availabe online, how sure can you be that these are 100% purified for human use. Unless you make it yourself, you can never be sure.@@ld-23
@@venus_on_earth1641 the one for human consumption would say USP grade or pharmaceutical grade. Usually been tested by third party lab for safety and purity. Yes I’m glad you’re still alive as the chemicals content in the MB is not as high as pure mercury. But the same with dirty unfiltered tap water. You wouldn’t die from drinking it everyday for years but you know the heavy metals will accumulate in your body and eventually make you sick. It’s really up to you if you don’t believe me. Do your own research
@@venus_on_earth1641 For human consumption it has to say USP grade or pharmaceutical grade. Usually the product already been tested by a third party for purity and safety use. Yes I’m glad you still alive but we’re not talking about you being exposed to a full blown chernobyl effect here. Just the same with dirty unfiltered tap water or heavy pesticides laden food. they wouldn’t kill you overnight. But the chemicals, heavy metals and poison accumulate inside your system and eventually make you sick. But It’s up to you. Do what you want to do
I was taking a lymphatic detox formula that had methylene blue, and it helped with my brain fog so I purchased a methylene blue, and it has helped with my brain fog!
It would be nice to hear a discussion of some sort about the purity of MB. Much of what I have seen on the internet has had amounts (although ostensibly minimal and acceptable) of heavy metals and chlorinated solvents like TCE and methylene chloride. TCE (Trike, Trichloroethylene) is a carcinogen and methylene chloride is suspected to be. This is only what has been made available for review by so called third party labs. The testing practices of these labs is always under suspicion in my mind since the term USP is likely a marketing term and not fully controlled by the FDA. Most people have no idea about any of this and sadly never question it. They just take it because everyone else seems to think it is so great and in its purest form it could be. However, we don't know what the accumulation of these adulterants in OTC MB could cause in time. People should be made aware and ask questions.
Very nice. For very low MB dosing the internet discussions use the measure of "drops of 1% solution" of MB. This is *way less* than the minimum of 1mg per kg of body weight. I notice effects of using but several drops (5 to 15 drops in veggie juice) of 1% solution per day (skipping at times if I want) and am happy to stay at this very low MB dosing. Oh, thanks for the reference of Dr. Been.
I'm testing it out on my skin. I put it in aloe gel, castor oil, a few essential oils and camu( vit c) and vit E oil. I'll use it over my body for a month and will definitely know if it works! I'm taking it orally 3x a day, too. 22:18
Great video, I’ve been taking MB at the 0.5-1mg/kg dosage for about 2 months and have noticed a lot of benefits like increased energy and focus. I am, however a little concerned about the interaction between MB and NO. This would be a great follow up.
Yes, it is a Vaso (vascular) dilater. It's supposed to open your blood vessels but too much is harmful. Your body makes its own so NO is not needed as, for example, a supplement.@@homelessrobot
I appreciate all the videos you have done on Methylene Blue. I do have a question. Can Methylene Blue be used to fight candida albicans internally caused by mold exposure? I think you have mentioned that it is an antioxidant and antibacterial, would it also be an antifungal? If so, could you have a herx reaction from killing off the fungus in your body? Thanks for your input.
I took 10 drops holy moly huge die off from candida. I can’t get out of bed. I’m taking half the drops next time, but it really does work for kill candida. Wow.
Is there evidence of going off this will counter any benefits received while on it, ie., do your previous symptoms and their prior degree of severity, return, once going off this?
Regarding post menopausal women, HRT and starting methylene blue...any information? Or what about post menopausal women starting HRT and methylene blue at sme time...any information? Or what about post menopausal women thinking of starting HRT...any information as to whether methylene blue would change something? Thank you in advance.
I have tried MB numerous times over the past year internally, sublingually and topically (when reduced with Vitamin C). When I first started taking it I was taking 5mg internally every day for a week and it gave me low gut cramps, muscle, joint and nerve pain that move around to different sites, frequent urination and even agitated on some days - although it did boost my alertness and mental clarity quite a bit. So I took a break from it for a few days and started again at a reduced dosage of 0.5-1mg/day sublingually which got rid of those side effects. However after doing this for a week I started feeling tired with viral type symptoms such as weakness, headaches & respiratory issues) so I took another break. Now whenever I take MB sublingually or internally I immediately get the weak and viral like symptoms. I have tried a couple of brands that both claim to be USB grade (Biopharm and CZTL) to try and rule any possible trace amounts of toxins. I even wrote CZTL and they said "Some of the symptoms I mentioned regarding stomach issues are possible for people with hypersensitivity to MB". "MB is a known anti-viral so increase in viral attacks would not relate to MB." "We are not aware of any relation between MB and joint pains; on the contrary MB is shown to reduce pain". So the only way I can take it now is to put 0.5-1mg in a tiny bit of water and add 1g of ascorbic acid to reduce the MB and get rid of the blue staining color so I can apply it topically then I can still get the boost in alertness, mental clarity and even sometimes in physical energy as well I think - though not as pronounced as when I took 5mg internally.
It lowered your NO levels. Would be very curious to know how it effects you while consuming foods that increase NO production. This is the exact reason I havent taken any MB yet, my Nitric Oxide production is already low due to a mitochondrial mutation. But if that can be countered with foods that increase NO production then I'll give a try.
@@bperry8700 I could very much be wrong but the combination of all those symptoms matches up to what I experience when my NO levels are low. And since the methylene blue is known to lower NO levels and that's when you're experiencing the symptoms, it just makes sense. (Except the increased urination, that's likely from the antioxidant effect of the MB cleaning out the ROS and other free radicals)
Hello and thanks for sharing your experiences with MB. I started yesterday and got exactly what you described so I got a bit nervous about it. Is it worth with these kind of symptoms to continue? Couldn't recognize any benefits till now.
@@captainkaspar3143 I stopped taking it because of the side effects but if I decide to try it again with something to help keep my NO levels from dropping like @Holy.HannaH says then I will post back here
How does it work for neurological issues with the autonomic nervous system? I suffer from POTS and have a long list of issues. Been doing traditional medicine like a beta blocker for the tachycardia and BP medication but those are just two symptoms. Looking for something that will help me reverse the condition if that’s possible. Whats a recommended dose for that condition?
My counter point to this is.. if you could heal your chronic illness, does it matter if you smell like a foot.. DMSO was a miracle for me.. my partner also didn't like the smell.. salt stick deodorant does help.. drink lots of water and cycle your use of dmso
@@ivynymph5804 jus rod you know the salt stick deodorant has aluminum in it 😬 look at the ingredients just because it’s “natural” doesn’t mean it doesn’t have aluminum 😅
There's a spreadsheet comparing various brands on the methylene_blue subreddit, CZTL and Mitolab respectively provide the purest powder and liquid form MB products per it
My research on Melatonin indicates it is only indirectly related to sleep. In fact it is the master antioxidant that is produced all around body but as we age production drops materially off. So it reduces cellular stress which then relaxes you for sleep.
I get a very bad reaction when digesting processed food ingredient sodium nitrite; hours after consuming excruciating head pain like trigeminal neuralgia. I started researching I found methylene blue could help but my neurologist has no interest at this time. Thank you for speaking on this!
HI. I would have a really important question. I was taking methylene blue 0.5 to 1mg per kg body weight for about 3 months. I had surgery recently with lots of complications because way too much bleeding, it was a life threatening situation. How does MB affect blood in terms of clothing?
I'd call a compound pharmacy. They know about Methylene blue. Just make sure you know whether your Methylene blue is 1% or 2% solution. The pharmacist will need to know that.
That's a very high dose. I am 150 pounds and I take 0.5mg or 1mg max, and I feel the effects quite intensely. You were taking 50-100 times more MB than I do. I can't imagine taking that much.
Thanks for the informative video. Time stamps would be helpful for folks that already understand energy metabolism/mitochondria function/electron transport chain, etc. Thanks!
Thanks for all the super info. My Lyme doc has given me a prescription for 2 x 50 ml Meth blue daily and I have been hesitant to start them due to safety concerns. I did hear that you shouldn't take DM cough syrup with MB due to serotonin syndrome or decongestants due to an increase in blood pressure. Are those valid concerns or not when taking MB in such a low dose? One more question ... my GP would like me to have a bone scan with contrast soon. Is it best to hold off on taking M Blue until after I have a scan with contrast. Would one dye interfere with the other contrast. And lastly Amen to your sign!
Thank you for all of the kind words. You are correct that one should use caution if using MB and also DM cough syrup for the sake of blood pressure even at a lower dose, not a hard stop, but be cautious, provider should be aware and you should be monitoring BP daily if you and your provider deem that to be the route you would like to proceed with. I would hold off on taking MB until after your bone scan.
Thank you for the info. A question: I noticed methylene blue turns colorless when vitamin C is added to it. Do you recommend drinking this solution? Regards,
This is serious for my wife since she is a Uterine Cancer Survivor. For at least 3 years we both have been consuming Bitter Apricot Pits as a last defense against her Cancer coming back. It is our understanding that the Bitter Apricot Pits contain a Cyanide which is Locked Up and only released when a cancer releases something and the bond is broken and Cyanide is released in the blood stream to kill the cancer. We have 3 instances where this information has come into our lives. Are we wasting our time?
You are on the right track. Just make sure the pots are from organic apricots. This method is used in many cures worldwide. The "western medical complex" has a lot of catching up to do. Pray together for healing, do peaceful things, let go of toxic people in your lives and know healing is being done. All will be well. Love each other and laugh more💪🌹🫂
I've heard mention of Apricot seeds/pits. He was trying to help people and telling them to please look further into it for the purpose of healing. I don't think you're wasting your time at all! Be blessed!
@@off6848, great job! Now, if you read "The Cure for All Disease" by Hulda Clark you'd know why and how you got cancer. This will help you to be clear and sure of your course of action. This book changed many lives and will help you too.
