Yes you are right. SHOWERING God's protection on all the people.who speak the truth. Geeee did they really leave the White House broke? They are crazy rich
@@bilbobaggins1934 actually hope he does disappear. He just spreads hate and division with this story. The only people who care about the Clinton's are the republicans. And Hillary thought the election was stolen? What planet is fox news living on? Trump spread the lie about a rigged election. The hate from fox news is so sad.
So far,,, watters need to be careful. Too many "accidents" "suicides", "accidents", accidental deaths related to other sources ie: robberies/mis-handling of weapons ... The political trail of the clintons is littered with bodies of clinton "friends/political friends/"political opposions". It seems to be related to anyone who might know tto much!
We know the trump crime family stole millions from the tax payers! The District of Columbia filed suit against President Donald Trump's inaugural committee and the Trump Organization on Wednesday, charging they misused non-profit funds to enrich the president's family business. The president's inaugural committee was aware it was being vastly overcharged for services at Trump's Washington, D.C., hotel in 2017, and still shelled out over $1 million at the hotel, including cash for a private party for the Trump's three older children, the lawsuit by Washington, D.C., Attorney General Karl Racine charges.
Trump is one of the biggest white collar criminals in america! In 2012, the Trump Organization told tax officials the Manhattan office building was worth just $16.7 million. But just a few months prior, the company had valued the same building at a staggering $527 million in a document provided to possible lenders. In another instance in 2013, the Trump Organization told county tax officials that its California golf club was worth $900,000. But in 2014, as the company was seeking a massive tax deduction through a conservation easement, it said the same property was worth at least $25 million. It was in Trump's financial interest to inflate the value of the land when asking for an easement, which limits commercial use of the land, because it would amount to a larger tax break.
Oh Jesse! Please be careful. You are smart, talented, have a real life, a promising future and many people who really love you. These people are dangerous. If they weren't, they'd be in prison.
@@cravinbob ... being REHASHED properly, since America had to dole out some $50,000,000 to investigate the Russian 2016 election hoax that HILLARY made up ... for some 3 years !!
The turd does not fall far from the tail! And poor, pathetic Chelsea Hubble....she fell from the top of the 'ugly tree' and literally hit EVERY branch on the way down!
@@williammacpherson6252 Very true my friend but I think it will be very sad as well . I have to admit I strive to be forgiving but I sure like the "eye for an eye " ! (Truth be known I think an eye , ear , arm and toes ....for an eye is how it should be....people wouldn't be so quick to do rotten things !)
Exactly, they are so corrupt, how have they got away with it for so long, you have to wonder, so they are in with more corrupt politicians, absolutely disgraceful, Obama being one. What's even worse is that the American people have fallen for it, now you are reaping what they have done to the country for years (Democrats).
@@ilikesalt7245 Correct. That was the OP's point, though.
2 года назад
@@ilikesalt7245 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 moron
2 года назад
Except dump never once "stood up to scrutinty." He lied and blamed others, and you little pathetic children believed it like the worthless scum you all are.
Are you describing our Trumpranos? America's crime family? aka America's career con man. aka a statuary rapist. aka a convicted fraudster in New York the global business capitol of the world.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke. When are the good men and women going to stand up and demand accountability.
The term "suicided," doesn't encompass the Clinton crime family for no reason. Let us bow our heads for a moment and remember the many hero's who have fallen victim to these horrible people. Speaking out against them, and laying their lives on the line so that we the people could know the truth
Let's forget about the Trumpranos, America's crime family. aka America's career con man. aka a statuary rapist. aka a convicted fraudster in New York the global business capitol of the world.
The S&P 500 closed up 0.1%, reaching a new record high. The Dow gained 47 points, also hitting a new high. THANK YOU JOE! The Nasdaq, however, closed 0.1% lower. THANK YOU DONALD (Trump's Truth Social merger?).
@@danielharris7533 You do know that Fox was sued and their defense was that no reasonable person would believe them? Think I'm joking? Look this up: "Tucker Carlson Successfully Argues Nobody Really Believes Tucker Carlson Is Reporting Facts" - findlaw
The swamp was well exposed when Manaforte, Papadopolis, Gates, Stone, Cohen, and Flynn were indicted, tried, convicted, then pardoned by the President for whom they had committed their felonies.
What a missed opportunity DT had. Had majorities in the House and Senate and didn't even try to "Drain The Swamp". Yes he had people in both parties against him but he didn't make an effort.
Trump campaign promised in 2016 to appoint a special prosecutor for her, an easy thing to do requiring minimal proof. Nothing. He railed and ranted against her for four years. He controlled the DOJ and went through AGs like they were his trophy wives and hookers to get to the lap dog servility he demanded. Nothing. And in that same four years when he was king, Manaforte, Papadopolis, Gates, Stone, Cohen, and Flynn were indicted. And convicted. Then pardoned by the President for whom they committed their felonies.
Bill and Hillary have a massive connections with the Democratic Party, remember everyone within the Clinton’s innermost circle knows what they did, even the Democratic Party all the the way to go doj, homeland security and all its law enforcement agencies, unbelievable how none of these agency are doing nothing about it, pay to play comes in mind.
