The Acolyte, A Writer's Review

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 10

  • @MoRPho151
    @MoRPho151 3 месяца назад

    I need to understand why this post-modern shows for the masses have so much problems with worldbuilding and characters being contradictory. Disney, how is that you have not find a way to fix this? Like, what is the problem? Do the writers don´t have enough time to correct the script? Or, is it producers messing with the writers?? What is happening here? Nowadays this is more common that it should be! Some shows you can agree or disagree with the development they do to a character, but if it is well done it will be believable and let a mark on you.
    With Star Wars something that I have noticed is how they have almost completely failed to make new characters that grow on people, is clear that is something they are trying with Acolyte that has an entire set of new characters. Maybe just with Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor, but it is not enough, and Andor even being a good series didn´t gained mass appeal... Also the animated shows so far have being (mostly) good enough but most people don´t watch animation.. Even characters that were hated in the beginning like JarJar or Ahsoka gained a place in popular culture and in the Star Wars fan community. As a kid one of my canonical moments in childhood was to enjoy the prequels, games and all that stuff. George Lucas was messy in some things with the canon, he didn´t cared too much on consistency, but he was able to make Star Wars a post-modern myth and he took it to the next generation very succesfully even if the old fans didn´t liked completely the prequels. George Lucas was smart by trying to include young people and kids into the prequels, he introduced new cool elements like the pod races and all that stuff that hooked us as kids and the rest of the plot and characters that is more adult made us stay later... The things he was critized for really were so so well thought if you think about them!
    The generation of my parents loved the original films, my generation was marked by the prequels, but this generation I don´t see them so strongly marked with these new shows... and the thing is, they need to make us really CARE about the new characters to be able to survive to the next generation, and I fear that even a character like Rey that was so deeply flawed made a better job that these new shows, because I have seen some portion of the young audience caring a little about Rey... but these new shows should make that better, and that really makes me believe that Star Wars as a myth is slowly diminishing... I have been feeling this myself, I have slowly lost interest in SW, now I watch and like mostly the animated stuff, and that stuff is highly dependable of the characters that George Lucas originally made, characters that we already care about. Is a shame that something with so much potential is being wasted in this way. Even the Mandalorian at this point feels like it has been kind of forgotten and it had a great potential to be a show that could grow even more.

  • @user-fl7by8in5o
    @user-fl7by8in5o 3 месяца назад +2

    Good video 👍 Some myth Live forever but some others die what will be the fate of Star Wars

    • @camillesharem
      @camillesharem  3 месяца назад +1

      Thanks! And that is the big question. If you want an educated guess, Star Wars will go the way of Zorro and western dime novels. There will always people who enjoy Star Wars and it provide inspiration to creators and writers for 3-4 generations before it becomes largely forgotten except to cinema buffs. Sadly, a shorter shelf life than it deserves.

  • @ART1984able
    @ART1984able 3 месяца назад

    They're not really trying anymore. Story has been far and away from Disney's concern as of late save for a scant few movies (Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3 where we finally get Rocket's backstory. James Gunn really delivered on that movie.) and TV shows in the 2020s. Star Wars, without Lucas, has lost what it had. I could see someone in the future coming in to reboot the whole thing and retell the whole saga with a new shine but for now, Star Wars is pretty dead in the water with the current leadership in place as I don't see them changing anything in the way they're doing.

    • @camillesharem
      @camillesharem  2 месяца назад

      It's true! The current leadership and malleable writers they stuff into these positions to crank out their garbage so they don't get into trouble for using AI cannot right the ship. But I'll be here to document this slow-motion train wreck! Because all stories have value, if only just to teach us what not to do.

  • @spookyr
    @spookyr 3 месяца назад

    Anyone else getting very low volume?

    • @camillesharem
      @camillesharem  3 месяца назад

      Sorry, the volume was strangely low in the recording. I tried amplifying it and on some headphones, it sounded fine. On others, not so much.

  • @Ferdinand208
    @Ferdinand208 3 месяца назад

    I disagree so much. The thing I liked most about starwars was the world building. I could see how everything worked. Where I would fit it. What could happen next. Then the music and sound effects made it even better. The stories and characters were a bonus.
    Starwars456 did this the best
    Starwars123 did world building, nice music and sound. But the stories and characters were retarded. Except for Palpatine. He should have been the focus of the movies.
    Rogue One almost felt like Starwars456 movies but I think something went wrong with how it as edited
    Andor is the best starwars I have seen. It is like starwars made for adults.
    Mandalorian S1 could have been a good beginning but had horrible world building
    the rest is worse than poop
    Comparing disney starwars as making a new version of Hercules misses the point of world building. I could watch any version of Hercules. I have no clue if there is cannon. But I know starwars. I know the rules. I know the force comes from every living thing and not from bacteria in your blood. I know Darth Vader was not a whiny kid. Yoda does not use a lightsaber. Jedi are rare and you never even know who is a jedi because only force sensitive people can feel the force. A jedi does not have a uniform. A person with trauma cannot become a jedi.
    disney starwars brakes all rules and anything can happen. there are no stakes. nothing makes sense.

    • @camillesharem
      @camillesharem  3 месяца назад +1

      If you're enjoying it, then that's a-okay! But the world building is also in the consistency and continuity. True, George Lucas messed up his own lore and characters (which is still part of the world building), so that is why I have to give The Acolyte some measure of grace. The problem is that the plot and characters are contradictory within the show itself. And if all I'm going to get is pretty scenery... It's hard to justify recommending the story to anyone else.
      And this is where the idea of myth comes in. If you were to go back in time and talk to Greeks and their contemporaries, their is canon to Hercules. There are very specific world building rules. In the ancient world, there were very real conflicts, even bloody ones, between the Greeks and Romans over the matter of what was canon and what wasn't. The Romans had a different view of the gods and death, which clashed with the Greek portrayal of Hercules. The Indians changed Hercules and made up their own stories, which from what we can tell was far more positive due to centuries of cultural integration.
      In any case, obscure historical references aside, myth has concrete world building, characters, plots, tropes, and so forth. Anyone can add to or take away from an established myth, Hercules or Star Wars, but their stories will only be remembered if they are considered good by a majority of the audience and passed along. If not, then those stories have their short time in the sun and are ultimately forgotten. The real questions then become, does The Acolyte do any damage to Star Wars generally that it might lose its mythical status in the eyes of the current generations? And in relation to any response to that question, what can other storytellers positively learn from this unfolding experience?

    • @Ferdinand208
      @Ferdinand208 3 месяца назад

      @camillesharem I wonder if it can survive. When someone says they like starwars I have no clue what they like. Old starwars games and books were all based on starwars456. But 99% of starwars now is a bunch of movies and shows that make no sense. Starwars is an aesthetic and lightsabers. The world and music is gone.
      How am I going to give this heritage to my children? Son, here is a list of movies and books and games that is starwars. Son: what about all those other books, movies and shows?
      What is Hercules? Hercules is a woman in China that with her strong opinion on feminity changed a part of the culture. She gained a mythical place in the culture and statues were made of her in her iconic suede pants.