I’ve heard recently the berberine may be helpful in preventing or reducing cancer. Someone said more studies are needed because some cancer patients have sworn by it. I think it’s worth a try.
I think this thing saved me after Moderna vacine induced parathesia random pain stab all over body, micronutrient testing showed lots of problems, heavy metals through roof! Took sips of this stuff in large bottle of water day and night(microdose). I did it with sunlight exposure to max out results. Parathesia went away after maybe couple weeks. I went off it since I know there’s things people are not aware of maybe cancer wise?
I know the dosing. BUT HOW LONG CAN YOU (~should you) KEEP TAKING IT!??? I took it for 2 weeks straight and didnt feel any difference in anything. A friend of mine warns to only use it for 3 days at a time, with a week break in between.
You can take it daily forever. What is the concentration you're using and how much are you taking? I take 1-2 drops per day at 1% solution. This means I am only taking .5-1mg a day and I have intense effects.
Can you please do the dosing in drops please in 1% solution. I can’t for the life of me figure out your way .. mg kg per kg… pounds etc etc Too hard and Thank you
Is it OK to put one or two molecular hydrogen tablets in 16 oz water along with methylene blue at a rate of 40 drops of 1% for my weight of 140 lbs? I also use DMSO over top of Povidone Iodine (Betadine) several times a week, which heals almost by the next day, any cuts or scratches or bruises from construction work or the cats . I also use liquid chlorophyll daily, as well as a whole ground up lemon minus the seeds. Does methylene blue compete with NO? And if you take beet root powder and other NO protagonists such as arginine, will that nullify or reduce the effects of the methylene blue? I also take colloidal silver on a fairly regular basis. What kind of reaction do these chemicals have on each other. I am now off of all my prescribed (15 to 17) meds, when my Doctor fired me for trying to reduce my pharmaceutical load that they had me on a few years ago. My health has since improved about 1000% since I was fired by my Doctor and they refused to "treat" me by my "Health Professionals". I had diabetes, high blood pressure, GERD, 3 degenerated disks, ADHD, OCD, major depression, anxiety, arthritis, probably NAFLD though not obese (then about 165 - 170 lbs. and then height of 5’ 6” down from 5’11” in early adulthood, but have since have regained a little over 1 inch back again, and now about 140 lbs and lost about 7 inches in my belly, after about 3 years on keto), and more. I am now 71. If you or anyone else can provide me with good information on the interaction of these chemicals, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your kind response to this request. Spencer Douglas James djames314 (is at) (g)mail (at dot) com spence3141 (RUclips)
Some fasting could help you a great deal. That is basically what happened with my doctor when I got upset they could not control my blood pressure. Turned out to be the best thing to happen, in the long run at least. Some benefits of doing occasional extended fasting: High blood pressure is lowered to normal levels very quickly while fasting. Fasting restores NAD+ to healthy levels. Vitamin D plasma levels are increased as fasting improves metabolic health, and vitamin D in turn increases autophagy. Fasting stimulates phagocytosis, the ingestion of bacteria, plaques and viruses by the immune system. It will also remove any 'foreign material' like spikes that are not supposed to be there. Whether natural or unnatural in origin.. Fibrosis/scarring is reversed over time. Fasting increases nitric oxide release. Blood clotting is reduced and blood clots and arterial plaque are reabsorbed into the body. Reflexes and short term memory are increased. Fasts from 36-96 h increase metabolic rate due to norepinephrine release! After 72 hours or more fasted, your body recycles up to 1/3 of all immune bodies, rejuvenating your entire immune system. This helps prevent the onset of new autoimmune conditions, which develop through a leaky gut and damaged immune system. Fasting can help with MS, Depression, BPD, Autism and seizures. Thymus is regenerated, which suppresses aging and renews the immune system. The thymus also plays a vital role in fighting cancer. Blood sugar and insulin are lowered when fasting, allowing white blood cells to move more freely throughout the body and do their job. Weight loss from daily caloric restriction has 1/4 to 1/3 of the weight lost as lean tissue while many studies show fat loss from 36 h fasts without losing any lean tissue! The obese will lose extra tissue like loose skin while fasting, but the skinny or frail will have increased growth hormone release than the obese, which helps to make more lean tissue and reduce frailness. The hunger hormone ghrelin also lowers with extended fasting and rises from dieting. When you move out of MTOR your body shuts down the building blocks of the cell required for viruses to replicate. What breaks a fast? Anything with protein or carbohydrates in it will break a fast. Most teas and herbs are OK. Most supplements and meds will either break ketosis directly or contain a filler that will. Many meds are dangerous to take while fasting. Does fasting lower testosterone? No, it raises it when the fast is broken by increasing lutenizing hormone. Fasting also increases insulin sensitivity, which helps with muscle building. Fasts of 36-96 will not affect short term female fertility or affect menstrual cycle. They also may increase long term fertility, especially in women with PCOS. Fasting reduces pain and anxiety by stimulating the endocannabinoid system in a similar way to CBD oil. Fasting very quickly reduces leptin resistance, which impairs immune function. One day of fasting can cut your leptin levels in half and gets your immune system working properly again! Stomach acid is reduced over time while fasting and can allow for the healing of treatment resistant ulcers. Some patients may need continued acid reduction medication while fasting. Does the body preferentially prefer glucose as a fuel? No. Except for brief periods of very intense exercise, your body mainly burns fats in the form of free fatty acids. Your brain also prefers to burn ketones at a rate of around 2.5 to 1 when they are available in equal quantity to glucose. Fasting stimulates the AMPK complex and activates autophagy. Autophagy (literally self eating) will cause cells to recycle foreign matter such as viruses and kill cancerous and senescent cells It increases mitochondrial function and repairs mitichondrial DNA, leading to improved ATP production and oxygen efficiency. Increased mitochondrial function also has the added benefit of increasing your metabolism, fighting infection and cancer prevention! Fasting releases BDNF and NGF in the blood which stimulates new nerve and brain cell growth. This can help a great deal with diseases like MS, peripheral neuropathy and Alzheimers. When not in ketosis, the brain can only burn carbohydrate, which produces a great deal of damaging ROS the brain has to deal with. Fasting also increases telomere length, negating some of the effects of aging at a cellular level. When you fast, this stimulates apoptosis in senescent or genetically damaged cells, destroying them. Senescent cells are responsible for many of the effects of aging and are a root cause of the development of cancer. A fasting mimicking diet for 3-5 days in a row also provides many of the same benefits as water fasting. FMD usually has 200-800 calories, under 18 g of protein and extremely low carbs. Exogenous ketones can aid with fasting, making it easier in healthy people and allowing some people with specific issues to fast in spite of them without worrying as much about hypoglycemia. Children, pregnant or nursing women should not fast for periods longer than 16 hours. People with pancreatic tumors or certain forms of hypoglycemia generally cannot fast at all. Type 1 diabetics can also fast but it is more complicated and should be approached with caution as it could lead to ketoacidosis. If you experience extreme symptoms of some kind, especially dizziness or tremors, then simply break the fast and seek advice. Resources: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5783752/ www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6141719/ www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7607739/ www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3017674/ pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23408502/ pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20921964/ www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0005272806000223 pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6859089/ www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10232622 pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21410865/ www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/25712 pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23707514/ www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24905167 www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/abundance-of-fructose-not-good-for-the-liver-heart www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7093158/ clinical.diabetesjournals.org/content/36/3/217 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23876457 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6407435/ pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15522942/ www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04375657 pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31877297/ n.neurology.org/content/88/16_Supplement/P3.090 pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31890243/ pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2518860/ pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29727683/ www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8470960/ pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25909219/ www.cell.com/molecular-cell/fulltext/S1097-2765(18)30605-1?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS1097276518306051%3Fshowall%3Dtrue pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28235195/ www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2815756/ www.nia.nih.gov/news/research-intermittent-fasting-shows-health-benefits medicalxpress.com/news/2022-10-treatment-pulmonary-fibrosis-focus-telomeres.html www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10859646 academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/81/1/69/4607679 www.amjmedsci.org/article/S0002-9629%2815%2900027-0/fulltext europepmc.org/article/MED/22402737?javascript_support=no onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-2265.2005.02288.x www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa012908 www.collective-evolution.com/2017/05/16/study-shows-how-fasting-for-3-days-can-regenerate-your-entire-immune-system/ pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7714088/ www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)30849-9 pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27569118/ www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1931312809002832 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1413655/ www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5783752/ www.arcjournals.org/pdfs/ijrsb/v3-i11/7.pdf www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25686106 faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1096/fasebj.2019.33.1_supplement.819.10 www.biorxiv.org/node/93305.full www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5895342/ www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6526871/ www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/abstract/S1550-4131(15)00224-7 repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1537&context=edissertations www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1779438/ www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2001176 pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20102774/ This list compiled over years of research by the user known as Pottenger's Human on youtube but feel free to copy and paste this anywhere you like, no accreditation needed! My channel will always contain an updated version of this list of fasting benefits on the community tab. I also have playlists on fasting and health topics.