@@pefo1674 ....Dude it's everywhere. Just research everyone that has been their friend or has went up against them as a witness. They end up dead (by suicide shootings or plane crashes.) Start digging, it's mind boggling how many people associated with the Clinton's end up dead. Not kidding.
Too darn many! As the world would put it you can only try what you can prove. Anyone that has any dealing with the Clintons & were bad dealings for that matter always ends up mysteriously missing or dead.
What’s more amazing is the help they received to pull this off. Without their normal cronies in the media, corporations and Hollywood this would have went nowhere. Had a conservative done an 1/8th of these the prison doors would have been slammed shut almost immediately.
This will go down in history like the Tea Pot Dome scandal and every DC corrupt piece of political chicanery and it is sad that NOT one member of our legacy news challenged the crooked dossier when they knew what an evil cabal of grifters these people were. Not to mention supporting six years of bogus impeachments, illegal Fisa warrants, civil unrest to gin up votes and cheating.
when ANY politicians stay in power for 50 years like Biden or Pelosi they are getting completely OUT of TOUCH with middle class - thats why we need TERM LIMIT for ANY politician at ANY level!!!
@@vivianspinarski4846 yeah, i heard from my neighbor’s sister’s friend’s neice’s hairdresser who happens to know Q for realsies that it was more like 20 million!
Yet, the IRS is completely disinterested in where and how this money miraculously flowed in. I wonder if an audit would actually dig as deeply as anyone else?
@@Dean4511 it happens really fast. They become corrupted within a term. Even solid candidates begin to support questionable bills. Dan Crenshaw has already become a typical politician.
It's called the Illuminati. And Killory is a puppet for one of their families supposedly. Hence, why she can be so evil, and have her thumbs in so many pies, and NEVER gets tarred and feathered for anything. Coincidence ? Ha ! No FRICKIN way ! More skeletons than a cemetery. Heresy, she say. I just convey.
@@Dean4511 in 2014 my governor Michelle lujan-grisham had a net worth of 400,000$ today her net worth is over 200 million. how the hell does that happen ?
LYing scamming, fraudulent, vile, disgusting couple. The should go before a firing squad and put in TV. They have e been getting away with everything for at least 50 years. No accountable, no prosecution, no prison time.
I feel sorry for us, the people. For the MOST part, we are good people. We are being put through too much trauma . We don't deserve to be cheated, robbed and exposed to wicked politicians. They mock us, spit in our faces and laugh at our pain when we are at our worse. Now ELITES are being exposed at child molesters, trafficers and so much more. How is this happening? Prayer is strong . We pray 🤲 together.
Dear God , we beg you to come and save us from these evil doers who do not care about us and your beautiful Country under Thee ! Lord of Lords help us ! 🙏🏼🇺🇸❤️🙏🏼🇺🇸
Yes PRAY!! But know that God also said to expose the works of darkness. And Godly people do not just stand by & let the evil run things! God established USA and We the people are responsible to fight the evil as Christians. That's part of our Biblical responsibilities
While hiking through beautiful southern Arizona, a group of senior citizens stumbled across a huge shed. Inside, they discovered disturbing evidence of child/human trafficking. It was obviously a "safe house" for Cartel activities. Everything from soiled diapers to empty baby food jars, and film 🎥 materials and broken toys were scattered around this warehouse. The local news media reported it, but the story was squashed and disappeared once it was discovered that this property belonged to THE CLINTON FOUNDATION! Thank you Jesse Water's for this report.
@@katalinabrigitte3395 Squashed is actually an accurate description and is a recognized substitute for quashed. (I'm a retired student! Not one of yours but interested.)
@@specialks1953 no its not an accurate description because words cannot be "squashed" in the context of getting rid of. They can be visually squashed to a smaller size but they don't dissappear as with words being quashed. Squashed would be to disfigure and/or make smaller. Quashed means to get rid of or delete. Squashed used to describe "getting rid of something" is an uneducated slang usage and is improper no matter how many ignorant people use it.
Lock these criminals up ..How many of their ex business partners and close associates are dead ?? All of them under very odd circumstances ???? Way too many to be a coincidence !!
Who buys a hotel (that lost more than $70 million in just 4 years and hasn't made a profit for four years) for $375 million which is about $100 million more than it's worth? More importantly, who are they buying it from? Need a hint?
The woke colleges that have nothing better to do with our kids money that now all the college tuitions have gone up that’s who they give it to progressive radicals to come out and talk and to disillusion our kids mind instead of teaching them there bringing them into their stupidness
True, he made no connection to the "Michael Corleone" move Bill made when he installed daughter Chelsea as head of the foundation or the particular grants the foundation awarded... KDM
@@kenmclemore523 Yeah, what amateurs. Between Jared, Steve Mnuchin and Ivanka they have picked up over 3 BILLION dollars from the Saudis. The Clintons suck in comparison.
@@oldmandan3692 Ah, yes, the comparisons; and the march of investigations proceeding from them parade on regarding both sides to the noise of many words, few deeds, and no convictions (moral or judicial)... but, thanks for the comment ...KDM
When do the criminals of "high crimes" be brought in front of our "high court"? How much longer do "We the people" have to sit down and shut up? Our current government has become so inflated that it makes our voices and real situations benign to anyone in our own legislation. We have "agencies" that deal with agencies, of which have nothing to do with our own country and it's well being. These are certainly times in which we should have the rights to question and reel in the powers that be.
