HE-YUN-DAYEEE Sonata LMAO c’mon now bruh, ya can’t juice up a particular model that putting it lightly has had a completely riddled past, from a manufacturer who required the unconstitutional help in bailing them out by the federal government in diverting funds to try and reverse in physically propping up fiscal year after fiscal year of ignored suggestions from devoted customers and the invested relationships of critically important clients such as police/fire/EMS contracts with products they were consistently putting out that were subpar at best. This of course even after such events as the ‘cash for clunkers’ programs designed to be somewhat of a kick in the pants to get things rolling, all while small mom and pop businesses around the country suffered and looked for ways to bail themselves out after grinding and suffering without the constant bonuses and rewards given to themselves causing the drastic decline in the bottom line of the cash lined executives of these corporations and many others such as their airlines who would also get the assistance of the federal government all due to totally screwing and mistreating and misusing their customers while dishing out seemingly endless paper trails of bonuses and raises down the line of these executives no matter how horrible their end of year financials reflect to investors.
Where is this being built? We make the Malibu now in Fairfax!' I will be pissed if this car being built elsewhere and we losing our job!!!!!!!!!!!!
I drive a 2017 chevy malibu now. & I love it. I think it's 1 of my favorite cars that I have owned
Что то шевролет сзади точно такой как в предыдущем видео Вольво с90. Других картинок нет, кроме как логотип менять
Can we talk in inbox bro???
Задние фонари от Ауди
😂😂😂😂😂 stop it’s not happening
The worst car in history... Daewoo with Chevrolet logo
LMAO c’mon now bruh, ya can’t juice up a particular model that putting it lightly has had a completely riddled past, from a manufacturer who required the unconstitutional help in bailing them out by the federal government in diverting funds to try and reverse in physically propping up fiscal year after fiscal year of ignored suggestions from devoted customers and the invested relationships of critically important clients such as police/fire/EMS contracts with products they were consistently putting out that were subpar at best. This of course even after such events as the ‘cash for clunkers’ programs designed to be somewhat of a kick in the pants to get things rolling, all while small mom and pop businesses around the country suffered and looked for ways to bail themselves out after grinding and suffering without the constant bonuses and rewards given to themselves causing the drastic decline in the bottom line of the cash lined executives of these corporations and many others such as their airlines who would also get the assistance of the federal government all due to totally screwing and mistreating and misusing their customers while dishing out seemingly endless paper trails of bonuses and raises down the line of these executives no matter how horrible their end of year financials reflect to investors.