The Best News You Will Ever Hear!

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024
  • This true story is what changed my life completely! Please make sure to listen to the end!

Комментарии • 160

  • @Joefest99
    @Joefest99 10 месяцев назад +101

    It’s soooo nice to see a young woman in our modern times not sell out to the darkness, and find joy in wisdom and Godliness, and a wholesome, traditional way of living. It’s so beautiful! Thanks for being a light and an inspiration and God bless you! 🙏

    • @daniel.d2150
      @daniel.d2150 9 месяцев назад +5

      Amen Joe!

    • @TheCrusades1099
      @TheCrusades1099 8 месяцев назад +5

      Completely agree, All Praise be to JESUS! Make more videos and show your light to the world, we are hear to spread the Good News!

  • @BrianK-k6l
    @BrianK-k6l 7 месяцев назад +4

    What a blessing to know that there are women that are Proverbs 31:30 what a blessing.👑

  • @philvogel3403
    @philvogel3403 6 месяцев назад

    Your testimony shines ! Keep your gaze on Jesus! Continue to be His expression to the world…..

  • @Ereve_
    @Ereve_ 6 месяцев назад

    The story of the lamb of God is one of those stories that brings me to tears, it encompasses both God's Holiness and wrath, as well as his love and mercy.
    We have all turned our backs on God, not one seeks after God, we are all deserving of his wrath, his perfect judgement, yet in his grace and love he sends forth his only begotten son, God's word made flesh.
    Christ's perfect work, to deliver us from sin and God's wrath he took our Sins upon himself, on the cross he paid what we could never pay, a lamb without blemish, satisfying god's holiness and wrath as well as his mercy and love in a single act.
    Through his blood we are cleansed, through his blood we are bought, he has etched his laws upon our hearts and called us by name.
    All glory be to the most high.

  • @OnielMendezIrizarry
    @OnielMendezIrizarry 4 месяца назад


  • @TheStarflight41
    @TheStarflight41 9 месяцев назад +4

    Well done young lady. Well done. I send you a pat on the back and a hug.

  • @Dave_faith
    @Dave_faith 3 месяца назад

    We were wretched until Jesus replaced our Adamic nature, now we are the righteousness of Christ who occasionally sin. Thank for submitting to Christ, as a living Epistle.

  • @snowvale8815
    @snowvale8815 9 месяцев назад +3

    Hi! It’s so sweet to see a woman that reminds me of me after the Lord saved me. It shows God is true and gives the right desires.
    I love to wear skirts, bake and cook, play the piano, gardening and nature, animals. Because God is the maker of music, cooking, animals and nature - that’s what I love the most about it.
    We must deny ourselves - worldly music, movies, traditions in order to follow Jesus, so that we can shine to the world.
    People always notice the difference in me and it’s for the glory of God who saved me and made my heart to love Him more than anything else.

  • @MrInsaint
    @MrInsaint 4 месяца назад

    Thank you and Amen😇

  • @Iwishineverexistedimsuffering
    @Iwishineverexistedimsuffering 9 месяцев назад +14

    Decency and God fearing . Wow😮
    So rare nowadays
    In the name of modernity ,all people do dirty stuffs
    But you're truly a gem
    Please never change
    You're the perfect example of ideal woman ❤

    • @kopronko
      @kopronko 9 месяцев назад +2

      Amen - they Are getting even more rare than the "jewels on the crown" , and God Knows this , so He is showing 2 the rest of this spoiled evil world, how His daughters Should look like. But, the "world" is not listening .... so the End is accelerated. Peace with you, until the Second Arrival, immediately after the End of the "world" .

  • @ChosenGenerationOfficial
    @ChosenGenerationOfficial 8 месяцев назад

    Awesome, love seeing young, godly, women of God. Keep it up 🙏💛

  • @JD-sh8ub
    @JD-sh8ub 8 месяцев назад +4

    I came here today because the YT algorithm recommended your video “Modesty-Is it really necessary” and I’ve binge watched many of your videos. I want to say that you are a remarkable young woman, I pray that your channel grows by leaps and bounds so that you may bless more and more young people. Thank you and may God continue to Bless you 🙏

  • @waynerobinson764
    @waynerobinson764 9 месяцев назад +19

    Such a refreshing moment to see that there is a young generation of young lady's being raised up to the Lord. I only pray my son will find a young lady like yourself . Thank you for your testimony

    • @kopronko
      @kopronko 9 месяцев назад +1

      Amen, except, that such female treasusres are now getting sooo rare on this planet, that we have lost almost all hope. Peace with you from old Eu.

  • @Petteriks
    @Petteriks 10 месяцев назад +3

    Yeah, we have nowhere to go without Jesus Christ - he's our hope.. our only hope 💜

  • @Jehovah77
    @Jehovah77 8 месяцев назад

    Love God

  • @BenjaminJohn316
    @BenjaminJohn316 2 месяца назад

    Thank you so much for sharing this! This story is so beautiful. Like you said, this story is the greatest, most incredible bedtime story I can think of. But it's not just a mythical story. . . . it's a TRUE story! The most beautiful story we can imagine is our reality. I still have a lot of questions, but I find peace in knowing that we have a Savior who has, does, and will intercede for fallen, sinful creatures like us. All He asks of us is to come to Him, repent, believe, and keep his commandments. "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous." (1 John 5:3)
    Thanks again for sharing! This is one of my favorite videos that you've done. God bless you!