W.E.F./W.H.O./DAVOS Treason! Treason is a crime against America. 👉👉👉William Bruce Mumford 1862 was convicted of treason and hanged for tearing American flag during civil war. 18 US Code Sec 2381 So WOKE Elites CAN be held tried in court for Treason. So why aren't our politicians following suit?👀👀
Yep the mega cult is clueless Trump was impeached twice for his crimes… Nothing else can be done to a sitting president no indictment no prosecution… He received the ultimate… Because he was guilty you can’t even specify what the hell crime you’re talking about… What did Hillary do? Not allegations a real crime that she’s been convicted of
our government has degenerated to a tool to serve the needs of power elites. America is not represented not protected by the caste of power e!it's who purport to be legitimate public servants. Their destructive reign over us must end. Spurning their collective authority tvia a tax revo!t is at least a step towards restoring g our country's ability to survive is a non violent alternative to the civil war which looks over us and our childten.
Get the interview of Clinton's Ex head of security while he was Governor of Arkansas. Very interesting. I saw it 3 times but it mysteriously disappeared.
The funniest thing I remember about the '92 Clinton campaign is the interview Jennifer Flowers gave to Penthouse Magazine. She said "I don't know what kind of President he'll be, but he could sure eat pu$$y like a champ".
So true! In a world where McCabe lied to the FBI about who was leaking information---yet, he faced no consequences---does anything really surprise nowadays? Fired FBI official Andrew McCabe even won retirement benefits & back pay in settlement. For lying!!
the judtice is so corrupt in the USA but their is's call Durham and Trump and on the midterm election.they wont be abble to cheat as much . because so many people are sick of what is going on now
Then here you go. Between Jared, Ivanka and Steve Mnuchin they just got almost 3 BILLION dollars from the Saudis. Wonder what secrets they had to sell for that cash.
I remember them reporting that Hillery took the dishes when the Clinton's vacated the Whitehouse. Who paid for Chelsie's wedding if they were broke after two terms in the White House?
Nixon's sins stemmed from his paranoia and drive for political success and approval. I am not aware of any guestionable financial dealings involving Nixon.
From the 90’s to 2000’s over 160 of the Clinton’s business partners, investment partners and political rivals died in small aircraft accidents and other difficult to pinpoint accidental, often violent deaths. Now I understand that people can have bad luck….but THAT’s just plain BAD LUCK!
Don’t forget how many people mysteriously disappeared, were killed, or took the long sleep that were connected or knew information about these two.
This won't happen to Jesse. He has God on his side. He is very intelligent
They are going after our children. HS age/They are taking number two away after letting the cartel and all the criminals in on the southern border.
Visiting Little Rock one time I was talking to a woman who said she knew them. And I asked"You're still breathing?" She laughed
Really just two???? Who else???? You don’t know
I’m glad someone finally told this story without disappearing first
Oh please
It's been told for YEARS. Nobody was listening.
Yes you are right. SHOWERING God's protection on all the people.who speak the truth. Geeee did they really leave the White House broke? They are crazy rich
@@bilbobaggins1934 actually hope he does disappear. He just spreads hate and division with this story. The only people who care about the Clinton's are the republicans. And Hillary thought the election was stolen? What planet is fox news living on? Trump spread the lie about a rigged election. The hate from fox news is so sad.
So far,,, watters need to be careful. Too many "accidents" "suicides", "accidents", accidental deaths related to other sources ie: robberies/mis-handling of weapons ... The political trail of the clintons is littered with bodies of clinton "friends/political friends/"political opposions". It seems to be related to anyone who might know tto much!
Yes they have but never ever got punished for their crimes. Corruption at its finest 💯
Democrats Corruption (DC)
Not nearly as bad as the fact that dump and his disgusting family are not in prison FOR TREASON.
They still have to answer to God ! And they will not get Away with Anything then !!
Maybe not officially, but karma will bite and bite hard when they think they're home free.
@@kentjensen4939 🤣
The lies just roll off her tongue so smoothly. She is sickening.
yeah, she's a real ROGUE.
where are those lists Donald promised to release of he won?
This couple has been stealing from America for years, thank you for reminding me of some of the things I had forgotten. Pray for our country!
We know the trump crime family stole millions from the tax payers!
The District of Columbia filed suit against President Donald Trump's inaugural committee and the Trump Organization on Wednesday, charging they misused non-profit funds to enrich the president's family business.
The president's inaugural committee was aware it was being vastly overcharged for services at Trump's Washington, D.C., hotel in 2017, and still shelled out over $1 million at the hotel, including cash for a private party for the Trump's three older children, the lawsuit by Washington, D.C., Attorney General Karl Racine charges.
Trump is one of the biggest white collar criminals in america! In 2012, the Trump Organization told tax officials the Manhattan office building was worth just $16.7 million. But just a few months prior, the company had valued the same building at a staggering $527 million in a document provided to possible lenders.
In another instance in 2013, the Trump Organization told county tax officials that its California golf club was worth $900,000. But in 2014, as the company was seeking a massive tax deduction through a conservation easement, it said the same property was worth at least $25 million. It was in Trump's financial interest to inflate the value of the land when asking for an easement, which limits commercial use of the land, because it would amount to a larger tax break.