@@LTPottenger Thank you very much for your reply and the very good suggestions and results of following those. I agree wholeheartedly with you. For about 1.5 to 2 years now, I have been practicing a healthy keto lifestyle with intermittent fasting in about a 5 to 6 hour window of eating. In addition I water only fast for about 42 to 44 hours each week. Occasionally, I go on a 3 to 5 day water fast. The longest fast I have ever done is 21 days when I was about 35 or so. I eat 3 organic pasture raised eggs (local when I can) and an organic avocado and a whole ground up organic lemon (minus the seeds) with added organic ginger or turmeric daily, grow my own sprouts, homemade pickled/fermented garlic, organic grass fed and finished beef, some pork, no chicken, electrolytes, bone broth, pro- pre- and post-biotics, organic EVOO and coconut oils and apple cider vinegar (6 tablespoons daily each), and organic salads (no spinach). I make my own homemade mayonnaise and other sauces. When I need a sweetener I use Monkfruit, Stevia, erythritol or allulose. I don’t eat anymore packaged ultra processed foods, junk foods, fast foods, restaurant foods or omega 6 oils (vegetable oils). I weigh around 140 lbs, about the same as when I was a competition swimmer as a teenager and later as a young adult until about 35 or 40 when I started eating a high carb and starchy diet and started gaining weight up to a max of about 175 to 180. I used to make homemade keifer, but stopped when I wanted to stop drinking milk. I also take a whole bunch of good quality supplements. I try to stay away from foods high in glutens, oxalates, lectins, carbs, omega 6’s, chemicals and and I try to concentrate on real whole organic living foods (local as much as possible) that help increase and strengthen mitochondria and gut microbiome, nitric oxide, and reduce inflammation. When my doctor fired me about 5 years ago, I was extremely angry at her and could not believe that one that purports to everyone that they are a “HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL” could be so crass, and immoral as to deliberately refuse to CARE IN A PROPER MANNER someone who goes to them for their expertise and help in caring for their health and well-being. Now, I am very glad she did that. I now see that as probably one of the best things she could have done for my health, i.e. to force me to quit depending on others for my health and literally force me to take matters of my own health into my own hands. Yes, it was a huge learning curve, but now I am literally growing younger at 71 years old. I can feel it. My body now feels like it is supposed to feel. I have energy, no more brain fog, pain is 99% eliminated, bowels function much more efficiently and properly, skin is tight and much improved with hardly any wrinkles anymore, cuts and cat scratches heal almost overnight, no more headaches, GERD or depression. Some other things are more slowly coming around, but I can definitely tell that they are getting much, much better (mood swings, ADHD, OCD). I still have constant and loud tinnitus, hearing loss, vision loss, and silver hair. My health only got worse, and worse, and worse under doctor’s “CARE”. If that’s the kind of “care” I get from doctors and “EXPERTS”, then I don’t want it anymore. The vast majority of them are just shills for Big Pharma and Big Food which both morphed out of Big Chemical when the Rockefeller’s and Carnegie’s did their thing in 1910, which ended up funding all the big research institutes and medical schools to bend them to their chemical method of suppressing symptoms instead of curing the root causes of disease. Remember, they used to brag and produce commercial upon commercial touting the wonderful benefits of “better living through chemistry.” That better chemistry gave us PFAS forever chemicals, estrogen mimickers and other plasticizers, atrazine, glyphosate, other organophosphates and organochlorines (pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, drying agents, etc.), chemical fertilizers that kill the microbes in the soil, thus making it dead and sterile and unfit to grow healthy plants and thus making the need for ever increasing amounts of chemical fertilizers to keep being added to forcefully cause the plants to grow in an unnatural and unhealthy manner. I used to be a trained certified Pest Control Operator using these chemicals every day. I have also worked in DuPont, Hercules Chemical, Corn Inc., 3M, PP&G, P&G. The wonderful world of chemicals. Thank you very much for your very good comprehensive response. Spencer
Great info, I´ve just read a book about it. Would be interesting how it´s actually produced... So could I just get pharmaceutical grade powder to produce my own dropper bottles? thank you!
I purchased some powder 100g in the United Kingdom That was Claimed to be pharmaceutical grade. I have no way of knowing if that's true true though. Probably just originates from China 🇨🇳 like nearly everything else, so it maybe contaminated with so called heavy metals
@@garcher2 Hi, I mean that's almost obvious but who knows, right? I'm wondering why he doesn't answer the question himself. He seems to be reading all comments and reacting to many... Getting pharma quality powder and mixing it would meak it way cheaper as well. Maybe that is the reason nobody tells how to make it, they want to sell a product with a great margin... if one does a little calculation... 😮
I’ve been taking Ivermectin, 50,000 mg of Vitamin D, and MB and yesterday night I was thrown into a full fledged panic attack, crazy high heart rate, my brain felt like it was on fire and tingling, my mouth tasted really strange and more… I’m on 25mg of MD and the Ivermectin I’m only taking weekly. I am absolutely terrified to take the MB again after reading the potential of fatality. I don’t understand all of these comments about how amazing MB is when I had indication of overdose after just two days of taking it. The site I read said that I am overdosed if my urine is stained blue. But I heard that’s actually normal… I’m so conflicted… Does anyone have any guidance? I’m exhausted of feeling so sick and tired all of the time. I started feeling amazing but then last night I felt like I was going to die! What gives????
It’s sounds like your having severe herxheimer reaction. Keep a journal and back off on dosing until you reach an amount you can tolerate. Don’t give up on yourself or your journey to find health.
Yes, but do not mention that it contains arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium and other heavy metals. It is also chloride. And the most basic thing for me is that it blocks the entire solar light spectrum that mitochondria need to produce water and energy through the natural electron chain. If you block natural light, you create all these dysfunctions
Sounds like a herx reaction as noted above. If you were steadily improving and then hit the wall really hard, it’s probably a herx response- do whatever is necessary to bear up and stay strong psychologically. And again as noted above, back down on the meds temporarily
@@wintertime331 Αlso pharmaceutical grade contains heavy metals, see the lab analysis from CZTL pharmaceutical company. cztl.bz/cdn/shop/products/HeavyMetals-Analysis-CZTL_1024x1024@2x.jpg?v=1674153769
I've been in treatment for both Lyme and 5 strains of Bartonella for 3 years . Since I've added MB I've finally been able to feel better and have my brain back. Naltrexone has also been a huge help.
@@markmichet9967hello, whats your naltrexone dose? Im about to go up to 2.5 from 1.25..i havent noticed any benefit yet. Been on it about 1 month for fibromyalgia/possible RA and ME/CFS from long covid.
Great info, I’m with a health company that just nootropic MB in. It’s amazing. If anyone would like to try on me. I used it today and I’m surprised how well it worked. Our formulator is also a pharmacist. I will share this with him.
Why is this study on Alzheimer’s patients finding 80% reduction in progression not the biggest news of the year?Yet an expensive drug with hardly any benefit above placebo comes out, it is everywhere?????
Question ... I am on 4000 FU of Nattokinase daily. This comes from a fermented product. Is it not advisable to take MB if you take Natto? I am not on an antidepressant. This is the first I have heard about this. I was hoping to cycle MB.
I take 2000-4000FU of nattokinase daily. I haven't felt any interaction between the two. I take a super low dose of MB at 0.05-0.1mg/kg for 2 or 3 days. It's enough to turn my urine bluish green and leave blue residue in the toilet. I dose again after my urine returns to normal for a day or two.
In general it is best practice to start medications at the lowest dose possible for intended results, with that said methylene blue is somewhat individual, meaning the dosing can vary person to person. Most literature shows dosing at 0.5mg/kg/day to 4mg/kg/day, but we have many providers prescribing lower than that to allow the patient to see how they respond, then they titrate accordingly. Hope this was helpful.
Since Methylene Blue can help with lesions, do you think it could help with MS? I would think so but I know there is no research on this because why would there be when "chemo"aka ocrevus is profitable
It all depends on the strength of your MB liquid solution. 2 ML of a weak solution is very different than 2 ML of a strong solution. Also, you have to weigh yourself, and whatever your weight is in pounds, you have to convert it to kilograms. Multiply your kg weight by the dosage desired based on solution strength. If you are not familiar with this, please get knowledgeable/professional help. Otherwise, you might not take enough to make a difference, or else take too much and get negative results.
Right, you have to research the therapeutic dose yourself, know what the dilution value is. You can find this available online. If you're taking too much, your urine will be blue. Go with less versus more, although I have read that too low of dose will have the opposite effect somehow and I really don't know how that works. This is not like taking vitamin B. Really you should be asking a doctor about this.
I have been taking MB for a month and still can’t get past a drop a day without getting die off symptoms like fatigue and brain fog/anxiety. Please help!
Supporting your detox pathways first is usually recommended by the natural doctors I’ve read, before trying to ‘kill’ off anything. It may take a few months to do. Do a colon cleanse and liver support before adding it back in.
I’m fully aware that stopping anti depressant medication abruptly is not recommended however l have been on every medication know and they don’t work for me! I’m on venlafaxine and l have decided that I’m got to stop and try MB with healthy lifestyle. Venlafaxine has a short half life how long would l have to wait after stopping the medication until it would be safe to take MB without it potentially cause serotonin syndrome? X
I dont understand how people are able to take more than a couple of MG orally, because if i take even 1mg i will feel very intense, like a took a large dose or adderall or something. It will make me anxious and feel really negative if i take over 1mg orally. I love MB though, ill take it forever! Its amazing. I weigh 150 pounds and i use a 1% solution, so 1 drop is about .5 mg
MB when taken with ASCORBIC ACID orally renders it colorless (nearly). Studies have shown when taken in that colorless form, it loses any ANTIOXIDENT benefit. QUESTION: Do you recommend taking it SEPARATELY from vitamin C? Note: The "studies" are easily found online. Many have recommended avoiding vitamin C within an hour before and after taking MB.
@@lovinglife3847 It's not just any acid that renders it colorless. I tried a high concentration of citric acid and it didn't do anything to the color. It took only a small amount of Ascorbic. We are now going through an "MB craze"... So many "experts" are promoting it. It WOULD BE NICE TO KNOW how vitamin C interacts with it (unfavorable or not). For real. It seems IMPORTANT.
Thank you so much. I like your sign in the back, "God is Amazing." YES He is!!
Yes! Thank you!
Why can't I see the sign? At what time do you see it, or is it there throughout?
I'm interested in leuko ....? effect you mentioned as I make my own skin care cream. How do I get this result that removes the blueness of the MB of you could help with this info is absolutely appreciate it. I've been taking M B for the past 3 months or so and it has really helped my brain fog
@@onekerri1 you need AXT107 lol
Yes, he's amazing at letting millions of children be slaves (sexual worldwide and working until death in India, China and Africa) and letting so much evil in the world to happen. Especially love his work of people dying horribly daily with horrid pain and that everyone shits themselves after death. Really gave us that dignity there.
