i ALWAYS get those Vayne """"mains"""" that instead of trying to farm and get core items, just go 1v2 lv2 with the enemy adc and support and then "ggwp why no follow reported". I can play with Vayne only when my friend is using her...
Yuwen Taiji I do the same as a support. But I clearly say before we fight that I gladly sacrifice myself for the team, so he can escape. As the ADC, I usually try to save both of us without putting myself in real danger (Draven E, Caitlyn trap etc...).
Yuwen Taiji I've been supporting a lot of new adcs who don't even ATTACK minions OR champs until -i- get their hp down. And they bitch about me grabbing the cs they make 0 attempts to get. Pisses me off.
You forget that after the adc dies right when support dies that, the adc just flames the support but in reality it was their fault for not taking the opportunity to escape. Seriously some of my games the adc mostly flames on the jg and support. Then they act like they are the boss of their team and complain on their mistakes like it is everybody's fault!! Like what the hell!!! What is the point of being an adc when a lot of the adcs are just being completely retarded and being a whiny immature kid!!! Example: Adcs complain on their jg for not ganking when they died. Seriously jgs will only take opportunities to gank. Because if you all mess up you could have just gave the enemy team some kills. So stop ordering your jg like a dog and only ask for help at the right opportunity. Adcs tell their support they are feeding and they suck and tell them to never be support or play lol in general. The term support means that they die for you and help you. Like really it would matter if mid lane, jg, or top fed but it doesn't really matter if the support dies....sure it would mean free kills but supports die because they protect their adc. But noooo adc doesn't care and still flames on the support......
Yuwen Taiji and when your trying to save adc from danger by sacrificing yourself and they come to help you ...and you both get killed ...why would you do that.. No just no ....
I watched this video months ago and ended up agreeing with what Sky said. However, after rewatching this, I will say that mechanically skilled adcs hardly act in this manner. In my experience, high mechanically skilled adcs are adcs that can actually kite/orb walk effectively. Those adcs generally are not that toxic. But the shitty adcs will usually follow these stereotypes.
Mechanically skilled ADCs also don't have a strict main, but usually have at least 3 ADCs they are skilled in. They are more aware of different tactics and styles, and have probably been forced into other lanes before, so they understand the PoV from the other lanes to some extent.
jwebb232 I agree, it also depends on what lanes they are maining secondarily ... I found that most adc's who also play support are far more understanding and cooperative than others.
WizBunny3 i usually start with BT then, depending on the situation, i buy infinity and phantom dancer; then i take blade of the ruined king and if they are too much tanky i buy last whisper. for armor i usually buy an AG or a frozen mallet and for speed i buy berseker graves with alacrity or homeguard. But i'm not that good at builds, if somebody has a better one, can he pls write it here?
The marksman is the most important role,it's very very hard to play because the weak point is the health,you have a small amount of health which brings you the assassin's target...
Yes also you have a tank to tank for you, support to make sure you are alive and not get caught a jungler to feed you. You only need to learn how to farm and get position. Such hard much skill more babysit
Mert Güleç but you do know there are assassins that completely go through your font line just to melt you in an instant, no matter how well positioned you are (I.E Vi, Zed)
+Darkbentley It always depends on the support. There are good ones and bad ones. Sadly the bad ones most of the time think they are good and the adc is the problem for not going 2vs2 while 100 hp without any summoners while the 2 enemys are full life. I dont think anyone is a bad person for maining any role but there are assholes on every position. For example when i go all in with my supp 2vs2 and he shields himself and exhausts the enemy adc after i died to run away i simply say "please use exhaust earlier and shield on me next time" if the supp just says "ok" or "yeah sry" im totally fine but then there are the guys who rage on you for not dealing as much dmg as the enemy adc even though they didnt use exhaust/ missed all their skillshots.
Botlane = Home Top = Best friend (the most isolated member, he is not part of your family, but he can TP home and meet you) Jungle = Dad (when he farms it means that he's working, when he ganks he comes home and helps you) Mid = Older brother (20 years old, he can go home (roam) but not as much as your Dad, he needs a bit of peeling) ADC = You (5 years old, that's why you need Mom nearby) Support = Mom (always protecting and literally feeding you)
As support we have to not make the last hit, not take ONE cs, not get kills and land ALL OF OUR SKILL SHOTS. It's an incredible tax to waste our effort supporting someone who never makes the effort to appreciate the person who got them fed, awarded EVERYWHERE and used their own life to protect yours it's not worth it for us to help you if you constintlly insult our gameplay in NOT getting kills and get maybe 100 gold on an assist.
lucian was released 2 days before this video, so this video may have been recorded few days before or he just cant say anything about lucian since he was out for only 2 days...
Most people in League of Legends are douches. Regardless of their role - top, mid, jungler, everyone flames you whenever you do something wrong (or even if you don't - someone has to be blamed for a defeat).
what i do is telling him how he failed , and ask him not to do it again , most players will comply specially if you had better game than them . for instance ''don't be a coward , next time when i engage you follow , i am your tank , so follow me ffs '' , he will start following
You can stand on the enemy thresh lantern and they will just auto attack you instead of being pulled. Happened to me one of the very few times i had to play adc. Thresh called me a noob for not using it. Thresh mains need to learn to put it in a good spot.
As a Support this is the story of a single fight: Shield for 240 damage and +50 ad. Vayne kills 2 people and the jungler while i hard cc the enemy and saved her from 2 ults and die with the last breath being Exhaust. Top:Gj VAYNE! Mid:Nice Vayne! Jungler:Janna stop feeding! Me:Fck you she got the kills cuz of me in the first place! Vayne:Says 0/3 Janna lol too easy. Me:0/3 AND 11 IDIOT DO YOU EVEN COUNT ASSISTS? Vayne:Lol assists don't do anything. (Promoted to Diamond by teammates*)
***** just go farm in your jungle, walk around mid sometimes, help top if enemy is overextended, come back in midgame all farmed up, works like a charm (; - I never gank bot, only in rare occasions xD
Listening to this when he said "You are in a lane with a role to specifically there to make sure you don't die". Oh yeah but I let them die when they flame me.
I agree. ADC is ALWAYS the first to go ham on the keyboard. Personally when I'm adcing, if I see my "triple kill" I'm like ">.> I just button mash you guys set it up, warded it, initiated it, locked em down, peeled."
As a diamond 1 AD main I used to be like this. I use to blame everyone for every mistake I did but now since I've actually stopped that and realized I ain't shit without my support protecting me all day I would do nothing but feed. Now when I get a killing spree It's not on my own doing it's because my team helped me. I see plenty of people like Sky is talking about and it's a painful reminder of who I used to be.
***** And I hate it when those filthy ADC's take the siege-minion while I have face of the mountain. Bitch please, those minions belong to us! I need the money!
whenever i get a mad adc, i'l ks him allot and steal his cs. and of corse he will get even more mad, and he'l start swearing, after that, its basically reported and he gets chat ban, all that because he flamed early, i don't give a fuck if he becomes useless late game, i'l go feed the top or mid if i have to, but i never get bossed by the adc, its the other way around in my case. also, this applies even if i'm mid, like yesterday , i had a draven that flamed and raged on his support, so i roamed down and took a double kill, he then continued raging and started crying,(he typed in all chat report, he started swearing ect ..) so i ignored him. after 2 minutes , same thing. i made him so mad he went afk, and we won the game cause i carried, then we all reported him. and he probably got banned. my point is that, if i ever find a guy that flames, i'l make sure to make him as miserable as i can, and i keep provoking him to get him to swear, then its a garentead chat ban for verbal abuse, and if not it'l make the game less fun for him, and one day he'l end up quitting league, and that's my goal.to clean up league.
I always thank my supp when they are playing well. I never get a response though, I'll attribute that to them not receiving any praise with other ADCs and not knowing how to handle it.
As I support main, I can confirm that what you're saying is true. I adore the role, but I'm getting tired of supporting ADCs who think they're hot shit. On the other hand though, I played with a Twitch today who thanked me every time I saved him/got him a kill. Not saying that ADCs need to do that, but if you're an ADC that knows their place, I
mm I just played two ranked as support (won 1 lost 1) and in both games, even though we were not playing that badly at all, i copped so much abuse from the adc's and omg they so resembled the shit Sky is describing here hahaha xD. Horrible though, as it starts to make you play worse I find.
YEAH DUDE I played with an adc that went straight into a 1v5 (he got baited) and when he died, he was like "thanks leona" ...like tf was I supposed to do? Go in and die with you? I didn't even have my ult or anything lls...I totally feel what you go through.
I know what you mean, like I've been forced into support a lot even though I main adc, Just like, supporting an adc is harder than playing adc I'm not even joking. Constantly nagging for wards peal and wtf not. Like those handful of games just make me think "Fuck me if I'm this way" And I pray that I'm not. #respect your supports
General_Izod Same shit happening to me. And something else too. Like if I play 10 games with a champ in a row I know to play ONLY him and completly forget about how other champs works.
Chompski I've even seen those comments around this video, but none have come to me. WHAT IS HAPPENING?! LIKE AM I, AM I JUST LUCKY TO HAVE THIS COMMUNITY'S RESPECT?!
this is so true. i played support i had 40 assists at the end of the game. in lane i gave my adc 6 kills including a quadra from a 4 man gank, i peeled him (i was thresh) i shielded i tanked the enemies damage and i pulled him with my lantern to get him out of the middle of the enemy team. i saved his life 3 times in that 2v4 and guess what i got, NOTHING the only thing the team said was "dude this draven so good" and the enemy team? "wow... gj draven!" draven was like "the playzzzz!! i got quadraaa" wich left me being like 'im fucking done with this shit, im not your slave BYE' even though i didnt write it and i didnt afk :P
Somerandomgamer Stinus I know you wrote this months ago but you shouldn't really care. Only children care about their kdr, winning is what counts. Just keep on doing your thing and climb
Nicollas Daher i know and i dont really care about my kdr, i just find it annoying that other people the credit for something you did. now i've come a long way (in attitude not ELO :S ) and it doesnt really bother me anymore, learnt to live with it i guess. *insert random rambling here* :)
XD LMAO - dude that was great ... draven:"the playzzzz!!! i got quadraaaa" I CANT STOP LAUGHING LOOOL. --- wow gj draven!" ... this is soo true - I tell my team everytime im destroying as draven ( draven main ) - that I cant be doing this good without a team that provides peel and actually follows up.
+plebula_ let's be real trist mains can still get caught out even if she has the 4th longest range in league, while vayne mains also still can get caught cuz of her terrible low sustainability, and i'm talking from experience as an ADC main (and yes, I'll admit, i'm toxic, can't help it otherwise i say nothing and get over it)
Im an AD main (one of the few non typical ones) and more than not Im the one being blamed for losing lane nowadays, not my support. And if I win lane, the support gets the praise by now (stereotypes made ppl try not to compliment ADs at all anymore, so they dont look like douchebags). I might wanna add, this is in Plat 2, I have no idea what elo you are in, but up here I get a lot of shit (despite being the weakest role in the game right now)
Moccelic Well... the Ardent Censor meta haunted season 7, didn’t it? The meta where your ADC was everything and you simply auto loose if your ADC was much weaker in comparison to the enemy ADC skill wise... Hmm... I think it was only the latter part of the season though... XD
All that said Sky is very, very true. In my last game with Garen top, I died once in a teamfight and our Jinx-score 9/11 said Please report Garen after this game, noob player. WTF?! AD-Shit.
I had a jinx ask me to go support sona before the game, decide they want to lane with lux once the game starts, try to get me to go mid against leblanc, and then they go 1/12/0.
Nope, but more of them are trying to cry on the team...i was mid in one game and my botlane says: OMFG NO ROAMING BY MIDLANE REPORT THIS B%#CH !!! And rage, rage, rage...All are noobs, he's god and playing too good. How can i roam and help you when you and your support pushing like hell ?