Get off our collective asses and take it back! Pray too!
But don't just pray!
If just praying worked, God would just fix our problems.
The reason you forgot about it is because it’s old news! Maybe this guy is tired of talking about Hunter Biden’s laptop? How Uranium One!
We all need to pray for our country and put God back in schools, etc
Oh Jesse! Please be careful. You are smart, talented, have a real life, a promising future and many people who really love you.
These people are dangerous. If they weren't, they'd be in prison.
Jesse has a black belt in karate
This is old news kid. Why he is rehashing it I do not know.
@@cravinbob old to you! There is an audience here to you can sign off now!
@@cravinbob ... being REHASHED properly, since America had to dole out some $50,000,000 to investigate the Russian 2016 election hoax that HILLARY made up ... for some 3 years !!
Truth to what you says, but this isn't new, news we all know how corrupt they are!! They won't touch Jesse! It would look too suspicious
I remember hearing a lot of this throughout the years and yet NOTHING happens to these criminals. Now their horrible daughter is just like them.
.....not far from the tree.
The turd does not fall far from the tail! And poor, pathetic Chelsea Hubble....she fell from the top of the 'ugly tree' and literally hit EVERY branch on the way down!
...the apple and the tree...
That’s because the left own the media, government and the law.
Biggest criminals in our country ever.
Everyone knows they are evil and corrupt. The question is ...when are they gonna be held accountable ?
might not happen till Hebrews 4:12 at least then there won't be any PAY OFFS
@@williammacpherson6252 Very true my friend but I think it will be very sad as well . I have to admit I strive to be forgiving but I sure like the "eye for an eye " ! (Truth be known I think an eye , ear , arm and toes ....for an eye is how it should be....people wouldn't be so quick to do rotten things !)
The Good Lord will do what mankind has not been willing to do.
@@williammacpherson6252 Don’t forget verse 13, which correlates to Luke 12:2-3.
@@barryoverson4988 Hillary is one of the most evil , self serving human beings to ever exist .
I wonder how many of these Politicians could stand up to the level of scrutiny that Donald Trump has.
None, Trump was not corrupt.
Exactly, they are so corrupt, how have they got away with it for so long, you have to wonder, so they are in with more corrupt politicians, absolutely disgraceful, Obama being one. What's even worse is that the American people have fallen for it, now you are reaping what they have done to the country for years (Democrats).
@@ilikesalt7245 Correct.
That was the OP's point, though.
@@ilikesalt7245 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 moron
Except dump never once "stood up to scrutinty." He lied and blamed others, and you little pathetic children believed it like the worthless scum you all are.
Jessy points out that criminals never stop, never enough and never feel guilt.
Are you describing our Trumpranos? America's crime family? aka America's career con man. aka a statuary rapist. aka a convicted fraudster in New York the global business capitol of the world.
Not coincidentally they´re frequently called psychopaths
It's called hell.. 😂 theyll pay
I think the Clinton story is so much deeper and darker than anyone could ever imagine.
I agree..and much sicker acts!!! 🤮😪
Yes, they had more than 150 people killed, and all the while, the media covered for them !
Mothers of darkness comes to mind
You said it right ✅ 👍 👌
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke. When are the good men and women going to stand up and demand accountability.
We are doing that now. Pay attention to Donald Trump, he knows what a long drawn out war this is going to be to drain the SWAMP. Laid the ground work!
sounds to me you are inciting rebellion.
@@unaffiliated0437 go to your safe place soyboy.
@MrX you ever read a history book?
@@lisapalmer7593 have you?
The term "suicided," doesn't encompass the Clinton crime family for no reason.
Let us bow our heads for a moment and remember the many hero's who have fallen victim to these horrible people. Speaking out against them, and laying their lives on the line so that we the people could know the truth
Name one.
@@stevenalexander7309 Seth rich
@@stevenalexander7309 :)
All over the world., Killing people
@@stevenalexander7309 Unlike you, we do our homework.
This is 2 years old and they are still not locked up or even looked into. Disgusting
Horrible people and so many have taken a fall just knowing these monsters
Lynn Rivell prove the corruption of the clintons
Don't worry. Trump is under 13 criminal investigations. He'll be in prison soon
How does Fixxxednews keep their puppets entertained. Hillary,Border,Laptop,Liberals
Rinse and Repeat
"7 replies"......
Sure, YouBoob. 🙄🤦
@Deleted Comment that you??
Keep this kind of story alive forever Jesse. Let the common-sense people wake up.
Let's forget about the Trumpranos, America's crime family. aka America's career con man. aka a statuary rapist. aka a convicted fraudster in New York the global business capitol of the world.
The S&P 500 closed up 0.1%, reaching a new record high. The Dow gained 47 points, also hitting a new high. THANK YOU JOE! The Nasdaq, however, closed 0.1% lower. THANK YOU DONALD (Trump's Truth Social merger?).
Have you tried the new Trump Magat sandwich yet?
Two slices of white bread, a slice of baloney and a small pickle. It's delicious!
Hahaha. She is so crooked that just using crooked by itself, you know what someone is talking about. Great piece!
There HAS to be a worse word in the English language than ... "crooked!!"