I remembered my Grandpa, 62 years ago, who was a farmer, everytime his hogs and chicken get sick (epidemic) or his neighbors' hogs and chicken get sick, he adds drops of methylene blue to their water, to prevent the rest of the hogs and chicken from getting sick.
Amazing! I will try that for my livestock!
Wow. Amazing!
All the real cures are hidden from us.....they want us all sick so they can sell us everything.
was it effective every time?
Wow Amazing
We used to use methylene blue successfully back in the day to address severe metabolic acidosis on septic/post-op patients in the ICU when nothing else worked. I haven't seen it being used in that fashion anymore these days. Of course we're going backwards in so many aspects nowadays
because any medicine that costs more money is better don't you know. 😉
Wow! Thanks for sharing.
It's not about the health of the patient it's about the profits of the pharmaceuticals!!
Ok but what is the solution we are being offered? Most of us left alone to live with life with full of symptoms as the health system is not competent to serve us all especially if you’re not rich 💰. If people searching for their own cure it means because there is a big gap in medical help. Being honest this and similar alternative substance makes me suspicious that I can’t say i can thrust but in the other hand I need a solution like many of us. So what do you suggest then? I just had to ask this to the GP as was on venaflaxine 37mg and trying to come off it so im even worse now ( by the way methylene blue is never must take with anti depressants can cause serotonin syndrome which can be fatal or can leave permanent damage) as I said to my gp that I m suffering sine 5 years was there any solution at all and the answer is am I expected to live like this for rest of my life? Im sick and tired of hundreds of opinions in hundreds of RUclips videos besides i can only assume that they are real doctors (!) I can write so long but I don’t think it’s necessary just basically we are a lost in medical help too as well as many aspects nowadays.
In the coming days we will have a video about nitric oxide and methylene blue, we will clear some of the air and controversy. They maintain a beautiful relationship and it will be exciting to show the dynamics!
Why can't we use pounds instead of kilograms? Or both
Yes that video will be great. Hopefully soon for that video
@@normadee3231simple Google search will bring up converter. Just type kg to pounds.
MB inhibits NO's bad effect on our bodies
Pounds should be banned.
I've been taking MB for 3 weeks and feel amazing, full of energy, and have also lost some weight. Amazing stuff!!!
How many drops or ml are you consuming per day?
@@winstonbrown1516a good slow start could be 10 drop twice a day (about 10 mg since a drop is half a ml)
what dose?
Please share a bit more? Others are asking, too.
Absolutely one of the most concise and comprehensive videos on the subject around
We greatly appreciate the feedback! Thank you!!
Absolutely! Very helpful!
Concise is the opposite of comprehensive.
@@Dr.DaneNewvilleRPh what are the best brands? I really don't want to order something like this from Amazon.
i took MB during my Covid and it took away all my symptoms!
Thank you for sharing your experience. And thank you for watching.
@bebamayer That is amazing!!! So happy for you. Maybe if I had taken this I could have avoided hospitalization! Thanks for sharing. ❤
Very interesting. I wonder if Methylene blue could help with long Covid as that involves mitochondrial dysfunction
First of all since you believe long covid is a thing there isn't anything that can help you.
According to Dr. Br yan Ar dis nicotine is the answer. Watch videos where he talks about this. You might have to go to a place other than Y T to find that answer.
Just been found to have good results (Oct. 24)
Best explanation of dosage I have come across. People sell it but fail to explain the dosage correctly, which is annoying.
Any idea how many drops are needed for a 15mg dose ?
my bottle has 0.5 mg per drop so that would be 30 drops for 15 mg@@inatorquoisemood93
@@inatorquoisemood93 If a drop is 0.5 mg, 30 drops will be 15 mg
@@inatorquoisemood93my bottle is 1% and it says one drop is .5mg. So 30 drops is 15mg.
@@inatorquoisemood93uh.. ask Google what the conversion is from mg to ml?
Weight vs liquid volume
(first: sorry for my bad english! I'm from Germany)
I got the book from Mark Sloan: "The Ultimate Guide to Methylene Blue".
He prefers taking 1% solution. Take according to the following protocol:
Week 1: 10 drops (5mg) in the morning and evening, Week 2: 20 drops each, Week 3: 30 drops each. Then by weight.
I suffered from ME/CFS since 20 years. I hope that MB will now help my mitochondria!
I am also a breast cancer patient. I currently have a local recurrence and would like to start taking methylene blue. But also because I have additional “construction sites”...
For the cancer I was given Tamoxifen as an estrogen blocker. The drug caused a fatty liver and now the onset of diabetes has been diagnosed...
I would be interested to know whether MB also has a positive effect on the liver. Currently only diet and bitter substances such as grapefruit apply.
Hi ebenfalls aus Deutschland. 😊
Ich habe viel Gutes über die Jodeinnahme, gerade in Zusammenhang mit Brustkrebs gehört. Vielleicht ist es interessant für dich.
Viel Heilungskraft für dich.
@@mariposa3378 Jod hat mir wahrscheinlich das Leben gerettet!
Hab die Brust mit Lugolscher Lösung eingepinselt, weil ich an den Tagen vor den Tagen immer Schmerzen hatte. Hat super geholfen! Nach einiger Zeit veränderte sich aber auf einer Seite die Haut (wie ich heute weiß, ein Frühzeichen von Krebs). Als er dann diagnostiziert wurde, war der Tumor schon 4cm groß und hatte angeblich Anschluss ans Lymphsystem... Er wurde entfernt, aber auf Chemo und Bestrahlung hab ich dankend verzichtet. Tatsächlich sind die Lymphknoten nicht betroffen!
Ich gehe davon aus, daß das Jod geheilt hat, was möglich , geschützt, was gesund war und so dafür sorgte, daß der Tumor tatsächlich wunderbar abgegrenzt war.
Ist jetzt 5 Jahre her. Ich hatte zwar schon zwei Rezidiv OPs, aber die "Knubbel" waren ganz klein. ich denke, mit Jod und Bengalrosa bekomme ich das in den Griff.
Und so lange das Geschehen nur auf die eine Brust begrenzt ist, ist alles chic.
No grapefruit for breast cancer patients
@@JulisaF Thanks! That was unknown to me. Unfortunately the last recurrence was ER positive again... So grapefruit is now a no go for me.
@@VitalienI’ve recently come across the benefits of low dose asprin for cancer. I watched a video on it presented by Cardiff University I believe.
My doctor also tested me for G6PD deficiency before he would allow me to start MB. After just 1 dose of 25 mg the pain in my left foot went from a 7 to a 2. With the second dose I noticed even more relief throughout my entire body. Nothing short of miraculous!I’m looking forward to seeing if I get any cognitive improvements! As a reference, I weigh 128 lbs and I’m on 25 mg once per day. The bottle says to take with food and a full glass of water.
25mg daily...wow that's alot. My bottle of MB is .5mg per drop(thats 50 drops)...at that dose the bottle would only last 12 days...becomes very expensive
@@a.macdonald4877how many drops do you take and is your MB 1% solution?
@@william2772 mine is only 1% (.5mg per drop) and I take 20 drops daily...but I don't have any chronic illnesses
@@a.macdonald4877 Im just sorta wingin it...gulp some down (even though I measured it properly 100ml/gr.) and wait until I pee green...then when the green goes away repeat...pretty simple. My question is could anything negative come down the road from using this product, or is it all good? I guess I have to do more research, finding peeps who have been using this stuff long term. Just took my first dose today. Ordered it in the mail yesterday from the States, and by some kind of strange magic it arrived the next day up here in Canada, haha! Also listened to the DOSING section here, also poking holes in people without an actual requirement being essential is just a pure stupid way to do any medicine if these people know any better...with big pharmas synthetic vitamin C it CAN be useful to knock cancer on its asz. Yet of coarse LONG TERM artificial vitamin C IS what killed the first 3 main proponents of the idea WITH CANCER about 7-9 years after each of them started doing that daily (linus pauling, wife ava, and their GP doctor). Now of coarse the pauling institute has convinced many thousands, or perhaps even millions to jump over the cliffs in same way as those first three...taking about failing to connect any CASE HISTORY dots...pathetic lack of oversight, and I place THEIR GREED FOR MONEY as the main cause of their ignorance in these areas, etc. So with this stuff here basics are avoid taking too much, yeah, pretty easy to figure that out. I know what serotonin syndrome can feel like, also I noticed that you are like most white coats shillin hardcore for big pharma...my advice to you ...oops your a pharmacist...I was about to explain to you how SUCH an industry is currently about 25% for the people and 75% for the money (when most people would want its reciprocal) yet here is the deal EITHER of those imbalances amount to unsustainability... you can only travel / walk anywhere when you have balance, otherwise you will surely have a short trip...so enjoy your cash while it lasts I guess...or perhaps WORK more towards that balance, after all YOU and all your pals in this industry ARE at least partially responsible for the current situation of greed for cash in said fields.
@@a.macdonald4877. That’s the therapeutic dose to get the right results. It’s dosing by weight.
I've been in treatment for both Lyme and 5 strains of Bartonella for 3 years . Since I've added MB I've finally been able to feel better and have my brain back. Naltrexone has also been a huge help.
My brain is the worst of my problems with Lyme, 15 years and counting. 24/7/365 horrible brain fog, heavy numb head, feeling as if I'm not really alive, like a dream state...a bad dream. Migraines, dizziness, blurred vision, high anxiety, etc.
Tried MB for a while but the needle didn't move for me at all. I'm terrified I'll spend the rest of my life in this deep fog. Can you tell me your protocol, I'm willing to give it another chance. I'm running out of options after trying just about everything out there.
Thanks, I hope you stay well.
Try VERY Low Dose Naltrexone?