I main adc/marksman and I'm rather ashamed to hear other players all are like this, I always appreciate a fall from jungle and I usually let the jungler have the kill. And when my support gets a kill, I'm happy since they'll be able to buy wards, get some better gear to keep me alive. I don't really agree with you that all adc's are assholes, some are great people
that's nice to hear :) I've used morgana's bind as a support, died to their adc, but my adc got a double kill, and thanks to my ward, saw the jungler coming from river and was able to make it back to tower. He thanked me for both. So I believe you.
Oliver Kis I'm sad to say I was a bit of both, not anymore though because I've fallen out of love with the adc role and when I do, I main tristana and I sometime's get a good thing going, getting 3 - 5 kills before my first death usually
It's just a video for fun. Btw, try to secure the kill from you sup/jgl, even when you wanna be nice to your team, since you are the one needing to dish out the dmg. Sure, eg. a Sona could use some gold to build some mana regen and what not, but when she used her ult and spell rotation, it's more important you to have like an extra long sword or two, since that is consistent damage, which is definetily more useful when it comes down to winning games, I hope you realise.
So I died during a bot lane gank (support main here) cause I needed to save the ADC .... Marksman. Then that byatch tristana said "omg feeder report please he went directly to the enemy team" -_-
Bacons are allways right, porkchops are pretty accurate on their sayings too. Good thing that one of my friends is usually playing mid and he can carry hard so i can just gank his lane twice or once and then he just hard carries the rest of the game and then i dont have to do shit anymore, and if u play jungle... U have the right to gank what lane u want and decide do u give buffs to others or not.
What champ u usually play on the jungle? Every champ has theyre own ganking method. Tell me the champs u play on the jungle and i give the tips how to gank with them, if u play on euw i can show u sometime.
This guy has no idea what he is talking about. ADCs are the most important roles in any match, competed only by mid lane. They are called Attack Damage CARRY for a reason. It means they dedicate completely on attack damage to swing the favor of a team fight. Do you know why you are suppose to target the ADCs first in any team fights?? Its because they can wreck anyone and everyone if they are left to do what they are named after. Carry.
You're dumb. He literally said "for the first ten to fifteen minutes of the game." Basically, everybody knows they carry late game, but early game they're worthless and need to be supported. That's why we have a role called SUPPORT. Furthermore, he is talking about the people who main ADC, not the role itself. Watch the video before you comment.
Renodhal and even late game, support is still the most important b/c they are usually the ones STARTING the fights that the carries go on to win, otherwise the carry will just get shut down immediately lol
ikr lol any form of support is always a cornerstone of a match such as junglers supporting top and mid even bot the support is real and sometimes we dont even get noticed
Pls listen to everything he says, at the end he clearly says 'i need you'. we need adc's yes, they do all the dmg, its an automatic win if the adc is fed, they are super important. thats why everyone does everything they can to help the adc get kills, cs or to protect and peel for them. They get so much babysit. AND STILL they flame others for their own mistakes.
1 person telling me I am wrong is enough. I don't need the whole youtube netizen to tell me I am wrong. Plus I didn't watch the full video. I stopped around half way.
Srsly, I can't stand Support mains. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Sup main myself, but 85% of all Support Players always b*tch about how bad they are treated by everybody else. First of, sup Players always feel so "special", because in Team Builder usually sup is the role everybody is waiting for. They are likely to quit, because they see a Yorick top or a Rammus Jungle, which in their eyes is not "ideal" (tbh, I was guilty of that too, felt like being a king). Furthernore they always expect to get a pro ADC, because "alone they cannot carry bot, cuz they are JUST supports", why the heck did you pick Soraka and if you play Leona ping before you go in. Also you can ask you ADC to ward river if you push the lane hard and your trinket just went out, communication FTW ppl. Also there are way too many of those "Support only" guys thinking they are always the only one wanting to play that role. If I get into a ranked games, everybody is like "prefer mid/top", "may I adc, pls?", "main jungle, can fill though", only the last pick is straight up " I GO SUP" (probably a Blitzcrank only). Guys and girls, you need to be able to play to play more than just sup and maybe jungle, learn lasthitting! On a side note: 80% of all female League Player I KNOW (and thats about 20 in rl) main Support (at least 90% of them main Sona, Soraka and/or Lux, it feels). I can't stand if they act as if it's the role nobody appreciates, but honey, if you build full AP Sona and no Sightstone, because "not only the Support has to ward and I really dont like that item" and carry the entire game a pink and 2 green wards in your inventory just so you "bought wards", it shouldn't come as the biggest surprise that ppl flame you, so do not act depressed now and learn how to ward. Period. Last but not least, the majority of players are thankful for a good support. At one point I had all 4 ribbons (now I only have the Teamwork and Honorable Opponent ones), just because I played my role quite decent. As Sky said, the first 10-15 minutes YOU have to carry the ADC, so the ADC can carry the entire team later. Supports need to look more at their own mistakes, because even if you think you play your role pretty good, there is a HUGE difference between "being able to play Support" and being able to do it well. I spammed Alistar Support in season 4 pretty hard and I ended up with a 70% winrate on him and I got A LOT of credit for my work. Even if its just saving your Ahri from a Xerath with Face of the Mountain or a Nami healing a Rengar Jungle with her W while he's doing Golemns. If you keep up the communiation, give construct criticism and try to be a great sportsman and teamplayer, you will experince that the LOL community isn't as toxic and unforgiving as you may think and trust me, Support main, YOU WILL BE APPRECIATED!
I only main support in rank. Only for the fear of someone not doing It right. And trust me. if you seen the clowns who I have seen support. You would two.
im main supp as well.. believe me, i dont think abput being special, and i barely complain, thats because I have seen so many adc that go 1 vs 5.. 1 vs 3.. I know you have to protect and encourage your adc.. help him to improve,.. I prefer the supp lane cuz i have seen ppl who think the role is easy as cake but they dont know what to do..
You sound like you're talking about low elo.. I'm pretty sure in higher elo, supports don't cry about these things because they know that they are important. And about game play and itemisation, they know better than to go without a sightstone. I think no one does that past gold? unless they aren't support mains. I never felt that my role was unimportant. Objectively speaking, I feel in different elos.. different roles are more effective.. like how supports can't carry in bronze/silver because there's no coordination in the first place.. they don't even know how to utilise the wards placed. a good support is so important in plat and higher. That is where you can make plays and teammates will follow up well..listen to objective calls and so on. But yeah.. for the lower elo, before people start forcing themselves to learn most of the supports, even the ones that they don't like.. I think there's 2 types of support. Those that play blitz/thresh/leona vs sona/lulu/janna... These 2 types have very different personalities. Agressive vs. passive.. and not just in game play..
i main support and i never cried when people didnt appreciate me or something.. well sometimes i get mad when i do an epic save and risk my life but its not happend alot cuz im usually scream like "OHHHHHHHHH" like im high or something hehe but anyway ill do anything to save my adc (and i take this shit so hard lol) and ill save his ass the whole game. so yeah sometimes i forget to put wards because yeah im human and i do mistakes or its just to risky for me to leave my team or you know what sometimes you just cant leave your team to put a fucking ward because theyre all mid or some shit and when theyre doing baron its too late. theyre some support that i let the adc do the work like when i play janna or something i just poke cuz i cant really do something but trust me when i can do something i do it and again in fights ill do anything to make sure my adc will make it alive and take the kills and ill make sure he will be safer and i wont leave him alone. but know i read all the comments by adc main and what theyre thinking about their supports and its just make me feel bad, for real. i dont need that people will say "good job" all the time cuz i know they can see what im doing for them even if i do some mistakes. oh and btw all the girls you know that play supp do you really think that girls play only soraka,sona,lux? i main support bcuz i dont have the power to fight for my role - you want it take it. in this season i can play anything (i had problem with the jungle but now i love the new one) but anyone is fighting for their roles and i go supp. so just theyre are some loyal supports but youre too busy on hating.. and we can really die for you. i dont ask anything but stop hating.. im not hating anyone why people have to hate me just cuz i play support? (and im not talking just to you there is alot people who are hating support or think we are doing nothing)
i dont see an issue here... ashe mains dont suck actually XD that part is bullshit . Ive seen alot of good ashes and i play ashe as adc because i dont have any other adc unlocked let alone i do quite well . someones an ashe hater X3
I main support and I can often carry even a bad adc, but holy hell do some of them suck, yet think they're the most important thing ever. I also take a lot of kills the adc wasn't going to get, and then get whined at about it, because they feel like they should get every single kill. I'm already giving you 100% of the cs, if a person is getting away and i can flash and get them when you're too far behind to get the kill, i'm taking it. And he is right about how thankless the support role is, most people are too occupied in team fights to realize that the only reason they won it, is you. This is evidenced when i've been rolling with my team mid game on sona for almost 10 straight minutes, and we've been pushing and taking turrets, and winning team fights, and i go to buy, and they get raped in a teamfight without me. They had no idea how much i was contributing in damage, speed buffs, heals, my auras, and other functions of a support. They thought it was just their amazing skill that won all those team fights for us, but when they get in a team fight without me, they get rocked. Nobody ever says "holy crap that was an epic exhaust ult combo to shut down the enemy assasin." I remember one game the top lane died all game to jax, and a fed jax is hell on a team's carries usually, but i exhausted him in every team fight the second he tried to jump our back line, until we won, and I'm sure nobody noticed it. When i throw a speed buff out specifically to help a teammate avoid a skill shot, they never say "omg, you saved me." It shows how most idiots feel about support when I got in an argument with an enemy who was bragging about how hard they were wrecking our team, and they looked at my lolking profile, saw my win ratio as support and said "wow, way to get carried." I don't have a 70% win rate with sona because i'm really good at getting carried.
I main adc but i always notice the little things that a support does, for example a ward that saved us from a gank ill say to the support "Nice ward, saved our life", or when he helps me kite i always give the credits to the support. Because i know without a support im fucked.
I main Blitzcrank support most nowadays. I feel more comfortable with him in fights. Even if my ADC is shit I can turn into the ADC if needed because I always build ad tank. But if our entire team feeds the enemies then all hope is lost.
Chiba Hiro You have to give credit to good blitz,even tho he seems easy to play he can be very difficult because he isn't eh best support with him being a one trick pony,if you can't land your grabs then you're done.I do another trick,I w and run up to them which they never suspect and e them knock them up and when they try to use their escape like a flash or dash if flash was already blown i q and pull them back in for almost guaranteed secured kill.
ADC is easiest role. But half of them are really boring to play. Varus is my favorite, but because my friend is such an MLG Jinx, i had to main Support and Jungle. (Edited, put hardest instead of easiest)
olaf bech I honestly find Vayne's playstyle boring. Not just that, almost everyone is a Doublelift wannabe, and she's literally godly mid to late game, it's so natural i'm sick of it.
Adrelandro Wilding You got your teammates to protect you, don't you? It's reaaally easy for me to be an ADC. My main ADC is Varus and Graves and i have no problem. If you're asking for immobile carries like Kog'Maw, then yes, they take some skill.
***** well it depends on the other team if they have dive comp adc needs a lot of skill meanwhile if their are like 4 tanks and one adc its the easiest role ever
I don't think being an ADC is the hardest roll by any means (this coming from an ADC main) but I do think it is as hard as the other rolls at least. there's is plusses which make it easier such as having a support but there is also negatives such as having to know 2 matchups 1 for the ADC and one for the supp and the fact that you are a very high priority target whether it's in a fight or in lane assassins and junglers will often do anything in their power to take you out of the game which is very easy due to the low mobility and squishieness that comes as part of the roll. just wanted to throw my opinion out and see if anyone agreed love your videos tho man keep it up
I'm not an adc like sky says in this video but honestly I think bot lane in general has the hardest laning phase just because whoever grts fed on bot lane most likely wins the game and the fact that (as an adc) you have to cs as much as you can while trying to take over the bushes/watching your support to see when to initiate/ etc. and if your playing draven add catching axes to that list
Top lane is the hardest lmao.U get no help(cuz top= with an exotic island in the country of summoners rift),1 mistake ka snowball that damn irelia so hard, and MAINLY because thats where the true 1v1 happens.Pls, mid is mostly poke poke poke,and bot is probably farming farming farming and when the jungler ganks there is a chance u'll go agressive.