    • @TheUnmodernMaiden
      @TheUnmodernMaiden  2 месяца назад +1

      I really appreciate it, Ben! It truly is the most incredible true story and to know our Savior went through that for our sake, just makes the story even more amazing. God bless you and yours!

    • @BenjaminJohn316
      @BenjaminJohn316 2 месяца назад

      ​@@TheUnmodernMaiden Amen! I came across this verse this morning and I am always overwhelmed when I realize the depth of God's unmerited grace: "For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich." (2 Cor. 8:9)

    • @TheUnmodernMaiden
      @TheUnmodernMaiden  2 месяца назад

      Yes! What a lovely verse which shines the true love of our mighty Saviour!

    • @BenjaminJohn316
      @BenjaminJohn316 2 месяца назад

      @@TheUnmodernMaiden Hi Ashley, I just wanted to apologize because I realized in my initial comment, it seems like I mis-said what I meant to say and it looks like I was talking condescendingly when I said "Like you said... But it's not...". Anyway, I don't know if that makes any sense at all, but I had to clarify that just in case. It comes across as if I was kind of contradicting you, but I just wrote it the wrong way haha 🙂

  • @khampel9589
    @khampel9589 10 месяцев назад +10

    I needed this video, thank you so much. You put it so nice in a way anyone can understand. Yesterday while sharing about Christianity to a hindu friend, I made it difficult and logical that he cut off the conversation. Now I realise and thank God for this new technique.
    You know, I'm trying to give my life to Jesus because I sin too much. Please remember me in your prayer. Thanks

    • @TheUnmodernMaiden
      @TheUnmodernMaiden  10 месяцев назад +7

      Continue sharing the gospel and never lose sight of what Christ did for you! I will be praying for you.

    • @michaelkindgottes
      @michaelkindgottes 8 месяцев назад

      You can't share the gospel because you got your mind on the flesh (your brainpower = earthly thinking). Thus you can't do what you want to do.
      Romans 8, 6 - 8: "The sinful human mind results in death, but having the mind led by the Spirit results in life and peace.
      7 [That is] because the mind of the flesh [with its carnal thoughts and purposes] is hostile to God, for it does not submit itself to God's Law; indeed it cannot.
      8 So then those who are living the life of the flesh [catering to the appetites and impulses of their carnal nature] cannot please or satisfy God, or be acceptable to Him."
      Telling others about Jesus and the gospel does not require a specific technique, it requires a pure heart lead by the spirit. It is the holy spirit who leads us into all truth we need so we are able to do what God wants us to do, to do what God already prepared for us by grace.
      You can't do it in your flesh, you need the holy spirit. You need to get reborn in Jesus. Like Jesus said you need to get reborn to bear good fruits.

  • @SJ.77
    @SJ.77 8 месяцев назад

    That was great - looking forward to your next video - God Bless :)

  • @jtpitney2041
    @jtpitney2041 10 месяцев назад +26

    Not sure how I came across your videos, but they came at the right time. I was having a really rough night last night, and believed that I've met the end of the road for my life. I watched the one where you read Psalm 19 and the verse "like a strong man, run it's course with joy" hit me real hard... For far too long I've lacked the joy I once had, therefore I must be a weak man... Because of my history I don't know if I'll ever be able to become a true believer and I don't know how, but last night your videos brought me peace I needed in that moment. Thank you for sharing your words of hope in a hopeless world, I'll push on and enter the fray once more. You are far from being wretched. Don't ever let the sorrows of the world change you, you are doing the right thing!

    • @_inveterate
      @_inveterate 9 месяцев назад +3

      I’m positive you become a true believer if you want to 🌞

    • @Reyajh
      @Reyajh 8 месяцев назад

      Keep pressing on Brother. Not dwelling on what was left behind... but, Philippians 1:"6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.." and Philippians 3: 12Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

    • @endtimeawakening5557
      @endtimeawakening5557 8 месяцев назад

      Don't ever give up, Jt. This modern world is tough to live in, but not impossible. Try to separate yourself from those using worldly language, and off-color jokes, etc. The world gets on us and in us through our 5 physical senses, mainly the eyes and ears. What we see and hear goes directly into our vast memory bank, which is our Subconscious Mind. This is seen as our Spiritual garden where seeds get planted. Those seeds grow into fruit, good or bad, depending on the seeds that were planted. This is biblical, "sowing and reaping." Christ spoke often about the mind which is likened to the spirit, where our complex nature resides. If we consciously put good things into our Spirit, good fruit will grow and you'll have an awesome personal harvest. Try to stay away from the news, which pumps out 24/7 doom, gloom, and fear. This is bad seed that will grow bad fruit (depression, fear, anxiety, etc).
      God bless you, Jt! I pray a flood of God's blessings upon you! ❤