@@094340 We are more than willing to help you however we can, I would suggest setting up a consult with one of our pharmacists!
@@Aetherfieldi assume that the original post was refering to LDN
Briefly, what is the advantage of very low dose. What is a rough range.
I'm happy around 0.5mg
@@johnrhodes3350 I’ve been on and off of LDN, a number of times over the last 4 years while doing other therapies for Lyme, POTS, EBV, Toxic metals…. When on 1.5 mg. or more, I would experience the benefit of LDN for maybe a week or 10-days before it started pooping out. I am currently experimenting with taking only a tiny pinch (maybe 1/15th of the capsule) from a 1.5 mg. capsule in water every 2-3 days and then taking 2 days off. It’s only been a couple of weeks, but it does seem to be working better this way for me. I don’t sleep as well on the off days, and have to take more sleep inducing agents on the off-days, but I have read elsewhere that this may prevent the tolerance.
Dr. Newville, I love your videos. I am a little confused by the roles of Nitric Oxide and Methylene Blue. Have you read the Methylene Blue book by Mark Sloan? I was trained to believe Nitric Oxide was very helpful. He says otherwise. I was hoping you might do a video on the relationship of Methylene Blue and NO and help set the record straight. TIA
NO is a wonderful molecule and there is a Nobel Price for it. Check out the Oxygen Advantage on line and Breath by James Nestor
Yes exactly.. there seems to be conflicting information /benefits as MB suppresses NO ..?
This is the video I am going to share with people when I tell them about MB, thank you Dr. Dane Newville.💚🙏
Me too (in fact I already have lol). Explained very well for the layman interested in Methylene Blue.
Thank you very much for the feedback, I appreciate that greatly thank you!
@@Dr.DaneNewvilleRPh what do you think of Chris Masterjohn's recent video on MB?
@@a.macdonald4877 I asked the same question to Nootropics Expert another major channel on Nootropics.
Yes, but do not mention that it contains arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium and other heavy metals.
It is also chloride.
And the most basic thing for me is that : it blocks the entire solar light spectrum that mitochondria need to produce water and energy through the natural electron chain.
If you block natural light, you create all these dysfunctions
the boost of mental clarity and sharp focus is amazing with MB. i sometimes dont want to go to sleep because its so much fun do do stuff. i also started dreaming, which didnt work for a long time. I do 2-2,5mg of a 1% solution.
Thank you for watching our video
@@MDcustomRxwhat product do you recommend and dosage. I’m on ssri’s so also wondering about interactions with that, thank you.
Have you come across the Andrew Huberman - Rick Rubin - Jack Kruse discussion, in particular the methylene blue story?
Thanks I just saved it to watch later
Found it but he has such a potty mouth it is not enjoyable to listen to. Slogging away... haven't got to the MB part yet.
Hi, I got to know MB when I got in to aquatics, My lovely fish got ill one day and nothing helped from the meds that they offered in the pet shops. I started doing my research into how to help in a different way and got on MB. I got it, put my fish in it and all started to happen. Fish cured in a week. Then I started doing more research if this maybe usefull to me and my family. At that point I was struggling to get rid of scalp cellulitis and thought to apply the solution for my fish onto my affected areas. And guess, I cued it, all gone. This was 3 years ago and I m free from the issue till today. I recommend this to people, deffinately. MB is amazing cure for many issues, I now know after my research that it can do a lot good. Thanks for bringing this up as there is not much info about it around. Cheers:)
You are very welcome, we are happy to share the info we have!
You used mb for fishtank on yourself??😅 you’re not supposed to. Those type of mb are not for human consumption or to be put topically on human skin as they’re not the pure type and contain a lot of heavy metals and chemicals. Get a pure food grade one
Thank for your comment. Well, yes I do use the one for fish and I am still alive:) Well if the one for my fish had a lot of heavy metals and chemicals, the fish would not make it within minutes after being place in it, I am not sure if you are aware how it is used in aqutics? You neeed to put your fish in the solution for couple of days. The fish is very sensitive to any heavy metals and chemicals and this is why you need to treat their water for any metals and chemials, and change it regularly. So I am not sure where you got this but it does not make sense that mtb for fish is less pure than for people. Mtb is a natural dye and the high purity can be obtained by chloroform extraction of impurities from solutions of raw dye in borate buffer at pH 9.5-10, followed by acidification of the aqueous solution and isolation of the dye. This is the one I believe is used for fish tanks. So unless chemicals and heavy metals are added there, or it is not purified well this should not contain any . I m also not sure what do you mean by food grade? I believe you refer to its strenght of 1%, well the one I have is 2.44% solution but I know how to mix it with the water to get what I need. I do not use it internally so for what I need it, the one for fish is absolutelly fine and I will stick to what I have . In fact the one for fish treatment may be more safe and clean that the food grade available for human use:) especially the ones availabe online, how sure can you be that these are 100% purified for human use. Unless you make it yourself, you can never be sure.@@ld-23
@@venus_on_earth1641 the one for human consumption would say USP grade or pharmaceutical grade. Usually been tested by third party lab for safety and purity. Yes I’m glad you’re still alive as the chemicals content in the MB is not as high as pure mercury. But the same with dirty unfiltered tap water. You wouldn’t die from drinking it everyday for years but you know the heavy metals will accumulate in your body and eventually make you sick. It’s really up to you if you don’t believe me. Do your own research
@@venus_on_earth1641 For human consumption it has to say USP grade or pharmaceutical grade. Usually the product already been tested by a third party for purity and safety use. Yes I’m glad you still alive but we’re not talking about you being exposed to a full blown chernobyl effect here. Just the same with dirty unfiltered tap water or heavy pesticides laden food. they wouldn’t kill you overnight. But the chemicals, heavy metals and poison accumulate inside your system and eventually make you sick. But It’s up to you. Do what you want to do
Wow! This is such good information. Thank you!!!!
Thank you!
I was taking a lymphatic detox formula that had methylene blue, and it helped with my brain fog so I purchased a methylene blue, and it has helped with my brain fog!
Holy cow! No need for the trumpets 😝 Thank you for the great information though.
Thank you for watching
It would be nice to hear a discussion of some sort about the purity of MB. Much of what I have seen on the internet has had amounts (although ostensibly minimal and acceptable) of heavy metals and chlorinated solvents like TCE and methylene chloride. TCE (Trike, Trichloroethylene) is a carcinogen and methylene chloride is suspected to be. This is only what has been made available for review by so called third party labs. The testing practices of these labs is always under suspicion in my mind since the term USP is likely a marketing term and not fully controlled by the FDA. Most people have no idea about any of this and sadly never question it. They just take it because everyone else seems to think it is so great and in its purest form it could be. However, we don't know what the accumulation of these adulterants in OTC MB could cause in time. People should be made aware and ask questions.
Fair and thoughtful point.
Your thoughts here are definitely a massive concern to many people taking this as a supplement!
Yes, raises on toxic load should be considered carefully
@@raymondosborne2368thk u 😊😊😊😊😊
Very nice. For very low MB dosing the internet discussions use the measure of "drops of 1% solution" of MB. This is *way less* than the minimum of 1mg per kg of body weight. I notice effects of using but several drops (5 to 15 drops in veggie juice) of 1% solution per day (skipping at times if I want) and am happy to stay at this very low MB dosing. Oh, thanks for the reference of Dr. Been.
Low dose is the way to go😊 i am trying it next week
I'm testing it out on my skin. I put it in aloe gel, castor oil, a few essential oils and camu( vit c) and vit E oil. I'll use it over my body for a month and will definitely know if it works! I'm taking it orally 3x a day, too. 22:18
Did it help? 🤗
@@ElainahTruI must test it out for at least 3 months, I think, for the skin. It's only been about one month
My wrinkles are somewhat less.
Gotu kola is also recommended for that. But no experience here now.
@@starrhall8160It's been 3 months. What is your feedback?
Great video, I’ve been taking MB at the 0.5-1mg/kg dosage for about 2 months and have noticed a lot of benefits like increased energy and focus. I am, however a little concerned about the interaction between MB and NO. This would be a great follow up.
@blunoz.. Yep. NO is a no no for me.
@@StarNumberswhats NO?
Nitric Oxide@@CaribbeanHustla
nitric oxide?
Yes, it is a Vaso (vascular) dilater. It's supposed to open your blood vessels but too much is harmful. Your body makes its own so NO is not needed as, for example, a supplement.@@homelessrobot
Thank you for all the information! I learned about this about 5 months ago, but this new information is very helpful!
You are very welcome! Thank you for the feedback.
I take Effexor 150 mg. Can I take MB?
Effexor is an SNRI
Can DMSO be taken with MB? is there positive effects? what should the dosage of DMSO be in relation?
Yes, it can be. I don't know the dose of DMSO, though.
I appreciate all the videos you have done on Methylene Blue. I do have a question. Can Methylene Blue be used to fight candida albicans internally caused by mold exposure? I think you have mentioned that it is an antioxidant and antibacterial, would it also be an antifungal? If so, could you have a herx reaction from killing off the fungus in your body?
Thanks for your input.
I took 10 drops holy moly huge die off from candida. I can’t get out of bed. I’m taking half the drops next time, but it really does work for kill candida. Wow.
Is there evidence of going off this will counter any benefits received while on it, ie., do your previous symptoms and their prior degree of severity, return, once going off this?
How do we get it and what do we do with it
For skin... use topically?
Regarding post menopausal women, HRT and starting methylene blue...any information? Or what about post menopausal women starting HRT and methylene blue at sme time...any information? Or what about post menopausal women thinking of starting HRT...any information as to whether methylene blue would change something? Thank you in advance.
Great questions!!!
Methylene Blue should be in every Multi-Vitamin
I have tried MB numerous times over the past year internally, sublingually and topically (when reduced with Vitamin C). When I first started taking it I was taking 5mg internally every day for a week and it gave me low gut cramps, muscle, joint and nerve pain that move around to different sites, frequent urination and even agitated on some days - although it did boost my alertness and mental clarity quite a bit.