Just the other time I was playing Jinx, and I successfully tower dove a nami with a morgana shield. She's like "gj" and I'm like " that was all you Morganna, that shield did so much" I'm such a good guy Greg ADC
I did that. Next time, they pushed us, i shielded the ADC, i used heal on him, i used Mikaels on him, i stunned the ADC with Morgana's Q, but he still died cause he was low health from the start. Guess who had to endure 2 mins of insults even though i did everything mechanically possible to ensure he didn't die.
i always give gj to my supp even when he "kill steals" it gives free farm assist gold for me, maybe dragon and the gold goes to the supp who also benefits from it. but i main jungle and try to help my team to make us win so im not the type of "solo hero need the best stats to show my big balls" player ( who often mains adc and annoys the whole team) lol
TheMineA7 you have better opcions, you have 2 items that give you 40%-60%?, movement speed and crit chance, whit some better pasive. The bow gives you a pasive that shots 2 projectiles whit 50%-70% i think. And you dont shoot the 2 extra projectile in tf and just is for pushing a killing minions
***** Well, the Runaan's passive does quite well with Varus' W (And with a AP Varus that's just the best thing ever. :D, but that's out of the topic), so it's quite a viable Item in the laning phase...but only after you built one of the core items for every average ADC (A BT or a IE). In teamfight, it's the same thing, the W/Runaan + R - E - Q does pretty good dgms. ^^
Arthur Seiker I'm not trying to be patronising here, but actually no. It's legitimately not. In the laning phase, I would legitimately rather have a BF sword and a Vampiric Sceptre than a fully built Runaan's Hurricane. You don't need to have incredible attack speed to apply three stacks of Blight really fast, because your abilities won't have the cooldowns to match. And if the opponents have any sense they'll know to stand more than two centimetres apart, so that the attack speed is the only bonus you have. It's a really fun item, Runaan's Hurricane. But it's not really incredibly useful. I hope they give it a buff some time.
As an ADC Main, this is absolutely true! I think I may be the exception though, cuz unlike all the rest, I KNOW I SUCK. I need my team, and I give out the credit! If I didn't, I would be labeled a douche. But I also see this from the side of wanting ADC (saying Marksman also makes me cringe, Rito Pls), but having to be the Support or Jungler cuz some lil brat wanna act like he's Doublelift or WildTurtle. So I see everything your saying, and watching them do the things they do, always makes me wanna be a different kind of ADC Main. I enjoyed this video, and you've got yourself a new subscriber!
I could consider myself an ADC main. I've watched this video a few times now and I've thought about it alot. Now, whenever I get a multi-kill, instead of not saying anything else than ''thx team'' when they congratulate me, I try to remember to say ''ty, although [insert support champion] did more''. Not saying I was a super toxic ADC before, but now I'm just way better than I was then.
Chrisutian i gave a fizz 3 kills as a taric supp, healed shield ulti, i said ur welcome for 3 kills, he said u didnt do shit, so next time he went in 2v3, i watched him die, he cried so hard,
lmao yeah I recently played with a fizz who inted because when we gave him a leash he started crying because we left the gromp at 200 hp. Then he just ran into the botlane enemy tower and gave Vayne 9 kills. :p
I main ADC, playing with Varus mostly. Every single time my jungler ganks, or my support assists me, and we end up victorious, I praise them. I think that helps a lot, makes them wanna do even better job next time. Even when they do some stupid shit, I get over it, and tell them, it happens, you'll do better next time...instead of yelling at everyone in the team. Staying calm in any shitty situation, prevented my team from losing a dozen times. Maybe I act like a leader sometimes, but people seem to embrace it, and don't mind my leadership, quite opposite actually. Everything you said in this video, is reason I switched from maining top to ADC. Now I finall don't have problems with brats anymore.
Any ADC that complains doesn't deserve the term. He is merely a Marksman. ADC stands for Attack Damage Carry. If you're bitching at you're teammates that means two things: 1) You probably suck. Like really, you definitely suck. We have video evidence of good ADC's 1v2-3ing with next to no peel when played correctly. If you're going to solo-queue and you don't trust you're team to peel, don't play fucking kog-maw. Are you high? That's setting yourself on fire and complaining about the heat! 2) You ain't going to be carrying SHIT. If you can do nothing, literally NOTHING but complain when your team loses fights, they're not going to trust you. They're not going to respect you. In fact, they'll start wanting YOU to lose! Carrying doesn't mean dragging you're team kicking and screaming to victory. Carrying is the equivalent of saying, "I know I've got all the kills and all the damage, and I know you're upset because you're having a bad game. Don't worry, I'll cover for you when I can." It's an act of extreme humility and should be focused on putting the team first. It's no judged by how many kills you get. It's how many games you win with the most gold and damage on your team. It doesn't mean shit if you carry your team to a loss.
If that stopped you from understand the meaning of what I was saying, bearing in mind at least 8 people did, 2 well enough to comment on it, then I feel sorry for you.
It seems to me that ADC's just want help to have fun in the game, not win the game, he wants to have all kills and all the fun and just that, so he doesn't deserve to be called a carry, just a killer.
Oh, there's nothing wrong with it. I'm just already an alright Dota player, and Dota has a higher learning curve. There's no point moving to LoL if I've already done the learning
MuffinManQuast League and Dota have their differences. You can try it out if you want. You might learn that you like it. It doesn't have to be mutually exclusive. You can play both. :P
and here is your typical 'says something about him being better than what the video tries to prove, yet ends up just proving the vid's point' comment. Study hard youtubers, there is a test coming up next saturday.
Can confirm. Jungle main here loves to give you guys stuff. I might take a snack on the way out in the way of a couple minions, but I'm here to look out for you guys.
I know you don't mean all of the people who main ADC But personally I try to be nice to all my team mates almost all the time.... A cheerful team is a team that wins!! And honestly I just want to try to make a shred of change to this community that has became rather unpleasant.....that's why I don't blame people Even if they make 1 mistake I would probably encourage them to be better And that should apply to everyone in the game !!!! Not just the ADC mains!! We have to be more forgiving and to encourage our team mates rather than flame them! Tl;dr BE A NICE PERSON
Andre Schwunck People really shouldn't flame. In a ranked game I was in, our top fed and just didn't do well overall, but because we didn't flame (his words) he really made a comeback and we won. So please don't flame guys
yea me 2 and most of time i can see that my team is the one allowing me to pick up all these kills and i will worship my sup if they do good and encourage them when they do badly and give them advice (because i used to main sup so i am pretty good and know how helpful they r)
+ratchetcrafter amen, hate this shit a lot... ohhhh ok, one more minion hit then ill hi... WTF ARE YOU DOING SUP FUUUUUUU NOW THE CREEP GOT THE KILLL FUUUUCKKKKKKK!!!!1111!
What I do when i play support, is to test my adc, I say hello to them while walking to south jungle, if they don't say anything, I cry and take their cs. If they say hello back, I love them forever and play the game well :D
Theres alot of debate over the hardest roles. And I'm a jungle/support main. Heres my opinion on all of this. Support isn't that hard...People that say they can't support either suck or they just don't want to. Mid is decently hard but mid is such an open lane it all depends on the matchups. I've played my fair share of mid and I can say it can either be extremely easy and boring or extremely intense. But the two hardest things I think there is to do are top and jungle. Jungles have to deal with a million things at once. Keeping track of every lane's position and when he should gank them. Keeping hold of dragon and watching for enemy jungle invades aswell as keeping pressure on the other jungle. Also top. Top is generally bruiser/tank combat. These are by far the most intense lanes. As far as your late game role? Not that hard. But lane phase is tough. Because those fights generally last a bit because of both sides being bulk. Now i'm not saying that it can't be an easy lane. I'm saying if you're put up against a competent top lane your fights and trades have to be on par. Because if he realizes he can outtrade you. It's not going to be pretty. This is just my opinion so don't get all rage face at me because I said your role isnt difficult. I personally don't think adc is difficult either. It is alot of getting babied through early game. So ya. You guys are open to comment what you guys think aswell. Like I said. All from my experience in league.
Anybody else find it ironic that Sky pokes at ADC mains for constantly complaining... when that's basically all he ever does? I'm just saying I wouldn't want Sky as my teammate no matter how good he is.
If you've ever watched his stream, you'd know that these videos are basically his rants where he vents all of his rage. He's actually pretty chill most of the time.
ChikoWhat "Anything but support" When I played rank thou LOL that usually came out of my mouth because I supported the last 2 games and lost. At one I would boast of Dota2. But after sometime It became just like LOL. I swear anytime they have tv events for these games it draws out the worse people.
ChikoWhat Supporting means gambling hoping that rest of your team mates win the game.. You can only do much so i rather troll or just go apc with cc and build full ap so i can be usefull and not peel or support the faking adc in any ways xD
I guess I'm the only Quinn main :C. I used to main sup in s4, so I feel you on the fact that adcs abuse their sups. Now that I main adc, I make sure to always congratulate people on their plays and I accept the fucking fact that I'm getting carried.
Believe it or not but ADC is not easy to play believe me. I've played every single role and the only roles that are harder then ADC are support or jungle. No matter what you do if your top and mid laner are feeding there is no way you can carry the game. What I do is if I am winning my lane and mid is losing his lane I take my tower push my lane and them go to mid lane WITH my support to help him out. This is just a tip for other adc mains. So if you don't do this and other lanes are losing then there's almost no way that you can win.
Its called "adc" for a reason. Adc put the highest dps in the game while being able to position themselfs so they dont take damage. Even if your entire team goes 0-8 0-9 as adc if u are 7-0 or something u can still carry trust me i had alot of games like that. As long as your team has cc and peeling abilities.
Adam Aronesty Being adc during laning phase, you rely heavily on your support. If they are shit, then you are shit. Like a Blitz that pulls their adc to you when you are low, or a Lulu that cses/hits the minions to make you lose cs. Mechanically it's not a hard role, but having another person there with you in the lane can fuck you up unless they know when to go in and when to back off. Honestly I don't care if they don't ward cause I do that, trinkets op!. Which is why I wish they'd make another lane just for the adcs, because everytime I go bot by myself cause some guy dced, I do better.
Schriffer just carried my team as varus, enemy team had vi rengar and kassa and they were fed but saved my ult for kassadin, ahri held off vi with charma nd stuff and leona just peeled the shit for me from rengar. that way i could clear up the enemy team
This doesn't apply to me, I have friends and even people I've never met before that say I'm probably the nicest adc main in the game, I'm also sure to be extra nice to the support/jungle for all they put up with. They need a breath of fresh air.
Grimm elhaym I see either a stereotypical ADC Main, or someone that doesn't believe me because they've never met me or a nice ADC Main. Or you're just a jerk. If you're any of these, I'd recommend you leave the thread.
Guess you must be lovin current Ziggs bot lane ghost meta right now HAHAHAHAHAHA Cheers from Brazil, mate. Just got started watchin your vids and I'm lovin them so far. Keep up with the good work, really good shit
It takes fifteen thousand times more skill to be a support than it does to be ADC. It's an extremely hard role to play. As ADC, you just stand back behind everyone, fire your shit. As far as Vayne is concerned, I've seen Vaynes 1v5 people, but I do think it's funny that every single one of them tries it, usually failing.