@@warriormanmaxx8991 I believe that the word "corrupt" has also been synonymous with the Clintons.
And think about all the murders they caused and are guilty of
Way to go Jesse in revealing the facts. Keep it up 👍🏻
@Chris Yeah…like cnn goes with????
@Chris ... hey genius... watch the video, it was in an ABC interview Hillary admitted it. They just didn't give a crap.
@Chris fox news= facts news. Were you one of the tens of people watching CNN plus? 🤣
@@danielharris7533 You do know that Fox was sued and their defense was that no reasonable person would believe them? Think I'm joking? Look this up: "Tucker Carlson Successfully Argues Nobody Really Believes Tucker Carlson Is Reporting Facts" - findlaw
If they were facts then Jim Jordan and Tom Cotton are absolute idiots that missed this when investigating Hillary. Bigger chance Waters is an idiot!
It’s about time Someone EXPOSES THE SWAMP…Thank You Jesse…
Durham is !!!!
He "exposed" himself ?
The swamp was well exposed when Manaforte, Papadopolis, Gates, Stone, Cohen, and Flynn were indicted, tried, convicted, then pardoned by the President for whom they had committed their felonies.
I hope Jesse will expose the Republican Governors and Senators who were involved in the Jan 6 insurrection. Please Jesse, do this asap. kudos
What a missed opportunity DT had. Had majorities in the House and Senate and didn't even try to "Drain The Swamp". Yes he had people in both parties against him but he didn't make an effort.
When you have the words "body count" attached to your last name, something ain't right.
Or the Boys on the tracks!!
And no mentions of his cocaine habit
Greatly appreciate majority of your work!
A joy to witness your growth in skills!!!
How the hell is Crooked Hillary not in jail!
Her response: " They can't fu--king proove a thing"!!
Money & Power!
Jimi traitor comi
Trump campaign promised in 2016 to appoint a special prosecutor for her, an easy thing to do requiring minimal proof. Nothing. He railed and ranted against her for four years. He controlled the DOJ and went through AGs like they were his trophy wives and hookers to get to the lap dog servility he demanded. Nothing. And in that same four years when he was king, Manaforte, Papadopolis, Gates, Stone, Cohen, and Flynn were indicted. And convicted. Then pardoned by the President for whom they committed their felonies.
Bill and Hillary have a massive connections with the Democratic Party, remember everyone within the Clinton’s innermost circle knows what they did, even the Democratic Party all the the way to go doj, homeland security and all its law enforcement agencies, unbelievable how none of these agency are doing nothing about it, pay to play comes in mind.
Can you imagine how many people's lives are destroyed by the Clinto cartel.
@@melodyparker1995 choked on BBC
So far many people have the counting.
Evidence ?
@@pefo1674 ....Dude it's everywhere. Just research everyone that has been their friend or has went up against them as a witness. They end up dead (by suicide shootings or plane crashes.) Start digging, it's mind boggling how many people associated with the Clinton's end up dead. Not kidding.
Too darn many! As the world would put it you can only try what you can prove. Anyone that has any dealing with the Clintons & were bad dealings for that matter always ends up mysteriously missing or dead.
What’s more amazing is the help they received to pull this off. Without their normal cronies in the media, corporations and Hollywood this would have went nowhere. Had a conservative done an 1/8th of these the prison doors would have been slammed shut almost immediately.
This will go down in history like the Tea Pot Dome scandal and every DC corrupt piece of political chicanery and it is sad that NOT one member of our legacy news challenged the crooked dossier when they knew what an evil cabal of grifters these people were. Not to mention supporting six years of bogus impeachments, illegal Fisa warrants, civil unrest to gin up votes and cheating.
There are more evil people out there than we can even imagine…
They've Been executed
Ya but it's OK on a 2 teired legal non justice system
when ANY politicians stay in power for 50 years like Biden or Pelosi they are getting completely OUT of TOUCH with middle class - thats why we need TERM LIMIT for ANY politician at ANY level!!!
Great Job Jesse Watters!!!
Infamous couple. And they are still getting away with it.
And their spawn is just as corrupt as her parental units.
Hillary is the most respected woman in the world LMAO 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
These are the "people" the rat party embraces, & hold up as heroes.
They still have quite a lot of the White House gifted furniture
Just in this world,..... Just in this world....
And 22 people that got close to exposing them - suddenly died very mysteriously.
more than that
@@vivianspinarski4846 yeah, i heard from my neighbor’s sister’s friend’s neice’s hairdresser who happens to know Q for realsies that it was more like 20 million!
@@unaffiliated0437 you should ask them to cut your hair, when you get the chance.
And the evidence has been destroyed Timothy McVeigh
have another puff
I like how Jesse keeps directly referring to Hillary's name as "Crooked".
Put down that crackpipe Hunter.
Love it!!!
But at least his reporting is unbiased, right?
@@markewing10 LMFAO
Thank Hannity for that one...
No evidence needed OR available...
Everyone should have to see this
Yet, the IRS is completely disinterested in where and how this money miraculously flowed in. I wonder if an audit would actually dig as deeply as anyone else?
So many of these politicians become multimillionaires practically overnight and no one questions how.
