I’m about to do this job on my 2002 Tacoma. I noticed some of the valve gasket cover kits they sell on Amazon do not come with the 2 half moon pieces. Do you need to replace them when doing this job?
Nice video, very concise. However, I would have changed the preliminaries. Such as spark plugs cable been 1,2,3, and 4 cause you are dealing with 2 coils and they are numbers 1 and 3 and 2 and 4 for cylinders they can't be mixed on coils.
Thank you very much!! Yes, You can change them since everything is exposed. I change my wires and plugs at 100k mile mark and I only had to replace 1 coil in 225k miles on this 24 year old truck. And Just because it was running rough. But doing preventive maintenance is never wrong
You need remove the wiring harness bracket / bolt and pry the wiring harness back towards the firewall with a small pry bar. Just enough to get a socket in there.
@@jmaxjohnston You need remove the wiring harness bracket / bolt and gently pry the wiring harness back towards the firewall with a small pry bar. Just enough to get a socket in there
Def not. Piston rings is a whole other ballgame. Talking about having to pull the head off to do that, and so much more involved... If it isn't too bad, I'd just add a can of Restore everytime I changed the oil. Helps boost compression on older, tired motors.
Hi I got a 99 4 runner 2.7 I have replaced valve cover and spark plug tube seals and the washer goes on the bolt and I’m still getting a lil oil on top of my spark plug wire the one at the back it’s the 4th one it has oil around the top and everything is done right so where could it be coming from maybe if u can help thanks
It's hard to diagnose without seeing it running, But try this link for some useful videos on the same subject, it sounds like its a common issue with these engines....Good Luck! www.google.com/search?q=1999+toyota+number+4+spark+plug+tube+fills+with+oil&sxsrf=AJOqlzUi6T-_33DQyhhCX_ubaaZONEi1IA%3A1676476846416&source=hp&ei=rgHtY5vRFo6pptQP4oOhgA0&iflsig=AK50M_UAAAAAY-0Pvsppy1LZeBW0TgXtJrAbrZ6LrsK9&oq=1999+toyota+number+4+spark+plug+tube+fills+&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMYATIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKABMgUIIRCrAjoRCC4QgAQQsQMQgwEQxwEQ0QM6BQguEIAEOgsILhCABBCxAxCDAToICC4QgAQQsQM6CwgAEIAEELEDEIMBOggIABCABBCxAzoLCC4QgwEQsQMQgAQ6CAguELEDEIAEOggIABCxAxCDAToICC4QgAQQ1AI6CwguEIAEELEDENQCOgUIABCABDoFCAAQsQM6CwguENQCELEDEIAEOgkIABAWEB4Q8QQ6BggAEBYQHjoICAAQFhAeEA86CggAEBYQHhAPEAo6CAghEBYQHhAdOgsIIRAWEB4Q8QQQHToFCAAQogQ6CggAEPEEEB4QogQ6BAghEApKBQg8EgExUABY2qACYP-3AmgBcAB4AYAB_wSIAd0qkgENMjkuMTEuMi4wLjEuMZgBAKABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz
Great video thanks 🙏 I’m starting my valve cover gasket replacement now and your video has helped immensely
Thank you very much I'm glad it helped!!
On my knees rn thank you so much bro
Thank you! Happy to help
What about the half moons? You do not have to clean or replace them??
Yes, I would replace them (I didn't)
just bought an old 4 runner in need of some major tune ups lol thanks for the vid boss
Thank you! Good luck
I’m about to do this job on my 2002 Tacoma. I noticed some of the valve gasket cover kits they sell on Amazon do not come with the 2 half moon pieces. Do you need to replace them when doing this job?
I did, you went this far might as well do the complete job and not have to visit it again.
Nice video, very concise. However, I would have changed the preliminaries. Such as spark plugs cable been 1,2,3, and 4 cause you are dealing with 2 coils and they are numbers 1 and 3 and 2 and 4 for cylinders they can't be mixed on coils.
Thank you very much!! Yes, You can change them since everything is exposed. I change my wires and plugs at 100k mile mark and I only had to replace 1 coil in 225k miles on this 24 year old truck. And Just because it was running rough. But doing
preventive maintenance is never wrong
How do you get to the bolt in the back left corner under the wiring harness?
You need remove the wiring harness bracket / bolt and pry the wiring harness back towards the firewall with a small pry bar. Just enough to get a socket in there.
@@DIY-Thisand this step is exactly what I can’t figure out
@@jmaxjohnston You need remove the wiring harness bracket / bolt and gently pry the wiring harness back towards the firewall with a small pry bar. Just enough to get a socket in there
Got an 04 with 280,000mi on it. I need to do this myself. Also the temp sensor way in the back of the block. I dread that part of it. 👍
Yeah it's not fun...take your time, it will work out....Good Luck!!
Would it be similar process to replace piston rings on a 2.4 L 2004?
I'm not sure I never replaced the piston rings
Def not. Piston rings is a whole other ballgame. Talking about having to pull the head off to do that, and so much more involved...
If it isn't too bad, I'd just add a can of Restore everytime I changed the oil. Helps boost compression on older, tired motors.
Thank you
Hi I got a 99 4 runner 2.7 I have replaced valve cover and spark plug tube seals and the washer goes on the bolt and I’m still getting a lil oil on top of my spark plug wire the one at the back it’s the 4th one it has oil around the top and everything is done right so where could it be coming from maybe if u can help thanks
It's hard to diagnose without seeing it running, But try this link for some useful videos on the same subject, it sounds like its a common issue with these engines....Good Luck!
Cylinder rings worn out.
Could be.