    • @JoshuaSalmon10507
      @JoshuaSalmon10507 8 месяцев назад

      Hey, I just want to reach out and say no one is too far gone or has too bad of a history to become a believer. God's mercy and grace (unmerited favor) are limitless and beyond our comprehension.
      Romans 3:23 says that "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Romans 6:23 says that "the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Jesus died for the sins of every single human on the earth, the very worst sinner included. Romans 10:13 says that "Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved." In 2 Peter 3:9 it says that God is "not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." He wants you to come to Him and to change your life for His glory. I'm not saying that your life will instantly become easier. Being a Christian can sometimes or even oftentimes be really hard. But you will have a source of eternal hope, a promise of eternal life with Christ, and a deep purpose and meaning for your life.
      In Acts 16 a jailer asked Paul and Silas how he could be saved. In their response, Acts 16:31 says, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved." More descriptively, Romans 10:9 says "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."
      All you have to do is believe in Him and trust in Him for salvation. You can pray to Him and just say something like, "Lord, I know I'm a sinner. I know that I deserve to be punished and go to hell for my sins. But I believe that You died on the cross and were raised from the dead to save sinners like me. I want to repent of my sins and place my full faith and trust in You to save me."
      If you become a believer, I highly encourage you to find a Bible believing and preaching church where you can learn and grow in your faith and fellowship with other believers. He also wants you to obey Him and follow the Lord in believer's baptism, as an outward sign of your repentance. It can be difficult to find a good church these days though, especially not knowing what to look for. I'd encourage you to study your Bible too, and pray for the Holy Spirit to illuminate and help you to understand it. The book of John is a great place to start and understand Jesus's life here on earth and the full message of salvation.
      I'm praying for you and for your salvation. Don't give up! God will give you the strength you need to keep going as long as you serve Him.

    • @GabrielChristian23
      @GabrielChristian23 8 месяцев назад

      Hey, my dear, your Life Is going to change

  • @SirMattomaton
    @SirMattomaton 9 месяцев назад +5

    The Lord was listening to you sweetheart. As you spoke, and the more hopeful your message became, light filled your face and the room around you! God bless you and your family. Keep on walking the path of righteousness. When this world falls, we (His Children and His BRIDE) will rise.

  • @shmes9
    @shmes9 10 месяцев назад +2

    It's crazy to think the love God (3 in 1) has for us is unimaginable like anything we could imagine or experience he still loves us more.

  • @itsmagnator
    @itsmagnator 8 месяцев назад +1

    Nice message dear, I wish I've met a girl like you in past, unfortunately despite my best efforts for years attending to church this never happened, I didn't even meet one and then I became a bit bitter, resentful and stopped believing this will ever happen, also stopped going to church for some time and gone back but I don't like participating like before. I still pray for what the best God has for me and have my faith but after all these years I think I died a bit inside and it's hard to remove that from heart but I'm trying to live my life the best I can and accept reality as it is, not all of us will have what we want and have a happy life, it is unfair but only God knows the reasons for this. Keep up the good work, it's refreshing to know a girl like you actually exist.

    • @josephfoto6229
      @josephfoto6229 7 месяцев назад +1

      I don’t know your age , I hope you don’t give up. If it is your desire his promises are faithful . I have been where you are, 35 years ; later in a church of born again believers I met a younger girl who wanted me for a husband and father of 3 happy healthy daughters and 6 grandchildren. How blessed is that. To Him be the glory!!

  • @WranglerJess97
    @WranglerJess97 8 месяцев назад

    I just want to say that your parents are doing an amazing job raising you. I love the wholesomeness of your channel, and as a fellow Christian, I can't agree more with you. Don't give up on faith. There will be times when things like peer pressure will make you question things. Stay strong. I have, and I'm so thankful that I did. Wait for marriage as well, I too am on that path. Knowing how many don't, has become motivation for me.

  • @Ryan-mq2mi
    @Ryan-mq2mi 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you for your efforts! So grateful to have come across your channel

  • @goldenretriever15
    @goldenretriever15 10 месяцев назад +11

    Commenting again because I love this that much. The way that you told the story and explained it is so soothing I find myself playing this over and over again. I don’t know if you have any plans to make more videos in this style but I hope you do as its just that incredible. And your voice is so soothing. You have a special gift from God. ❤

    • @TheUnmodernMaiden
      @TheUnmodernMaiden  9 месяцев назад +5

      I truly do appreciate your comments! Lord willing, I will certainly do more videos like this one!

    • @goldenretriever15
      @goldenretriever15 9 месяцев назад

      @@TheUnmodernMaiden I’m so glad to hear that!

  • @endtimeawakening5557
    @endtimeawakening5557 8 месяцев назад

    The story of Christ is so beautiful because it's the story that depicts the lives of every man/woman, made in the image and likeness of the Lifegiver. We're all born of water first, in the flesh. This is a picture of our carnal nature. The Spirit is sleeping, which is likened to being "dead" in the Scriptures. As you mature and begin to learn more about life and who you truly are, the Spirit begins to awaken within you. When you finally discover that you're an eternal being living in a temporal/flesh tabernacle, your Spirit fully awakens, which is your born-again experience. This is the awakening of your sleeping/dead Spirit, now fully alive and aware of who/what you are. Our first birth is of the flesh. Our second birth is of the Spirit. Now, the Spirit man is in control, and the flesh becomes submissive to him. Christ literally lived this out when He was here on the earth in bodily form. As you walk in Godliness, remember that we can only serve ONE master. The world wants you to serve two or more masters, which is why you must guard the Mind/Spirit from the wickedness of the world. It's very difficult to do, especially in modern times, with thousands of distractions. This is why Christ described it as a NARROW gate, and few find it.
    God bless you all as you come into the deeper things of the Father. ❤