Jonesysmusic True but it isn't much more complex. The most complex thing is to master CS and following ganks through. Other than that, not much complexity there...
+lamar wimbush This video was released before many on the newer marksmans.... that includes kalista. im QUITE sure he'd have something to say about them aswell
I love ADC and i find this offensive, it's like, i say thanks and wp each time i have a kill with my supp, i make him feel that he is so good like madlife :he isn't ofc x) : and each time he makes a mistake an dit ended up a double or triple if the jungler is around, i just say; play safe mate maybe next time or next game So why are you generalising ? just because you met some brats won't mean all of the ADC are trash. ADC holds the most important role ever, he tries to carry everygame his team and he ended up being focused, you want him to say : Hahaha guys gg np np my bad" when everyone abondonned him in teamfights ? he will often end up raging ofc --
His point is many ADC mains do this a lot. I mainly play support, I've been with the EXACT ADC's he's talking about. There are good, GREAT! ADC's out there. But to sift through all the trash talk ADC's, it's difficult to truly appreciate the good ADC's out there.
Hitman Zephyr Actually I can I main support and when I get bad ADC's after laning phase I swap over to focus only on supporting my mid laner. Keeping him alive to do damage and we win that way =/
I also feel you so hard @ 1:30. I hate it so much when ADC's get a quadra and everyone's initial reaction is "OMG IS THAT GOSU" when the poor Janna who flash-ulted their entire team off of him, exhausted their mid laner, and shielded his ass off - gets no credit whatsoever. Like good job dude! You sat in the back and right-clicked as Tristana with your 3-mile long attack range!
I main Quinn and she actually is hard and takes skills, she's harder than she seems and the only reason I carry with her is cause I've been playing as her for a really long time
I also main her! xD She was my first ever play champion even before the tutorial. One day I bought her and eventually got my first penta kill with her. She in my opinion is one of the best adc in the game. Well... actually I main Elise/Vi jungle but there's Quinn after that.
Brecht Mombaerts Haha. I honestly suck at adc, if anything I suck at the game. I didn't mean to seem like I was bragging, but just to say that Quinn is actually a really good champion. I also approve what he is trying to say though, i'm usually support on ranked and I can see almost all "Marksmen" have NO appreciation what so ever,
Quinn isn't hard. Literally all you have to understand is not to backflip off of someone until you've already shot the target off of them. Thats about the depth of quinn
I hate playing ADC because you're pretty much at the mercy of your support and the enemy ADC's runes and masteries early game. Every time I play ADC I get a shitty start because I get a Soraka who thinks their only job is to heal me. And they stay at turret, wait for me to take damage and then heal me and call themselves a good support. Then if we get ganked or something they just stand there.
I admit, I'm an asshole playing League of Legends but I do that in every role. BUT... If I do ADC, I even praise in /all chat for the support that I have since I get my ass saved so many freaking times (or for the kills that I wouldn't have gotten if it wasn't for that sweet Thresh's ulti)
"You are in a lane with a role that is specifically there to make sure you dont die" I mean yeah, but silvers are fun that way. People THINK like that when its everyone but the ADC, then ignore them because they see it as a dumb role. Which is fun
I agree with everything you said but adc isn't easy , well its not hard either its situational like if their top renekton is fed as fuck or their akali , then you're gonna work hard to stay alive and do dmg in team fights other than that there is nothing really special on playing adc I'm main adc but i find jungling or supporting more fun and challenging to play
exactly adc isnt that easy, i main top but ive tried adc and its challenging, yes you have a support to protect you but at the same time the enemy support can hit you with cc and you can be killed easily. Not to mention bottom lane is the one that junglers tend to gank the most so the adc gets fed, so even if your jungler goes there a lot the same applies to the enemy junglers. And in teamfights the entire enemy team focuses you the first and a yasuo or akali can literally one shot an adc,
" Vayne mains think they can 5vs1"
I can 1v2 but 1v5 is hard as fuck and in 99% you cant do it
My friend XD and I'm like "please ;-; lemme get to you so i can heal you"
i ALWAYS get those Vayne """"mains"""" that instead of trying to farm and get core items, just go 1v2 lv2 with the enemy adc and support and then "ggwp why no follow reported". I can play with Vayne only when my friend is using her...
Dude I did that before and I got 4 kills but my team mate ks me
Are you fckin bronze 6? Why do you care about a kill atleast you killled him/her so stop crying kid
The worst thing an ADC can do to a support is when the support is sacrificing his life to root/block enemies, the adc still turns around and dies too.
Yuwen Taiji I do the same as a support. But I clearly say before we fight that I gladly sacrifice myself for the team, so he can escape. As the ADC, I usually try to save both of us without putting myself in real danger (Draven E, Caitlyn trap etc...).
Yuwen Taiji I've been supporting a lot of new adcs who don't even ATTACK minions OR champs until -i- get their hp down. And they bitch about me grabbing the cs they make 0 attempts to get. Pisses me off.
You forget that after the adc dies right when support dies that, the adc just flames the support but in reality it was their fault for not taking the opportunity to escape. Seriously some of my games the adc mostly flames on the jg and support. Then they act like they are the boss of their team and complain on their mistakes like it is everybody's fault!! Like what the hell!!! What is the point of being an adc when a lot of the adcs are just being completely retarded and being a whiny immature kid!!!
Adcs complain on their jg for not ganking when they died. Seriously jgs will only take opportunities to gank. Because if you all mess up you could have just gave the enemy team some kills. So stop ordering your jg like a dog and only ask for help at the right opportunity.
Adcs tell their support they are feeding and they suck and tell them to never be support or play lol in general. The term support means that they die for you and help you. Like really it would matter if mid lane, jg, or top fed but it doesn't really matter if the support dies....sure it would mean free kills but supports die because they protect their adc. But noooo adc doesn't care and still flames on the support......
Yuwen Taiji And THEN he blames you...
Yuwen Taiji and when your trying to save adc from danger by sacrificing yourself and they come to help you ...and you both get killed ...why would you do that.. No just no ....
A sniper is worthless without a spotter.
+Kyle Jacobs This^^
+SuperCrazedBro Mained ADC for a few years. Never once liked ezreal, hes the only one I never picked up.
What about his no scopes
That's usually a terrible sniper. Period.
wtf i just played a game and varus afked and made us lose, u are psychic.
Vayne mains are the absolute worst of the bunch.
theseeyasuckashow I cry everytim... :'( (Vayne Main Here)
Y??? :(
Always when i play vayne i feel like i can 1v1 someone with higher hp than mine and im going greedy as fuck.
Sometimes it works sometimes i fuck up
penis I'm sorry Ez mains are worse. I have met Vayne mains that I've gotten along with.
***** Draven mains man 0__0
I watched this video months ago and ended up agreeing with what Sky said. However, after rewatching this, I will say that mechanically skilled adcs hardly act in this manner. In my experience, high mechanically skilled adcs are adcs that can actually kite/orb walk effectively. Those adcs generally are not that toxic. But the shitty adcs will usually follow these stereotypes.
yeah shitty adcs are normaly the ones who complain
Justin Sitjar Agreed.
Mechanically skilled ADCs also don't have a strict main, but usually have at least 3 ADCs they are skilled in. They are more aware of different tactics and styles, and have probably been forced into other lanes before, so they understand the PoV from the other lanes to some extent.
jwebb232 I agree, it also depends on what lanes they are maining secondarily ... I found that most adc's who also play support are far more understanding and cooperative than others.
RealTwistedTwin Yes, and Jungler secondary ADCs have much better objective (and usually map) awareness.
I main quinn :(
Are you sure you are telling the truth ? :D
Nikofaxe yeah :D i love her! today i did 12/1/7 and yasterday 24/8/3
Riccardo Rossogiallo yay im not the only one... I carry with her all day
Whats your build for her? I'm currently looking for one
WizBunny3 i usually start with BT then, depending on the situation, i buy infinity and phantom dancer; then i take blade of the ruined king and if they are too much tanky i buy last whisper.
for armor i usually buy an AG or a frozen mallet and for speed i buy berseker graves with alacrity or homeguard.
But i'm not that good at builds, if somebody has a better one, can he pls write it here?
But ... but ... i main Ezreal ... T_T
+ScrapComputer xD
+ScrapComputer NP go mid
+ScrapComputer I main Ezreal too, and I treat my support very well, as if they were my gf. ^_^
+ScrapComputer you told me vayne can 1vs5 evry1 :D
when im adc, my filosophy is "love your support"
Keep calm and love your support
specially when its lb LOL
no soy Ryze Jungla callate eres ryze jungla y lo sabes
The marksman is the most important role,it's very very hard to play because the weak point is the health,you have a small amount of health which brings you the assassin's target...
Yes also you have a tank to tank for you, support to make sure you are alive and not get caught a jungler to feed you. You only need to learn how to farm and get position. Such hard much skill more babysit
You don't always get in ranked a support that babysits you...;)
***** Might I add that the middle often doesn't have much in the way of health and lacks anyone to watch their back in lane.
Mert Güleç
but you do know there are assassins that completely go through your font line just to melt you in an instant, no matter how well positioned you are (I.E Vi, Zed)
espio329 Yo dude.... Vi assasin OP? i will try it
Jinx not mentioned...Swell with pride
She wasn't released then.
I play jinx. I guess that just means we are crazy.
DpNGHOST I saw mid jinx... And btw tons of mid ezreals which do feed, lol...
add in: Jinx mains don't give a fuck
As a Jinx main all you can really ask for is a good Blitz :D
This video was fucking hilarious as an ADC main lol.
+ITS Exedo burn in hell.
Matthias Darrington Why?
Because you're an adc main. Why else ?
+Matthias Darrington Well someone has to play it. Don't condemn them for playing a necessary position. Sincerely, a Braum main.
Matthias Darrington So pro AD Carries like DoubleLift, WildTurtle, Sneaky, PraY, Rekkles, and Piglet are going to hell too then?
i love my supports they always save my ass
+Wezz The Nerd you and i and a few others are the rare few that love the supp
+Darkbentley It always depends on the support.
There are good ones and bad ones. Sadly the bad ones most of the time think they are good and the adc is the problem for not going 2vs2 while 100 hp without any summoners while the 2 enemys are full life.
I dont think anyone is a bad person for maining any role but there are assholes on every position.
For example when i go all in with my supp 2vs2 and he shields himself and exhausts the enemy adc after i died to run away i simply say "please use exhaust earlier and shield on me next time" if the supp just says "ok" or "yeah sry" im totally fine but then there are the guys who rage on you for not dealing as much dmg as the enemy adc even though they didnt use exhaust/ missed all their skillshots.
+Wezz The Nerd Bard is the getaway driver of LoL.
I play both Support and ADC so I always try to give credit where credit is due in bot ane
Wezz The Nerd I hate all support ex for bard
Botlane = Home
Top = Best friend (the most isolated member, he is not part of your family, but he can TP home and meet you)
Jungle = Dad (when he farms it means that he's working, when he ganks he comes home and helps you)
Mid = Older brother (20 years old, he can go home (roam) but not as much as your Dad, he needs a bit of peeling)
ADC = You (5 years old, that's why you need Mom nearby)
Support = Mom (always protecting and literally feeding you)
When I get fed i thank my Jungler and my Support. :/ not all of us Adc mains are douche bags...
he's generalizing.....
Thanking people what the fuck is this... Thanksgiving? Get it?
I main ADC aswell but everytime i get any other role our ADC is toxic af, so I can see what he is talking about
I would love get a non toxic adc to my team when i play.