So I took a break from it for a few days and started again at a reduced dosage of 0.5-1mg/day sublingually which got rid of those side effects. However after doing this for a week I started feeling tired with viral type symptoms such as weakness, headaches & respiratory issues) so I took another break. Now whenever I take MB sublingually or internally I immediately get the weak and viral like symptoms.
I have tried a couple of brands that both claim to be USB grade (Biopharm and CZTL) to try and rule any possible trace amounts of toxins. I even wrote CZTL and they said "Some of the symptoms I mentioned regarding stomach issues are possible for people with hypersensitivity to MB". "MB is a known anti-viral so increase in viral attacks would not relate to MB." "We are not aware of any relation between MB and joint pains; on the contrary MB is shown to reduce pain".
So the only way I can take it now is to put 0.5-1mg in a tiny bit of water and add 1g of ascorbic acid to reduce the MB and get rid of the blue staining color so I can apply it topically then I can still get the boost in alertness, mental clarity and even sometimes in physical energy as well I think - though not as pronounced as when I took 5mg internally.
It lowered your NO levels.
Would be very curious to know how it effects you while consuming foods that increase NO production.
This is the exact reason I havent taken any MB yet, my Nitric Oxide production is already low due to a mitochondrial mutation.
But if that can be countered with foods that increase NO production then I'll give a try.
@@Holy.HannaH what makes you say it lowered my NO levels?
@@bperry8700 I could very much be wrong but the combination of all those symptoms matches up to what I experience when my NO levels are low.
And since the methylene blue is known to lower NO levels and that's when you're experiencing the symptoms, it just makes sense.
(Except the increased urination, that's likely from the antioxidant effect of the MB cleaning out the ROS and other free radicals)
Hello and thanks for sharing your experiences with MB. I started yesterday and got exactly what you described so I got a bit nervous about it. Is it worth with these kind of symptoms to continue? Couldn't recognize any benefits till now.
@@captainkaspar3143 I stopped taking it because of the side effects but if I decide to try it again with something to help keep my NO levels from dropping like @Holy.HannaH says then I will post back here
Will M blue interrupt vitamin B-17 derived from apricot pits because the pits have cyanide in them? Thanks 🙏🏻
I took it for 2 months to see if helped with ME CFS... no noticeable improvement..
Is it safe to take woth TUDCA? I take both, usually a few hours apart
How does it work for neurological issues with the autonomic nervous system? I suffer from POTS and have a long list of issues. Been doing traditional medicine like a beta blocker for the tachycardia and BP medication but those are just two symptoms. Looking for something that will help me reverse the condition if that’s possible. Whats a recommended dose for that condition?
Wow, thank you for the detailed description!
Glad it was helpful! Thank you for watching.
It would be interesting to see how using MB with DMSO would play out..
Yes or MB and EDTA as well!
Everytime I try DMSO my wife stops me because she says I smell really bad, bummer.
My counter point to this is.. if you could heal your chronic illness, does it matter if you smell like a foot..
DMSO was a miracle for me.. my partner also didn't like the smell.. salt stick deodorant does help.. drink lots of water and cycle your use of dmso
Ya it can be strong.. I wonder if that calms down after a while.. @@shanebaird543
@@ivynymph5804 jus rod you know the salt stick deodorant has aluminum in it 😬 look at the ingredients just because it’s “natural” doesn’t mean it doesn’t have aluminum 😅
What level of heavy metal and other toxins are present in various brands/manufactures?
I am wondering the same.
There's a spreadsheet comparing various brands on the methylene_blue subreddit, CZTL and Mitolab respectively provide the purest powder and liquid form MB products per it
Ctzl is the best I've found. They also give lab reports on the contents of HM so you know exactly what you're getting
I have a hypothesis that methylene blue might be good to help overcome ME/CFS
Is is. Plenty of people take it for that reason.
That is why I came here
My research on Melatonin indicates it is only indirectly related to sleep. In fact it is the master antioxidant that is produced all around body but as we age production drops materially off. So it reduces cellular stress which then relaxes you for sleep.
Im just wondering can i take this while fasting?
Should this be taken on an empty stomach, or with food?
Thank you for your Super Thanks !
We appreciate the donation, that was generous and thoughtful! Thank you!
Wow, I’ve watched quite a few presentations on methylene blue and this presentation definitely has it a wonder the best. Thanks so much! 👏😊
I get a very bad reaction when digesting processed food ingredient sodium nitrite; hours after consuming excruciating head pain like trigeminal neuralgia. I started researching I found methylene blue could help but my neurologist has no interest at this time. Thank you for speaking on this!
HI. I would have a really important question. I was taking methylene blue 0.5 to 1mg per kg body weight for about 3 months. I had surgery recently with lots of complications because way too much bleeding, it was a life threatening situation. How does MB affect blood in terms of clothing?
Could someone help me, please? I bought a methylene blue 60mcg. How many drops should I take? I have no idea. And no one would tell me.
I'd call a compound pharmacy. They know about Methylene blue. Just make sure you know whether your Methylene blue is 1% or 2% solution. The pharmacist will need to know that.
Great information. Question 34.04 minutes in you say it's okay to take low-dose Naltrexone. I thought the topic was methylene blue?
You are a nudge!
I used this at 25 mg - I weigh 107- and immediately got UTI symptoms . Very painful- stopped when I stopped the MB I’m going to try 5 mg.
That's a very high dose. I am 150 pounds and I take 0.5mg or 1mg max, and I feel the effects quite intensely. You were taking 50-100 times more MB than I do. I can't imagine taking that much.
That's a massive dose, man!
Sounds like you need to drink a lot to deal with the detox reaction, excretion. Not sure
That was the correct dosage I think?
Too much mb. Use a doctor to assist on this !
Thanks for the informative video. Time stamps would be helpful for folks that already understand energy metabolism/mitochondria function/electron transport chain, etc. Thanks!
There are time stamps, in the extended description
Yes, please. Time stamps on all of your videos.
time stamps added 🙂
My favorite part of biochem!!
Does this help with allergies or mast cell activation syndrome?
Thanks for all the super info. My Lyme doc has given me a prescription for 2 x 50 ml Meth blue daily and I have been hesitant to start them due to safety concerns. I did hear that you shouldn't take DM cough syrup with MB due to serotonin syndrome or decongestants due to an increase in blood pressure. Are those valid concerns or not when taking MB in such a low dose? One more question ... my GP would like me to have a bone scan with contrast soon. Is it best to hold off on taking M Blue until after I have a scan with contrast. Would one dye interfere with the other contrast. And lastly Amen to your sign!
Thank you for all of the kind words. You are correct that one should use caution if using MB and also DM cough syrup for the sake of blood pressure even at a lower dose, not a hard stop, but be cautious, provider should be aware and you should be monitoring BP daily if you and your provider deem that to be the route you would like to proceed with. I would hold off on taking MB until after your bone scan.
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question @@Dr.DaneNewvilleRPh
Whats the best dose to start for 70 +
Thank you for the info.
A question: I noticed methylene blue turns colorless when vitamin C is added to it. Do you recommend drinking this solution?
It doesn’t make you mouth turn blue also use a straw
I was wondering if it helped post stroke?
Great information. IV is absorbed a ~little~ bit better? Is it not destroyed exponentially more, by the stomach acid when it's oral?
This is serious for my wife since she is a Uterine Cancer Survivor. For at least 3 years we both have been consuming Bitter Apricot Pits as a last defense against her Cancer coming back. It is our understanding that the Bitter Apricot Pits contain a Cyanide which is Locked Up and only released when a cancer releases something and the bond is broken and Cyanide is released in the blood stream to kill the cancer. We have 3 instances where this information has come into our lives. Are we wasting our time?
You are on the right track. Just make sure the pots are from organic apricots. This method is used in many cures worldwide. The "western medical complex" has a lot of catching up to do. Pray together for healing, do peaceful things, let go of toxic people in your lives and know healing is being done. All will be well. Love each other and laugh more💪🌹🫂
I survived stage iii testicular by consuming soursop fruit I didn’t even finish chemo and still went into remission
I've heard mention of Apricot seeds/pits. He was trying to help people and telling them to please look further into it for the purpose of healing. I don't think you're wasting your time at all! Be blessed!
@@off6848, great job! Now, if you read "The Cure for All Disease" by Hulda Clark you'd know why and how you got cancer. This will help you to be clear and sure of your course of action. This book changed many lives and will help you too.
I’ve heard recently the berberine may be helpful in preventing or reducing cancer. Someone said more studies are needed because some cancer patients have sworn by it. I think it’s worth a try.
I think this thing saved me after Moderna vacine induced parathesia random pain stab all over body, micronutrient testing showed lots of problems, heavy metals through roof! Took sips of this stuff in large bottle of water day and night(microdose). I did it with sunlight exposure to max out results. Parathesia went away after maybe couple weeks. I went off it since I know there’s things people are not aware of maybe cancer wise?
Methylene Blue is used to treat & cure cancer. Several Doctors have talked about using it intravenous into the vein.
What causes high level of heavy metals?
I know the dosing. BUT HOW LONG CAN YOU (~should you) KEEP TAKING IT!??? I took it for 2 weeks straight and didnt feel any difference in anything. A friend of mine warns to only use it for 3 days at a time, with a week break in between.
great question.
I hope someone answers
You can take it daily forever. What is the concentration you're using and how much are you taking? I take 1-2 drops per day at 1% solution. This means I am only taking .5-1mg a day and I have intense effects.