    @ECLECTRIC_EDITS 8 месяцев назад +1

    Im around the same age as you and its nice to know im not the only one who sees things in this perspective. I think right now my biggest problem is that being so close to society becomes so mundane when sin no longer satsifies and you spend every waking day wanting Jesus to return and to be closer to God. Also, whats your view on keeping Sabbath (Saturday) Holy and also your stance on how to help people once the new wave of persecutions start? Also are you autistic? If so, I hate how hard it is to relate to other Christians sometimes, its like my whole life I never fit in but im so happy because in heaven we will all fit in. I was reading how Samson probably had autism, cant wait to meet him. And also Daniel. His Biblical prophecies are super cool! Alot of them are about to happen too! Isn't it awesome when Jesus becomes your eternal hyperfixation :)

    • @TheUnmodernMaiden
      @TheUnmodernMaiden  4 месяца назад

      I must apologize it's taken me awhile to answer your comment! I can understand, it's not easy being submerged everyday in the worldliness around us when as followers of Yahuah, we are not to desire the things of the world. But, we are only here for a short time and praise Yahuah that we have true hope! As for the Sabbath, I believe it should be kept Holy. I believe what the Word of God says which is that work is not permitted on that day that He so kindly set in place for us. I'm not sure how to exactly answer your question about persecution but what I can say is that we keep our eyes and hearts focused on Yahuah along with submerging ourselves in the Scriptures and prayer. Matthew 5:10-12, "Blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousness’ sake; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." While I am not autistic, I can understand about not being able to relate with other Christians. Just keep focusing on Truth and run the Christian race with endurance because at the end of our lives, all that matters is Christ!

      @ECLECTRIC_EDITS 4 месяца назад

      @@TheUnmodernMaiden No worries. I've learned a lot since then. Ideas change and God helps us grow, but our love for God should always be a constant. God blesses those who are patient and obedient, and when things are down and times are tough it's only because God was preparing us so our relationship with Jesus could grow stronger.

  • @rhoelstodomingo6262
    @rhoelstodomingo6262 9 месяцев назад +1

    So young yet your heart is already heading in the right direction amazing.

  • @brandonboss6868
    @brandonboss6868 8 месяцев назад

    The deepest argument most atheist's make is "why does God allow such horrible things to happen, what kind of loving God would let that happen". I try to explain the meaning of sin and free will. However, the only explanation I found in my heart to give was this; Terrible things happen all the time, yes. But look at the good that comes of it. The Lord uses all terrible things, and uses them for good. I truly believe that. He uses them to teach us lessons, learn from our mistake, etc etc.

  • @marianjane7950
    @marianjane7950 10 месяцев назад +8

    Hallelujah, praise the Lord!!❤
    Thank you Jesus for your Amazing LOVE!🤍
    & thank you Ashley for making this video & for sharing it!! When I saw you had posted this video, I was so excited to watch it! Blessings to you my friend ❤

  • @Руслан-ш7э4ц
    @Руслан-ш7э4ц 10 месяцев назад +2

    I apologize for the mistakes, I am writing through Google Translate. You are wonderful! It is extremely rare to meet such girls with traditional values ​​nowadays! It is the understanding that there are such girls in the world that makes me work on myself and not give up in the face of difficulties in order to become a good man in the future. Thank you)

  • @limpomwila4843
    @limpomwila4843 8 месяцев назад

    Hi stranger. I cane across your videos today and I just want to let you know that you ate doing a fantastic job. You have actually inspired me to get started on content creation for the Lord and I absolutely love the work that you are doing. Just letting you know that you earned a new subscriber and i can't wait to see where your channel does go from here. Have a good day ✨

  • @FloresDeEternales
    @FloresDeEternales 10 месяцев назад +1

    I pray, god bring rightous people together. great work!! 🤧🙏🤲👏👏👏

  • @thelightsidetribe
    @thelightsidetribe 10 месяцев назад +1

    The most amazing thing about this story is that it’s true! When we stop to really think about it all, we realize that the Godhead had a plan for redemption for the world before the world was created. They knew the sacrifice that must take place to redeem a fallen and broken world from our demise and They loved us enough, God to give His precious Son, the Son to step down from His throne into a world that was ready to kill Him, all for our redemption. To be a follower of Christ is a decision that one must weigh out as Jesus says in His Word, “Count the Cost”. It’s not easy believism. It’s not a rash decision that you decide to try out. It’s a commitment to make Jesus your Master and pledge your life to His will. To pick up and carry your cross daily. BUT HOW WONDERFUL TO BE A PART OF THE FAMILY OF GOD! Weeping may endure for the night but JOY comes in the morning! Praise God! Keep living for Him. Our home isn’t here. We are on our way, headed for heaven! God keep you! Keep running your race! Keep your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith! ❤