@@Dean4511 it happens really fast. They become corrupted within a term. Even solid candidates begin to support questionable bills. Dan Crenshaw has already become a typical politician.
@@wesleybickel2869 he sure has! The rewards must be very tempting!
It's called the Illuminati. And Killory is a puppet for one of their families supposedly. Hence, why she can be so evil, and have her thumbs in so many pies, and NEVER gets tarred and feathered for anything. Coincidence ? Ha ! No FRICKIN way ! More skeletons than a cemetery. Heresy, she say. I just convey.
@@Dean4511 in 2014 my governor Michelle lujan-grisham had a net worth of 400,000$ today her net worth is over 200 million.
how the hell does that happen ?
God bless Jesse And protect from the 👿 people.
not just the money, plenty of dead acquaintances along the way, too - and they get away with it all
On Earth. But not in the Afterlfe...
LYing scamming, fraudulent, vile, disgusting couple. The should go before a firing squad and put in TV. They have e been getting away with everything for at least 50 years. No accountable, no prosecution, no prison time.
@@danielgolus4600 THEY WILL MEET THEIR MAKER and get what t hey deserve hopefully sooner than later.
Seeth Rich, Berry Seal the list goes on and on with these people.
That is really awful! I have to think that anyone wanting them to speak should rethink there priortys!
Where is the moneys for Haiti, and its people donated by our people.
hey don’t be mean, they built 3 houses didn’t they …)
we know, or are nearly 90% sure where the money went and not to the ppl of Haiti - sadly.
I feel sorry for us, the people. For the MOST part, we are good people. We are being put through too much trauma .
We don't deserve to be cheated, robbed and exposed to wicked politicians. They mock us, spit in our
faces and laugh at our pain when we are at our worse. Now ELITES are being exposed at child molesters, trafficers
and so much more. How is this happening? Prayer is strong . We pray 🤲 together.
Manipulated for some people who want to control everything.
This is all because the 'cream' doesn't float to the top. The rotten apples do.
Their are more of us, then of them! We ALL need to stand and overthrow this corrupt government!
Dear God , we beg you to come and save us from these evil doers who do not care about us and your beautiful Country under Thee ! Lord of Lords help us ! 🙏🏼🇺🇸❤️🙏🏼🇺🇸
Yes PRAY!! But know that God also said to expose the works of darkness. And Godly people do not just stand by & let the evil run things! God established USA and We the people are responsible to fight the evil as Christians. That's part of our Biblical responsibilities
Jesse Watters hits the nail on the head !!
Your brilliant Jesse. Cool, calm, collected and extremely funny.❤
Imagine saying they were dead broke when they left Whitehouse.Who can believe that?
They were broke... until they were able to sell all the things they stole from the White House!😅
She's full of s*** and anyone that believes her is an idiot.
THAT was a smokescreen. Bill and Hillary are both corrupt.
Nobody she probably drank it
F yeah Jesse. Way to expose these criminals!!
The most corrupted couple walk free from all their criminal activities
Compare to the Trumpranos, America's crime family? Not even close. Next>
Off course not new policy for the saying u control alot
You´d better get used to this. It´s peanuts on communist countries, which is what you guys will become if democrats get another term.
All the Bidens will too
And she has Clintonized the most people.
How many others within that cult washed their faces with dirty water
I never thought my entire adult life would involve suffering through Bill and Hillary.
You’re suffering because you need psychiatric help.
You must have a pretty pathetic life. Not one thing they did involved you at all.
Neither did they….
@@Mouse_killer_05 freak
She shakes her head and goes wide eyed when she lies. He looks down. And tells half truths
"I... did not... have... sexual relations... with that women."
Spider u better than me . Watching themI learned those u mentioned without realizing it till i read your statement
I graduated in 74 . I remember her lies and deceats back then
Brent, too bad you flunked out in 6th grade, or you’d know how to spell.
@@AyeCarumba221 Not perfect that's why I have a higher power.
I did graduate and did 2 yers college . Yuns fiten to finger hrbout.
then you would certainly know all about trump’s corruption over the years.
perfect , I believe lives are worth more than corruption. So many people I'm on my 7 covid vax.
They will never, ever be punished, NEVER!!!!
If you believe in judgement from a higher power they will get theirs.
Until they stand before the throne of God to be judged. Vengeance belongs to God. Believe me, they will not weasle out.
And she calls us deplorables?
You probably ARE a deplorable. Most likely trailer trash.
So do I.
F U LOSER@@grandpaobvious
@@grandpaobvious it ok it's not your fault. God made some people dumb
@@grandpaobviousTrump2024 😂😂
Jesse, surely you meant absolute criminality, not only "corruption". Stacking a jury just shows how deep that criminal cabal goes!!!!!
How these people are free is beyond me. Everyone knows how dirty they are yet in politics there is NO ACCOUNTABILITY!
The Swamp protects their own.
Hey. They got Vince Foster.??
Su true. Makes one's blood boil.
Money talks
What a good way to start the commentary, the most famous crooked couple in American history
While hiking through beautiful southern Arizona, a group of senior citizens stumbled across a huge shed. Inside, they discovered disturbing evidence of child/human trafficking. It was obviously a "safe house" for Cartel activities. Everything from soiled diapers to empty baby food jars, and film 🎥 materials and broken toys were scattered around this warehouse. The local news media reported it, but the story was squashed and disappeared once it was discovered that this property belonged to THE CLINTON FOUNDATION! Thank you Jesse Water's for this report.