As support we have to not make the last hit, not take ONE cs, not get kills and land ALL OF OUR SKILL SHOTS. It's an incredible tax to waste our effort supporting someone who never makes the effort to appreciate the person who got them fed, awarded EVERYWHERE and used their own life to protect yours it's not worth it for us to help you if you constintlly insult our gameplay in NOT getting kills and get maybe 100 gold on an assist.
you named every adc but the black one.
a stray wind lmfaoo
lucian was released 2 days before this video, so this video may have been recorded few days before or he just cant say anything about lucian since he was out for only 2 days...
why u two on this video now
I main ADC but i'm a gent to everyone. It's not being an ADC that makes you a douche. Being a douche makes you a douche :)
Most people in League of Legends are douches. Regardless of their role - top, mid, jungler, everyone flames you whenever you do something wrong (or even if you don't - someone has to be blamed for a defeat).
Trias805 dude, if everyone flames you everytime, that might mean that you screw up a lot. Just saying.
Since Im getting into normal matches with platin people the flaming suddenly is way less than before.
Alex Slood
And getting flamed is gonna magically make me play better, right?
what i do is telling him how he failed , and ask him not to do it again , most players will comply specially if you had better game than them . for instance ''don't be a coward , next time when i engage you follow , i am your tank , so follow me ffs '' , he will start following
so accurate it hurts
None of this applies to me because i only main adc supports.
ESO - Fallout & Elder Scrolls Guides How has nobody noticed you yet?
+ESO - Fallout & Elder Scrolls Guides let's be real skyrim and fallout is was more better that LoL
AHAHAHA I escaped! I main jinx!
I main Lucian :D
Lucian for lyfe. 200k points on him
*high five*
Hey me too lol
Jinx didn't come out yet same with lucian
Thresh mains only says: GRAB THE LATERN
yeah in silver lmfao
Nailed it. I normally just remind people that they can grab it though.
You can stand on the enemy thresh lantern and they will just auto attack you instead of being pulled. Happened to me one of the very few times i had to play adc. Thresh called me a noob for not using it. Thresh mains need to learn to put it in a good spot.
As a Support this is the story of a single fight:
Shield for 240 damage and +50 ad.
Vayne kills 2 people and the jungler while i hard cc the enemy and saved her from 2 ults and die with the last breath being Exhaust.
Mid:Nice Vayne!
Jungler:Janna stop feeding!
Me:Fck you she got the kills cuz of me in the first place!
Vayne:Says 0/3 Janna lol too easy.
Vayne:Lol assists don't do anything. (Promoted to Diamond by teammates*)
Kevin Vardanian *Playing Janna* "Hard CC the enemy"
Danail Nedkov Yeah.
Kevin Vardanian Who dies as Janna? This champion is unkillable.
Carlos Chilipimmel Well usually she is but she does die sometimes in the long 40 minutes :) i normally have 0-10 deaths, depending on the match.
Danail Nedkov CC is not only stuns, she have slow and 2 knockups isn't enough?
the blame me the jungler who they claim " i never gank " CAUSE THEY OVER EXTEND ALL THE TIME WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME HUH TO DIVE OMG
lane gank... duh
Pedro Henriques fu marksmen im done with your shit im just gonna camp top and mid
***** I use the exact same technique. And I win the most of my games :)
***** just go farm in your jungle, walk around mid sometimes, help top if enemy is overextended, come back in midgame all farmed up, works like a charm (; - I never gank bot, only in rare occasions xD
Stanley van Kampen fuck that im getting teleport and smite put a ward in the enemy's base then tp there hahaha i win the game
Listening to this when he said "You are in a lane with a role to specifically there to make sure you don't die".
Oh yeah but I let them die when they flame me.
I agree. ADC is ALWAYS the first to go ham on the keyboard.
Personally when I'm adcing, if I see my "triple kill" I'm like ">.> I just button mash you guys set it up, warded it, initiated it, locked em down, peeled."
That's awesome. Can you be every team I ever get into's ADC for the rest of my life?
As a diamond 1 AD main I used to be like this. I use to blame everyone for every mistake I did but now since I've actually stopped that and realized I ain't shit without my support protecting me all day I would do nothing but feed. Now when I get a killing spree It's not on my own doing it's because my team helped me. I see plenty of people like Sky is talking about and it's a painful reminder of who I used to be.
Good guy, DarkFrogr
main support and thats in 90% of the causes true
And I hate it when those filthy ADC's take the siege-minion while I have face of the mountain. Bitch please, those minions belong to us! I need the money!
because this i just use this item if i am premade with some one
Melkrom-sama the Ecchi-Kami if ist just true in 90% ur very lucky
whenever i get a mad adc, i'l ks him allot and steal his cs. and of corse he will get even more mad, and he'l start swearing, after that, its basically reported and he gets chat ban, all that because he flamed early, i don't give a fuck if he becomes useless late game, i'l go feed the top or mid if i have to, but i never get bossed by the adc, its the other way around in my case. also, this applies even if i'm mid, like yesterday , i had a draven that flamed and raged on his support, so i roamed down and took a double kill, he then continued raging and started crying,(he typed in all chat report, he started swearing ect ..) so i ignored him. after 2 minutes , same thing. i made him so mad he went afk, and we won the game cause i carried, then we all reported him. and he probably got banned.
my point is that, if i ever find a guy that flames, i'l make sure to make him as miserable as i can, and i keep provoking him to get him to swear, then its a garentead chat ban for verbal abuse, and if not it'l make the game less fun for him, and one day he'l end up quitting league, and that's my goal.to clean up league.
Dafuqisthis7 Much as I wish it were possible, one person isn't gonna clean up League.
I always thank my supp when they are playing well. I never get a response though, I'll attribute that to them not receiving any praise with other ADCs and not knowing how to handle it.
Eric Brannon I always mute the chat bc I’ve gotten so much flame from ADCs 😅
As I support main, I can confirm that what you're saying is true. I adore the role, but I'm getting tired of supporting ADCs who think they're hot shit. On the other hand though, I played with a Twitch today who thanked me every time I saved him/got him a kill. Not saying that ADCs need to do that, but if you're an ADC that knows their place, I
mm I just played two ranked as support (won 1 lost 1) and in both games, even though we were not playing that badly at all, i copped so much abuse from the adc's and omg they so resembled the shit Sky is describing here hahaha xD. Horrible though, as it starts to make you play worse I find.
YEAH DUDE I played with an adc that went straight into a 1v5 (he got baited) and when he died, he was like "thanks leona"
...like tf was I supposed to do? Go in and die with you? I didn't even have my ult or anything lls...I totally feel what you go through.
I know what you mean, like I've been forced into support a lot even though I main adc, Just like, supporting an adc is harder than playing adc I'm not even joking. Constantly nagging for wards peal and wtf not. Like those handful of games just make me think "Fuck me if I'm this way" And I pray that I'm not.
#respect your supports
Luckily, I can't adc for ****. Seriously.
Oddly though, I can do everything else.
Same shit happening to me.
And something else too. Like if I play 10 games with a champ in a row I know to play ONLY him and completly forget about how other champs works.
Killeru Copilasu Yep. That can happen. That's not me though.
oh god, that comment has been up for weeks and yet no "omg you suck, adc is king role" type comments... I am literally short of breath from amazement
Chompski I've even seen those comments around this video, but none have come to me. WHAT IS HAPPENING?! LIKE AM I, AM I JUST LUCKY TO HAVE THIS COMMUNITY'S RESPECT?!
this is so true. i played support i had 40 assists at the end of the game. in lane i gave my adc 6 kills including a quadra from a 4 man gank, i peeled him (i was thresh) i shielded i tanked the enemies damage and i pulled him with my lantern to get him out of the middle of the enemy team.
i saved his life 3 times in that 2v4 and guess what i got, NOTHING the only thing the team said was "dude this draven so good"
and the enemy team? "wow... gj draven!"
draven was like "the playzzzz!! i got quadraaa"
wich left me being like 'im fucking done with this shit, im not your slave BYE' even though i didnt write it and i didnt afk :P
I played a lot leona when she was f2p few weeks ago.. the adcs where so shitty sometimes.. its the Problem of soloq.. will always happen
harderbattle thats true. the draven i was talking about wasnt even trying to catch his axes, he was just moving around randomly
Somerandomgamer Stinus I know you wrote this months ago but you shouldn't really care. Only children care about their kdr, winning is what counts. Just keep on doing your thing and climb
Nicollas Daher i know and i dont really care about my kdr, i just find it annoying that other people the credit for something you did. now i've come a long way (in attitude not ELO :S ) and it doesnt really bother me anymore, learnt to live with it i guess. *insert random rambling here* :)
XD LMAO - dude that was great ... draven:"the playzzzz!!! i got quadraaaa" I CANT STOP LAUGHING LOOOL. --- wow gj draven!" ... this is soo true - I tell my team everytime im destroying as draven ( draven main ) - that I cant be doing this good without a team that provides peel and actually follows up.
Lol Tristana and vayne are true as fuck lol
+plebula_ let's be real trist mains can still get caught out even if she has the 4th longest range in league, while vayne mains also still can get caught cuz of her terrible low sustainability, and i'm talking from experience as an ADC main (and yes, I'll admit, i'm toxic, can't help it otherwise i say nothing and get over it)
trist Main 😎👌💕
Can we all just have some common sense? :c
Fuck that.
Error 404 : Common sense not found.
Lol what the fuck is that?
Michael Hanlon
_1) Create your Own ISIS Clan!_
_2) Choose Fiora!_
_3) Choose Master Yi!_
_4) Choose Akali!_
_5) Choose __-Amumu-_
_6) Choose _*_GOKU!_*
I main support and I can say this video is true like 90% of the time
Im an AD main (one of the few non typical ones) and more than not Im the one being blamed for losing lane nowadays, not my support. And if I win lane, the support gets the praise by now (stereotypes made ppl try not to compliment ADs at all anymore, so they dont look like douchebags).
I might wanna add, this is in Plat 2, I have no idea what elo you are in, but up here I get a lot of shit (despite being the weakest role in the game right now)
How much did Riot gave you to call ADCs marksmen ?
$1000 per mention. That's why he included the conversation with Maurice.
Welcome to season 7 where you no longer need adc's, you wont be missed
Moccelic Well... the Ardent Censor meta haunted season 7, didn’t it? The meta where your ADC was everything and you simply auto loose if your ADC was much weaker in comparison to the enemy ADC skill wise...
Hmm... I think it was only the latter part of the season though... XD
All that said Sky is very, very true.
In my last game with Garen top, I died once in a teamfight and our Jinx-score 9/11 said Please report Garen after this game, noob player. WTF?! AD-Shit.
I had a jinx ask me to go support sona before the game, decide they want to lane with lux once the game starts, try to get me to go mid against leblanc, and then they go 1/12/0.
So I guess all ADs are trash flamers then because of this one example, Fair enough.
Nope, but more of them are trying to cry on the team...i was mid in one game and my botlane says: OMFG NO ROAMING BY MIDLANE REPORT THIS B%#CH !!!
And rage, rage, rage...All are noobs, he's god and playing too good.
How can i roam and help you when you and your support pushing like hell ?
I traded 1 for 1 with a viegar in one game and the adc raged about me feeding for the rest of the game.
I main adc/marksman and I'm rather ashamed to hear other players all are like this, I always appreciate a fall from jungle and I usually let the jungler have the kill. And when my support gets a kill, I'm happy since they'll be able to buy wards, get some better gear to keep me alive. I don't really agree with you that all adc's are assholes, some are great people
that's nice to hear :) I've used morgana's bind as a support, died to their adc, but my adc got a double kill, and thanks to my ward, saw the jungler coming from river and was able to make it back to tower. He thanked me for both. So I believe you.
Oliver Kis I'm sad to say I was a bit of both, not anymore though because I've fallen out of love with the adc role and when I do, I main tristana and I sometime's get a good thing going, getting 3 - 5 kills before my first death usually
It's just a video for fun.
Btw, try to secure the kill from you sup/jgl, even when you wanna be nice to your team, since you are the one needing to dish out the dmg. Sure, eg. a Sona could use some gold to build some mana regen and what not, but when she used her ult and spell rotation, it's more important you to have like an extra long sword or two, since that is consistent damage, which is definetily more useful when it comes down to winning games, I hope you realise.