  • @rodrigomendes5392
    @rodrigomendes5392 9 месяцев назад +2

    You are light!! Keep the holly work, lady

  • @KonamiKonami
    @KonamiKonami 10 месяцев назад +1

    I find it best to not think about any of it too much. Better to just trust in Jesus and be thankful! ✝

    • @TheUnmodernMaiden
      @TheUnmodernMaiden  9 месяцев назад +6

      I can totally understand what you mean. I felt that way too but we have to understand that there is much more to Christianity than simply trusting in Jesus and being thankful. He's done so much for us and there is so much to learn as a believer in Christ! Every person who's walked this earth is far from perfect, we can never reach that achievement except for Jesus. We have to realize our faults and understand that without Christ coming to this earth and dying for our sins, we are hopeless. He is our only hope so we have to have that desire to learn more about our Savior and what we are to give up in this life for Him! I definitely agree, we must trust and Jesus and be thankful for what He has done! Thank you for commenting!

  • @andrewlouis9237
    @andrewlouis9237 9 месяцев назад +4

    You are such a good person, God Maiden. I found u randomly two days ago on youtube I subscribed and liked all your videos. I am a 28 year old, very lonely guy. I feel much less lonely when I watch these videos, I am able to relax and reduce my anxiety. I work very much, but your videos help me rest a moment. I'm just so thankful that I got to learn from you. I learned about subjects that I always wanted, for example, our behavior and conduct before God. Her spiritual and moral values are evolved enough over setting an example of this. The world needs more people like you. It's encouraging that ladies like you still exist in the world. And we learned with his example and demonstration that, we are to forgive, as we forgive those who trespass against us. God gave us something not even money can buy, and it is the love. Thank you for always making me feel better. Your amazing the way you are, has such a bright and positive energy, its so good! Thank you for everything you’re doing and thank you for who you are. I wish you all the best in life. I hope you're doing well and sending you a very happy hug. Best wishes to you! 🙂💙🙏👍

  • @JAM2020jam
    @JAM2020jam 10 месяцев назад +4

    Your Voice is so soothing. The video and background music with your soothing voice , the combination is unbeatable. Also loved your views after your video . Thank you so much . Stay safe and blessed !

  • @kopronko
    @kopronko 9 месяцев назад +1

    You Are Enough Modern girl for this evil spoiled old "world" !!! ! !!! Although the "world" is still not recognising you , but soon it will - Before the Second Arrival !!! ! !!! Just Don't give up until than !!! ! !!! May God help you 2 endure. Peace with you, until the Second Arrival, immediately After the End of the "world" .

  • @MarceloLemeD3
    @MarceloLemeD3 10 месяцев назад +2

    Pray for me 🙌

  • @hugoagenbag4801
    @hugoagenbag4801 5 месяцев назад


  • @MirosawSojnowski-lh6sf
    @MirosawSojnowski-lh6sf 8 месяцев назад

    Ashley, jesteś cudowna, jesteś niezwykła, jesteś wspaniała, znalazłem twój film o skromności i natychmiast go edytowałem. Jesteś potrzebna wielu ludziom. Kiedy Cię słucham, zdaję sobie sprawę że Chrystus wiedział dlaczego składa w ofierze swoje życie. On doskonale wiedział co robi. Jego pytanie; czy kiedy przyjdzie Syn Czlowieczy zastanie wiarę? to nie pytanie retoryczne. To było pytanie do Ciebie, do mnie i pozostałych wspaniałych ludzi oczekujących Jego ponownego przyjścia. Niech Bóg błogosławi Twojej pracy.

  • @trapperlife5266
    @trapperlife5266 10 месяцев назад +2

    Keep up the good work

  • @FriendOfJesusChrist
    @FriendOfJesusChrist 10 месяцев назад +2

    Very good quality video.

  • @goldenretriever15
    @goldenretriever15 10 месяцев назад +3

    This is so beautiful. I love the way you told the story and gave the explanation afterwards. I have never felt closer to God than I do right now. You are so right that no, its not easy. But He did immeasurably more for us in comparison!! Your videos are so inspiring and encouraging. Keep them coming please! ❤

  • @hydeyoungg17
    @hydeyoungg17 9 месяцев назад

    Hi. Great video. Thank you.

  • @chrisarcade80
    @chrisarcade80 10 месяцев назад +1

    A great video that demonstrates love and encouragement.

  • @bernhardrohlfing3040
    @bernhardrohlfing3040 9 месяцев назад +1

    Your words were very warm and I'll try to do like you advised me. If you wanna know why it's because you're whole appearance appears likewise genuine and very touched by Jesus.

  • @JB-ue6lf
    @JB-ue6lf 8 месяцев назад

    I’m not religious myself. But you have such a genuine and kind presence that I was willing to sit here and listen to what you had to say and although I didn’t become lord religious. Your message did inspire me and remind me to be kind to others

  • @PeterBrown349
    @PeterBrown349 10 месяцев назад +1

    God bless you 🎉

  • @markmyers7760
    @markmyers7760 8 месяцев назад +1

    It’s encouraging to know there are some who truly love Jesus Christ, desire to serve Him, recognize the sin-sick condition this world is in and endeavor to win the lost. It’s easy to get the “Elijah complex.” Keep shining the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.