Quashed, not “squashed.”
@@gordonwaite2 Thanks Gordo...No wonder it looked "funny" to me! LOL! (retired teacher to boot! 😱)
@@katalinabrigitte3395 Squashed is actually an accurate description and is a recognized substitute for quashed. (I'm a retired student! Not one of yours but interested.)
@@specialks1953 no its not an accurate description because words cannot be "squashed" in the context of getting rid of. They can be visually squashed to a smaller size but they don't dissappear as with words being quashed. Squashed would be to disfigure and/or make smaller. Quashed means to get rid of or delete. Squashed used to describe "getting rid of something" is an uneducated slang usage and is improper no matter how many ignorant people use it.
@@gordonwaite2 Squashed works too.
I just want to live long enough to see them get what they deserve...which will probably result in my immortality.
I love how hard Jesse has to try to keep a straight face while discussing this clown 🤡 circus
He's come a long way and is getting better polishing his deliveries and topics! I find him refreshing!
Joe Biden he is a 🤡🤡🤡 no Brains this old man is seriously confused and look at the chicken turning to the PIG 👈👍😃🤪🧠🐷🦧🦍🦇🦇🦇
No one watches Jesse the Perv. He's a waste of space. I cringe when I see his momma boys face when I turn on Turker too early.
The Billion dollar question is who was their paid Executioner, goes back decades and has never given them up.
@@mariaramirez4357 there's got to be a few!
And yet still a note no one goes to jail
Bill Clinton's speeches is just like Hunter's art. That's all I got to say about that.
Lol. So right!🤮
clinton was a thinker trump is a stinker
Mama always said politicians as crooked as my back ;)
😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤣
Good to hear reporting the facts!
Jesse! Push Durham to investigate Hillary please! We citizens deserve to see her punished for all she did!
she will just be presidentially pardoned convictions.hehehe
@@williamrjohnston it’s coming 🤡
@@fbodymodder9576 "Special Counsel Durham fails first courtroom test in his three-year probe"
He is afraid he will disappear
Needed this to be told to the ones that did not know about them.
Lock these criminals up ..How many of their ex business partners and close associates are dead ?? All of them under very odd circumstances ???? Way too many to be a coincidence !!
same with john Kennedy in one year 15 people associated with him was killed in car accidents .
Yes a Suicide shot twice
Who pays someone $500,000 just for a speech? Absurd!
Same scam as selling Hunter’s crappy amateur crack rehab paintings
Who buys a hotel (that lost more than $70 million in just 4 years and hasn't made a profit for four years) for $375 million which is about $100 million more than it's worth? More importantly, who are they buying it from? Need a hint?
The woke colleges that have nothing better to do with our kids money that now all the college tuitions have gone up that’s who they give it to progressive radicals to come out and talk and to disillusion our kids mind instead of teaching them there
bringing them into their stupidness
That's their way to launder money. The Demonrats are laundering money .....
Anyone who wants something from congress or the president in return. They know they will make that amount back and more.
Condolences to Vince Foster and family!
Whenever anyone was scheduled to testify against Hillary, they were found dead.
Don’t forget about Mena, Arkansas! 😅 God Bless! 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Calling Hillary Clinton an honest woman is like saying Bill Clinton never visited Epstein's island.
Even she did....
How does Fixxxednews keep their puppets entertained. Hillary,Border,Laptop,Liberals.
Rinse and Repeat.
At least she didn't get indicted like Trump🤪
your man trump was photographed with his good pal epstein.
@@ashlibabbitt1111 George Floyd likes your handle.
Great news coverage about these CRIMINALS, Jesse!
When Jesse said "we're going to go through it all" I looked at the total time of this video and laughed. ain't.
True, he made no connection to the "Michael Corleone" move Bill made when he installed daughter Chelsea as head of the foundation or the particular grants the foundation awarded... KDM
@@kenmclemore523 Yeah, what amateurs. Between Jared, Steve Mnuchin and Ivanka they have picked up over 3 BILLION dollars from the Saudis. The Clintons suck in comparison.
Mom and Pop Clinton taught Chelsea how to get rich scamming people too.
@@oldmandan3692 Ah, yes, the comparisons; and the march of investigations proceeding from them parade on regarding both sides to the noise of many words, few deeds, and no convictions (moral or judicial)... but, thanks for the comment ...KDM
So much little time😂
They should be in prison
Sick of crooked politicians.
Trump is the most crooked politician ever
Trump too!
And yet you vote for them, silly...
Every time I hear about a scandal, I always ask myself this very important question. How were the clintons involved?
And don't forget Foster! He knew everything every detail! That's right fence Foster!
That's Vince Foster.. The Clintons had him killed/ murdered.
@@Afurthyclays he was a crooked lawyer, so maybe he was their “fence” lol
How about under the desk incident ?😂😂
Finally there is A reporter!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Mr. Watters.
Never eat a cupcake if Hillary offers you one .... I'm just saying.
They all may get away with their evil deeds here on earth but judgement comes to all of us sooner or later from the true judge, God!