Can you please do the dosing in drops please in 1% solution. I can’t for the life of me figure out your way .. mg kg per kg… pounds etc etc
Too hard and Thank you
Is it OK to put one or two molecular hydrogen tablets in 16 oz water along with methylene blue at a rate of 40 drops of 1% for my weight of 140 lbs? I also use DMSO over top of Povidone Iodine (Betadine) several times a week, which heals almost by the next day, any cuts or scratches or bruises from construction work or the cats . I also use liquid chlorophyll daily, as well as a whole ground up lemon minus the seeds. Does methylene blue compete with NO? And if you take beet root powder and other NO protagonists such as arginine, will that nullify or reduce the effects of the methylene blue? I also take colloidal silver on a fairly regular basis. What kind of reaction do these chemicals have on each other.
I am now off of all my prescribed (15 to 17) meds, when my Doctor fired me for trying to reduce my pharmaceutical load that they had me on a few years ago. My health has since improved about 1000% since I was fired by my Doctor and they refused to "treat" me by my "Health Professionals". I had diabetes, high blood pressure, GERD, 3 degenerated disks, ADHD, OCD, major depression, anxiety, arthritis, probably NAFLD though not obese (then about 165 - 170 lbs. and then height of 5’ 6” down from 5’11” in early adulthood, but have since have regained a little over 1 inch back again, and now about 140 lbs and lost about 7 inches in my belly, after about 3 years on keto), and more. I am now 71. If you or anyone else can provide me with good information on the interaction of these chemicals, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much for your kind response to this request.
Spencer Douglas James
djames314 (is at) (g)mail (at dot) com
spence3141 (RUclips)
Some fasting could help you a great deal. That is basically what happened with my doctor when I got upset they could not control my blood pressure. Turned out to be the best thing to happen, in the long run at least. Some benefits of doing occasional extended fasting: High blood pressure is lowered to normal levels very quickly while fasting.
Fasting restores NAD+ to healthy levels.
Vitamin D plasma levels are increased as fasting improves metabolic health, and vitamin D in turn increases autophagy.
Fasting stimulates phagocytosis, the ingestion of bacteria, plaques and viruses by the immune system. It will also remove any 'foreign material' like spikes that are not supposed to be there. Whether natural or unnatural in origin..
Fibrosis/scarring is reversed over time.
Fasting increases nitric oxide release.
Blood clotting is reduced and blood clots and arterial plaque are reabsorbed into the body.
Reflexes and short term memory are increased.
Fasts from 36-96 h increase metabolic rate due to norepinephrine release!
After 72 hours or more fasted, your body recycles up to 1/3 of all immune bodies, rejuvenating your entire immune system. This helps prevent the onset of new autoimmune conditions, which develop through a leaky gut and damaged immune system.
Fasting can help with MS, Depression, BPD, Autism and seizures.
Thymus is regenerated, which suppresses aging and renews the immune system. The thymus also plays a vital role in fighting cancer.
Blood sugar and insulin are lowered when fasting, allowing white blood cells to move more freely throughout the body and do their job.
Weight loss from daily caloric restriction has 1/4 to 1/3 of the weight lost as lean tissue while many studies show fat loss from 36 h fasts without losing any lean tissue!
The obese will lose extra tissue like loose skin while fasting, but the skinny or frail will have increased growth hormone release than the obese, which helps to make more lean tissue and reduce frailness.
The hunger hormone ghrelin also lowers with extended fasting and rises from dieting.
When you move out of MTOR your body shuts down the building blocks of the cell required for viruses to replicate.
What breaks a fast? Anything with protein or carbohydrates in it will break a fast. Most teas and herbs are OK. Most supplements and meds will either break ketosis directly or contain a filler that will. Many meds are dangerous to take while fasting.
Does fasting lower testosterone? No, it raises it when the fast is broken by increasing lutenizing hormone. Fasting also increases insulin sensitivity, which helps with muscle building.
Fasts of 36-96 will not affect short term female fertility or affect menstrual cycle. They also may increase long term fertility, especially in women with PCOS.
Fasting reduces pain and anxiety by stimulating the endocannabinoid system in a similar way to CBD oil.
Fasting very quickly reduces leptin resistance, which impairs immune function. One day of fasting can cut your leptin levels in half and gets your immune system working properly again!
Stomach acid is reduced over time while fasting and can allow for the healing of treatment resistant ulcers. Some patients may need continued acid reduction medication while fasting.
Does the body preferentially prefer glucose as a fuel? No. Except for brief periods of very intense exercise, your body mainly burns fats in the form of free fatty acids. Your brain also prefers to burn ketones at a rate of around 2.5 to 1 when they are available in equal quantity to glucose.
Fasting stimulates the AMPK complex and activates autophagy. Autophagy (literally self eating) will cause cells to recycle foreign matter such as viruses and kill cancerous and senescent cells
It increases mitochondrial function and repairs mitichondrial DNA, leading to improved ATP production and oxygen efficiency. Increased mitochondrial function also has the added benefit of increasing your metabolism, fighting infection and cancer prevention!
Fasting releases BDNF and NGF in the blood which stimulates new nerve and brain cell growth. This can help a great deal with diseases like MS, peripheral neuropathy and Alzheimers.
When not in ketosis, the brain can only burn carbohydrate, which produces a great deal of damaging ROS the brain has to deal with.
Fasting also increases telomere length, negating some of the effects of aging at a cellular level.
When you fast, this stimulates apoptosis in senescent or genetically damaged cells, destroying them. Senescent cells are responsible for many of the effects of aging and are a root cause of the development of cancer.
A fasting mimicking diet for 3-5 days in a row also provides many of the same benefits as water fasting. FMD usually has 200-800 calories, under 18 g of protein and extremely low carbs.
Exogenous ketones can aid with fasting, making it easier in healthy people and allowing some people with specific issues to fast in spite of them without worrying as much about hypoglycemia.
Children, pregnant or nursing women should not fast for periods longer than 16 hours. People with pancreatic tumors or certain forms of hypoglycemia generally cannot fast at all. Type 1 diabetics can also fast but it is more complicated and should be approached with caution as it could lead to ketoacidosis. If you experience extreme symptoms of some kind, especially dizziness or tremors, then simply break the fast and seek advice.
This list compiled over years of research by the user known as Pottenger's Human on youtube but feel free to copy and paste this anywhere you like, no accreditation needed!
My channel will always contain an updated version of this list of fasting benefits on the community tab. I also have playlists on fasting and health topics.
@@LTPottenger Thank you very much for your reply and the very good suggestions and results of following those. I agree wholeheartedly with you. For about 1.5 to 2 years now, I have been practicing a healthy keto lifestyle with intermittent fasting in about a 5 to 6 hour window of eating. In addition I water only fast for about 42 to 44 hours each week. Occasionally, I go on a 3 to 5 day water fast. The longest fast I have ever done is 21 days when I was about 35 or so.
I eat 3 organic pasture raised eggs (local when I can) and an organic avocado and a whole ground up organic lemon (minus the seeds) with added organic ginger or turmeric daily, grow my own sprouts, homemade pickled/fermented garlic, organic grass fed and finished beef, some pork, no chicken, electrolytes, bone broth, pro- pre- and post-biotics, organic EVOO and coconut oils and apple cider vinegar (6 tablespoons daily each), and organic salads (no spinach). I make my own homemade mayonnaise and other sauces. When I need a sweetener I use Monkfruit, Stevia, erythritol or allulose.
I don’t eat anymore packaged ultra processed foods, junk foods, fast foods, restaurant foods or omega 6 oils (vegetable oils). I weigh around 140 lbs, about the same as when I was a competition swimmer as a teenager and later as a young adult until about 35 or 40 when I started eating a high carb and starchy diet and started gaining weight up to a max of about 175 to 180. I used to make homemade keifer, but stopped when I wanted to stop drinking milk. I also take a whole bunch of good quality supplements. I try to stay away from foods high in glutens, oxalates, lectins, carbs, omega 6’s, chemicals and and I try to concentrate on real whole organic living foods (local as much as possible) that help increase and strengthen mitochondria and gut microbiome, nitric oxide, and reduce inflammation.
When my doctor fired me about 5 years ago, I was extremely angry at her and could not believe that one that purports to everyone that they are a “HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL” could be so crass, and immoral as to deliberately refuse to CARE IN A PROPER MANNER someone who goes to them for their expertise and help in caring for their health and well-being. Now, I am very glad she did that. I now see that as probably one of the best things she could have done for my health, i.e. to force me to quit depending on others for my health and literally force me to take matters of my own health into my own hands.
Yes, it was a huge learning curve, but now I am literally growing younger at 71 years old. I can feel it. My body now feels like it is supposed to feel. I have energy, no more brain fog, pain is 99% eliminated, bowels function much more efficiently and properly, skin is tight and much improved with hardly any wrinkles anymore, cuts and cat scratches heal almost overnight, no more headaches, GERD or depression. Some other things are more slowly coming around, but I can definitely tell that they are getting much, much better (mood swings, ADHD, OCD). I still have constant and loud tinnitus, hearing loss, vision loss, and silver hair.
My health only got worse, and worse, and worse under doctor’s “CARE”. If that’s the kind of “care” I get from doctors and “EXPERTS”, then I don’t want it anymore. The vast majority of them are just shills for Big Pharma and Big Food which both morphed out of Big Chemical when the Rockefeller’s and Carnegie’s did their thing in 1910, which ended up funding all the big research institutes and medical schools to bend them to their chemical method of suppressing symptoms instead of curing the root causes of disease. Remember, they used to brag and produce commercial upon commercial touting the wonderful benefits of “better living through chemistry.” That better chemistry gave us PFAS forever chemicals, estrogen mimickers and other plasticizers, atrazine, glyphosate, other organophosphates and organochlorines (pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, drying agents, etc.), chemical fertilizers that kill the microbes in the soil, thus making it dead and sterile and unfit to grow healthy plants and thus making the need for ever increasing amounts of chemical fertilizers to keep being added to forcefully cause the plants to grow in an unnatural and unhealthy manner. I used to be a trained certified Pest Control Operator using these chemicals every day. I have also worked in DuPont, Hercules Chemical, Corn Inc., 3M, PP&G, P&G. The wonderful world of chemicals.