  • @leelynch3614
    @leelynch3614 9 месяцев назад +3

    This really came up on my feed at a great time for me, Christmas Eve! What a beautiful story and message, and it gives me hope for humanity to see young people embracing the gospel so well. I wish you the best on the future trials. I think things will get pretty difficult over the next few decades, but Jesus is on the way so hold on tight to that sweet spirit you are right now. The world can only offer cheap facsimiles of Joy and Spirit. Christ is the only Way to the real thing, to the pleasure of being thankful for your life way in the future when you lie on your deathbed and reflect on what it all meant. Christ gives true meaning and purpose.

  • @monasequeira1996
    @monasequeira1996 9 месяцев назад +1

    Hey sis I'm from India.👋🏼 Just discovered ur channel and saw your videos. You are so beautiful inside and out. God bless your heart and continue to do what you're doing for God's glory. Love you!
    I would like to be friends with you on the bible app. 💕

  • @michaelwiebe4282
    @michaelwiebe4282 9 месяцев назад

    Such a good summary of the gospel! To accept Jesus is the only thing that counts at the end of life!!
    Be blessed, sister, and please pray for Israel!

  • @RyanSellers
    @RyanSellers 9 месяцев назад

    I just came across your channel. Thank you for sharing this incredible story and message to us all.

  • @rostomtetrauli6465
    @rostomtetrauli6465 9 месяцев назад

    You are the light of the world! Just thank you for being this kind of good girl.❤

  • @luandary
    @luandary 10 месяцев назад +2

    I like your analogy of the kind-hearted king who gave up His loving prince to save, also, a poor wretch like me.
    Suffering, sickness and death is as a result of our sins. Romans 6:23. If God longs to grant us eternal life filled with such happiness then certainly suffering and sadness comes from the opposer (1 John 5:19) and liar (John 8:44).
    We can surely trust the Word of God to tell us the truth about our loving Father and expose the opposer for what he really is. Jeremiah 29:11-14.

  • @oreocarlton3343
    @oreocarlton3343 9 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for this message!

  • @mindhunter09
    @mindhunter09 9 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you ❤

  • @annischickle6059
    @annischickle6059 9 месяцев назад

    I love this!!! All glory be to God💗

  • @EndTimesEric
    @EndTimesEric 9 месяцев назад

    Such a beautiful story! Jesus is the ultimate gift to us all :)

  • @six-gunsound1145
    @six-gunsound1145 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you for sharing your truth and experience with the online world. You give me hope for the future of humanity.

  • @EmeraldLeafVids
    @EmeraldLeafVids 3 месяца назад

    Romans 4:5, John 6:47, Titus 3:5, John 3:16, Eph 2:8-9, all these get at the real essence and actual message of the Gospel of scripture which saves.

  • @makeGODsmile
    @makeGODsmile 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you! Very uplifting. Beautiful scenery, humble spirit and a truly wonderful story.
    Proverbs 22:11 He that loveth pureness of heart, for the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend.

  • @bumbageorge271
    @bumbageorge271 10 месяцев назад

    Good work fellow minister🙏 guard what has been entrusted to u, lest any man take it away. Am blessed.

  • @roysulalam96
    @roysulalam96 9 месяцев назад +1

    You are a really good person

  • @TheRealNighthawkBaby
    @TheRealNighthawkBaby 10 месяцев назад +1

    love the video and story, keep the faith, you are such a sweetheart, God loves, Jesus loves you, and I love you....i am no doubt a true believer in the supernatural.... much love, your friend, Nighthawk

  • @lightoflifegames7227
    @lightoflifegames7227 9 месяцев назад +1

    so beautiful! Good job!!

  • @markellis6101
    @markellis6101 9 месяцев назад +1

    This is a lovely channel and you are a lovely young lady. If "modern times" mean anything for women it is that you can pick and choose what you want to do and be. Don't let anyone suggest your choice to be a wife and mother is "a lesser." Of course in my view it is greater than everything else. And if the comments get snarky and say you need a real job...say you have a You Tube Channel... :) Good luck, God Bless and I'll be watching your new postings.

  • @timpahnisch3635
    @timpahnisch3635 9 месяцев назад

    keep up the great work, you're amazing and uplifting!

  • @sukadingawi
    @sukadingawi 9 месяцев назад

    Good 🤔❤👍

  • @Nickhouston77009
    @Nickhouston77009 8 месяцев назад

  • @michealcarver2474
    @michealcarver2474 10 месяцев назад

    You must be one of the Psalm 68:11 company. That is awesome, and May God bless you.
    A real prophet said about a year ago, the time has come for that scripture to be fulfilled.
    I get to see it happen :)

  • @TruthOrSorrow
    @TruthOrSorrow 9 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks for sharing! Keep spreading the good news!

  • @bigbosssauce7
    @bigbosssauce7 7 месяцев назад

    I love your videos

  • @jeswanz8122
    @jeswanz8122 10 месяцев назад +1

    I consider the way how we live our lives as the would b proof if we going in hell or paradise when our judgment comes. And as why god allows people to free will, do what they want, good or bad bcoz, he is fair to everyone.