AMEN 🙏 🙏 🙏
If you had to wake up and see Hillary in the morning,you might commit suicide before lunsh
When do the criminals of "high crimes" be brought in front of our "high court"? How much longer do "We the people" have to sit down and shut up? Our current government has become so inflated that it makes our voices and real situations benign to anyone in our own legislation. We have "agencies" that deal with agencies, of which have nothing to do with our own country and it's well being. These are certainly times in which we should have the rights to question and reel in the powers that be.
They’ve just added a judge to the highest court that doesn’t know the definition of a woman. How can she rightly judge anything?
Bought and sold!!!!
W.E.F./W.H.O./DAVOS Treason! Treason is a crime against America. 👉👉👉William Bruce Mumford 1862 was convicted of treason and hanged for tearing American flag during civil war. 18 US Code Sec 2381 So WOKE Elites CAN be held tried in court for Treason. So why aren't our politicians following suit?👀👀
Yep the mega cult is clueless Trump was impeached twice for his crimes… Nothing else can be done to a sitting president no indictment no prosecution… He received the ultimate… Because he was guilty you can’t even specify what the hell crime you’re talking about… What did Hillary do? Not allegations a real crime that she’s been convicted of
our government has degenerated to a tool to serve the needs of power elites. America is not represented not protected by the caste of power e!it's who purport to be legitimate public servants. Their destructive reign over us must end. Spurning their collective authority tvia a tax revo!t is at least a step towards restoring g our country's ability to survive is a non violent alternative to the civil war which looks over us and our childten.
@@billjohnson7706 Where in the US constitution is that an issue though, silly ?
They have been partners in crime for 30+ years.
Try 40+ years
Through worse and worser! Even raised Foster’s daughter, Chelsea, to be a master grifter, too.
Jesse is a great example of someone who will have an amazing influence on the future generations of our kids. I am glad he is there for mine!
The Clinton's make me Throw-Up, every time I see them. So, stop putting them on the air, Jesse !!
What ever happened to audits of companies, foundations and all non profit entities???
Democrats or those funding Democrats manage to get exempted from scrutiny.
Get the interview of Clinton's Ex head of security while he was Governor of Arkansas. Very interesting. I saw it 3 times but it mysteriously disappeared.
The funniest thing I remember about the '92 Clinton campaign is the interview Jennifer Flowers gave to Penthouse Magazine. She said "I don't know what kind of President he'll be, but he could sure eat pu$$y like a champ".
Like her emails
Birds of a feather. The whole system is full of the same
Why aren't they in prison??
The problem is none of these people ever go to jail. Our justice system is so corrupt and at this point i don't believe it's fixable,sorry.
So true! In a world where McCabe lied to the FBI about who was leaking information---yet, he faced no consequences---does anything really surprise nowadays? Fired FBI official Andrew McCabe even won retirement benefits & back pay in settlement. For lying!!
military firing squad to protect our nation from domestic enemies
Hungary is nice! 🇭🇺
the judtice is so corrupt in the USA
but their is's call Durham and Trump
and on the midterm election.they wont be abble to cheat as much . because so many people are sick of what is going on now
I'm like you Until I see actual Punishnishment for these criminals I ain't gonna Believe it!
They will never be held ACCOUNTABLE!
I always remember poor Seth Rich whenever Hillary comes up. Yeah. What a coincidence he was murdered just before exposing her secrets. 😡
And Berry seal.
@@scotttild Yeah? I'm not familiar with that one, but several other "suicides" are connected to Clintons.
Bill feels our pain. What's up w/that
What a shameful corrupt fam. We live in a society that calls good evil and evil good sad😞
I would have no problem for a law that gives life in prison for public servants that use their position to make them, their families, or friends rich
You WANT #45 Cheato in prison ?
And all that money taken away from them.
@@pefo1674 TDS IDIOT RACIST..
Then here you go. Between Jared, Ivanka and Steve Mnuchin they just got almost 3 BILLION dollars from the Saudis. Wonder what secrets they had to sell for that cash.
I remember them reporting that Hillery took the dishes when the Clinton's vacated the Whitehouse. Who paid for Chelsie's wedding if they were broke after two terms in the White House?
They make Nixon look like a saint. 😃
Nixon did what the Rockefeller wanted and then they were done with him.
Nixon's sins stemmed from his paranoia and drive for political success and approval.
I am not aware of any guestionable financial dealings involving Nixon.
100 million for 'speaking'? She needs to held accountable; she's her own basket of deplorables.
You are on the leading edge keep up the good work!
Waters you ROCK!💓👍
How can you leave the WH after two terms, on a Presidential salary, 'dead broke'?
Nothing is ever gonna be done about them or the rest pulling stunts.Its a losing battle🎉
Thank you , thank you , thank you, Jessy Waters.
Take a look at the publiic education record while he was governor of Arkansas. Worst in the nation.
From the 90’s to 2000’s over 160 of the Clinton’s business partners, investment partners and political rivals died in small aircraft accidents and other difficult to pinpoint accidental, often violent deaths. Now I understand that people can have bad luck….but THAT’s just plain BAD LUCK!
They were here in Norway…. And they got pay of course!🤬🤬🤬
I just want to know how they stayed out of prison for so many years??? Just too many people came up missing