So I died during a bot lane gank (support main here) cause I needed to save the ADC .... Marksman.
Then that byatch tristana said "omg feeder report please he went directly to the enemy team" -_-
Exactly what i think, that happens to me if i fail at doing something, always the frickin adc yelling shit. Im jungle main so i have to gank bot.....
Lovin your bacon facts bro hahaha
Bacons are allways right, porkchops are pretty accurate on their sayings too. Good thing that one of my friends is usually playing mid and he can carry hard so i can just gank his lane twice or once and then he just hard carries the rest of the game and then i dont have to do shit anymore, and if u play jungle... U have the right to gank what lane u want and decide do u give buffs to others or not.
Agree, I do jungle too.... Sometimes
Well, gimme tips on ganking tho cause I suck at it hahaha
What champ u usually play on the jungle? Every champ has theyre own ganking method. Tell me the champs u play on the jungle and i give the tips how to gank with them, if u play on euw i can show u sometime.
Haven’t played lol since 2016 but I always come back to this classic
This guy has no idea what he is talking about. ADCs are the most important roles in any match, competed only by mid lane. They are called Attack Damage CARRY for a reason. It means they dedicate completely on attack damage to swing the favor of a team fight. Do you know why you are suppose to target the ADCs first in any team fights?? Its because they can wreck anyone and everyone if they are left to do what they are named after. Carry.
You're dumb. He literally said "for the first ten to fifteen minutes of the game." Basically, everybody knows they carry late game, but early game they're worthless and need to be supported. That's why we have a role called SUPPORT. Furthermore, he is talking about the people who main ADC, not the role itself. Watch the video before you comment.
Renodhal and even late game, support is still the most important b/c they are usually the ones STARTING the fights that the carries go on to win, otherwise the carry will just get shut down immediately lol
ikr lol any form of support is always a cornerstone of a match such as junglers supporting top and mid even bot the support is real and sometimes we dont even get noticed
Pls listen to everything he says, at the end he clearly says 'i need you'. we need adc's yes, they do all the dmg, its an automatic win if the adc is fed, they are super important. thats why everyone does everything they can to help the adc get kills, cs or to protect and peel for them. They get so much babysit. AND STILL they flame others for their own mistakes.
1 person telling me I am wrong is enough. I don't need the whole youtube netizen to tell me I am wrong. Plus I didn't watch the full video. I stopped around half way.
You missed Jinx mains.
MizuMajutsu no.
GennyQuest Took me a while to notice that the video was uploaded before Jinx was released.
MizuMajutsu LMAO xD
jimmy geo I know, I'm such an idiot xD
MizuMajutsu well at least you got that part right
Srsly, I can't stand Support mains. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Sup main myself, but 85% of all Support Players always b*tch about how bad they are treated by everybody else. First of, sup Players always feel so "special", because in Team Builder usually sup is the role everybody is waiting for. They are likely to quit, because they see a Yorick top or a Rammus Jungle, which in their eyes is not "ideal" (tbh, I was guilty of that too, felt like being a king). Furthernore they always expect to get a pro ADC, because "alone they cannot carry bot, cuz they are JUST supports", why the heck did you pick Soraka and if you play Leona ping before you go in. Also you can ask you ADC to ward river if you push the lane hard and your trinket just went out, communication FTW ppl. Also there are way too many of those "Support only" guys thinking they are always the only one wanting to play that role. If I get into a ranked games, everybody is like "prefer mid/top", "may I adc, pls?", "main jungle, can fill though", only the last pick is straight up " I GO SUP" (probably a Blitzcrank only). Guys and girls, you need to be able to play to play more than just sup and maybe jungle, learn lasthitting! On a side note: 80% of all female League Player I KNOW (and thats about 20 in rl) main Support (at least 90% of them main Sona, Soraka and/or Lux, it feels). I can't stand if they act as if it's the role nobody appreciates, but honey, if you build full AP Sona and no Sightstone, because "not only the Support has to ward and I really dont like that item" and carry the entire game a pink and 2 green wards in your inventory just so you "bought wards", it shouldn't come as the biggest surprise that ppl flame you, so do not act depressed now and learn how to ward. Period. Last but not least, the majority of players are thankful for a good support. At one point I had all 4 ribbons (now I only have the Teamwork and Honorable Opponent ones), just because I played my role quite decent. As Sky said, the first 10-15 minutes YOU have to carry the ADC, so the ADC can carry the entire team later. Supports need to look more at their own mistakes, because even if you think you play your role pretty good, there is a HUGE difference between "being able to play Support" and being able to do it well. I spammed Alistar Support in season 4 pretty hard and I ended up with a 70% winrate on him and I got A LOT of credit for my work. Even if its just saving your Ahri from a Xerath with Face of the Mountain or a Nami healing a Rengar Jungle with her W while he's doing Golemns. If you keep up the communiation, give construct criticism and try to be a great sportsman and teamplayer, you will experince that the LOL community isn't as toxic and unforgiving as you may think and trust me, Support main, YOU WILL BE APPRECIATED!
I only main support in rank. Only for the fear of someone not doing It right. And trust me. if you seen the clowns who I have seen support. You would two.
im main supp as well.. believe me, i dont think abput being special, and i barely complain, thats because I have seen so many adc that go 1 vs 5.. 1 vs 3.. I know you have to protect and encourage your adc.. help him to improve,.. I prefer the supp lane cuz i have seen ppl who think the role is easy as cake but they dont know what to do..
Misskanojojo I have seen so many lux's and Nids support. that I know where It is going when they do.
You sound like you're talking about low elo.. I'm pretty sure in higher elo, supports don't cry about these things because they know that they are important. And about game play and itemisation, they know better than to go without a sightstone. I think no one does that past gold? unless they aren't support mains. I never felt that my role was unimportant. Objectively speaking, I feel in different elos.. different roles are more effective.. like how supports can't carry in bronze/silver because there's no coordination in the first place.. they don't even know how to utilise the wards placed. a good support is so important in plat and higher. That is where you can make plays and teammates will follow up well..listen to objective calls and so on. But yeah.. for the lower elo, before people start forcing themselves to learn most of the supports, even the ones that they don't like.. I think there's 2 types of support. Those that play blitz/thresh/leona vs sona/lulu/janna... These 2 types have very different personalities. Agressive vs. passive.. and not just in game play..
i main support and i never cried when people didnt appreciate me or something.. well sometimes i get mad when i do an epic save and risk my life but its not happend alot cuz im usually scream like "OHHHHHHHHH" like im high or something hehe but anyway ill do anything to save my adc (and i take this shit so hard lol) and ill save his ass the whole game. so yeah sometimes i forget to put wards because yeah im human and i do mistakes or its just to risky for me to leave my team or you know what sometimes you just cant leave your team to put a fucking ward because theyre all mid or some shit and when theyre doing baron its too late. theyre some support that i let the adc do the work like when i play janna or something i just poke cuz i cant really do something but trust me when i can do something i do it and again in fights ill do anything to make sure my adc will make it alive and take the kills and ill make sure he will be safer and i wont leave him alone. but know i read all the comments by adc main and what theyre thinking about their supports and its just make me feel bad, for real. i dont need that people will say "good job" all the time cuz i know they can see what im doing for them even if i do some mistakes. oh and btw all the girls you know that play supp do you really think that girls play only soraka,sona,lux? i main support bcuz i dont have the power to fight for my role - you want it take it. in this season i can play anything (i had problem with the jungle but now i love the new one) but anyone is fighting for their roles and i go supp.
so just theyre are some loyal supports but youre too busy on hating.. and we can really die for you. i dont ask anything but stop hating.. im not hating anyone why people have to hate me just cuz i play support? (and im not talking just to you there is alot people who are hating support or think we are doing nothing)
I main ashe :(
i dont see an issue here... ashe mains dont suck actually XD that part is bullshit . Ive seen alot of good ashes and i play ashe as adc because i dont have any other adc unlocked let alone i do quite well . someones an ashe hater X3
ez to kill
I will spell out the issue for you:
time doest matter comment still a comment
I main support and I can often carry even a bad adc, but holy hell do some of them suck, yet think they're the most important thing ever. I also take a lot of kills the adc wasn't going to get, and then get whined at about it, because they feel like they should get every single kill. I'm already giving you 100% of the cs, if a person is getting away and i can flash and get them when you're too far behind to get the kill, i'm taking it.
And he is right about how thankless the support role is, most people are too occupied in team fights to realize that the only reason they won it, is you. This is evidenced when i've been rolling with my team mid game on sona for almost 10 straight minutes, and we've been pushing and taking turrets, and winning team fights, and i go to buy, and they get raped in a teamfight without me. They had no idea how much i was contributing in damage, speed buffs, heals, my auras, and other functions of a support. They thought it was just their amazing skill that won all those team fights for us, but when they get in a team fight without me, they get rocked.
Nobody ever says "holy crap that was an epic exhaust ult combo to shut down the enemy assasin." I remember one game the top lane died all game to jax, and a fed jax is hell on a team's carries usually, but i exhausted him in every team fight the second he tried to jump our back line, until we won, and I'm sure nobody noticed it. When i throw a speed buff out specifically to help a teammate avoid a skill shot, they never say "omg, you saved me."
It shows how most idiots feel about support when I got in an argument with an enemy who was bragging about how hard they were wrecking our team, and they looked at my lolking profile, saw my win ratio as support and said "wow, way to get carried." I don't have a 70% win rate with sona because i'm really good at getting carried.
I main adc but i always notice the little things that a support does, for example a ward that saved us from a gank ill say to the support "Nice ward, saved our life", or when he helps me kite i always give the credits to the support. Because i know without a support im fucked.
I main Blitzcrank support most nowadays. I feel more comfortable with him in fights. Even if my ADC is shit I can turn into the ADC if needed because I always build ad tank. But if our entire team feeds the enemies then all hope is lost.
Chiba Hiro You have to give credit to good blitz,even tho he seems easy to play he can be very difficult because he isn't eh best support with him being a one trick pony,if you can't land your grabs then you're done.I do another trick,I w and run up to them which they never suspect and e them knock them up and when they try to use their escape like a flash or dash if flash was already blown i q and pull them back in for almost guaranteed secured kill.
Nobody ever says "holy crap that was an epic exhaust ult combo to shut down the enemy assasin."
I know your feeling....
I may or may not main Tristana and you may or may not people 100% correct.
ADC is easiest role. But half of them are really boring to play. Varus is my favorite, but because my friend is such an MLG Jinx, i had to main Support and Jungle. (Edited, put hardest instead of easiest)
olaf bech I honestly find Vayne's playstyle boring. Not just that, almost everyone is a Doublelift wannabe, and she's literally godly mid to late game, it's so natural i'm sick of it.
***** still u need to go close to eimies mean while as cait jinx and co u can stand behind and shoot if u play it right
Adrelandro Wilding
You got your teammates to protect you, don't you? It's reaaally easy for me to be an ADC. My main ADC is Varus and Graves and i have no problem. If you're asking for immobile carries like Kog'Maw, then yes, they take some skill.