  • @david78840
    @david78840 9 месяцев назад

    Why is life on Earth so fragile? Everything dies within seconds if the conditions are not right or correct. Also, I was going to a church where I saw many healings take place. The lady preacher did many healings in that church. However, she got sick and could not heal herself and or obtain or receive healing for her body. Why or how could that be possible. Healings for many people that went there but no healing for her. Please help me answer the above questions. I just found your channel. I am happy to have found it. (David, Texas, USA)

  • @orielhortencio
    @orielhortencio Месяц назад

    Nice vídeo 😊

  • @mu_ha_21
    @mu_ha_21 10 месяцев назад

    good to. listen ❤

  • @danielbarber7043
    @danielbarber7043 8 месяцев назад

    This girl gotta be Apostolic Pentecostal 🤣

  • @popescuadrian4170
    @popescuadrian4170 9 месяцев назад

    happy to hear and see such people like you !!! BIG apreciation!! Bravo!
    many good thoght i have for you!! did you read Serafim Rose? wich religion you are?

  • @blissseeker4719
    @blissseeker4719 8 месяцев назад

    If not already, I hope you find a good man who loves Jehovah with all his heart as you do. I hope to find a woman like you one day.

  • @fredretteketet
    @fredretteketet 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you Lord for this beautifull and wise girl. Hope my sons will get a christian woman.

  • @letanphucthaytienganh3967
    @letanphucthaytienganh3967 10 месяцев назад

    Hi hi thanks a bunch!

  • @BryceBarfield
    @BryceBarfield 9 месяцев назад

    Wow this really hit me

  • @Ran-222
    @Ran-222 8 месяцев назад

    just fyi - it's my strong understanding He was crucified on Fri before Sabbath and was resurrected few hours later after sunset - i.e. on Sabbath First-Fruits! all 3 days was: Him being sentenced to death, arrest, judged, cross till resurrection... ;)

  • @Jasiel.95
    @Jasiel.95 8 месяцев назад

    You have to adjust the audio, so your voice is louder or lower the volume of the music. The music is great, but it’s too loud.

    • @TheUnmodernMaiden
      @TheUnmodernMaiden  7 месяцев назад

      Thank you for letting me know, I'll try to adjust it in the next video!

  • @DewberryCream
    @DewberryCream 9 месяцев назад

    New sub 👍

  • @jesse..24_
    @jesse..24_ 8 месяцев назад

    Yeah i failed too

  • @Vollzer
    @Vollzer 8 месяцев назад

    constructive feedback- lower the volume of the music/piano playing in the background, its impossible for me to keep up with the conversation. I know a lot of people don't mind it, but I have difficulties hearing and I believe some other viewers have too.

    • @TheUnmodernMaiden
      @TheUnmodernMaiden  7 месяцев назад

      I will keep that in mind next time. Thank you for letting me know!

  • @outdoor_spirituality
    @outdoor_spirituality 8 месяцев назад

    The more I am seeing to your videos talking about the Lord I am more in love with Him and your believing!

  • @johnvonlove2734
    @johnvonlove2734 9 месяцев назад

    What to believe to go to heaven !! : Realize you are a sinner being sorry. Sin is lying, evil thoughts, lust, etc.Therefore, do not trust in your own works to go to heaven because you realize, being a sinner, you cannot offer the perfect blood sacrifice that God requires to pay for sin. Instead, believe, meaning fully trust, that in Christ's love for you, on the cross, His one perfect blood sacrifice; when Christ bled, suffered and died, in your place, paid for your sins in full, past, present and future ! Believe that Jesus rose from the dead ! Believe Jesus is God Almighty, God the Son, alive for evermore ! And believe that the sinless blood of Jesus Christ is what cleanses you from all sin, which purifies your soul ! Then the Lord Jesus will forgive you, save you from hell and give you eternal life, and you will be sealed with the Holy Spirit who will dwell within you forever ! And thank Jesus ! Rom.3:25,5:8,9,10:9, Rev.1:5, Ephes.1:7,13, 4:30, Heb.10:10-14,19,38,39,I John 5:7,13,20

  • @محمدمحمود-ح9ظ3ي
    @محمدمحمود-ح9ظ3ي 9 месяцев назад


  • @nute742
    @nute742 9 месяцев назад

    Great videos, and so inspirational! (just curious - are you from a particular sect, or what do you recommend)? Thanks and god bless :)

    • @TheUnmodernMaiden
      @TheUnmodernMaiden  6 месяцев назад

      Thank you! We don't really consider ourselves in a certain sect, we are just Bible believing Christians. There is something wrong about any sect, but the Word of God is never wrong so that's why we don't place ourselves in a certain sect. I hope this was helpfull!

    • @nute742
      @nute742 6 месяцев назад

      @@TheUnmodernMaiden Hello and thanks again for your reply. I agree, the "word of god" is never wrong. And since God is endless (as are his works, scriptures, revalations,etc) Would you agree that God is not limited to only one set of scriptures from one people? (As god is no respecter of persons).

  • @larrygribaudo1092
    @larrygribaudo1092 9 месяцев назад +1

    The gospel for our dispensation`( Ephesians 3:2) is 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Question is Jesus the Father? Answer Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Try to use the KJV Question does God love?? 1 John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. ( As we can see God is love, which is hard to understand in this fallen state. Will all be saved with a God that is love?) 1Corinthians 15:19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. 1 Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Question Did Christ die for all on the cross? 1 Corinthians 15:55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

  • @hugoagenbag4801
    @hugoagenbag4801 9 месяцев назад

    Wow you are an inspiration for so many people in this ages we live in. Would like to support you, do you have a patreon page or other ways we can support financaly?