Thank you very much for your very good comprehensive response.
@@LTPottengerWOW!! Thank you!
I take it with colodial silver, ive heard it has a synergi effect. Is that true ? Thanks
Great info, I´ve just read a book about it. Would be interesting how it´s actually produced... So could I just get pharmaceutical grade powder to produce my own dropper bottles? thank you!
I purchased some powder 100g in the United Kingdom
That was Claimed to be pharmaceutical grade. I have no way of knowing if that's true true though. Probably just originates from China 🇨🇳 like nearly everything else, so it maybe contaminated with so called heavy metals
I would like to know this also.
@@garcher2 Hi, I mean that's almost obvious but who knows, right? I'm wondering why he doesn't answer the question himself. He seems to be reading all comments and reacting to many... Getting pharma quality powder and mixing it would meak it way cheaper as well. Maybe that is the reason nobody tells how to make it, they want to sell a product with a great margin... if one does a little calculation... 😮
@@chjl1221nobody from professional ppl allowed to give you a consult on UT
Can it help a stroke patient.
I’ve been taking Ivermectin, 50,000 mg of Vitamin D, and MB and yesterday night I was thrown into a full fledged panic attack, crazy high heart rate, my brain felt like it was on fire and tingling, my mouth tasted really strange and more…
I’m on 25mg of MD and the Ivermectin I’m only taking weekly.
I am absolutely terrified to take the MB again after reading the potential of fatality.
I don’t understand all of these comments about how amazing MB is when I had indication of overdose after just two days of taking it. The site I read said that I am overdosed if my urine is stained blue. But I heard that’s actually normal…
I’m so conflicted…
Does anyone have any guidance? I’m exhausted of feeling so sick and tired all of the time.
I started feeling amazing but then last night I felt like I was going to die! What gives????
It’s sounds like your having severe herxheimer reaction. Keep a journal and back off on dosing until you reach an amount you can tolerate. Don’t give up on yourself or your journey to find health.
Yes, but do not mention that it contains arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium and other heavy metals.
It is also chloride.
And the most basic thing for me is that it blocks the entire solar light spectrum that mitochondria need to produce water and energy through the natural electron chain.
If you block natural light, you create all these dysfunctions
Sounds like a herx reaction as noted above. If you were steadily improving and then hit the wall really hard, it’s probably a herx response- do whatever is necessary to bear up and stay strong psychologically. And again as noted above, back down on the meds temporarily
You also need to check the purity of the MB you purchased, some have heavy metals in them , make sure their pharmaceutical grade .
@@wintertime331 Αlso pharmaceutical grade contains heavy metals, see the lab analysis from CZTL pharmaceutical company.
So does it cancel out nos ,, so would there be any point using l arginine & l curtrilline malate ?
Awesome vid, thanks Dr Dane!
Glad you liked it!
Fab info - can it help with peripheral neuropathy and sciatica please?
They are still more advantages to methylene blue use including against Lyme (Borrelia) and Bartonella... pretty impressive molecule.
I've been in treatment for both Lyme and 5 strains of Bartonella for 3 years . Since I've added MB I've finally been able to feel better and have my brain back. Naltrexone has also been a huge help.
@@markmichet9967hello, whats your naltrexone dose? Im about to go up to 2.5 from 1.25..i havent noticed any benefit yet. Been on it about 1 month for fibromyalgia/possible RA and ME/CFS from long covid.
it has some mental benefits & helps my bad joints. but i cant take it more than a few times a week or i get severe anxiety & joint pain.
Great info, I’m with a health company that just nootropic MB in. It’s amazing. If anyone would like to try on me. I used it today and I’m surprised how well it worked. Our formulator is also a pharmacist. I will share this with him.
@susancooer4011 how can l contact you?
Why is this study on Alzheimer’s patients finding 80% reduction in progression not the biggest news of the year?Yet an expensive drug with hardly any benefit above placebo comes out, it is everywhere?????
No profit in MB
How much do they give them I wonder
This video was very informative! Thanks! 💙
Where do I get it?
Which way does the ATP synthases spin to produce ATP (ADP turned into ATP)? Have you seen these rotating in dynamic molecular models? Wonderful stuff.
Thank you. How do we access it in South Africa?
Amazon. Ebay.
Question ... I am on 4000 FU of Nattokinase daily. This comes from a fermented product. Is it not advisable to take MB if you take Natto? I am not on an antidepressant. This is the first I have heard about this. I was hoping to cycle MB.
I take 2000-4000FU of nattokinase daily. I haven't felt any interaction between the two. I take a super low dose of MB at 0.05-0.1mg/kg for 2 or 3 days. It's enough to turn my urine bluish green and leave blue residue in the toilet. I dose again after my urine returns to normal for a day or two.
I have the same question.
Good question. What is the answer?
I take both. No issues so far àfter a month. Feel great!
Great video and I needed some good news. The only reason I don't take it more is because I'm not sure about the dose.
In general it is best practice to start medications at the lowest dose possible for intended results, with that said methylene blue is somewhat individual, meaning the dosing can vary person to person. Most literature shows dosing at 0.5mg/kg/day to 4mg/kg/day, but we have many providers prescribing lower than that to allow the patient to see how they respond, then they titrate accordingly. Hope this was helpful.
Brilliant. Great information. Thank You.
Since Methylene Blue can help with lesions, do you think it could help with MS? I would think so but I know there is no research on this because why would there be when "chemo"aka ocrevus is profitable
So do you take on and off? Like a couple months and stop and start again or continuing use?😊
@@patrak3606 thanks!
It seems to me , that it would also help fight cancer.
So if you are taking MB internally is there any benefit to putting it externally on your skin?
i am wondering the same
I tried it on persistent toenail fungus. It's disappeared almost completely. Side effects are blue toenails. Lol
Great information. The best I’ve found yet. Thank you so much 🙏
Glad it was helpful!
Thank you; informative, interesting and very helpful.
God is Awesome!
Absolutely! God is Awesome! Thank you for watching.
Can anyone tell me what the shelf life of MB is? I have some that is quite old and wondering if I should use it.
Wow! Amazing! I am taking it by ML in a dropper. Been taking 2 ML per day. Is that too much? Do not know what it weighs.
It all depends on the strength of your MB liquid solution. 2 ML of a weak solution is very different than 2 ML of a strong solution. Also, you have to weigh yourself, and whatever your weight is in pounds, you have to convert it to kilograms. Multiply your kg weight by the dosage desired based on solution strength. If you are not familiar with this, please get knowledgeable/professional help. Otherwise, you might not take enough to make a difference, or else take too much and get negative results.
Right, you have to research the therapeutic dose yourself, know what the dilution value is. You can find this available online. If you're taking too much, your urine will be blue. Go with less versus more, although I have read that too low of dose will have the opposite effect somehow and I really don't know how that works.
This is not like taking vitamin B. Really you should be asking a doctor about this.
I have been taking MB for a month and still can’t get past a drop a day without getting die off symptoms like fatigue and brain fog/anxiety. Please help!
I’m just staying with 1 drop a day for a month. I’m in no hurry to increase the dose.
Supporting your detox pathways first is usually recommended by the natural doctors I’ve read, before trying to ‘kill’ off anything. It may take a few months to do. Do a colon cleanse and liver support before adding it back in.
Is it ok to take methylene blue with MMS and DMSO?
Thank you does it have eny effects on the kidney function and heart please . Kind regards Sharon
I have the same question
My kidneys are sick. I'm not able to take any remedie because of my renal insuficiency.😔
Does 1mg per kg correspond to 1 drop/kg when liquid MB? Thanks
Consult your label, it should tell you how much MB is in a drop. If not, get human drop form.
I never understand measuring I have nothing blue liquids how much I have to take
Thank you brother for this amazing easy to understand knowledge !!
My pleasure. Thank you for watching our video.
I’m fully aware that stopping anti depressant medication abruptly is not recommended however l have been on every medication know and they don’t work for me! I’m on venlafaxine and l have decided that I’m got to stop and try MB with healthy lifestyle. Venlafaxine has a short half life how long would l have to wait after stopping the medication until it would be safe to take MB without it potentially cause serotonin syndrome? X
I dont understand how people are able to take more than a couple of MG orally, because if i take even 1mg i will feel very intense, like a took a large dose or adderall or something. It will make me anxious and feel really negative if i take over 1mg orally. I love MB though, ill take it forever! Its amazing. I weigh 150 pounds and i use a 1% solution, so 1 drop is about .5 mg
Hmmm I took 5mg and felt nothing...
MB when taken with ASCORBIC ACID orally renders it colorless (nearly). Studies have shown when taken in that colorless form, it loses any ANTIOXIDENT benefit.
QUESTION: Do you recommend taking it SEPARATELY from vitamin C?
Note: The "studies" are easily found online. Many have recommended avoiding vitamin C within an hour before and after taking MB.
I would think the stomach acid would convert it and once it hits the intestine it would convert back? Don’t know for sure.
@@lovinglife3847 It's not just any acid that renders it colorless. I tried a high concentration of citric acid and it didn't do anything to the color. It took only a small amount of Ascorbic.
We are now going through an "MB craze"...
So many "experts" are promoting it. It WOULD BE NICE TO KNOW how vitamin C interacts with it (unfavorable or not).
For real. It seems IMPORTANT.
@@pheresy1367 Try it with ascorbic. I did, once, and it gave me dark circles under my eyes. No bueno.
How does it cross the Blood Brain Barrier where other fluids do not?
Food grade turpentine does, as well as iodine!
@@ChiGirl43 I wonder how this mechanism works for these things and not others.
MB is a very small molecule. It is the size of the molecules that is one of the considerations of whether something can cross the cell walls.
What about the arsenic, mercury and other potentially harmful contents that are a part of pharmaceutical grade MB