***** well it depends on the other team if they have dive comp adc needs a lot of skill meanwhile if their are like 4 tanks and one adc its the easiest role ever
***** So you hate a champion, because doublelift likes it and other players do? Strong reasoning mate.
I don't think being an ADC is the hardest roll by any means (this coming from an ADC main) but I do think it is as hard as the other rolls at least. there's is plusses which make it easier such as having a support but there is also negatives such as having to know 2 matchups 1 for the ADC and one for the supp and the fact that you are a very high priority target whether it's in a fight or in lane assassins and junglers will often do anything in their power to take you out of the game which is very easy due to the low mobility and squishieness that comes as part of the roll.
just wanted to throw my opinion out and see if anyone agreed love your videos tho man keep it up
I'm not an adc like sky says in this video but honestly I think bot lane in general has the hardest laning phase just because whoever grts fed on bot lane most likely wins the game and the fact that (as an adc) you have to cs as much as you can while trying to take over the bushes/watching your support to see when to initiate/ etc. and if your playing draven add catching axes to that list
mid lane is even harder.
kaijudeathtrap for me mid lane is pretty straight forward. pick an op champ, win
Kei Simmons yeah lolz but thats only if your team isnt wood 5 or you gotta roam like heck and carry :P
kaijudeathtrap i see what you mean but personally, jg and adc are harder i think
Top lane is the hardest lmao.U get no help(cuz top= with an exotic island in the country of summoners rift),1 mistake ka snowball that damn irelia so hard, and MAINLY because thats where the true 1v1 happens.Pls, mid is mostly poke poke poke,and bot is probably farming farming farming and when the jungler ganks there is a chance u'll go agressive.
Just the other time I was playing Jinx, and I successfully tower dove a nami with a morgana shield. She's like "gj" and I'm like " that was all you Morganna, that shield did so much" I'm such a good guy Greg ADC
I did that. Next time, they pushed us, i shielded the ADC, i used heal on him, i used Mikaels on him, i stunned the ADC with Morgana's Q, but he still died cause he was low health from the start.
Guess who had to endure 2 mins of insults even though i did everything mechanically possible to ensure he didn't die.
AzureRoxe your top lane?
Angelo Davila E. No my mid, pay attention! :)
i always give gj to my supp even when he "kill steals" it gives free farm assist gold for me, maybe dragon and the gold goes to the supp who also benefits from it. but i main jungle and try to help my team to make us win so im not the type of "solo hero need the best stats to show my big balls" player ( who often mains adc and annoys the whole team) lol
Nah, varus mains build Huracane (yeah that red useless bow) first item
How is that red bow that gives 70% attack speed useless? I am sorry I don't play adc.
TheMineA7 you have better opcions, you have 2 items that give you 40%-60%?, movement speed and crit chance, whit some better pasive.
The bow gives you a pasive that shots 2 projectiles whit 50%-70% i think. And you dont shoot the 2 extra projectile in tf and just is for pushing a killing minions
***** Well, the Runaan's passive does quite well with Varus' W (And with a AP Varus that's just the best thing ever. :D, but that's out of the topic), so it's quite a viable Item in the laning phase...but only after you built one of the core items for every average ADC (A BT or a IE).
In teamfight, it's the same thing, the W/Runaan + R - E - Q does pretty good dgms. ^^
its a bad item, you have better opcion. If you sell the Runaan after laning you are just dumbo. Its better to buy Stattick or Dancer.
Arthur Seiker
I'm not trying to be patronising here, but actually no. It's legitimately not. In the laning phase, I would legitimately rather have a BF sword and a Vampiric Sceptre than a fully built Runaan's Hurricane.
You don't need to have incredible attack speed to apply three stacks of Blight really fast, because your abilities won't have the cooldowns to match. And if the opponents have any sense they'll know to stand more than two centimetres apart, so that the attack speed is the only bonus you have.
It's a really fun item, Runaan's Hurricane. But it's not really incredibly useful. I hope they give it a buff some time.
This is video is 7 years old and it STILL is relevant.
As an ADC Main, this is absolutely true! I think I may be the exception though, cuz unlike all the rest, I KNOW I SUCK. I need my team, and I give out the credit! If I didn't, I would be labeled a douche. But I also see this from the side of wanting ADC (saying Marksman also makes me cringe, Rito Pls), but having to be the Support or Jungler cuz some lil brat wanna act like he's Doublelift or WildTurtle. So I see everything your saying, and watching them do the things they do, always makes me wanna be a different kind of ADC Main. I enjoyed this video, and you've got yourself a new subscriber!
I have a hard time disagreeing with anything Sky says in videos like this lol
supp and jungler is the hardest roles ....just saying
lol youre so FUCKING stupid
GherazzRadio lol, he is right... u are the one looking stupid
GherazzRadio ? ? why im being hated? just said what i think man ... think about it ....
its the internet man, get used to it
i agree with this statement. support and jungle are the hardest roles.
I could consider myself an ADC main. I've watched this video a few times now and I've thought about it alot. Now, whenever I get a multi-kill, instead of not saying anything else than ''thx team'' when they congratulate me, I try to remember to say ''ty, although [insert support champion] did more''. Not saying I was a super toxic ADC before, but now I'm just way better than I was then.
Although as an Ezreal main I am still kind of a douchebag sometimes.
Most adc mains either are, or act like children. I congratulate you.
Thank you, mr. Wolfgangcat
Chrisutian i gave a fizz 3 kills as a taric supp, healed shield ulti, i said ur welcome for 3 kills, he said u didnt do shit, so next time he went in 2v3, i watched him die, he cried so hard,
lmao yeah I recently played with a fizz who inted because when we gave him a leash he started crying because we left the gromp at 200 hp. Then he just ran into the botlane enemy tower and gave Vayne 9 kills. :p
My cousin is a main adc and I'm usually his support... And he is so awesome to me, HE EVEN WARDS!!!
Your friend is an illusion.
its a habit of his to just buy a ward when he goes back, but it isnt necessary
You should marry him.
U must be in bronze
benny kpop And you in Mud V, either way, you barely know what a ward is anyways.
When you get to Cardboard, you'll unlock wards, go for it.
I main ADC, playing with Varus mostly. Every single time my jungler ganks, or my support assists me, and we end up victorious, I praise them. I think that helps a lot, makes them wanna do even better job next time. Even when they do some stupid shit, I get over it, and tell them, it happens, you'll do better next time...instead of yelling at everyone in the team. Staying calm in any shitty situation, prevented my team from losing a dozen times. Maybe I act like a leader sometimes, but people seem to embrace it, and don't mind my leadership, quite opposite actually.
Everything you said in this video, is reason I switched from maining top to ADC. Now I finall don't have problems with brats anymore.
gud guy ADC, your lieing
good thing im a top main
Any ADC that complains doesn't deserve the term. He is merely a Marksman. ADC stands for Attack Damage Carry. If you're bitching at you're teammates that means two things:
1) You probably suck. Like really, you definitely suck. We have video evidence of good ADC's 1v2-3ing with next to no peel when played correctly. If you're going to solo-queue and you don't trust you're team to peel, don't play fucking kog-maw. Are you high? That's setting yourself on fire and complaining about the heat!
2) You ain't going to be carrying SHIT. If you can do nothing, literally NOTHING but complain when your team loses fights, they're not going to trust you. They're not going to respect you. In fact, they'll start wanting YOU to lose! Carrying doesn't mean dragging you're team kicking and screaming to victory. Carrying is the equivalent of saying, "I know I've got all the kills and all the damage, and I know you're upset because you're having a bad game. Don't worry, I'll cover for you when I can."
It's an act of extreme humility and should be focused on putting the team first. It's no judged by how many kills you get. It's how many games you win with the most gold and damage on your team. It doesn't mean shit if you carry your team to a loss.
+MH3Raiser FYI this is all coming from an Attack Damage Carry main. Can't wait for preseason.
finally a good adc comment o.O -slow claps-
If that stopped you from understand the meaning of what I was saying, bearing in mind at least 8 people did, 2 well enough to comment on it, then I feel sorry for you.
It seems to me that ADC's just want help to have fun in the game, not win the game, he wants to have all kills and all the fun and just that, so he doesn't deserve to be called a carry, just a killer.
+MH3Raiser ahahaha i've been playing all types of games, and act of humility is superbly rare for moba gamers. like, no joke.
I don't even play LoL and I love watching this dude.
Don't ever play LoL, Hp warn you...
Don't worry, I'm a Dota player
Lol is pretty fun in my opinion you just gotta learn to not care when people are being toxic
Oh, there's nothing wrong with it. I'm just already an alright Dota player, and Dota has a higher learning curve. There's no point moving to LoL if I've already done the learning
MuffinManQuast League and Dota have their differences. You can try it out if you want. You might learn that you like it. It doesn't have to be mutually exclusive. You can play both. :P
I only main adc because most people in my division (bronze 2) suck at it and usually cost us the game.
and here is your typical 'says something about him being better than what the video tries to prove, yet ends up just proving the vid's point' comment.
Study hard youtubers, there is a test coming up next saturday.
you're bronze II because of YOU. so u might wanna switch roles XD.
I never said it was anyone else's fault for me being in bronze 2....
oh but you did you said they usually cost you the game
Daniel Stone thats not the same...
Funny thing: most ap's with a lych bane push harder than adc's.
Supports should not be Support or marksman aid, they should be Carry of the ADC or Marksman Carry.
I main Ezreal, And I'm not like that in anyway.
tl;dr please
i stopped reading after "i'm not like that"
Maybe you need a support that synergizes well with Ezreal.
Jack Sparow I stopped when I saw the wall of text.
Happy now ? :D
you know what but its true the jungler is that weird distante uncle that gives you stuff then leaves
Can confirm. Jungle main here loves to give you guys stuff. I might take a snack on the way out in the way of a couple minions, but I'm here to look out for you guys.
I main Quinn... ;_;
ME too
She's just great! xD Though so very under-rated unfortunately. D=
I do as well. T.T
She's totally under-rated, but that gives the element of surprise >:D
Just jealous that Quinn has sustain and an extremely surprising burst of damage. =P
i play adc a lot but I never do any of this
i just play without talking mostly
silent pleb
i feel you dood
I know you don't mean all of the people who main ADC
But personally I try to be nice to all my team mates almost all the time....
A cheerful team is a team that wins!!
And honestly I just want to try to make a shred of change to this community that has became rather unpleasant.....that's why I don't blame people
Even if they make 1 mistake
I would probably encourage them to be better
And that should apply to everyone in the game !!!!
Not just the ADC mains!!
We have to be more forgiving and to encourage our team mates rather than flame them!
But yes,when I get a different role........mostly the adc feeds and blames everyone else
That's pretty much why I main adc....
Fady Moner ye, i can tell u something about flaming from ADC's (not all) as a support
Andre Schwunck People really shouldn't flame. In a ranked game I was in, our top fed and just didn't do well overall, but because we didn't flame (his words) he really made a comeback and we won. So please don't flame guys
yea me 2 and most of time i can see that my team is the one allowing me to pick up all these kills and i will worship my sup if they do good and encourage them when they do badly and give them advice (because i used to main sup so i am pretty good and know how helpful they r)
Adc carries team
Supports carries adcs
That dad up top who you probably won't ever see
I'm a Vaynemain and I... Well, it's actually true. :D
I know, it's kind of sad to think about. But the 0.0001% of it working is worth, cause RUclips exists!! XD
Well, still here in higher diamond you can actually say that every adc is a douchebag. :D
***** The biggest douche bag adc's in my experience are the Ezreal's, Caits,Vayne's. The nicest adc's are the Graves.
The nicest are the kog maw's. Because they're back from season 2, they are always friendly.
true, never seen a mean kogmaw
I play only ADC, and I don't trash talk anyone. So uh... yeah.
Maybe it's cause I'm Canadian..
OpenTheDoorGetOnTheFloorEverybodyWalkTheDinosaur I think so xD
"this may or may not apply to you" -sky
Looks like SOMEONE here plays adc...!
OpenTheDoorGetOnTheFloorEverybodyWalkTheDinosaur ^ same
SO DAMM TRUE im main supp and they attack me for taking 1 damm minion
TitanX Slayer I dont mind the support taking some minions but if the support attacks the minions so neither of us can get that makes me so salty
+ratchetcrafter ugh ikr
+ratchetcrafter amen, hate this shit a lot... ohhhh ok, one more minion hit then ill hi... WTF ARE YOU DOING SUP FUUUUUUU NOW THE CREEP GOT THE KILLL FUUUUCKKKKKKK!!!!1111!