    • @TheUnmodernMaiden
      @TheUnmodernMaiden  5 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you, I really do appreciate it! I don't have a patreon page yet but there is a "Thanks" button located next to the "Thumbs up" button which allows people to give what they want.

    • @hugoagenbag4801
      @hugoagenbag4801 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@TheUnmodernMaidenWill remember that option. Have a great day.

  • @coolbro6969
    @coolbro6969 10 месяцев назад

    you rock.

  • @tbmoffittiii
    @tbmoffittiii 9 месяцев назад

    I appreciate what you're trying to do in the vid; I too am hopeful that many will be saved. However, some of what you said is not Gospel content. Often what people do, teachers and laymen alike, is confuse matter of God's will for His children (their progressive sanctification and fellowship walk with Him) mixing it with what saves a person from Hell. To be sure of Heaven, it's not turning a new leaf, committing one's self, trying harder, feeling sorry, do's and don'ts, etc... It's actually an abandonment of any and all hope is 'self', anything we could ever do or reform (see Rom 4:5), to instead place 100% of that trust/faith upon Christ, God in the flesh who died and rose for ALL sin.
    Some of God's children will unfortunately be the King Sauls, Samsons, Demas', Solomons, etc, but those who've believed APART from works are secured, though the unfaithful may lose significant blessings now and rewards to enjoy in the ages future.

  • @maximeRIVIERO
    @maximeRIVIERO 8 месяцев назад

    But since he who called you is holy, ye also be holy in all your conduct, as it is written, Ye shall be holy, for I am holy. (1 Peter, chapter 1, verse 15, verse 16, Louis Segond Bible)
    Hello (or good evening depending on your time zone), this is becoming very rare: a young girl who practices and embodies integrity and purity in our time, I like the values ​​that you teach through your videos.
    THE UNMODERN MAIDEN (as you define yourself), As far as I am concerned: you are worth more than 10,000 modern young girls...
    (Additional information: I recently subscribed to your channel, hence the delay in my comment under your video)
    May the Lord Jesus Christ, the Beloved Son of Our Father who is in heaven bless you, may He continue to work in you in this path of sanctification sister in Christ Ashley! Amen!
    With all the support and encouragement of one of your subscribers.

  • @ostraca
    @ostraca 7 месяцев назад +1

    What is your definition of repentance? Because the Bible defines it as a change of mind and what we repent of is our unbelief. We repent of trusting in dead works like trying to live a good life and instead turn to faith in Jesus. If it's repenting 'of sin' no one trusts in sin to save them and turning from sin isn't the gospel either since Jesus is the way and no man can turn from sin as we have sinful flesh. The gospel is simple it's "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved" and even Jonah 3:10 says turning from sin is works (salvation is not of works) and even shows God repenting and he's sinless! So repent ye and believe the gospel (Mark 1:15) means exactly that, repent of your unbelief and believe the gospel.
    Hebrews 6:1
    King James Version
    6 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God
    Jonah 3:10
    And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.

    • @SupremeLeaderofParaguay
      @SupremeLeaderofParaguay 4 месяца назад

      To repent is to change your mind. God changes our hearts; our hearts are naturally sinful and out of our power to change (just like it out of our power to change our human-ness). So God changes our heart from hating the things of God and loving the things of the world to hating the things of the world and loving the thinks of God. Repentance is us changing our mind to agree with God. None of this can be done without the working of the Holy Spirit. And if we turn (repent) from sin (going against God - that's what sin literally means; "missing the mark") and turn to God, then we obviously must believe and have faith that God will forgive us and that are sins are attoned for. We must believe in who Jesus is and what he came to do. True repentance (turning from being against God toward being for God) will result in good works. Good works do not save but are evidence of being saved.
      Jonah 3:10 does not say turning from sin is saving good works. I get what you're saying though: the people turned from their evil ways, which is treated as a good work, therefore God does not destroy the city. Since works follow genuine repentance, people have made the mistake of not distinguishing the two. Since repentance is on the inside and good works are on the outside people always elevate goodworks above the heart (think Israel post Babalonian Captivity - Israel became extremely leagalistic but their hearts were far from God). And the word translated as 'repented' in Jonah 3:10 can also mean 'mind changed 'or turned away' so what it means is that God saw their change and that it was genuine and so God did not destroy the city.
      So what do we repent from? Our evil ways. Our default state of an evil heart created evil desires that our mind carries out is evil works. God changes our hearts to good and we have good desires and our mind thus carries out good works. The good works do not have the power to save because the bad works still exist. Having our hearts and minds changed and thus good works proceeding from that is evidence that we have the Holy Spirit which is the guarantee of Christ having died for us. So we cannot turn simply from not believing (that stops in the mind) but good must come out from us (not to save us) but because good works are fruit of being saved.
      Chirst saves and you must repent and believe. You can have assurance of your salvation by knowing the Holy Spirit dwells within you by seeing the renewal of your mind and good works flowing from it. Our faith is not in our good works but in Christ and who he is and what he came to do.