What I do when i play support, is to test my adc, I say hello to them while walking to south jungle, if they don't say anything, I cry and take their cs. If they say hello back, I love them forever and play the game well :D
We would make truly love... Too bad I stopped maining adc xD
I've mained Ashe since the beginning of time and people think that's nooby of me but hey it works for me!
Theres alot of debate over the hardest roles. And I'm a jungle/support main. Heres my opinion on all of this. Support isn't that hard...People that say they can't support either suck or they just don't want to. Mid is decently hard but mid is such an open lane it all depends on the matchups. I've played my fair share of mid and I can say it can either be extremely easy and boring or extremely intense. But the two hardest things I think there is to do are top and jungle. Jungles have to deal with a million things at once. Keeping track of every lane's position and when he should gank them. Keeping hold of dragon and watching for enemy jungle invades aswell as keeping pressure on the other jungle. Also top. Top is generally bruiser/tank combat. These are by far the most intense lanes. As far as your late game role? Not that hard. But lane phase is tough. Because those fights generally last a bit because of both sides being bulk. Now i'm not saying that it can't be an easy lane. I'm saying if you're put up against a competent top lane your fights and trades have to be on par. Because if he realizes he can outtrade you. It's not going to be pretty. This is just my opinion so don't get all rage face at me because I said your role isnt difficult. I personally don't think adc is difficult either. It is alot of getting babied through early game. So ya. You guys are open to comment what you guys think aswell. Like I said. All from my experience in league.
Anybody else find it ironic that Sky pokes at ADC mains for constantly complaining... when that's basically all he ever does?
I'm just saying I wouldn't want Sky as my teammate no matter how good he is.
If you've ever watched his stream, you'd know that these videos are basically his rants where he vents all of his rage. He's actually pretty chill most of the time.
ChikoWhat "Anything but support" When I played rank thou LOL that usually came out of my mouth because I supported the last 2 games and lost.
At one I would boast of Dota2. But after sometime It became just like LOL. I swear anytime they have tv events for these games it draws out the worse people.
ChikoWhat Supporting means gambling hoping that rest of your team mates win the game.. You can only do much so i rather troll or just go apc with cc and build full ap so i can be usefull and not peel or support the faking adc in any ways xD
I guess I'm the only Quinn main :C. I used to main sup in s4, so I feel you on the fact that adcs abuse their sups. Now that I main adc, I make sure to always congratulate people on their plays and I accept the fucking fact that I'm getting carried.
Shadowtail_ lol, same
Becca Demoraie Um. Can we have a club because I am too xD
Human and Proud Yes, the first movement is to gather all Quinn mains :D
Becca Demoraie Quinn mains are fine... toplaners...
Becca Demoraie Im also a Quinn main....... but I don't talk like that to my supp..... and to those people that do..... pls. stop.
I miss this kind of content from Sky.
Believe it or not but ADC is not easy to play believe me. I've played every single role and the only roles that are harder then ADC are support or jungle. No matter what you do if your top and mid laner are feeding there is no way you can carry the game. What I do is if I am winning my lane and mid is losing his lane I take my tower push my lane and them go to mid lane WITH my support to help him out. This is just a tip for other adc mains. So if you don't do this and other lanes are losing then there's almost no way that you can win.
Its called "adc" for a reason. Adc put the highest dps in the game while being able to position themselfs so they dont take damage. Even if your entire team goes 0-8 0-9 as adc if u are 7-0 or something u can still carry trust me i had alot of games like that. As long as your team has cc and peeling abilities.
Not if they have a gap closer who can just reach you no matter what you do.
Adam Aronesty Being adc during laning phase, you rely heavily on your support. If they are shit, then you are shit. Like a Blitz that pulls their adc to you when you are low, or a Lulu that cses/hits the minions to make you lose cs. Mechanically it's not a hard role, but having another person there with you in the lane can fuck you up unless they know when to go in and when to back off. Honestly I don't care if they don't ward cause I do that, trinkets op!. Which is why I wish they'd make another lane just for the adcs, because everytime I go bot by myself cause some guy dced, I do better.
Schriffer just carried my team as varus, enemy team had vi rengar and kassa and they were fed but saved my ult for kassadin, ahri held off vi with charma nd stuff and leona just peeled the shit for me from rengar. that way i could clear up the enemy team
This doesn't apply to me, I have friends and even people I've never met before that say I'm probably the nicest adc main in the game, I'm also sure to be extra nice to the support/jungle for all they put up with. They need a breath of fresh air.
Grimm elhaym I see either a stereotypical ADC Main, or someone that doesn't believe me because they've never met me or a nice ADC Main. Or you're just a jerk. If you're any of these, I'd recommend you leave the thread.
the way to find a adc who will be nice, is to find a adc who also plays support
Sir Ffuzzy Logik And F.U.
Grimm elhaym Your comment about the friend being an illusion was so clever, then you resort to this? Tut tut.
I main Caitlyn and omg this is so damn true.
Guess you must be lovin current Ziggs bot lane ghost meta right now HAHAHAHAHAHA
Cheers from Brazil, mate. Just got started watchin your vids and I'm lovin them so far. Keep up with the good work, really good shit
It takes fifteen thousand times more skill to be a support than it does to be ADC. It's an extremely hard role to play. As ADC, you just stand back behind everyone, fire your shit.
As far as Vayne is concerned, I've seen Vaynes 1v5 people, but I do think it's funny that every single one of them tries it, usually failing.
Adc is far more complex than what you describe it as.
Jonesysmusic True but it isn't much more complex. The most complex thing is to master CS and following ganks through. Other than that, not much complexity there...
EmeraldWolf Harrass, and positioning too.
Everylane is hard to master, they're just isn't a 'easy' lane.
Its all down to the individual really.
Positioning, kiting. Only those two take alot of time to master.
Jonesysmusic As I said, never said it wasn't a skill, but your mind is not actually working during this time. You are simply reacting.
I'm tempted to main Marksmans when I go into ranked, just cause to be that one ADC that isn't a total ass.
i main adc. but i only hate my support when he/she takes minions or dies 0/5 or ks 6 times
-Gold for support is good. Kill stealing doesn't exist in team fights and also you'd rather your support dying than you so...
ksing doesnt exist in my book until it happens 5 times over in lane not teamfights
if you cant get the minion well take it and if you cant last hit them champions we also take it.
fart afa KS also is fair if it gives an assist where there otherwise would be none. More gold for the team.
actually today i was yelling at my teamates because when i went 12/0 they were only congratulating me when my sup was doing all the work
well atleast he didnt talk shit about kalista mains
+lamar wimbush This video was released before many on the newer marksmans.... that includes kalista. im QUITE sure he'd have something to say about them aswell
Elijah Marsan lol hope not
Kalista is different. She CAN 1v5 because she's SO FCKING TRIPPY to play against. I miss every skillshot against her like her legs took steroids.
+ChimpyCheese are you talking about solo q
+lamar wimbush Yeah, pretty surprising he talked about Varus and not Kalista :P
well it's not all players/summoners thats like that. I main adc, i always try to stay posetive
You, my friend, are the rare 1% of ADCs who aren't whiny little bitches. Thank you.
No problem my frienderino! I hate it myself.
Yeah... me too. But I get what he means and i can see it's true when im playing mid or top etc.
GrebelHD Yea i main vayne, and well i could see the 1v5 minds alot of vaynes have LOL
mark nielsen :D
4:38 That's what she said.
I'm sorry.
Considering how sky isnt straight im not even sure thats an insult lol
Igor Xavier de Oliveira Pacheco Silva Just the joke itself is an insult to everyone.
Ice what you did there
I love ADC and i find this offensive, it's like, i say thanks and wp each time i have a kill with my supp, i make him feel that he is so good like madlife :he isn't ofc x) : and each time he makes a mistake an dit ended up a double or triple if the jungler is around, i just say; play safe mate maybe next time or next game
So why are you generalising ? just because you met some brats won't mean all of the ADC are trash.
ADC holds the most important role ever, he tries to carry everygame his team and he ended up being focused, you want him to say : Hahaha guys gg np np my bad" when everyone abondonned him in teamfights ? he will often end up raging ofc --
His point is many ADC mains do this a lot. I mainly play support, I've been with the EXACT ADC's he's talking about. There are good, GREAT! ADC's out there. But to sift through all the trash talk ADC's, it's difficult to truly appreciate the good ADC's out there.
it's lie he's saying every single ADC is a scum bra, while there are oeople who are not :v
Hitman Zephyr LEL most important role
Can you play a game without an ADC ? if he dies first, your team is aced, Just admit it :v
Hitman Zephyr Actually I can I main support and when I get bad ADC's after laning phase I swap over to focus only on supporting my mid laner. Keeping him alive to do damage and we win that way =/
I also feel you so hard @ 1:30. I hate it so much when ADC's get a quadra and everyone's initial reaction is "OMG IS THAT GOSU" when the poor Janna who flash-ulted their entire team off of him, exhausted their mid laner, and shielded his ass off - gets no credit whatsoever. Like good job dude! You sat in the back and right-clicked as Tristana with your 3-mile long attack range!
back in the algorithm i see
What not be be:
TYPICAL ezreal
TYPICAL graves
TYPICAL twitch
I main Quinn and she actually is hard and takes skills, she's harder than she seems and the only reason I carry with her is cause I've been playing as her for a really long time
I also main her! xD She was my first ever play champion even before the tutorial. One day I bought her and eventually got my first penta kill with her. She in my opinion is one of the best adc in the game. Well... actually I main Elise/Vi jungle but there's Quinn after that.
Brecht Mombaerts Haha. I honestly suck at adc, if anything I suck at the game. I didn't mean to seem like I was bragging, but just to say that Quinn is actually a really good champion. I also approve what he is trying to say though, i'm usually support on ranked and I can see almost all "Marksmen" have NO appreciation what so ever,
Quinn isn't hard. Literally all you have to understand is not to backflip off of someone until you've already shot the target off of them. Thats about the depth of quinn
Meanderthal17 Funny, because A LOT of people I go against suck with her.
Thank u as one of the very few support mains this video came as a welcome message from someone who gets what I deal with every other match
I'm a Twitch main and I find this offensive.
(Doublelift pls like me)
I hate playing ADC because you're pretty much at the mercy of your support and the enemy ADC's runes and masteries early game. Every time I play ADC I get a shitty start because I get a Soraka who thinks their only job is to heal me. And they stay at turret, wait for me to take damage and then heal me and call themselves a good support. Then if we get ganked or something they just stand there.
I admit, I'm an asshole playing League of Legends but I do that in every role. BUT... If I do ADC, I even praise in /all chat for the support that I have since I get my ass saved so many freaking times (or for the kills that I wouldn't have gotten if it wasn't for that sweet Thresh's ulti)
"You are in a lane with a role that is specifically there to make sure you dont die"
I mean yeah, but silvers are fun that way. People THINK like that when its everyone but the ADC, then ignore them because they see it as a dumb role. Which is fun
I agree with everything you said but adc isn't easy , well its not hard either its situational like if their top renekton is fed as fuck or their akali , then you're gonna work hard to stay alive and do dmg in team fights other than that there is nothing really special on playing adc I'm main adc but i find jungling or supporting more fun and challenging to play
yeah its the easiest role when 5 people target you
***** literally everything kills ADC now.
exactly adc isnt that easy, i main top but ive tried adc and its challenging, yes you have a support to protect you but at the same time the enemy support can hit you with cc and you can be killed easily. Not to mention bottom lane is the one that junglers tend to gank the most so the adc gets fed, so even if your jungler goes there a lot the same applies to the enemy junglers. And in teamfights the entire enemy team focuses you the first and a yasuo or akali can literally one shot an adc,